The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 16, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Aftfotm of nfrAtutc Ato otic-i:
fctate of Nebraska)
k County of Cass ) ss:
r in th County Court of Cass County.
ffbraka. "
To all persons interested in the rs
kite of Velosco V. Leonard, deteaed:
On reading tiie petition of Rosa A.
Leonard praying: that the instrument
Bird in this rourt on the T.lst clay of
July, 1917. und purporting: to he the
hist will and testament of the said de
tiiscd. may l- proved and allowed,
fend recorded as the last will and tes
Jiiiii'iil of Yeloseo V. Leonard, ilfcras
that said Instrument he admitted to
Jiciliato, und the administration of said
state te granted to llosa A. Leonard
s executrix.
f It is herehy ordered tliat you and all
icrsons interested in taid matter, may.
ml no. appear at tlie county court 10
Je held in and for said county, on the.
t day of September. A. 1. 191 . at
o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any
iere le. why the prayer of the peti
oner should not he granted and that
iotice of the pendency of si-iil petition
nd thut the hearing thereof he pivon
all persons Interested in said mat
r by puhiishinp: a copy of this tirder
In the rlattsmnuth .iotirnal. a semi-
eekly newspaper printed in said couu
. for thiee successive weeks prior to
.ild day of hear ins;.
Witness my hand, ami seal of .said
urt, this 1st dav of August A. 1.
Heal County .ludjce.
t OlM. M-.illt.KA.
n t lie Matter of the L'.-tate
llenrv YV. Katon. IVrfiifil.
"OKI )!:?: Ti SHOW CATS K.
' Now on this 7th day of July. A. 1.
:U7. this cause came n for henriuir
Mi the petition of Iorothy M. Lynch
s administratrix of the estate of
llenrv V. Uatou, deeeased. praviner for
license to sell Lots Two Hundred
i:ieven L'11 and Two Hundred Twelve
l'.'12 in the villa ire of cJreenwood. Cass
Countv, Nebraska, or a sufficient
i mount thereof to brinsr the sum of
Si Hundred Dollars,- $io. in) ) for the
Payment of debts allowed atrainst said
date and the eoss of administration,
there not bciny; sufficient personal
property to pay said debts and ex
penses It is therefore ordered that all per
nors interested In said estate appear
In-fore me sit the Iistri t Court room
In the Court House at IMattsmout h.
'ass Countv. Nebraska, on the ::!,th
lay of Ausust. A. Ik 1T17. at 1 o'clock
A. M. of said day. to show cause why
."i license should not be n ran ted to said
K'iminist rat ri to s-U so much of th
i hove described real estate as shall be
necessary to pay said debts und ex
penses. It is further ordered that notice
f such hearinir he sriven by publishing
a copv of tins order in the I'latts
mouth" semi-weekly Journal for four
successive weeks before the date of
lated tins 7lh day of July, A. I.
Judge of the District Court.
7-23-4 wks wkly
floleit L. Gilchrist, l'laintifr.
rhomas l'almer, et at., defendants.
Notice of Suit to Quiet Title.
To the defendants, Thomas (1. Vai
ner: Mrs. Thomas C. l'almer. first real
lame unknown: the unknown heirs,
levlseo..;. legatees, persona! represen
.atives and all other persons interested
n the estate of Thomas th l'almer. de
oascil; the unknown heirs, devisees,
etrateo. personal representatives and
ill other ners-Ti interested in the es
ate of Mrs. Thomas i. l'almer. tirsf
a I nano unknown, deceased: M. W.
Jreen, first real name unknown: Mrs.
d. W. Ciiein. first real name unknown;
h-.' utiktiown heirs, devises, legatees,
ersonal representatives and all other
jersons interested in the estate of M..
i . Ureen. first real name unknown;
ieccased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
eaatres. peisonal re; i eser.t ta i ves ami
li ! other persons intej-este.l in the -s-ate
of Xlrs. M. W. ilrctn. first real
imc unknown, deceased; W. S. c.iraff.
irst real nann- unknown.. Mrs. W. S.
iraft". hrst real name unknown: the
tnknown heirs, devisees, legatees, ;iei
:oiial representatives and all other
icrsons interested in the estate of YC.
?. Graff: first real name unknown, de
teased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
cjratees. personal representatives
itid all other persons
n the estate of Mrs.
iraff. first real name
lercascil: Joseph Mci'rearv;
eph McCreary. first real
ctiowii: tiie unknown heirs
Itite rested
W. S.
u n known,
Mrs. Jo
naiue un-
dev isee
efjatees. personal representatives ana
til other persons interested in the es
ate of Joseph McCreary, ib-cased; the
inUuown heirs, devisees, h-irafees.
onal representatives and all other per
otis interested in the estate of Mrs.
Joseph McCreary. first real name un
tnown. deceased: brail S. Thompson:
drs. (Iriin S. Thompson, first real name
inknown: the unknown h irs. devisees,
earatees. persona! represcntai i ves and
state of hraii S. Thompson, d- ceased;
h. unkfvown heirs .devisees, legatees,
trsonal representatives and all other
ersons interested in the estate of Mrs.
)ran S. Thompson, first real name un
known, deceased; 1'rovhlent Savinirs.
an fc Kuildins' Association of Oma
ia: the unknown arantees. successors
Hid assigns of Provident Savings,
-oan Sr Puildinir Association . of nia
ta; and the unknown owners ami the
inknown claimants of lots thirty-one
thirtv-three (S3. thirty-four
o4. thirty-five ". thirty-six :;;),
hirtv-seven j"i, thiity-tiht c;m,
hirtv-nine :y, forty I40i. forty-one
41 ," forty-two (42. forty-three 4:: i.
ortv-four t H . forty-five ()."., r. nd
ortv-six (l!i. in I". V. Wises out
ots" located within tioverrnn-nt Lot
en iJ0, of section eisrhteen !M. in
ownship twelve Ui. rantre fourteen
14 L east of the fith I. M.. and situated
li the City of I'lattsinoutli, Cass Coun
v. Nebraska.
cm are herebv notifh-d on t,..
