MONDAY, HO VEMBES 26, 1917. PAGE FOUR. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Che piattstnoutb jfourtial PUBLISHED IEUI-WEEKL1 AT PLATTSHOl'TH, NKBIIASKA. Btrd at Poitofflce at Prattsmouth. Neb., aa second-cla-as mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher VSSCRIPTIOIV FKICKi Can we buy candy? -:o: Poor Christmas without candy. :o: It is easier doing without meat than a cigar. :o: The German vision: If at first you don't succeed, spy, spy again. :o: The more the big fellows want, the less the little fellows got. :o: , As the boy to knock the conceit out of the British Hon, we vote for Northcliffe. :o: Are ycu a stay-atrhome, or is your star going to be on a dozen club service flags when you go? :o: Gradually the horrors are being segregated from the army and sad dled onto those who stay at home. The army chaps are free now to dance to real music no jazz. :o : We love Russia and all that, but if we lived in the house with her we'd send her to bed without any supper tonight and' make her wear her old dress to school tomorrow. :o: Fond parents will welcome with relief the coming of next Saturday, when the football season draws vir tually to a close. Then nothing but the war will be left to worry about. :o; After due inquiry we find out there isn't a semblance of truth in the reports about the Red Cross not one of them. And none but enemies are circulating these reports. So we reiterate pay no attention to such reports. :o: It is estimated that Omaha saved enough meat Tuesday to feed 150, 000 soldiers. This was the meat less day. Now the meat markets are seriously considering the policy of remaining closed on meatless days in the future. The Tammany Tiger may be as hungry as ever, but it must also be admitted that the Tammany Tiger is wise enough to make its campaigns on platform terms that appeal to the common sense of the people. The "highbrow" stuff goes only in limited circles. r Terre Haute coal dealers have been arraigned before the United States commissioner for charging a price for coal in excess of that granted by the administration. When an American citizen will use the language credited to one of these men; "To hell with the government. I will charge my own price for coal;" it is time that his tongue be' bridled, and he got it. :o: A wartime Thanksgiving, to be sure. But, thank God, we are able to furnish a million of the bravest and best boys in the world to fight for the preservation of democracy. And thank God, we are able to feed them and care for them; to streng then and help our allies; to bear more than our share of the burdens, and do the most with the least sac rifice. Surely we have every reason for observing the approaching Thanksgiving with more than the usual amount of enthusiasm and de votion. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, ereatly in fluence'! by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces ot the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by ono .of the. beat physicians in tr.13 country Jor years. It is com posed of soire of the be3t tonics known combined with tome of tin. best blood pvriticn. Trie perfect comblr.M tion of tne increcients In Halls Catarrh Meui cm 13 what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditiona. Send for t?s' imonials, free. " J. CKENEV CO.. Props.. Toledo. O. ah urucpists, ic. liall'j Family Piila foij conaypttlon. TEAK Ut ADTAJTCB Russia has had the referendum now recall. :o: . Numerous farmers are with their corn husking. :j: through Occasionally you will find a man who knows everything that isn't worth knowing. :o: The little ones are beginning to think about Santa Claus pretty ser iously. :o: Xo man ever wants to serve oa a jury himself, but many of them will fly in a rage at the suggestion of a woman juror. :o: After all, there probably is noth ing sacred about a British ministry as doubtless it will find out unless it keeps abreast of its job. :o: McDill McCormiek says, Germany is not winning the war and neither are the allies. Perhaps not, but can't he tell us which is doing it the fastest? ;o: If the young movement to with hold all Christmas gifts from grown ups becomes general this year, a lot of men will wear their first well- fitting socks next spring. :o: A lecturer says newspapers can way the world. That's the general pinion of the outs. Ask the ins ibout it, though, and they'll say newspapers merely rock the 'boat.' :o: Jess Willard says he will fight no more. .Nobody is going to cry. wii- ard has been the poorest heavy weight representative the game has known. No man who ever gained the title fought so few times after annexing' it, as has Willard. He lacked the popularity of our cham pion, yet in the two years he held the title, .he earned more money than any of his predecessors. :o:- The Knights of Columbus have hit upon a plan to benefit the soldier boys in the various cantonments and also in France, if necessary. They have started to raise several mil- ions of dollars to erect buildings at these various places, where services will be held, and where the boys can go to spend their leisure hours in reading and social conversation and writing home and where reading matter and writing material will be provided free of