The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 03, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
I .. I . PACE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, SEPTEMEER 3, 1917. The Nehawka Elills are now Rollins and Manufacturing the bus an . . !ra HB53 I?3! Iahb! "Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting, For on the top shelf it now is roosting. The best cooks wherever you go Use this famous flour, you know. They just set their yeast and go to bed, For they know on the morrow they will have good Bread. J. M. C. D. ST. JOHW, Prop. JOEIMALCOLM, Head Miller. For Sale by AH Dealers IN MIDST OF THE RCCXIES. From Saturday's Paiiy. Fur two months Rachel Living ston, and Beulah Sans, were in the heart of the Rockies, amidst soli tude, on one hand and grandeur on the ether. The Rockies with their towering cliiTs, reaching the sky, gr.vo a person an impression of the greatness of the Maker of ii all. In Et os Park, they spent a great deftl of time, in viewing the wonders of nature, going often on foot many miles per day, and with the snappi-ne-s of the mounuun air, made it a pleasure instead of a task, to walk inilfs a d'y. From F.-tes Park they went to Denver, where they saw a irigiity city in the midst of the meuntuiii fastness.' To . Colorado Springs, and "vicinity r.cis the nex't place to which they went.- Here is Use delight of all tourists, is here that Pike's Peak shows to the ter:ial snow can he seen any clear day from it-; st reefs. Manitou, with its wonders is an ever inle: es.ting place for the travel er, and here they spent a while in the museum of the world, made by Xatur'. From there to Puehlo and Boulder, all interesting and Instruc tive. This kind of trip give- -t he teaehcrs a fund of information which enahles them to interest the most m:it cresting pupil, and reclaim him from his pranks, and dislike to study. They returned home a few days since thinking that the time s-peiit w.'s well paid in the benefits to health, and information which they received. W. C. T. U. Notice. 3 S.i t urIa "s la:ly. The V. C. T. V. wiil hold a bu-i-ness meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles Troop, .Monday afternoon, Spt. onl, at I' ::;). All members are rcm-sied to be present as the elect ion of T"cers v. Ill be held at this time. All members are also, rijuested to bring their September dues. VISIT WITH THEIR FATHER. From Saturday's Pally. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson of Lin coln, arrived in the citv- this morn ing for a short visit with the par ents of Mr. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Johnson. Mr. J. V. Johnson is nor very strong these days, and this matter of making an occasional visit with their parents is a nice tiling, and also keeping in touch with the growing city, the old time home of their youth. THE WELFARE MEETING. The meeting in the interest of Public Welfare to be held at the Public Library at 3 p. m. Sunday afternoon for men, will be presided over by the Mayor. All members of the Council are especially: in vited. . 'V BUYS PARTNER OUT. From Saturday's l"aily. C. A. Atkinson, the popular barber at the Riley Hotel shop, who has been the partner of Mr. Shellenberg or for the past few years has just recently purchased the interest of his former partner, and becomes sole owner of the shop. This in one of -the best shops in the city, and has always shown a good business and we are certain it will continue to do so. Mr. Shellcnberger will continue for the present to work with Mr. Atkinson. WILL FIT UP LIVING RGOLIS. F. M. Welshimer, began this morning fitting up the rooms over the place where Earl Stanfield had his book shop for living purposes. The space has been in one large room, and the idea is to cut the space into such rooms as will make it convenient for housekeeping. Mrs. Elizabeth Barry, of Omaha came in today and is visiting at the home of her daughter, 3 Irs!, A. G. Bach. T i ' N Ii IP m Ever-ready entertainment?: royally entertained with the! music of the ITALIAN TROOPS ARE CONTINUING HEAVY FIGHTING Austrians Pushed Back On Monte San Gabriel and in Bresto Vizza Valley 638 Men Taken. The world's best mus-ic always at your instant command a pleasure to! your friends ar well as to! your family. Come in and let in introduce yoj to the joys ot thu wonderml instrument. Vktrolaa $1.5 to 100. Victors $10 to $100. Terms to suit your S convenience. i 3 4 0 FRENCH HOLD THEIR POSITIONS Eerli Reports Russian Failure of Offensive Southeast of Dvinsk On Eastern Front. TEUTONS BEATEN AT LENS Rome, Aug. 31. Heavy f.