PAGE 4. THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 4, 1917. PLATTSMODTEf SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Cbe plattsmoiitb ourrial PUBLISHED IEMI-WEEKLT AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, atera at Poatofflc at Plattsmouth, Neb., aa lecoad-class mallinattar. R. A. BATES, Publisher llTBSCKIPTI09r rRICBt PKK THIB HT AJDTAJfCBI Buy a Liberty bond. tor- Salt down the speeder. :o:- Ducks are not very plenty. -:o: Foot ball heroes! Oh, where are they? -:o: Down with the political maker. slate- -:o:- The war will be won by blows but now by blowhards. :o:- The fellow who sows his wild oats deserves a good thrasher. Witty paragraphers are born, not. made. But we just happened. :o:- The farmer who farms by proxy generally poses as the best farmer. -:o: In another year Uncle Sam will have completed 1,600 new ships. Xot so bad, is it? :o: Most any man knows how to tell a woman's age, but very few have the nerve to do it. -:o:- Teddy Roosevelt has coined anoth er phrase. This time it is "pawn broker patriotism." If the aliens in this country can not light for Uncle Sam they might be put to work for Uncle Sam. It's all right to strut around like you had millions, but the people know you ain't that makes it bad. -:o: The potatoe crop is fine and spuds are selling at 90 cents to ?1.00 a bushel in many sections of the state. -:o: According to New York papers the bussle is coming back. Well let it come where it belongs on some women. -:ot- Environments have a great deal to do in shaping the future of the aver age young man, or young woman either for that matter. -:o: A "save gasoline" campaign has been started. Rainy weather will help it along, and that's about the only thing that will do so. :o: About the meanest fellow we know of. is the one who sleeps all through the sermon and then refus es to see the collection plate, as it is passed. :o: You usually can tell the speeches of the Kaiser from those of LaFol lctte, Gronna of the "wilful few", by the fact the latter do not ues, "On ward With God." If this bombing and shelling of hospitals in the rear of the Allied line continues, it would seem that the safest place for the wounded will be in the first line trenches. Several new phrases of German intrigue have.-been brought to light in recent investigations. If these re ports are true, Germany has never been a friend to the United States. -:o:- No, no, my boy; not all of the dis loyal people in this country were born across the sea. Some of. the finest specimens afloat are ingrate3, cradled under the Stars and Stripes fed from Uncle Sam's nursing bottle. :o:- America's "average man" has $45.80 in the bank or his jeans to day. He is $6 richer than a year ago, according to treasury depart ment figures. On Sept. 1, '$4,783, 154,500 was in circulation In the United States. Gold coin and bul lion totalled $3,060,991,378 about one-third the world's supply and approximately a half a million dol lars more than last year. PASTE ON YOUR WINDSHIELD. When you come to a crossing, . Here's a simple rule for you Stop, and look and listen, And be sure that you can view The track from every angle And that nothing is in sight Then start again your journey, And you'll cross It alright. -:o:- NOW FOR THE LIBERTY BONDS. A nationwide drive for the sale of three billion dollars of Liberty bonds beginning tomorrow and con tinuing until October 27, is the next big step in the war. Nebraska's" allotment in this, th second Liberty loan issue, is $27, 000,000, which would make Oma ha's share, on the basis of the prev ious sale of bonds, about $9,000, 000. Omaha's allotment in the first Liberty loan was oversubscribed $3, 600.000 and the rest of the state oversubscribed by $2,000,000, mak ing a conspicuous showing among the states of the union. in this second loan, Omaha and Nebraska should not fail to measure up to the quota asked of this city and state. The first bond issue of two billion was a remarkable success in point of the number of subscribers, which were more than there millions, but we cannot any of us escape our re sponsibility for the second issue of loan bonds. It should be our pride and our patriotic privilege to add one subscriber to the group of In vestors in the cause of winning this war. A bond for each member of the family will not in many in stances be difficult of purchase. And it is not a donation by any means for a prefectly certain 4 per cent investment, entirely free of taxation, is as good a proposition as any where the guarantee is solid as Gibraltar. To those of us who have not a family representative at a military camp, the Liberty bond should make a special appeal. It is not a gift, but