The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 05, 1917, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1917.
S A t
From Saturday's Daily.
Mrs. John Weber was visiting1 with
friends in Omaha today going on the
early train tMs morning.
Mr. S. L. Furlong of near Rock
Huffs was a visitor in the city this
m' transacting; business with
o;ir merchants.
Gould Rice of near Murray was a
business visiter in Omaha this morn,
ir.g. where he is looking after some
business for the day.
Iicses Clara Young and Rose Mae
Creamer were visiting with friends
in Omaha this afternoon going on
the two o'clock train.
D. A. Young from near Murray
v as a busienss visitor in the city
this morning looking after some busi
r.e:.?, at the county seat.
Geo. A. 13. Hicks of Oullom, came
in this morning, on the Schuyler
train and was locking after some
business in the city during the day
returning home this afternoon.
Miss Margaret Seybert of Louis
ville, who has been visiting in the
city at tho home of her aunt, Mrs.
John McNnrlin for some days past
departed for her heme last even
Mrs. Will Hennings of near Louis
ville was a visitor in the city today,
a cu-vt at the heme of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. M. Ti mines of this
( F. Harris w;is a visitor in the
e!ty this morning, coming for the
purpose of testifying in the divorce
proceedings of Gccrge Lindsay vs
Tirza Liiulray.
J. M. Teogarder cf Weeping Water
wr-.s looking-after some business m
the city this morning coming over
in his car this morning and return
ing this evening.
Frank Sheldon. the popular mer
chant from Xehawka. was a business
vi hor in the city today, coming up
in his car and looking after some
business at the court house.
Wash A. Young, the wagon mak
er from west of the city was a busi
ness visitor in Omaha this morning,
where he is visiting the wholesale
houses buying materials for his shop
west of the city.
Fdward Kohrell and wife, from
east of Murray, came in this morn
ing in their car and departed for
Omaha over the Burlington, where
they will do some shopping for the
John Fiich. Joseph Linsey, and
ITcnnings Johnson were in the city
this morn in?:, coming from their
homes near Xehawka in a car, and
looking after come business at the
court house.
II. II. Marquart and wife and
Mis Nita Francis all cf Avoca, were
in the city today enroute to Omaha,
where they go to visit and spend
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Cockel of that place.
Jack Patterson, the banker from
Union, and his wife and little son
arrived this morning from their
home in Union via their automobile
end are visiting in the city as well
as looking after some business.
C L. Graves the Union attorney
was in the city today looking after
some business at the court house be
ing the attorney for Mr. George
Lindsay in the case wherein he is
asking separation from his wife.
Thomas Murty the banker from
Weeping Water was a business visit
or in riattsmouth this morning,
and while in thr? city made this of
fice a pleasant call, spending a few
moments in sociability with j-e Edi
tor. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huffman with
their children arrived this morning
from Julesburg, Colorado, and will
visit vith relatives here for some
time.. 'Mr. Huffman is a brother cf
Mrs. Eddie Todd, while Mrs. Huffman
is a sister of Miss Daisy Thomas.
In police court this morning his
Honor Judge M. Archer assessed a
fine agaiivit W. K. York from away
from hvre. but having a Ford' car
with II : .rise number 37784 Xebraska
on his car, of two dollars and trim
mings for running without a tai'
I'i"'u T'mri-.iav's Daily.
Fredolph . Johnson departed this
.fternoon for Alliance, where he will
visit, for some time with friends.
'Bennett Christweisser and wife
departed this afternoon for their
farm near Murray, where they will
spend a few days. -
J. W. Wood of near Murray was
a visitor over night in i lattsmoutn visitor in Omaha this afternoon. Mr.
ard departed this morning for Oma-'oliver and son Frank, were visitors
ha, where he wiir visit with friends. jn Louisville today, going out in a
Attorney Jesse L. Root of Omaha, car this morning and returning this
solicitor of the Burlington Railway afternoon.
js in the city today looking after j Charles Will departed this morn
Kome business for the Railway com- ing for his home at Oklahoma City,
C. C. Wescott and son Mason, ac
companied by Dean Douglas were
passengers to Omaha this afternoon
where they will visit for the after-
noon with Hall Allen, who is a rela
tive of Mrs. Alice Eaton.
