The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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T'Miyof the readers of the
Journal know uf any social
evpnt or ltena of tnt'fst in
tliis vicinity. nd will mail
same to this office, it will ay
pear under this heading. We
want all news itieo-s F.ditoh
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
1 tS SPf
ss. Irs
7 u
(Tj Be R
eady -For
One often hears. "If
had a little money I could
a fortune."
Why not be ready when op
portunity knocks at your door?
- Plan Co place in the bank a
certain percentage of your sal
ary or business profits.
Then when the main chance
comes along youll be ready
for it.
Banking in every form.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
make JfjWs
Wm. Nichols was a Plattsmouth
visitor last Saturday.
Franco Pace was visiting friends
at Cedar Creek last Monday.
John Hendricks and family were
among the Plattsmouth visitors on
last Saturday.
Chas?. Reed and Philip Keil and
family were calling on Plattsmouth
merchants last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Caas. Wolfs and Miss
Vera Yardley were transacting busi
ness in Plattsmouth last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Campbell were
Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday.
Mrs. G. M. Minford, who moved
to Lincoln a few days ago, was vis
iting with Murray friends Tuesday.
James Fitch and family, and moth
er, Mrs. It. II. Fitch, were calling- on
Plattsmouth merchants last Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Rue Frans and Sir.
ar.-l Mrs. E. A. Frans visited Sunday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Joe
The Lcwiston ladies have begun
preparations for eir annual tur
key dinner on Thanksgiving day at
Pee Iio-gtotter and family drove to
Glonwood last Thursday, where they
will spend a few days with Mrs. IIos
tet tor's mother.
Robert Fitch and family of Ran
dolph, Nebraska, arrived the first of
the week and will visit with rela
tives near Plattsmouth.
R. C. P.ailcy, who for the past few
yerrs lias been living up near Grace
villo, Minn., -writes us to change his
paper to Hartington, Neb. He has
sold out up there and is returning
to Nebraska to make his future home..
Lucille Benedict, of Omaha, spent
Sunday with home folks.
. His Esther Rice entertained John
E. Fitzpatrick, of Weeping Water, at
dinner last Sunday.
n. J.I. Minford went to Lincoln
Saturday evening to spepd Sunday
with his family in that city.
Mrs. J. W. Lloyd departed thi
week for a few days' visit with her
parents at Syracuse, Nebraska.
Miss Jessie Darrows departed Sun
day for Lincoln, where she will at
tend business college for the winter.
Rev. J. U. Jackson, pastor of the
United Presbyterian church, is ex
pected home this week, and will fill
r.nlnit morninsr and evening of
the 23rd.
nirn-rhomnson and family, of
Wood River, Neb., arrived last Sun
day and will in the future make
their homo on the farm recently pur
chased by Mr. Ray.
The Oldham Stock Farm made the
largest shipment of hegs Tuesday
that they have made at any one time
and to one man. This shipment con
sisted of twelve gilts. The first of
July this same party bought seven,
making a total of nineteen head he
has bought from the Oldham herd
this season.
Mrs. Will Brock is visiting at the
home of Mrs. W. S. Smith this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapon and
family returned home this week from
their western auto trip. They visit
ed all the points of interest in Colo
rado and report one of the most
plearant trips of the age. They made
the entire trip in their trusty little
Ford without a "bobble" and return
home feeling fine from the three
weeks xmting.
Galen Rhoden has been numbered
among the sick for the past few days, i
L. D. Hiatt was booking after
some matters of business in Omaha tn
Wm. Noyes and Mr. Sjogren, from
Louisville, were in Murray Tuesday
of this week.
Troy Davis, of Weeping Water, was
in Murray for a short time Tuesday
of this week.
Carter Albin, residing east of Mur
ray, has been numoerea witn me
sick for the past week.
Chas. Carroll was taken to Omaha
last Friday, where he was placed in
the hospital for an operation.
James Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Brown and J. W. Berger made an
auto trip to Berlin last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Daniels, of
Fairbury, are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Crede Harris this
Mrs. Dave Lloyd, who was taken
to the hospital in Omaha last week,
is getting along very well at this
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Latta and son.
James, made an auto trip to 1'Iatts-
mouth last Saturday and to Lincoln
Chas. Schlichtemeir closed a deal
this week whereby he sold a quar
ter section of land in Perkins county
to Credo Harris.
M. C. Davis, from near Nebraska
City was in Murray Tuesday, a guest
at the home of his cousin, Mr. and
Mrs Roy Howard.
Frank Schlichtemoier sold fourteen
hundred bushels of corn to I. J. Pit
man this week, for which he receiv
ed $1798 per bushel.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tutt motored with
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman to Omaha
Monday morning, where they visited
friends for a few hours.
The potato harvest is now on in
Murray, and from those gathering up
to the present time, the crop will not
run as high as expected.
Mrs. Wm. Rice, Sr., who has been
on the sick list for the past week,
suffering with ptomaine poisoning,
is improving at this time.
Frank Vallery and Harry Gobel
man departed last Saturday evening
for Perkins county, where they have
some business matters to look after.
