The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 25, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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And Much Time is Spent Discussing
Advisability of Municipal
Coal Yards Here.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Kap went the gavel of the Mayor
and before the legislators had got
ten to their seats the roll was being
called at the meeting of the city
days last night. The roll call show
ed all present hut the junior alder
man from the Fifth, Mr. Beeson. A
pretty high wind from the north
prevented his getting in.
There being no communications or
petitions, no reports from Finance
committee, Chief of Police, Treasur
er or Ioard of. Health it looked as
though the meeting would be rath
er devoid of interest but such was
not to be the case. When the call
was made for a report from the Chief
of the Fire Department, he pointed
out to the council some leaky hose,
people u;yng the firemen's rain coats,
a bad roof on the West Main street
hose house and the need of a light.
The Police Judge and Claims com
mittee had nothing to report. Re
verting back to Finance committee,
they reported-cutting down light
bill $5.00 on account of lights be-
ing out all over the city for,a hour ;
ana a nan one nigni. general discussion that followed ini-
Claims - Allowed.'' pressed the fact that there, is ' no
The council then proceeded to ex- spirit of antagonism among the mem
amine claims presented and ordered bers of the council against the local
the following bills paid:
M. I.utz, streets $
P. J. Flynn
Fetzer Shoe Co
Neb. Light Co., city hall light
John Zitka
Q. K. Parmele
John Jessup
John Gueiser
Mike Kearnes
Luther Renard
James AVynn
Neb. Light Co., lights
Require Brick Paving
The request of T. II. Pollock and
James Sage to be allowed to pave
South Sixth street, between Pearl
and the alley south of it with con-
crete pavement, was reported ad-
verscly, as it was claimed that con-
crete would not be strong enough
for the traffic on that street. The
report of the committee was adopt-
ed by the council and the use of
concrete pavement there will not be
The culv ert in the north part of
town, near the Diggs place was re-
ported in. Buttery reported a light I
out on Washington avenue near theltention of the council to prohibit the
store of Peter Clause. I
final r.nnmiHve "Rorfc
Then came the report of the suec-
ial committee annointed for the nnr-
pose of looking into the coal prices,
and their findings, which are em
bodied in the following:
Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 22, '17.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Plattsmouth:
t.em.emen: i our committee to
municipal coal yard and investiga-
tion of prices and freight rates begs J
to report: -
That progress has been slow for resolution empowering the city to
the reason no coal administrator has!. . x, ... . .
boon appointed by the government
administrator for Nebraska until
about the ISth inst. We have in-1
tervtewed the dealers and but one,
C. K. Hartford, has furnished figures
on prices at the mine, the freight J
charges, his profits as fixed by the J
Koyernineut and the total selling
crs in Plattsmouth are exceeding
profits allowed by the government, UP between Third and Fourth. An
and they will admit that the city can other of the councilmen called at
undersell them The reason they tention to the continued parking of
i . 4 1 1 j j uiai inu ltjr ViltUiiliy Willi . . , T-, . , - . - .
have no capital invested, will have one at the Rlley hote1' a thlrd said
to pay no rent or own sheds and willone b&d stood on Vine street Just
be free from occupation tax, or other
tax o- overhead expense. The Illi-
nois coal, which the dealers are now
selling at $8.50. will be reduced one
' dollar per ton on the next shipment
of coal from the mines. Your com-
mittee has written for prices at the
Time and lias securer! frnm ihn i-oill
way companys' agents here the rate
of freight from the different mines,
but up to this date we have failed to
fiet.p"LCC .
fn touch with a coal mining com-
pany at Pittsburg, Kansas, which we
think the city might do business
with and save the consumers some
r,uey. We have written . for prices
at the mine. Tne freight rata from
ike Kansas mina is but $1.85, whilel
vT- are told that the Kansas coai
has neat units m it almost equal to
ihe Illinois coal iid burns, up
ii;t.?! as cu-'un. -nminittee f heieiore recnm-l
nH.' that the council adont a res-
pin inn a i t hori?' V & fh'i 'oiinpil
use the sum of $ for the
purpose of purchasing a car of coal,
and payment of freight, and that the
same be o!d to consumers for cash;
that no order for coal be received
until the cash is on deposit with the
city authorities covering each pur
chase by the consumer. And that a
party appointed by the Mayor to
distribute said coal, b required to
give a bond to the City in the sum
of $500.00, conditioned to faithfully
account to the city for all funds com
ing into his hands.
