The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 27, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    TACK 2.
MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1317.
EVERAL months ago we
made a fortunate purchase
of men's silk shirts. They
have just arrived and we are
more than delighted with the
splendid quality and patterns
sent us. Understand please,
FffffJftgj these are not fibre silk, or near
t'rtiriSiktmi ... . i .11 i 1 1
silk or cotton back siik, due au
pure spun silk, with broad satin stripes, com
bined with purple, green, slate and gold stripes.
The price not $7 nor $6.50 nor $6 nor even
$5.50, but
1 A, a tftX!
See them in our corner wintow.
Don't let the chance go by!
. Wescott s Sons
Fr.'v.i Friday's Daily.
.Mrs. Fred Fngelkemeier and Fred
Li :.g uti' pas. ngers to Omaha this
morning where they will visit the
j-iiii if Mr-. Fngelkemeier, at the
IMcthodist hospital.
Mrs. Will J. Valkry and son, Her
ald, of llavelock. cam? in this morn
ing a re visiting with grandpa
and Cram'.m.i Peter J. Vallery ami
wife for a few days.
W. K. Ilryai:, wife and Miss Luc-He.
their daughter, departed thij
iifiei-ic.on for Fert Collins.-Colorado.
k re they will visit with, another
tlr.ouhter for about twoweeks.
Mi.-sM l'.ku.cke and Adelia Saylos
dtp.-.rted last eenir.g for Cedar Creik
v. her.' tiny wiil visit Tor a few days
with t'.u'ir y. randmot her, Mrs. (5f'.
K. .as, ;!nil other relatives and
f rn nds.
Mrs. Oeor.-o A. Ka Ifenbergor and
two daughters. .Misses Ola and Mina.
tieparud this r.!ern:rg for Omaha, at
which place they will visit with some
friends for Cue day, and look after
Imsiness matters as well.
Fred Weidinan. of Plainview, came
in l?.st evening for a short visit with
his mother, Mrs. decree Weidman.
He was a passer. so r to Omaha this
morning, w here he is in ' attendance
at the Merchants' convention.
Miss Mary Troop, who has been
making her home at Farnani, this
si ate. for the past few years, came
in this morning from that place anil
will visit for some time at the home
of her brother, Robert Troop. of
this city.
Farr.est Ilarnsberscr, of Ashland,
i'g and is visiting with his coiifins.
the Fricko hoys', for :l '. hort .;time.
Mr. Harusbergor is one of the army
otlicers at the training school aT Ft.
Siudling. and is home on a visit with
his iolks at Ashland.
Mr. 11. II. Tyson, of Max. Neb., is
visiting in the city with his brother-in-law,
Mr. Q. K. Farmele. Mr. Ty
son is a prosperous farmer living in
the extreme southwestern portion of
9 'J, .
' 2'-
r-' 1
I Til Ml j
brings to die motorists of this
city and vicinity iirst-hand in
formation for all who arc
interested in increasing the
wearing power of their tires
and so
this item of
A well-known tire expert will
give personal attention to the
tire problems of all who come
to the demonstration. His
interesting exhibits show all
kinds of tire wear preventable
and u n preventable and his
misrion is to reduce to the mini
mum the preventable kinds of
tire failure for motorists of this
This demonstration is jrcc.
It makes no difference what
kind of tires you use you are
urged to come for your good.
Remember the date and re
member the place
r -
Au-sust 2
Piattsmouth, JVcb.
the state, ami says things are look
ins fine out there. Mrs. Parmele is
now visiting out there at the home
of her brother.
Miss Ruby Smith, who has been
visiting in the city for some time
past at the home of her friend, Mrs.
Thomas Wiles, departed this after
noon for Cedar Creek, where she will
visit for a short time at the home of
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Meisinger, before going to her
home at Ilavelock.
Mrs. Ij. Iv. IHanchard, of Lincoln,
who has been visiting in the city
and south of town at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. IJ. F. Wiles, since last
Wednesday, departed yesterday af
ternoon, accompanied by her little
son, Robert Miner Blanchard. Mrs.