charge. Each one of these institutions will be presided over by a Catholic priest, and the boys whose parentage are of other denominations will be just as free as the Catholic boys. This is cer tainly a noble undertaking for the Knights and everybody should lend a helping hand. Nebraska's appor tionment is $150,000 and the Jour nal hopes that Plattsmouth will give liberally to this benevolent cause. :o: At a time when politicians are under a great temptation to play for popularity it is refreshing to find the British premier speaking out with courageous frankness and with comprehension of the issues involv ed. Britain has been accustomed to a policy of isolation from European politics and it is going to be hard to recognize the need of concerted military action. Lloyd George is not fraid to defy traditions and bluntly state 'the ytruth. It is not the least of his qualities of high lead ership that he. recognizes so clearly the necessity of an aroused pub- lie opinion to back a democratic gov' ernmcnt and that he is ready to arouse that opinion by telling things that other public men, less able might try to cover up. His Paris speech was International, he said Well, ho has made it talked about in the Missouri Valley! PER LORD NORTHCLIFFE'S AX. Lord Northcliffe has correctly ap praised his own value to Britain in saying that he can do better work on the outside with an ax than on the inside where he would be gagged. Inisde the government he knows there is dead wood which he does not care to drift with. Outside he can use his ax to help chop it away. Any country is fortunate that has a man on the outside with an ax. Particularly one who will not give it tip to come inside and be comfort able. Such men are not plentiful, but there are a few. They prefer the exercise of swinging an ax to the ease of chairs of state. They are men who believe that the pos session of an ax his newspapers in Northcliffe's case involves an ob- igation to use it for the public good. To lay it down on any personal con sideration, as for the prestige or power of office, is to be recreant to a public and patriotic duty. A portfolia in a British ministry is a very aesiraoie object in xne regard of Britons. They taicc to it a3 they do to tea and places in the country. A lot of things that count hugely in England go with it. But Lord Northcliffe knows the price that its acceptance would exact in lis case and he has declined it to the very great regret of the ministry, we have no doubt. They wanted him to come in. They needed him very badly on the in- side. They left the door open, wheel ed the comfortable looking chair up to the inviting looking desk and begged him to make himself at home leaving his ax with the hat boy. They would give him a check for it and he could get it when he went out. We applaud Lord North cliffe's decision. We applaud it be cause we do not belong to the Brit- sh ministry. He is going to stay out a'nd do the "better work" he re fers to. It will be more vigorous work than he would have had on the nside and it will be productive of more chips and kindling. And for a vigorous man, iond 01 exercise, making chips fly is much more sat- sfying work than any kind of in dustry indoors where one ce:nnot swing an ax with any comfort. K. C. Star. :o: AWAKENING 'THE' AMERICAN PEOPLE Dark indeed was the picture of the war prospects as painted by Charles Edward Russell to a Lin coln audience Tuesday evening in St. Paul's church, but the cloud had a silver lining. Mr. Russell gave a broad intima tion that Russia is out of the war, that Italy is likely to be, that. Ger many will be able to attack France from the south in such a way as to render defense impossible, that the whole burden of the Avar must fall upon the United States, that its duration will run far into the fu ture and that every resource of the republic must be put into the scales. The silver lining lay in his opti mism that whatever the American people seriously undertake to do will be done, but the people must be unitedly determined to do it. By' picturing the magnitude of the undertaking the speaker seeks to arouse the entire people to an ap preciation of conditions. Many of thpse who heard Mr. Russell did not agree with his estimate of unfavor able conditions, a3 they do not tally with such seemingly reliable infor mation as is brought to us by the news agencies. But it would, have been a fine thing for Uncle- Sam if everybody could have heard this in tellectually capable man who ha; neen in Jiiiirope three times since me war uegan, tne last time as a member of the United States com mission to Itussialed by Elihu Root. The chief value of the lecture lay in the elucidation given of what democracy means to the workingman and how that best safeguard of all who toil now hangs In the balance in the decisive struggle between autocracy and democracy. Lincoln Star. What you want is quick relief. I lerc's a fifty year old remedy that has proven beneficial for millions. Try it yourself. gbold by all drugjnsts. "' a Ml., fil Wm &JB Zl&k fc m Si e for Coughs & Colds - 1. 1 mi Dizzy? Bilious? Constipated? . Dr-Kintr'sNewLife Pillscause a healthy ; flow of Bile and rid your Stomach f and Bowels ox waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a Tonic to your Stomach and Liver and tone the general system. First dose relieves. Get a bottle today. 