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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1917)
PI PLA1TSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1917. PAGE FOUR. TZhz plattsmoutb journal PWUSBED tGMI'WEEKLT AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Cstr4 at Pottofflce at Plattmouth. Neb., aa aecoad-cla8 mail matter. It A. BATES, Publisher CBICKIPTIOH TOICEi 91M PIB TEAR LSI ADYANCW A nice fat rabbit is the suff. :o; Thanksgiving four weeks from to day. -:o:- The days are growing shorter, and so are we. :o:- Sympathy is cheap, but it never gets you anything. :o:- A good way to encourage anything is to pass a law prohiiting it. If to save food will save lives, let us all do our duty ill saving. -:o: Did you ever see a man with a job harder than he thought it was? -:o:- Brazil has had enough of the Kaiser's vinductiveness and has de clared for war. "May split up raw sugar," says the headline. Why not pulverize it and dust it around equitably? :o:- Punctuality is a great virtue pro viding you can aord to waste many hours waiting on those who are tardy. -:o: The question now arises, whether you can knit or not on Sunday? The chances are that if you can't knit you can knot. -:o:- "Coal dealers exceed fixed price," says the government. There seems to be no price, fixed cr imaginary, that they cannot exceed. :o:- The United States has not spent a cent to stir up internal rebellion in Germany, but unrest is rapidly growing in that country. :o:- YVe never figured out exactly how the tax on a single box of smoking tobacco would be, but we can't be lieve that in selling a 10-cent can for thirteen events the tobacconist is losing much. We have remained silent on the a subject for a long time, hoping for the best. But we are at last forced to demand to know why the offen sively handsome young men in the clothing advertisements don't enlist. -:o:- Alderman Seidel, of Milwaukee says the county is full of thieves who are conducting the war for their own benefit. Mr. Seidel doesn't seem to like America very well. Possibly the government could ar range to get him back to Germany. "Germany is my mother, but America is my sweetheart," said William. Nottberg of Kansas City as he subscribed for a Liberty bond. No matter how we might translate it into German, no junker could under stand that sort of sentiment. But every American does. -:o:- The war has reproduced the trag edy of Enoch Arden in net a few cases. Recently the wife of a young officer whose death had been pre sumed by the war office married a clergyman. Now she has received a letter from her husband, written from a prisoners' camp. It should be a warning against rapid remar riages. The courts are loath to pre sume death without very exact evi dence. In one doubtful case, for nearly twenty years leave to wind up an estate has been refused. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat ot the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, trreatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an Internal remady Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is com posed of some f the best tomc3 known, combined with some of the best blood rurif.ers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is what produces such wonaerful results in catsurhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY" & CO., Frcp3., Toledo, O All Ilrin'iHla "" iiall'a Family Pills for coiiB'.lpattan. Next is Thanksgiving. -:c: Turkey, Goose or Duck? :o: No damage done last night. :o:- The boys well.. . behaved remarkably -:o:- Was it wheat or corn cakes this morning j :o: "Senatorial courtesy" multitude of sins. covers :o:- Dcn'tx forget to write to the boys iu camp. They think' of a letter above everything else. :o:- It is no use for the kaiser to quote peace terms, Uncle Sam is not going to deal with a middle-man. -:o:- Political economy to most of our politicians means nothing except getting the most votes for the least money. Anytime a man tells you he never swore, put him down as one who never stepped on a carpet tack in bare feet. -:o: Out of this war we are going to get a new United States. e are going to be prepared to fight when ever imposed upon. -:o: One of our exchanges remarks that troubles are much like babies -the more you nurse them the bigger they grow. :o:- The postage on drop letters will remain at two cents, so the hero who trades at heme will continue to get all his customary bills. -:c:- If someone would divise a means to make sermons shorter and col lecting longer it would be a great thins for the churches. -:o:- Putting a dozen big potatoes on the top of a bag of small marble sized ones is one of the most com mon examples of comonflage. -:o: When people realize that it is not the amount of wages and the rela tive purchasing power that counts we will begin to get somewhere. -:o:- It is hardly accurate to say that Chancellor Michaelis will stay 1n "power." He may stay in office but a German chancellor doesn't have any particular power. -:o:- The Outlook quotes the following prediction, applicable to present-day conditions, from Napoleon's St. Hel ena utterances: "I made the mis take of my career when I had the op portunity that