Rlanchard was formerly Miss Ueulah
Miner, and will be remembered by
her many friends here.
Mr. George McDowell, a druggist
of Hardy, Nebraska, was a visitor in
the city yesterday at the home of
Mrs. 1J. J. Hem pel, for a few hours
between trains. Mr. McDowell is
tire husband of the former Miss Te
resa Hemp'el, daughter of Mr. Henry
llempel, and came to Omaha to at
tend the Merchants' convention. Ho
took advantage of the opportunity of
running down here for a short visit
with Mrs. McDowell's grandmother.
From Saturday's Daily.
A. II. Uraves, of Murray, was a
business visitor in Piattsmouth this
Lewis Crabtree. of Mynard, and A.
Jacoby, were business visitors in
Piattsmouth this afternoon.
Mr. F. R. Mutz, of Fight Mile
drove, was a passenger to Omaha this
morning, where ho is looking after
some business.
Wm. Sporrer, from near Murray,
w is a visitor in the city yesterday af
ternoon. 'looking after conic business
in the county seat.
A. II. Kreager. of near Fight Mile
Crove, was u passenger to Omaha
this morning, where he is looking
after some business matters.
Mr. M. J. Wiles, wife and Mi-s
Helen Livingston, were visitors in
Omaha today, whore they are look
ing after some business matters.
James Tigner, of wo:.i. of Murray,
was a business visitor in the city
this morning, where he was looking
after some business at the county
Miss Fva Clark, of Minneapolis.
Minn., armed this U'U.ru6o;i for a
visit at the home of her -friends. Mr.
and Mrs. I:. F. Wilcv, living
south of the city.
Miss Keo Currie, of Fro".-en P.ovr.
is visiting with her friends and sister
member in the Sorority at !'.i stat"
university. Mrs. A. Robcrisov., of
this city, for. a few dajs.
Mrs. A. M. Scarles departed Hi'
morning for Fushnell, Illinois where
she will visit for, some time, going
then to her former home at Ce no
sea, Illinois, for a visit with both
friends and relatives.
Prof. A. F. Pecker, superintendent
of the city schools, of LoukvilL was
a business visitor in the city for a
while yesterday. He was looking af
ter some business in connection with
his school, at the office of the coun
ty superintendent of schools. .
Mrs. George Rummell and little
daughter. Miss Lucile, who have been
visiting at the home of Fd Rummell.
of Mynard, and Will Rummell, liv
i n K west of Piattsmouth, and their
families for the past week, departed
la5t evening for their home, at Pellc
vue. A. W. Wilber, who is employed at
the farm of A. A. Wet encamp, west
of Mynard, is having considerable
trouble with a hand in which he has
contracted blood poisoning as a re
sult of wearing a blister on it ..while
working. The hand has been in very
bad condition, but is some improved
now and promises to be all right in
a short time.
Martin Steppat and son, Eddie,
whose home is near Blair, drove
down in their car yesterday after
noon, and visited for a short time
with friends in the city. They then
went out for a short visit with an
other son of Mr. Sdeppat, Frank,
who resides northwest of the city,
departing late last evening for their
home at Plair.
Mrs. W. II. Kirkcndall, of Eddy
villc, Nebraska, who has been visit
ing at Weeping Water for some time
past, a guest at the home of John
Davis and of Franci3 Flemming,
came over this afternoon to take the
train to Hamburg, Iowa, where she
will visit for some time at the home
of her daughter, ' Mrs. M. J. Welch
before returning to her home in Nebraska.
Mrs. May Taylor and son, Russell,
Who have been visiting in the city
for the past few days, the guests of
Mrs. Alice Cowles and her daughter,
Mrs, W. E. Prop-t, departed last ev
ening for their home at Madison,
Wisconsin. Mr. Propst took the folks
to Omaha via automobile, from where
they departed on the train making
t he best connections for their home
at Madison.
Frank R. Gobehnan departed last
evening for Hillings, Forsythe and
Lcwiston, Montana, where he will
spend a week. He goes to Forsythe,
near where he has a sister, who is
holding down a claim, and who is
desirous that her brother copic out,
as she wishes his advice in some mat
ters pertaining to the claim. Mr.