25c. all umggists. AIT IDIOTIC KAISER FAKE. It would seem as if it ought to be necessary for the secretary of the treasury, Mr. McAdoo, to deny so ri diculous a rumor as one to the ef fect that the government proposes to onfiscate the money of depositors in the banks. But that is just what Secretary McAdoo has had to do. He has been advised that that rumor has been in diligent circulation, and that some have actually taken stock in t. That rumor has been in circula ion right here in Lincoln. A Ger man citizen was observed within the past two or three days putting away n a safety deposit box a pile of money which an observer said could lardly have contained less than $5,000. He did not want Uncle Sam to confiscate it as a deposit. Is there no way to run down such rumors and punish those who circu late them? If there isn't it is ?.n evidence of deplorable lack of effi ciency in government. It must take fine concert of action on the part of a large number of agents of the kaiser to get these ru mors into circulation and get them to the ears of the ignorant and credulous. This country manifestly needs a larger and more alert secret service. :o:- EAIG'S DASHING SMASH. Field Marshal Haig has just exe cuted with startling success the most brilliant and important blow struck by any of the Allied armies since the beginning of the war. His move ment contains all the audacious and dashing effectiveness of any of the fierce and sudden thrusts made by von Mackenzen, who has earned sueifxi reputation for terrible drives. To smash through the vaunted Hind enburg line for a depth of from four to five miles along a front 30 miles is an achievement excelling anything that has occurred since trench warfare wa3 instituted on the western front in 1911. The suddenness of the advance as well as its success emphasizes more than anything else can the complete passage of the offensive into the hands of the Allies. That is was made without the usual artillery preparation shows something of the adaptability of the army under Field Marshal 'Haig. He did not advertise his intent by thunder of great guns, thus permitting the enemy to mass troops for the reception of charging columns. While German eyes were turned on Italy, and while Prince Rupprecht was watching the line be tween Passchendaele and Dixmude, Haig struck and the boasted de fenses, so- long ago prepared with utmost care, crumbled under his blow. The value of this victory can not be magnified. It comes when it will do most to offset any losses in Italy. It ' will check any attempt of the Teutons at boasting of renewed in vincibility. Until full reports of the engagement are available, its entire effect can not be estimated, but it has been a mortal blow to the tier mans on the west front. Their de-. tensive there has received a shock from which it will not readily re cover. The line may not be wholly broken, but' it has been weakened, and will not again be re-established in its terrible formidable potency. Halg's great work is appreciated in America, because it is showing up what determined troops and skill ful leadership can accomplish against the kaiser's best armies. -Omaha Bee. : -:o: CALL AND ANSWER. Lloyd George makes no bones about it. He says frankly it de pends largely upon whaf the United States does in the way of furnish ing ships and men, whether the war against German autocracy is to make headway. To quote: "Assuming that the submarine sit uation does not get worse, the eas ing of the position of the allies de pends entirely upon the date on which the American program of launching six million tons of ship ping promised for 1918 comes into practical effect. "The collapse of Russia, and the recent reverses in Itafy make it even more imperative than before that the United States should send as many troops as possible across the Atlantic as early as possible. I am anxious to know how soon the first million men can be expected in France." This call upon the United States comes with no staggering effect. It was expected and anticipated. Lord Northcliffe has already told Eng lishmen of the progress this country has made, in a very few months, toward fitting itself to bear the big end of the load. Daniel Willard. one of the world's greatest experts in organization and administration, ays we have made such a record as no other country has ever equaled. Official figures show that this country already has more than 2, 000,000 men under arms. The sec ond draft call, to come in a few month?, will add a half million to the total. Of this great fighting force, raised in little more than six months, approximately 1,400,000 represent voluntary enlistments. Here are the figures: National army 61G.S20 National guard 463,000 Regular army 370,000 Special branches 200,000 Reserves S 0,0 00 Total 1,735,820 Navy : 147, S71 Naval reserves . 50,000 Naval militia 15,000 Marine corps 33,000 t Coast guard 1 5,000 Hospital corps 6,500 All officers 15,200 Total 271,571 Grand total 2,007,391 As to ships, the up-to-the-minute figures, secured from Washington by the New York Tribune, are these: One hundred and fourteen yards have received contracts for ships as follows: v Kind. No. Tonnage. Wood . 