The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 15, 1917, Image 1

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No. 33.
i nr
4 i
J. W. Steiriliart, of Nebraska City,
Made Principal Address Coal
Prices Also Compared.
There was but a small crowd in
attendance at the conservation meet
ing yesterday, although the subject
is one of such vital interest that the
meeting should have been attended
by a house full of interested people.
Mr. J. V. Steinhart, of Nebraska
City, who is the superintendent of
this senatorial district, composed of
Otoe and Cass counties, was present
and addressed those present. Mr.
Steinhart is president of the Nebras
ka Association of Commercial Clubs,
president of the Otoe County Pro
duets company, conducting a can
ning establishment and vinegar
works in Nebraska City, and withal
an able and convincing speaker. He
explained the object of the meeting
and the necessity, especially at the
present time, of food conservation.
He explained the true meaning of
conservation as being far from the
mere saving of food and not eating
it. No one desires that anybody
starve or even deprive themselves of
the actual necessities of life, for
plenty has in all probability been
raised to permit the peoples of all
the world having enough to eat if
it is properly conserved and distrib
uted. He cited the fact that Just re
cently the output of munitions in
German- has been falling off, and
upon investigation it was shown to
be due to the fact that those engaged
in their making have not had suffi
cient to eat, and as a consequence
are not nearly so efficient in their
work, as they were when they were
well-fed and able to push the work
with vigor. He stated that while ev
ery American desires that we speed
ily win the war, this will only be
accomplished when our own troops
and those of our allies are fed suffi
cient to. produce robust health and
strength. This war is being fought
for humanity at large, and he de
sired to aimpress that we are in the
fight, no matter whether we may be;.
at the front in the trenches or here
in Nebraska supporting as best we
can those who are doing the fighting
nrsi nanu. ii v e vuiiLiuu
olr fill of the things whi(
send to the boys yes, our
first hand. If we continue to eat
ich we can
our boys, and
others too who are fighting the gi
gantic battles against German milia
tarism things which we need we
cannot hope to supply them. There
are some things which can be sent
to the trenches and made excellent
use of. while there are others which
are not nearly so useful there. It
becomes our duty to eat the less use
ful things here at home and con
serve the others for use "over there."
But before we can do this it is neces
sary that we learn the things which
are most useful to the boys at the
front. Wheat is a food that is both.sorted to eggs, and when they were
useful here and overseas, while corn to hiSh to something else. Now that
is one that can be best used here, as s Just the idea of food conservation
ihev know not how to prepare it. so not to uit eating, but to abstain
in using some of it here we can still
iret alone very nicely and conserve
more of the wheat. The matter a time, and resort to those not
making the fine flour, known as the,so useful.
high patents, as against the other
grades, is a question which affords
an opportunity for saving something
rr thP Rhinments to the boys at the
. - K
front. Thirty-two pounds of flour
is the average from a bushel of wheat
by high patent methods, while as
high as forty-five pounds of excel
lent flour may be milled from a
bushel under the other methed. Of
course, it is not as white, but it is
as nutrative, and is even claimed to
be more so in many instances. Thus ( brought up and W.- B. . Banning said
nearly fifty per cent in net results that at Murray Illinois lump was
may be obtained by resorting to the Belling at $6.50. The price at Weep
lower standard of milling as a warjing Water was reported by I. W.
food conservation measure. Teagarten as being $6.75, while the
" One of the things advocated is price in Plattsmouth for the same
not Vwheatless days" but meals in coal is $8.50.
which something else is substituted
for wheat, 6uch as corn for one meal,
or rye for one, or oats in some form,
and which if systematically follow
ed would save considerable of the
wheat product for the boys who are
doing the fighting. The same thing
is true of the meat proposition, for
fish or game of some kind. will take
the place and save the meat to sup
ply the men in the army with some
thing which eventually they cannot
have if we maintain our policy of
eating our fill of the choisest and
best. Another thing he particularly
impressed upon his hearers was that
it does not make any difference if we
feel we can afford it. It is not a
question of how much we can afford.