Mr nnd Mrs. li. F. Wheeler, of
Sheridan, Indiana, who have been
here visiting at the Brendel homes,
departed on last Saturday for their
Chas. Horren, Alfred Gansemer and
Ted Barrows will make an auto trip
to St. Joe, Mo., seme time this week,
where they have some business mat
ters to look after.
Paul Schlichtcmeier, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Schlichtemoier, de
parted this week for Lincoln, where
he will attend tho Wesleyan Univer
sity for the winter.
Mrs. J. W. Berger, Catherine
Brown and Blanche Scotton autoed
to Lincoln last Sunday where they
spent the day at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Steiner.
. Wc are pleased to learn that our
old friend, Alex Graves is going to
move back to Murray, and has pur
chased the O. V. Virgin place near
the M. P. depot for his future home.
The Varallo-Gross Orchestra Com
pany is to be a most delightful treat,
judged by what they are doing else,
where as voiced by the press.
John 15. Vara 11 o is the violinist and
manager of the company. He h:is mad
ts a race
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f--' iJg
slice prices seem unreasonably high, but we are .ad
vised continually, they are going higher. Under such
conditions it would he wise for you to study these
prices and pick your wants right now:
Men's gun metal welt, oak sole, lace; a $5 shoe at $4.00
tan English last, lace; a $7.50 shoe at. ... . 6.50
gun metal welt, oak sole, button; a $5 shoe at 4.00
English last, Neolin sole; $5 shoe, 4J0O
staple last, comfort shoe; $5.50 at 4.00
work shoes. . ..... .$3, $3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5
Children's village school shoes, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3
We tell you these prices are right and you will
say so when you see the quality of these shoes.
Emit . Tutt
Irs. Ona Lawton has commenced
the erection of a new home in Mur
ray, on her lots in the north part
of town. Young and Scotton are do
ing the work and the structure will
be rushed to completion as rapidly
as possible.
Mrs. J. W. Edmunds, who has been
suffering for the past few weeks
with stomach trouble, was taken to
the hospital in Omaha last Friday,
where she will receive treatment. Up
to the present time she has shown
very little improvement.
There will be a missionary lecture
given at the United Presbyterian
church in Murray on Thursday ev
ening. September 27th, by Dr. J. W
Moore, of Egypt, and Miss Louis
Tiuchanan. of India. No admission or
collection. Everybody come.
Wm. Taylor, who has been visit
ing in this community for the past
c ,1 - o a nloacant n11or at
the Journal ofTice last Thursday. Mr
Taylor has resided near Tlainview for
the past several years, and has been
enjoying life and doing fine. He re
ports crops in his section of the state
looking fine, the corn crop being in
about the same condition as in Cass
county, and will make a good one
if not caucht by the frost. He made
the trip down in the auto, and re
turned home the latter part of the
Vith Varallo-Gross Orchestra Co.
music his profession ;:nd has spare
ikHIic:- time im: pffrt in his prepn
ration, lie has done little else all his
lif.' than play the violin. He is aMe t
elo i!ia:iv loautif:l and interesting
-f.r urn
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- V.
"TS. ..V"-.
-net? , .
s 5 I
With Varallo-Gross Orchestra Co.
things with his violin. In one of hi
encores he imitates the song ef a bird
His thorough knowledge of music
makes him a most competent leader of
the orchestra.
; His brother, lichnel arallo. lias
made the harp his life study and you
4 ?
'i Li " I
1 Irv
r VA&- i 1 J
. R hi
Varallo-Gross Orchestra Co.
may judge for yourself as to his pro
ficiency. After all Is said, it j really
takes a son of sunnr Italy to get the
best there is out of a harp. ""He has
been playing with John B. for so many
years that "their duo work is perfsct.
Murray Lyceum Course
Commences Soon
lllfC5 et tnem remind you that it will soon be time to decide about
mat new range1 we sell and recommend above all others the
Monarch Malleable Range
We don't ask you to buy it because we say it's good, but be
cause you can see with your own eyes why it is better than others.
Look it over and you will agree with us that
No range made of grey or cast iron can possibly be as good
and no other Malleable Range is made as well.
Even apart from it's solid construction, every woman would
choose it because of its delightful cleanliness. Think of what it
would mean.
No stove blacking needed.
No smutty kettles to scour.
No dust and ashes spilled around.
No fancy carving to collect the dirt, etc.
Let us show you this splendid range.
Murray Hardware and Implement Company,
May Shrader has been quite sick
for the past few days.
A. L. Baker drove to Lincoln last
Sunday, returning with his daugh
ter. Miss Opha, who is attending
school in that city. They were ac
companied on the trip by Miss Laura
Puis and Eva LaRue.
W. J. Philpot is still investing in
Perkins county land, which certainly
demonstrates that he has a pretty
pood opinion of this part of the state.
This week he bought 1120 acres thru
the agency of Cromwell and Vallery.
A. L. Baker will depart Sunday for
an auto trip in the northern part of
the state. He will be accompanied
by B. A. McElwain, of Plattsmouth,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Minniear on
the trip. They will make visits at
Plainview, Laurel, Wausa, Coleridge
and other points in the north.