I did not remove, the Hohenzollerns from the throne of Prussia. As long as this house reigns and until the red cap of lib erty is erected in Germany there will be no peace in Europe." -:o:- Pcrhaps you had neglected to give a book to the soldiers' camp library because you felt that it wouldn't be appreciated if sent, nor missed if withheld. In that case, this signi ficant statement from a soldier's letter should put the matter in a new light: "We are 'pulling' for books. A good book beats a royal flush." :o:- The Kearney Daily Times is no more. Our friend Frank W. Brown took charge of the same as editor five years ago, and has made an ex cellent paper, but in Wednesday's is sue he makes the announcement that the Hub will take over the subscrip tion list and . he will cease its pub lication. Frank Brown is one of Nebraska's finest young men and wq will regret it if any misfortune has overtaken him. and we trust his future will be for the very best. Pumpkins are plentiful and cheap. :o: Corkscrews are popular in Iowa. -o:- Farmers complain yet of soft corn in the fields. much -:o:- The man who is always taking about welcoming criticism generally is kidding someone. :o: From all reports the boys and girls had lot of fun last night. Well, "let 'em go it while they're young, for when they get old they can't." :o: This taking advantage of the buy er has been going on for some time. said a man at our elbow. Look how long the corset trust has been squeez ing the consumer. :o: The Allies are rushing assistance to Italy. Of course. But, why were they not wise enough to rush as sistance to Italy sooner? Thousands of soldiers might have been saved. :or The governor of California has designated 'November 4 as "go to Sunday School Day." There's some thing wrong when such proclama tions are necessary. Every child should go to Sunday school regu larly. :o: This seems to be a year when an extra good edge should be ground on the old family ax. Thanksgiving turkeys not only are almost ripe. but report, also, say very little about pumpkius weighing less than fifty five pounds. :o:- It is always best to be loyal to your country. oi feel much bet ter and your conscience will be clear, and you know you are right. No one should make a pretense of liv ing in the United States unless he can uphold the Stars and Stripes and be a true American. :o: ONLY GROWING OLD. The last persons to admit the ap proach of age are we upon whom age is creeping. Like livers, we are the last to learn and admit our dis order. Our friends gather on the latest birthday and tell us we are not a day older than we were fifteen years ago, and we almost cheat our selves into believing them. But we are growing old. We have just a little less to comb over the bald spot than we had 15 years ago. We are a little more tired when dinner times comes. We have a little more time to doze over the newspaper at night, and a little less desire to stay with the crowd until the small hours of the morn ing. We are growing old; that's all. A little less anxious are we to have our own way than we were fifteen years ago, a little less ready to blame others for their misdeeds, a little more charitable in our views of others opinions, a little less eager for the gossip that wipes away reputations. A little less desire we have to convert ' the world to our opinions, a little less care for stocks and bonds and gold, a little less haste in making decisions, a little less dare in risking new adventures. A little more love we have for our old friends, a little greater apprecia tion of their worth,' a little more in terest in our boyhood and girlhood days, a little -more zest in telling of the pranks and adventures that gladdened our youth. We are only growing old. "W e should like to feel we were as young as we were fifteen years ago. But youth consuming time has sapped the strength of which we boasted then, added a few more lines to our brows, sprinkled our hair with snow, and made us some what wiser men and women as we have glided inch by inch near the heaven to which all of us sail and from which none 'returns. We are growing old. Milwaukee Journal. GERMANY'S DRIVE AGAINST ITALY Just at this time when the Ger man horde is pouring through the plains of Italy and that country's effective participation in. the war on the side of the allies is becoming increasingly difficult, it i3 well that Americans should take a true inven tory of the situation. Germany is making her final su preme bid for peace a peace to her advantage and intended only as a breathing spell to permit her to re habilitate her fortunes for another blow towards world domination. Those German armies which are over-running the Italian front are accomplishing their advance under the direction of the kaiser's most relentless war chief. The kaiser and his chiefs see winter coming on to make increasingly difficult the al lied drive in Flanders. Americans should remember, how ever, that the war's decision rests on the western front. For two years Germany has failed to achieve a single victory there. Slowly tho kaiser's armies have been beaten back until today another strategic retreat is inevitable, releasing four thousand square miles of Belgium and