1 MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1917. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE FIVE. ilER THE COUNTY ELM WOOD Leader-Echo Chas. Stone attended tlie State IJankers convention at Omaha" on Thursday of last week. Chas. Hart is now the owner of a Buick car, having: purchased one of the little fours of "Wm. Ixmg last Saturday. Clyde Hoover, John Stokes and Xorville Both well left on Thursday morning for Camp Funston to visit Frank Stokes and the other boys stationed there from here. Charles Sterner, wife and little child, who have been visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sterner, left on Tuesday for Pern for a visit before returning to their home in Holt county. Iast Saturday morning a 9-pound biby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kear. Charley is as proud b.s can be and says that he will make another Ford man out of him. Of course he had to set up the cigars to the boys in honor of the event. A tine ten pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey on Wednesday afternoon, October 17th, 1117. Earl is stepping pretty high and has a beam upon his face as big as the sun because of the happy event. Mother and baby are getting along nicely. Dr. C. K. Trenholm and family and li. F. Langlicrst motored to Red Oak. Iowa. last Saturday and visit ,i s-ni,iv wifii W nnrJ Mrs Sidney Moore. They returned day evening and were accompanied by Wm. Langhorst, who had been visiting there. M. O. Griswold, of Rock Island, Il linois, and Mrs. F. W. Fowler, ofi Weeping Water visited at the P. J. Marshal home. Mr. Griswold had 1 nt visifpft Viprf frr 40 vpars. He left on Sunday for his Home, Mr. Marshall 1 taunsr him to Mnrdock to take the 1 train. He is an uncle of Mrs. Mar shall. Another auto accident happened three miles south of town Saturday) evening when a Ford car run off of a culvert, upsetting. There were four in the car and they were somewhat bruised up. The parties live near Unadilla and the car was owned by a Mr. Henderson. He was pretty badly skinned up and was brought here for medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Burke return ed from their western trip on Sun day. They had taken in many in teresting points, especially in Idaho. Mr. Burke says that he has pur chased with his brother some ranch land near Buell, Idaho, and that they will go into the ranch business. Mr. Burke is looking as though his west ern trip had done him a lot of good after having spent so many years in the store business. The Burke fam ily will be here for several months yet. EAGLE Beacon Myrtle Ball returned Sunday night .from a three weeks visit at Nehaw ka. Mrs. Herald Kimblom of Nehawka Young Men's that fairly every week! 1 ff New yCJr ties C. E. Wescott's Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Members United National Clothiers. t Is visiting at the home of W. A. Bahr, near Eagle. Mrs. F. G. Gates and little daugh ter, Maxine, of Hebron, Nebraska, are visiting at the home of her aunt. Mrs. C. E. Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rivett, Jr., of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bivett took dinner at the A. M. Trumble home Sunday. The W. A. Bahr farm of 320 acres near Eagle was sold on Monday for $105 per acre. Mr. Bahr bought a place near Jamaica of 2S0 acres, and will take possession soon. Mrs.' Thad Adams received word yesterday that her, daughter, Mrs. Flora Manker, is recovering from the effects of the operation she recently underwent at Des Moines. She can eat and is considered out of danger. Mrs. Harry Kramer; nee Maud Lorenz, of Firth, and her aunt, Mrs. Breeze, of Lincoln, spent Saturday last at the home of T. R. Adams, in Eagle. The ladies brought Mrs. Adams a present of carnations. Perhaps the happiest man in town is Will Brothwell. He wears a smile that won't come off, all because of a new arrival at his home. It is a boy and Will says he now has "one of a kind." His friends offer con gratulations. Conrad Wetenkamp had a narrow escape on Wednesday evening from what might have been a very ser ious accident. In company with his brother, Henry Wetenkamp, he came to Eagle with a load on a truck. When the truck stopped he went to rp.ir for some purpose when a car from Milford approaching from be hind struck the truck. As it was 'Mr. Wetenkamp was considerably Sun-jbruised and will be laid up several days No further damage was done UNION Ledger Miss Nell Bramblet, who has een in the hospital in Omaha for several weeks recovering, from broken knee cap was able to return home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morris of Ok lahoma, who have been visiting ?t the home of D. W. Foster, an uncle of the former, returned home last Saturday morning. Mrs. Obie Pickering returned to her home in Laurel, Nebraska, Tuesday morning having come down to attend the funeral services of W. A. Edmisten. U. S. Town and wife of South Omaha came down to attend tfc? funeral of Wm. Edmisten. Mr. Town and family formerly lived, a few miles east of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrison. Rev E. N. Thorn, and Misses Zola Frans and Verna Harris motored o Has tings alst Friday where they at tended the Baptist State Convcn tion. Last week Fred Clark sold the farm on which he has been' living, which