-ihtiug continues on the Rains'zza an Car--o plate:i s. The war office report advanf.a;r; were gained on Mmte San Gabticl and in ft-i Bresr.ovlzza valley, ard what 036 more pr'son ers were taken. Fi'.nch Fire Elective. Paris, .vg. 31. Kit of C-rvj a German latiol which attempted to approach cur lines vv i- repulsed Lv our fire " says today's o.Ticial state ment, ""ihere was active art.iiery fi.htiiuj on both banks of the "dense-. In Alsa-c an enemy attack south of IIa:t auu.ns Wcileivuipf m re pulsed completely. There is noth ing to report from the remainder of the front." Germans Halt Slavs. Berlin, Aug. 31. Operations un dertaken by the Russians yesterday at Xarocz lake, sixty miles south east of Dvinsk, resulted unsuccess fully for them says today's otlicial report from the eastern front. .A portion of the ground recently gained by Hie' British smith of Le catclet has been recaptured by the Germans, i lie war olliee announces. British Stop Enemy. London, Aug. 31. The repulse of a German raid on the' front below Lens is rep u tnl in today's oi!k:;'l communication. The statement fol lows: "The weather is unsettled. During the night t lie enemy heavily shelled our forward positions near Arlcux-Kn-Goholle (live miles southeast of Lens) and at. an ei'.rly hour this morning attentf ted to raid our lines. The German troops were repulsed completely." Gen. Maurice's Weekly 'Report. London. Aug. 31. The lat week has been marked by a pause on all the western front a. pause which was inevitable after the great suc cesses of the previous vvee-k, a pause accentuated by the bad weather that affected the operations all the way from' the North sea to the Ital ian seacoast,' said Idaj. Gen. ! IJ. Maurice, chief director of military operations at the war oflk-e, in hij weekly talk to the officials. "At the moment it 13 the Italian front where the situation is the most interesting. Here also, after a really important advance, there now comc.t a pause pending the readjustment of the artillery positions. There is much more to be done during these pauses. The problem is whether General Cadorna will be able to get his guns posted for the renewal of operations before the Austrians get up adequate reserves, some of which are being brought from the Russo- Itumanian front. That is the prob lem in the pauses in all these battles the race between the preparation of offense and defense. "In Flanders the process of wear ing down the Germans bv contin uous bombardment, continuous air fighting and continuous infantry raids, is being kept up and is hav ing a far greater effect then is gen erally realized. This effect is shown in the constant necessity imposed on the Germans of withdrawing and replacing units. "We now are in the first phase of the Flanders battle. We are ex hausting with good success the Ger man reserves, and later w ill come the second phase to which we are all looking forward confidently. 0 "On the Russian front there has been another regrettable incident," namely, the voluntary withdrawal of certain Russian units near Czernow- itz. The result wa3 ncglicible. but it serves to show, in conjunction with General Korniloff's speech, the state to which the Russian army has come and. makes it even more re markable that the Germans have 'been unable to achieve more. Any one wishing to donate any thing for the Yarn Fund Market, to be held in the Ladies Rest Room, Sept. 1st, can. bring their offering in Saturday. Every one invited to donate and buy. We tvH bar y- Ye Freshmen to Be! School begins September 10th. You boys who left the 8th grade, in May will return as full fledged young men in the Freshmen class this Fall. We want to help you "play the part." The first long pant suit has always been more or less of a "bugaboo" to both parents and boys. We have taken the boo" out of the "bug," and here you will find the great est line of High School long pant suits ever brought to town, in sizes to fit boys 14 to 19 years. We have been months getting this line together. It's here now ready for you. Novelty mixtures in grays, browns, olives and heather. The new Trench models with straight fronts and outer pockets. The prices are painless. $6. 