"fit PAGE FOUR. PLAITSMOUTa SEUI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, NOVEMBER . 12, 1917. Cbc plattsmoutb Kournal rCBLIIHKD lEMI'WllKlT AT WATTBMOPTJt. OTCBWA1KA, ter4 at Poctoffle at PUttmth, Nb. aa eeaa-clacs mall statu. H A. BATES, Publisher IVBBCmiPTIOV NUCBl ItM Thieves abound. :o:- Keep your guns well loaded. No. Iowa ain't "wet" yet. :o: And the consumer still pays the freight. :o:- Pretty near time to display Christ mas trinkets. -tot- Pride sometimes even causes a wise man to make a fool of himself. :ot- The election in New York City re sulted just about as we expected. -:o:- There are many ways to get into trouble, one of which is to call the strange lady's little boy a little girl. tot- The New York election probably did net attract the universal inter est that attended the late world's series, but it wasn't for a lack of scalping. roi ls the fact that the Wisconsin teachers association, by resolution, "deplored" the ill luck of that state in having a La Follette in the sen ate affording Governor Phillip an available hunch? to:- Another damphool motorist in the west part of the state tried to beat the train to the crossing the other day. But he won't try it again, and neither will the auto, as the pieces were so small they could not find them all. -to:- A patriotic papa in Washington has named his triplets sons, Wilson. Taft and Roosevelt. This war is ex pected to start in ten years. Guess es as to when it will end will be barred from this column, along with those concerning other wars. tot According to the federal shipping board's calculation there is but one chance in three hundred and twenty that a vessel leaving an American port for northern Europe will be sunk by a German submarine. At such a ratio one does not take much 'of a chance in making a trip to Eur ope these days. The news that the American soldier, on emerging from the trench es, first takes a gasoline bath, will be a great relief to many young knitters back here at home. The girls had been uncertain Just how much shrinking their sweaters would stand and still be habitable, but this dry" cleaning process puts the matter entirely in a new light. tot- While the United States depart ment of agriculture has for a long time been conducting work of bene fit to city folks, It is now under taking, directly and for the first time, to help the city woman in the work of promoting food production, food conservation, and household thrift. To carry on this work thru demonstrations and thru other edu cational methods, congress made ap propriations for women city agents of the department. The cities thru their various organizations help to support the movement, which is carried on by the department in.co t operation with the state colleges of agriculture. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, aa they .,h th at tit tha disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly n fluenced oy constitutional conaiuons, mw n.fin tr mi, it vmi must take an tit V "i- ----- - - internal remsdy Hall's Catarrh Medt cine ia taken internally and acts thru the blood on th mucous surfaces of the system. Hairs uatarrn jneaicino wu. prescribed by one of the best physician in this country for years. It ia com posd or some 01 me Desi mmci m.imiu. combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perrect comDinauon oi the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medij cine is what produces 6uch wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send tor testimonials, free. , . F. J. CHENEY" & CO'Props.. Toledo. O All Druggists. ' Hail's Family Fill for consUpatlon. PU f AOYAIfCV Keep your cellar doors locked. tot- Not 'long now till we can return thanks. ;ot- Some men imagine they are a lion because they have a big roar. -:o:- There is some .faultfinding to Teddy Roosevelt, but he don't car. rot- It is costing Uncle Sam $30,000 a minute to make the world safe for democracy, but It is worth It. President Wilson will take no vacation. The president we find is almost as busy as a newspapef man. :o; Some people's religion is like their patriotism. They never appear to have it with them when money is needed. p tor- There isn't but slight difference between a buff cochin and some men the buff cochin has feathers on its legs. to:- The declaration of a muttonless day from now on to the millennium would not start any revolution in this department. Thank goodness, we do not have to wear gas masks here In Platts- mouth, and there is plenty of it go- ng to waste, too. -ror- Its a painful operation to pay a lawyer a big fee after he has lost the suit for you. We have an in stance in this very town. tot- If you trace the source frqm which the stone came that hit you, you will probably be surprised to find that it was thrown by a pre tended friend. ror- Another war feature nobody in the world could have foreseen or even suspected two years ago is the necessity of conserving the rabbit supply by canning. :ot- "Don't worry," says the pacifist recalling Napoleon. "History always repeats itself." The trouble is that history never repeats itself only when it gets good and ready. :or Regardless of what the Russian army is wondering about, the Ger man navy is not wondering what the British fleet is doing. It knows, having found out again last