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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1917)
TilUESDAY. AUGUST 30, 1917. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACE 3 omo huildsrs Es9 . Authorized Capital $ 1 ,000,000.00 !. Assets, July I, 1917 736,000.00 . Has NO Bonded indebtedness. L Guarantees interest at 6co (uy 1 and January 1.) Mortgage Security for every dollar loaned. . Your shares converted into cash on short notice. 1 . Does not build to sell, but to order only. It receives the builders' profits. The builder's profits and interest on gilt edge mort gages makes your dividends certain and your money safe. You can order any number of shares at by mail or in person. HO PsIE BUILDERS INCORPORATED American Security Company, Fiscal Agents. P. LUTZ, Agent, Plattsmouth, Nebraska 6 NEED KNITTED WOOLENS. A. Robertson has receive', the following telegram from Red Cross h v a 1 1 q ti a r t o r s, V h i ca go : "Red Cross has urgent call from rTLijor GrayFoti Murphy for enormous quantities of knitted woolen article? Last winter broke the reeord for cold and misery among people here. Cur dread of coming winter and incx pre table f r of being without sup plies to meet the i it nut ion. We ! ;ii:e you on holK'-IC of our soldiers j and those of our allies, who will i nufi'er in th. ir frozen trenches and ; also thousands i t' French and IU-1-' , ::;a. refugees l"ing returned thru: Switzerland to France. Every one j here looks to America to hogin j ai once 0:10 tnilliou five j hundred thousand each of worm knitted wool article., alreadv re i nested. They must come before eold weather, and in view of short -ere of fuel and other discomforts they will be of i:'creditable value in both military and civilian work. V.e ask your Chapter to furnish a ;. !i nit i number of this requirement. Your allotment is :'.ei sweaters. '',' mufflers. pairs of wristlets and ;;oo pairs of socks. This call is for (ass County aud not for the IMattt-mouth ("hapies alone. Any one wanting in forma. -ti mi concerning above, call at IL"d Cross Headquarters in the Coror.ado Apartments er call Mrs. T. 1'. Liv ingston. (Cass County papers please copy) DIED YESTERDAY IN IOWA. Ffo-n Ti! :-(iay"s I a i 1 Mrs. .Martha Hiett. grau'.lmothtr of .Mrs. Frank R. Cb.belman, of this city, died at h'T late home at Sid ney, Iowa, at ike advanced auo of ST years. yesterday. Mrs. Iiiatt !iad livd in Sidney for more than fifty years, and had a. ho:--; of friends in that pernor, of Iowa, as veil as on tiiis side of the river. She has vis is ed at this city and at Rock Iilufi's often. Mrs. Iiiatt was a sister of the late I". M. who died but a short time ago. and also a siitcr of Mrs. Moses Hiatt, of Murray. The funeral will be held at Sidney to morrow. Wednesday August liMh. A number of her relatives and friends from here and vicinity will attend. Obey the Law. Order your Osgood Lens, riattsmouth Garage. All sizes. Gift and Greeting cards of all khids at the Journal office. 9 .Ft Dartling's Best Brand $12.00 per bushc! $11. OO per bushel ALFALFA SEED Lower grades at $8.50 SEED WHEAT, Common Yellow Berry variety, grown in Otoe County, unlimited ! quantity. Ask for prices. Wo are buyers of Timothy, Red Clover, Cane, IVlillct, Pop Corn, Winter Rye and other field seeds. Send Samples. tiwani Bartling Seed rierchants, Nebraska City, ?Zab. ; 'Builds to order only. F u r n ishes construction money when needed. $1.00 eacn, KEEP THE SOLDIERS WARM. To thopo who are interested in the work of the Handa.ce circle, our V-i vxiliary of t lie Red Cross in the city, and each woman should be in terested, we would like to call at Len'ion once more to the reat de mand for knitted articles that has come fj us in the lard week. Upon our prompt, response to just such calls, depends the efficiency and suc cess of oar men in the trendies. To keep the Sammies warm, to keep plenty of dressings and supplies on hand, to staunch wounds and give nrst aid in an emergency that is V oman's pert in this great World War. Kvery girl should learn to .Mo.-t :.M the older women know how to knit. Kntnusiasm should not he limited to any a?", class or even sex. The older men should learn to knit. We must all knit to keep our soldiers and sail ors warm. It is cold ir. the North Sea. its cold, in the tronche.'