French territory. No one realizes more deeply than the German army leaders that it is written in the clouds that the wes tern front spells the crash of the military hopes of the central pow ers. And while Germany expends her rapidly declining manpower in a drive, against the Italians, the faint-hearted should bear in mind that it is the deliberate plan to de tract attention from the German failure in the west in order to pro vide a bisis'for another German peace appeal. Lincoln Star. :o: TIME TO KEEP COOL. Whether Lord Northcliffe is justi fied in all he says about the difficul ties of the war situation nobody can doubt that he is rendering a service by telling the American people not to be too confident, and particular ly not to neglect any reasonable precaution. lie may go as much too far in one way as Mr. Roosevelt has gone in the other, but his way is much the safer way of the two, for too much preparation never ruined any cause, while too much whoop and hurrah and come-on-boys has led to some disastrous defeats. Mr. Roosevelt has told us tliat we ought to get our army into Europe at once and with our flags flying march onto the breastworks. Lord Northcliffe tells us that Germany will not get in our way in putting all the meninto France we can ship there, that Germany will wel come a great army of American con sumers in the exhausted French territory, providing the-German sub marine can cut our line of communi cations,. The fight will not be a fight on our men but upon our oil tank boats and on all our other supply boats, and at the rate the world's shipping is now being destroyed, a rate Lord Northcliffe says is being foolishly minimized by the British government, keeping our men abroad is going to be our real problemand not getting them abroad. Lord Northcliffe is making a tour of several western states to ovarii the American people against over confidence. After a hurried trip to England he will return and come again, to the west. He wishes to have the people understand that two-thirds of the German people be lieve they have already won the war, that the kaiser and 250,000 Junkers own Germany, that the Ger man war machine is supreme, and even the policemen are armed with rapid fire guns, that all talk of Ger man troubles is sent out by Ger many. Lord Northcliffe says frank ly that he does not know that 'he will live to see the end of the war, and he is yet in the 50s. . No matter whether we can bring ourselves to believe this or not, it is the safe view of the war to act up on. We shall make no mistake if we prepare for the supreme effort of our national life. It is a fort unate thing for us that President Wilson has not been stampeded by a volunteer rush for glory into do ling something hurriedly and inade quately. Lord Northcliffe's travels will make it easier for the adminis tration to hold back on the impet uosity or a rew anu to make our preparations correspond to the size of our undertaking. Des Moines Register. :o: FOOD PLEDGE WEEK. Our allies in Europe will need 577,000,000 bushels of imported wheat in the current crop year Canada can give them 150,000,000. The small normal surplus in this country can be increased to 150, 000,000 if our people will reduce consumption by concerted effort, sub stituting cornmeal and other pro ducts for wheat flour. There must also be large exports of meat for our war partners and our own sold iers in Europe. "Every pound of fat," Mr. Hoover says, "is as sure of service as every bullet and every hog is of greater value for the winning of jhis war than a shell." The plans of National Food Pledge week pro vide for saving the wheat, wise use cr conservation of ether kinds of food and . elimination of waete. Af ter sermons on - the subject by more than 100,000 clergymen today 500, 000 volunteer canvassers will carry the food pledge cards to every liome. Already they have the signatures of 1,250,000 housewives and those of at "least 10,000,000 more will be added. The pledge is a brief and rimple one. Membership in the food administration is accepted by the signer, who undertakes to fol low the directions and advice which will be given. The administrator speaks as follows of the purpose and duty: "There is no threat of privation. We wish only that our people should eat wisely and without waste. Wis dom In eating is ot make possible such adjustments in our food con sumption, shipping and war necessi ties as will allow us to fulfill our duty in exports to our allies. This is a duty of necessity, humanity and honor. As a free people we have undertaken to discharge it, not under autocratic decree, but with out restraint other than the guid ance of individual conscience. Upon the syecess of this unprecedented adventure in democracy will largely depend the issue of the war." Success is assured. Americans throughout the land will promptly respond and assist. No hardship is involved. . We shall use less of such food as must be exported and more of the kinds of which the supply is sufficient to satisfy all possibla demands. There will be enough for the nations standing with us in the war and for our boys at the front. New York Times. -:o:- PROFITEERING IN THE CIVIL WAR Consumers oppressed by the high cost