week. -tot- Mr. Hoover has directed that no turkeys be killed for Thanksgiving this year. We really hadn't expect ed to kill any, recalling how many storage turkeys the housewives re fused to buy last year, and knowing the same turkeys would be waiting this year. " -ror What has become of the old fash ioned merchant who used to "throw in" a pair of socks when you bought a pair of shoes? Maybe he has moved over into the block with the other dealer, who used to "throw in" a pair of suspenders with a suit of clothes. ' tor- Suffrage is badly defeated in Ohio, but the result between the "wets" and "drys" is very close. What seems strange in this election Is the fact the election should be so close between the "wets" and the "drys" and woman suffrage be defeated, by such an overwhelming majority. ro; There is no intensity for any citi zen who owns land or even a home in this country of being anything else but a true American. And every one who is -so situated knows this as well as we do. But traitors, are bound to. set theirs ia the future if they don't mend their ways before this war is over. Mark that! Th hardest thing for a pacifist to" do is to 'hold his peace. tot- There is no such thing as any one man being right all the .time. v r -tot. Germany will no doubt be better off some day, if she will throw out fewer chancellors and more Ilohen zollerns. -jot- When something is distinctly wrong with the food, one frequently Is surprised to look up in the front of the restaurant and find the sign, "Home Cooking." ' tot Wives, poor things, have littla enough fun in the world. So, after you have laboriously obtained her consent to stay downtown until 11 o'clock, and the game is called off and you get home before 9, you can't blame her for laughing at you. tor THE FREE SPEECH FALLACY. The demand for the retirement of LaFollette from the United States senate grows more and more per sistent with each succeeding day. Public officials, men of prominence and patriotic organizations through out the country continue to demand, not only that he be .ousted from the senate by his fellow members, but that he be compelled by some means to discontinue his treasonable utter ances. Just at present he is a great er menace to victory than the Ger man army. The abuse of free speech by such as he will do more to promote sentiment for the revok ing of the privilege than anything else. And there are still a few peo ple who contend that LaFollette Is a patriot. None are so blind as those who will not see. Seward In dependent-Democrat. tor- AN EXAMPLE WASTED. - "Silent Sentinels," as the women pickets are dubbed, who have been pestering the officials at Washing ton for some time, doing all they possibly can to embarrass the presi dent, started in on the job again last week. They were immediately ar rested however and placed in jail. They should be kept there at least until after the war, for keeping them out of sight will help the ad ministration and also 'the cause for woman suffrage. Americans are be coming disgusted with the actions of a hand full of eastern suffragettes. The "militant" sisters in England have found more, noble and patriotic labors since the war started, and have ceased their cries of anguish. Let the militant American women do the same and they will have done more for the suffrage cause than any amount of "silent sentinel" duty will ever do. Albion Argus. ;o: UNREPORTED CROPS. The housewives of America who are saving food and curtailing the eating habits of their families are not doing it because there is any scarcity of food in this country, but that they may help feed the starv ing women and children in Belgium, France and other countries. Toward feeding the hungry in other coun tries they are bending every energy. The crop reporting organizations in this country tell, us that the crops have been bountiful, but they re port only on the great standard crops. There are millions of tons of food supplies that they do not in clude in their figure. The Review of Reviews gives much space to con sidering those unreported crops. It says: "The increase In other food crops is not far behind. The backyard and vacant-lot garden 'movement, the first skirmish of this campaign, xwas started in March and was taken up by the Stat Councils of National Defense. Stat Agricultural Colleges, the National Garden Commission, hundreds of daily papers, and other agencies throughout the . country with the result that millions of fam ilies who had formerly bought all of their, vegetables produced this year, a large, part of what went on, their tables, thus leaving in the channels pf trade millions of dolort of prpblematlcal power and the c3 Li rJ e Have this effective remedy at hand for'croupy children. It's thankfnl relief. Pieasanttotake. Mildly laxative. m.m TJT HSold by all druggists -koine's U - - ..- . w . for Coughs s Colds CoBstipation Causes Sickness Don't permit v yourself to become constipated, as your system immediate ly begins to absorb poison from the backed-up waste matter. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keep well. ; There is no better safeguard against illness.Try it tonight. 