The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    TIIUR5DAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1917.
Cbe plattsmouth lournal
BaUr4 at Poatofflce aTit'latt-moutb. Nb.. a secoad-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
"The melancholy days are come,
The saddest of the year,"
The state is dry, and so am I,
And so are you, I fear.
Hastings Tribune.
lluy at home and die happy.
That was a big crowd Saturday.
Anierica first in everything.
A hot day in September is hotter
It seems hard to keep the lid on
in Omaha.
If you are a good roads advocate,
keep moving along.
Here's hoping that Russia will
come back with a rush.
Speed up and feed up. You will
go farther and live longer.
Arpropriations are so numerous
that a million looks like 30 cents.
The fodder will soon be in the
shock and the frost on the pumpkins.
Just because a girl has rats in
her hair, it is no sign she has rats
in her belfry.
It may bo too late to plant a
garden but its nt too late to plant
seeds of kindness.
The dollar is all powerful in all
work of life, the only trouble being
that some walks seldom see it.
Everybody talks peace, everybody
wants peace, but nobody, expects
peace, that's about it in a nut shell.
.o, it is not a pack of hungry
wolves. It is merely the howls of
the slackers who failed to secure
Don't lay in your supply of coal
till after the first of Ocotber, when
the cut will be made. This is the
advice from headquarters.
What is the matter with Platts
mouth organizing a Home Guard
Company. They are organizing such
companies all over Nebraska and
You say what "you please about
the late General Sherman, but he
generally knew what he was talking
about, and he nearly always got
what he went after.
Latcst reports from hell are to
the effect that the devil refuses
admission to the price boosters and
hogs, on the ground that their
presence would contaminate the
other inhabitants.
Let Uncle Sam take the Standard
Oil trust in his own hands and run
it to suit himself. The people will
sit up and take notice. Here is a
trust that needs rectifying and
badly, too.
Tbe car you are slow to load or
unload i3 the car that should be
helping to distribute the products
of your friend's and neighbors.
Never mind all this bombastic
piffle about what we are fighting
for. Our country is at war and the
main thing right now is to get in
shape to fight. Piffle and wind
wont win battles.
The government officials tell U3
that our allies have about reached
j six ,
their limit and that the United
States must win the war or face
defeat and be overrun later by the
Germans. Very well; let's do some
thing besides 'take' under advisement.
Like leaves on trees the race of man
is found
Now green in youth, now wither
ing on the ground;
Another race the following spring
They fall successive and successive
rise. Alexander Pope.
The final vote on the war revenue,
bill in the senate was a rebuke to,
the emotionalists and extremists, if
not altogether a victory for wise
counsel and' sober judgment. Out
of seventy-three senators, only four
LaFollette, Gronna, Norris and
Borah voted in the negative. "When
it came to a showdown, the preten
tious oratory of the .last few weeks
exercised no effect, and the . time
given to it was sheer waste.
The scene is now shifted to th?
conference committee, where the
senate and the house bills are to he
"harmonized." The senate program
will probably control in the final re
vision, but it is not unlikely that
extremists in both houses will make
a final effort to sound their battle
cries. . Representative Parker gave
congress a sample of what we might
expect a few days ago. . "A manu
facturer can raise his prices, or cut
down his profits, or cut down v. hat
goes to his agents, or do something
that will enable the tax to be dis
tributed among the entire com
munity. We want the money and
we want it now."
Or, in other words, "We want the
money, and we can collect it; let the
other fellow worry about the conse
The uncertainty of the outcome
due to frequent changes in the orig
inal program, has had much to do
with causing business unrest. For
months the revenue proposals have
been in a state of flux. More thaa
one business man would not have
been surprised to wake up any morn
ing to find the senate had adopted
an amendment which would drive
them into bankruptcy. Whether
this fear was reasonable is beside
the mark. If coM?ress now wishes to,
do the country a great service, it
will refuse to dally further with
obstructionist oratory. We think
the senate bill involves an excessive
revenue scheme, doubtful in its
method of application or incidence.
Perhaps it can be materially better
ed in conference. But it is im
portant that business should not be
kept much longer in a state of un
certainty, and we hope a fair com
promise of opinion will result in the
prompt passage of a reasonable, safe
law. Chicago Tribune.
, Johnny, get your gun.
Business on the boom.
Empty residences scarce.
No place for a lazy man.
King Corn will beat Jack Frost
to it.
Corn . buskers are going to be
Get right today, for tomorrow,
you know never comes.
Money will buy ammunition, but
it takes men to raise crops.
And there are those who figure
that next to insurance honesty i3
the best policy.
Camps Cody and Funston will be
the spots centered in the hearts of
thousands of Nebraskans during the
months just ahead of us.