95, $8.95, $10.95 and up to $17 Come in and have a look at them! W es colt's Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE' We sell for less be- V V., :4 cause wc buy for less New ties every week! LOCAL N t W S From Fri.'.ay's liaise. Will T. Adams will teach at the Jean school the coining year. Andrew )!-on. of Weeping Water, was looking r.fter : o;.ie b'.i.-in ::; ii. tue to.h.y. in the city for the past week at the home of Mrs. Todd's parents, Henry -Lui7.y and wife, departed this mor ning for their home and was accom panied as far as Omaha by Mrs. Todd's sister, Miss Mariaru Mauzy. Will Troop, oi" near Xehav.ka, was looking after sime business in the , cuv tO'Liv. Having uriven up in.s iii'orning. "Billic" says that lie is ! iv : t i n ir alons; nicely with his work. John Scheurer, of CVuar Creek. ! ,.as his threshing all completed was a visitor in the city today, torn-j v.?t th,. jrrajn stored in the bin, but 6 70 ome o IPBuiIds to order only. J 1 1 0 8 FS f f u r n sncs construction j money when needed. ing in on the Schuyler. Mr. and Mrs. Uoy 1. 2. . 4. 5. ..$1,000,000.00 736,000.00 sister Miss west oi" the Omaha this i not in a hurry to dispose of it. lie is mnv at hir, fall plowing. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schoenian and son Fred and mother, Mrs. Amelia Schoeman of Louisville, who have been visiting relatives at North I'rairie. Wis., for the past few weeks, arrived in this city on the morning train. They spent the day with I'ncle George , Schocman and family, returning to their heme at Louis ville thi afternoon. W. S. Xorria of Xchawka, for merly of this city was a visitor in the city today, and tells of a trip I to the northern portion of the. state, J wher he visited his brothers, two of who farm near llrunswick, they ; 'e;ng August and Chester Xorris, ! which Hamilton Xorris, another j 'irother lives near Coleridge. They are all doing nicely. Andrew Shoeman, wife and little son. Freddie, accompanied by Mr. ! Shoeman's mother, Mrs. Amelia Shoe man, arrived yesterday from North . I'rairie, Wisconsin, where they have been visiting for the past two weeks and stopped here until the Schuylvr tiain, visiting at the home of Mr, Geo. Shoeman of this city and de parting on the afternoon train for hrea, of Louis ville, were 1 r:; r:i i hi!, some business :t the county seat today. Troy Wile?, from near Wooping Watvr, v. a.; a bu.-ir.ess I. itor in the t it y lor the day. having diien up in his car. James Ferry berry, and son, Fred, wore looking alter sine business in the city last eening, from south of Cedar Creek. T. T. Young, of Soul It I'cml pre-i-iiK-l, .was a visitor in the city this u-!.ming looking after some business it the court hou-e. ' Ira Parker, from near Louisville, was looking tfter some business matters in the city today, having drover, down in hi.; car. Mrs. Archie Gregory, from south of Cedar Creek, and Fmnui Leuehlcr. from citv. were visitors in morning. ictor Oi.ioii and Martin Sbogroii, both of Loui;vili were looking af 'r some luisim-.--:; at the court house this morning, having driven in with ihoir car. .Mrs. T. V. Roberts, of Yulan, this state, a brother of J. M. Kohorts, of ! thcir llome at (Vdar Creek this city, was visiting his brother here over night, and returned to his home this morning. Mrs. Albert Queen was a pass- en eer to Omaha this morning, where she is looking alter some nusmess, ,jrtiwiav of the onrnnixcr of the nr- s Authorized Capital Assets, July !, 1917 Has NO Bonded Indebtedness. Guarantees interest at .6 (July 1 and January I.) Mortgage Security for every dollar loaned. 6. Your shares converted into cash on' short notice. 