The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 15, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1917. PAGE 2. m i ,w;i:TPityn.i "R,'.ir-' 'Pfl'W'Wl.ffl? J Early Ohio potatoes, in 5 bushel lots or more, per bushel. .... .$1.25 Snow apples, per bushel Sunkist flour, 48-lb sack 3.5 Plansifter flour, 48-lb sack : 3.25 Fancy Elberta peaches, per bushel 2.00 3 pounds broken rice Hominy," 3-lb cans, 2 cans for .25 3 packages Brownie corn flakes Z5 Laundry Queen soap, 6 bars for 25 Mascot soap, 6 bars for. -25 Bob White soap, 5 bars for 25 Wisconsin cabbage, for kraut, per lb o3 Beets, per peck... -25 Cranberries, per quart . jj California Tokay grapes, per lb H Mi so CALL PHONES 53 and 54 ENNICHSEJM, WE LIKE TO SERVE KESTIKG IN OAK HILL CEMETERY I'ri :n Satv.r-lav's Daily. After a life of work for the Master, fie mortal tenement which housed the spirit of Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth "Wiles, is now resting in Oak Hill cmetery. awaiting t'ne end of time, when it shall he renewed in a greater" life in the world -which knows r.o sorrow, no heart aches, no partings from loved ones. The fun eral was held at the late home, af ter the friends who had come for a .last look, on the face of their friend, v. hieh was from twelve thirty until two o'clock. The Rev. A. J.. Har nett, the minister of the church to v.hich Mrs. Wiles was attached con duced the funeral i-ervice, which-was imrre.-sive, softening the sorrowful j.irting ai'd giving hope of Immor tality. The male quartette compos ed of 15. A. McElwain, R. W. Knorr, r. A. Clcidt and H. G. McClusky rendercd some special numbers, arjoii; which was Mrs. Wiles' favor ite hymn, "The Sweet Bye and Bye." T!.e loving hands of the sons of this estimable mother with the assist ance of C. L. Wiles tenderly carried thv ca?kct r-orc red with flowers from many' loving friends, to the house, and from it to the last resting place. Thoe who acted in this office were A. L. Wiles, T. Frank Wiles, E. M. Vv ii; s, Luke L. Wiles and I. II. L. "Wilts the sons, and C. L. Wile3 a r.ephew. With the placing in her last resting place of this good woman while tlurt has returned to dust, the memory of a righteous life, and Siearly four score of years in which t'.w !:.) b. cii a friend to all who has needed a friend, will live to grace her memory, as the mellowness of eventide fellows the close of dav. MARRIED AND PARTED. Miss Lillian M. Cox, a Louisville girl, but recently living in Omaha, and James Raymond, a prosperous young farmer of Union, were mar ried last w eek in Omaha. Tim wed ding is one of the pathetic events of the war, and the young bride groom left the next day for a train ing camp, having been called unex pectedly. He was drafted, but was granted exemption, after which he built a new house and expected to be married in the spring. He had been to Omaha to see his fiance and was on his way home. Upon reach ing Plattsmouth, 'he ' received, his call and he immediately returoeijp Omaha, and the young. people . 'were married at the Episcopal church that day, and the next morning he start ed for the training camp. The young bride visited her moth er, Mrs. Ada Cox, over Sunday, and has now returned to Omaha, where she will continue in her former posi tion" for the present. Louisville Courier. TO CAMP FUNSTON TODAY. From Saturday's Daily. WILLARD BEEZLEY JOINS ARMY. Mrs. Ellen C. Beezley, of Syracuse, arrived in this city and will visit at t!;e home of her father, lion. R. B. Windham. Mr. Willard Beezley, her hurband. has recently joined the vnvy. attaching himself to the hos pital department and is now in train ing at Camp Greeley, Fort Ogles tkorpe, Georgia. Karly this morning Will Meising cr. Will Rummell, Jeff Salsberg and M. Hild, of this city, departed in Mr. Meisinger's Ford automobile for a trip to Camp Funston, where they will visit over Sunday with the Plattsmouth and Cass county boys who are at that place. They start ed early and expect to drive through during the day, and as the roads are in fair condition and Will knows how to get the miles out of the car it is probable tucy will see the barracks before the sua goes down tonight. John Schwartz, John Livingston and Elmer Eikeaiberry, came down yesterday in. a car to attend the fun eral of Mrs. Isaac Wiles. Mr. Liv ingston and Mr. Eikenberry return ed in their car yesterday evening, while Mr. Schwartz remained until today to look after some business, returning home this afternoon. n I ?ormcl2 Tfieslre, SATURDAY, ml WILLIAM CUSHMAN, Presents The Comic Opera Success TP I 7 Charming aptivating hnrnc ream flirts Niggles owns Interwoven With Beauty, Comedy and Song Prices 25, 50 and 75c. Seat Sale. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. j CALL SECOND DRAFT QUOTA IN DECEMBER INDICATIONS POINT TO MAR SHALING NEXT INCREMENT BEFORE FIRST OF YEAR; MANY SHORTAGES TO BE MADE UP. Washington, Oct. 1?..- -Discussion of the advisability of expediting the call for the second incrriiutnt of the draft army now is in progress at the War department i'lia it appears likely that ;the' date may be fixed for. pome time in December or Jan uary. Mobilization of the first increment of GST, 000 men is now far enough advanced to show clearly that tneie will be a big defio'eney for the sev enteen national army divioions. More than 250. 000. of the first increment are still to be assembled, but it al- Teady is evident that there will be available at the sfxteen cantonments Quarters for an additional regiment at each post and at some for a full brigade of two regiments. Fifty Thousand Short. The strength of the new regi mental organization is 3,600 men. With a regiment lacking at each cantonment, this alone would mean a shortage of nearly uO.000 men. In addition there has been author ized a separate division of negro troops, which means nearly 30,000 men withdrawn from the original number assigned to the sixteen can tonments. The shortage is due partially to the necessity of taking out of na tional army men to fill up National Guard divisions. Two complete na tional army divisions of southern troops have been absorbed in this way. The remnants of three other southern national army divisions will be consolidated to form a single divisional unit, and the surplus men from other camps will be sent south to make up the missing divi sions. To Fill Aviation Corps. Drafts on the national army forces also must be made to fill up the en listed personnel of the aviation service, the medica lcorps and the service battalions needed behind the fighting lines abroad. Eventually there will be 250,000 men ia the last named service alone, and avia tion and the medical service will take nearly as many more, though not all of them will be taken from the national army. LOCAL NEWS From Saturday's Dally. Julius Pepperberg, of Lincoln, came this afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Livingston. Glen Rhoden from southwest of Mynard was a business visitor in Plattsmouth this morning. Dr. B. F. Brendel, of Murray, was In the city last evening looking after some business at. the court house. James Hall of Murray, came up this morning to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Isaac Wiles. Mrs. Mae X. Creamer and daugh ter, Miss Roes Mae, were passengers to Omaha this afternoon, where they were looking after some business. William A. Becker, of wrest of the city, came in this morning and was a passenger to Omaha, where he is looking after some business for the day. Glen Rhoden was a visitor in the city this morning, coming to take out one of the sixteen corn pickers which John F. Gorder is putting out today. Robert Jones, who has been on the sick list at Camp Cody, in New- Mexico, is improving nicely, accord ing to a letter from him to his par ents recently. Misses Bertha and Etta Nichols were passengers this morning over the Burlington for Omaha, where they will visit with friends for the day and do some shopping. Percy Wheeler from near Rock Bluffs, was a passenger to Omaha this morning, where he will visit with friends for the day and look after some business for the day. Daniel Kiser, who has been for some time part at Roland. South Dakota, returned" home yesterday afternoon, and reports quite cool weather up there, with very good crops this season. Miss Agnes Schwartz, who has been- visiting in the city for a short time at the home of her parents de parted this morning for Glcnwcod Iowa, where 5he will again take up her work at the Institution there Mr. J. N. Wise, of Omaha, arrived from that place this morning, to at tend the funeral of Mrs. R. It. Liv ingston. Mr. Wise who resided in this city for a number of years, is not feeling