Respectfully submitted,
Special Committee.
A general discussion then follow
ed, regarding the matter of the prop
osition of handling coal by the city,
which resulted in a motion by Lu
chinsky that the committee be em
powered to purchase two cars or
more of coal which should be sold
to the poor of the city at cost, with
barely enough advance to pay all
expenses. Mayor Sattler stated that
he and Councilman Uestor had been
at Omaha and interviewed J. L. Ken
nedy, coal administrator for the
state of Nebraska. They had seen
the assistant buyer of Omaha, and
he stated that the Illinois block
coal had cost them ?4.65 laid down
on the track at Omaha and the Mis
souri coal had cost $4.55, and that
to date they had, used twenty car
loads or approximately 600 tons. The
city is charging $1.35 per ton for
handling the coal, which is meant to
cover shrinkage, drayage and all ex
penses incurred in getting it into
the hands of the consumers. At this
rate, the proposition has been net
ting the city a little profit, but a lit
Ue latpr when the weatner is worse,
and with a trifle more shrinkage, it
is not expected "that the sale will
more than break even. Mr. Kennedy
stated that he would enforce gov
ernment regulations and that there
will be a committee appointed in each
county to look after matters in that
county. Johnson said the City ex
pects something to be done, and we
(the council) will have to look out
for tne interest of. the. people
dealers, for they'appeared to rather
have the dealers handle the coal and
make a reasonable profit than to
take it up themselves, but thought
is selling here and elsewhere is al-
together too much and is allowing
I fnr rrmre than a reasonable nrofit
v hen the caning or the roll on the
(motion was ordered, Mr. Patterson
Jasked that the vote be delayed un-
til tne coal dealers' side could be
presented by W. A. Robertson, who
ha1 asked during the early evening
for an opportunity to speak on the
Mr. Robertson said that he did not
think the city should engage in the
handling of coal, as, in his opinion
it was not giving the dealers a fair
deal, as they pay an occupation tax
and have other expenses incident to
J the running of their business, and
Inow that the time has come when
J they can realize a profit they should
be allowed to do so. In response Mr
Luschinsky said it was not the in
dealers from realizing a fair profit:
that he and all the members of the
I ; i x i x
CUUI1C11 em to mane mon
I .1 t xm?i .
e aztu maKe ineir Business prontaDie
but that there was a difference be
tween a reasonable profit and an ex
eessive profit and that was the mat
ter the council was then discussing.
The coal question was finally dis-
posed of by the adoption of the re-
port and motion all members vot
ing for same: Beeson absent. The
mayor tnen instructed the city at
Itorney, J. E. Douglass, to draw
nanuie coai inrousn ine special com
Imittee, which is composed of R. F,
Patterson, C. A. Johnson and M
Tlie matter of obstructing the
streets with the parking of cars was
precipitated when a motion was pre
sented to have Pearl street cleared
west of the postoffice for a month,
The stopping of cars in front of the
T , . . ,
Jolin Cauer' Sr- residence on Pearl
street was also reported-, and some
one added the street near Bauer's
Garage should be Included in
Seneral clearing; then the street in
front of John Bauer, Jr's. residence,
until it began to look like the police
might be instructed to have the en-
tire town cIeare(l of parked cars. The
motion was finally passed carrying
with It all the additions noted. In it,
TllT, C nm((fil,i
Joh Bauer-. Sr" was Permitted to
marK olt a space in rront or his home
which shall not be used for parking.
