PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1917. PAGE 2. No. 1914 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Platts mouth, in the State of Ne braska, at the close of business . September 11th, 1917. RESOURCES Loans and discounts (except those shown on b and c) $ Overdrafts, secured none: unse cured C. t1. Imiids deposited to secure circulation (par value). JjO 000 00 I'. bonds and certifi cates of indedteilness on n. d and unpledged 10 0K) 00 I.IlKTty Loan ltonds unpledged... IUhmU other than U. S. )onds pledged to se cure postal saTintrs . S 5 000 00 Securities other than 1. S. bonds (not inolud inrstocks)owned un pledged 7 0S3 31 Stock of Federal Keserve Hank 150 5 Iht cent of sulcriptioii) Value of banking house Furniture and fixtures Keal est ate owned other than bank ine house.-. Lawful reserve with Federal Ke serve Itank Cah in vault and net amount due from national banks Checks on other banks in the same city or town as r porting bank (other than Item IT) Total of Items 14. !.". 10, 17 and Sl04 105 s" Redemption fund w ith I'. S. Treas urer and due from I". S. Treas urer 355 Oil 03 i o;is as tit) 000 CO 5 OtH) 00 1-2 Kl 31 2 2;V 00 1 1 000 00 4 410 00 7 007 88 3 C40 41 102 22S 03 1 S7S 2 500 CO Total, S S 10$ 4i LIABILITIES Capital stock paidln Surplus f und I'ndtvitled tirofits 5 0-5 44 Ls current cxpt-nses. Interest and taxes paid -- - 2 127 27 Circulating notes outstanding. . .. et amount due to hanks and bank ers (other than included in 2s or p Tot a! of items L, 21 and :' ?i o.: no Individual deposits subject to check - Certiti'ates of deposit due In h-ss than .TO days totlu-r than for money lorroued) Other demand dt'ixxits Total (leniaud ileposiis. subjvt to lie serve. ?50 000 00 25 001 00 2 i 17 50 000 IK) 1 05 ro 201 4.V. 35 is .V 37 S 351 21. Items 31. :t2. 33. 34. 35. 37 and J22- 01 Cev iticates of deiHsits (ot I er t lia.ii , for money Ixirrowed Postal Saving d-:xii Total of time tleiv sits. subject to Ii e s e r v e Items X 40. 41 and 42.. 230 74s OS 22S 417 17 2 331 51 Total. ., S 5ss lOs' 4t State of a ' :" ; . County ff Cass t"5 I. F. K. Si hlatr.cashier of the alHjve-named bank, do solemnly swear that the al.Kne statement is true to the best of . my knowledge and belief. . F. E. SrHr.ATEii, Cashier. Correct Attest: A. (. Coi.e, iK. O. Dnvr.r, 11. N. Hovkt. Iirectors. Sulcriled and sworn to before me this 1-tii dy of r-epu mber. 1017. Anna YVahc.a. Seal Notary Fublic. My commission expires Iecember 20. 1022 LOCAL NEWS Frmn Friday's I!1-, - George Parks and family of near Murray were visiting with friends and looking after business in the city this morning. Mrs. Ernestine Snyder and two sons, Adolph and Charles Rau, from near Murdock, were in the city to day looking after some business. Jacob Kreagcr, from west of My nard. was a business visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business matters with our merchants. Mrs. W. II. Ileil and daughter, Mrs. Rudolph Ileil, were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they were looking after some business for the day. Mr. Soren Skamris, of Weeping Water, was a business visitor in the city this morning, coming to con sult Matthew Gcring on a legal proposition. John Kaffenberger, from- near Ce dar Creek, was a business visitor in this city this morning, having some matters of business to transact with our merchants. Ben Dill, from faouthwest of Murray, was a business visitor in the city this morning, looking after . some business .in connection with the new home he is having built on his farm. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wiles and daughter, Thelma, who have b'een vis iting here for some time past, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wiles, departed for their home at-St Louis last evening. Miss Pearle Keefer, of Alvo, who has been visiting at the home of S O. Cole for some time past, and who during the past two days visited with friends at Glenwood, Iowa, returned to Mr. Cole's home near Mynard yes terday afternoon.. V. E. Sowards and wife and G.W. -Willis and wife, of the vicinity of South Eend, motored to this city yes terday afternoon to attend to some important business matters and visit friends for a short time. Mr. Sow ards was a pleasant caller at this of'ice. James B. Iligley, who has been at the Methodist hospital for several weeks past, where he has been un der treatment, and where he under--.vent an operation for kidney trouble, rtiuriitd home last evening much im proved, but "still very. weak irom his long o'.rufefe'Ie with tue disease. A'l . J. LUrtiuek a l ..'