The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 30, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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1 01
Almost a Serious Accident.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to this office, it will ap
pear under this headinp. We
want all news items Editor
Is eaith
Economy and banking go
hand in hand.
The bank is the goal of the
man zvho economizes.
This country is waking up to
the value of economy. It throws
back the charge 'that it is a
ependthrifi nation.
You cannot economize an
less you bank ycur surplus.
See us about your banking.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
.Miss F:-y ((Wham was an Omaha ha wha. is visiting with her sister.
. i'or Tuesdav. I Mrs. Henry 0t. near Memphis, tor
.Mi.s Ida Gjj.d spent the week end'a ft'v llas-
v. it H
.Mi: Kertha Nickels.
.Mr. a i : il Mrs. Waiter Sans were
1 'ia! t.:noitth visitor? Tue.-day.
Miss Jessie Harrows is i:i Union
i hi.- week vi.nrir.g with friends.
There will he . rvlces at the Chris
tian thurch i:i Murray next Sunday.
Tl:e little ton i" and Mrs. leu
liostftter has b.-en q.iite sick for the
past few days.
""here will he services at Leviston
S lutiay n, orninvr. Everybody itivit-t-d
to come.
F. 11. Queen and wife, of Platts
iv.o,ith were attending the picnic at
Union lust Saturday.
Mr. a !'.! Mrs. Heary O-t. of Mem
pV:. Xehr.. attended the r,ic::ie at
l": io-i l;t' S.iturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. P,.rt Lloyd are vis
iting with friends and relatives in
Jiaveloik this week.
Tiie usual large number cT old set
tlors attoudtd the annual gathering
at I'r.ion last Saturday.
Miss Ogla Mini'ord returned home
this week from a very pleasant ten
i'.iv trip in South Iak;a.
Mrs. J. W. Edmunds, who has
he- n quite sick for the past few
weeks, has been improving.
Anderson Davis has been improv
ing for the past few days. He has
been quite sick for several weeks.
Cuy Stokes and mother were up
from Union this week in their new
vt id -ter. calling on Murray friends.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. "Wilson
a son on Tuesday, August 2Sth. Both
mo'her and little one doing nicely.
Mrs. Clede Berger. from near Xe-
Ir. J. S. Livinsston. of Platts-
niouth. was called to Murray cn
Tuesdav of this week in consultation
with Dr. IJreiulel.
The K. X. K. Aid society will
meet at the church for an all day
quilting on Thursday, September 6th
Kveryone invited.
The condition of Mrs. Martha Mid-
kiff. who has been seriously ill at
her home south of town, remains un
changed at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ym. Rice are both
happy and proud this week over the
arrival cf a fine baby toy at the
home Tuesday morning:
III: Eaton, who has been very ill
for some time, is now on the road to
improvement, which will be goo
news to his many old friends.
The Murray State Bank will be
closed all day on Labor day (Monday,
Sept. 3rd.) Patrons cf the bank will
please be governed accordingly.
The new farm residence of Ben
Dill, under the management of Mes
srs Young & Scotton, contractors, is
progressing very nicely at this time.
Fred Warner, who has been mak
ing some extensive repairs on his
farm home south of Murray, is now
comfortably located in the new home.
H. G. Todd was in Omaha on last
Friday and bought sixty head of
feeders that were shipped to Mur
ray and placed in his lots for feed
ing. Dr. J. A. Thompson, president of
Tarkio college, will preach on next
Sabbath morning and evening at the
United Presbyterian church in Murray.
Silks for Fall!
Messaline and Taffeta in the late plaids and
stripes. Waist patterns no two alike, at prices be
low the present market on this line of merchandise
$1.20, $1.35 and $1.75 Yard
A beautiful line of plain color Messaline, six yards
to the piece, just enough for your fall dress. Colors
blue, dark green, plum purple, gray, red, black and
white. One yard wide
iatt . Tutt,
Mrs. Charles Hiatt and Mr. and
Mrs. Goodwin motored down to Mur
ray last Sundav for a few hours' vis
it at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.
D. Hiatt.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Terryberry
departed last Friday for South Da
kota, going via Whiting, Iowa, where
they will visit with relatives for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Royal, of Om
aha, were Murray visitors last Sun
day, spending the day with Mr.
Royal's mother, who is visiting here
from Plainview.
Wm. Puis, who has been erecting
a new barn on his farm west of Mur
ray, to replace the one burned a
short time ago, has it almost completed.
Mrs. Rose Cogdill. who has been
spending the summer with her sis
ter, Mrs. Joe Sans, departed this
week for Randolph, Xebraska. where
she will visit her son.