Buttery called attention to a bridge
HQ the west pnrt of the city whch
al-juetds repairing, and asked to havo
jihe Streets, Alleys and Bridges com
J wm
mittee get busy with the County
no rvol
a bridge near the home of Mrs.
Luschinsky called attention to the
matter of the promise of the Nebras
ka Lighting company to furnish ser
vice to the southern portion of the
city, which was made last July and
is as yet unfilled. The lighting com
pany had stated they would use the
material taken from down town at
the time they rebuilt their lines and
construct the necessary lead lines to
the south portion of the city, and
it was the opinion of the council
that this should be done, as the
people have waited long and pati
ently for this service.
In the matter of the blue prints of
the sewer district recently created, it
was reported that there were no bids
on the work, because the prints and
specifications could not be under
stood. Some of the councilmen ex
pressed themselves aB being desirous
of returning the prints and specifi
cations to the engineers to have them
made more lucid. Mayor Sattler
thought it better to have same re
turned to the Park and Improvement
committee, which was so ordered.
Buttery asked to haveport on
cost of elevating the light in the park
from eight to ten feet higher, think
ing that should this be done the
problem of that light might be solv
ed. In the matter of the request for a
side walk on the west side of the old
Chapman property, a motion pro
vailed that notice be given to the
owner, S. L. Tarbox, to build same
within twenty days or the city would
construct it and the cost be taxed up
to the property.
The committee asked for further
tfine to report on the matter of op
ening the alley just south of the
old Chapman property, which was
There being no further business
to come before the meeting, the
council adjourned.
From Monday's Daily. "''
Mrs. Virginia Allen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McDaniels of this
city who has been visiting in this
city fcr the past two " months, the
guest of her parents, departed today
for Kansas City, Missouri, where
she will visit for some time, before
she returns to her home in San
Francisco. When she came some
time since she was accompanied by
her - brother, Floyd McDaniels, but
he departed for the west some two
weeks since, going to look after some
business connected with the opening
of a picture show at a point in
To tleorge Y Norton, Geo. W. N'orif-n
(first real name unknown), Geo. D.
Mattison (first real name unknown),
John Fountain. Henry Fountain,
George K. Harding'; tlie lieirs, devi
sees, leKatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interest
ed In the estates of the following
named persons, to-wit: George W.
Norton. Geo. W. Norton (first real
name unknown), Geo. D. Mattison
(first real name unknown, John
Fountain. Henry Fountain and
George K. Harding, whose names anil
residences are unknown"; William H.
Frire, William, M. Price and Albert
.Kelly, executors or the last will am
testament and estate of George K
Harding, deceased; and the unknown
owners and the unknown claimant
of the following described real es
tate, to-wit: Tlie Fast half of th
Southeast quarter (KSEi) of Sec
tion Twenty-three -i), the South
west quarter (SW'i) of Section
Twenty-four (24). the North half o
the North half of the Northwes
quarter (NVNN W ) of Section
Twenty-five C!5) and the North hal
of the North half of the Northeas
quarter (NViNliNEU) of Section
Twenty-six (26), all in Township
Twelve (12). North of flange Ten
(10). East of the Sixth (6th) V. M.
in Cass county, Nebraska:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
ned that on the 24th day of October,
117. .Nancy J. Hill, Franklin D. Hill
Eunice E. Kline, Jesse J. Hill, Charles
t iiiii, violet E. Thorp, lluth Thorp
and Florence Thorp by her Guardian
and next triend. Itesinald H. Thorn.