Well may Provost Marshal Gen
eral Crowder publicly thank Gov
ernor Neville for the splendid man
ner in which the draft law and its
tangled workings was carried ou in
Nebraska. Nebraska's first conting
ent of men the' 5 per cent call
arrived at Fort Riley on the morn
ing of the day designated by the, war
department. Not a man wras miss
ing. And this newspaper makes
bold to state that the quota's from
other states were in no wise super
ior to the quota sent from Nebraska
Fine, upstanding, stalwart, Nebras
ka boj's they were; eager to assume
their new duties, proud that they
had been the first selected, and de
termined to do their full duty to
their state and to their Nation. We
know something about the young
men of Nebraska. If the boys from
the sister states measure up to them
in patriotism and fighting qualities
and we believe they do there'll
be hell-a-poppin when they get in
to action ou the battle front. They
sprang from the loins, of a people
who have never known defeat. They
have a greater incentive to fight than
the mere command of a kaiser, and
if they fight like their fathers and
their grandfathers fought then,
good God how they'll fight when the
time comes!
Didn't Nebraska show the real
thing when she sent more men to
the flag's defense in the Civli War
than any other state or territory,
population considered? Didn't she
show the real thing when she sent
the First Nebraska to the Philip
pines to win undying fame and re
flect eternal glory upon the flag?
The Nebraska boys who are now at
Fort Riley, and the Nebraska boys
who are to follow them yes, all
the splendid Nebraska boys who are
now serving under the old flag on
land and sea are the same kind of
boys who went south in '61 and
across the Pacific in '98.
We are not worrying about what
Nebraska boj's will do. Nor are we
worrying about their return. They
will either come home with honor
or be forever enshrined in the mem
ory of state and Nation because they
fought like men and died like men
upon the field of battle. York
A million men are being assem
bled to shed their blood for you.
Don't whimper because America de
mands that you shed your coats for
them. Produce the means to pro
vide the "musts." Every shop and
factory and farm is a trench in
which National duty may be per
formed. Every dollar mobilized by
Congress is a greenbacked soldier,
whose strength will be heard from
in the end.
We can't save for ourselves and
save the ocuntry from defeat. Pri
vate aims won't hit the public ene
my. Until our armies come home
in honor, ninety odd millions of us
arc drafted by Patriotism and Ne
cessity to raise crops and funds
to devote skill, ideas and time to
commo nworks. Whoever puts his
own concerns first whoever plans
exorbitant profits on Government
contracts whoever shirks his share
in promoting this vital undertak
ing, to which the wit and resources
of the commonwealth are committed
whoever accentuates the distress
of soldiers and sailors' dependents
by upholding unnatural costs of liv?
ing is a poltroon a traitor with
in the walls he shames the land
that gave him birth and merits the
hate and contempt of hi3 fellows.
We have sent our brothers to
die for the might and the glory of
the Stars and Stripes we at least
may live worthily for the flag.
Herbert Kauffman.
ror .
District Attorney Tom Allen has
been falsely accused in the dis
charge of several arrested for trea
sonable utterances. Tom Allen has
always followed the instructions of
those higher authorities at Wash
ington, in the discharge of his du
ties in all instances.
It is easy to get the shakes about
the allied cause If we want to de
liver ourselves up to them. We
have Mr. Lloyd George's own worn
for it that the Russian claw- of the
nippers broke when the long expect
ed pressure was applied, and thers
is no evidence yet that the repair
wagon has reached the scene. There
is a plenty to show that British pa
tience is a little frayed in places
Mr. Henderson is out of the gov
ernment and it is. folly to try to
believe that the circumstances of his
going do not mean that the Labor
party wants "to hear a definite w ord
or two about the prospect of peace
About France we can hear ilmost
anything. We can hear that the
politicians have got a formidable
peace movement going there. We
can hear that the military situa
tion is almost desperate, that the
last French offensive must - be put
down as a failure and that Ameri
can military observers haw; icport-
ed to this government that tie Ger
man lines cannot be broken. We
can hear that the French man pow
er has reached its maximum and
must now decline, that there are
80,000 cases of tuberculosis in the
army and that the human wreckage
streaming back from the front is
carrying despair all over the nd.
We can hear all that and much
more if we want to, and if we ct
inclined to look at this side of t ti r
picture only we get the shakes a
plenty and enjoy their utmost tre
But in doing this we are .lot get
ting all the thrills that renlly arc
due us. We are denying ourselves
emotions that we might like it if Vt
tried them. And the reason we arc
missing out is that we are cons'i!!-
ing only our own fears nd not
those of the enemy. We ou;,hl tc
try to figure out how he is feeling
and imagine how he likes it. Seven
teen nations have declared war on
tiim and several others won't spc J;
to him. He is surrounded by a
ring of steel which he cannot brer.l..