. wet ami muddy, too. Keep 'hem warm. Ladies knit while yeu car.;, can while knit. TEACHERS AT THE GEM. Last e vn in?: at. the Theatre, was nivM the second entertain ment by the commercial club, to the teachers at lending the institute r.t this place. The feature of the evening was f'n reel. Vitugraph. "Kitty McKay" featuring Lillian Walker, the pictures were of the best nr. cl were well received by the large crowd of teachers from all over the county, who were in at tendance. Besides this, there was interest and zest added to the eve ning by the f:ict the Ertil Wyrick. having taken at the grounds, where the institu'e was holding snap shots of groups of teachers from the towns represented, and the faculty, as well, and besides some person;'! pictures, all of which were catchy and added to the eve nings entertainment. IT IS CAPTAIN FRICKE. While in Fort Riley, Kansas. Mr. CI. R. Oeon met Dr. Albert Fricke. who is with the government at that place, and is holding the rank of cap tain, being on the medical force of the service. Dr. Fricke has surely made pood in his chosen profession, and will be one who will govc Rood service in the position which he now occupies. 1871 BRAND to $10.50 per bushel 55 Seed Go Local fQews From Tuesday's Daily. Miss Belle Hulfish, of Elmwood, is in the city in attendance at the teach ers' institute now in session. v Judge P.ropst, of Ixmisville, was a visitor in the city todav' looking af ter some legal matters at the court house. Adam Meisinger, of near Cedar Creek was a business visitor in Om aha this morning, going on the early morning train. Miss Anna Meyer, of Louisville, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. C. N. Hansen for the past few days, departed last evening for her home. A card from the Misses Gering, written from Vancouver some days ago, tells of their being back from Alaska, and that they will be home some time the present week. E. H. Schr.loff was a passenger to IiOiiisville last evening, where he was looking after some business in the line uf piano tuning and repair ing. He returned home this inorn ing. George Kreager, of southwest of Mynard. was a passenger to Omaha this morning, where he is visiting with Henry Engelkeniier, who is convalescing at a hospital at that place. Mrs. II. G. Van Horn and Mrs. Thomas Wiles, who has been visiting in Omaha, where they were guests to the birthday anniversary celebra tion of a friend, returned home last evening. Mrs. Wm. Delizene. of l,oui:viile, who has been visiting in riattsmouth for the pas! few days, a guest at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dean, returned to her home yesterday af ternoon. A. V. Decker, superintendent of the public schools at Louisville, was a business visitor in the city yester day looking after some matters of b.uiness at the court house. lie re turned home last evening. W. C. Noxou, wife and for.. Vic tor, who have been visiting in the city for the past three week;, and alo in the neighborhood west of town, departed last evening for their home at, Oklahoma. In the ball games scheduled be tween the lied Sox and the DcVol Victors, of Council r.luffs one for next Sunday and the other for Labor day afternoon, I!ay will pitch one game and Stimpson the other. From Tii""!nv'j; Iailv. Mrs. W. C. Dropst was looking af ter some business in Omaha this afternoon. G. 15. -Hicks of Cedar Creek. wa: a business visitor in the city this morning. Mrs. Fred Geis and daughter wcrr visiting with friends in Omaha this afternoon. J. L. Smith of near Xeliaka was p. business visitor in the city yes terday afternoon, driving up in his car. J. G. Meisingcr, of near Cedar Creek was a passenger to Omaha yes terday afternoon, going up to get some repairs for his plow. J. E. Griffin who has been at Vil lisca, Iowa, for the past two days looking after some business matters returned heme this afternoon. Mrs. Fred Engelkeniier of south west of the city, was a passenger to Omaha this morning where she goes to see her son, Henry at the Meth odist hospital. C. I). Cummins, and son, Dean, of Omaha, accompanied by Mr. A. Bryant, the Missouri, Kansas and Texas land commissioner, were in the city today looking after