Farm for Sale.
Murray Lyceum.
Next Tuesday will be the big day
for the Murray Lyceum course for
the coming winter. This day will
tell the story of the success of the
course. It is to be the financial day
of the- enterprise. Those interested
in the course will canvas the entire
community on this day for the pur
pose of selling season tickets, so have
jour pocket books ready and meet
them with a smile and "do your bit."
It is almost time for the first num
ber, so get in with the first enter
tainment. The lecture course is a
ee.od thing for any community and
Murray and the surrounding com
munity are amply able to support a
gootl one. It remains with 3-ou to
make this movement a success.
160 acres, two and one-half miles
from Louisville. Seven room stone
house, two story. Good well, also a
spring with plenty cf running water.
Barn "Tor eight head of horses and
six or eight tons of hay; crib for
2,000 bushels of corn. Sixty acres of
farm land, ten acres wild hay, bal
ance in blue grass pasture and oak
timber. All fenced. Price $115.00
per acre, on easy terms. Write Box
491, Murray, Neb. s20-3w.
Saturday Evening, Sept. 22.
Puis & Gansemer Hall. Music
by the Crandell Orchestra of
Nebraska City. Admission 75
cents; spectators 25 cents, la
dies free. COME!
Victor Sherwood, and wife, of
Columbus, came here a few days
since and visited for a few days at
the home of Mrs. Sherwood's sister.
Mrs. Will D. Smith, and departed
the other night via the Missouri
Pacific midnight train for St. Louis,
where they will stop for a short
time and then go to Virginia, where
they will visit at West Point, and
other places. At West Point they
will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Chiveran and John Lewis, both
families aunts and uncles of Mrs.
Sherwood. They expect to be away
for about three weeks, seeing the
east, this being their first trip cast.
Pleasant Surprise.
The country home of Mr.' and Mrs.
Joseph Hathaway was the scent of
a very pleasant surprise on Sunday
when a number of their friends and
relatives came with well filled bas
kets to help Mrs. Hathaway cele
brate her birthday. Those present
were Messrs. and Mesdames Justus
Lillie, Will Chalfant, Henry Chilcott,
Sylvester Hathaway, Charles Wolfe,
Frank Lillie, John Hendricks, Elmer
Witherow, John Epping, Jarvis Lan
caster, Joseph Hathaway, Mrs. Will
Cook, Misses Mary Epping, Mildred
Witherow, Masters Vern Hendricks,
Ernest Epping, Justus and Herold
Lillie, Sidney Cook and Herold Lancaster.
Visiting Here.
Harry Massie and family, of Cus
ter county, were visiting in Murray
last Sunday-, guests at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore. Mrs.
Massie is a sister of Mr. Wortman,
editor of the Hebron News, who re
cently joined Uncle Sam's aviation
icrps, as a member of the Southern
Flying Squad. He has proven a very
successful air man, and is determin
ed to win the prize hung out by the
United States by being the first man
to drop a bomb upon the city of Ber
lin. We join the young man in ihe
wish of his many friends that he may
be successful, and being pretty well
aware of what his heart's desire is,
we hope that the same may be car
ried out without a single "bobble."
Bring your welding to us.
mouth Garage. Tel. S94.
For dyspepsia, our national ail
ment, use Burdock Bitters. Recom
mended for strengthening digestion,
purifying the blood. At all drug
stores. . $1.25 a bottle.
Vallery and Cromwell leave
Plattsmouth every Saturday night
at 7:45 for Keith, Perkins and Chase
Thej have the good level black
soil that is raising all kinds of
small grain, corn and alfalfa.
Nobody has any lower prices and
better soils. Ask those who have
been out. 17-swtf
Doan's Regulets are recommended
by many who say they operate eas
ily, without griping and without
bad after effects. 30c at all drug
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes.
7 room modern brick with barn,
two blocks from business center.
Just the thing for retired
Price right. T. H. Pollock.
Paper Plates and Picnic
the Journal office.
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes.
Miss Margaret Ptak departed this
afternoon for Omaha, from where she
will go to Potter, Nebraska, near
which place she will teach school for
the coming j-ear. Miss Ptak is an
xcellent young woman and will make
a good teacher. We wish her suc
cess in her undertaking.
High Prices And Sickness.
Nobody can afford to bn sick with
the cost of living at the present
high mark. It is cheaper and more
sensible to prevent sickness than to
Honey and Tar in time to check
pay . doctor bills. Take Foley's
colds, stop coughs and relieve croup
before serious illness attacks a
weakened constitution. Sold everywhere.
A household remedy in America
for 25 years Dr. Thomas' Electric
Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds,
bruises. $30c and 60c. At all drug
stores. .
pf you have notime to hring them
in to us, we will call. Just use your
telephone. Highest market price paid
at all times.
Our Fall Line of Goods
are Arriving Daily!
Watch for our largo lino of
for tho Children and
for Grown People.
School Supplies of all kinds. See us
prices that 3 re right on these lines.
Puis & Gansemer,