includes eighty acres of land. to L. F. Fitch. Mr. Clark intends to move to town in the near future. Mrs. E. H. Husman and small daughter arrived the latter part of last week and joined their husband and father who Is Superintendent of the Union school They had been visiting in Holdrege for severa weeks with Mrs. Husmen's parents Mrs. Bessie Reeves of Seattle Overcoats snap with style! Y! OUTHFUL minds want youthful lines in their clothing. We have devoted par ticular attention to our young men's line this sea son, and new style features are all here in rich variety. A 1 1-a-r o u n d belt, full Trench coats, single or double breasted. $17, $21, $25, $30 and Up New dressy Gaps . $1 and $1.50 Washington, arrived Monday for a week's visit with G. W. Cheney and family. She is returning west from a visit with relatives in Des Moines. Her father, Harry Wills, well known by the older residents of this place was the first station agent to have charge of the depot in Union. W. R. Mellor and wife of Lin coln and Peter Youngers of Geneva spent the night here Wednesday, they being acquainted with W. B. Banning. They were touring this part of the state in an auto. Mr. Mellor was formerly secretary of the state fair and Mr. Younger owns the largest wholesale nursery in the state. LOUISVILLE Courier A 9-pound girl baby arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. May field Wednesday, October 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Wilriam Gobelman spent Sunday at Utica with Mrs. Gobelman's brother, Albert Thierolf and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Griswold, of Lincoln, drove down Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Mayfield. Edward Jochim, of near Louis ville who was one of the fifty exam ined for service last week, in the supplemental list, was exempted for dependency, having a wife and small children. Mr. and Mrs. James Hart, of York, visited at the W. F. Diers home on Friday between trains, on their way home from Omaha, where Mr. Hart attended a meeting of the State Bankers' association. Mr. and Mrs. August Pautsch were Sunday guests at the hospitable home of Theodore Harms in Man ley, Mr,. Harms driving over after them in the forenoon and bringing them home in the evening. They report a very enjoyable time. Ralph Stander, from near Har rington, in Morris county, Kansas, left for home Tuesday after a short visit with his mother, Mrs. E. .A Stander and other relatives. He was accompanied home by his brother, James, who went down to look after his farming interests in Kansas. A wedding announcement that will come as a surprise to the Louis ville friends of the participants, is that of Miss Emma Ward, of Louis ville, and Ray ' Harper, of Los Los Angeles. The wedding occurred at Denver, Colo., on hte 3rd of Oc tober, while they were on an auto trip with the parent sof the biiMc, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stander en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ge beling and family, of Wabash, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and fam ily. of Weeping Water, last Sundiv, in honor of Mrs Stander's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0orge L. Berger, of Elmwood, who rxpect to leave sooi to spends the winter in California. iney win stop to visit relatives in Red Willow eoui.ty and also at Den ver on their way west. WEEPING WATER Republican. Ralph Rich drove to Union Sun day night to meet his uncle Joe Rich of West Point, who was called on account of the serious illness of his brother, Martin Rich. Clark Newlon returned home from the hospital in Omaha Saturday. He seems to be getting along fine and we expect to see him down town next week. Mrs. Sidney Marshall was called here from Scotts Bluffs Tuesday on account of the illness of her father, Martin Rich. She was met by auto in Lincoln by E. B. Taylor and Mrs. Russell Hobson. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Countryman received word this week that their daughter, Mrs. L. W. Turner of Schenectady, N. Y., had survived several serious operations. Her condition is reported as good as could be, expected. J. M. Teegarden has gone to Co lumhus, Ohio, as a deelgatcr from the Lincoln district to the National convention of the Congregational church. While in the east he wil visit his father and other relatives at his old home at Avilla, Indiana. Our old veteran, Owen McGrady, of Co. K, 35th New Jersey, made up his mind to join comrades S. W, Orton and Jesse Davis who left Sun day morning for the Blue and the Gray Reunion at Vicksburg, .Mis: M. J. Garrison is handling the bag at the crossing while Mac is away. This is what an acre of alfalfa that was sown last year did for Wil liam Coatman. Produced 4 tons of fine hay which is now in the barn and worth $15 per ton. Also $26.00 worth of hay has been sold which will make an$86.00 yield in one year from $200:00 acre land. Is land too high at the price? Mr. and Mrs. Will Spangler en tertained the following to Sunday dinner: Mrs. Spangler's mother and sister from Plattsmouth and the fol- owing from Glenwood, la., Mr. and Mrs. C. Wiles, Marion Wiles and family and Mr. and Mrs.' ; Henry lubbard and daughter, Barbara. There were seventeen altogether who sat down to. the sumptuous repast. Miss