In the matter of fats, the policy urg
ed upon our people is to use just
enough and not to be lavish ' with
them. Such a policy dilligently pur
sued by the housewives of America
will result in their being plenty for
all, but should even half of the peo
ple be like the prodigal son and sow
with a hand that knows not the rudi
ment of thrift, moreover economy, it
would be very easy to use up the sur
plusage of food conserved by the
other half. In this vital matter, in
order to get the best results, every
one must pull together to a common
In the matter of sugar the plan
advocated is to use syrups and other
sweets in every instance possible, for
the sugar can be transported to the
front, whereas the others cannot. No
one is being asked to make large sac
rifices in the things they eat. As the
tiny drops of water make up mighty
oceans, so can the little savings of
you and I effect a tremendous saving
in the aggregate and one that will
go a long way toward putting down
Kaiserism and German 'Kultur.
Mrs. Day, of Weeping Water, was
present at the meeting, and in speak
ing of the conservation matter, she
cited an instance of where she had
been in a home and chanced to ob
serve in the slop pail fully a dozen
slices of bread, which had remained
uneaten at the meal and were thus
disposed of, whereas it could have
been saved for consumption at the
following meal. It is such wastage
as this that produces a shortage in
With the 11,000,000 homes in
America being able to save on the
average one loaf of bread a week (a
very easy matter) by eating some
thing else, those 11,000,000 loaves
of good wholesome bread would go
a long way towards feeding those
who are at the front fighting. This
would allow over a million and a
half loaves a day and still we would
scarcely miss it. Soon America will
have a vast fighting force on the
war 'front and ere we realize it our
own kith ana Kin win ne iace to
with nrman trained soldiers.
j fignting for civilization and us. Is
L nnt uifrh timo, ihat w lv mnKt
dilligent attention to this most im
portant matter? Can we continue to
neglect this subject when it may
mean so much toward the early win
ning of the war?
lr. Steinhart stated that his com-
nanv had received orders from the
government to put aside 12 per cent
of their corn output and 15 per cent
of the tomato output for use by the
government. Similar orders were re
ceived by other canneries and these
products will go to help feed the
armv. Of course the goods will be
paid for.
In times past, when we have felt
hat meat was too high, we have re
om tbe use of such articles as can
be used to advantage in the army,
J Those from out of town attending
jthe meeting were J. W. Steinhart
(and E. D. Bartling, of Nebraska City,
I. W. Teagarten, Mrs. Carl Day and
Wilson Gilmore of Weeping Water;
Dan Burke of Manley; W. B. Ban
ning, of Union; J. G. Stark and Jo
seph Capwell, of Elmwood; E. Stut
zenegger of South Bend; Henry H
Guthman. of Murdock and C. E
Noyes, of Louisville.
The matter or coal prices was
To Remain for 3 Weeks Strenuous
Practice 400 More to Follow
at End of That Time.
From Friday's Daily.
The special train bearing the 300
Fort Crook soldiers who will be sta
tioned at the Rifle range north of
town during the next three weeks,
is expcted to arrive tomorrow, in
which event the boys will be kept
pretty busy pitching tents and ar
ranging their camp for occupancy
during the period of time they will
be stationed here for intensive rifle
practice. Should the weather be
favorable it is probable a large num
ber of people will journey out to the
range tomorrow.
Folowing the departure of this in
crement of 300 three weeks hence,
a second lot of 400 will be sent here
for a similar period of practice, if
the weather permits, and if not for
as long a time as possible.
From Friday's Daily.
A. Schram and wife, of Minnea
polis, Minnesota, drove down from
their home in the north with a Dodge
Brothers' car. and are visiting just
south of the city at the homes of
James Mroucek and Peter Mumm.
Mr. Schram was a resident of Platts
mouth years ago, but has not been
here for twenty odd years.- -Mrs.
Schram has often visited here since
their removal to the north however.
This being Mr. Schram's first trip to
Cass county since they departed be
fore the day of the automobile, he
concluded he would "come back" in
different manner than it was pos
sible for him to leave back there in
the 'SOs, and so drove down in their
car. Mr. schram is engagea in tne
real estate business in Minneapolis.
From Friday's Dally.
