The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 8.
When You Think
remember that we
Perfect Comfort
and Perfect Fit
are to be found in Carter's knit underwear for which we
have the exclusive agency, v
For yourself and the children ask for "Carter's" un
derwear select it it in low or high neck; long sleeves,
short sleeves or no sleeves; in cotton, wool or silk and
wool mixtures. All are attractively priced.
We have protected YOU on quality and price on all
underwear by early purchases enabling us to offer you
exceptional values.
See us FIRST on underwear.
Dry Goods Dep't Phone S3.
Washington, I. C, Sept. 19.
Men summoned for service under the
draft and who have heen flenied
discharge by local district hoards
hocause of dependents. have still
another means of appeal where
they can show there has heen er
ror or misapplication of the lav.' in
their cases. On such a showing,
governors of states to whom appeal
m a j' have heen taken are author
ized to request local hoards to re
open cases.
There is no appeal to the presi
dent, hoAvever, except where exemp
tion has boon sou.qht on the ground
of industrial employment and de
nied by the district board. The
rulings communicated lar.t night to
state officials make this clear in
the following languag.
"The only cases in which there is
a B 0
Jazz 3 Baimd
Plenty of Room and a Good Smooth Floor!
Come and spend an evening with others who look
on the bright side of life. You'll be a long time dead.
have just what you want!
all Park
Plattsmouth, Neb.
American Giants
Say there, you base ball fans, we
will have another game with those
Council Eulffs brunetts who played
the home team that fourteen inning
game last Suclnay. Be sure and be
there. You wil lmiss it if you don't
come. Game called at three o'clock.
a rip:lit of appeal to the president
are cases of claims for exemption,
exception or discharge based upon
engagement in industry or agricul
ture. Further than this it is im
possible to go. If any of the mil
lions of individual cases within the
original jurisdiction of local boards
are to be considered in Washington
then all ought to be open for con
sideration. This Is impossible.
Therefore administrative authority
will not address itself to particular
cases in the jurisdiction of local
"The president has directed the
war department to decline cases
pending before local or district
board; or entertain any communi
cations, suggestions or statements
concerning them."
Box Paper and Correspondence
Cards at the Journal office.
Wanted At Once: 2 girls at
Perkins House. 8-30-tfd
Town Hall
mber 21
3 so
Alvo News
Sam Cashner was In Lincoln Tues
Miss Alta Linen was in town Tues
John Woods shipped sheep to mar
ket Monday.
James Rouse was in Lincoln on
Ed Casey was in Lincoln on busi
ness Friday.
John Murtey was in Omaha Mon
day of this week.
Chas. M. Jordan was In Wyoming
on business last week.
Harley Wolfe and Miss Bessie
Prouty autoed to Lincoln Wednes
Mrs. C. F. Rosenow and sons and
Grandma Skinner were In Elmwood
Sunday afternoon. j
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clites, of
Plattsrnouth, visited Henry Miller
and family this week.
Rev. M. A. Keith was in town on
Monday and expects to leave soon for
Boston, Massachussets.
Chas. I lard nock and family, have
returned from Texas to make their
home in Nebraska again.
Rev. Connell, of Blue Springs has
the appointment to preach here the
coming year. He was in town Mon
day. Mrs. Frances Cash, of Plymouth,
came in Wednesday afternoon to vis
it her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Myers and family.
Fred Prouty, his .father. Able
Prouty, Mrs. Chris Keeper, Miss era
Prouty and Miss Irene Stout autoed
to Lincoln Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong and
son. Ivan, spent Saturday night and
Sunday with their son, Glenn Arm
strong and family, near Ashland.
Little Lawrence Coon fell from a
tree Sunday afternoon injuring his
limb in such a . way that seven stit
ches were required to close the
wound. Dr. Muir attended him.
James Foreman took his son. Clay
Foreman and Orvil Prouty to Platts
mouth Tuesday, as they were among
the 37 constituting the second call
on the first draft from Cass county.
Lee Stewart was also called.
