The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 27, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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With Military Training, Says Wrig
(Hy Wm. "Wrigley, Jr., .Chicago)
How fortunate it would have
been had we adopted universal mili
tary training five or ten years ago
It would have meant much in the
present crisis it probably would
have kept us out of the war. But
it's no use to cry over spilt milk.
The question is, what shall we do
now? Every thoughtful man must
feel that a nation unable to protect
itself promptly is blind to the tragic
possibilities of its heedlessness. War
conies unexpectedly and, as in our
own case, it is sometimes forced
upon an "innocent bystander" For
three years we submitted to insult
and injury, until forbearance ceas
ed to be a virtue and there was
nothing left for us but to assert our
rights and to defend them. No
country in the world hates war more
than we do. Only extreme provoca
tion would induce xis to take up
arms. Experience shows abundant
ly that a peace-loving nation is not
safe because of that "act. Pelgium
and some of the Balkan states are
evidence of it.
As the world is constituted, and
has been through thousands of years
of strife, there is only one safe plan,
and that is to follow the advice of
Washington in time of peace, pre
pare for war. If we vad done this
a few years ago, we would have
saved billions of dollars and tens of
thousands of lives. It is common
knowledge in military circles that
trained men. by knowing how to
take care of themselves in camp
and in the field, reduce the mortal
ity and casualties at least two-thirds
and, what is even more vital. MEN'
FARE. Nationally, we need a little fore
right, a keener appreciation of the
necessity for providing for future
contingencies. We cut ice in the
coldest sort of weather when no
body wants ice. for we know it will
be demanded a few months later;
Fo we prepare in mid-winter, for our
comforts during the heated period
of summer.
The plan of universal military
training as outlined in the Cham
berlain Bill would make available
at all times, millions of young men
who have had sufficient military
training to enable them to become
excellent soldiers with a few weeks
of additional training. This would
safeguard the nation and prepare it
against any contingency that would
probably arise, and if one should
never arise, the tra:nmg and dis
cipline would be the very best ex
perience that any yoi;ng man could
have. It would make him stronger
physically, more alert mentally,
quicker to see and to act. Also, it
would increase his earning capacity
and give him a better chance to
win success in his life work. Our
boys appreciate this. I think the
majority of them would be glad, to
take the training.
War is a calamity beyond de
scription. We are sorry that any
of our young men fnould be com
pelled to engage in it, but "there are!
some things worse than war, and
one would be to have our country
dominated by a foreign power by
a rule, of ruthless militarism that
counts war as a regular business. .
Since the boys may at any time
be called upon to defend our coun
try and our flag, we owe it to them
to provide them with a careful pre
training so that they may perform
this important national function
both efficiently and as safely as
possible. We must not be asleep at
the switch. The responsibility is
up to the American citizen and the
voters of this country to demand
the passage of the Chamberlain
Bill jir some similar measure by
Congress at its next session. It has
already been postponed too long.
It's time now for action.'
Dr. Keys, a specialist of Omaha,
was in. the city this morning visit
ing Mrs.; Isaac Wiles, who has been
sick for some time and whose con
dit ion of late has been such that it
was thought advisable to call a spec
ialist in consultation. The Doctor
expresses hopes that he Will be able
within a short time to have his pa
tient showing signs of improvement
He says that while her condition is
grave, he thinks she will be able to
be around again in the course of a
few weeks, which will be good news
to her friends.
T. J. Foster, who for some time
has been employed in the Burling
ton shops, but resigned that posi
tino some weeks since, has been
employed picking apples and clerk
ing in the Peoples Grocery Store
has accepted a position with E. A.
Wurl, and goes to work there this
morning. Mr. Foster is a very gen
ial and capable man, and we are
sure will make an efficient salesman
in that progressive place of busi
Our Editor, Col. M. A. Bates, who
for some time past has been fight
ing a feeling of indisposition, and
who was compelled for a day to. re
main at home on account of feeling
badly, but who would not forget his
work, having a messenger between
the office and his home, is now im
proving and was able to be at the
office yesterday, and hopes to be
feeling himself again soon.
Mr. John Foffner and wife of
Cheyenne, who a have been visiting
for some days past at the home of
their uncle, George Bernett, who
lives just on the other side of the
river, departed this morning for their
home in the west. J. W. McCord.
who was also visiting with his
uncle Mr. Bernett, departed for Ne
braska City, where he will visit
with Alfred McCord, a brother for a
short time before he shall return to
Cheyenne his home also.
Blythe Rosencrans, the young
real estate man of the W. E. Rosen
crans firm, made a trip to Chase
countv last Sundav evening with a
party of land seekers. While Blythe
is young in the business, we will
wager a coon skin, and skin the
coon in the bargain, that he makes
good on the trip, and if any of his
men are half way warm on the
proposition he will start-the pxirchas-
ing fever by cleverly showing up
the many good qualities of the
Chase county land, which so many
of Cass countv farmers have in
vested in during the past year.