Charlotte Hungate was a Wednesday night visitor with her friend, Dorothy Dunn, while on her way from Murdock to Palmyra to fill her lecture course date. She greatly enjoyed being in Weeping Water and meeting old friends for a short time as it had been three years since she had been here. She made the trip to Palmyra by auto. Mr. and Mrs. John Hay and Mrs. Bele Main of Yuma, Colorado, arriv ed Tuesday evening by auto for a couple of weeks' visit with relatives and old time friends. Their first visit was at the Robert Young home east of town. From here the'y go" to their sister's Mrs. Will Troop near Nehawka. Mrs. Hay and "Mrs. Main were formerly Edith and Bele Tanner who resided here some years ago. They speak highly of Colorado and had some fine samples of corn grown there this year. Three weeks ago the Republican published the piie letter which Mrs. Main had written for her home paper. NEHAWKA News R. C. Pollard left Saturday for At lanta, Georgia, where he is to be judge at the National Swine show E. A. Kirkpatrick was a sufferer from an attack of appendicitis sev eral days last week. Wm. Wiler of Wamego, Kansas, was a visitor at the T. E. Fulton home from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. J. W. Gamble of Omaha, Mes- dames H. M. Soennichsen, Waldemar Soennichsen and Matilda were visi tors at the II. L. Thomas home last week. Mrs. Lottie Shot well arrived Fri day from Seattle, Washington, on a visit to her brothers, E. M. and R C. Tollard. She leaves Thursday for Kansas City to attend the National convention ' of the Christian church. Mrs. E. B. Sawyer and daughter. Helen, of Lincoln, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Pollard. They returned home Sun day with E. V. Sawyer and family. who spent the day at the Pollard home. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Thomas, of Palmyra, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thom as of Plattsmouth, Frank Marler and wife of Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eaton of Ixrton were visitors at the II. L. Thomas home last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Pollard and their son and daughter, Metitte and Rowena, motored to Camp Funston Kansas, Friday to visit their son and brother. Hall. They report the boys there from around Nehawka as getting along fine. Nehawka has a cellar burglar. Charles Hall had the lock broken on his cellar door last Friday night. Potatoes and canned goods were taken. A chicken thief is also abroad in the land. Uncle Wm. Rose had nearly all his chickens stolen re cently. E. C. Giles and family, who live a few miles north of Nehawka, are enjoying a visit from Mr. Giles' fath er and mother, F. L. Giles and wife, and their daughters, Pearl and Ber nice. Their home is at Ellenburg Depot, N. Y., and tho family made the long trip to Nebraska in their auto. SHtPS SOME FINE HOGS. From Thursday's Unity. Mr. William Rummell shipped to day three fine hogs from his herd, from vest of the city. Two of them which were especially fine went to L. J. Novak, of Weston, Nebraska, and one was shipped to George Rathmann of Millard. Mr. Rummell surely has some fine specimens of hogs. GO HAVE A LOOK! Vallery and Cromwell leave Plattsmouth every Saturday night at 7:45 for Keith, Perkins and Chase counties. They have the good level black soil that is raising all kinds of small grain, corn and alfalfa. Nobody has any lower prices and better soils. Ask those who have been out. 17-swtf FOR SALE A thoroughbred Poland-China male hog. Immuncd. . For particulars, phone No. 4014. ol7-5tw Call Plattsmouth Garage for serv ice. Tel. 394, also livery. J. E Mason, Prop. HOWELL ACTS AS PURCHASING AGENT IS CONTENTION OF CHAIRMAN MAYFIELD OF THE STATE BOARD OF CONTROL Has No Contract With State Sena tor for Furnishing of Coal, Declares Chairman Lincoln, Oct. 18. Gene Mayfield, chairman of the state board of con trol in charge of state institutions replied today to published criticism n republican papers because the board of control authorized the E. E. Howell Coal Co., of Omaha, to furnish the fuel for nine of the fif teen institutions. The board secured an agreement from Howell to furnish coal to the state on the basis of 5 cents per ton profit. ' The next lowest bid called for about 10 cents per ton profit, members of the board of control de clared. 'The board considered itself especially fortunate in securing the agreemnet, Mr. Mayfield declared. Republican papers have raised a kick on the ground that Howell, the senior member of the firm, is also a state senator. It is claimed that the constitution expressly forbids a state officer from entering into a contract with the state. "There is no contract in that sense of the word." Mr. Mayfield declared. "Mr. Howell merely acts as purchas ing agent for the state. Our position is supported by an opinion from At torney General Reed." "I imagine the people of the state are much more interested in saving 5 cents a ton on 25,000 tons of coal, which will be needed to supply the nine institutions, than the attempt of the press to throw a partisan light on the arrangement." U-BOATS CAN'T WIN WAR, SAYS REICHSTAG SOCIALIST Copenhagen, Oct. 18. At the con rcntion of . German Socialists at Wurzburg, Dr. Edward David, reich stag member, declared the war