Mrs. Emil Hamilton of Central
City and Mrs. Peter Larson, of Litch
field and two little daughters are
visiting their father, Peter Klyver,
and brothers, Elmer Klyver and wife
and Arthur Klyver and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prouty and
daughter, Marie, and Grandpa Prou
ty autoed to Lincoln Friday and on
to Rokeby to visit Mrs. Prouty's sis
ter, Mrs. Chas. Campbell and fam
ily. They returned home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Casey, of the
South Side, Omaha, were calling on
friends in Alvo and vicinity Tues
day. They were enroute home from
a week's auto trip to Colorado and
had been visiting at several points
in Nebraska.
We buy and sell Duel, Cheyenne,
and Keith county lands, at reason
able prices with terms. If you have
a farm to sell give us the list.
Alvo, Neb.
Farmlngton, N. M., Sept. 19.
This section of New Mexico ex
perienced a new sort of a holdup
today when sixty-five citizens from
Rosa, N. M., tied - an automobile
across the Rio "Grande tracks near
here and stopped a passenger train
carrying a contingent of drafted
men from the San Juan basin. When
th train slowed down truckloads of
tobacco and provisions were put
aboard and the coaches were dec
orated with bunting. Then a big
demonstration was begun. The men
from Rosa made the sixty-mile trip
to the scene of the "hold-up" in
motor cars.
The band boys demonstrated that
they were feeling the pulsations of
patriotism in the proper way, when
they agreed to go out and furnish
the music, for the boys who left for
the training camp yesterday morn
ing. The band boys are truly pat
riotic and deserve the thanks of the
entire people. The members of the
company going, surely appreciate
the matter as do all citizens. We
wish to tender our thanks for the
kindness, and want the ' boys to
know that we appreciate their kind
ness, . . ...
Journal Want-Adi Fay!
Meeting of the Library Board Last
Evening to Take Up the Mat
ter To Raise Funds.
The Plattsmouth Public Library
board met last evening and held an
interesting meeting, taking up the
question of collecting books for the
soldiers and otherwise aiding in the
establishing of 32 camp libraries at
the thirty-two cantonment camps lo
cated over the United States. Special
buildings will be erected to house
each of these libraries and the plan
is to open them to the embyro sol
diers very soon now. Libraries will
be furnished to every camp, whether
large or small, wherever groups of
soldiers are located. This is to be
done with the co-operation of state
and local libraries, each public li
brary being apportioned a pro rata
amount to furnish for equipping the
new libraries. The American Li
brary association, which was orga
nized during the past summer, thru
its War Service committee, is raising
one million dollars to be used is
carrying on this work. The plans to
raise this fund are now being per
fected and will be given to those in
charge in time for the opening of the
campaign, which is scheduled to be
gin September 24th and continue for
one week. This week will be desig
nated as "Camp iLibrary Week."
A budget has been prepared as
carefully as possible by the Finance
committee, showing just how the
money will be spent. The biggest
item is for periodicals and books,
which will require one-third to one
half of the entire $1,000,000.00. The
preparation of the books for use, in
cluding the necessary supplies, will
be a big item. The annual mainte
nance of the libraries will be in the
neighborhood of $150,000. covering
such items as personal service, trans
portation, rent,-printing and miscel
laneous supplies.'
Each library is expected to do its
share, and apportionments have been
made for all libraries, the amount
allotted to the one here being $429.
This sum is to be raised by the pa
trons of the Plattsmouth library in
this city and adjacent vicinity. This
is a laudable endeavor and ' should
meet with ready response from peo
ple all over the country, as the work
can be accomplished easier by all
than should some fail to do their
part. Plattsmouth will not be lag
ging with the amount apportioned to
its people in this matter.
The winter Lyceum Course com
mittee are now organized for ac
tual work and have gotten busy,
and have landed a course which is
of the highest standard, and while
everything else has gone up in prico
this has actually been reduced, not
that the price has been placed low
er, but has remained the same, Li:t
they are giving more for the price.
Heretofore the course consisted of
five numbers, and now there are six.
The first number will appear on Oc
tober nineteenth and will be a
musical number, well worth while
as a number of this character.
The officers are W. A. Robertson,
A. W. Cloidt, O. A. Moore and Lynn
Miner, while the stage superintend
ent is Professor DeWolf.
E. J. Weyrick, during the evening
before and the morning of the de
parture of the boys the other day,
took a number of pictures of all of
those who departed for the canton
ment. To every mother who has a
son In this detachment, Mr. Wey
rick will give a picture free of
charge. There are a number of the
pictures, and if the Mothers will
come and make her selection as
there are a number to select from.
