The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 18, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1917.
Cbc plattsmouth journal
mter4 at Postofflc at Plattsmouth. Neb., aa aecoad-cliss mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
No complaint coming from that di
rection. :o:
Replace your old, dingy flags. They
look bad.
About the only thinj
nothing is grief.
you get for
Many a man punctures his tire on
the road to wealth.
A million dollar rain will be in
order around this section just now.
The fellow with cold feet will
soon be looking for a bed partner.
The apple pickins
before the freezing
is now rushing
weather is in-
Coal speculators are forced to ad
mit that the future looks "dark"
to them.
Hoover seems to be doing his best
to save us from the fate of poor Old
Mother Hubbard.
The first airship made a success-
ful flight in 1901 and the first air
plane four years later.
Please take that demolished Amer
ican flag from in front of your place
of business and replace it with a
bright new one. It looks bad.
The proposal that the govern
ment take 65 per cent off all incomes
over $1,000,000 hasn't produced a
ripple of excitement In this office.
:o: :
St. Patrick didn't have anything
on prohibition when it comes to ban
ishing snakes. It is rare you" hear
of a snake-bite in a bone-dry state.
The secretary of the treasury has
ordered 5,500,000 posters to adver
tise the second loan. We wonder if
they were secured without cost as
the government secures its newspa
per advertising.
It might have been possible for
Governor Neville to have found an
old veteran of the civil war to rep
resent Nebraska at Vicksburg at the
expense of the state. But return
favors come easy some times.
We want to thank our good friend
C. C. Wescott for tie fine hat that
covers the bald spot on our head.
We are proud of the hat and proud
of Cliff. He keeps us continually
under obligations to him for favors
The soldier boys who are going to
make the kaiser "smoke" if they get
a whack at him, are entitled to puff
an occasional pipe or cigaret if they
feel so disposed, and we haven't
much confidence in the judgment of
those who would say them nay.
People who have near relatives
in .the army cr navy will not need
urging to buy Liberty Bonds, if
they are able to do so. And peo
pie who have no relatives in danger
ought to be so thankful for that
they would be glad to enlist their
money in the war, especially when it
pays 4 per cent interest. To which
class do you belong, brother?
The London Daily Chronicle says
"The war has reproduced the tragedy
of Enoch Arden in not a few cases
Recently the wife of a young officer
whose death had been presumed
by the war office married a clergy
man. Now she has received a letter
from her husband, written from
prisoners camp. It should be
warning against rapid remarriages
The courts arc loth to presume death
without very exact evidence: In one
doubtful case, for nearly twenty
vears leave to wind up an estate has
been refused."
Clinch the speeder every time.
Take down the ragged, dirty flag.
You know it looks very bad Put
up a new, bright one.
The turkeys are beginning to roost
in the tree tops.
:o :
Will Mr. Hoover be known as thg
man who took -the "future out of
futures?" c
Life is full of mysteries but none
sadder than what to do when your
money is gone.
Nowadays a unit mf mean an
army division, a couple of hundred
doctors, or a billion dollars.
The afflictions of the coal barons
have completely eclipsed the woes of
the ice men in public attention.
Fifty cents a pound for turkey
will compel a whole lot of people to
eat rabbit on Thanksgiving day.
The Stars and Stripes is the em
blem of America's Liberty. Then
keep a bright new one in front of
our place of business.
The proposal that the government
take 65 per cent of all incomes over
$1,000,000 hasn't produced a ripple
of excitement in this office.
Political slate makers are busy.
Don't be so sure, boys, you might
fall down and break it. The public
will have a hand in the election of
officers next fall.
Some fellows think the state offi-
cers belong to their ring, but they
don't and won't. A lease of life on
a state office is entirely out of the
"Let us continue to be victorious",
says Hindenburg, in a speech to his
soldiers. A few more victories like
Verdun, the Somme and Ypres and
Hindenburg will be through making
A serious situation menaces the
people of the prairie states. Winter
is near, and not enough coal in
sight to keep people warm. Govern
ment is trying to do something to
get coal - to every community, but
the fact is that in this hour there
are many towns in Nebraska with
out adequate supply of coal.
Who is responsible for this ser
ious situation? It is difficult to put
a finger on the real criminals. But
everybody knows that for years the
giant combination of coal operators.
working in harmony with the rail
road interests has been able to cori
trol the supply of coal, and also. the
price, just a3 completely as a boy
controls his own pocket-knife
What is the remedy?