He has taken in his belt up to the
last hole and still he is hungry. He
has spent all his money and nas
borrowed it back and spent it over
again. His home folks are begin
ning to give him sour looks and
short words. He had promised to
bring them home a turkey for to
morrow, and instead has returned
to ask for what was left over from
There may be plenty of things for
the allied nations to worry about,
but none of them is boarding such
a family of worries as Germany has
at its table. If Germany cannot
break the western front when it is
held by France and England what
chance has she to break it with
America's millions coming on-? If
Germany was insufficiently fed while
still drawing supplies from Holland
and Scandinavia, what will her
hunger be now that the American
food embargo to those countries is
in ffect? , If there was discontent
in Germany because the govern
ment's promised peace with victory
was not forthcoming when its ar
mies overran enemy territory, what
wil lthe war-weary people say when
the junkers cannot even get peace
by giving up their loot?
These, as nearly as we can guess
at them, are the thoughts of the
enemy as his sword grows heavier
and heavier in his hand and the vi
sion of victory fades before his
eyes. He probably has otners we
cannot guess at, and all in all he
must have a fit of the shakes that
would make our own sensations mild
if we had means of comparing them.
It's a thought to keep in mind when
next we hear that France is "bled
white" and that Russia has a new
fit of the sulks. Kansas City Star.
Pie has caused a lot of trouble in
this world, being a powerful breed
er of indigestion, and indigestion
makes, our family quarrels and di
vorces. " We hope nothing will be
done to introduce our sodlier . boys
to the disastrous and nerve destroy
ing pie.
Henry Pfeiffer and wife of Phila
delphia, Pa., who have been traveling
over the Northwest for the past few
months, arrived in this city this
morning and are visiting at the home
of his aunt, Mrs. Paul Gering of this
ciyt. Mr. Pfeiffer and Avife came to
Omaha, and were accompanied to
Plattsmouth by Henry R. Gering this
morning, Mr. Gering returning to
his work at Omaha on the afternoon
A Valuable Health Hint.
Foley Cathartic Tablets keep the
bowels open and regular, the liver
active and the stomach sweet. They
cause no pain, nausea nor griping.
They relieve indigestion, sick head
ache, .biliousnes, sour stomach and
like indispositions. Stout persons en
joy them, as they are so comfort
ing and helpful. Sold everywhere.
While at the Missouri Pacific sta
tion yesterday, Mrs. Eyhler, who
lives at the Coranado Apartments,
lost a purse, containing about three
dollars, and which was found by
some boys. In the purse was also
a bunch of keys, one a postofilce
key, which they turned in at the
postofilce, and by this Chief Barclay
go't a clue, and running it down
was able to find the boys who dis
covered the purse, and all the con
tents with the exception of ten
cents, which they admitted spend
ing. The pocket book was returned
to the owner, who appreciated the
efforts of the officer in getting it
for her.
The same team which contested
for fourteen innings sit the ball
park, with the celebrated Red Sox
will cross bats with tht-m again
next Sunday. Those who have wit
nessed the games which these people
from Council IJluffs put up hereto
fore, will have an idea what they
will do in the game which is to be
played next Sundav.
Hardest Worked Need Help First.
Through all the years the kidneys
are at work uiuwing out lmpuntu
that poison the blood if permitted 1
.A. . . ...
remain. Is it any wonder that they
111 (. V- - V A V VJ. UUU 1U U.vU . A V- f
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic and
strengthening in action. Get rid of
backache, rheumatic pains, stiff
joints, sore muscles. Sold every
The Woodmen Circle lodge will
give a social dance at the M. W. A.
hall on next Tuesday evening, Sept.
25th. The proceeds of this dance
will be given to the Plattsmouth
Red Cross and everybody should
help swell the Red Cross Fund.
Tickets 50c, spectators 10c. Good
music and a good time is assured.
I have an eighty acre tract lay
ing just two miles from Plainview,
Nebr. Twenty acres alfalfa, all fenc
ed hog tight. With excellent build
ings. Terms to suit buyer. Write
me. H. M. Holbert, Plainview, Nebr.
From Tuesday's Daily.
v Mr. 13. F. Charbonneau of Rose
I3ud South Dakota, came in this
morning frcm his home and is look
ing after some business in the city
and vicinity and is visiting at the
home of his friend, Will Jean. Mr.
Charbonneau has some land at Reck
Wuffs, which in part comprises the
old town rite which he is on a deal
to dispose of.
: :o: -v
Will Be Repaid for Their Work.
Women everywhere suffer from
kidney trouble backache, rheuma
tic pains, swollen and tender mus
cles, stiff joints. Mrs. C. J. Ellis,
505 Sth Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D.,
writes: "I feel sure if anyone both
ered as I was will give Foley Kid
ney Pills a fair trial they will be
repaid for their work." Sold every
Journal Want-Ads Pay!
