The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 18, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, OCTOEER 18, 1917.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Jacob Tritsch. who has been at
Rochester, Minnesota, for the past
week or longer receiving treatment
from the Mayo Brothers Hospital at
that place, returning home last eve
ning. Miss Alma Speck and little niece,
Hazel Speck, daughter of Mr. Henry
Speck departed this morning for
Silver City, Iowa, where they will
visit at the home of George Piatt
for a few days.
V. H. Dickson of Pawnee City,
who lias been visiting with friends
in the city for the past few days de
parted this morning for Omaha,
where he will visit for a short time
before going to his home.
Mrs. J. H. Teegarten of Brock,
who has been visiting in the city
for some time past, the guest at the
home cf her mother, Mrs. C. II.
Smith departed this morning for hei
home, going via Omaha and was
accompanied that far on her way by
her mother.
The Bank of Cass County
of riattsmouth, Nebraska.
Charter No. 642.
Incorporated in tin state of Nebraska, at the
close of tui-ine:s. Asui -1. IV17
Tar- ami discounts ;5-."t4 !V
i v.-rilrafis '''" "
KwN. Seen ri tie, judgments etc . lj.tiu IK)
Hankiiisf liouse furniture and tix-
i :,.r P..TTOCO
Oitn-r ral estate lu.t'20 S2
CurTui exjwT.e. taxes and interest
p iui - i3.c
Czli i'.rrs f- j
luefro:n national and Mate banks -.1.w'i4 4o
rhtH'ks and itvics if exchange
Currviwy 12.494 IH
Jd coin - J.'
silver, nickels and cents " 3,tHt o.i
;,t'54 TO
Carnal stork paid in ? M.noO 00
MirMi fund WaWO CO
Vi: iividt-d iTotii 01
1 T-.ji v'ulvial loiw-iis sv'jeot to clieck 3.7.rtri S7
T o-rnt':c:iU's of 3r.4'.'.' 53
Caliif,r'slii"ks nuTMandiiw 14
l.i" to ii' and Mate banks Kt.Tt?. ."
1 v;x.itors truaram y fund b.'i 2"
Miss Martha Miller, of Boulder,
Colorado, arrived this morning for
a visit at the home of her grand par
ents,. Mr. W. R. Bryan and wife,
and thgir daughter Miss Lucile. Miss
Martha will visit here for some time.
"vV. D. Kellison, from west or My
nard, was a passenger to Omaha
this morning over the Missouri Pa
cific, where this forenoon he was
looking after some business, return
ing to this place over the Burling
ton, and transacting some business
here this afternoon.
Mrs. S. S. tJoding was a visitor in
Fort Riley, at Camp Funston, where
she saw the Plattsmouth boys, and
reports that in a game of foot ball
recently, Albert Godwin has receiv
ed an injury to one of his knees,
which has made him considerable
lame, and does not get well very
Henry Kemp, wife, and two
children came in this afternoon
from Omaha, where they were visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Kemp's par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Streit
weiser, for the past few days, and
will visit here for the remainder of
the week, before returning to Lock
wood, Missouri, their home.
Joseph Bierl and family and
Joseph Dietl and family who have
been in the western portion of the
state, whera Mr. Bierl purchased a
half section of land a short time
since. They report things looking
fine ortt there. Mr. Bierl has rent
ed his farm out there and will farm
ithe George Hild farm here another
Charles Morse, who is employed
with Frank R. Gobelman and is
painting on the Gering home in the
north part of the city, had the mis
fortune to have a ladder slip, which
he was putting up, and which he
tried to catch to keep it from fall
ing, injured his thumb, on the left
hand, nearly putting it out of com
mission for the present.
State of Nebhaska.
( l TMT OK - ASS
553.0c4 70
I. Chas. C. Parmele
rr'.ident of t lie alxjve named bank do
hereby swear that Hie aiove statement is a
r"rrKl and trneopyof the report rnadetothe
Mate Banking Board. Chas. C I'akvei.e.
. Tl. F. rATTEitsoy. Director.
.Tesi. -( KEI, ,; Kt;KNr.EK;EH. Director.
Sntri'tH-u and sworn to before me this 24th
cay of August. it:7. Vehna Hatt.
Notary l'ublic
f-eaU '
From Tuesday's Dally.
" Attorney C: E. Tafft, of Weeping
Water was looking after some busi
ness in the city today, having busi
ness to transact at the county court.
Frank Russell and A. W. Rinck
of Weeping Water, were in the city
this morning, looking after some
business at the court house.