The Burlington has arranged to
provide a special train for the eve
ning of Wednesday, October third.
or the Electrical Parade, for Ak-
Sar-Ben week. The train will leave
Plattsmouth at 7:00 in the evening.
arriving in Omaha in plenty of time
for the parade, and will return de
parting from Omaha at 11:00 at
niht, which will give all the time
wanted for the parade, and getting
lome by or near midnight.
George Snyder is out in Chase
county this week putting in GOO
acres of wheat on his farm in that
county. We are informed that
George will sow 120 0 acres next
year, all on-land that he bought
through the Rosencrans agency some
time ago. Pete Campbell, the own
er of a fine farm in this county,
has just returned home from there
where he has just completed the
task of sowing 250 acres to wheat.
Cass county farmers are going to
have wheat and are buying Chase
county land on which to grow it.
County Judge Allen J. Beeson and
Attorney C. A. Itawles, who were at
Red Oak, Iowa, to hear the argu
ment of Attorney Mitchell on the
case of Rev. Eynn George J. Kelley,
accused of the murder of the Moore
family and the Stillinger girls, and
which was known as the Villisca ax
murder, returned home, Mr. Rawls
coming yesterday morning and
Judge Beeson last evening, after
having heard but a portion of the
argument. Judge Beeson says feel
ing is running high and it is hard to
tell how the verdict will result.
B. Glen Buffington, a clerk in a
grocery store at Columbus Junction,
Iowa, being enamored of his lady
love. Alma P. Ilcrdman, of Lincoln,
Nebraska by prearrangement, mt
In Omaha, yesterday morning, and
telephoning to Judge M. Archer of
this cits,' came to Plattsmouth. via
the Missouri Pacific, at a little Le
fore three o clock, and secunrg a
permit to wed were by the judge
united in marriage, departing a
short time later for a short trip
before they ' should settle down to
the realities of every day life in the
prosperous Iowa town.
R. A. Parks, of Valentine, this
state, came In this morning and is
visiting this city, having in view the
securing of an idea of our prosperity
and the value of land hereabouts, as
well as the olume of business being
transacted in Plattsmouth.
A Valuable Health Hint.
Foley Cathartic Tablets keep the
bowels open and regular, the liver
active and the stomach sweet. They
cause no pain, nausea nor griping,
They relieve indigestion, sick head
ache, biliousnc's, sour stomach and
like Indispositions. Stout persons en
joy them, as they are so comfort
ing and helpful. Sold everywhere
Elsewhere in this issue Of The
Journal -will be-found an advertise
ment for the Pollock Auto Co., an
nouncing that Ford cars can now be
had. Mr. Pollock has been short on
cars all summer, and has had a wait
ing list at ail times. These contracts
will be closed up.within the next few
days and he will be in a position to
supply new contracts almost imme
diately, as cars are arriving every
week. He has- also enlarged his con
tract for the next jear and taken
m more territory. He is given a
larger portion of Cass county and
a southern portion of Sarpy county,
as well. This will give the Pollock
Auto company a great many more
cars during the coming year, and
prospective customers will not have
to be placed on the waiting list so
The St. Luke's Guild of St. Luke's
parish, met at the home of Mrs. V.
V. Leonard on Sixth tsreet yester
day afternoon and organized for the
coming year's work. Various plans
were made and discussed for the coni
ng months and the ladies or St.
..uke's Guild are very anxious that
the older ladies of the parish will
oin them and assist in the work
they are planning. During the af-
ernoon, Mrs. Leonard, assisted by
her daughter, Miss Verna, served a
delicious luncheon.
Hardest Worked Need Help First.
Through all the years the kidneys
are at work filtering out impurities
that poison the blood if permitted to
remain. Is it any wonder that they
are overworked andjn need of help?
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic and
strengthening in action. Get rid of
backache, rheumatic pains, stiff
joints, sore muscles. Sold every
There are many inquiries for the
addresses of the boys who have gone
to the cantonments and also those
which have enlisted and have been
sent to other places, and they have
many friends who would like to
write to them, and also to send mag
azines and other things to them. So,
we will publish on next Monday the
addresses of the boys which have
been furnished us by that time, so
all who may desire can clip the same
out of the paper to keep, and can
then communicate with them.
X!!- I 111 I "! 4X 1 11 I
We are informed that certain peo
pie are spreading the report that the
Plattsmouth State Bank ia owned in
part by parties in control of the oth
er banks in this city, and in the near
future will be consolidated with one
of them.
This is an absolute falsehood, as
no man actively connected with any
other bank in this city has a single
share of, stock in this bank.