It is a serious question, deserving
the serious study of the American
people. Coal i3 as much one of life's
necessities as corn
Suppose the
American farmers should form such
a trust as the American coal oper
ators have had in recent years, and
hould decree that enly so mucn
corn snouiu oe prouueeu, aim ai uui
1 J 1 1 A
a price. In that event the farmers
would be quickly denounced as pub-
lie enemies, ana ineir icaaers woum
. i J
quickly go behind the bars. But
nobody ever heard of a coal baron
going to jail. His person and his
game seem to be sacred.
Every true patriot is now applaud -
ing the efforts of government to pro-
tect the people from the hand or tne
coal robbers, but also all are chafiing
under the slow progresu of the pro -
tpr-tinn. Columbus Telearram.
Indian Summer is here.
Sunday . was a beautiful . day.
With the great number of auto
mobile accidents reported in the
newspapers, it appears that all the
insane people are not in the asylums.
It is worth remembering that
kerosene oil flames can be quickly
extinguished by pouring milk over
them. Milk forms an emulsion tha'.
prevents the oil from spreading.
Have you failed in your duty of
writing letters to the boys in the
army? Keep up the good work and
the boys who get those letters will
rise in their might and call you
blessed. v
Mormon church officials announce
that they have decided to take $250,-
000 out of their tithing fund to buy
Libefty Bonds. This is the first
time in history that these funds
have been used for investment pur- I
c: I
These draft exemptions are ex-1
citing the people all over Nebraska j
and in many places they are calling I
on the government to investigate I
why many of these exemptions exist. I
And it is proper that it should be J
It is always best, to be loyal to
your country. You feel much better
and your conscience will be clear.
and you know you are right. No
one should make a pretense of living
in the United States unless he cai
uphold the Stars and Stripes and be
a true American.
It would be difficult to overesti
mate the important of the labors of
gifted artists whose services have
been drafted in the task of arous
ing the patriotism of the nation in
supporting the Liberty loan.
It is for the artist to seize upon
the theme and develop it in, a thou
sand different ways. He must be
true to truth, yet from the vast ar-
ray of materials he must extract the
elements that continually press
home the impelling idea. These he
draws from the home and hearth-
stone, from the office or from the
fields, makintr each and all con-
verge on the central idea and show
ing how they are all indissolubly
linked up with the principles now
in jeopardy and for the defense and
preservation of which the nation is
marshaling its forces.
As the situation is thus present
ed it becomes obvious that however
brilliant his gifts only a patriotic
artist can devise a natrinti nntor
It is no suited field for the grotes-
que or the bizarre. Every man and Seized a company of "Home Guard
woman recalls the impression pro- designating it Company "A". A long
duced by the painting of "The
Spirit of '76." Yet the depth of its
appeal resides in its excessive sim-
rlicity youth, maturity and aire
marching side by side toward the
common goal. Wherever the thought
of this unity of purpose is adequately
caught by the artists of today the
instinctive recognition of the nennle
will not be withheld. The artist
- a mr i
will not linvw mgniifooinrnfl amitl-
----- - Mi wiwvmi u oilll
ment so much as he will have be-
come the interpreter of the national
spirit. Washington Post.
If a man comes to this country to
live under its protection, to labor
under its security, to bring up a
family under its privileges. why
should he in this country's cause not
fight foe, even his own kith and kin?
I i . . I
ine uerman Kaiser, addressing his
recruits, once said that at his com
aand they, must shoot down father
I . -
or mother, sister or brother. Surely
no kaiserite amongst us will pre -
J sume to dispute the kaiser. If ob-
j ligation to country Is -superior to
I blood-ties in Germany, that obliga-
.1 i
I tion here is superior to cast-off al-
J leglances and personal sentiment.
I A man may not be able to govern
J his sentiment, but duty is superior
I to sentiment. So George H. Thomas,
I thmieht whpn he titrnpd ae-aimst hlo'
thought when he turned against his'
native" Virginia and stood by the
union. So did many a man in our
civil war, "who had brother or uncle
or nephew, or even father or son
opposing him. They didn't snivel
either, those true men didn't. Their
hearts might bleed, but they did
their duty.