25c. All druggists lars' worth of foodstuffs to meet the nation's needs." It is believed that these unreport ed crops will be much larger next year. Patriotic men ana women are already organizing to push the gard en crops. There will certainly be a very large increase in drying plants and if the good women inter ested in that can have their way, there will be a public drying plant in efery neighborhood. The men who have been trying to figure out the values of these unreported crops are placing it high up in the mil lions of tons. World Herald. ror- "SHOOT THE WAY YOU SHOUT!' Saj-s the Omaha Daily Bee: "Col. Roosevelt has given us another epi gram worth remembering: 'Shoot the way you shout. It does no good, says the colonel, to wave the flag unless you are prepared to back it up. Every citizen of the republic Is included in this. Not all can go to the front as soldiers, but everyone has a chance to do something to help win the war. Stay-at-home duties are not spectacular in any sense, but they are vitally important. Each day each of us has opportunity to do something. Save a little food or a little fuel; do the task a little better and in a little shorter time and thU3 increase production in short, contribute of what we have to the general sum of effort, and not only is the way to winning the war made easier, but we are all bettered because we have helped even in a small way. It is not necessary to shout to help, but if you feel that shouting will do any good you need not hold back. Only be ready to back up your noise." ror- THE NECESSITIES OF THE HOUR. Now comes Frank A. Kennedy, in his Omaha Western Laborer, to say in his usual frank and open manner: Here is one registered republican who hopes Senator Norris will aspire for re-election. We are just spoiling for a chance to show him how much we disapprove of his LaFollette stuff. If he does not make the race It will leave a little balance to him unpaid. Please do run, Mr. Norris". Senator Norris took occasion to say in Lincoln the other day "I've simply got to run again." Why this necessity is not apparent. The senator may know, but he doesn't candidly tell. It may be that he needs the Job, or it may be that a sense of duty prompts hlm .to test the popularity of his La Follettism. It is undoubtedly the same sense of duty that prompts Kennedy to point out the crying necessity of the hour as he sees it. He will not be lonesome among "registered" re publicans, either. One of the grim humors of the day i lies in the recent action of the Wis consin veterans in Lincoln in send ing to Senator Norris their resolu tion criticising the official action of La FQllette and asking the Nebraska senator to vote for the expulsion of his fellow solon of Wisconsin from the senate. ' Nebraska is evidently to have put up to it the test which the governor of Wisconsin has been trying to dodge In a most cowardly manner. It Is to be called upon to vote its en dorsement or rejection of La Fol lettism in the senate. Senator Norris will enter the fight with au assurance of kaiserite sup- loyal people of Nebraska will wel come the test. Lincoln Star. :o: : FAREWELL' TO BACON. i; ... t .... .. .i How do you 'like yours ut thick and blinking reflectively in its own comfortable grease or sliced into thin seductive curls of a dryness in effable? Which ever be the choice, it Were well to gratify that craving once more and have done, lest bacon the beloved vanish utterly from the knowledge of man. It is with alarm that the bacon fancier notes the In clusion of. his dear desire in the list of things to be conserved; and his fears are not allayed by reading of a restaurant located in a stronghold of the Pennsylvania Dutch, which now requests its patrons, via the menu, not to order the delicacy -the inference being that they won't get It even if they should disregard the courteous request. O Bacon, where may we find a sub stitute like unto thee? Our loss wil! be a soldier's gain, for which reason we kiss the rod and obey; but what a sacrifice! Down the long series of workaday mornings, silently snowy or musical with summer's bird-eongs, we face a procession of breakfast eggs unrelieved, unadorn ed, unvaried, by a -single curl of bacon. What campfires innnumer able will burn and die, what picnic meals be eaten, at which fragrant memories of the dear departed will combine with the wood smoke to dim the vision and start the tears! If the war be prolonged, the coming generation may have to attain its majority without learning the palpi tant joy of frizzling the elusive slice at the end of a stick, and tlien popping it between (he wings of a roll fQr immediate use repeat ad infinitum. There is no frangrance like that of frying bacon. There never will be one that rivals it. It would call one back from the brink of the Styx, Charon's canoe in full sight. It can do more than that it can get folks up in the morning. Therefore, when that enticing siren scent no longer wings its way from the kitchenette clear into the matutinal dream, it is a safe bet that more than one per son is going to roll over and go to 6leep again. Then now will th world wag on? Philadelphia Ledg er. :o:- DRASTIC MEASURES NEEDED. A series of peculiar "accidents" warrants the War department tak ing drastic steps to protect every important point from German plot ters. Little heed should be given the stories that German agents are engaged in such petty undertakings as the scattering of tetanus germs by