A. L. Baker and daughter. Miss
Opha, departed Sunday over the auto
route for Clay Center, Xebraska. at
which place they will visit for a few
davs with Mr. Baker's sister.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wurdeman and
son. of Lehigh, xebraska, departed
for their home last Sunday via the
auto route, after a visit with Mrs.
Wurdeman's father, Wm. Xickels.
Miss Beulah Sans returned home
from Boulder. Colorado, last Sunday
morning, where she has been attend
ing summer school. Miss Livingston
is expected home the latter part cf
the week.
Word has been received in Mur
ray from the Lloyd Gapen family,
who were at the time in Longniont,
Colorado. They report a very pleas
ant journey west, and are having a
fine time.
The new Murray garage is moving
along very nicely at this time. The
side walls are almost, completed up
to the first floor, and it .begins to
take on the appearance of a genuine
garage building.
Dwyer Todd, who has been suffer
ing for the past few weeks with an
attack of typhoid fever, has entirely
recovered, and while still very weak
from the illness, he is able to Le up
and around once more.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Creamer, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Creamer, Mr. and Mrs.
Walt Sans. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Gan--mer
took dinner last Sunday at the
farm home of Zvlr. and Mrs. Henry
i Wm. Xickels and son. Lee, and
Miss Etta Xickels, J. D. Wurdeman
and wife and sen. TratTord, return
ed last Friday evening from a two
weeks trip via the auto route, in
Kansas City, Independence and Oak
Grove. Mo.
Mrs. Martha Hiatt, sister of Mrs.
Mose Hiatt, died at her home in Sid
ney. Iowa, Monday, about noon. Mrs.
Hiatt had reached the advanced age
of ST years at the time of her death.
The funeral was held at the heme in
Sidney Wednesday afternoon.
Chas. Spangler has purchased one
of the dandy Alamo Electric Light
Plants for his farm home, and in the
future will be right up to the minute
with light over his entire farm. He
purchased the plant of the L. H.
Puis Murray agency.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schafer and
i family returned this week from a
year's sojourn in California and oth
er western states. They were met by
Mrs. Schafer's sister, Mr. and Mrs.
S. O. Pitman, and taken to the Schaf
er home. They report a very pleas
ant time.
Word has been received here from
George Small, one of the boys who
enlisted in the navy last spring, and
who is now located in Philadelphia,
stating that he will be ready for the
service of Uncle Sam September 20th.
He does not know what ship he will
be placed upon.
Mrs. T. P. Livingston and Miss
Mathilde Vallery, of Plattsmouth,
came down to Murray Tuesday of
this week for the purpose of com
pleting the organization of the Red
Cross society in this community. We
will give a full account of the meet
ing in our next issue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith, who
have been spending the summer in
Montana, returned home this week,
and in company with Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Meunchau, of Eagle, have been
visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Meunchan to Eagle for a brief visit
before returning to their home in
Ed Becker is now riding in a fine
new Super-Six Hudson car that he
Murray State Bank
of Murray, Nebraska
Charter No. r.TS
Incorporated hi the tate of Nebraska, at the
eloe of business Au:-r;it V, 1V1T.
Miss Laura Puis came very near
meeting with a serious accident on
last Sunday with her Super-Six auto.
While out pleasure riding near Cedar
Creek, and in company with WalterJ
and Carl Meisinger, Esther Rice,
Vesta and Mata Engelkeraeier, the
car got out from under her control,
and running into a bank was turn
ed completely over, spilling the occu
pants to the ground, without injury.
The car was somewhat damaged, but
not serious. The top and windshield
were torn off, one wheel damaged.
and the front axle and fenders bent
considerably. It was indeed fortu
nate that no one was injured.
Loans and discounts ; i0.34l :0
Overdrafts lf 6;
KoihIs. ec n rities, judirniei'ts. claims.
ic .Yx10 00
HaiiUou; house, f urnitiure and fixtures 'J.'XHJ eO
Current e.x-nses. tuxes and interest
paid 2.11 .VJ
Due from national and state
tianks ?.r4i5 62
Checks and items of tx-
eli:w:ire " 41
Currency :'..44i; t'O
Hold coin 1. '."." no
Silver, nickels and cents ,i z-xi,vhi 31
Total il'.U.rru 2
Capital stok paid in 10.000 CO
Surnlus fund r.m' 00
T'ndiviued pmlits :;.tK j'l
Individual ieijits subject to
cheek TCAn, 3
Time e-rt ilicates f leiHit . . ;4.73J 4."
(.'ashler's checksoutst.-i ud-
i 1 1 3. 4'.0 .V.-1 ;:,.t; 3
Deicsitors' truarant y f und I.i4." .Vt
Tot al .
State of Nebraska, . ,
County of Cuss. t s I. W. (;. lloedeker.
