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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1917)
H'U" "V. VOL. XXXV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, KONDAY, AUGUST 27. 1917. No. 19. rr Says Austria is Now Cry ing for Peace Austrian in Copenhagen Tells of Un rest and Near-Revolution at Ilonis Just at Present. Copenhagen. Aug. 2 4. An Aus tria which is literally crying for peace, which had discarded any pos sible thought of territorial expan sion and is even willing to buy its way out of the war' by territorial sacrifices on the Italian front and in Galicia; an Austria of frequent food riots, unable to last through anoth er winter of war; an Austria whose population would rise in revolution if any reasonable peace offer were re jected by the government, is pictur ed by an intelligent Austrian, who lias arrived from Vienna. In a long talk with the correspondent today he told a story which, though perhaps unduly pessimistic, explains the per sistency of Count Czernin. Austro- Ilungarian foreign minister and of Kmperor Charles in returning again ami again to the subject of peace ne g -t iatior.s. This Austrian, who spent several days in Berlin on his way to Copen hagen, had an opportunity to talk with representatives of the German foreign office, including Baron von iK-ni Bussche-Haddenhausen. the un-der-seeretary. and ether prominent Germans of the stamp of Prof. Hans Dolbrueck, of the University of Ber lin: Philipp Scheidemann, the so cialist leader, and Maximilian Har den, editor of the Zukunft. He said that all of these men with the ex ception of Ilerr Harden were con vinced that peace was coining be fore the winter. TAKES VACATION IN EAST. Attorney Mathew Gering departed last night over the Burlington for Chicago, from where he will go by water to Detroit, Cleveland and Buf falo, making the trip the entire way from Chicago to Buffalo by boat. Ar riving at Buffalo, he will take an automobile to Saratoga Springs, X. Y., where he will be in attendance at the National Bar association, of which he is a member. This meet ing will be held September 4th to Gth inclusive. Mr. Gering is scheduled to make an address at the meeting on the subject. "Decadance of Advocacy" r.nd able jurists who have examined his manuscript say it is one of great merit. From here Mr. Gering will go to Washington and New York City before he returns home. lie will motor over the Catskill moun tains, and through them, as a por tion of his well-earned vacation. FUNERAL OF MISS THOMAS. From Saturday"? Daily. The funeral of the late Miss Rose Thomas, who died at the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha last Wednesday, was held from the St. John's Catho lic church this morning. The cas ! et was open until nine-thirty at the home of the parents in the south portion of the city, after which the funeral cortege proceeded to the ikureh, where the funeral was held rnd the interment was made in the Catholic cemetery, west of the city. Miss Thomas was born and reared in this city, was 2 6 years of age and a member of the Catholic church, of which she was a devoted communi cant. Besides the family, she has a host of friends who mourn her un timely death, and who will honor her memory. SPECLL NOTICE. The local council of defense has issued a call for a mass meeting of all the women of the county, to be held at the court house in Platts mouth. cn Friday, August 31st. at 2:00 p. m. This gathering will se lect a chairman who will be the of ficial representative of the women of the county on the county defense board, and who w ill conduct the patriotic action of the women of the count;.-. This is highly important Juct at this time in view of Gover nor Neville's proclamation, calling for the registration of all women on TWO WEEKS IN IOWA. S. W. Ransom, who has been for some time in Iowa, spending the time mostly at the places where he formerly lived, returned home last evening and says that he had a fine time while away. Mr. Ransom was formerly a resident near the towns of Tama. Toledo and Chelsea, in the Ilawkeye state, and it is there he has been visiting of late. He savs the crops are looking fine over there but that in some portions of the state, east of here, in the vicinity of Osceola, the crops have suffered on account of lack of moisture. While away he visited the Iowa state fair. which is being held at Des Moines Mr. Ransom was more than pleased at the great display of the products of Iowa on exhibition there. First Security Bank Under New Management The First Security Bank, of Cedar Creek, has, to a certain extent, chang ed hands, a deal having been closed during the past few days whereby the entire stock of the bank falls in to the hands of home people, and is owned by W. J. Schneider, Thomas E. Parmele, Charles C. Parmele and J. F. Wolfe. These men need no introduction to the people of Cass county, where they have resided for most all their lives, and where their business methods are best known to