These Americans here who prefer
their German sentiment to their
American allegiance, can show that
they are men by frankly surrender
ing their American property and
forswearing their American alleg
iance. We might Consider them
mistaken,- but we could not deny
their courage. But the man who
will take from America her bene
fits and refuse to fulfill his obligaT
tions, acts a despicable part. If one
of our citizens is a German at heart.
let him have the sincerity to stand
up to be counted for what he is
Any indulgence of this weakness
by our government would be partial
ity. Is the true American to pro-
tect with his body the life and propr
leriy 01 a man wno is an enemy at
heart? Has a man any business in
the country who is potentially a
traitor to her? Is any citizen worth
the trouble to protect him, who sub-
ordinates his duty to America to his
European sentiment? Do we want
men here who do not believe in the
liberty they enjoy but adhere to the
autocracy they have escaped?
In his heart of hearts there is no
man who does not prefer to be a free
man rather than a subject. These
Germans here who were born Prus
sian chattels prefer their privilege
as American citiens. The trouble
with a few of them is that they want
to retain the privilege, while letting
others protect it. If they do not
care to protect it, let them surrender
Their sons for the most part thinl;
better, esteem their privilege and
are proud. of their citizenship. Amer
icans of German blood are volun
teers in the regular army, are in
the national guard, or rejoice to
have been drafted. They are to be
He who is not now for America, is
against her. Minneapolis Journal.
Our good friend, John T. Long,
for several years editor and pub-
lisher of the Nehawka, News, and
wel1 know" Plattsmouth, but now
editor of the Clarks (Neb.) Enter
prise, and by the way, an excellent
newspaper, touches up our Home
Guard company in the following
The town of Plattsmouth, down
" v""iS wumy, ihm'u ..a
seP towards the immediate settle-
ment of this war. They have or
Preamble, constitution and by laws
rmes ana regulations et cetera, set
fortb; the duties, aims, objects ct
cetera of this company, and as this
voluminous screed was drawn by a
legal mind there is no doubt about
11 beinS alright. They have elected
theiT offlcers from among the legal
fraternity, and these officers have
aPPnted the non-commissioned offi
I cers from among those of lower
caste. At the last report 33 men
had signed on for the war.' The sec
tion paragraph or whatdoyoucallit
that stands out like a sore thumb
I and is calculated to make tyrants
tremble, is one to this Effect: "That
this company is organized for, and
these men do hereby enlist for the
purpose of protecting Cass county,
and that tur aaii novr hn re
V A. I V tllJ
quired to go beyond the said Cass
county except of their own free wil
and volition." This puts Willie
I kaiser in a npculiar nosition. It
will be impossible for him to invade
I the United States through Cass
1 county, and yet he ought not feel
I too bad, there are other ways of
J getting in, and he would probably
I be safe from the warriors down
I there, for the chancesfcre it would
I be practically impossible for them to
I get the consent of that "volition" of
I theirs to go outside of Cass county
I That is why we feel perfectly safe
in writing this.
Mrg. C. Miler and daughters, of
Atascadero, California, came Monday
to visit the former's brother, Rev.
Schwab. .
The basket ball( game played on
Thursday between the Murdock and
Greenwood H. S. girls resulted in aH
victory for Murdock, the score being
17 to 13.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hornbeck were
Ashland visitors Monday.
Mrs. L. Sheldon and children and
Eva Pickwell of Lincoln spent last
Sunday with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Pickwell.
Miss Maude Trautt spent the week
end in Oinaha.
Mr. William Kleizer and O. W.
Gillispie returned the latter part of
last week from a trip through the
western part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McHugU were Om
aha visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Weddell, Mr. and
Mrs. Laughlin and daughter. Mr.
nd Mrs. C. Anderson and daughter,
of Ashland, visited at the Weddell
ome Sunday.
Word was received from Charles
Schafer and Merle Gillispie Sunday
that they went on board the U. S.
Kentucky last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McDonald en-
ertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Basack and family, of Spring
field and Mr. and Mrs. Lacey McDon-
Ray Veach of Virginia, Nebraska,
spent Tuesday at the Uonemeir home
On Saturday the 13th, Herman
Foeder met with an accident while
t work with his team, which prov
ed fatal. He was taken to Lincoln
Sunday to the St. Elizabeth hos
pital, where he died the same day.
uneral services and burial were
held at Callahan Tuesday, Rev.
Branchle and Pieper cf Elmwood,
having charge of the services. He
aws born Nov. 25, 1876, at Luen-
berg, Germany. He came to Amer
ica in 1905 and worked on a farm
near Murdock. until a year ago.
when he bought a farm near Alvo.