$100 Reward, $100
The readers of this paper will be
Dleased to learn that there ia at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to euro In all its stages and
that Is ratarrh. Catarrh being creatly
influenced by constitutional cor.dii.lons
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and
act3 thru tho IMond on the Mucous Sur
faces of the System tnereny cosrroyin?
th foundation of the disease, Riving the
patient strength by building- up the yon
fctitution and asr.ishns nature in doinrlts
work. The proprietors have so rouen
faith In thf! curative r.ov.trs ot Hall's
Catarrh Lledlcino that they offr One
Hundred Ijouar." for any e tnai it lana
to cure. End tr list testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY fc CO., Toledo.
Ohio, Sold by all Druggist, lac
Children Cry
23 hfSS i M "vT
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
ia use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of
0 - and has been mads under his per-
fXJ---pizlr sonaJ
tV CAicu .Allow
All Counterfeits, Imitations
Experiments that trifle with
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR f A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, "Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
"been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
"Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishners arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
yBears the
la Use For Over BO fears
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Charles Tope, or as his stage
name is S. E. England, who is do
ing the line vrork'on 'landscapes, in
the window of II. M. Soennichsen,
-ome years since worked as a farri
hand, near this city.
Some years since he ran away
from home and went on the stage,
':i.5 frst experience being that the
show went busted after he had
worked with them for seA'en weeks,
and only received two weeks pay.
J. J. Lclmcs chanced to be in Lin
coln, and this young man then out
of employment, was told about Mr.
Lohnes wanting a hand, and he
spent most of his capitol for a ticket
to Cedar Creek, arriving there in
the evening. George E. Sayles, then
conducting a store at that place,
kept him over night, and he went
to the farm of Mr. Lohnes where
he worked during that summer, then
engaged with Frank Richardson,
where he worked nearly two years,
proving an excellent farm hand just
as he has proven an excellent artist
since. When he quit working for
Mr. Richardson he concluded he
would do something for himself and
seeing a man painting a landscape
on a window, thought that would
do and so embarked in the business,
and without one hour's instruction
from anyone has achieved the suc
cess which the evidence on all hands
declare. Mr. England as we. will
call him, is well pleased with the
patronage which he has received
here, and is doing some very fine
work. Any young man with the
ambition and initiative can achieve
success, if he will. It is here and
the selection is yours; pick out any
thing 5-0U want and take it. no one
else is using the opportunities which
are yours. Don't say, "I do not
have an opportunity," for you have,
but you do not have to be painter,
there are plenty of avenues for you
to travel, only travel some of them.
The world is awaiting for the things
' ' -v. -.., . " '
there may be one that is undesirable.
If you invest in mortgages you might get this one
undesirable mortgage.
Shares are safer than any one of its mortgages be
cause these shares are secured by many mortgages.
You can invest a large or small sum, weekly or
monthly, convert it into cash on short notice or leave
it as long as you wish. Shares $1.00 each.
Our booklet 4The New Way" tells all about it.
Omaha, Nebraska
, . E. P. LUTZ, Agent, Plattsmouth
for Fletcher's
supervision since its infancy.
no one to deceive you in
and " Just-as-good " are
are tout
and endanger tlie health cf
Signature of
which you should do, and why not
get to it, and do that very thing,
unu uu ii me uesi, wnica is ciosetr
to your finger's ends.
With the burning of the store of
Zuckweiler and Lutz, last spring, a
change has been wrought in the
business of that portion of the city,
as it was a long time before the
settlement was made for the stock,
and with the continual advancing of
prices, it was not thought expedient
by the firm to re-embark in busi
ness, and so when the stock was
taken by the insurance company,
and disposed of, away went the mer
cantile firm, as well. They have
remained here, Mr. Lutz becoming
interested in other matters, while
Mr. Henry Zuckweiler has listened
to the call. "Back to the Soil", and
is now awaiting for a car to ship
his household goods, lo his farm at
Miller, South Dakota, where he ex
pects to farm. He has purchased
himself a new car, which he and
wife and Dewey Zuckweiler and wife
will in a few days depart for the
Northland to make their home. Mr.
Zuckweiler and wife has been in
Plattsmouth over thirtj-five years
and have became almost a part and
friends in this city, and it seems to
us not an enemy, not one but 4ho
would be sorry to lose them as citi
zens, but in this world, one has to
do as it appears best to him, and
when they departed we will have to
abide by their going. ' v 'I
The Journal with every citizen of
Plattsmouth wish them success in
their new home.
Any skin Itching is a temper test
er. The more you scratch the worse
it itches. Doan's Ointment is foi
piles, eczema any skin itching. 60C
at all drug stores. j
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