Gobelman has not seen his sister for
about five years, and goes partly as
a visit, as well as to see if he can as
sist her in the things about which
she wishes to ask his advice.
Chronic Constipation.
It is by no means an easy matter
to cure this disease, but it can be
done in mosl instances by taking
Chamberlain's Tablets and complying
with the printed directions i:??t r.c-
Yesterday Sewell Sanderson and
family came down from Lincoln for
a short vi-dt with the family of Geo.
K. Statts, and was accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Statts' sun, Clarence V.
Statts. During the day they visited
at the Statts home and in the even
ing returned to Lincoln. The fam
ily of Mr. St ants accompanied them
for a visit. Mr. Staats returned on
the early Burlington train this morn
ing while Mrs. Staats remained for
a longer visit.
C. K. Murg, r, of Mt. I'i o.-.ut pre
cinct, who was drawn, not in the
iirst cull. and number wiU
not come for some time yet. has come
!o Plat tsaioiit h and mad" known his
desire to be allowed, to .go with the
Mrst call, as he waf ts to get into the
;ervici; as soon as he can.
Ready for School
Vacation's Over I
Very soon brother and sister will have to give up long
days of play; the ringing school bell will call them to hours
v oiuujr, me picaauic ji uiu summer vacation vHi ds over.
Summer vacation days play havoc with children's clothes; before school com
mences "mother will have to be busy preparing the necessary school dresses,
getting a supply of hose, etc. We're ready to help her with a complete selec
tion of serviceable, practical garments and accessories.
Pretty and Serviceable
these Beautiful Ginghams!
And there's such a variety of beautiful patterns
loo so many attractive ways of making them. All are
absolutely fast colors, a consideration not to be over
looked in children's apparel.
Children's Undergarments!
So necessary to the comfort and health of the child
are suitable union suits, waists, etc., that their selection
is of great importance. In our assortments you'll find
undergarments to meet every need.
S : - c -.ViT''4rl T
Mia a a
Get a Good Supply of
While stocks arc com
plete we unc you to buy in
sufficient quantities to lake
care of the children months
to come.
Mrs. Ccorge U.irr departed for Om
aha this, afternoon, where -oho takes
her li'tle dauLcnt.r. Fisie. to the
Melhodi-'t i:.-;spit;;l. The lilt i o girl
ill have au U -rr t ioi for the re-
' of a gro vth !n the ::o.e wliich
:as been causing the child some
onblo o.' late. Mrs. liarr will a! o
visit I'.'-r father. .Mr. .1. P.. . 1 1 igley.
vhile tnere. lie is now making i al
ls factory progress toward recovery.
On Sej teniber Mi::; Ol've Cass
will begin the Fall term of her da.;.;
in music. TrLplioue '.'L' m:y tiiee
it'ter August ".otl. aT-1 v. .iuw
Tiie following unrlalfied letters in
he Plat ivi.iout h. .e!!r.,.k a. no: to liter
will b" sr nt to the Head Letter ojl:ee
,-n September U', 1;)!7, if not called
Tor b-'foro that date:
Y. J. Pul P.rown
-Mr. ilriest K. Z'igen.
In callit-g fer any at the above,
ideas" say "Advertised."
I). C. MOKCAX, 1'. M.
Phones 53 and 54. We Like to Serve
Last. Saturday J. Y. Pet,ers. of he
firm of Pet -r : &. Parker, was th" sn?-tes.-fn!
bidder f;r a contract to build
a new wing f ;r a kitchen, on the In
stitute for the Feeble Mird-.l at
Ci vn v. ood. Iowa. Tin' contract fays,
for tiie work and material. v.'.O.i'OO,
v!"'ch. added to the work t'ni : nrin al
ready has on hand and undr way.
will furnish them work for a good
long time in advance.
lit n o Ckapfer, N'o. INI'. O. F. i .
ill held their annual picnic Friday.
August. :ilst, ai the Masonic Hail.
