The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 27, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmouth journal
atarcd at Poatoffic at PlatUmouth; yti.7.u tecoad-claas mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
uxsckiptioh prick i per tear in' adtanch
Auld "Nature swears the lovely dears
Her noblest work she classes, O;
Her 'prentice nan's she tried on man,
And then she made the lasses, O!
Robert Burns.
Everything booming.
Can everything you can.
Have you learned to Jazz, yet'
Foot ball teams are in training.
Shell games are still staged in
The price-fixers will soon have to
fix himself.
First of October down goes the
coal prices.
Ile is a wise boy who will admit
he has a lot to learn.
There are just as big suckers
as ever were caught.
After a fellow has painted things
red he feels pretty blue.
Many of the pulpits in England
are now occupied by women minis
ters. to:
Wanted An American dentist in
Berlin the Kaiser's crpwn is com
ing off.
Xames are deceptive. Of course
you do not pat prunes with a prun
ing knife.
Fresh oysters, like everything else
are high, but then we don't have
to have them.
McAdoo says it takes $2,000,000
to float the war loan. We believe
it, but who gets the $2,000,000?
There are all kinds of men, but
we never heard of a man reducing
his expenses when his wages were
Some men believe in the division
of the duties at home. They let
their wives do the work and they
do the rest.
"Value of Rubles Slumps," a head
line informs us. We need not rc
. mind you that they are not some
thing to eat.
Every loyal American can always
find something to do to help his
country, and do something for the
boys who have gone to the war.
The boys in the trenches are do
ing their bit by protecting you and
your homes. Do your bit by spend
ing two bits for smokes for them.
Misplaced switches have been
known to wreck children's lives as
well as trains. Yes, and as we
come to think of it, ruin a young
lady, if her beau happened to call
that evening.
A powerless gun is a late inven
tion by an American genius. It is
said that the gun might be taken
for a grind stone at a short distance.
It is revolved at great speed by an
electric motor, and is capable of fir
ing hundreds of shots a minutes. The
bullets are carried in small cups,
which hold them until the gun
reaches the proper position for their
discharge by centrifugal force. The
weapon is accurate at five miles, is
cheap to operate, and is noiseless."
Such a weapon ought to revolution
lze land attacks, and If it can dc
all that is claimed for it the chances
are it will assist in playing some
part in the world's greatest war.
Flenty of turkeys, they say.
When will this cruel war end?
Have you examined that flue yet?
Keeping late hours is not good
for the system.
About time to bid farewell . to
19 17's summer.
The successful antidote for Ger
man plots is in cemetery plots.
"He who loves not his country,"
said Byron "can love nothing."
There are those who think they
are running the Lord's business.
Just because you had the last say,
don't be too sure you won the argu
ment. '
If you are not a good listener it
don't takethe preacher long to find
it out.
The government now is conscript
ing the brains of the country. This
is a draft few of us need fear.
Xinety. billions does not mean
half as nluch to the ordinary man
as the price of his winter's fuel.
You will find that most "re
formers" are being paid more than
they could earn at any other work.
While on the subject of canning.
do not forget every jar will help
join defeat down the throat of the
Congress will no doubt adjourn
some time in October, giving mem
bers two months to explain to their
constituents. Some of them couldn't
do it in a life time.
A lot of people who do not under
stand the vernacular of the news
paper office are pretty sure that
"the devil" is just a nickname for
the editor.
"Onward ith God," says the
kaiser of the Riga advance. What
will he call the movement in Fland
ers when Hindenburg falls baclt,
leaving the - usual trail of desola
August "was the poorest month
the U-boats have had since the era
of ruthlessness began in February.
The submarine menace Is in a fair
way to join the Zeppelin as a ex
ploded war terror.
We read this morning about the
champion slacker. A man in New
York refused to celebrate Columbus
day on the ground that if Columbus
had stayed on ttie other stCe of the
Atlantic, America would not be . at
Every day wo rea4 about a new
campaign- against this or that pest.
One of the most . pernicious pests
we know of is the fellow who for
three years has been telling what
he would like to do with Germany
but -still refuses to enlist.
A member of the San Francisco
board of education wants to plant
onions for use instead of palm trees
to beautify school grounds. Proba
bly he believes in -the old say that
if you take care of the "scents" the
dollars will take care of themselves
"Business must go on," war or no
war. This has come to be a great
American slogan. Americans of
visicni recognize clearly that if their
nation exerts its greatest efforts at
the front in downing autocracy and
exalting democracy, it must keep
the home fires burinns. Industry
is the power behind the guns.