some business matters. Sam O. Haekenberg. of near Cedar Creek, and his daughter. Miss Cres sie. were passengers to Omaha yes terday afternoon, where they looked after some business and visited with friends. Mrs. Helen Hohn, of Mitchell, South Dakota, arrived last evening from her home, in the north and will visit at the home of her par ents Mr. and Mrsi John Jess, in this city, for about two weeks. Mrs. T. B. Salmon with her son Thomas, who have been visiting in this city for some weeks past with the parents of Mrs. Salmon, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Fox departed for their home at Portland, Oregon this morn ing. Mr. O. A. Coon and son. Roland of near Manley were looking after some business in the city yesterday afternoon, having driven in with their car, and later in the evening, after having transacted their busi ness, returned home. Mark Whife and Mrs. F. R. Gob elman departed this morning via automobile for Sidney, Iowa, where ' they will attend the funeral of Mrs. Martha Hiatt, who is the grand mother of Mrs. Gobelinan. The funeral will occur at two this after noon. Ti'ss Minnie Metzge ' of Ct dar Creek who has been visit ii.g in the city for the past few days the guest of htr friend, M -'.- Marie ;uufman, departed for Omahi this morning, v. here she will visit for a rV.ort tim before return suv to her home. Mr. Carl Roessler, who is a clerk in the ollices of the Burlington at Al liance, and who has been spending his vacation with his parents here as well as visiting with his many friends in this city for the past two weeks, departed fcr his work in the northwest this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Faite. ::f Falls City, v.lio are engaged in the cloth ing business at that plat came up .a.r eveiiir::", and staying .;vcr night with relatives, departed for Omaha . "s liter.. it g " thj; ; re look ing after to.-.e I'usuicv. :n- t : d - tl their stor- aL Fa I-- City. A few days since while driving down a rather steep bill in the vicinity of Cedar Creek, Miss Laura Puis had the misfortune to lose con trol of her car, and when endeavor ing to stop it. collided with a bank by the side of the road, breaking off a light and crumpling up a fender of her machine. Airs. Jennie Jenkins of Murray, who has been visiting at Rosalie, this state, with htr son. Earl, re turned home yesterday afternoon. Her son. C. II. Jenkins went with her, takins her-in his car, but lie remain ed frr a longer visit will- his broth er, while Mrs. Jenkins came home on the train. llarl Babbitt, and sister. Ethel, were pasengers to Omaha this mor ning, where they went to ti'ke their litle niece, Mareia Babbitt, home who has been visiting with the Bab bitts of this place, "'hey will after taking the little one "o her home at Benson, u pari lor i.yons, where they will visit for so: ie time at the home of an uncle Stanton Wilder of tli at place. Miss France:; Wiler, daughter c-.' T. Frank Wis. of Omaha, who has been visiting at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Airs. Isaac Wiles, departed for her home tli morning, and was accor-nanied by her ccusin. Miss Mirgarite Wiles, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Luke L. Wiles, who will visit with her cousin in Omaha for a short time. D. W. I"o:-ter air! daughter, Net tie Ss'.anton. and L'-ia Kuemer, ac companied by A!. H. S'.iumaker, o Union, were in the city today, having driven i;n in 'the car of Mr. S'.huma- ker. Thcv were looking after some business at the court hou'-e. O-ir old friends. Aie.-srs. Foster and Schuma ker let the light of their j ood natured co:-r. ienances beam in upon the Jour nal. Miss Alyrta B. Torte-. who h:u hten visiting in tho'tiiy for the pas; two weeks with h'r parents. William Porter and wife, departed yesterday afternoon for her home in Denver. Aliss Porter lias made her home in Denver for the past fifteen years, making a trip home to visit her par ents every year. Her father is con fined to his home with a lission of one of the valves of his heart, which is keeping him from getting out and around at present. Air. S. Vennard, father of Airs. A. A. Wetencamp. who has been visiting in the city for the past month, departed this afternoon for Omaha where he will visit