it ---"""--"lifiriTitEi MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1917. PIATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. FOOD SCARCE; ANTI-WAR FEEL ING IN GERMANY RUPPRECHT'S BATTERED LINES AGAIN SMASHED BY THE BRITISH TOMMIES GERMANS BEING FORGED BACK A Determined Effort to .Clear Foe from Dominating Ridge East of Ypres, in Belgium. London, Oct. 12. The British troops in Flanders attacked the Ger mans this morning on a front of about six miles northeast of Ypres. They are reported to be making sat isfactory progress. Rain fell heavily during last night. The official re port from Field Marshal llaig's head quarters today reads: "We attacked at 5:25 this morn ing on a front of about six miles to the northeast of Ypres. Our troops are reported to be making satisfac tory progress. Rain fell heavily dur ing the night." Field Marshal Haig's latest effort is being pushed in the same region as the attack of Tuesday, in which the British, in co-operation with the French, drove back the Germans all along a front of seven miles and cap tured more than 2,000 prisoners. It is probable that the present effort is an attempt to clear the Germans out of the remaining portions of the dom inant ridge east of Ypres. Tuesday's attack gave the British more ground on the ridge and left the Germans with only a small section in the re gion of Passchendaele. The British now hold most of the good positions on the ridge, from which they domi nate with their artillery the impor tant Iloulers-Menin railroad and the railroad towns of Roulers, Staden and Menin. Apparently the present drive is be ing made under weather conditions similar to those which existed on Tuesday. Following several days of heavy rain, Field Marshal Haig sud denly threw his men forward and surprised the Germans, who did not think that the British would attempt to attack while the battlefield was waterlogged. TOMMIES FIGHT IN DEEP MUD Fenetrate Enemy Lines on a Six- Mile Front in Belgium. British Front in France and Bel gium, Oct. 12. At an early hour to day British troops, which began an attack in Flanders this morning, had penetrated several hundred yards in to the enemy's territory on a six mile front from near Houtholst wood to a point below the Ypres-Roulers railway, and were battling along the Passchendaele ridge within 1,000 yards of the center of the village of Passchendaele. By 7:45 this morning reports were received that everything was going well with today's British attack in Flanders. The troops along a wide front had pushed forward to a depth averaging 800 yards or more. Prisoners were beginning to come in early, although slowly, owing to the condition of the ground. Indications are that the Germans early were aware that trouble was impending, as about -4 a. m. a large number of gas shells were fired by them along the British front. The main enemy today was. not the Germans, but the mud. The Ger mans were far less formidable than previously owing to the disorganiza tion occasioned among them by the , recent teriffic blows of the British. f The correspondent yesterday talk ed to Field Marshal Haig who does not confine himself to headquarters. The field marshal paid the highest tribute to his men for their gallant work in the bad weather. FREE BOOK ON CANCER A new book has just been pub lished by Dr. O. A. Johnson, Suite 520, 1320 Main street, Kansas City, Mo., which gives reliable informa tion of greatest, value to cancer suf-r ferers. The author of this book has spent 20 years in study and scien tific research in cancer and has per sonally treated and investigated many hundreds of cases. He is known today as one of the foremost investigators in the field of cancer research, and his book should be read by every cancer sufferer. A limited number of these valuable books will be distributed free. You should send for a copy today and if you have a friend suffering from cancer urge him to write to the above address for the book. o-15. Dry Goods, Notions, Floor Coverings, Fancy Groceries and Queensware E. G. DOVEY & SON VALUE! QUALITY ! SERVICE! The mission of our Drug Store is to Furnish Pure Drugs and Medi cine and the Highest Grade of Professional Service to the People. Compounding Prescriptions is Our Specialty Rexall Remedies You can depend upon the Quality of Our Goods and the Service in Our Store. Ansco Cameras and Films Sherwin-Williams Paints. The Rexall Store F. G. FRICKE & CO. Druggists, Pharmacists UNION BLOCK - - PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. THE PLATTSMOUTH GARAGE J. E. MASON, Proprietor. Welding, Oils, Greases and All Auto Accessories PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA THE PSYCHOLOGY OF BUYING BY MAIL Plattsmouth Phone 13S; Bell Phone 48 Office, Foot of Main Street G. G. FRICKE Successor to C. W. Baylor & Co. COAL PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA JOHN F. GORDER Successor to August Gorder. Farm Implements, Buggies and Harness Chalmers and Dodge Bros. Automobiles. 