Galen Rhoden was in the city this
afternoon from his home near Murray
and was looking after some business
in the county seat.
II You Don't Come Across, the Kaiser Will
Our boys Lave given up all to light for democracy
and liberty antl yon.
Do Your Bit. Buy a Liberty Gold Bond
Our boys are entitled to the best food, clothes, am
munition. They must have these necessities.
"Without them they cannot win for you.
Liberty Gold Bends Furnish the Amraunitfcji
It's your duty yet it does not cost you a cent. Your
Government, the best in the world, is only asking you for
a loan and will pay you -4 per cent on a sure investment.
The Kaiser takes his money away from his people.
What More Do You Want
Buy a Liberty Gold Bond Today
Any Bank Will Take Your Application Now.
Final hearings were held this
morning in the county court of the
Estate of the late-Barah S. Giber
son,, of Weeping yater, and also of
the estate of Sarah A. Frisby.
Christ Murray: and wife were in
the city this morning, from south
of Rock Bluffs, and were looking
after some business at the court
Cornelius De Jung, wife and fam
ily who have been visiting at the-
home of Mr. DeJung's parents at
Clay Center, for the past few days
returned home last evening.
Miss Lulu Stapleford, of Wahoo,
who has been visiting in the city
for the past few days, the guest of
her friend, Miss Ida Dalton, depart
ed for her home yesterday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Will, from
southwest of Mynard and Miss Dora.
Will of this city, were members of a
party who went to Omaha this mor
ning, to visit with friends, and wiii
also look after some business while
Jacob Fornoff and brother Philip
Fornoff of Cedar Creek, motored to
this city today to attend to some
business matters. While here Mr.
Jacob Fornoff called at this office
and had his subscription extended
for another year.
Mrs. Lydia K. Andrews of Table
Rock, who has been in the city for
the past few days assisting the ar
ranging for the District Convention
of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society, departed for her home this
Saturday the Supreme court hand
ed down a decision in the case of
T. E. Parmele, vs. Mrs. C. G. Palmer,
formerly Miss Emma Kaufman, re
versing the case and .remanding it
for a new trial. This is a case in
which there has been a controversy,
as to the ownership of certain stocks
and bonds of the Norfolk Telephone
Company, formerly owned ' by Will
Volk, claimed by both T. E. Parmele
and Miss Kaufman.
E. W. Blakesley, of Nebraska City,
was in the city this morning look
ing after some business at-the sales
rooms of John F. Gorder, who
handles the Dodge car. Mta Blakes
ley also handles the Dodge car, and
is the distributor for this district.
After completing his business with
Mr. Gorder, he departed for Omaha,
where he has some business to look
after with the Dodge people there.
j ALVO. i
Having1 disposed of my interest in the General Merchandise, I now
jrive my entire time to the automobile business, and am in a position to
serve you much better than ever. I have a good stock of
Studebaker qnd
Maxwell ars
on hand andean make you immediate delivery. "Morecar for the Dol
lar," is the one motto the Studebaker Corporation have kept in mind
since their establishment in 18,32. Compare Studebaker in power, quiet
ness, seating1 arrangement, upholstering, overside tires, design and ac
cessibility and you will be convinced our nearest competitors are priced
2u0 to $300 higher.
Studebaker 18 Scries 0 cylinder, 0 h. p. - - $1385
" " 13 " 4 40 h. p. - - - 1050
Maxwell 23-17, 30 h. p. - - - - . ' ; 745
F. O. B.Detroit.
Call or drop me a card for demonstration. Goodrich and Lee Punc
ture I'roof Tires and Tubes at 10 under the market. French Auto
Oils and Auto Accessories. Ford Specialties. Empire Mechanical
Miikeij carried in stock.
Cedar Creek,
From Monday's Daily.
J. W. Wall of Lariatte was a
business visitor in the city this after
Charles Gerlich, of near Manley,
was in the city this morning look
ing after some business in the coun
ty seat.
. John Parmele, who Is attending
Creighton college, was at home over
Sunday, returning to his studies la3t
Mrs. William Fritchman and son.
Robert, departed this afternoon for
LaPlatte, where they will visit for a
short time with Mrs. Fritchman.
Attorney Wm. DeliesDenitr of
Elrawood was in the city this morn
ing looking after some business at
the court house, having come over
in a car.
Fred Kruger of Madrid, came last
evening and is visiting with friends
here, and this afternoon was a pass
enger to Omaha, where he is look
ing after some business for the day
Mrs. Mary J. Foxworthy of the
Masonic Home in this city was a
passenger to Council Bluffs, Iowa,
this afternoon where she will visit
for some time at the home of her
friend Mrs. H. H. Haines.