very; stout juct at this time SCHOOL CLOSED BY QUARANTINE Miss Viola Haynie, who is teach ing this winter at Gordon, is home for an indefinite period, on account of the closing of the school at Gor don, on account of scarletina, which is prevailing there. It Is not known vvheer the epidemic will have spent its virulence. Mrs. J. W. Haynie, her daughter Miss Viola, and a grand son, Victor Hugo Stelnhaus, were passengers to Omaha this morning, where Victor returns home and where Mrs. Haynie and daughter, will visit at the home of E. II. Stein haus for over Sunday. Croup. If your children are subject to croup get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and when the attack comes on be careful to follow the plain printed directions. You vill be surprised at the quick relief which it affords. Szlcrib1? for tli? Jonni?4 Exceptional Values in an a veircoa I Jfv '5fvlpfu I gr V CIOI The average man has heard so much about high prices that he is afraid to consider the proposition- of buy ing a suit or covercoat. We have good news for that man. . If you will come here this week you will find 100 extra value suits and overcoats that by reason of our con nection with the United National Clothiers we are able to sell you at $15, $17, $20 and $25 Among them are plenty of all wool fabrics, blue serges, green and gray mixtures. In the overcoats are conservative models for men and the new Trench Models all-around-belt for young men. Wc frankly say that these values cannot be duplicated by us or any one else. These prices are no higher than former years so don't be afraid to come and see them you will like them. We are boosters for the L Winter Lyceum Coarse, p First number Oct. 19th. g C. E. Wescotfs Sobs EVERYBODY'S STORE" We sell for less be- sssa fcffii3SS cause we buy for less! From SaM.rday's Daily. Phillip Fornoff from Cedar Creek, was looking after some business in the city this morning. Mrs. J. W. Hale was a passenger to Omaha this morning, where she will visit for the" day with friends. Troy Wiles of near Weepin Water, was a visitor in the city last evening looking after some business. Joseph and Andy Campbell, from near Rock Biufi's, were visitors in the city this morning, transacting business with cur merchants. Mrs. Luke L. Wile, Wm. Baird and Mr?. Woods made up a party who were visiting with friends in Omaha, for the afternoon. Mrs. Albert Schwartz, and Mrs Mike Ilobseheat were passengers t6 Omaha, "this morning, where they will visit with friends for the day. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Metzger and children, accompanied by S. S. Ilil born, of Omaha, were in the city for a while this afternoon, on their way to Cedar Creek, where they expect to visit Mr. Metzger's mother, Mrs. C Metzger. Ezra Albin, who was in the hos pital at Omaha for some weeks, he having been' operated on for appendi citis there, returned home about a week ago, and today was a visitor in Plattsmouth, being a guest of his cousin, Herbert Thacker. RETURNS FROM C0LERIGE From Saturday's Daily. Mrs. George Rhoden, who has been visiting at Colerige for the past two weeks, with friends and relatives, re turned home last evening, and tells of having a royal good time while shft was away. While at Colerige, Mr?. Rhoden was. a guest of her sis ter, Mrs. Will Lewis, who for a num ber of year3 lived in this county just below Murray, but who has been making her home in the northern part of the state. SELL FEED TO C. E. HARTFORD Mr. C. D. St. John, of Xehawka was a business visitor in Plattsmouth last evening, coming to bring a car load ot feed stuff to this city for C. E. Hartford. Mr. St. John is doing a good business here, having much sale on his "Letter Roll" brand of flour, as well a3 the feed stuff, which he brings up in his motor truck. FOR SALE. Baled straw at $6.si0. Tf'.?"ka!2p, Mynard, Neb. Grant Mr. and Mrs. George W. Squire de parted this . morning fur A.-hland, where they will vi?it at the home ol Mr. Squire for the day. Joseph Wcrga and wife departed Tiis morning for Wayne, where they will vidt for over Sunday with their son, Jos-eph Warga, jr. Mr. ard Mrs. F. K. Smith and lil .1 ba?y departed this morning for .r.;on. Iowa, where they will visit )er Pi'ude.y with the parents 'i Mr?. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Osier. Mri Jo?ph lh'.drala and daugh ter. Mrs. Dlanch Price and little daughter. Helen Virginia, were pass engers to Omaha this morning where they will viit with friends for the lay. Mrs. J. K. Unto, of !!at;tin;s, came in this morning and will visit for a few daya in the city, the guet cf her daughter Miss Flossie Bute of this city, e,:ie of the teachers in the High i-ehool here. John E. Carmack and family are visiting in the city with the parents of Mrs. Carmack, Carl Kunsman and wife, and with Mrs. Carmack's broth er. Charles Kunsman find wife. They will remain over Sunday. Cornelius DeJung defarted yes terday afternoon with hi.s wife and little one for Clay Center, where they will visit fjr some time at the home of Mr. DeJung'u parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeJung. Thomas Smith, who lias lived here i go-id deal of his time, making his home while here with his aunt at Rock llluffs, but who has been at Orleans, for the past summer, arriv ed this' morning from the west and will make his home here for the present. . , Misses Millred Lee Copenhaver, and Miss Ethel Babbitt, were pass engers to Omaha, this morning, where they go to attend the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, which is in session at Omaha at this time. Mrs. George Wagener, of near Murray, with her daughters, were paCicngers to Omaha yesterday morn ing, going fia the Missouri Pacific and returning home last evening via the Rurlingtcn to this city, from where ehe went home in a car. Henry Hern, of near Cedar Creek, who has been at the sanitarium at Lincoln, for the past two weeks, tak ing treatment for rheumatism, re turned h6:no this morning and is feeling much improved from the treatment which he has received. Julius Pepperberg. who has been in the city since yesterday, coming to attend the funeral of Mrs. R. R. Livingston, aj:d viriting with friends over night, and looking after some business while here, departed this morning for hi3 home at Lincoln, fie ing south over the Missouri Pa cific, and will look after some busi ness on the way. ! COMES BACK FOR VISIT AFTER 40YEARS ABSENCE From Saturday's Daily. Mrs. S. M. Toole arrived in the city this morning from the west and is the guest of Mrs. Nellie P. Agnew. ?.Ir3. Toole, whose maiden name was Mark, is a sister of Mrs. Emma Par mele, and came to Plattsmouth over forty years ago. After residing in this city a short time, she departed for the west, stopping only when she reached Ims Angeles, where she was later married to Mr. Toole, and continued to reside. She has nat been back to Plattsmouth previous to this time, since taking her depar ture from here so long ago. In coming up Main street this morning, Mrs. Toole was able to find but a very few of the buildings that graced the street when she resided here. VISITS OLD HOME From Saturday's Daily. Harry E. White, of Sioux City, Iowa, where he is employed by the Burlington as a fireman running be tween Sioux City and O'Neill, Ne braska, arrived in the city last even ing for a visit with his relatives and many friends. Mrs. White had been here for some time visiting, but had gone to Alliance for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Grass- man, and had expected to return to meet Mr. White in Omaha, but on account of train service did not get into Omaha in time to make connec tions. DIED LAST NIGHT AT MASONIC HOME Mrs. Alinira Lewis, who came to the Masonic Heme about two weeks cince from Harvard, passed away last evening, at the advanced age of 73 years. Superintendent A. W. Askwith departed this morning for Harvard, accompanying the remains of Mrs. Lewis, where the funeral will be held and the burial made today. Mrs. J. N. Wise came in this after noon for a visit with friends of for mer years. Sh will remain over the week end. Gift and Greeting cards of all kinds at the Journal office. jljuu unit jLtizLiy$ - uiu sui vv nere IflC Good Clothes Come From! mr u Bob, says Bett', "here in our own newspaper is the same advertise ment we saw in the Saturday Even ing Post. Let's go down to the Clothcraft store to-day." The largest selling suit in America Blue Serge Special No. 5130 $18.50. If you want a really exceptional suit or overcoat way under $25.00 and all wool buy Clothcraft. For Men and Young Men 'VI We are boosters for the Win ter Lyceum Course. The first number October 19th. ' 22