375 1,330,000 Composite (wood - and steel) 5S 207,000 Steel 807 C, 082, 000 Total ordered 1,240 7,619,000 To be ordered 400 3,300,000 Grand Total 1,640 10,919,000 "According to contracts," says the Tribune, "practically all of this vast tonnage i3 to be completed in 1918.". While not all of it may be completed in time, the shipping board is de termined that the 6,000,000 tons promised shall be finished next year. In two more years, at this rate, the United States will become easily the first maritime power in the world. Meanwhile, the U-boat toll shows signs of a real and . substantial di minution, and even Tirpitz now con fesses that the submarine cannot be expected to win the war. And we are grateful to see, on the - West front, in the latest achievement of the British troops, unmistakable signs that British grit and stamina are not exhausted. While Uncle Sam's men arc on the way John Bull's men continue to push dogged ly and steadily forward without them, on the front where the war Is to be decided. Russia is out of it, while still ft ft POWEMFUIL Zero weather doesn't take the pep out ot Red Crown Gasoline. It's still the same powerful fuel that you knew in summer. You need Red Crown in winter more than at any other time. You need its powerful punch to pull you through drifts, over snow covered hills and where the going is rough and tough. Red Crown Gasoline makes winter starting easy. Vaporizes quickly and explodes at the first spark. Get Red Crown at our Serriee Stations or from pood garages anywhere. Always look for the Red Crown Sign. Polarine is the perfect winter lubri 4 cant. Flows freely in freezing weather, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA holding firm, is in danger. But on the Hindenburg line there is dang er only to the Kaiser. And the United States is strengthening that line just as fast as it can spare the ships from filling the vital needs of Britain and France. It can provide the men two millions, three mil lions of them, just as fast as they can be transported, and in a few months it can provide the ships to carry the men, to carry their sup plies, and to keep on carrying Britain's and France's supplies as well. The call is loud and imperative. And the answer is clear. All that money can do, all that energy can do, all that the best organizing and executive skill in the world can do, all that the bodies of our young men can do, to interpose a shield between democracy and its auto cratic aggressor, the United States is doing today. Hold tight, John Bull and La Belle France, for Uncle Sam, but yesterday an infant in arms, tomorrow a great military giant aijmed to the teeth, is coming fast! World-Herald. :o;.. ' GO HAVE A LOOK! Vallery and Cromwell leave Flattsmouth every Satuuday night at 7:45 for Keith, Perkins and Chase counties. They have the good level black soil that is raising all kinds of small grain, corn and alfalfa. Nobody has any lower prices and better soils. Ask those who have been out. 17-swtf STRAYED. From My Premises One small black yearling colt. Has white spot on forehead and on legs. Any one knowing anything as to its where abouts, kindly call Frank Schlichte nfeier and I will forward the expense of caring for it. Frank Schlicte meier. 11-1 4-2 wkswkly. The TIehawEia Millo arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the " Mod- His "Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting, For on the top shelf it now is roosting. The best cooks wherever you go Use tCis famous flour, you know. They just set their yeast and go to bed, For they know on the morrow they will have good Bread. V J. M. C. DL ST. J HW Prop. JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller. For -Salo by All Doaloro Know It Well Familiar Features Well Known to Hundreds of Flattsmouth Citizens. A familiar burden in many homes The burden of a "bad back." A lame, a weak or an aching back Often tells you of kidney 'ills. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Here is Plattsmouth testimony. Mrs. C. C. Burbridge, Vine St.. says: "About five years ago, my back caused me a great deal of misery. It ached most all the time. After I had taken Doan's Kidney Pills for awhile my back felt as strong as ever. Since then, I have always considered Doan's fine for backache and any other sign of kid ney trouble. I recommend Doan's to my neighbors when I hear them complaining of kidney complaints." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Burbridge had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. "WANTED A good, steady, gen tlemanly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Cass County. No experience needed. For full partic ulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minne sota. Established 1856." FOR SALE. The late Andy Dill homestead in the city of Plattsmouth, good house and three lots. For particulars, call or writeB. Dill, Murray, Neb. i For Sale A number of white Brahma Cockerels. Mrs. C. E. Ileeb ner, Nehawka. WM-M 'I 'I InM"i"H'I' I ! ! 4r W. A. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. i East of Riley Hotel. Coates' Block, Second Floor I-M..I.-1-M-MmI I M. I fr M... 1 V '"-.--'-.'"