Roughly speaking, the war has
thus far cost the allied Rations
$58,000,0.00,000. The great bond
bill of congress will bring the total
war expense for the United States up
to more than $19,000,000,00Q. This
includes certain departmental ap
propriations, but the whole may be
considered as applying to war mea
sures. The per capita tax of $190
upon the population of the country
involved would seem to answer the
charge that congress has not been
actively engaged in legislation with
in the last five months. The amount
for the United States for the per
iod ending June 30, 1918, exceeds
that of any foreign nation since the
beginning of the war. Within that
period the public debt of Great Brit
ain has jumped from $3,443,799,000
to $21,897,666,000, of which amount
$5,S00,000,000 has been advanced to
its allies and to British dominions.
When the war began the public
debt of France was $6,347,540,000
and by last April it had reached
$17,727,013,000. The Russian debt
in the January preceding the war
stood at $4,544,000,000, but had
risen by last January to about $13,
000,000,000. In the same period of
time the national indebtedness of
Ialy increased from $2,792,106,000
to $6,067,600,000. War figures for
Japan have not been given out offi
cially, but it may be said that in a
very real sense that nation is better
off than when the war began. In
startling contrast to these enormous
figures are the war costs to the
central empires. Within the three
years ended, last January the Aus-
rian debt advanced from $2,559,-
546,000 to $8,978,065,000. On Sep
tember 30, 1916, the public debt of
permany was $12,158,000,000. Prof.
Jaffe has calculated that by the end
of July of this year the debt of the
German empire had reached 120,-
000,000,000 marks, or double the
1916 figures. Yet this, combined
with the Austrian debt, is far below
the $58,000,000,000 cost to the al-
ies. It Is conceivable that the forty
years of war preparation by Ger
many have something to do with,
these costs, while there has also
been enforced economy along many
ines of expenditure. In any event,
America is still the great spender.
It may" allay apprehensions, how
ever, to recall that the per capita
debt imposed on the north by the
civil war was $342 and that the cost
represented 39 per cent of the total
wealth. Today a total war expendi
ture of $35,000,000,000 would be
only 13 per cent of the present
wealth. Thomas F. Logan in Les
"Training for foreign service,"
says a government official, "must be
based upon satisfactory courses in
commercial education. Industry trade
and diplomacy are working con
jointly in creating a new interna
tional policy for the nations of the
world. The echnique of commerce
must 'be familiar to the consul and
diplomat of thfuture. The social
a,nd religious welfare of a nation in
foreign fields, with or without the
supervision or patronage'' of the gov
ernment,can not be efficient with
out training in foreign relations
courses based, on the fundamentals
of commercial education."
The highbrow huzzy whose slogan
is, "Husband the stuff, don't stuff
the husband," is true to her breed
ing. If the husband, who is gen
erally the bread winner, and often
the only one in the family, was a
horse or a mule, he would be fed to
capacity and groomed to a finish
Being simply a husband or father
of a family of girls, he is denied
even the joys of a full belly.
About 11 soldiers are killed in
action or die of wounds in each
1,000 of mobilized strength on the
western front, according to figures
just compiled by the committee on
public information. The figures are
based on French official records and
on estimates ot military experts in
thi3 country.
"After all, a man does .what he
wants to do," said Dr. James J.
Walsh, physician, teacher and psy
chologist, in an interview for the
American Magazine. .
"Therefore he must be taught as
a child, and he must learn in adult
years to teach himself, to want to
do the right thing and to want it so
hard that he is bound to arrive at
the wished-for goal. Anybody can
sit down and say, 'I'd like to be head
of my company or President of the
United States, or the best salesman
in the world.' That much is easy.
It is exactly what the baby does
when it sits on the floor and squalls
for a piece of candy. But it i3 a
very different thing from wanting
something so much that he is will
ing to set about it and undertake
at once the doing of the Impossible.
The trouble with the average man
is. that he does not want things
hard enough." .
He explains that most people don't
get where they would like to be be
cause they are too soft. He has no
patience with1 the education which
makes things easy for children. "It
would be far better to take up half
the time making them do things
they do not like at first.
"For success and achievement do
not lie at the end of easy roads. A
man who wants to be big and happy
and of importance in the world must
want to do hard thinsg. He must
have the wish, the will, to be up
and ready for the fight each morn
ing." Dr. Walsh says power can be cul-
tivat'ed in later life. "Each man can
prove this for himself. Let him try
to do some little thing that seems
hard, and then, after he has done
this, let him try something a little
harder. He will soon find that the
hard things are not so hard, after
A cursory reading of the Lincoln
Journal and its evening satellite, the
News, would lead an outsider to be
lieve that all violations of the pro
hibitory law occur in Omaha, and
that other municipalities in the
state are as far above suspicion as
Ceasar's wife. Of course the pro
hibitory law is violated in Omaha,
and o'ftener there than in any other
city in the state. The reason ii
obvious to everybody but a pighead
ed prejudiced person. Omaha is
four times larger than Lincoln
therefore four times more apt to vio
late the prohibitory law, or any
other law. And being about twen
ty-five times larger than York, the
law violators of Omaha may nat
urally be expected to exceed those
of York by about twenty-five to
one. And if we know anything about
figures that is Just about the pro
portion. ' If we remember rightly
there have been some five or six con
victed of the prohibitory law in
York county, and we doubt if there
have been twenty-five times that
many violators convicted in Doug
We cheerfully admit that -Lincoln
excels Omaha in at least one re
spect. There are more smug-faced
hypocrits per thousand of popula
tion in Lincoln than there are in
Omaha or any other city of the
size in America, for that matter.