circulation of court plaster, or that, they have been responsible for diseases that have become epidemic in isolated communities. But there have been some incendiary fires at placs whose destruction would great ly cripple the United States in prosecution of the war. The United States knows what acts would be of great advantage to Germany as well as the directors of German spies do.' Docks, ships, munition plants and every other plant engaged in making essential supplies; the sources of water supply of cities and cantonments, important bridges, packing plants, stock yards, milk condensation plants, arsenals and all public buildings are among the places that should be guarded by specially trained soldiers, equipped to kill skulking spies at sight and under orders to do so. All the detective skill of the country should be directed to fixing the responsibility for offenses al ready committed and there should be no hesitancy about inflicting the extreme penalty of the law in every case. That penalty is death, as it always has been in time of war and as it necessarily must be. The worst crime a government can commit in such a crisis is that of feebleness. Summary execution of proven spies will have a deterrent effect. In deal ing with spies the only question to be considered is specific. The issue HOW SE THE THROTTLE" "It's the good Red Crown in the tank that does it." Your engine picks up eagerly pulls smoothly when throt tled down. Look for the Red Crown sign. Polarine Oil stop3 power leaks. JV I n m m u-m n J-. U UI HU af tolerance or leniency is not in volved. A spy i3 the worst fee the nation can have and self-preservation demands that he be blotted out. St. Louis Globe-Demccrat. -:o: BRIKGING THE WAR CLOSER HOME The fact that Merle D. Hay, one of the three American boys killed in the German raid upon an American trench the other day, enlisted in Omaha from the neighboring town of Glidtlen. that two of the five wounded were from the neighboring states of Oklahoma and Kansas and .hat three of the twelve captured by the enemy hail from Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa,. brings the war closer to our own homes in the-comprehension of the people of Nebras ka. Deplrable as the loss is to our neighbors, it is but an incident when viewed as part of a bloody transac tion that has involved the lives of uncounted millions and that seems to promise the wastage of millions more. Nebraskans will condole with the relatives of these sons of the neighboring commonwealths, and in doing so will not overlook the dread certainty that sooner or later tidings of similar dread import will be reaching the homes of this state. But as an incident it can only be regarded, as a guarantee that what ever is to befall us of weal or woe will only be hastened by this pro logue to the great part we have planned for our boys in the titantic struggle. Perhaps the consciousness of the proximity of the sorrows precipitat ed by this incident may awaken the laggards among the American people to the fact that this war is our war, and that it must be fought out as quickly and determinedly as possible, PTtniTTTB -uLyAs.ivw. I I 8 Tw iMl 9 STANDARD OIL CO. Ji jA -??aKftsa wCkt t? (Nebraska) Omaha ft. fr The Sehawka Mills arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the Lwriii m ''Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting, For on the top shelf it now is roosting. The best cooks wherever you go Use this famous flour, you know. They just set their yeast and go to bed, For they know on the ' morrow they will have good Bread. - J. M. C. D. ST. JOHN, Prop. JOE MALCOLM. Head Miller. For Sale by AU Dealers ANSWERS IC 3 Ci.llV.lCfl LI JT to the end that our country may never again be called upon to make sacrifices of blood to the ambition of a braggart autocrat. Lincoln Star. :o:- ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THIS? Good land at a low price in the Sunny Uplands of Louisiana; land that can be made to produce more, , and at less expense than the highest priced land in the North; land in an ideal climate where Winters are like Spring and Summers are cooled by the delightful Gulf Breezes; long growing seasons; Corn, Cotton, Winter Oats, Cattle, Hogs, Chickens, delicious Fruits. Potatoes, Sweet Po tatoes. Peanuts, Beans, early and late Garden Truck, Strawberries, etc., etc. an immense variety of products including practically all grown in the North and many besides. Low priced land near good, live towns and cities, with railroads running North and South, East and West; land having splendid possibilities for oil and located less than 100 miles from several of the largest oil re fireries in the world. We have al ready sold more than 45,000 "acres of this land. Price $20 to $30 per acre, the last named price being for a few partially improved farms; easy terms. Write us for full informa tion, or come and see us; excursion rates; American Farm Land Com panj", DeRidder, Louisiana. ll-7-2td-2twkly. DR. BLEICK. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, will be at Plattsmouth every "Thurs day" instead of Tuesday. ' This change is made because it conflicts with his work at the medical college at Omaha. 8-13-tfd t W. A. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coates' Block, Second Floor 99 'O o HIT!