as plaintiffs filed their petition in the
district court in and for Cass county
Nebraska, and that you and each of
you are parties defendant, the object
ann prayer or said petition being to
omain a decree, adjudging and decree
ing that said plaintiffs are the owners
in tee simple and seized of the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit:
The East half of tlie Southeast
quarter (EVi SE4) of Section
Twenty-three (23), the Southwest
quarter (SW'i) of Section Twenty-four
(24), the North half of the
North half of the Northwest quar
ter (N N XW14), of Section
TWenty-Jive (25) and the North
half of the North half of the North
east quarter (N N NEV4 ) of
Section Twenty-six (26), all in
Township Twelve (12), North of
Ilange Ten (10), East of the 6th
I'. M., in Cass county. Nebraska
and that said plaintiffs are entitled to
tne absolute and -uninterrupted doksas
sion of said premises; that you, the de
fendants, and each of you, have no
title to, claim or lien upon or interest
in saiu real estate: that the title tn.
ram icai ue quieieu in pialn-
i ,i i . - .
tms; mat tne clouds created bv ti.p
claims set forth in petition of plain-
tins ne removed; ana that the plain
tiffs have such other and further re
lief in the premises as thev mav Up
entitieu to anu to tne uourt may seem
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of December. 1917.
Nancy J. Hill, Franklin D. Hill.
Eunice E. Kline, Jesse J. Hill,
Charles F. Hill, Violet E.'Thorp,
lluth Thorp, Florence Thorp by
lier Guardian and next friend,
Reginald II. Thorp.
o25-x. ."w. Their Attorney.
Itching, torturing sxin erupticms
disfigure, annoy, . drive one wild.
Doan's Ointment is praised for its
gnaH work. flOe at all dru stores.
Company Offers to Buy Bonds
Employees Charging No Inter
est and Making Terms
for Payment.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The Burlington Railroad company
is making inducements which will
make it easy for most of the em
ployees of the company to buy and
pay for Liberty bonds of the second
issue without inconvenience from
nnanciai viewpoint. The company
offers to buy bonds for any of its
employees, giving them the oppor
tunity of paying installments on the
purchase each pay day, charging no
interest and giving the employee
the interest which the bonds accumu
late while being paid for. To those
who already own a bond of the first
issue the company offers to buy bonds
of the second issue and not require
any payments on the second bond un
til the first one shall have been paid
for. The purchaser of the bond not
only draws interest on the first bond
bought, but also on the second one
on which he has not began payment
and is not required to pay the com
pany any interest. In the event of
the employee leaving the service, he
will be refunded the money he has
paid in installments due or he can
Day out the balance and take the
bonds with hini. Following is
bulletin which was posted in
Burlington shops this week:
Second Liberty Loan
To all Officers and Employees:
Our Government in its fight
the maintenance of its rights, needs
and asks the active support and as
sistance of all citieeus according to
their abilities
The immediate success of the lib
erty loan is essential to the final vic
tory cf the United States in its war
for freedom.
The Government is now offering
$3,000,000,000 of Second Liberty
Loan Bonds in denominations of $50,
1100, $500 and $1,000 free from all
tax, except graduated income tax,
estate and inheritance tax, bearing
interest at the rate of 4 per cent per
annum from November 15, 1917. due
Novenfber 15, 1942, redeemable at
par and interest at the option of the
Government on and after rsovember
13. 1927
The Chicago, Burlington & Quin
cy Railroad company will purchase
for account of its employees, such
bonds as may be desired by them on
the same terms as offered for the
first Liberty loaa. For the conveni
ence of employees subscribing to the
previous loan and desiring to par
ticipate in the second loan, salary
deductions need not become ehective
until their payments on the first
bonds have been completed
Under this plan, for each $100 of
bonds there will be deducted on each
pay day, beginning with November,
1917, pay, $5.00 from pay of sub
scribers paid semi-monthly, and $10
from pav of those paid monthly: in
terest on the bonds being credited to
the subscriber on the same b'&sis as
paid by the Government.
When for any cause an employee
leaves the service, the obligation to
subscribe for bonds ceases, and the
moneys paid on account will be re
funded with interest at 4 per cent
to him or his legal representative.