it is evidence of our live, earn est purpose to participate in this fight for country and for home in a substantial way. It is backing up our talk and our confidence with a little of our money. And among our assets, whatever they may be, a few Liberty bonds will be the best collateral obtain able and a reserve capital that will not shrink nor be discounted by the ups and. down of business. This method of financing the war, is both democratic and stimulating to individual thrift. If we would save a little for a rainy day, here is our chance. It will be a surprise to many to find that a bond may be purchased very easily out of small savings. We have not hitherto had such an appeal to our ability, to finances ourselves and the country at the same time. A very little thoughtful planning will do it. Join the ranks of subscribers to the Lib erty Loan bonds and you will feel Just a little bigger and better for it. World Herald. -:o:- Arthur Mullen is not wasting any time in an effort to gain the ?ood will of the Lincoln Journal. He don't need it and never will. The ill-will of that sheet in the eyes of the people 13 better than the good will, especially if you are a candt date for office. iirj :o:- Quite a number of the old veter ans of fhe Civil War in this vicinity are arranging to take In the excur sion to Vicksburg, Mississippi, They will no doubt experience a pleasant trip. At least we hope so. "GETTING- HIS." Treason is defined in the consti tution as "adhering to" or "giving aid and comfort to" tll6 enemies oT the United States. Subtler forms of treason have been devised since the constitution was framed. Among , 4 - . these none is more tnsldidus than the determination of men to take advantages of the national emerg ency to "get theirs." These traitors are found happily not in large numbers In every sta tion in life. The manufacturer who seeks to make excessive profits out of the situation created by the war is one. So is the worker who Is ready to hold up essential industry until he can enforce his own terms on it. No general definition of what i fair or unfair can be made. But every man knows in the back of his head whether he is doing the fair thing or not. In so far as he is not, he is helping the enemy and so is a traitor to his country. If selfish purposes were universal if every man set out at this time to use his country's need to "get his," the republic would fall to pieces. Kansas City Star. :o: HOW SOME CONGRESS MEN WERE BRIBED Having in mind nothing but the honor of the houes of representa tives, most Americans will wonder why Mr. Heflin of Alabama had no support when he was making a plain case against the kaiser's apologists in that body. He had said that he sus pected some members of congress of receiving German money, but this was merely incidental to an accusa tion just as grave which might have been sustained by proof. We may dismiss at once even the thought of bribery in its usual sense, and yet the Congressional Record for three years past will bear testi mony almost daily to the fact that American congressmen have cor rupted by influence no less potent than German money. They have vot ed by the hundred in support of autocracy and in betrayal of democ racy, and why? Because they were miserable cowards; because they were convinced by machine-made telegrams and letters, paid for with German money, that it would be politically profitable to them to be tray their country; because, in a word, they were afraid of a German vote which does not exist. Bribery with money is no worse than bribery with promise of favor, and every man in the house who undertook to howl down Mr. Heflin knows It. They are senators and representatives in Washington whose zeal for Germany has not been sur passed even In the reichstag. They were not bought with money, for it was cheaper to possess them In other ways. They surrendered cravenly to a propaganda of postage stamps and telegraph tolls at a cost to Germany perhaps of $3.75 on thi average. Why could not some decent American member of congress who was not a coward have said as much' in support of Mr. Hefllin? New York World. :o:- Make America American. :o:- Hurry up, if you want a Liberty bond. -:o: Be observing and don't overlook so much. :o:- Omaha is going to smash the mashers good. :o:- It is time to be thinking about a Christmas. -:o:- The dream of youth mako life worth living. :o: No use talking they arc going "like hot cakes." :o; Money is no object to an American patriot In war time. ;o; No man is as happy as he who suddenly finds himself dolus what he has always wanted to do. HIGH COST OF FIGHTING. World records are smashed so fre t quently of late that we take the