. soc Floyd of Ogden, Utah, came in '. ais alter-; noon for a visit with then uncle md' Air. and Mrs. John Korin, of this city. Mrs. Bartinek and hus band were both former residents qf Plattsmouth, but have lived in the west for some time, Mr. Bartinek be ing engaged in railroading. George. K. Staats received a card from bis son, C. V. Staats, who is a member of the Fifth Regimental band, antl who was on his way to Denting, New Mexico, he being then in El Paso, Texas. The card states that they would reach Deming the following day. He reports that they were having a good time en route. Rex Majors, who has been making his home at Wausa,' this state, dur ing the. past summer, and who was drawn' in the draft, came down to visit with his friends and relatives last evening before he would have to depart for a training camp. He will visit here today, after which he will return to be ready when the next call comes. Frank Maurer, who. has been work ing at the blacksmith trade at Grand Island for the Union Pacific railway, had the misfortune to get one of his eyes burned from a scale" off the steel over which he was working, and as a result he is taking an enforced layoff until such time as the injur ed member will permit of his re turning to work. He came in yes terday and was a passenger to Om aha this morning, at which place he is having the eye treated. Harris Cook and Leonard Meisinger departed this morning with the car of Dr. E. W. Cook, for Rock Island, Illinois, driving it overland. The boys are both well experienced with motor-cars and will make the trip in fine shape. The distance, which is some three hundred miles, will not be made in one day, but they expect to reach Rock Island tomorrow. The trip takes them through Malvern, at which place Harris has two cousins, and they will stop there for a short time. Miss Louise Heidemann, the lit tle"daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Heidemann, of PlainTie'w, who '. is staying at the home' of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kehne, west of the city, is afflicted with tu berculosis of the bone of one of her legs, and is receiving treatment from Dr. Flynn, who examined the mem ber with his X-ray machine, and has placed the member in a plaster cast, in which it will have to remain for some time before a cure can be ef fected. From Saturday's Daily. --. . 4 John Sutton living south ; of Rock Bluffs, was a business visitor in the city this morning. George Rhoden living northwest of Murray, was a business visitor in the county seat today. J. B. Sejbolt, from northwest of Murray, was a business visitor in the city this afternoon. John Lohnes, from near Cedar Creek, was looking after some busi ness in the city this mornng. Walter Byers the road overseer from Rock Bluffs, was a busness visitor in the city this morning. Mrs. A. F. Seybert was a pass enger to Omaha this morning where she will visit with friends for the day. Ira Bates, from near Cedar Creek, was a visitor in Plattsmouth this afternoon, looking after some busi ness. James Terryberry, was a visitor in the city thi3 morning from near Cedar Creek, and was looking 'after some business. M. Barger, of Cedar Creek, came in this morning to take the train to Omaha, where he had some busi ness to look after. Thillip Fornoff, from Cedar Creek, was looking after some business in Plattsmouth, having come down on the morning train. II. D. Kellison from west of My nard was a visitor in the city this morning looking after some trading with our merchants. D. G. Tigner, of west of Murray, was a business viistox; In 4the city this morning, transacting business with our merchants. Henry Horn, one of our prosper ous farmers, was looking after some business in the county seat to day, having driven in this morning Mrs. Robert Newell and brother, Herold Mullis, were passengers to Omaha .this afternoon where they will visit with friends for the day. Lafe Gilmour, who is employed with the Western