In accordance with the provision
made by the Government, the pres
ent 3 per cent bonds may be con
verted into the new issue bearing
4 per cent, and the company will ar
range to have this exchange made
for employees who" so desire, upon
application to- Mr, T. S. Howland.
Subscription blanks may be obtain
ed at all Division Headquarters or
upon application to the head of any
All subscriptions and requests for
information concerning the Second
Liberty loan should be sent direct to
T. S. Howland, Treasurer C. B. &
Q.' R. R. Co., Chicago, to reach him
on or before November 15, 1917.
and Notice on Petit-ion for Settlement
of Account. .
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss:
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Dora Oldham Moore, deceased:
On reading the petition of George
JttCKson Oldham, praying a nnal set
tlement and allowance of his account
filed in this Court on tlie l'2nd day of
October, 1917, and for distribution ot
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do. appear at the County
court to be held In and for said coun
ty on the Dth day of November, A. D.,
1317, at 10 o clock a. in., to show 'cause.
If any thero .be why the prayer of tlie
etitioner should not lie granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said ne
titlon and the hearing thereof bo given
to all persons interested in, saidjnat
ter, by publishing a copy of this order
n lt;e Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said coun
ty, for one week nrior to aid dav of
In witness whereof, I have liereun
o set my hand and the Seal of sniil
Court this U-nd day of October, A. D..
Seal) County Judge.
From Wednesday's Daily.
John Fight, one of the boys who
was at Vicksburg, when he returned
departed for Omaha, where he went j
after his wife who spent the time
with daughter while he was away.
George W. Schrader after the ending
of the Jubilee meeting departed for
Virginia for a visit. Thomas W.
Glen stopped at Hamburg, Iowa, for
a visit with his relatives, while
Robert Windham is visiting at Kan
sas City with friends for a while.
and Notice on Petition for Settlement
of Account.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss:
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Abraham Mast, Deceased: r
On reading the petition of " . A.
Kobertson, Administrator C. T. A., pray
ing a final settlement and allowance of
his account filed in this Court on the
22nd day of October, 1917, and for
settlement and assignment of the
property of said estate and for his dis-
Tt'ts hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter may,
and do appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said County, on the
29th day Of October, A. I).. 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any
there be, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted, and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
I'lattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county for
one week prior to said day of hearing.
(Seal) County Judge. -
on Petition for Appointment of Ad
ministrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In llir Couuty Court.
In tlie matter of the Estate of Nan
cy Elizabeth Wiles. Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Isaac Wiles, praying that administra
tion of saiil Estate be granted to
Thomas F. Wiles, as Administrator;
ordered. That November 13th, A. !.,
1917, at nine (9( o'clock a. m., is as
signed for hearing said, petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and show
cause why the player of petitioner
should not be granted; and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
perrons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
dav of heeling.
Dated October IS, 1917.
o22-sw3v. County Judge.
.STICH TO ( Ki:i)IT(li;s
T!: State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In Hie County Court
In the matter of the Estate of Aug
ust An'.orson. Deceased.
To tlie creditors of said Estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, In said county, on the 20th day
of November. 1917, and the 21st day of
February, 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m. of
each day to receive anil examine all
claims against said Estate, with a view
to their adjustment and allowance. Tlie
lime limited for the presentation or
claims ogainst said Estate is three
months from the L'Oth-day of Novem
ber, A. I )., 1917, and' the time limited
for payment of !ehts is one year from
said I'bth day of November, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
Court this 19th day of October, 1917.
(Sal) , Coirtity Judge.
nimcit to snow si
In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In re Guardianship of Marvel E.
Halo, a minor.
Now, on thi.s 17th day of October.
A. !., 191,, this cause came on for
hearing upon the petition of Nora A
Powers, guardian of Marvel E. IIaKs
a minor, praying lor license to se!i
the following described real estate to
wit: That part of lot 5 in Porter Place,
mm Addition to the City of Plattsmout!