Cashier of the aiove named bank. Uo
hereby swearthat aiHive statement is a correct
and true co;y of the icfori niaile to the Male
baukilii,' toard. W . Roedeker.
i I- kki L. N i'tzv a . Director.
' (.'has C i'AK.MKi.E. Director.
Suliscriiied and sworn to before me this U
day of A u-u.-t, lvi7. khxa II att.
ISEAt Notary Public.
Attest: -
purchased through the Puis Murray
agency a few days ago. Mr. Puis has
been verv successful in the handling
of this popular c:tr and the company
has given him the whole eastern part
of Cass countv as his territory for
the coming year.
Esta Stultz and wife, of Zionsville
Indian?., nephew of Dr. and Mrs. B
F. Brendel, arrived in Murray this
week for a with the Breudel
families. Dr. O. E. Brendel and wife
of the same place, are expected to
arrive in Murray Wednesday for a
visit with the same families.
Henry Heebner. the Cedar Creek
gram merchant, was m .Murray on
Tuesday, coming down after his big
seventeen cylinder Xvberg oar that
has been in storage at the Puis gar
aae since the fire and some of the
parts destroyed. All the damagei
parts; have oeeu received and he ex
pected to drive the car home Tues
day afternoon.
There was a very pleasant family
reunion given at the George Hill
heme at Old Kenosha last Sunday
There were fifty-two of the relatives
old and joung, at the gathering. All
brought well filled baskets, and a
genuine good old fashioned reunion
day was enjoyed. Mrs. Allen. Birch
and daughter. Miss Jessie, a sister of
Mrs. Hill, from Greggsville, Illinois,
were the only away from home
guests in attendance. The affair was
one cf great pleasure to the entire
Those having pans, jars and other
utensils left from different dinners
at the library, please call on Satur
days and get them.
Many autos have been promised
for the "Auto Trip Thru Platts
mouth" which is to occur tomor
row, (Thursday), but more are
needed, and any one who can furnish
a car lor tne purpose or snowing
this city the visiting Cass county
school teachers, will confer a favor
on the committee, by getting in
communication with Andrew Moore,
August Cloidt or Lynn Minor, who
are the committee having charge of
the matter. See them or telephone
either of these gentlemen. DO IT
Now is the
I ime
From Tuesday's Daily.
G. R. Olson returned this morn
ing from a ten days stay at Ft. Riley
Kansas where he was looking after
the matter or getting his plant in
that city in operation. Mr. Olson
has been on the sick list for the
past week, which interfered with
the prosecution of his work there.
He has about gotten two-thirds of
the work done of getting the plant
in operation, but owing to his sick
ness was not able to stay until it
had been finished. Since his return,
he is feeling belter, and will try and
get moved into his new home before
returning to Kansas, where he ex
pects to go about the first of next
week. Mr. Olson in speaking of the
place there says, that at;this time
there are between 6,000 and 7,000
men working there, which includes
mechanics of all lines, and he adds
that there is so much noise at the
works that one cannot hear himself
think. When all the soldiers which
can be accomodated arrive there
there will be about 70.000 in the
camp. The pay roll of the contrac
tors is approximately ?4 0, UUO per
for the careful buyer to look for bargains. We have
them. To reduce our stock we are quoting some
very low prices on
Oil Stoves,
Cast Ranges,
Power Washers,
and Gas Engines!
If you are in the market for any of these articles it
will pay you to investigate before buying. We also
can make you some very good prices on John Deere
Corn Cultivators, Wagon Boxes, Truck Wagons and
Top Buggies. Come in and look them over. .
Hardware and implement Co.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Will T. Adams, who has been at
St. Paul, Xebraska. where he was
assisting on the farm of his son.
Maxwell Adams, since the first of
July, returned home last Saturday
and says that he has been engaged
in real farming out there with his
son. He states that tne small grain
was excellent, while the corn prom
ises a very good average yield, de
spite the fact that it suffered some
from lack of moisture. Lately the
rainfall has been sufficient to keep
everything looking good he says. Mr.
Adams also states that the nearer
one gets back to Plattsmouth the
better the crops are.
From Tuesilav's Ta.ily.
Kditor Rutledge, of the Union Led
ger, was a brief visitor in the city
last evening, and tells of the return
of George M. Mark, who has been in
Ohio for the past summer, and of
his bringing back with him a bride.
We extend to our friend George our
heartiest congratulations, and wish
him and his winsome bride much
joy and happiness in their journey
th rough life together.
People are often prevented from
sleeping by accumulaiior. of gass in
the digestive tract. The sense of un
due fulness disturbs thein. and the
palpitation of the heart makes them
lie awake half the r.iirht. Triner's
American Llixir of Litter Wine I
the very remedy which gives a heal
thy sleep. It cleans out the bowels,
stops the formation of passes, a'ds
digestion anil strengthens the entire
system. "When I take Trim-r's Amer
ican Elixir, I feel excellent and every
body praises the remedy." v rites Mrs.