Supper will be served at i o't'ock.
Initiation at S oYlofk. All meinl;er.s
are invited to be present.
Mis.; Fsthcr Xoyes, of Louisville,
was one of the teachers of the Cass
county schools in the city today at
tending the teachers institute.
A Resident Known to Ail Cur Read
ers Relates An Experience.
Headers of the Journal have been
told again and again of the merits
of that reliable, time-proved kidney
remedy Doan's Kidney Pills. The
experiences told are not those of un
known persons living far away. The
cases arc Piattsmouth cases, told by
Piattsmouth people.
Thco. Starkjohan, retired farmer,
Locust and Ninth streets, Piatts
mouth, says: "For several years
Doan's Kidney Pills have been used
in our family for backache and oth
er symptoms of kidney trouble and
they have always proved to be all
that is claimed of them. Whenever
my back feels a little lame and my
kidneys are not acting as they should,
I take Doan's Kidney Pills a few days
and they never fail to do me good. J
Doan's can't be equaled and anyone
having kidney trouble should use
them, fcr they are reliable."
Price 60c at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Starkjohn uses. Foster-Milburn
. . t
Ja'ob Tritch and wife ami ?.Irs.
Phillip Tritsch. with her little child
ren. Maynie and Klizabcth, departed
in is morning for Calloway. Nebras
ka, where Mr. Tritsch goeo to look
after Mmo business, and the Iadio;
v'il r-tie-id the wedding o ?diss Ka
cee' flilmore. a daughter if J'stpii
iltiore, a former resident of thii
co'.inty. The party will be away for
about a week.
Yesterday afternoon, Mrs.- J. A.
Wilson, Sr.. who formerly rerided in
Oklahoma, and who moved to the
old Iliatt place, near Murray, lart
fall, wi s in the vity. and while here
btouaht a huge tomato and. a, head
of cabbage to this o!ice. The toma
to is Huae large one. It weighs 2
p'-un:':- and Mrs. Wilson states that
there were seven of this ;-i.e on one
vine, and that she has a large num
!:r of jrod si'.ed tomatoes, ten of
which wiil (ill a 3-gallon bucket. The
head of cabbage she brough weigh
ed .1 t : pounds, ami ahe has some
i'00 bonds nearly as large.
Miss Kittie Cninmim-, Piano teach
er. Fall term will begin Monday,
September Sid. Residence Studio at
'.)02 First avenue. Phone No. 1!).
Mrs. Robert II. Prissey, who lias
been visiting in the city for some
days past at the home of 15. C. Hyde
and wtfe departed yesterday morn
ing for her home at Table Rock.
.ver-reaay ;
entertsiinmeiij: J
Tiie unexpected s;ucst:
royally cntcrtaiiii'd with ihc'n
music of the
1 lie woria s hz:i riF-jirp
I a 1 va y s a t y c r i r; ; ,i t k
I command .1 jlLM'.wrc loi
Pvour fricnrl: a.-- well a: Ui
I your family
vo j io :! i
3 C c.r.-.e 1:1 ant. U l u.-- wvo
jjoys cf this wjndcrlul
g Vict robs V 0. f, Krj i
LVictors 10 to ?l-. Vjrriii
Ijcon .cniv.-::c. i' p
There is joy in another household.
this time on YVintcrstein hiil. where
the stork lrf! a nine ionnd b-y at
the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Polin. The
little oie came Saturday and is do
ins nicely as k; also his mother.
Box Paper and Correspondence
Cards at the Journal office.
Fred Cord r, from Weeping Wat
er, was a visitor in the city today
looking after some matters of busi
ness at the court house this morning.
John I.!vd, of southwest or Mur
riy. was a business visitor in Omaha
this morning, coming to this city in
his car and taking the train from
here for the metropolis.
Is your vacation suit as near "all in" as your vacation?
A healthy boy needs a. Good healthy suit for school
one that will stand wrestling, sliding and marbles.
Better come in get fixed up with
a suit of "BEST-EVER" clothes
you can't wear 'em out when
you wear 'em out.
f tf r m
1 -.nil