Cases filed In the District Court,
are, one appealed from the county
court, where in T. L. Amick, of
Plattsmouth, had sued for damages
against Thomas W. Courtney, for
running into his car and injuring it
during the summer of 1916, which
was tried to the Judge in the county
court some two months since. Anoth
er is, wherein Bradley-Higley Co.,
have brought suit against Penter-
man Brothers Co-operative Co., for
goods sold and delivered in the sum
of $2,867.70, for which they ask a
From Friday's Daily.
T. L. Amick, has Just sold a new
Reo car to his mother, Mrs. D. L.
Amick, near Murray, and will be
delivered in a few days. Mr. Amick,
with his wife and little daughter,
Helen, departed for Omaha this
morning and will return with
another new Reo, which he has sold.
Just at this time it is a little difficult
to get what cars he can dispose of,
as the demand for them is greater
than the capacity or most of the
factories for turning them out.
From Friday's Daily,
Just as the day began to dawn,
and the morning sun was painting
the house tops and the varied color
ed autumn leaves with a hue of gol
den red, a long legged bird, with
bundle suspended in a napkin from
its bill, was seen tripping over the
house tops, until it arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fricke,
where it knocked to gain admit
tance, and in a voice, greeted from
within by merry peals of laughter,
said, "Good morning folks, here is
a present for you." When the pack-'his good wife a fine home in which j Angel with the trumpet, should
age and its contents had been given to enjry the comforts they have so : sound the dawning of the ressur
over to the care of the happy par-'justly earned. j recticn morn. The funeral occurred
ents, it was found to contain the
first boy, and his name is Frederick
Eaton Fricke. As a result of this
visit the household is extremely hap
py. Coal is the same price, but there
are cigars which burn very nicely
at the office. Shake, Carl, we are
pleased that this joy has come to
your home.
From Saturday's Daily.
Rev. Luther Moore, who was to
have been here to have assisted in
the funeral of Mrs. Isaac Wiles, this
afternoon, was not able to reach this
place, on account of not being able
to make close enough connections
with the train out of Kansas City,
but arrived at 3:4." over the Mis
souri Pacific, but not in time for the
funeral, which was at two o'clock.
From Saturday's Daily.
Will Perie, or the Burlington
shops, was at Havelock and Lincoln
yesterday, looking after some mat
ters of business. He had intended to
come home on No. 14, which gets
here at 9:30 in the evening, but ar
rived at the depot just in time to
miss it by about two car lengths.
Then he went back up town, think
ing he would catch No. 10, which
leaves Lincoln at about midnight
and arrives in Plattsmouth at 2 in
the morning. He started for the
train in plenty of time to catch it,
but the street car on which lie was
riding caught fire, and the clothing
of both the motorman and conduct
or was being consumed by the flames
when he took a hand and helped to
extinguish the fire This consumed
no little time, and he had to run
nearly a mile to tfe? depot, arriving
there just in time to catch the rear
end of No. 10 just as it was pulling
out of the station. Will says that by
the time he had finished running the
mila he had found out that he is no
longer a boy, but- belongs in the old
mans class.
The soldier boys from the Rifle
Range north of town will be invited
to see the Allman Comedy company's
big show free next week. Starting
on Tuesday night one hundred will
see the show, another hundred on
Wednesday night and another on
Thursday night, continuing until all
the boys at the range shall have been
entertained at the big tent. Each
night one hundred of the best seats
will be reserved free for the soldier
boys in our midst.
The Allman Comedy company lays
just claim to the honor of having
showed to more soldier boys this sea
son than any other show traveling,
they having showed free to the sol
diers at Teluride, Durango, Pueblo,
Sterling and Wray, Colorado and at
Beaver City and Minden, Nebraska.
The play for Monday night will be
"The Turning Point," with vaude
ville between the acts.
From Saturday's Daily.
Ben Dill, southwest of Murray,
who has been building a new home
at his farm, has it so far along now
that, he can occupy it and is com
pleted with the exception of the
painting on the outside.
The crew of painters froni the F.
R. Gobelman paint store finished
the interior last evening, getting in
just in the evening. The new build
ing as it is will make an elegant
home for Mr. Dill and famil-, and
one which they can all enjoy.
From VHdav's Daily.
J. W. Peters has disposed of his
home here to John Kaffenberger, who
will take possession the first of
March. Mr. Peters will continue to
live in the place until time to ttirn
it over to the new owner.