305-307 Main Street Gordon 5,000 Mile Tires Plattsmouth, Neb. THE MUMM BAKERY FRED H. MUMM, Propr. Everything in Baker's Goods Candies and Cigars PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Tliere is something appealing ahotit buying things from a distance. Tor some unknown reason, distance lends enchantment. Xo one has been able to exactly figure out just why this but tl e fact jcrnains. It is characteristic of human nature that afflicts all of us, regardless of our bank account, social position -or degree of education. Any woman would willingly pay twice as much for a hat made in a fashionable Paris establishment, as she would pay for exactly the same hat from her home milliner, just around the corner. The grass in the next pasture always seems green er and sweeter to the horse because horses can't climb fences. because of this weakness, this phase of human nature, the big-city catalog house has been able to grow powerful rich. Every time you order goods by mail you are allowing yourself to be ruled by that something inside of you that tells you that anything from a distance must be better than the things you can get next door. But we all know, if we stop to carefully think, that our feelings are deceiving us. As far as that goes, practically everything for sale in our home town, comes from a distance, too. "The ps3xhology of buying by mail" as students of hu man nature call this indefinable feeling that things from a dis tance must be better, is the foundation cause of the prosper ity of the city catalog. house,' and invariably works to the det riment of the individual community. TO WEAR BETTER SHOES, TRADE AT FETZER SHOE COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH - - NEBRASKA PLATTSMOUTH STATE BANK Commercial and Savings Departments. Place a few dollars each month in our Savings Department and watch it grow. Interest added every six months. . B. G. WURL Manufacturer of High Grade Union-Made Cigars Wurl Bros. "Gut Heil," "Hand Made" and "Keno" 5c "La Flor de Fania" 10c TAKE A BOX HOME WITH YOU! THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Capital and Surplus, $80,000.00 WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS STRONG! SAFE! CONSERVATIVE! FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $75,000.00 H. N. DOVEY, President F. E. SCHLATER, Cashier E. W. COOK, Vice-Pres. GEO. O. DOVEY. Asst. Cashier PTAK & BAJECK Manufacturers of Cigars. CROWNS 10c ACORNS 5c PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. N t Illd Phone 472 Farm Lans and Insurance p. 0. Box 257 W. E. ROSENCRANS Selling Chase County Land. Real Estate. PLATTSMOUTH - - - NEBRASKA J. E. M C D A N I E L PABLO WE SELL BEVO Bowling Alley and Soft Drink Parlors Open Evenings PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA BESTOR & SWATEK HARDWARE Stoves and Ranges Cutlery Sporting Goods. Your cost of living this winter depends on what you preserve from your Garden. TRY SOME CANING! We have many cans in stock AT REASONABLE PRICES OUR MONUMENTS is not merely a mass of stone that has no beauty. OUR MEMORIALS are of the finest MATERIAL, PROPERLY CARVED by a MASTER ARTISAN, and are Lasting Tributes to the loved ones passed away. Ixn't Ihrrr oiiiriit' liuxr Memory deserve thi ltrt'OKUit ion from Yoilf w i : i t k vi i ox i: c a ll. CASS COUNTY MONUMENT CO. W. T. WASSELL, Manager PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Telephone No. 22 Asent for Pratt's Stock Food C. E. HARTFORD Coal and Feed PLATTSMOUTH 302 Main St. NEBRASKA TALKING ABOUT EATS WAGNER'S "Everything Good to Eat" THAT'S ALL RUSSELL'S RESTAURANT AND SOFT DRINK PARLORS OPEN EVENINGS H ATT & SON Your Butchers and Grocers. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. F. R. GOBELMAN Wall Paper and Paint Store Sign Painting, House Painting, Paper Hanging, Decorating, Graining, Auto and Carriage Painting. PLATTSMOUTH - - - NEBR. F. G. DAWSON PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Doctor of Tires Repaired, Retread and Rebuilt SEE US FIRST! 0 WATERMAN LUMBER & COAL COMPANY DEALER IN Lumber and Building Material South Fourth Street Between Main and Pearl PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA WESTERN MACHINE & FOUNDRY COMPANY MANUFACTURING MACHINISTS L. C. SHARP Best Machine Shop South of the Platte Farmers, Elevator and General Repairs Bell Phone 303 Plattsmouth, Nebr. TG. BACH & CO. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Provisions, Queensware, Flour, Feed and Shoes. PHONES Main Street Store, 23G; Lincoln Avenue Store, 118 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA GEM THEATRE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. The Home of Comfort and Quality Pictures THE PLACE TO FORGET YOUR TROUBLES J, H. MCMAKEN & SON General Contractors. All Work Entrusted to Our Care Looked After Promptly. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. GAS ELECTRICITY NEBRASKA LIGHTING COMPANY for Labor Savers and Time Savers. Electricity is the most Economical and Efficient Power on Earth! ' PHILIP THIEROLF Value Giving Clothier. Manhattan Shirts John B. Stetson Hats A Safe Place to Trade. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. JOHN BAUER Willys Knight and WiUys Overland Automobiles. FISK, AJAX AND PENNSYLVANIA TIRES. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. AVARD & MCLEAN Agents for J. M. Herman's famous "Munson" Army Shoes, as Sup plied to the U. S. Army Reliable Shoes for Men and Boys. SHOE REPAIRING, POLISHES, ETC. SOUTH SIXTH STREET - - PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. I E. J. RICHEY FORMERLY F. M. RICHEY I I nmlipr and RuiMinc Material. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA - J PLATTSMOUTH - - t NEBRASKA EMMA PEASE Millinery Evertything That is New and Up-to-Date SIXTH STREET H. M. SOENNIGHSEN General Merchandist. OUR PRICES AND SERVICE ALWAYS RIGHT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA PETERS & PARKER General Contractors. BIG WORK OUR SPECIALTY. RAILROADS MAY ASK AID OF GOVERNMENT LIBERTY BOND ISSUES MONOPO LIZE INVESTMENT FUNDS OF NATION, MAKING RAILWAY BONDS IMPOSSIBLE TO MOVE. Washington, Oct. 12. Reports that the railroads are considering informally asking: the government to help them in some way to obtain money with which to maintain and ' enlarge their present plants and . equipment to enable them to cope J with the high tide of traffic ars re garded by officials here as forecast ing a concerted move soon totvard that end. What form this move will assume apparently has not yet been decided by the roads themselves. It is re ported that they have under con sideration several courses. One -possible method is renewed petition for a general increase in freight rates. Another is to request the govern ment to lend the railroads money on railroad securities. For this, how ever, special legislation would be necessary. Other plans, details of which have not been revealed, are said to be under consideration. Railroads at present are earning very nearly as much as last year, which marked the high tide, within the last two months operat ing expenses have shown an increase said to be out of all proportion to the increase in gross receipts. . Railroad executives say that as the government has a practical monopoly through Liberty bond is sues of the investment funds of the country, they have found it almost impossible to obtain funds. ADMIRAL MAYO AND HIS STAFF RETURN ATLANTIC FLEET HEAD HOME AFTER NAVAL CONFERENCE WITH THE ALLIES. Washington, Oct. 12. Admiral Mayo, i commander-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet, and his staff have re turned from England, where they participated in naval conferences with the allies, his announcement was authorized today by the navy department: "Admiral H. T. Mayo, United States navy, and his staff have re turned from England. The purpose of the visit of Admiral Maj-o to Eng land was to permit him to confer with officials of the allied-navie3, to become intimate in every detail with the situation as it is at present. what" had been done before and to discuss the plans for the future. Tbe British admiralty extended every courtesy and every facility to pro mote the success of the mission. "Admiral Mayo will proceed imme diately to Washington and will there make a full report to the sec retary of the navy. Admiral Mayo visited the English fleet and our own forces in British and French waters in order that he might familiarize himself wit hthe conditions under himself with the conditions under which the allied forces are operat ing." The fact that Admiral Mayo had been sent to England was disclosed .o the press at the time of his de parture with the request of the gov ernment not to mention the trip. Ex cept in one or two instances, the request was generally carried out. Call Plattsmouth Garage for serv ice. Tel. 394, also livery. J. E Mason, GOVERNOR CAPPER COM PLAINS OF THE GOAL SIT UATION III KANSAS Topeka, Kas., Oct. 12. Declaring that "concerted action by retail deal ers in advancing prices to unreason able figures, apparently with a de termination to ignore federal action is producing a lack of confidence in authority which must inevitably prove injurious," Governor Capper today sent a letter to Harry A. Gar field, federal coal administrator, call ing his attention to the extremely unsatisfactory condition of the coal market in the state of Kansas. "A careful inquiry has developed no justification for 'the prices now prevailing," writes the governor. "Prolonged delay on the part of the federal government in giving our people the relief they had expected from a situation which has become intolerable has created widespread unrest. The condition of mind finds expression in an overwhelming num ber of letters now coming to my desk in every mail." CEMETERY. We are now prepared to make your monument, markers and lot corners right at home. Cass County Monu ment Co., W. T. Wassell, manager. Hotel Riley block, Plattsmouth, Neb. Sour Stomach. Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, abstain from meat for a few days and in most cases the sour stomach will disappear. If it does not, take one of Chambei Iain's Tablets immediately after supper. Red meats are most likely to cause sour stomach and you may find it best to cut them out. Journal Want-Ads Pay!