those who have been dealing with them and know them best. It means that the bank is on a strong foun dation and more ably prepared than ever" to handle all the business of the wealthly little community in which it is located. Cedar Creek needs a bank and it needs good men behind it, and at the present time it has both. Your business can be en trusted to them with the fullest con fidence of perfect satisfaction and security. The officers of the First Security Bank will be as follows: Win. Schneider, president; W. II. Lohnes. vice-president ; Thomas E. Parmele. director and Joseph Ran, cashier. Mr. Rau is a product of Cass county and a young man of sterling worth and ability, a man who will gain the confidence and highest respect of everyone with whom he comes in contact, either on matters of business or socially. He is a brother of W. J. Rau, cashier of the Manley State Bank. 1 We predict success in the highest degree for the First Security Bank in future years, believing at the same time that the people will place their business with the bank of their community. ROET. WILLARD BEEZELY DIES. Fmn Sati rrtav's Daily. Robert Willard Bcezely, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Beezely, died very suddenly at the home of its parents in Syracuse last night. Mrs. Beezely. it will be remembered was formerly Miss Ellen Windham, of this city. The child, which is only a few- weeks old, was a fine boy. and the parents were becoming attached to it in a way which makes the loss all the harder to bear. Mr. Robert Windham, father of Mrs. Beezely, de parted for Syracuse this morning to offer what consolation and service he can in this hour of trial. Nothing is yet known as to when the funeral will occur. RED CROSS MET AT RILEY. From Saturday's Dally. Last evening the meeting of tne Red Cross which was called to be held in the auditorium of the Pub lic I-.ibra.ry, was not held there be cause five of the members of the board were out of the city, two oth ers were out riding and therefore could not be seen. There remained but one member of the board, avail able to be seen, Mr. A. L.. Tidd, who absolutely refused to allow- the li brary to be opened for such purposes, having told the janitor to keep the room closed, which the latter did. The members, to the number of about fifty, lingered around for nearly an hour, while some departed for their homes. Finally hose who remained held a meeting at the parlors of the Riley Hotel, and listened to a talk given by Frank Wilcox, of Kansas City. WELFARE WORKER HERE. - Theodore Hanson, superintendent of the National Public Welfare League, is to be in Plattsmouth, f jr a lour day camr-..ign September to ."). inclusive. This campaign was arranged for at the Red Cross meeting last even ing when representative citizens of Plattsmouth. met with the Red Cross workers to hear Frank G. Wilcox, field secretary of the above league explain the object of this move ment, which is as follows: The league is introducing into the units of government (city, county and state) the department of public wel fare, which increases the ability of our present agencies so that we can deal with our problems from the standpoint of preventing the causes of trouble, instead of simply patch ing up the wreck. Dr. Henson will speak afternoon and evening Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and close the campaign with his message, "The New Civil Conscience." This message grows out of the present world conditions. Kv ery citizen should be interested. Re serve judgment until you have heard him. Full program next week. KISS MATTIE GAPEN IN TOWN. From Saturday's railv. Miss Mattie Gapen. who was so sick and for such a long time, is so far improved as to permit of her being down town todav. While rh is yet tar lrom heing well aii'i strong again, her improvement is so nt.-.rked th:t. those vhn knew of her Lerious con:' I: ion a short time ago. can hardly realize the change in her appearance. H?r many friends will e pleased to read of her returning to robust health. HAD A GREAT VACATION. Frmn Saturday's Daily. Joseph Hadraba, who has been vis iting in the western portion of the state for the past two weeks, return ed last evening with his family, who had been visiting at the same place for a longer period. The folks had gone to visit with Mrs. Hadraba's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Janda, and after they had been there for a couple of weeks. Mr. Hadraba went out and spent his vacation on the farm. too. PLATTSMOUTH HER OLD HOME. From Saturflav's Pail v. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Jeffreys, of Bassett, Nebraska, came in last ev ening from Glenwood, Iowa, where they have been visiting with a sis ter of Mrs. Jeffreys' for the past week. Mrs. C. E. Edwards, formerly Miss Pearl O'Neill. Mrs. Jeffreys, whose former name was Emsie O'Neill, was accompanied by her daughter, Fran ces, who is about three years of age. They will visit with former friends here for a short time before return ing to their home in the northern part of the state. PRESENTS BADGE TO DR. COOK. From Saturday's 1 ailv. A committee of the Mt. Zion Com- mandry No. 5, yesterday presented Dr. E. W. Cook with an elegant badge from the order, as a fitting token of their respect for the member who is soon to depart from this city. The badge consists of a bar pin, on which is engraved: "Presented by the Mt. Zion Commander' No. 5 to Dr. E.-W. Cook." Suspended from this by a gold chain is a heart, and from this is also suspended.a solid gold cross with the insignia of the order inlaid therein. The badge makes a very ele gant present, and is one which Dr. Cook will cheerish, as well as the sentiment which prompted the gift. REPORTS TO DISTRICT BOARD. From Saturday's Daily. Sheriff C. 1 . (juinton, who is a member of the local exemption board, for the army draft, with his family, drove to Lincoln yesterday, taking with him the reports from the local board, to be presented to the dis trict board. On his return, Mr. Quin ton tells of seeing a big Care car in the ditch, at a bridge two miles south of Elmwood, which place has been the scene of many auto wrecks in the past few years. Mrs. W. I). Wheeler and daughter, Miss Lillian, residing near Rock Bluffs, were visiting friends in the Cass Coun ty Defense Council The Attendance Was Good and Much Important Eushiess Wa3 Transacted. At the called meeiJng of the Cass county council of defense, which was held at Louisville Thursday after noon, there was a good representa tion of the membership of the coun ty present and a gn.-ral discussion of the aims and objects of the meet ing was indulged in..,' On the matter of wheat acreage, and the distribu tion of seed wheat, it. was shown by reports from various portions of the county that the farmers are awake to the necessity of making the acre- ape as large as possible, a:; it is a national necessity thai as much of this serial as can be raised. The reports also howed that there is all the seed wheat in the countv that will he required for seeding purposes, but verv little in excess of that iriount. Report on Elevators and Mills was lefi I Mr. Dan Buri:r. of enter precmcf. President horst. in reviewing the situation In this county, said that from o;:t-in-the- s;ate reports, Ca :s county is having less trouble with an unpatriotic ele ment than most other c.mnties. He lso said that but little of the ele ment of unpatriotic action h::d beet; manifested in the county, but tha' there were a few cases where strict discipline would have to be brought into action, and that "the sooner the matter was y.t tended to,, and that witlT'all the severity required, "'tlic better it would be. A plan adopt ed whereby anv loyal American who desires may become an honorary member of the Nation's Defense league by seeing the precinct chair man and paying fifty cents, when there will be issued a membership card duly countersigned, which will enlist him as one of Uncle Sam's helpers in the army at home, where he can "do his bit." If you are not a member of this league, get a member ship card at once. Another impor tant matter coming before the meet ing was the issuing of ;i call for a mass meeting or an me women oi the county to be held at the court house in Plattsmouth next Friday, August 31st. at 2:00 o'clock p. ni.. for the purpose of organizing the women of the county and selecting a chairmen of the organization, who will become one of the officers of the county council of defense. This in made the more necessary just at this particular time, in view of the pro posed registration of the women. which Gov. Neville has called for September 12th. DR. COOK AND WIFE DEPART. After living in Plattsmouth for more than thirty-three years, dur ing which time he has made many frier.dr. Dr. E. W. Cook and his good wife departed yesterday for their new- home at Rock Island, Illinois, where he goes to take up the duties of one of the members of the Su preme Medical directory of the Mod ern Woodman of America lodge. This citv will miss this family who have been :--.o closelv connected with the development of Plattsmouth in so many ways who have helped to make better conditions in the community. In their new home, a host of friends in the city will feel the sentiment voiced by the Journal in wishing the Doctor success .and ho and his fam ily all the pleasures of companion ship and friends they enjoyed .here DEPART FOR THE WEST. Mr. and Mrs. .Willie N. Baird, w ho have been visiting the city for the past week, guests at the home of Mns. J. T. Raird, departed this af ternoon for their home at Salida Colorado, where Mr. Baird is the cashier in a bank. Mr. Raird made this the last stopping place on a tour which he and Mrs. Baird have been taking as their wedding trip, and which included Kansas City, Chi cago and Michigan City, Indiana, as MUCK COUNTRY. A few days ago A. W. Smith and wife, west of the city, returned from a ten day?', trip to Ashland and La Verne, Minn., where