During the time he has lived in
the country near here, Mr. Kaffen
berger has worked hard, and he now
deserves the rest which he is mov
ing to town to get. The place which
he has mirchased will make him and
Those of the Elue and the Gray to
Assemble Once More on His
toric Ground of 'GOs.
From Saturday's Daily.
Tomorrow a number of the mem
bers of the Grand Army of the Re
public will depart for Vicksburg,
Mississippi, where they will attend
the peace jubilee from October 16th
to 19th. They will pass the battle
fields of Corinth and Shilo, at which
place they will stop and view the
old historic ground which was trod
by the A'ictorious armies at the time
when such interesting chapters of
American history were in the mak
ing. Those to go from this place, to
gether with the particular branch in
which they served are listed below:
John Fight, Co. "A," 29th Wiscon
sin Infantry; Thomas W. Glenn, Co.
"II." 126th Illinois Infantry; August
C. Tarch, Co. "E," 1st Wisconsin
Heavy Artillery; Robert B. Wind
ham, Co. "K." 4 6th Iowa Infantry;
William Giimour, Co. "II," 2nd Ne
braska Cavalry and Asbury Jack, Co.
"C," 123rd Illinois Infantry, all sol
diers of the northland in that gi
gantic struggle of more than fifty
years, ago. une otnert ueorge w.
Shrader, Co. "B." th Missouri In
fantry (Confederate) also will make
the trip.
We know that these old boys will
have an excellent time on the trip
and feel sure they will meet many
acquaintances of the early days some
of whom, at least, they have not seen
since the cessation of hostilities in
1 S6".
From Snturday's Dally.
Floyd Reiney, of Omaha, a brother
to James Rainey of this city was in
this city today and was a guest with
his brother. Mr. Floyd Rainey has
perfected a rotary engine, which is
supposed to be a saving over the
other forms of engines, it will be for
the use only of steam or compress
ed air, as the construction of it will
not permit of its use for gas. Mr.
Rainey returned to his home in
Omaha this afternoon.
From Saturday's Daily.
J. L. Breckenridge, and wife, ana
their son, M. J. Breckenridge and
wife and their little son, drove ever
this morning from Manley, to attend
the - funeral of Mrs. Isaac Wiles,
which was held at two o'clock this
afternoon. The party returned home
this afternoon, after the burial.
From Saturday's Daily.
Ray Hitchman and wife with their
little one departed this morning for
Oraaha, where they will look after
forae business for-the day, and will
this afternoon bring down two Ford
automobiles, for. the T. II. Pollock
Auto Co. Mr. Hitchman tells us
that there has been placed upon the
cars an additional three per cent for
a war tax, making them come that
much higher.
From Friday's Daily.
With loving hands the last on this
earth of the mother of the Ileisl
family, was laid at rest in Oak Hill
cemetery yesterday afternoon.
The funeral was held at the home
where so many, years- of tlie life of
the mother had been (spent, "the Rev.
H. G. McCIusky, directing the ser
vices, wherein was said the last sad
rites, which consigned to her last
resting place, to sleep until the
from the home, and was attend by
the many friends of the Hel?el fam
ily, when the burial was made at
the beautiful burying ground west
of the city.
From Saturday's Daily.
George A. Meisinger for some
time has been waiting for the ar
rival of a -Dodge Brothers car, which
he purchased through the John F.
Gorder agency here, but as they
have been difficult to get, he had to
wait for some time. John has
initiative, if he has anything, and he
got after the proposition of supply
ing his customer, and canvassed the
entire Missouri river district, finally
finding one at Sioux City, - Iowa.
Night before last, as soon as he lo
cated the car, he boarded a train
for that place, and yesterday drove
the new Dodge Brothers car into
this city ready for delivery this
From Saturday's Daily.
While in Chicago attending the
meeting of the. United National Clo
thiers, an organization extending
over the whole of the United States,
C. C. Wescott of this city was select
ed to preside as toastmaster at a
banquet given in their honor at the
Auditorium hotel, last Wednesday
evening. The program was one of
much merit, and while Frank S.