most unprecedented thing as a mat ter of course. The senate has just passed a war deficiency bill carry ing $8,000,000,000 without the for mality of a roll call. This amount equals the total cost of our civil war, but it is only a fraction of . what has been appropriated since April 6, when we declared that a state of war existed. Senator Mar tin, chairman of the committee on appropriations, says the appropria tions for five months have amounted to $20,000,000,000 and he predicts next year's totals will reach $50, 000,000,000. These are, of course. utterly Incomprehensible sums and we may well sympathize with the Virginia senator's statement about the desirability of scruitinizing the estimates, while all the while recog nizing, with him and his colleagues, the futility of it. Only by auditing expenditures can an effectual check be applied. The administration will be, and must be, held to strict ac countability for the manner in which every dollar is spent, but congress cannot, without imperiling the na tional safety, refuse to allow any estimate merely because of its stag gering proportions. The newly or ganized audit bureau of the War Department has a trenmendous re sponsibility. ' It is only by comparison that we can get any conception of the high, cost of fighting in this war. The cost of the war of IS 12 wa3 $300,- 000,000, less than the item of army subsistence in ' the" deficiency bill. The total cost of the Spanish-American war to the United States.'Spain and the Philippines was only $800,- 000,000, or one-tenth the amount of the deficient bill. The program for torpedo boat destroyers will cost nearly twice the outlay for the en tire Mexican war. The shipping board program call3 for more money than Russia and Japan spent to gether in the war of 1904. Accord ing to Senator Martin's estimate, we have during five months appro priated one-third more than the Na- poleonicwars cost France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain, Russia and Turkey. Experts have estimated the cost of all the wars of the world for 120 years prior to 1914 at $40,000,000,000 or twice what we have appropriated in five months. St. Louis Globe-Dem ocrat. :o: FALLING LEAVES. And now the leaves are beginning to fall. There is nothing in the world that so reminds us that time is fleeting and ourselves going with it, as the falling leaves. It is really a solemn time for one to see a leaf fluttering down through the air to the ground. It is a reminder that it is the way we are all going falling to the ground and soon disappearing and forgotten. But the thought should be one cf hope rather than of despair, for the very circumstance should inspire everyone to live a better and truer life, and make the world brighter because the leaves fall. The leaves have done their share in the world's work. They have brought beauty to the woods. and fed the fruits and flowers through the summer. They have earned their rest, but they have something else to do, and that is to make music for the footsteps that move, through them. The music of the deep leaves of the forest is imi-: tated nowhere else. It finds expres sion in no instrument, unless it be in the heartstrings, where no sound is heard. Ohio State Journal. rot- Since flour has come down in price,, it looks like .bread ought to come down in price ; or up In size. But there is a mighty good way to bring the bakers to time just bake our own bread. The weather is now cool enough to have a fire in the kitchen range. -:o;- All the boys registered in Ne braska for the army are soon to1 be called for a final examination. FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR. In time the housewives of the United States must wake up to the determination of the United States government to win this war. Tn time they will begin to realize, as the government itself now realizes, how essential it is to the winning r.f the war, that our food supply shall be so regulated that thi3 coun try will be able to provide susten ance for its allies in order that they may continue the aid they must render us if the war is to be won. Conservation of the food supply is Just as essential as service in the army. It is the part which the wo men of the country may bear toward our national success in the elimina tion of kaiserism from the world. It is the determination of Herbert Hoover that practically all of the women of the United States shall enroll In the, food conservation cam paign. He has determined to make another and more searching effort to enroll the women of America in the food administration department of the government. The week of October 21-28 has been chosen -r that effort. The purpose 6f the en rollment