of living may extract what sat isfaction they can from the discov ery that it was far higher in the civil war. According to an invoice which has recently been unearthed of goods sold by a firm of wholesale grocers of Keokuk, la., in June, 18G2, sugar was $1S a barrel and rice $38, while tea sold at $101 for a 25-pound chest. Coffee was four times the present price, and the same bill of groceries which then brought $644.14 could be purchased today for $291.61. These figures, of course, do not reduce the present price of beef steak or butter, but they may serve to take the sting out of some of the exactions of contemporary "prof iteers." It is something to know that conditions might be,a whole lot. worse, and certainly even sugar-refiners would hesitate to charge $58 a barrel. In fact, we may feel as tonished at the moderation of the present generation of dealers and at corresponding admiration for the bolder methods of profiteering in the civil war. The dealers at that time had hardly a third as many con sumers to loot as mere are iuuu , they had no storage facilities, no organization, but. on the other hand, no federal interference in price-fixing. ' They charge what they ttfcHdreta Cry 73 The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought, and which has been ia use for over over 30 years, has home the denature of -jQ - and has been made under his per sonal supervision since to infancy, &utf?x cx6t4ZZ auow nQ one to deceive ycu in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good are but Experiments that trilie with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleacant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its v.gc is its guarantee. For more than thirty yeara it has boen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, flatulency, v7ird Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishaess arising lher-jfrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sices. The Children's Fanacea The Mother's Friend, Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMAMV, pleased, ar.d their pleasure in the matter of extortionate prices was something to make their successors mouths water. The invoice is of value in throw ing light en one phase of existence in the "good old days." Ferhaps, after all, we are better off in the degenerate times when prices are merely doubled and not elevated to the limit. New York World. :o: TELLING THE THUTH. Lord Northcliffe told the western newspapers yesterday that . Ameri can newspapers had misled their readers by emphasizing news indi cating the weakening of Germany snd slighting news of a discourag ing nature. In this way, he said, the impression had been created that Germany was near collapse, when in reality she is still immensely power ful. The Star believes this criticism is just. Whether by the stupidity of censorship or by the unconscious emphasizing "of trivial incidents in dicating the cracking of the German morale, a widespread feeling exists that the war is nearly over. Such a feeling Is dangerous. It would be' disastrous for the nation to underestimate the importance of the task ahead. Disastrous because any failure to exert our full strength in the war would play into the hands of the enemy. If the Star has been guilty of help ing to create a false impression of security by overemphasizing en couraging facts and putting the un pleasant ones in the background, it has. done so unconsciously. Its The Nehawka Chills arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the Lit Sir I "Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting, For on the top shelf it now is roosting. The best cooks wherever you go Use tliis famous flour, you know. - They just set their yeast and go to bed, For they know on the morrow they will have good Bread. e. D. ST. .JOHN, Prop. JOE MALCOLM, Head miller. For Sale by 3 for Fletcher's AM hi ret Signature cf IFW YORK CITY, single aim has been, and now is, to tell the truth about the war and about America's war preparations. For it believes with all its heart that only by knowing the truth can the American people effectively meet this great crisis. Kansas City Star. :o:- WHERE ASSESSORS WERE ASLEEP Nebraska assessors reported eight million dollars in Nebraska banks, listed for taxation, on April 1, 1917. Figuring the usual basis of one fifth, the amount would actually have been forty millions. On Aug ust 1, four months later, the state banking board received reports from all state and national banks in the state, showing deposits of about $460,000,000. Some discrepancy? And could it be possible that some of those assessors were asleep at the switch? Kearney Hub. :o: For a Weak Stomach. As a general rule all you need to do is to adopt a diet suited to your age and occupation and to keep your bowels regular. When you feel that you have eaten too much and when constipated, take on of Chamber lain's Tablets. Bring your welding: to us. mouth Garage. Tel. 394. Platts- Subscribe for the Journal. Jf T..T..T. -.--T- .T..T T ..T..T. .Tit TtiTwTi W. A. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. Hr East of Riley HoteL Coates' Block, Second Floor M..M; I-I-I- .I..M-M.IMM. 99 , - '1 1 J. M. All Dealer; MM v ? 4 1 4 fi .4 J