with his daughter. Airs. Nona Schultz, for a short time as she is going to visit at St. Joseph, Mo., soon, and during the fore part of next week. Ar. Ven nard will depart for his home at Bakersfield, Calif., and this was the only opportunity he would have to see his daughter. MARRIED AT THE CHURCH. Yesterday morning at six o'clock, was pronounced the words which united the hearts and live of one of the fairest of the daughters of Plattsmouth with one of the hardy and valorous sons of Omaha, when Miss Helen Ptacek of this city, was married to Joe Dorrler of Omaha. The bride, Aliss Ptacek, was born and reared in this city, where she has a host of friends, while the grcom lives in Omaha on the south side, where he had prepared a home for hi bride. The wedding cere mony was pronounced at the Hol3 Rosary Catholic church, by the Rev. Father Vlcek, at early mass at six o'clock. None but the immediate family were in attendance. The newly mar ried couple remained at the home of the bride during the day when they -departed on the last Alissouri Pacific train for their home, which the grooia had furnished in South Omaha. The Journal with their many friends join in wishing them a joyous journey through life, with as few of the unpleasantries as can come to the lot. of mortals, and with as much cf the joys of life as na ture in her profligacy sees fit to give her favored ones. Returns Home From the West From Tuesday's Daily. John Gorder and wife and C. W. Bayiur and wife returned Sunday i e"ening from a tour of the west, em bracing a total distance traveled of 1G70 miles. The trip wa made in a Chalmers car owned by Air. Gor der and in all the time thry experi cud no trouble save a little with one of the tirs. Going, the party took the Omaha, Llneoin aud Denver road, which they followed to Lj man, Col orado, and from thence cross coun try to Colorado Springs, over the Ocoan to Ocean route, which they say was the finest ever. Air. Gorder reports fine crops all alor.g the way. On the way out they stayed one night in Nebraska, ate their breakfast in Kansas and their ainiitr in Colorado. They were es pecially pleased with the scenery in and around Colorado Springs, Colo rado City and also at Palmer lake. In returning, they caire to Denver, and from there east over the Lin coln highway, which did not impress them much as being a good automo bile route. Along this route they found crops locking pretty good, the more so the further east they got. Saturday night they stayed at Chap man, a station a little ways west of Central City, at which place they had wot expected to stop, hut the rain the reads so slippery they de cided to remain there ovf r night. From that place they drove to Platts mouth Sunday, the roads being very rood and travelog fine. In ail they eujoyed the trip very much. EYES TR0UELIKG HIM Fro ri ios.I.'iv's lnily. Ilan v Sc-haefer. of Plainvi 'w, wd; is vr.ut :ng re wit?: his cousins, Al Earl Meisingcr, i?rt Schaefer and were p i :?cimers to Omaha this morn ing, where they will visit Elmer Mei-.i:i-'t-r at the AIeihod;.;t hospital, he is convalescing from an op-e-ati.ii: for appendicitis. Mr. Harry S-diaclVr will als consult Dr. B: id.;e.-- iegardu:g las eyes, whkh considerable of are trcr.hprg him late. CHANGE IN NIGHT POLICE. P'roiii Tiici:ii.--s r.iily. Frank W. Elliott, who has been rvi'ig as night policeman, has ten dered his resignation as such officer, ti e same being accented by the city council last evening, and Air. Alvin J .''i: es va.; elected in his stead. "Air. ,tr-:vs was formerly i:i the service of ho city in this capacity and ntcde a "oil oflicer. We are sure he will w-rk for the city's good and make the etlicient otPcial which he. was be fore. WILL MAKE A FARM. From Tuesila v'p l;:iiy. With in a short time C. W. Bay lor, wlfo has made his home in this city for a number of years and whose life has b"?n identified with the best interests of the .city, will remove from Plattsmouth and be come an agriculturist in eastern Colorado, location some nine miles north of Hugo. There on the virgin prairie Air. Baylor w'U settle and there build himself a farm and home. We feel assured that in this he will succeed, as he has made a nucccss of everything which he has had to do with