is to bring the women into close relations with the food admin- istration, so that it may rend them instructions on how to conserve focd and what food to conserve. Nobody is going to escape a, share in this work. What is not done voluntarily will be done by sterner methods. Already we are advisci! that sugar must be conserved, and if the housewife doesn't do her share cf her own accord, the govern ment will place such restrictions upon the use of sugar as will cover its purposes. The same will be done with other articles of food needed for the allies. It can all be done without the exer cise of imperative restriction if thtr women will only register, get the instructions and obey them as a patriotic person should obey. If the housewives of the country do pot do that, they seem destined to encount er many disappointments in the re; ulation of their household affairs. Lincoln Star. You have to ginger up if you wont to get any spice out of lifj. :o: Of course, the Kaiser wants? peace. but he's too bull-headed to say so, outright. :o:- Sooner or later it will dawn upon Kaiser Wilhelm that the peace terms will not be what he wants but what he can get. :o:- BEN DECKER VERY LOW. Reports from the bedside of 13. G. Decker, who is at his farm home a few miles south of the city is to the effect that he is very low with dropsy. Mr. Decker, has the dis tinction of having been at this place, in 1853, the year that Samuel Martin settled here and built the first trad ing post, at which he traded with the Indians. Mr. Decker has been getting very feeble for the past few years, and although only 73 years of age, for the past few months has been very weak. The members of his family were called to his bed side this afternoon, on account of hi3 extreme illness. Mr. Docker is a member of the G. A. R. and served during the entire length of the civil war. NOTICE! I am in a position to make some very attractive prices on a few Ilenny buggies which I am closing out. Al so have a good price on wagons. See me if in the market. A. O. AULT, Cedar Creek, Neb FOR SALE. Baled straw at SGO. Grant Wetenkamp, Mynard, Xeb. Women Have Their Troubles. Not only middle-aged women, but younger ones, too, suffer from back ache, pains in side, swollen ankles, sore muscles, rheumatic pains and kindred ailments without knowing that these are most often the result of deranged or overworked kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills ere good medi cine for kidney trouble. Sold every where. The Famous IS NOW SOLD IN CASS COUNTY and is considered by all its users and many others who may be users sometime, as the most car for the. money on the market today. It is well made, handles easy and is built for the driver who cares and likes a car that will stand the test. Prices of the Elcar on all models are as follows: 345.00 f . o. b. Factory with the exception of The Sedan Type which sells for 5995.00 f . o. b. Factory Deinanstrations will be cheerfully made by writing or telephoning, Union Line, 60 A. A. UY STE!s! Airnt i.i:s or i( oitrn Tiox. We. the undersigned, hereby asso ciate ourselves together for the pur posy of forming- a corporation under (he laws of the State of Nebraska, anil io adopt the following Articles of In corporation: Article 1. The name by which this corporation shall be known id FAIJM i:i:S ST ATM HANK. Article 11. The principal place of business of this corporation shall be at l'lattsmouth. County of Cass, State of Nebraska. Article 111. The object for which this corporation is formed is to carry on a Commercial llankins-: business un der the Jaws of the state of Nebraska. Article IV. The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall hs Fif tv Thousand 1'ollars, of which at least Fifty Thousand lollars shall .have been paid in at the time of commence rnent of business, which shall be is sued in siiares of the par value of One Hundred (100) Dollar:? each, Xo transfer of the .stock of this corpora tion shall he operative until entered on the books of the corporation. Article V. The indebtedness of this corporation shall at no time exceed the amount of its paid in capital and surplus except for deposits. Article VI. This corporation shall besrin business on the 22nd day of September. 