'. Charles Hitt and Thomas Isner,
departed this morning for Fred Kaff-
enberger's where they are putting
up a crib for the abundant corn
harvest, which is just around the
Mrs. J. R. Vallery and daughter.
Miss Louise, from southwest of My
nard, were passengers to Omaha
this morning, where they visited for
the day and did ome shopping as
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith of
Murray were visitors in the city
yesterday at the home of Mr. C. A.
Rawls, coming up in their car for
the day and returning home last
? Charles Jelinek departed this af
ternoon for Hartington, where he
goes in the interests of the Bankers
Realty Company, who recently built
a Hotel at that place, but which
proved too small, and cannot care, for
the business which has come to it.
It is the desire to have two more
stories built to it, and Mr. Jelinek
has gone to that,, place to arrange
for the sale of additional stock for
that purpose.
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes.
For Sale
10 head of Duroc bears, at $30
la n
s iviees
at $15, $1 7, $25 and $30
That's the only way to describe them they are simply , marvelous when con
sidered in the light of present scarcity of wool. You'll feel like taking your
hat off to them. Just think of an all-wool blue serge suit for $15.00 in these
days. At $17.00 the famous Styleplus all-wool line and at $25.00
and $30.00 suits that would be extraordinary even on a normal
market. Our buying advantages and our low selling expense ex
plain how we can do this. However these unusual values are lim
ited to stock on hand. -We cannot duplicate them. We urge you
to buy NOW for your own advantage. Buy two suits at these
prices they will pay you big dividends. Overcoats cn same basis,
but don't delay your selection. You are welcome to look or buy.
We are boosters for the
Winter Lyceum Course.
First number Oct. 19th.
C. E. Wescott's
Ladies' Coats more new Bergundy and Taupe shades just received new models!
Geo. Foreman and son. John, left
Sunday morning for Stewart, Xcb.,
to visit the former's son Joe Foreman.
Lauren Mickle was in Omaha on
business Tuosday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foreman and
little daughter. Pearl cf Valparaiso,
motored down Sattirday evening,
visiting Mrs. Foreman's mother, Mrs.
Belle Bennett, and other relatives
until Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Foreman of
Valparaiso and Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Keefer of Utica. motored down Sat
urday visiting the former's parent.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foreman sr., un
til Sunday morning.
Reginald Roper and sister. Mar
guerite of University Place spent
Sundav with Charles Foreman and
"ister Anrel.
Noel Foreman -of Lincoln, visited
home folks Sunday.
Mr. and Mm. M. L. Keefer, cf
Utica, Mr. and Mrs. Oris Foreman
of Valparaiso and Mrs. Manners and
daughter, Mir.s Dorothy of University
Place were guests Sunday, of Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Keefer.
Mrs. Sam Cashner and Mrs. S-m
Hardnock were in Lincoln Monday.
Carl D. Ganz has enlisted in the
signal corps of tie aviation section
and is now at Ft: Logan, Colo. Mr.
Ganz has made many friends dur
ing his short stay in Alvo, who hope
the best for him.
Mr. and Mm. Dale Boyles, Miss
Flo Boyles and Carl D. Ganz motor
ed to' Lincoln Tuesday p. m. and
Miss Pearl Keefer and Roy Cole,
of Plattsmouth went up in the eve
ning to bid good-bye to Mr. Ganz,
who left that evening tor Ft. Logan,
where he enters aviation training.
A letter to J. A. Shaffer from
Harry Toland, who enlisted in the
U. S. Army and is now with the
134th U. S. Infantry Machine -Gun
Co., at Camp Cody, Deming. New
Mexico, states that he has had his
tonsils removed and is getting along
as well as could be expected. They
have een fixing Co. streets, etc, and
expected to take a trip to the moun
tains soon. Harry wonders if corn
husking has begun up here and says
soap weed is about the extent of
vegetation near them. He is real
anxious to get to France and hopes
it will be soon. He wlil be glad to
hear from his friends at the above
B. Skiles departed this life May 14,
She gave her heart to God whe;i
thirteen years of age and was a life
time memh.?r of the Chrltisan church
a devoted mother, a faithful wife,
and a . devout Christian. She with
her husband and children came to
Alvo about 3 5 years ago, where she
has since lived with the exception
of two years spent in Washington a
few years ago, until the passed
away, Oct. 11, 1317. at her home in
Alvo at the age of 7D years. She
;u Tiered a stroke of paralysis about
G:00 o'clock Thursday evening and
only lived two and one-half hours.