7. Does not build to sell, but to order only. It receives the builders profits. The builder's profits and interest on gilt edge mort gages makes your dividends certain and your money safe. You can order any number of shares at $1.00 each, by mail or in person. INCORPORATED American Security Company, Fiscal Agents. E. P. LUTZ, Agent, Plattsmouth, Nebraska 6- e hour for his work, and works eight hours per day as an electrician. CEMETERY. We are now prepared to make your monument, markers and lot corners right at home. Cass County Monu ment Co., V. T. Wassell, manager. Hotel Riley block, Plattsmouth, Neb. PHEPASEDNESS. Is the word. Get ready for 191S. I have 4 0 Rhode Island Cockerels. Price $1.:. each single bird, 00 in ." lots. First comes, first served. P. T. Walton, Phone Xo. S5-J, P. O. Box 152. Journal Want-Ads Pay! IN HONOR OF ROBERT MORRIS. It is tiie practice of the Hastc-rn t' 1. ... l.ll " ' - A 1 Dial iouko iu nolo ii picnic on mu business ),j .Mrs. cjuceu win teacn ;(Urt Kir H0i,ert Morris, which come scnooi me coming ,, August ::i-:t. At the hall of the for the day. the Horning year. Miss William Rummell and daugh ter, Miss Florence, were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they will visit with friends for the day, and look after some business as well. Mrs. Will S. Jean and two sons, James and Covert, . departed last evening for Broken Row, " where they .will spend a fortnight jan the Parmele ranch, some fourteen miles from that place. Miss Esther Xoyes and Miss Amelia Huff, both of Louisville, who have been attending the Teachers Institute here this week, departed this evening for, their homes on the late afternoon train. John Snead, of ioux City was in the city lor a snort time yes terday afternoon, visiting with friends looking after some business and was a visitor with his aunt, Mrs. Joseph Adams. Miss Mable Adams, departed this morning for Dannebrog, this state, where she teaches in the public schools, having the third and fourth grades. This makes the second year from her at this place. Mrs. A. E. Kirkpatrick came in from TCehawka on the morning train to attend the Woman's Mass meet ing which will be held at the court house this afternoon and visit her sister, Mrs. P. E. Ruffner for a short time. - Mrs. T. J. ,Todd and son, Henry of Iv...- jy, who have been visiting lodge room last, evening an indoor picnic was held at wnicn amuse nients for the members and their families were provided. About eighty were in attendance and enjoyed the delightful supper which was served After t lie picnic t here was a class of four instructed in the mysteries of the order, they being Mr. and Mrs Luke L. Wiles, Miss Hilda Brinkman and Miss Mildred Snyder. REMOVES TO HENNESSEY, 0XLA We are in receipt of a communi cation from John Murray, a former resident of this county, and who has been residing near Alva, Okla., for the past few year:;, In which he states, that he has purchased a half section bottom land 1 and 1-2 miles northwest of Hennessey, Oklaiv and where the Murray family will make their home in the future. Mr. Mur ray writes that he is well pleased with his purchase. Great Faith in Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea ' Remedy. . "Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy was used by my father about a year ago when he had diarrhoea. It relieved him im mediately and by taking three doses he was absolutely cured. He has great faith in this remedy," writes Mrs. W. H. Williams, Stanley, N. Y. Obey the. Law. Order your Osgood Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes. Have the Call assy a STETSON velours ;S3Ufc- V 7ll J O NE of the happiest hat styles we've ever placed on a head that's our-estimate of it. We're expecting big things of this engaging hat. Velours are on the top wave of favor. A spirited note to it a young man's hat that every age wears. For business, lor motoring, for wear with your Tuxedo. Come see-it in our store get the best idea of it, try it on in front of our mirrors. Certainly, we'd like you ' to . buy, but its worth our while showing our superb line of hats to those not now in the market. The. word gets around. It brings young men into our store cPkilip cJhiQwU Em V r