The statement is alsobeing made
that certain changes will soon be
made in the management of this
bank, and that Mr. Roberts is to re
tire from the bank, which statement
is equally false. .
By J. M. Roberts, Cashier.
To be given by the Cosmo
politan club at Coates hall on
Saturday night, Sept. 29th.
Good time assured all. The
best of order maintained. El
ectric fans. Ladies-free check
rooms. Ice cold refreshments.
Music by Holly orchestra. Ad-
J. mission: Gents, 50c; Ladies,
J free.
Subscribe for the Journal.
There is more. Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years it was sup
posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly falling
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease,
greatly Influenced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional
remedy, is taken internally and acts
thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System. One Hundred Dollars re
.ward is ottered for any. case that Hal Us
Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CHKNEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
The Anti Hog Cholera Association
which -has an organiatiozn ramnify
ing throughout the whole country,
and pushing an active program of
education, with the end In view of
eliminating a great percent of the
loss of hogs incident to the cholera.
In conjuctlon with the National
Government they are using all means
to educate the people in such a way
as will in the end stop entire or
mitlgat the ravages of this dread
ed disease with the , hogs. Next
Saturday evening at the Gem thea
tre will be. given free of charge an
illustrated lecture, for the purpose
of acquainting the people with the
symptoms of the disease and man
ner of treating it that anyone can
treat their own swine, and thus
save the hogs, where it would be
difficult to get assistance, before the
hogs should perish. All farmers
and those interested in the breed
ing and growing of hogs are es
pecially invited to be at the meet
ing, and hear the lecture which is
given and illustrated by a special
representative sent by the govern
ment for the purpose of educating
the people who are interested in the
matter. This lecture is free to all
and it is desired that all who are
interested in the matter will be
there, and the invitation is extended
to all who will attend. Illustrated
slides will give the manner of treat
ment as well as by the lecture of the
The ceremonies of the flag rais
ing this morning at the school
grounds, was one of quite a good
deal of interest. This is the day
which is under the auspices of the
High school, and under the general
supervising of Mr. Charles Richard
son the principal of the high school.
The members of the high school
marched out In order, and under
the direction of the Instructor in
athletics, C. E. Spate, a number of
patriotic songs were sung, and as
the flag went to the top of the pole,
all saluted the Emblem of Liberty
and our banner of the Republic. E.
H. Wescott made an address, in
which he impressed upon those who
surrounded the banner, that whether
they were to be generals, leaders in
action or thought or were to take a
part in some other position, their
work would be necessary, and in
Doing Their Bit, it would be neces
sary for them to put into all their
acts, their entire vital force, doing
what they did with a vim and energy
which should bring success. And to
bring success is to do the thing at
hand the best It can be done, wheth
er that is large or lesser act. The
public schools have been equipped
for your benefit, and to afford you
an opportunity to make the best of
life and its work. You all are ex
pected to do this. i
Last evening a goodly number
gathered at the . prayer meeting ser
vices at the Methodist Church. The
Rev. Mr. Truscott showed reasons
why he was not a Latter Day Saint.
He mentioned the barbarities, blas
phemies and corruption of mormon
ism, in general outline with but few
details. A member and elder of the
Latter Day Saints was present and
asked permission to explain that
while all Mr. Truscott said of Mor
monism was true yet, the reorgan
ized churc hof which he, Mr. Jones,
was a member headquarters of which
is in Missouri, is free "from those
But Mr. Jones acknowledged that
the reorganized "church has faith in
the utterances of Joseph Smith, the
founder, . believes he was a prophet
of God, and believes the book of
Morman to be the word of God as
the scriptures.) Next Wednesday
Mr. Truscott will continue to tell
why he is not a latter day saint.
Will Be Repaid for Their Work.
Women everywhere suffer from
kidney trouble backache, rheuma
tic pains, swollen and tender mus
cles, stiff Joints. Mrs. C. J. Ellis,
505 8th Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D.,
writes; "I feel sure if anyone both
ered as - I was will give Foley Kid
ney Pills a fair trial they will be
repaid for their work." Sold everywhere.
( Dr. J. F, Brendel, of Murray ac
companied by Fred Root of Lincoln,
who is visiting in Murray were in
this city. this morning looking after
some business. :'
Rosencrans is going to Chase coun
tv Sundav evening. There is still a
number of choice-farms that you can
buy: now, and-that will be worth
more money a little later. . Sunday
night is the time to go.
Henry Horn, from near Cedar
Creek, was a business visitor in the
city this morning. t
Frank Martin, of Omaha, was a
visitor in this, city this afternoon,
looking after some business here.
Found: An Osgood lens. Owner
may have same by calling at this
office and paying for this advertise
ment. s27-tfd.