they visited with relatives and friend... They al so visited at Sioux Falls. South Da kota. u:id at Charter Oak and Deni son, Iowa, with relatives and friends. During the trip, they traveled over six hundred miles, or an c.verage of sixty miles per day without a punc ture or a blowout and had no trou ble of any kind with their car. Mr. Smith reports good crops in every portion of the country where they visited. He says that the roads were good and the weather was most pleasant all the time. They enjoyed the outing immensely. In Honor of Draft ed Boys in Eight Mile Precinct Yerterday at the Lohnes Grove about a mile north of the Heil school, w;-s held a meeting in honor of the boy:", who were called first on the se- ective draft. The meeting was one well represented, and held in a most beautiful and appropriate place and a delightful time was had. Mr. C. A. u;i v."ie:i was one oi the speakers, aim Mr. C. H. Taylor, of Omaha, was the other. Mrs. E. II. Wecott sang line special numbers, which were jieivel with appreciation and ap lauso. Mrs. William Baird gave a merit and made a deep impression on the hearers, as did the patriotism re jected in the by Mrs. Wescott. The address of Mr. Rawles was along patriotic liues, and what he said was received with much feeling. The es pecial honor he bc'utowed upon the Oys Toon to go to the -front-was in deed touching. Mr. Taylor follow ed with an address dealing with the cause .l the war ami in ins reciia- ; ion of the causes which led up to and made it imp-osible for us to long er remain out of the struggle and at the same time maintain national honor and the prrservance o our lenmcratic ideas, was one showing that lie was near enough in touch with the succeeding events that have but so recently transpired to give his hearers a clear cut delineation of the position taken and held to by the United States.. Those in attendance, who have been called for the first army were Walter Salsberg, Martin Lohnes. Ira Woods. Eli Munger, Edward Stein- kanip and Fred Terryberry. THE UNION CHAUTAUQUA. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch and E. A. Webb, of the Journal office, mo tored to Union last evening and at tended a session of the Union Chau tauqua which began Saturday and continues over todav. This is Union's first Chautauqua, and if the program last night was a fair criterion of the t-.tire assembly, we would say that the talent they have engaged is ex ceptionally good. A large and en thusiastic audience greeted the en tertainers last evening two young lodis who gave a program of mon ologues, vocal and instrumental solos and readings. The assembly closes today with two appearances of the Zouave band. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE On last Sunday, August linn. Mr. and Mrs. John Beckman were ten dered a most delightful surprise at their home sout beast of Louisville, in honor of their twentieth wedding anniversary. The guests came well armed with many good things to eat and at noon a most delicious dinner was served, to which all did ample justice. .The afternoon hours Avere pleasantly win led away . in social con versation and other amusments, all of which, afforded the guests much pleasure. Those in attendance were Messrs. and Mesdames John Wiles, Sr., N. R. Wiles. Harry Wiles and children. Freida and Nellie, Will Wiles and daughter, Ruth Wiles Ben Wiles and daughter, John Wiles, Jr.. and son Richard, Garland Til son and son John, E. .Ft. Dillehay, John Beckman . and sans, Herbert and John. Gift and Greeting cards of all kinds SAW A Shower for Miss Wheeler Wednesday afternoon, from 2:C0 to 5:30. Mrs. Albert Wheeler very pleasantly entertained. at a linen shower, some forty guests in honor of Miss Lillian Wheeler. The after noon was tpent in social conversa tion, and listening to Victrola se lection. A mock wedding took place promptly at o'clock, which caused much merriment. The guet of hon or was showered with many beauti ful pieces of linen, winch will be cherished by her in years to come, and will act as constant reminders of this pleasant occasion. At a suit able time dainty refreshments were served, which were likewise thor oughly enjoyed. The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs. J. H. Cook, Misses Opal Cole and Nita Cook. Those being in attendance were Mesdames Sherman Cole, Frank Willc-ry. Charles Barnard, Carl Coir Earle Cole. J. H. Cook. Will Wehr bein, Walter Sans, lee Cole, T. S. Barrows, George Reynolds, Frank Goodwin. Will Oliver, Will Baker. Harry Henton. Rex Young. Alvin Ramge. George Keff enberger, Fred Tschirren. W. 1). Wheeler, W. A. Wheeler; Misses Ella Tschirren. Opal Cole. Nita Cook, Violet Vallery, Ida Tschirren. Rose Mae Creamer. Millie Goodwin, Claire Creamer, Lillian Wheeler, Dorothy Wehrbein, Lois Cole, Dorris Kaftenberger, and Mas ter. Oliver Ilenton, Glenn KalTen l.erger. Willis Cole. Victor Wehrbein, Harlan Sans, Robert Wheeler. FUNERAL OF ROBERT BEEZLEY. Yesterday was held at the home of Mr. It. B. Windham the funeral of -liitU-on of his. da ugh lor. Mr.s Ellen Beezley. who died so sudden ly at their home at Syracuse on last Fiidav evening. The friends and relatives of the family Ht Syracuse came in five automobiles, a distance of nearly fifty miles, arriving here just before noon. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. Truscott. Mrs. Mae Morgan and Miss Florence Rai ser rendered two very beautiful num bers of special music. The interment was at Oak Hill cemetery, and as per the desire of the mother of the little one. by the side of the grave of Mrs. Beezley's mother, Mrs. Robert B. Windham. After the burial, those who had come from Syracuse made the journey back home overland. GRANDPA MINNER PLEASED. Charles Minner, the barber with Ward Clark, is a little happier just now because there is a little grand son at the home or ins naugnter. Mrs. Marion Doane, of Glenwood. There have been four little girls play ing around the hearthstone in this home, but this is the first time the storv has left a baby boy, and the parents, as well as Grandpa Minner, are very happy- Julius Hilflicker and family mo tored from their farm home to this city Saturday afternoon for a short visit with frinds. Mr. Hilflicker call ed at this office and had his sub scription extended for another year. Helping You Wi!h Your Live Stock Through our membership of the Federal Re serve System we are in a strong position to help our patrons carry live stock which they are rais ing or fattening for future sales. Farmers' notes with not over six months to run, given for raising or carrying live stock can be rediscounted by us with our Federal Reserve Bank, thereby increasing our ability to extend to our patrons such help as they may need. If you contemplate raising or fattening live stock can FIRST NATIONAL BANK An account with us is your financial preparedness for all time to come. FAMILY ALL HERE. From Saturday's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Jones. of Ruskin. this state, where Mr. Jones is cashier of the bank, arrived last evening for a week's visit with the folks. They came at this time in or der that all of the Beard family might be together. Willie N. Beard and wife are now visiting here, and with Mr. and Mrs. Jones here, the familv circle is completed. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are guests of Mrs. J. T. Beard and George L. Farley and wife while here. Mr. Jones will go to Bancroft for a short visit before re turning, that having been his for mer home, and lie having folks liv ing there now. MOTOR FROM M0VILLE, IOWA. From Saturday's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Spangler and son. Francis, and daughter. Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and babe of Moville. Iowa, motored to this city yesterday morning for a visit over Sunday with relatives and friends in this vicinity. While here Mr. Spangler and little son were pleasant callers at the Journal office and Mr. Spangler renewed his rub script ;on for another year. SUFFERS PARALYTIC STROKE. From Saturday's Daily. Mrs. Kate Oliver, who suffered a slight slroke of paralysis last Tues day, which seemed to allect the vo cal organs, is reported to be some what improved and has regained th use of her voice to :.;onie extent. I" -r large circle of friends will regret to hear of Grandma (as she is famil iarly knownj Oliver's illness. but trust that she- may enjoy a speeuy recovery and soon be herself, beir.g able to be in their midst again. FROM CHICAGO IN A PAIGE. Friday evening Dovey, Pollock Parmele. Will Richardson. Jr.. and Will Goehner. of Seward, ar rived, from Chicago, driving a Paige car from that place. With, t lit little out-of-the-way side trips they made, the distance traveled was f.6 2 n:ile. Grovenor reports the country thru which they traveled as being very beautiful and says abundant crop prospects were in sight everywhere, and thing3 were looking line. Grov enor will return to his studies in the "Windy City" in about two weeks. The boys found the roads fine travel ing and in fourteen hours on last Friday were able to reel off 4."2 miles of their journey, which is go ing along at a pretty good rate of speed. EARLY MORNING FIRE. At near four o'clock this morning, just after the wind blew up and the lightning and thunder made it ap pear as though a real storm was about to visit us, a small fire alarm routed out a number of the citizens. The fire was located in the Fricke store room. The wires in the north window had become short circuited, causing a small fire in the rpace be tween the store and the room above. The wires supporting the fixtures in the window were burned off. But little water was rquired to put the fire out. and while the Io- was small, the excitement was considerable for a little while. for the market come in and and talk it over with us. We help you. September 12th. Subscribe for the Journal. city Saturday evening. well as Plattsmouth, at the Journal office.