Charles Will is visiting at the
home of his grandfather A. S.-Will j
and with uncles and aunts here for
while coming a few days since.
and will depart for his home in a
few days at Oklahoma City, Okla
homa, where he is engaged with his
father Fred Will in farming.
Mrs. John Theirolf cf Cedar
Creek accompanied by her mother
Mrs. C. E. Dasher departed this
morning for Omaha, where they will
visit at a hospital at that place, Mr.
John Theirolf, who has been there
for some time having undergone an
operation for appendicitis some time
rince. and of which he is recovering
Yesterday J. W. Elder and Frank
Yallery closed a deal whereby Frank
becomes possessor cf the place which
was formerly owned by Mr. Elder
and he becomes possessor "of a car
with which he will epart this morn
ing for Alma, Xebr., taking with him
two friends Glen and Harry Metzger
of that place who recently come here
to visit with Mr. Elder. They ex
pect to make the trip in two days.
In the future Mr. Elder 'will make
his home in the west, where he for
some time lived before.
From Friday's Da 11 v.
Mrs. M. B. Allison was a visitor
with friends in Omaha today, goin?
on the early train.
Oscar Gapin was a business visi
tor in Omaha today, going up on the
tarly morning train.
E. M. Midkiff, from near Avoca,
was in the city for a Tew hours yes
terday driving up in the car for the
transaction of some business mat
ters, and while here found time to
pay the Journal office a brief call
Mr. Midkiff has been a reader of the
Journal for, many years, and al
though now living in the edge of
Otoe county he is still one of our
Louis Rheinacke was a passenger
to Council Eluffs, Iowa, this after
noon, where he is looking after
some business.
Attorney William Delles Denier of
Elmwood was a business visitor in
the city today looking after some
legal business at the county seat.
C. S. Stone, of Elmwood, who was
an over night caller in Plattsmouth,
departed this morning for Omaha
where he is looking after some busi
ness for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McXurliu
and daughter, Miss Dora, from near
Cedar Creek, were in ttie city for a
few hours yesterday. driving in
from their home in the auto.
Mr. F. H. Young, of Broken Bow
arrived in the city yesterday after-
l'oon, and is visiting at the Mason
ic home. Mr. Young is president of
the board of management of the
Ray Howard and Ray Vaughn
both of Charleston, Oklahoma, ar
rived in this city yesterday desiring
to obtain positions at picking corn
and went to the country with some
farmers to begin work this morning
H. H. Dehning and family, from
near Louisville, were in the city for
a few hours yesterday coming in via
the auto route. While here Mr.
Dehning paid the Journal office a
brief call, renewing his paper for
another year.
Mr. Charles Murphey and wife, ac
companied by their sons, Fred and
Faul, came over yesterday afternoon
from Manley and were looking after
some business at the court house and
c'.oinc some trading with our mer
chants here.
Mrs. C. M. Davis, of Springfield
Xebraska, who has been visiting
Villisca, for some three weeks, came
to Plattsmouth yesterday afternoon
for a visit with her sister, Mrs. W
W. Waslcy of this city for a short
time before departing for her home
Peter Hild, of Brady, made a fly
ing trip to riattsmouth today, com
ing in this morning, and he will de
part this evening, after looking af
ter some business matters and visit
ing for a few hours at the home of
his sister, Mrs. L. A. Meisinger.s
C. II. Vanlandingham and wife, of
Eagle, accompanied by Mrs. Oscar
Keil drove over this morning from
their home near Eagle, to look'after
some business at the court house and
also to visit at the home of Mr. Van
landingham's daughter, Mrs. S. E
Mrs. Frank Oliver of Janesville
Wisconsin, who, with her husband
is visiting t the home of W. A. Ol
lver ana wiie 01 this city, was a
Oklahoma, after having visited
Plattsmouth for some time with rel-
atives, during which time he stopped
at the home of his grandfather, A.
S. Will, of this city. On his return,
Charley will stop off at Wichita, Kan
sas, for a short stay before going
on to Oklahoma City.
From Thursday's Daily.