Cass county, Nebraska, commencing at
the northwest corner of said Lot
thence running east along the north
lino thereof 677. CO feet, thence south
rarallel with the east lino of said lot
79 feet, thence west parallel with the
north line 709. 2 l'eet to the west line
of said Lot 5. thence northeasterly
along said west line to the place of
beginning. And also, commencing at
the northeast corner of saiu Lot 5 in
said Porter Place, thence running
.vcsteriy ;t feet, thence south paral-
ol with the east line of said lot 1-13.70
feet, thence east parallel with the north
line i26 feet, thence north- 145.70 feet
to the place of beeinning, all being
situated in Porter Place, an Addition
to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, for the purpose of using
the funds derived therefrom for the
support, education and maintenance of
aid minor child, and alleging that tho
sale of said land is necessary for the
best interests of said minor; and it ap
pearing that an order should be en
tered requiring all persons interested
in said real estate to appear and show
ause, if any, why a license should not
Issue to said Guardian to sell tlie
interest of said minor in said above
lescribed real estate. It is therefore
ordered that all persons interested in
said estate appear before me at the
District Court Room in Plattsmouth.
.frasKa, at lu o clock a. m.. on the
.'6th day of November, 1917, and show, if any there be. whv a license
should not issue to said Guardian to
sell said real estate of said minor, and
for. the purpose set forth in said ap
piicat ion.
Jt is tiirtiicr ordered that a conv of
inis oroor ho served upon all persons
interested in said estate by publica
tion oi-saiti oruer tor tiiree successive
weeks prior to said date set for show
ing cause, in the Plattsmouth Journal,
a newspaper published semi-weekly and
f .general circulation in Cass county.
Judge of the Dist. Court.
E. 15. WIN HI I AM,
Atty. for Guardian.
To. Alfred S. Cooloy, if living, if doad.
his heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives ami all other persons
interested in his estate, whose names i
are unknown; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons Inter
ested In the estate of Frank Davis, i
deceased: James J. Shannon, if living.
if dead. Ills lieirs, devisees, legatees,;
personal representatives and all oth
er persons interested in his estate.
whose "names are unknown; Mrs.
James J. Shannon, first and real name
unknown, if living, if dead, her heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons inter
ested in her estate, whose names are
unknown: Sherman S. cooiey, Arciu-
bald B. Cooley and Harold O. Cooley,
nnn . rv Menis: all claimants to Lots
Slavon 7 and Eight (S) in Block I
Kitrhteen (IS) In the Village of
Eagle. Cass county, Nebraska, whose
i-fsii names are unKnown.
You. and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 6th day of October,
1917. William Latrom, as plaintiff, tiled
his netition ' in the District Court of
rasa county. Nebraska against you and
each and all of you. as defendants, tho
object and prayer of wulcii petition is
o quiet pium nit uuic iu ocvcn
7 and Eisrht (S) In Block Eighteen
(18) in the village of Eagle, cass coun-
ty, Nebraska, and to forever exclude
and enjoin you and each of you, and
all persons claiming by, through or
under you, from claiming any right,
title, interest or lien in, to or on said
real estate, or any part thereof, and
for such other and further relief as
to the Court may seem just and equi
table. You, and each of you, are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 3rd day of December, 1917,
and. if you fail to do so your default
will be entered therein and judgment
entered in accordance with tlie prayer
of plaintiff's petition. This notice is
made pursuant to an order of said
His Attorneys.
siotick of iii:iii;
Noticti is hereby given than an ap
plication has been made to the Gover
nor anil the Advisory Board of Par
dons for a commutation of the sen
tences of Max Floehn, who was on the
fifth day of July, 1905, sentenced by the
District Court within and for Cass
county to serve a term of life in the
state penitentiary for the crime of mur
der. Said application will be heard be
fore the Advisory Board of I'ardons at
the state penitentiary on tlie 1st day
of November, 1917. ,
Dated this 19th day of October, 1917.
on Petition for Appointment of Ad
The State of .Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In the County Court
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary
C. Edgerton. Deceased:
On reading and tiling the petition of
J. A. Edgerton praying that Adminis
tration of said Estate may be granted
to him as Administrator;
Ordered, That on November 13th, A.