It was Bobby" Burns, we believe,
who mentioned a class of citizens
who "condone the sins they, are in
clined to by damning those they
have no mind to," and he certainly
saw Lincoln with prophetic eyes
when he said it. There are those
in Nebraska who seek to conceal the
faults of their own communities by
kicking up an awful dust about the
wickedness of Omaha. And yet the
Omaha that we know so well is as
clean, as decent, as law-abiding as
any other city of its size, in the
country, and more liberal, more
charitable, more enterprising and
more progressive than most of them.
The Chinese have a proverb some
thing like this: "Sweep the dust
from your own door and bother not
yourself about the frost on your
neighbor's tiles." , We commend
that proverb to those who are for
ever whining and canting about the
wickedness of Omaha. York Demo
crat. '- '- '
From Wednesday's Daily.
F. G. Fricke and Co., have pre
pared a barrel for the reception of
the tobaccos and pipes, cigarettes,
and other smoking praphanalia, for
the soldiers. James Mauzy of the
Mauzy Drug Co., also has one pre
pared and both will receive and
care for the shipping of all the
things to the boys which are de
posited therein. Now regarding the
cigars. If you wish to give cigar?,
there are a number of ways for you
to do it. Do not place single cigars
in the box, the law will not allow
the mixing of them by placing them
in another box. When the one who
wishes to send cigars, desires he can
send a full box or any number can
send a full box, or when purchas
ing one for yourself, you can drop
your nickle in the box until the
box "has been paid for and thus can
get the full box sent, which will
prevent their breakage.
From W'piinesibv's Daily.
Airs. II. E. Moore, formerly Jliss
Lydia Hobson, with her sister Miss
Lillian Hobson departed for Omaha
where Mrs. Moore has lived for
some time past and will pack their
household effect, to move to a farm
which Mr. Moore has rented near
Pacifis Junction, Iowa. Miss Lillian
Hobson after having assisted her
sister in the packing of the goods
will depart for her home at Wood
bine, Iowa. Both the young ladies
have been visiting for the past few
days at the home of their parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hobson in this
From Wednesday's Daily.
Sheriff C. I). Quinton departed
this morning for Lincoln, taking
with him, Adolph Rhode, who but
recently has been paroled from the
Hospital for the Insane, and who
returned to this place. But whose
condition was such that he necessar
ily had to be returned to the hos
pital for further treatment.
From Wednesday's Daily.
L. J. Shinn of near Manley, has
made a trade with J. P. Falter, T.
II. Pollock, and Mrs. Eva Reese,
whereby he has disposed of, to them
a quarter section of land near Weep
ing Water, in exchange, for which
he is getting fifty-seven acres of
land near Oreanclis and the new
residence of Mrs. Reese in this city.
From Wednesday's Dnilv.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fight will cele
brate their Golden Wedding anni
versary on Saturday, Otcober sixth.
All friends are cordially invited to
call at their home on Pearl Street,
between the hours of 2 and 10 p. m.
No gifts accepted. 9-26-d&w
From Wednesday's Daily.
Mrs. J. R. Hunter, who is visit
ing in the city, the guest of her
husband's parents J. R. Hunter, Sr.,
and family, and other relatives de
parted this morning for Glenwood,
Iowa, where she goes to visit with
her sister, Mrs. Arthur Evans near
that place. Since removing from
their home at Denver, Colorado, and
going to Casper, Wyoming, they
have no place in which to move,
as there are no empty houses in the
place, where they are to make their
home, Casper, Wyoming. Mrs. Hunt
er is visiting with relatives until
such a time as they shall have a
place secured in which to live. .
From Wednesday's Dailv
George Bnnklow, wife and daugh
ter, departed this morning for San
Antonio, Texas, where they will
spend the winter, a3 they have , a
home there and the mildness of the
climate invites them. Thej. have
made their home in the south for
a number of years, and having pur
chased a farm here they expect to
make their home here in the fu
ture. During this winter Mr.
Brinklow who is an engineer, and
has been running 6n one of the
fastest passengers on the system,
but will work on a yard engine dur
ing his stay there this winter, and
in they spring return to Plattsmouth
to live and farm.
Duroc Jersey male pigs for sale.