Two sisters in Germany are the
onlv relatives he has living. He
eaves a host of warm friends who
will mourn his loss.
Well, we are already for Chase
county next Sunday evening. Have
ou seen Rosencrans about the trip?
Just call him over the phone and
ell him that you want in on the
rip next Sunday evening. He will
look after your every comfort, and
make the trip an enjoyable one.
I am prepared to take applications
now for farm loans to be closed not
later than January 1st, at 5 per cent.
nquire of Chas. C. Parmele, at The
Bank of Cass County.
Prompt Action Averts Trouble.
A constipated condition not only
poisons the blood stream, but quick-
y affects the liver and other organs.
causing biliousness, sick headache,
sour stomach, bloating, etc. Foley
Cathartic Tablets are mild in action,
yet cleanses thoroughly, with no
nausea nor cositve after effects. Keep
bowels regular, stomach sweet, liver
active. Sold Everywhere.
OltDKII ok HKKi.vt;
m Petition for Appointment of Ad
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty- ss: .
In ttie- county i oiiri
In the Matter of the Kstate of Mary
. Edgerton. Deceased:
On reading and filing the petition of
iMsrerton nravintr that Adminis
tration of said Kstate may be granted
to him as Administrator;
Ordered. That on .Novemner loin, -.
i l17. t 10 oelocK a. m.. isassign
ed for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
n and for saur touniy, ami snow launr
why the prayer or petitioner snoum
not be granted : ana max nonce wi iu
pendency of said petition and the hear
ing thereor lie given to an pvuua m
rested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Plattsmoutli
Journal, a semi-weeKiy newspdi
printed in said county, for three suc-v-f
weeks nrior to said day of
Dated October 1. 1317.
(eal) ol8-3w. County Judgo.
and Notice of Petition for Settlement
of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska. '
State of Nebraska. Cass County ss
To ail persons interested in the Ks
to of .IuniIi llavles. Deceased:
tin readinir the petition of N. If.
Mpikpp nravlnff a final settlement and
allowance of his account, tiled in this
court on the 4th day or ucioner, u
and for distribution of the residue in
his hands, it is hereby ordered that you
an, 1l nersons interested in said mat
ter may, and do. appear ut the county
t-nnrt to be held in and for said coun
ty on the 29th day of October, A. D..
1917 at 10 o ciocK a. m., to snow uc
if anv there 'be. why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
Hint notice of the pendency of said pe
tition and the hearing thereof be Riv
en to all persons interested m nam niai
tfr iv nublishine a copy of this or-
ilor In the Plattsmoutli Journal,
semi-weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks prior
to said day or Hearing.
tn witness whereof. I have hereun
to set my hand and the seal of said
Court, this 4th day or uciooer, a. u..
(Seal)-8-3w County Judge.
The PJehavtka Chills
are now Rolling and Manufacturing the
"Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting,
For on the top shelf it now is roosting.
The best cooks wherever you go
Use this famous flour, you know.
They just set their yeast and go to bed,
For they know on the morrow they will have good
J. M.
. ST.
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by All Dealers
We, the undersigned, hereby asso
ciate run-solves together lor the pur
pose of forming a corporation under
the laws of tiie State of Nebraska, and
do adopt the following Articles of In
corporation: Article I. The name by which thi3
corporation shall be known is FA11M
Article II. The principal place of
business of this corporation shall be
at Plattsmouth, County of Cass, State
of Nebraska.
Article III. The object for which
this corporation is formed is to carry
on a Commercial Hanking business un
der the laws of the state of Nebraska.
. Article IV. The authorized capital
stuck of this corporation shall be Fif
ty Thousand Dollars, of which at least
Fifty Thousand Dollars shall have
been paid In at the time of commence
ment of business, which shall be is
sued in shares of the par value of
One Hundred (100) Dollars each. No
transfer of the stock of this corpora
tion shall be operative until entered
on- the books of the corporation.
Article V. The indebtedness of. this
corporation shall at no time exceed
the amount of Its paid in capital and
surplus except for deposits.
Article VI. This corporation shall
begin business on the 2Jnd day of
September, 1917, ox as soon thereaf
ter as authorized . by the State Bank
ins Hoard of the State of Nebraska,
find shall terminate on the 22nd day
of September. 1937.