IX. 1917. at 10 o'clock a. m., is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when all
pt rsons Interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in ami for said County, and show cause
why tlie prayer of petitioner should
not be granted: and that notice of tlie
pendency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof Vie given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy .of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
liea ring.
Dated October 17, 1917.
(Seal) olS-3w. County Judge.
and Notice of Petition for Settlement
of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska. .
State of Nebraska, Cass County ss:
To all persons interested in tlie Es
tate of Jacob Rayles, Deceased:'
Oil reading the petition of N. II.
Meeker praying a final settlement and
allowance of his account, filed in this
court on the 4th day of October, 1917
and for distribution of the residue in
his ban :1s, it is hereby ordered that you
and all persons interested In said mat
ter may, and do, appear at the county
court to be held in and for said coun
ty on tlie 29th day of October, A. D.,
1917. at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause,
if any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said pe
tition ami the hearing thereof be giv
en to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this or
der in the Plattsmouth Journal. a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have hereun
to set my hand and the seal of said
Court, this 4th day of October, A. D.,
(.Seal) oS-3w County Judge.
c, tne undersigned, hereby asso
ciate ourselves together for the pur
pose or lonniiiR a corporation unde
the laws of the State of Nebraska, and
do adopt the following Articles of In
Article I. The name by which thi
corporation shall be known is FARM
.iueie ji. me principal place o
business of this corporation shall be
at Plattsmouth, County of Cass, State
i ,
ui eurusKa.
Article III. The object for which
this corporation is formed is to carry
on a commercial Hanking business un
der the laws of tlie state of Nebraska
Article I. The authorized capita
stock of this corporation shall be Fif
ty Thousand Dollars, of which at least
Fifty Thousand Dollars shall have
been paid in at the time of commence
ment or business, which shall be is
sued in shares of the par value of
One Hundred (100) Dollars each. No
transfer of the stock of this corpora
tion snail be operative until entered
on the books of the corporation.
-Article . The indebtedness of this
corporation shall at no time exceed
the amount of its paid in capital and
surplus except for tleposits.
Article 1. Tins corporation shall
begin business on the 22nd day of
September, 1917, or as soon thereaf
ter as authorized by the State Bank
ing Board of the State of Nebraska,
and shall terminate on the 22nd day
of September, 1937.
Article VII. The affairs of this cor
poration shall be under the control
and management of a board of direc
tors, corsisting of not less than three
nor more than seven shareholders,
whose term of office shall be for a
period of one year, or until their suc
cessors are elected and qualilieu, not
less than a majority of whom shall be
residents of .the county in which the
B "B
Kavin disposed of my interest in the General Merchandise, I now
g-ive my entire time to the automobile business, and am in a position to
serve you much better than ever. I have a good stock of
iudebaker and
llilaxwefl Cars
on haad andean make you immediate delivery. , "Moroca for the Dol
lar," is the one motto the Studebaker Corporation have kept in mind
since their establishment in 1852. Compare Studebaker in power, quiet
ness, seating- arrangement, upholstering, oversize tires, design and ac
cessibility and. you will be convinced our nearest competitors are priced
$200 to $.'500 higher.
Studebaker 18 Series 6 cylinder, 0 h. p. - $1385
" 18 " 4 " 40 h. p. - - - 1050
Maxwell 25-17, 30 h. p. - - - - . 715
P.O. B.Detroit.
Ca.ll or drop me a card for demonstration. Goodrich and Lee Punc
ture Proof Tires and Tubes at 10 umliUi-market. French Auto
Oils and Auto Accessories. " rord
Milkers carried in stock.