Wheeler, the food commissioner of
Illinois, was on the program, he was
called to Washington by a telegram
and was unable to be present. Mr.
Wheeler is the man who is to say
what prices the people of Chicago
are to be charged for their groceries
and other necessities of life. .This
6imply shows the character of men
who spoke to the clothiers on varied
subjects, and oyer whom Mr. Wescott
had the honor to preside as toast
master. He did the job too with
dignity and capability and in his
responses showed that he was alive
to the things which people are think
ing over the country, and wide awake
to the thing closest to the great mass
of people in the nation. In his ad
dress to the banquetters, among oth
er things, Mr. Wescott said: "I come
from the west, where the ties of
friendship are a little stronger, the
skies overhead a little bluer, and pa
triotism for home and country a lit
tle truer. My home is in Nebraska
and in the city of Plattsmouth,
where most of my life has been spent
-the best town in the best state in
the Union, and among the best peo
ple, or I should not have lived there
so long."
From Saturday's Daily.
Jess Warga, received a letter this
morning from Roy Holly, thanking
himself and Fred Egenberger for the
sending of an electric iron, for the
use of the Plattsmouth boys at Camp
Funston. The boys had been hav
ing somewhat of a time to get their
ironing done, but with the present
from these two Plattsmouth men,
they are now in position that they
can do their ironing in fine shape.
All the boys sent their thanks for
the gift.
Every Checking Depositor
is Interested
in the new Federal Reserve Banking System es
tablished by the United States Government, of
which we are members, because it makes the
banking business of the country safer and
sounder than ever before.
Also because it makes your checks drawn on
us more acceptable in distant points and enables
us to collect your out-of-town .checks without
any cost to you.
depositing your money with us.
2nd Liberty Loan of 1917 subscriptions now open
From Saturday's Daily. ,
George Haverhill and wife, Mrs.
Irene Haverhill, of Sandwitch, Illi
nois, arrived in the city this morn
ing from the west and were looking
the city over with a view to finding
some trace of one Ixm Phillips, who
lived in this city some fifty years ago
and with whom Mrs. Haverhill made
her home at the time. She remem
bers that they lived near Spencer
Billings', but as to just what direc
tion therefrom, she is unable to say.
Mr. and Mrs. Haverhill have been
visiting in the west a greater por
tion of the summer and are now re
turning to their Illinois home.
From Friday's Daily.
Reports from Ashland, tells of Mrs.
Abraham Fuller of that place, hav
ing fallen recently breaking her
hip. The fracture was so severe,
and the lady being advanced in
years, that it was thought best to
take her to a hospital in Omaha,
which was accordingly done. No re
ports as to her condition has been
received since going there.
From Saturday's Dnlly.
The Davenny Quintet at the Par-
mele theatre next Friday night, Oc
tober 19th, will be one of the best
musical programs that will be giv
en in Plattsmouth this season. The
committee has taken pains to ascer
tain the merit of these artists and
can say without hesitation that from
all accounts you cannot afford to
miss ""their excellent entertainment.
The program will beyaried and high
class and will consist of both vocal
and instrumental quartet and solo
work. The tickets are now on sale
at various business houses and res
ervations can be made at Weyrick
& Hadraba's. This is the first num
ber of the Lyceum course. You should
avail yourself of a season ticket at
From Friday's Daily.
Albert F. Hunger, who died at the
Saint Joseph Hospital at Kansas
City, last Sunday, ana who lived in
this city for a number of j-ears. the
father of Mrs. A. W. Bradway, was
buried on Tuesday at Forest Hill
cemetery at that place. Mr. Hunger
was born in Burlington, Iowa, and
came to this city many years ago.
and after having lived here for some
twenty or more years, removed to
Oak Flats, Arkansas, whero he con
tinued to reside until but a short
time since, when -they moved to
Kansas City, .at which place they
lived when he passed away. He
leaves besides his wife, who lives in
Kansas City, two sons i'i Kansas City,
Albert and Elmer, William Hunger
at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Carl Hung
er at Leslie, Ark'ansas, and Mrs.
Bradway, of Plattsmouth.
Gift Cards for every occasion at
the Journal office.
You can secure this protec
tion and these facilities by
opening a bank account and