The funeral service;? were held
from the M. K. church Sunday, Oct.
14. 1917. at three o'c.ock, conduced
by Rev. Harmon of Lincoln, assisted
by Rev. Connell. Interment was
-made in t lie Alvo cemetery. Among
those present were: J. D. Skiles.
Overton. C. M. Skiles antl family,
David City; .Mm. Jenuie Morrison.
Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miller,
Glenwood, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Grov
er Mickewiaite. Gleiwcod, Iowa, Mr.
Ralph Micklewaite, Glenwood, Iowa,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skiles, Murdock,
Nebr.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Peck. Uni
versity Place, Xebr., Mm. John
Frsey, Mr. and Mrs. Woodford. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wiles. Mr. and Mm.
Sam Cashner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Dreamer, all of University Place.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. A. Williams.
Lincoln. Xebr.. Mrs. S. O Cole. Platts
mouth, Mr. Roy Cole. Plattsmouth.
The bereaved relatives .have the
sympathy of a host of friends.
Rosenow of Omaha, visited Sunday
with Chas. Rosenow and family.
Morgan Curyea .vent to Lincoln
P. H. Weidman v.-a? in Omaha on
business Monday.
II. Suders of CluUmia, was iu
town Sunday.
Arthur Skinner and family were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
We buy and sell Duel, Cheyenne,
and Keith county lands, at reason
able prices with terms. If you have
a farm to sell give us the list.
Alvo, Neb;
Mrs. Levi Park who has been visit
ing relatives returned to her home
t Sterling, Colo.
"That Chase county trip was sure
a dandy." That's what they all say.
The time is rpie now for yo uto go,
and there will be room for you on
next Sunday evening, if you see.
Rosey right now and make arrange
ment for one of the best seats all
the way through. You may lost out.
on a good bargain farm if you fail
to go this time.
If your children are subject to
croup get a bottle cf Chamberlain':?
Cough Remedy, and when the attack
comes on be careful to follow the
plain printed directions. You will
be surprised at the quick relief
which it affords.
Mrs. Chas. Rosenow and son El
mer and daughter, Mxs. Ray Clark
were in Lincoln Saturday.
Mike Lee of Palmyra, shipped a
car of cattle from rhi:; place Mon
dya to South Omaha.
J?s. Groves who luu been visit
ing his daughter, Mm. .loo Bird re
turned to Lincoln
The Harrison Travaloguc, "Our
Spanish American Neighbors," was
well attended Tuesday night.
Grandpa and Grandma Rosenow
of Elmwood and their soil, Dan
It is most important when your Ford Card requires
mechanical attention that you place it in charge of
the authorized Ford dealer, because then you are sure
of having repairs and replacements made with genu
ine Ford-made materials by men vho know all about
Ford airs. So bring your Ford to us where satisfac
tion is guaranteed. Prompt, efficient service atall
times and Ford cars if you wish to buy: Runabout
$345; Touring Car $360; Coupelet $505; Town Car
$5.95; Sedan $645; One-Ton Truck Chassis $6.00
all f. o. b. Detroit.
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.,
FORD Authorized Sales and Service, 6ihSt., Plattsmouth, Neb
Office Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. 58.
mm mmmw
Margaret A. Skiles, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morriosn,
was born near Fort Madison, Iowa,
Dec. 21, 1838. and grew to young
womanhood on the ojd family home
stead. She was one of twelve child
She was married to Alexander F.
Skiles, Dec. 16, 1858, at Ft. Madison,.
Iowa, to whom she was a devoted
wife until his death about two years
ago. To this union were born seven
children, six of whom are now liv
ing, as follows:
Joseph D. Skiles of Overton, Nebr.
Charles M. Skiles of David City;
Hannah M. Keefer, Anna M.
Boyles and Clara M. Prouty of Alvo,
George A. Skileq - of Colville,
Washington. '
All of whom attended the funer
al except George A. Skiles of Wash
Bob" and "Betty," Find Out Where the
Good Clothes Come From!
7 ' gjm&
Bob, says Betty, "here in our own
newspaper is the same advertise
ment we saw in the Saturday Even
ing Post. Let's go down , to the
CJothcraft store to-day."
The largest selling suit in America
Blue Serge Special No. 5130
$18.50. -
If you want a really exceptional suit
or overcoat way under $25.00 and
all wool buy Clothcraf t.
For Men end Young Men
: i MOO '
We are boosters for the Win
ter Lyceum Course. The first
number October l'Jth.
and $35 fah owhatn Stock Fnm.
ington. Her youngest son, Jame