Cedar Creek,
bank Is located, or counties Immedia
tely adjacent thereto. It shall be the
duty of the Board of Directors to elect
from their number a president ana
secretary, and select a vice-president
and cashier, and they may also select
an assistant cashier and such otner
clerks and assistants as the business
of the corporation may require. The
term of the o..cers of this corporation
shall be one year, or until their suc
cessors are elected and qualified. The
board of directors may adopt such by
laws for the regulation and manage
ment of the affairs and business of the
corporation as it may deem proper.
Article VIII. The regular annual
meeting of the stockholders of this
corporation shall be held on the 2nd
ednesday of January each vear. at
which meeting the Board of Directors
above provided for shall be elected. A
majority of the shares of the stock of
the corporation at any regular or spec
ial meeting, shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business.)
Article IX. Until the regular meet
ing of the stockholders of the corpo
ration, the following named persons
shall constitute the Board of lirec
tors: A. J. Schafer, T. M. Patterson, E.
P. Lutz. Mark White and L. G. Todd.
Article X Each stockholder shall at
any regular or special meeting be en
titled to one vote, either in person or
by proxy, for each share of stock held.
Article XI. These articles of incor
poration may be amended at any reg
ular or special meeting called for that
purpose by a two-thirds vote of all
the stock.
Witness our hands this 8th day of
September, 1917.
State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
On this 8th day of September, 1917.
before tlie undersigned, a Notary Pub
lic in and for said county and fctate,
personally appeared A. J. Schafer, T.
M. Patterson, E. P .Lutz, Mark White
and L. G. Todd, to me known to be
the identical persons whose names are
affixe-d to the foregoing Articles of In
corporation, and each for himself ac
knowledged the same to be his volun
tary act and deed.
In Witness Whereof. I have here
unto set my hand and notarial seat
tb.Is Sth day of September, 1917, at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
(Seal) Notary Public.
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
In the County Court.
In the natter of the Estate of Velos
co V. Leonard, Deceased.
To the Creditors of said -Estate:
ou are "hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said county, on the 31st day
of October. 1917, and the 31st day of
January, 191S. at 9 o'clock a. m., to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said Estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited' for the presentation of claims
against said Estate is three months
frm the 31st day of October, A. D..
1917. and the time limited for payment
of debts is one year from said 31st
day of October, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 27th day of
September, 1917.
(Seal) ol-4w. County Judge.
oitDKii of iieahim;
on petition for Appointment of Admin
istratrix. Tlie State "of Nebraska, Cass coun
t y. ss :
In the- County Court
In the matter of the estate of Blanche
Marsh, deceased:
On reading and filing the petition of
Elizabeth Schwab praying that admin
istration of said Estate may be grant
ed to Elizabeth; Schwab as Adminis
tratrix, ,
Ordered. That November 3rd. A. D..
1317, at 10 o'cloc k a. m. is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all persons
interested in said matter may appear
at a County Court to be held in and
for said County, and show cause why
the preyer of petitioner should not bo
granted: and that notice of the pen-
deney of said petition and the hearing
thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Dated October 12. 1917.
o!3-sw3w. County Judge.
OlilllUt OF HEAItl.VG
on Petition for Appointment of Admin
istrator or Administratrix.
Tlie State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty ss:
In tlie County Court
In the Matter of the Estate of Eliza
beth F. Edmunds, Deceased:
On reading and filing the petition of
John W. Edmunds prsfying that ad
ministration cf said Estate may be
anted to him as Administrator;
Ordered, That October 31, A. D. 1917,
at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all persons
nterested in said matter may appear
at a County Court to be held in and
for said County and show cause why
he prayer of petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of tlie pen
dency of said petition and the hearing
thereof be given to all persons inter-
sted In said matter by publishing a
opy of tins oruer in tne tiattsmouiii
ournal. a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said County, for three suc-
essive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated October S. 1917.
C. A. II AWLS, County Judge.
specialties. Empire Mechanical