This Is very nice of Mr. Weyrick,
in thus remembering the mothers
Never Bothered Since.
After suffering with terrible pains
In his back for eight years, and after
having tried doctors and medicines,
Alvis Souers, . Ade, Ind., writes:
"Foley. Kidney -Pills were recom
mended to me and the first bottle
removed the . pain. .After taking
three bottles the bloating was all
gone and has' neyer bothered me
since." Sold everywhere.
Miss Viola Everett spent Sunday
in Lincoln.
Miss Anna Amgwert spent Sunday
at home.
Mr. Burke shipped a carload of cat
tle Wednesday.
Idd and Doctor Ilornbeck were pas-
spnftr in Tif'cennr ffiirwlriv
" " 1
Miss Carrie Gakemen was In Lin
coin between trains Tuesday.
G. Baur returned the latter part
of the week from. Kimball county.
Henry Reuter was exempted from
the draft on account of agriculture.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scheive were
Ashland visitors Saturday evening.
Mr. Andrew Schleifert has purchas
ed the Smith farm south of Ash
Miss Maude Troutt spends the
week-end'-with her parents in Lin
Mr. and Mrs. II. Reichman and
family motored to Lincoln Wednes
A number of Murdock people at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Rohdanz
Rev. Hoesch, minister of Callahan
church, returned to Naperville, 111.,
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman and daugh
ter, Myrtle, of Enid, Oklahoma, are
visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burt and Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Rurt and son spent
Sunday at the Wm. Rush home.
A liag pole 50 feet high was rais
ed on Main street and one 33 feet
high at the school house Saturday.
Fred Stock purchased the William
Wilkins farm northwest of Murdock,
containing 320 acres at $202 per
Herman Toeder purchased a Dodge
car from Ed Thimigan and Herman
Kupke a new Duick from the Cherts
Mrs. Harry Gillispie left Wednes
day for Hampton, where she will
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Mc
Donald. Mr. Earl Harper is the new M. E.
minister who takes Rev. Harris place.
Rev. Harris takes the charge at
Eddie Brooks, of the U. S. N., of
Santiago, is on a furlough and is
visiting at the Conrad Raumgartncr
The Workers conference of the
German Evangelical church met at
the parsonage Tuesday evening for
its monthly meeting.
Frank Frohman and sister, of Om
aha, and Miss Stephenson, of Council
Bluffs, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Gillispie Sunday.
Henry Borneimeier and son, Her
bert, were passengers to Omaha on
Tuesday, where Herbert underwent
an operation for adenoids.
At the close of the second week of
school there were 2 4 pupils enrolled
in the Primary, 16 in the Intermedi
ate and 24 in the High school.
A flag raising will be held at the
school house Friday afternoon at
2:30. A short program has been
planned which will include an ad
dress by Rev. Schwab. .
Clara Strong. Catherine Tool, Con
rad Baumgartner, Herbert Stroy,
Glenn and Gayle Pickwell and Ken
neth Tool left Sunday for Lincoln,
where they will attend . the State
Wednesday morning, bright and
early Louis Ilornbeck was passing
out cigars to the people in his neigh
borhood. We wondered what the
occasion was but later were informed
that Mr. and Mrs. Ilornbeck were
the proud parents of an eight pound
baby girl.
Scientists tell us that ninety per
cent of all sickness may be traced
to the stomach. If you have, for
instance, fits of great mental de
pression and your efficiency is brok
en down, if you suffer from dizzi
ness and headaches affecting, only
one part of the head, remember that
stomach disorders are at the bottom
of your sufferings. Triner's Amer
ican Elixir of Bitter Wine is the
best remedy for stomach troubles. It
cleans out the intestines and keeps
them clean, helps digestion, restor
es appetite and braces up the en
tire system. If you suffer from
chronic constipation, severe stom
ach gases, nervousness, insomnia,
general weakness, even if other
remedies have failed, Triner's reme
dy will never disappoint. Price $1.00
at all drug stores. Triner's Lini
ment is another dependable resource.
With this remedy at hand you must
not fear the rheumatic and neuralgic
pains of this season, sprains, strains,
swellings, etc. Price 25 and 50c
at drug stores, by mail 35 and COc.