During the past few days the daily
papers at Omaha and elsewhere have
been conjecturing at the possible
ccident which may have befel an
American transport carrying a part
of the Rainbow division from Minne-
ola, L. I., after several days .at sea,
causing it to turn back. It is be-
ieved by some that the vessel Was
torpedoed, thus being unable to com
plete its journey with safety, al
though this scarcely seems possible,
in view of the fact that the govern
ment in return for a voluntary cen-
sorchip of troop movements on the
part of newspapers over the coun
try, has promised to report prompt
ly any casualties or serious accidents
occurring in the service". There were
in the 168th Iowa, which was the
division believed to have been aboard
the ship, five boys from this city and
the possible fate which may have be
fell the ship is a matter of concern
to their relatives aid friends here
The boys in this regiment were Ed
die Ripple, Ralph Lair, Tex Wilson,
George Kearnes and Earl Murray.
Are Safe.
Relatives in the city have received
telegrams stating that the 3rd Iowa
Regiment had arrived safely at
Hempstead, X. Y. There are a num
ber of Plattsmouth boys in this regi
ment and relatives and friends will
be pleased to learn of their bein
From Thursday's Daily.
Today was filed a petition for the
probation of the estate of Edward
J. Lynch late of Alvo, who leaves an
estate of a little real estate in that
city. The object of the filing of the
petition is that the real heirs, and
their respective rights might be de
fined, by the action which the pray
er of the petition asked to have
brought. The estate which consists
of real property in Alvo, is valued
at less than six hundred dollars.
From Thursday's Daily.
This noon a couple of men came
through this city looking for corn
picking, driving a Ford roadster.
and -having driven from Hutchin
son, Kansas.
They spoke of the corn bein
pretty good as they passed through
this county and asked if it were not
heavier on the bottoms in Iowa
towards which place they were head
From Thursday's Daily.
The Wescott Sons,
are giving
service pin, to every family where
a member is in the service of the
government in the army, which have
recently gone from Cass county. The
pin is a very neat one, gold plated
with a star in the center and signi
fies that the wearer has - furnished
one of their family for the service
of the country.
No Stronger Evidence Can Be Had in
Look well to their record. What
they have done many times in years
gone by is the best guarantee of fu
ture results. Anyone with a bad
back; any reader suffering from uri
nary troubles, from kidney ills
should find comforting words in the
following statement.
. M. Barclay, chief of police
Fifth & Pearl Sts., Plattsmouth, says
"I have bought Doan's Kidney Pills
from the Crescent" Pharmacy and
can say they are all right. For lum
bago and trouble from the kidney-
secretions, Doan's are splendid. Af
ter I used them, the pain across my
back left immediately." (Statement
given December 29, 1908.)
On February 22, 191G." Chief Bar
clary said: "I haveTaken Doan's
Kidney Pills for years and they have
never failed to do good work when
I have had need of a kidney medi
Prices 60c, at all dealers. Don'
simply ask for a kidney remedy-
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
,that Chief Barclary has twice pub
licly recommended. Foster-Milburn
.Co., Props., Buffalo, X. Y.
For sale at the right price if taken
at once, the furniture in tl:e Ceda
Creek hotel, consisting of brds, ta
hies, chairs, stoves, etc. Genuine
in bargains
Call on John Larsen, Ce
dar Creek Hotel.
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes,
Washington, Xov. 2. Secretary
Lansing today authorized the state
ment that neither on the basis of
many official advices to the govern
ment, nor on the basis of Premier
Kerensky's statement could it be said
that Russia was about to quit the
Secretary Linsing, deploring any
interpretation of Kerensky's state
ment to the effect that Russia was
out of the war, assailed the Wash
ington Post, which printed over a
brief and preminary account of Ker
ensky's statement the headlines.
"Russia Quits War." He authorized
this statement.
"There has been absolutely noth
ing in the dispatches received by
the department of state from Rus
sia, nor in information derived from
any other source whatever, to justi
fy the impression created by the
Washington Post today, principally
by the headline, 'Russia Quits War,'
that Russia is out of the conflict.
"A reading of the full interview
with Premier Kerensky, of which the
paper published only an abbreviated
and preliminary account itself shows
that the headline is entirely unwar
ranted. Our own advices show that
the provisional government in Petro
grad is attacking with great energy
the problems confronting it. Re
ports received from Petrograd both
by mail and by telegraph show that
Premier Kerensky, far from yielding
to discouragement, are still animat
ed by a strong determination to or
ganize all Russia's resources in
wholehearted resistance and carry
the war through to a victorious com
pletion. At the same time this gov
ernment, like those of the allies, is
rendering all possible assistance."