Machine and Foun dry company, was a passenger to Om aha to visit over Sunday with his family. Wash A. Young, of west of the city, was a passenger to Omaha this nftprnnnn trhpro hn la hnvlner some suppIieAor his ' Wa'g'on' shop west of the city., ' ? f .." . Herman Re ike, and two son.i, ioui and George, drove up this morning from their horre near Un ion, to look after o'ii bos'i '.? in the countv' cjt "' - Miss Grace Horn and Miss Agnes Born, who are attending school at the Sacred Heart College, came down last .evening to spend over Sunday at the home of their par ents, west of the city. Addison Kiser, of west of Mynard, and H. J. Comer, of near Union, were visitors in Omaha this morn ing where they are looking after some business for the day. having gone up in Mr. Comer's car. George Polin, who has during the past years been the manager of the farm some miles west for Robert Propst, has resigned his position and moved into the city and will take up some other line of employment. J. E. Taylor and W. W. Bird, both of Alvo, were visitors in Omaha yes terday, coming down from there to this city, where they visited with B. F. Goodman south of the city, then going on to their homes in the west end of the county later. Lewis H. Young and wife, of Ne hawka,xand Mrs.-Myrtle Rice, came in this morning from their homes and departed for Omaha, where they will visit for the day and then go to Coleridge, where they will visit for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Young will visit at the home of their son, J. L. Young and Mrs. Rice will visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Gust Louther, and family. They expect to be gone about a week. CEMETERY. We are now prepared to make your monument, markers and lot corners right at home. Cass County Monu ment Co., W. T. Wassell, manager. Hotel Riley block, Tlattsmouth, Neb. ATTEND W. C. T. U. CONVENTION From Friday's Daily. Mesdames J. E. Wiles, P. E. Ruff- ner, C. R. Troop and C. C. Wescott, departed this morning for Union, where they will be in attendance to -the annual convention of the Womans Christian Temperance Un ion of the county. INFORMATION WANTED. Mr. Jack Marvin is irjing'to lo cate his two daugh'.c'rs, who were taken to a Home For Children at Omaha from Nebraska City several yeai3 ago. Any information con cerning their whereabouts nddrer.s Mrs. H. D. Black. 9-20-2wkd DRIVES A NEW RE0. From Saturday's Daily. Lee Fickler is the latest to pur chase a Reo car, and was trying it out yesterday afternoon, nor did it require much for Lee to get on to the way of running it. Ho is highly pleased with the acquisition, and will be highly satisfied with the operation when he has gotten better acquainted with it. Recleaned Seed Wheat for sale. Inquire of G. II. Will. 9-20-2tvkly n good 5 mr.Ni old calvts f r S'-i" Call Platts Phono No. '105-W. 2 twkly. CASS COUNTY FARMERS' PRO TECTIVE ASSOCIATION. will meet in Louisville, on Satur day, October 6th, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing offi cers for the coming " year, and to transact-such other business as may come before the meeting. All mem bers please be in attendance. J. G. MEISINGER, Secretary. A TWICE-TOLD TALE One' ef Interest to Our Readers. Good news bears repeating, and when it is confirmed after a long lapse of time, even if we hesitated to believe it at first hearing, we feel secure in accepting its truth now The following .experience of a Plattsmouth man is confirmed after ten years. E. M. Butterj, stationary engin eer, Tenth & Walnut Sts., Platts mouth, says: "Pains caught me in my hips so that I could hardly raise a shovel of coal. At times, there was lameness across my loins. I. had reason to believe that the trouble was caused by disordered kidneys and I got. Doan's Kidney Pills from the Crescent Pharmacy. I got quick relief." (Statement given" June 11, 1906.) On February 22, 1916, Mr. But tery said: "It has been two years since I have had any trouble with my kidneys and I have enjoyed good health in, every way. I recommend Doan's at every opportunity." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for . a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Buttery has twice publicly t recommended. Foster-Milhurrt Co., Props. ...Buffalo. V. Y. - I DID YOU SEE THOSE PICTURES? In the east window of Weyrich & Hadraba's drug store you can see a picture of the Cass county boys as they looked when they departed for the training camp at Fort Riley. The pictures are fine. Go look them over! The boys are, it- seems, almost ready to speak to you. All the Plattsmouth boys are grouped together in the cor ner near the door. Cet a good look at them. ARE VISITING HERE. Joseph Kaytinar, who lived in Plattsmouth some twelve years ago, and who at that time moved to Pocas set, Oklahoma, where he with his family have lived since, arrived in Plattsmoauth last Friday and have since been visiting with their friends, Joseph Novotny and family. In Okla homa, the weather has been very dry and they have missed so many crops that they concluded they would come back north. They will either locate here or in Omaha. AE0UT RED CROSS BAZAARS AND ENTERTAINMENTS The Red Cross refuses to lend the Red Cross name or emblem iii an nouncements or advertisements of such affairs unless it has complete control of the management and un less ALL the proceeds not the net, or half are to be given to the Red Cross. Red Cross costumes at such affairs are permitted only if the wearers are members of one of the authorized uniformed Red Cross corps. Only those women v." ho are mem bers of one of the four Red Cross uniformed corps can wear the uni forms. No one but a ' professional nurse, regularly enrolletl and on ac tive duty in the Red Cross Nursin Service, has the rigjit to wear the Red Cross nurses' uniform. Persons using the Red Cross em blems on cars when not in actual service of Red Cross-are subject to fine. LOUIS E0RN FOOT MANGLED. Yesterday while working with a gas engine, which hail not been do ing good service, Louis Born, after having repaired the machine, con cluded to try it out, and when he had started it, In tomo way got one of his feet caught In the gearing of tjie machine,' which cut the r-hoo off from the top of his foot, and j also tore and lacerated the flesh in , a very severe manner, so much so that it required fourteen stitches to get the foot in anything near the normal. Dr. T. J. Flynn dressed the injured member and is as easy as could be expected. MRS. GOODWIN IMPROVING. Mrs. E. E.i 2oodwin, mother of Robert L. Propst who Is making her home with her son in this city, who has been sick for some time past is reported as making nice gains in health, and is improving rapidly. This will be good news to her many friends all over the city, as 'well as at Mynard where she formerly liv ed. WILL BE GIVEN 30 DAYS TRIAL Earnest Ycrhole was arraigned before the county court this afler noon for the theft of a bicycle be longing to Glen Weaver and plead ed guilty, as he was round with the bicycle in possession. He was giv en sentence to the state reform school, but sentence suspended, on trial for good behavior. It was ar ranged that his brother Fred Yer hole should stand good for his re turn, and that the young man should report to the comity judge's office every Saturday, and tell what he had done during the week past. He was to go to school, and if ab sent, he should be turned over to the sheriff, to be taken to Kearney SERVING NOW IN FRANCE. . Uncle Henry Boeck and wife have just received a card from their nephew Charles L. Gyger who for merly lived here and who to their surprise is now in Paris, with the U. S. Army. He saj's he is having a fine time and had enjoyed the trip over. People Speak Well of Chamberlain's Tablets. "I have been selling Chamber lain's Tablets for about two years and heard such good reports from my customers that I concluded to give them a trial myseli, anu can say that I do not believe mere is another preparation of the kind equal to them' writes G. A. McBride Headford. Out. If you are troubled with indigestion or constipation give them ?. trial. -They will do you good. MR. C. PARKENING BETTER. Mr. Christian Parkening who has been sick for some time, and was so serious that it was 'necessary to employ a trained nurse, is making satisfactory improvement at pres ent and is so far improved that the services of the nurse has been dis pensed with. His improvement is good news to his friends. RETURNS WEST THIS P. M. From Saturday's Dally. Gaston Christensen, who has made his home at