Fall and sprins pigs. Philip Hirz.
Plattsmouth, Neb. 9-12-2td2twkly
The Famous
and isv considered by all its users and many others who
may be users sometime, as the most car for the money
on the market today. It is well made, handles easy
and is built for the driver who cares and likes a car
that will stand the test. Prices of the Elcar on all
models are as follows:
$845.00 f. o. b. Factory
with the exception of The Sedan Type which sells for
SpSSS.OQ f. o. b. Factory
Demanstrations will be cheerfully made by writing or
telephoning, Union Line, 60 A. A.
Agent for Cass County
I'rm Wednosdav's Daily.
It had long been said that Platts
mouth would not support a Chau
tauqua course and this view of the
situation was so persistently held
by many that it come to be a con
viction in the minds of most of our
citizens. However the splendid
success of our first Chautauqua" last
July finally dispelled this erroneous
impression and Plattsmouth will
share no doubt hereafter, with
towns of the class in this progres
sive form of entertainment. "Mapped
up with this "Can't have a Chau
tauqua" idea has been a feeling that
a lecture course could not be suc
cessfully maintained in Plattsmouth
but the time has come we trust,
when also this idea will be relegated
to the past and the indifferent suc
cesses of former years be supplanted
by a vigorous an popularly sup
ported Winter Lyceum. This is as
it should be. Plattsmouth is not
behind in other things. Why should
it be in the matter of a good Lyceum
course. It is no longer on experi
ment, but an accepted fact that a
good Lj-ceum and Chautauqua course
is one of the best advertisements a
town can have.
The course proposed for the pres
ent season is one of the bets. It is
high class enough to suit the par
ticular ones and varied enough to
appeal to (he popular. Although
other things have advanced-tremendously
the early contract made for
this course makes it possible to of
fer six numbers for $2. This in
cludes no other charge for reserved
seat. The first number is to be
given Oct. 19th and full and com
plete announcement will be made
regarding each number as it comes.
About 300 tickets have already been
subscribed and it is the desire of the
committee that all who enjoy this
high class form of entertainment
shall have the opportunity of buy
ing season- tickets and secure their
reservations for the entire season
along with the others.
Mr. Aug. Cloidt, Mrs. Wm. Baird
and Mrs. J. Wiles have charge of
the tickets and same can be ob
tained from them. As this course
is under the auspices of the com
mercial club, everybody is invited
to be a booster for the general good
of the town.
Will Robertson, G. E. DeWolf,
Aug. Cloidt, Mrs. Wm. Eaird, Mrs.
J. E. Wiles, A. O. Moore, Lynn
Miner and C. E. Wescott, Committee.
We have some choice 80, 130, 160, 240
and 320 tracks of land near Sterling, Adams,
Tecumseh, Elk Creek, Cook, Burr, Douglass,
Vesta, Crab Orchard, Filley and Lewiston,
Nebraska. Prices very reasonable and the
terms good.
Call or write
ocltentiaupi & Curtain,
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
In (lie Count;- Court
In the matter of the Estate of Aug
ust W. Belns, Deceased:
To the Creditors of said Estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room In Platts
mouth, in said county, on the 29th day
of Sfemlifr, and the 29th day of De
cember, 1917, at one o'clock in the af
ternoon of each day, to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from tly 29th
day of September, A. D., 1917, and the
time limited for payment of debts Is
one year from said 29th day of Sep
tember, A. I)., 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 25th day of
iugust, 1917.
(Seal) s3-4w. County Judge.
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
In the County Court
In the matter of the Estate of Amel
ia Heins, Deceased:
To the Creditors of said Estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. in said county, on the 29th day
of September, and the 29th day of De
cember, 1917, at two o'clock In the af
ternoon of each day, to receive and ex
amine all claims ag-ainst said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 29th
day of September, A. D-. 1917, and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 29th day of Sep
tember, A. D-. 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 25th day of
August, 1917.
(Seal) s3-4w. County Judge.
The State of Nebraska)
Cass County ) ss:
lu the County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Mary
F. Welch, Deceased:
To the Creditors of said Estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said county, on the 12th dav
of November. 1917 and the 12th day of
January, 191S, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
each of said days to receive and ex
amine all claims against said Estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said es
tate is three months f mm in ni. a....
-- ------- - - v.i i vii ua
of October, A. IV. 1917. and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
191'' sa,Q iin aay or September,
County Court, this 15th day of Septem-
(Seal) sl7-4w-sw County Judge,
From Wednesday's Daily.
iur. carter iuiDin or near Union
accompanied by his son Ben, came
to Plattsmouth this morning and
departed for Omaha where they go
to visit with another son, Ezra Al-1
bin, who is at the St. Joseph Hos
pital, having been operated upon at
that institution some week or ten
days since for appendicitis, and
where he is now convalescing nicely.
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