in this city. We do not like to see Air. Baylor depart from this city, but when the mat ter comes to where opportunity in vites, lie will have to make his ehcice. When he departs we wish that lie may find abundant prosper ity in his now home. SELLS FARM TODAY. C II. Rist today sold a farm sit uated about three miles south of Murray to George Ray for $1:5.100. This place comprised only SO acres and made the price run up to about $15 4 per acre. Obey the Law. Order your Osgood Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes. SEASON IS NOW OH! We are prepared to take care of meat and grocery or ders. Just call us up and let us know what time you want it and will have your order ready for you. "Don't forget this is "Your Market and , Grocery." it - HARVESTING OMKLMND Known To The Nation $S45 F. O. B. FACTORY. Possesses important feature of design which are found also in those higher priced cars as embodying the very latest and best engineering practices. These superior features, which for two years have distinguished the Oakland Six as a car of unusually advanced design, and which are new employed in the latest models of many of the more costly cars, not to be found in their entirety, m any of the other cars in the Oakland price-class. As a result, the Oakland Sensible Six, in the estimation of the buying public, is raised above the plane of its price, and naturally is compared to and competes with cars of considerable higher price than its own. 3 - ri TN na. PLATTSMOUTH I TIIK DIS'! II H'T CO I II T OK TIIIJ ( III T OK CAVS. A i JMI ASKA, William S. oiprhty, Klainiiff vs. .--"; r::b .7. I :itr!i t v. t f tiiiarit. nil for l!ir-r. Ti I ho l'fiut:mt. f;i ::i i i '. I":l,t 1 1 1 1 iil'P I .! 1 1 V too. l tiel T ! ; i I on T 1 : e Jiii h-y of JMii y. 1!MT. plaintiff filed bis petition in the Iistii(t i'-uvx of i 'ass eon;. ty. .Xe!' -ka, tlo- vb.j.rt jiTl'l T !!; - er ..f wl.ifh is T set tli- I11'!!'!- f matrimonv now e:.i-tinir Let i nrntii." ami !'! 'I! l:uit. .-.lal .it plaii -1 1 iriv.'ii .Hi a I 'si i ! u 1 e 'ire,. fruin .! I'-.-:! lai.t, arm !or sio 'i T i.-r relief as ina l.e eip, itablo in t o premises. 'i' notice is mauv pursuant t" t!m .r.lei- i.f tlie court. V"'i are renire.l to answer sail ! il'jon on i.f '.lefofe Ti:" 1st .la' of -. 1 .. 1!'17. yov.r default will Pe .inly entere.i furcin. f all of w!;kh you will take due nut iff. Iratcd this li'.tli dav of Aiit'iit. 1M7. S. IU'';!iTV. I'lainttrT. V. A. K.'f.l-:!:T .N. :. 'i.-sv i w. Ally, for Plaintiff. iii:i(.im. .miiim:. svlvi-'lfr T. Spei riol unUnown whose real names are un known To t li. sullt!; on' - lie i it h of .: ti'in "jr.. Townsliip 11. Haric If jaist, .'av.-. i onnty, .'elraka. le if . l a n '. s. w:P !aV'.- noii.-e tl:at on The 17tli tlav of August. 1 !l 1 7. All.ert 1 :. Lake, plaintiff ! f.iti. tiled l is petition iu tlie J'istri't CioMt "i Cass n r.t v, Nelii aska, n ica inst - ;i ill .Ir f,iinl:ints. Ili- ni'ii'i t ami l lav- . i- of wtiieli aie t.. r move the in-'nl ll-; m and piht tln tit'e to tho sov.tli- east ijU. li ter I 1-1 K .-octl"ll tweiity- tive C"i, Township . leven (111. Ilnni.".! ten i 1 i 1-aist. Cass county, Nelu:. ska, and tlu't tie i f cmhi n t s p.- en.ioiae.i f.-om tiaimiiii; any intficst in said prem is. Vim it ifiioirt'il to answer faid t o t it ion on or before the 1st day of Oc tober. Iti7. ALP.KKT K. IiAKK. Plaintiff. Ity: T. Ald.i:.v. Itis Attorney. (ITI( i; TO ( Iliilll'K'IIS Tin ato of Nebraska Cass Count'- ss: In t!it- I mit f onrt. 1" the Matter of toe K.-t.itc of .1. 11. -n-McisintTj r. Ieeease.l. To th,. Creditors of Said Instate; 'yi are heietiy notitieil that 1 will sit at 'he Coutity I'mut Poom in Plaits nio'iti,. iti said county, on the I'i'nd da' of September, P'17, and in the 2;:rd da- of .;areii. Pv. at I'Pi't o !i in the afternoon of each day l r.-ieive and examine all claims against said -late, witti a vi-'W to tio-ir adjust ment and allowance. The time limit ed for th" tii sentat ion if claims a-rainst said Kstate is six months from the Ulst day of Sptem her, A. I .. 1 1 7 . and the time limited for iiaym.