Gurley, this state, for the past year, and who has been vis iting here for the past three weeks, departed this afternoon for his home in the western part of the state, where he will visit with David Lin- der and Eric Beckstrom, who are living there, antl who are former residents 6T Plattsmouth. PRETTY TOUGH ON CASS. From Saturday's Dally. Cass County's part of the Omaha highway is the poorest advertisement that county can have; except for mile or two the road Is almost im passable, is too narrow for any use. and the culverts are of the stingy sort, narrow and rough at the ap proaches, a surprise to people of this county who are used to wide cul verts, well marked, such as we have in most places in Otoe county. Ne braska City I'ress. PROGRESS ON CHICAGO AVENUE. From Friday's Dally. The Western States Construction company, who have the contract for the construction of the curb and gut tering .and the paving of Chicago avenue, are making considerable pro gress, as they now have two blocks of the curb and guttering finished, and their workmen are going after the remaining blocks like the French drive at Verdun. The company ex pacts to have the work done as soon as men and good weather will per mit, with the ability to gel material here. VISITING FRIENDS HERE.- FrMi Snti rday's Daily. Livingston Rioiiey, who has been making his home at DesMoines, la., for some years past, came in this af ternoon from Fort Snelling, where he is in the oHicerr"' training camp, and is visiting with his'inatty friends' and relatives in the city for a few days 1 Everybody Seems to Be Choosing Beltsacs! You know those keen looking belted suits that smart dressers sported. Well, we've got a new "crop" of 'em in from the same makers THE HOUSE OF KUPPEMHEIMER, with dozens of new style touches that bespeak Fall and Winter. And fab 'rics? We just know you'll be agreeably surprised we knew it when we picked them out. . '.- - - s ' There are single breasted and double breasted suits in the new show ing; with belts all or part way. around; some belts are part of the coat and some are removable. You never saw. such values for $52.00 to $37.50 X.T: Uncle Sam wont let you join the army, but you can wear one of the new military coats. Ask to see them. THOMAS HENDERSON VISITS HERE From Saturday's Daily. Thomas Henderson, who former ly made Jiis home here, and south of this city, but who is now living a few miles from Afton," Iowa, was into Omaha with some cattle, and stopped off here for a short visit with his many friends, for the day. Mr. Henderson says things are look im? fine over there, but they are de siring a' few more days of warm weather before the frost arrives, for their corn is not yet quite ready, but otherwise an abundant crop is promised. RECEIVES 704 SHEEP. From Friday's Dally. This morning I. W. Livingston re ceived from the South Omaha mar ket 701 sheep, which he will feed on his farm south of this city. It has been the practice of Mr. Livingston to feci a bunch of sheep every fall C.-ryripht Wl' The Home of Kojpnhc!nic i - mwmm. 1 The KuppenhcimerlHouse in Plattsmouth Seeing the Goods Before Buying Them! Wouldn't you rather step into your home store and try on a coat before the mirror, instead of buying from a pic ture and parting with your money without seeing the goods. We have brought to Platts mouth a complete assortment of Ladies New Fall Coats in all the new shades and you are welcome to inspect them before our mirror without the slightest obligation. C. E. Wescott's Sons ' Everybody's Store" it having proven profitable as they eat what would otherwise go to waste. Hence, he concluded it would be well to have a bunch this year. A GOOD SIZED YOUNG MAN. From Friday's Dally. At the home of Joe Beirl, near Mur ray, there is rejoicing over the fact of the coming of a new son to the home, whose ability to tip the scales reaches up to the 12 pound mark. The mother and son are doing nice ly, with hopes for the father pulling through. WILL H. SEYBERT BUYS CAR. Will II. Seybert, of near Cedar Creek, and family are the proud possessors of a new Reo touring car, and UnclJohn McNurlin has been very graciously instructing the neices how to operate it, and John knows how to operate one. for he has but recently purchased a new roadster of that make.