From Thursday's Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Christwisser
who have been visiting for the past
nearly a week with relatives and
friends in the north portion of the
state and portions of Iowa, returned
home last evening. hile away
they were visiting with relatives at
Lyons, as well as Rosalie, in this
state, and with two sisters of Mrs
Christweisser at Missouri Valley
Iowa. While away they had an ex
cellent time, and visit with people
who they had not seen for a Ion
From . Saturday's Daily.
Mrs. Anna Baird sister of Mr.
George and D. C. Rhoden near Mur
ray, and her daughter Mrs. J. Cline
Cleveland, Ohio, who has been visit
ing with her mother, Mrs. Baird,
who lives at Greenwood came in this
morning from that place and is visit
ing at the home of Mr. George
Rhoden. Mrs. Cline who has been
in the east for a number of years
was born in this city, where her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Baird lived
a number of years ago.
From Thursday's Daily.
The reporter of this paper sees
many people passing through here
inquiring for jobs of picking corn,
and if we knew who wanted the
work done we could easiiy call them
up on telephone and rlate jie men.
Would it not be, a good idea to lodge
your wants with the Journal, and
have them filled.
From Thursday's Daily.
The shipment of yarn for the Red
Cross work, which it has been ex
pected would have been bere before
this will be here in a short time.
When the yarn shall have arrived
a notice will appear from the Red
Cross telling of its arrival. Those
who are desiring yarn for work for
the Red Cross will kindly watch for
the announcement of the arrival of
the yarn, that the work may be
gotten out as soon as it is here.
8 room dwelling, with barn and
sheds. Located on lots 10, 11, 12,
Townsends Add. on north Eighth St.
A bargain if taken at once. II. F.
Goos, riattsmouth, Kebr. 10-8-tfwkly
For Sale
Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels
for sale during the month of Octo
ber for $1.50 each. Mrs. William
Troop, NehaWka, Xebr. Phone Mur-
ray exchange.
From Thursday's Daily.
Last evening seemed to have slip
ped into history, with all the peo
ple enjoying themselves, and with
the many parties which were held
over the city all were ones in which
everybody concerned were having a
good time. This we are glad of and
hope they maj" all continue to en
joy the occasion. Another ieature
which we are pleased with is that
we have not to this writing heard
cf any damage done or any tricks
turned which was not ones which
would bear the light "of day to be
flashed upon them.
From Friday's Daily-
Max Murray, son of Chas. Murray,
former resident of this county, but
now of Alva, Okla., was seriously
injured in a runaway near Union
Tuesday morning of this week. Max
has been working at the home of
Dave Murray, and the team became
frightened and got away from him.
and according to his own story, this
is about all that he remembered, un
til after being picked up along the
way in which the maddened team
traveled. He was unconscious, bruis
ed up considerably, and his nose
torn almost completely from his
face by the fall. The wagon was
a complete wreck and the team
somewhat damaged. " Dr. Gilmore
was called from Murray to dress and
attend to the young man's injuries.
and at last . report he was getting
along very nicely.
From Saturday's Daily.
"The Eight Graders" now we sup
pose you know what that means,
slipped away out to the edge of the
city to the home of one -of the mem
bers of the class Miss Aleta Stenner
at the home of her mother, Mrs
Inez Stenner, where they sure had
a delightful Hallowe'en party. The
party was under supervision of their
teachers Mr. E. W. Frans, .Misses
Clara Weyrich and "Anna Heisel, arid
Mrs. Mae Morgan. There were for
ty-eight in attendance, and they en
joyed all manner of games, all of
them coming in masks and costumes
spending the evening in games
dancing and music, to the hearts
content. A wiches bower was in
operation, where ones fortune could
be told for a trifle even a song and
it could be sang by oneself. When
the 'wee small hours' were approach
ing they all returned to their home
tired but happy.
From Saturday's Daily.
R. A. Benett, who has made his
home at Glenwood, Iowa, for some
time past jesterday moved to Platts
mouth, where he will make his home
in the future. He with his brother
Lee Bennett hauling the goods over
yesterday. Mr. Bennett is a broth
er of A. S. Bennett and will work
with the Burlington here, in the lo
cal shops.