Joseph Triner, Mfg. Chemist, 1333
1341 S. Ashland ave., Chicago, 111.
Plushes, velvets, fancy linings,
fur trimmings, tassels, buttons and
helpful ideas can be had at II. M.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Big . Eagles! Dasice!
oates Inla
Excellent Music!
Good Time for You AH!
Gents, 50; Ladies Free; Spectators 25c
Ladies' wraps checked free. Everybody Invited.
J. N. Jordan of Cedar Creek came
in this morning and is looking af
ter some business in the city.
All the newest things in Serges,
Velours, Gunny Burls, Poplins, etc.,
are to be found at II. M. Soennich
sen's. Jesse Vallery from west of My
nard was looking after some busi
ness in the city this morning with
our merchants.
Mrs. H. F. Ost of Memphis arriv
ed this morning at the Burlington
station and was met by J. II. Brown
of Murray, with his car, at whose
home she is visiting.
Wm. Schwab, who lives south of
this city, is building himself an out
door cellar, which he is cementing
so as to make it vermin and water
proof, as well as Jrost proof.
O. W. Fisher of Elmwood came
over this morning with three young
men who were looking after the
matter of when their names come
in the . next call for men for the
J. M. Craig of Burwll, came in
last evening from, a trip to Edee
mont. South Dakota, where he has
been looking after some business
and will visit with friends in Kiis
city for a short time.
Wm.'Stoner and wife of near Ne
hawka, the former who sells the
Regal automobile was in the city
today for a while, having some ma
chine work done, at the Western
Machine and Foundry Company.
Mrs. Henry Snyder and little
daughter Miss Harriett, , who have
been visiting in the city for a short
time with the uncle of Mrs. Snyder
Mr. George Oldham, departed this
evening for her home in Fairfield,
W. R. Bryan departed last eve
ning for Ashland, where he is look
ing after some business on his farm,
near that city. He was accom
panied by his sister-in-law, Mrs.
Mary Bryan and neice, Mrs. George
Calvert, who were visiting in the
city for a few days with the Bryan
Henry Pfeiffer and wife, who have
been visiting in this city for the
past few days, stopping on their re
turn from a trip over the w-est,
which has extended over the past
three months, visiting with the
Gering family here, departed this
Our Carload of Fancy
g nra
will be due here on or before
We will beliver same out of car at 92.40
per bushel.
H . GU3 . S E G W 0 M E Cxi
Telephones 53 and 54
morning for their home in Philadel
phia, Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNurlin and
daughter Miss Dora of Cedar Creek
motored to this city yesterday after
noon for a short visit with friends
and to attend to some business mat
ters. While here Mr. McNurlin call
ed at this office and had his sub
scription extended for another year
and, also, the subscription of Mrs.
R. A. Barrett at Havelock renewed.
Miss Catherine Schraack, who
has been visiting in the west for
the past summer, with her father,
Morgan Schraack, returned home
last evening having had an excel
lent time while she was on the
coast. Miss Catherine first went to
Portland, Oregon, where she visited
the most of the time and there met
Mrs. Eva Salmon, Ed. Fritzhausen
and family. Ed. Streight and fam
ily, John Miner and wife, and Frank
Smith and wife. While at Port
land the people there gave a recep
tion in her honor. For a week she
visited at Seattle, Washington,
where she visited with her aunt,
Mrs. Helen Downing. Here she met
Wayne Twitchell and family, form
erly of Plattsmouth.
Mrs. C. II. Schopp and family de
parted this morning for Imperial.
Chase county, Nebraska, where the
family expect to make their home
in the future. They , will remain
there only for a time long enough
to see what winter wheat they can
put in, returning here until spring
when they will go to make their
home there. It will be their aim
to put in as much wheat this fall
as it is possib with the
which they are taking with then;
will allow which is two tractors,
and plows for same.
They thin it will be possible to
get three hundred acres seeded be
fore the weather shall get e.o ihc-y
cannot work longer. This, with the
other large acreages which Platts
mouth and Ca.?s county people are
putting in the west shoiibi count
for much in the total amount.
Mr. Jack Marvin is trjing to lo
cate his two daughters, who were
taken to a Home For Children at
Omaha from Nebraska City several
years ago. Any information con
cerning their whereabouts lid dress
Mrs. II. D. Black. 9-20-2wkd