Article VII. The affairs of this cor
poration shall be under the control
and management of a board of direc
tors, consisting of not less than three
nor more than seven shareholders,
whose term of office shall be for -a.
period of one year, or until their suc
cessors are elected and qualitied, not
less than a majority of whom shall be
residents of the county in which the
bank is located, or counties immedia -
tely adjacent thereto. It shall be the
Lity of the Board of Directors to elect
from their number a president and
secretary, and select a vice-president
and cashier, and they may also select
an assistant cashier and such other
clerks and assistants as the business
of the corporation may require. The
term of the o..cers of this corporation
uall be one year, or until their suc
cessors are elected and qualified. The
board of directors may adopt such by
laws for the regulation and manage
ment of the affairs and business of the
corporation as it may deem proper.
Article VIII. The regular annual
meeting of the stockholders of this
corporation shall be held on the 2nd
ednesday of January each year, at
which meeting the Board of Directors
above provided for shall he elected. A
majority of the shares of the stock of
t Incorporation at any regular or spec
ial meeting, shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business.
Article IX. Until the regular meet
ing of tiie stockholders of the corpo
ration, the following named persons
hall constitute the Board of Direc
tors: A. J. Schafer. T. M. Patterson, E.
I'. Kutz. Mark White and I... O. Todd.
Article X Each stockholder shall at
any regular or special meeting be en
titled to one vote, either in person or
by proxy, for each share of stock held.
Article ai. Iliese articles of Incor
poration may beamonded at any reg
ular or special fneeting called for that
purpose by a two-thirds vote of all
'he stock.
Witness our hands this Sth day of
September, 1917.
State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
On this Sth day of September. 1917.
before the undersigned, a Notary Pub
lic in and for said county and state,
personally appeared A. J. Schafer, T.
M. Patterson. E. P .Lutz, Mark White
and L. tJ. Todd, to me known to be
the identical persons whose names are
affixed to the foregoing Articles of In
corporation, and each for himself ac
knowledged the same to be his volun
tary act and deed.
We have some choice 80, 130, 160 240
and 320 tracks of land "near Sterling, Adams,
Tecumseh Elk Creek, Cook, Burr, DouClass
Vesta, Crab Orchard, Filley and Lewiston
Nebraska. Prices very reasonable and the
terms good.
Call cr write
clienhaupt & Curtain.
JOHN, Prop.
In Vv'ltness Whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and notarial seal
this 8th day of September, 1917, at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
(Seal) Notary Public.
AOTICE to cnEniTons
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
In tlie County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Velos
co V. Leonard. Deceased.
To the Creditors of said Estate:
You are hereby notified, that I wilL
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said county, on the 31st day
of October. 1917. and the 31st day of
January. 191S, at 9 o'clock a. m., to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said Estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said Estate Is three months
from the "1st day of October, A. IX,
1917. and the time limited for payment
of debts is one vear from said 31st
day of October, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 27th day of
September, 1917.
(Seal) ol-4w. County Judge.
on petition for Appointment of Admin
istratrix. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss:
In the County Court
In the matter of the estate of Blanche
Marsh, deceased:
On reading and filing the petition of
Elizabeth Schwab praying that admin
istration of said Estate mav be grant
ed to Elizabeth Schwab as Adminis
tratrix. Ordered. That November 3rd. A. D..
1917. at 10 o'clock a. m. is assigned for
i hearing said petition, when all nersons
1 interested in said matter may appear
I at a tounty court to be held in and
for said County, and show cause why
tne prayer or petitioner should not be
granted: and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hearing
thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Dated October 12. 1917.
ol5-sw3w. County Judge.
on Petition for Appointment of Admin
istrator or Administratrix.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty ss:
In the County Court
In the Matter of the Estate of Eliza
beth F. Edmunds. Deceased:
On reading and filing the petition of
John W. Edmunds praying that ad
ministration of said Estate may be
granted to him as Administrator;
Ordered. That October 31. A. D. 1917.
at 10 o clock a. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all persons
interested in said matter may appear
at a County Court to be held In and
for said County and show cause why
the prayer of petitioner should not be
pranted, and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hearing
thereof be given to all persons Inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy ot this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said County, for three suc
cessive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated October S, 1917.
iAALS, County Judge.
We are now prepared to make your
monument, markers and lot corners
right at home. . Cass County Monu
ment Co., W. T. Wassell, manager.
Hotel Riley block, Plattsmouth, Neb.