11117, or as soon thereaf ter as authorized bv the State Kank Jni? Hoard of the State of Nebraska, anil shall terminate on the 22nd day of September, 19."7. Article Vli. The affairs of this cor poration shall be under the control and management of a board of direc tors, consisting of not less than three nor more than seven shareholders, whose term of office shall be for a period of one year, or until their suc cessors are elected and qualified, not less than a majority of whom shall be residents of the county in which the bank is located, -or counties immedia- telv adjacent thereto. It shall be the dutv of the Hoard of Directors to elect from . their number a president and secretary. and select a .vice-president and cashier, and they may also select an assistant cashier and .uch other clerks and assistants a.s the busines of the corporation may require. The term of the o..cers of this corporation -hall bo one vear. or until their sue ressors are elected and qualified. Tiie board of directors may adopt such by laws for the regulation and manage ment of the a flairs and business of the corporation as it may deem proper. Article VIII. The regular anmial meetins of the stockholders of this corporation shall be held on the 2nd Wednesday of January each year, at which meetlnvr the hoard of Directors above provided for shall be elected. A majority of the shares tf the stock of the corporation at any regular or spec ial meet ins;, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Article IX. Until the regular meet ing of the stockholders of the corpo ration, the following named persons shall constitute the Board of Direc tors: A. .1. Schafer. T. M. Patterson. K. !'. Dutz. Mark White and L. C Todd. Article-X Each stockholder shall at any regular or special meeting be en titled to one vote, either in person or by proxy, for each share of stock held. Article NI. These articles of incor poration may be amended at any reg ular or special meeting called for that purpose by a two-thirds vote of all the stock. Witness cur hands this Sth day of September, 1!)17. A. .T. PCHAFKR, T. M. FATTFUSON, K. 1. LT'TZ. MARK WHITE, L,. C TODD. State of Nebraska) - Cass County ) ss: On this Sth dav of September. 1917, before the undersigned, a Notary Pub lie In and for said county and state, personally appeared A. J. Schafer, T. It IMelbirsiste We have some choice 80, 130, 160, 240 and 320 tracks of land near Sterling, Adams, Tecumseh, Elk Creek, Cook, Burr, Douglass, Vesta, Crab Orchard, Filley and Lcwiston, Nebraska. Prices very reasonable and the terms good. . . m Call or write cUenhaapt & Curtain, STERLING, NEBRASKA DEALER Agent for Cass County M. Patterson. H. I .Lutz, Mark White and D. (5. Todd, to me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing Articles of In corporation, and each for himself ac knowledged the same to be his volun tary -act and deed. It Witness Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and notarial seal this Stli day of September, 1917, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska. JACK M. PATTERSON", (Seal). Notary Public. No-no-: to ritioniToits The State of Nebraska) - Cass County ) ss: In the 'on lit j' Court. In the matter of the Estate of Velos co V. Leonard. Deceased. To the Creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth. in said countv, on the 31st dav of October. 1917. and the 31st dav of January, 191S. at 9 o'clock a. m.. to", re ceive and examine all claims against said Estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said Estate is three months from the 31st day of October, A. D.. 1317. and the time limited for oayment of debts is one vear from said 31st dav of October, 1917. Witness , my l and and the seal of said County Court this 27th day of September, 1917. ALLEN J. EEESOX. (Seal) ol-4w. County Judge. XIITlfK TO CREDITOKS The State of Nebraska) Cass County ) ss: In the ('ounlf Court. In the matter of the Estate of Mary F. Welch, Deceased: To the Creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said county, on the 12th dav of November. 1917 and the 12th day of January. 1918, at-10 o'clock a. m. of each of said days to receive and ex amine all claims against said Estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said es tate is three months from the 11th day of October. A. D.. 1917. and the time limited for payment of debts is one 1917 from said 15th day of September, Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this loth day of Septem ber, 3 917. ALLEN .T.-BEESON, (Seal) sl7-4w-sw County Judge. ' SELLS PROPERTY HERE. Charles Hula, who but a short time since built himself a home in the northwestern portion of the city, sold the same yesterday to J. J. Meisinger, the consideration being $2,000. The home is a good one and will make a fine residence for Mr. Meisinger and wife. SELLS ANOTHER PROPERTY. C. II. Fuller, who some time since purchased the three pieces of prop erty known as the Peters & Rich ards cottages, in the third ward! yesterday sold the middle one to E.S M. Geis. This is a nice piece or property, and will make an elegant home for Mr. Geis. I : Subscribe for the Journal. astern