A good farm of about 120 acres
four miles southwest of Mynard.
Good eight room house. Good barn
40x44, also good hay and cow barn
32x4 8, and other om-houses. In
quire of A. L. Tidd, Plattsmouth
Nebraska. 10-19-lwkd&2wkswkly
Bring your welding to us. Platts
mouth Garage. Tel. 394.
Paper Plates and Picnic Sets at
the Journal office.
When you buy a shirt, do you buy for looks or wear. Probably
both. Just call for Manhattan
$1.75 to $3.50
Silks $6.50
With underwear it's different it's all
wear. Then insist on Vassar, the sign
of quality and comfort. They cost more
than ordinary underwear and are worth
the difference
$1.50 to $2.50
Woolens Up to $4.50
The snappiest ties you'll see you may
pay more or less, but a dollar rubber
lined tie outwears any of 'em.
' The Kuppenheimer House of Plattsmouth
Pertograd, Nov. 1. "Russia en
tered the war earfy and she is now
worn out by" the strain," Premier
Kerensky today told the Associated
Press. He said that Russia claims as
ber right that the" other allies now
shoulder the burden of the war. He
further declared that Russian pub
lic opinion was agitated by the ques
tion: "Where is the British fleet
now that the German fleet is out of
the Baltic?"
Copenhagen, Nov. 1. If the state
ments of its friends are to be be
lieved, the new Fatherland party in
Germany is growing at the rate of
31,000 persons a day. The Father
land party was founded by von Tir-
pitz and is committed to the pan-
German principle of annexation of
all conquered territory and making
Germany's enemies pay huge indem
nity to reimburse Germany for the
cost of the war.
From Saturday's Daily.
Thursday evening at the home of
one of the members,,- George A
Kaffenberger, the Men's Bible Class
of the Methodist church held a class
meeting, at which there were a num
ber of the class present, and at
which they devised ways of working
and laid plans for" an aggresive cam
paign for an increase of member
From .Salurda y's Daily.
. The naturalization laws are so
framed that one applying for his sec
ond or last papers in becoming a
citizen of this country, has to have
two witnesses who have known him
for five consecutive years, and that
have seen and met the applicant as
often as once in each ixs months of
the period. Rev. T. A. Truscott of
the Methodist church in this city
had taken out his first papers over
nve years ago, and on making ap
plication for the second, he was con
fronted with the matter of having
witnesses who have known him for
the past five years as per the re
quirements of the law. While he has
live in Schuyler for three years be
fore coming to this city. He could
not get a witness from there which
had known him for five years for he
has not been there since leaving and
no one has known him here for that
length of time. He has written the
Immigration agent of the Govern
ment at St. Louis regarding the
matter, but to no effect.
Rev. Truscott wishes to become a
full-fledged American citizen but
For the past few years the Jour
nal office has been handling an ele
gant line of Xmas cards, each year
more beautiful anfl many more de
signs than the previous one. This
year we want to tell you that we
have the finest line ever before
shown in the city, covering several
hundred designs, most of which may
now be seen at this office. This
advance announcement Is made "for
those whom we have done special
V yfiliiiliii. , wr
v. i-,
-ji-.r. 'My?Hr$?w - '-, -? fc -.'V1.
'a - -
-J .4
Here is the
"Anyday". It's
one of tlie many smart
KR & W overcoats that
leading merchants in every
town -will gladly show you.
Notice particularly the two
button belt that can be worn
half-belt or full, the broad
lapels, generous cut-thru
Eockets and -wide pleats
:om the shoulders.
The" Anydayism ade from
showerproof fabrics; silk
lined sleeves and yoke;
seams are silk piped. A yery
distinguished coat for par
ticular dressers.
Ask your dealer and look
for the "R & F label
it's your protection.
Makers of good overcoat, raincoats,
trousers, taricg onl dress waistcoats,
smoking Jackets, bathrobes, summer
clothing, golf and automobile appareL
C. E.
Wescott's Sons
Everybody's Store
engraving for in order that such
reservations may be made early and
assure their return in time. Those
contemplating this line of work
will confer a great favor if they will
call as soon as possible and place
their order. The line will be great
ly appreciated, and we expect a
much larger sale than ever before.
See them before buying elsewhere.
Flag belts,
Sport pins,
H- I
m - U'ih