Jesse Vallery, from west of My
nard, was a visitor in Omaha this af
ternoon, where he was looking after
some business.
Fred Beverage, from northwest of
Murray, was looking after some bus
iness in the county seat this after
noon, coming in with his car.
Mrs. Phillip Stoehr and Mrs. Peter
Schroeder, both of Cedar Creek, were
visitors in the eitv vesterdav, re
turning to their home last night.
For any pain, burn, scald or
bruise, apply. Dr. Thomas Eclectic
Oil the household remedy. Two
sizes 30c and COc at all drug stores.
Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum
sets you crazy. Can't bear the
touch of your clothing. Doan's Oint
ment is fine for skin itching. All
druggists sell it, COc a box.
S. C. Keckler and brother. Eli
Keckler, both of Louisville, cumc
over to Plattsmouth last evening
and were attending to some busi
ness in the city returning home late
last night.
Mrs. Robert Jordan, formerly Miss
Lillian Rouchka, who is living at
Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the
city for a while yesterday, and re
turned to lier home last evening,
near Cullom.
, Troy Wiles, of near Weeping Wat
er was in the city this morning with
his Ford car, and purchased a new
wagon from John F. Corder, taking
it home with him. trailing along be
hind the Ford. Great cars, these
Fords, for all purposes.
L. A. Brown and wife, who have
been visiting at the home of Mr.
Brown's mother, near Greenwood,
where she was sick for the past
two weeks returned home this mor
ning .and reported that the mother
is seme what improved.
Mrs. John Shovanac of Crete, who
has been visiting in the city for the
past week, a guest at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Prince of this city, departed for
her home on the early morning
Mrs. Theodore Burozyk and little
children, Loretta ami Harry, of Ivan
hoe, Minnesota, who have been vis
iting with the uncle of Mrs. Burozyk,
Mr. Valentine Tomas, south of the
city for the past few days, depart
ed this afternoon for their home in
the north.
How about that trip to Chase
county? You have been planning
for this trip for some time so make
up your mind to go Sunday evening.
Rosey is going again aud you are in
vited to become one of the party.
See Rosey about it now.
'Mrs. G. P. Craigan, of Waterloo,
Iowa, who has been visiting in the
city for some time past, a guest at
the home of her mother, . Mrs. J.
Suyens of this city departed for
Omaha this morning from where she
will go to her home in Iowa.
Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Homan, of
Webster City, Iowa, who have been
visiting in Corning, Iowa, for some
time past with relatives and friends,
and who have also been visiting for
a short time with .his uncle here, Mr.
George W. Homan, departed this af
ternoon for their home at Webster
Adam Meisinger, of Cedar Creek,
motored to this city this afternoon,
to' attend to some business matters.
Mr. Meisinger and mother, Mrs. J.
H. Meisinger, have been visiting a
daughter and sister, Mrs. George
Horn, near Creighton, Neb., for the
past week, returning home last ev
ening. They report a most delight
ful trip.
On account of the falling away of
the membership of the United Work
men, and the liability that they will
have no hall in a short time, the De
gree of Honor auxliary of that or
der, are moving their meeting place
to the hall of the Modern Wood
men of America, where they have
arranged to meet in the future.
Never Bothered Since.
After" suffering with terrible pains
in his back for eight years, and after
having tried doctors and medicines,
Alvis . Souers, Ade, Ind., writes:
"Foley Kidney Fills were recom
mended to me and the first bottle
removed the pain. After taking
three bottles the bloating was all
gone and has .never bothered mo
since." Sold everywhere.
J oStiPi iis
o Elberta
A Ju
More than 200 New Fall Hats will
be shown for the first time
Black Hatters Plush Crown with Mush
room Brims.
Lyons Velvet Turbins in black and
Small Mushroom Shapes with high
Wide Banded Sailors in military effects.
A special assortment for the "School Miss" at $2.95.
Plattsmouth Service
The special Burlington train will leave
Plattsmouth at 7:00 p. m.; LaPlatte 8:11 p.
m.; Bellcvue 7:21 p. m. Returning, special
train will leave Omaha for Plattsmouth and
intermediate points at 11:00 p. m.
Ford Service for the owners of Ford cars is a
fact courteous, prompt, efficient. Service which
covers the entire country, almost as a blanket, to
the end that Ford cars are kept in use every day.
Drive where you will, there's a Ford Agent nearby
to look after your Ford car. .The "Universal Car"
will bring you universal service. Better buy yours
today. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Coupe
.let $505, Town Car $595, Sedan $645 all f. o. b.
Detroit.- We solicit your orders now.
We can make prompt delivery of Ford cars
as our new contract gives us a much larger num
ber of cars and more territory.
T- H- Pollock Auto o.,
FORD Authorized Sales and Service, 6thSt., PlatUmouth, Neb
Office Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. 58.