could not be ended by submarines. Ger many had not. been spared a fourth war winter through the operation of the U-boat, he said, and would not be able to force peace upon England in a few months, as the pan-Germans claimed, or even in one or two years. At yesterday's session Hermann. Mueller, of the executive committee, said: "Alsace-Lorraine under no cir cumstances could be made a subject of discussion in the peace negotia tions and that these provinces could be wrested only from a completely defeated Germany." The conference by a vote of 284 to 2G rejected a motion binding the party to vote against war credits in the reichstag. A resolution was submitted, sign ed by 11S delegates, demanding the restoration of Belgium and protest ing against division of Alsace-Lor raine. TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY Plattsmouth People Are Doing All They Can for Fellow Sufferers. Plattsmouth testimony has been published to prove the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills to others In Plattsmouth who suffer from bad backs and kidney ills. Lest any sufferer doubt this evidence of merit, we produce confirmed proof state ments from Plattsmouth people who again endorse Doan's Kidney Tills confirm their former testimony Here's a Plattsmouth case: Jonathan Hatt, general storekeep er, 414 Main St., says: "I got Doan's Kidney Pills from Edward Rynott & Co.'s Drug Store and I consider them a most effective medicine for backache and other kidney ailments Doan's have proven their value to me for such troubles." The above statement was given April 10, 1912 and on February 22, 1916, Mr. Hatt said: "Doan's Kid ney Pills are surely 8.11 right and what I said in my former endorse ment holds good. When my kidneys cause me any trouble, Doan's soon put mo right." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Hatt has twice publicly recommended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. DR. E. T. McCOURT. Osteopathic Thyician & Surgeon. Calls answered day and night. Phone 203, Coates Block. is iv 4 Copyright 1911 The Ilouw il KiipjxnhcioMr Get An Overcoat You'll Be Proud Of! There are two things you must have in an overcoat, in spite of all the changed market conditions. Those two are comfort and quality you can't do without them. In KUPPENHEIMER OVERCOATS you get both. They look good because they're styled by master designers; they'll hold up under the stress of wear because quality is put into them by master tailors. That's the sort of overcoats we're offering you with assured satisfaction for just a little money as is consis tent with true quality. Make sure! Buy genuine quality with the substan tial Kuppenheimer reputation back of it. Get an over coat that you will be proud of. $22.50 to $35.00 The Kuppenheimer FIRE DAMAGES SOLDIERS' HOME AT LEAVENWORTH Leavenworth, Kans., Oct. 18. Damage estimated at $20,000 was caused at the National Military home, south of this city last evening. A large dry cleaning building was destroyed and a 2-story brick laund ry building badly damaged. The fire started from a gasoline explosion. The Leavenworth Fire department assisted the Soldiers' Home fire com panies in fighting the blaze. ISSUES WRIT OF ATTACH MENT FORAPPLE MOIIEY From Thursday's Dally. Frank Moore was in the city this morning, and had a writ of attach ment issued, for the stepping of apples in transit, which a firm of Nice & Novak had gotten from his orchards and loaded on the cars, at Murray, but had not as yet paid for them. The crop amounted to $1500 and this was an item which -. Mr. THE UNIVERSAL CAR It is most important when your Ford Card requires mechanical attention that you place it in charge of the authorized Ford dealer, because then you are sure of haying repairs and replacements made withgenu ine Ford-made materials by men who know alfabout Ford cars. So bring your Ford to us where satisfac tion is guaranteed. Prompt, efficient service at all times and Ford cars if you wish to buy: . Runabout $345; Touring Car $360; Coupelet $505; Town Car $5.95; 3edari $645; One-Ton Truck Chassis $6.00 all f. o. b. Detroit T. IHJ. IPolIocEi u$ OX FORD ACboH?edSiend Service, 6thStt PiatUmouth, Neb i i Office. Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. 58. dmctUL House in Plattsmouth Moore did not care to lose. Sheriff Quinton departed this morning for Murray to serve the attachment papers upon, the Missouri Pacific at that place to secure the fruit. The" suit was started in the District Court, and will probably come for hearing at an early date, as the apples are in the hands of the rail way company, and the demurrage of the goods, would be an item in a short space of time. - DEPART FOR THEIR HOME. From Friday's Paliy. Mr. and Mr.s Albert Gephart, of Pekin, Illinois, who have been visit ing in the city for some days past the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Seybert departed for their home in the east this morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Gephart. having been away for some six weeks visit ing in the west. Mr. Gephart, who is an automobile salesman, drove a car west which he sold and after spending six weeks there seeing the sights and taking an outing they returned via the railway, and stop ped for a visit with their - friends here. s