-nt of debt-: is one vi'iir Irem said Ist dav of ui.ut. 1H17. Witness mv havo't and tin- seal of said Cowntv Court, this rtst tlav of August, 1 i 1 7. ALLEN J. PKKSOV, f-'eall County Judire. Iilr. atul Mrs. G. P. Ileil and son Arnold and dauphtrr Katie of C?dar C'rerk motored to this city vester- day afternoon and visited friends for a short time. "While here Mr. Ileil called at this offic? and had his sub scription extended fcr another year. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Wc handle a complete line of Auto Supplies and j) GOODRICH TIRES! Our competent Ford Mechanics insure prompt repairs! WELDING A SPECIALTY !N On July 1st all cars must be equipped with headlight lenses which will conform to the new law. We sell OSGOOD LENSES The Best In the Market! Wc Will Take In Your Old Ford Car On a New One We Will Pay You Spot Cash For Used Forda Come in and give us your order for a New Ford Before the Price Goes Up. 4 T, Pollock' Auto Co, F0S.B Authorized Sale and Service, 6th St., Plattsmouth, Neb Office Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. 53. As The Sensible Six I Mill! OiilpMiif NEBRASKA oiti::t ok m:ni; asm otui: OK rtJlMIATi: OK WILL. ir 'n' of Xel'i ii.ka i County of Cass ) : T:i i : Count v C'Miit of Cass Cw.nty, . .;-as;:a. To all ! rsons in teres t f 1 in tbe s !. of YeN.SOM V. J.eo an!. ! 't -e;t.- i 1 : t'a remiinii (:.. peiiti.-Ti ot i;i.;i ,. . t i , ...;.' t i m r t I . iikIi nt J th.s court n tie :,'it iay .f ju . i"I7. ;uol .-.vji v i. t .o tin; t w j ; t est allien t of t:, sai.l o' .t;Hhi. f:;av i-e prove. 1 njol a''eue.l, : , ,r,i'1 as tl.f lust viil aiel t - tl " Oi' Vcloscll V. I.e. . a ! it. !e.-e; c . i at sain instrument oe admitted 1 i ;-rii ; i e. and tiie nom i u ist ra ( ion :-;!. I -tat- lie granted to Jtosu -. Jeonai-t e X 'jell t l i ... i: is l.erel.v orde-id tlaT you and a ' l per.-ons jnti r.-sted in said matt. r. may, o?ii !o. amour at the County Court to be he'd i n and for said, county, on the 1st ia:v cf stitiT,l,.-r, A. I'. 1'.'17rt ,( '. !- a. m.. to sliow eause. if ;iuy tlcic le. why lire prsxer of the peti tioner si'onl.l not le -ranted and that not ii e of the pond. :!- of said p"finon Biol That the J.earl.eii thereof In- iri v;i . a 1 ptr.-o:is int.resie.l iti sail mat -t r i-y jiu lii is!1 in; a ?. of j his o .l.-r in lh" i ia t .snioiitli .loiii ral. a r. ini .eekiv news;. a i't printci in said oun iy f( , ti l '-'- s Ueees? ivc weeks prior to r-fid day of io-ii:;riu'. Witne-s r;iv l:ami, an', s.-ai of said court, this 1st dav of August A. 1 . ' 17. .lli:n .t. p.i:i:.-n. (?eu!i Connt .liaise. otix:i; !' n:iii. m miiii i; or pitut: tTK or will.. In ttif County Court of Ca i Mtity, f Ca-s, I N i ra.--ka. ':. It .f Nebraska, O : Tity T' all persons inter. - t - I in the tai.- oi 7tla ry I-'. Wt !'.. I M-east : n re;. din; the peinion ; c;,.,;;.s I.; i i.. I t pra : mi; t I ; a t : : ' i n " I 1 n : . o 1 1 ' i'. led in XI, riiiili !. t!.- I'L'i.d da !" A.nern-t. PU7. ale! puri- iiin to tie !a-t will and t.-tano n! of ti said ! -eeas.d. may be proed and iiii.nvoi, and. r d.-d a the last wiil and t , - - 1 :i .::; A of Mary p. . !h. -b -'a I ; l ha! said instrument be admitted to trot at.-, and the administration ..f said estate . -ran!.-! t t'h.-,io s l.-iiu-h i t. ;:s eeeutor: li is l.eri iv -rd' r d ti.a'. yun. and all p. ison. int. et' d in said matter, ma v. ami !. apo ' at i: ..ini;. t'outl to be fed in and f.-r said e oi.;nl. oji the -Mil dav of S- p t ember. A. 1 .. I'.'17, at ! o(!o.k a m.. to sioiw catisc, if any t here I.e. w I -.-the pra-or ol lie- petitioner .-.l.ouh', .L be pranted. and th. t noti.e of the -i-denc of sa.d petition ;!,d that t 1 lici, ! j i -r ' ! ereof i..- ion to all p.-.'so. ; ititttvsTed in said matter bv pui.!i-.i-it!H" a cop- of this t 'i der in the Platts mouth .Io:;r;ial. a Weekly iiAvspapr printed in said count:.-, for Three su- . essi'. e w eek.s prior to sabi day i f lien villi. Witness my l.nnd. and seal f ail ' "'.ill this :':';!il ilav of .UKiist. A. 1 ., P. 17. ' ALLKN .1. P.I'KS. 'N. iS'all t'o'iiity .lude. BEGIN ON TIIE PAVING. With a frr.ntr of ahout a dozen workmen from Omaha, the contrac tors for the pavins of Chicatr avi -nno lie?an on the excavation fe)r tlio paving of the avenue. V hen thi.s 1 is completed it will nak. a extent of paving in this city on the: Wat h inc. ton Highway. Subscribe for the Journal. 'i