Anna Chalnpka. Newark, X. J.. May
1"., lltlT. Price ?l.ei. at drugstores.
Triner's Liniment l.eloa"s to th1 ne
cessaries of r.nv household. It re
lieves rheumatism, neuralgia, rprains
Ftrains, swellings, refre.-hes tired
muscles and fe. t. ( Jc. p-iee 2r and
f'c at drugstores, by mail :'.." and
f,0e. Jos. Triner. Manufat" uriii;,'
Chemist, 1 P. 3-1 :'. 9 S. Ashland .Mw.
Chicago, Til.
The Murray Lecture Course.
The Midland Lyceum Bureau will
give a five number lecture course in
Murray this winter. This course is
managed by the Aid society of the
Christian church, the Missionary so
ciety of the Presbyterian church and
the Library association. They will
begin selling tickets in September.
This course costs $200.00, and that
means that the citizens of Murray
and surrounding countn will need
to patronize it liberally in order to
assist the management in playing
even, and the organizations promot
ing it should make a clean profit. All
they ask is to assist in paying the
expenses. The mere promise that you
will attend is not sufficient, but buy
your season tickets early; there can
be no success made unless this is
done. The course will consost of
three concerts, one lecture and one
entertainer. The management ex
pects to call on each and every fam
ily in Murray and vicinity. Think
it over and do your best possible for
the s-uccess of a good, clean line of
amusement for your pleasure this
There will be a social dance given
at the Puis & Gansemer hall, on
Saturday evening, Sept. 1. Every
body invited. Good music and . a
genuine good time.
Feel languid, weak, run down?
Headache? Stomach "off?" A good
remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters.
Ask your druggist. Price $1.25.
Carl Kunsraan was telling
about his son, Edward, who is
ing at Santa Rita, Xew Mexico.
v. beie he is employed as the round
l ouse foreman of a larju ? cc pper
raining company, who have a large
nuiaber of engines, for hku'ing ore,
and other material. Some three
rrcnths since Edv-i I had the m:s
rcrtune to get some pieces of steel
In one of his oyer,. II.? '.vent io
tl hospital at HI Paso. Texas, and
hd what he suppose! it all remov
ed but kept having trouble with
the eye, and afterwards went back,
and found another piece of steel
which was also removed. The phy
sicians now think that they will be
able to get a partial sight restor
ed to the eye. He has now been
seventy-five days from his work, and
will have to go to the hospital again
before he will have the eye all
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith, who
for the past two months have been
visiting with their daughter, Mrs.
John Osborn, at Miles City, Montana,
returned this afternoon from their
extended trip. On their return they
stopped off at Eagle, where they vis
ited with friends for a few days.
They report having had a most ex
cellent time in the west-
Call Plattsmouth Garag-e for serv
ice. Tel. 394, also livery. J. E Mason,
Office Supplies at the Journal.
Cream Station!
Murray, Nebraska
Pays the highest cash price for cream,
poultry, butter and eggs. Let us
deal with you. We will treat you
J. G. WHEELER, Prop.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Cards are out announcing the com
ing marriage of Miss Xelle LeX'ore
Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Cook, of this city, to Mr. Arthur
J. Poerr, on Wednesday, September
fifth. They will be at home to their
friends at Reardstown, Illinois, after
September fifteenth.
Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture
Framing. Frank Gobelman.
T3:at thie country is railing good
small grain, is by the high
yields of this season. The freezing
out of the winter wheat is respon
sible for a larger acreage of corn and
oats throuphout this state, as v -il
as in numerous others. The result
shows that the rotation of crops is
good for production. The threshing
returns on the farm of Gtorge Slan
der, last Saturday, show S3 bushel of
oats per acre. At the price for which
oats are selling now, even the most
high priced farm land; are profitable
from a farming standpoint.
Paper Plates and Picnic Sets at
jthe Journal office.
Needles and
amines :
We have installed the
and can fit any known make of machine!
Just received a large shipment of
consisting of Cups and Saucers, Plates,
Bowls, Coupes, Milk and Water Jugs, &c.
Puis & Gansemer.
Drs. Mach & EVSach, The Deniists
The l&rgest tnd bert quipped dntl office! in Omihi. SpeciilitU la
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate PHceg. Porcelain filling.
jut like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized alter uing.
Ssnd for nu sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment.
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild system of treatment that cures Piles. Fistula end
other Recta 1 Diseases ia a short time, without a severe sur
gical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other General
anastlietic used. A cure fiuaranteea i n every case accepted
for treatment, end no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Recta 1 Diseases, with names
and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.