!th lav or July. A. I'. 1 ' 1 T , pla'ri.itf
iled his Fuit in the Idstrict Court of
he County of Cass. Nebraska; to quiet
daintiff's title to the above described
ots to-wit: L,ots thirty-one Clll. thir-v-thiee
::::i. thirtv-four :I4. thirty
Ive S.". tiiirt.-six (:;'.. tliirty-seven
7i. thirt v-eicht "M. thirty-nine ( :;n .
ortv 140 1. fortv-otie (41i, forty-two
ti. forty-three ti::). forty-four (41),
ortv-flve (45), and forty-six (4). in
". W. Wise's Out Lots, locuted with
ti" Government lot ten (10). of section
iuhtcen 1Si. township twelve (l-K
anfre fourteen (14). east of the P.
d.. and sltt-ated in the City of Platts
iioutli. Cass County, Nebraska. !
:iine of his adverse possession by htm
:elf and ids jrriintois for more than
en years prior to the commencement
f said suit ami to enjoin each and all
f you from havintr or ciaiuiniir tiny
i"-it title. Iiu or inter?st, either le-
ral or c-quitable .in or to said lots or
nv thereof. To requite you to
.t forth vour rifrht. title. claim
ion or inteiest therein, if aiiy. eitlier
eiral or equitable, and to have tiie
::.tne adiudrred inferior to tie title of
dalntiff and for cenerul equitable re-
This tioti-e is made pursuant to tiie
rder of tiie court. Vou are required
o answer said petition on or before
timi.iv. Sept eiii her 1". A I'. 1017. or
.-our "default will be duly enten
;lierem. I:OBEnT L. GILCHPfST.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
July SO 4 wks
iiooq v. Warira and Charles Warsa
Tors Murray, et ah. T'efendaiits
-Notice of Suit to Quiet T.itl.
Trt tiie defendants. Frank Muriay
Henry Murrav: Lizzie McCord; Miles
M..'oid: I'.obeit Murray; Mrs. Robert
Uiirm v. first real name unknown: Wil-
iam Murrav; Gertrude Murray, and to
the unknown owners and the unknown
slalmants of tax lot twelve (12), in the
norhtwest quarter CNW v ) or the
aortbeaBt quarter (NE ) of section
el?rht 8. township eleven (11). rnnge
four'ten il. east of -the fith I. M. in
the County of Cass, Nebraska.
Vou are herehy notified that on the
Vtth day of July. A. F. IPlt. plaintiffs
!iiu their su:t m the
of the County of' Cass-.,
enlist plaintiff's title o
District Court
, Nebraska, to
the following
described lands, to-vit:
Tax lot twelve in the north,
west quarter (N'W!i of the northeast
iuarter (NE) of section eight (M,
township eleven (Hi, ran fie tourteen
(til. e;'st of the lltli 1". M., in the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska, because of their
adverse possession hy themselves and
their grantors for more than ten years
prior to the commencement of said suit
and to enjoin each and all of you from
having; or claiming: any right, title.,
lien or interest, either legal or equit
able, in or to said lands, or any part
thereof: to require you to set forth
your rislit, title, claim, lien or interest
therein, if any, either lej-tal or equit
able, and to have the same ad.ndfred
inferior to the title of plaintiffs itnd
for peneral equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court. nu are required
ti answer said petition on or before
Monday. September to, a. 1 . 1IH7. or
your default will be duly entered
.1AMKS K. WATlt ! A and
W. A. Uor.Kr.TSON,
.Ttily .".0 4w sw
Tin: !ivri:
ict ( in i:t Tin:
Notice of Suit to Qui. t Title.
H iir.cnus Adams, I'laintitT.
Samuel Mealev, et al., iH-fendants.
To the defendants, Samuel Mealey.
Mrs. Samuel Mealey. first real name
unknown: the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees. persona! represen
tatives and all other persons in
terested iti the estate of Samuel
Mealev, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and. al! other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Samuel Mealev,
f:t-t real name unknown, deceased: S.
C. Smitii. livs: red name unknown:
Mrs. S. Smith., first real name un
known: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of S. . Smith, first real name un
known, de-cased: the unknown heirs,
lovisees. lesratees. personal represen
tatives and all other persons Interested
in the otate of Mrs. S. '. Smith, first
real name unknown, deceased: the un
known owners and tie- u n k no w n el a i m -ants
of t uc southeast e.nartcr iSKVt )
of soetio-i thirtc-four i!h, township
eleven (ll.i. north ranire twelve ttji.
east of the 'th P. M., in the County of
Cass. Nebraska.
You are herebv notified that on the
jsth day of July. A. 1. 1!U7, plaintiff
filed l is suit in the Iiistrbt Court of
the County of Cass. Nebraska, to q-tiet
pUiintiffs title to the above described
land, to-wit: the. southeast quarter
SK'4 I of sectinu t i; i i t y-1 oti r CJIi.
township eleven (I1. north ranjre
twelve CP." i. east of the P. M.. in
the County of Cass. Nebraska, because
of adverse possession by himself
and his ir iii n t i rs: for more than ten
years prior to the commencement of
said suit and to enjoin each and all of
vou from havinir of claiming any rii;ht.
title, lien or interest, either leiral or
equitable, in or to said land, or any
part thereof. To require yo.i to set
forth your ri,rht. title, oltnm. lien or
interest therein, if any. either h-tral or
hi i u ita ble. and to have t lie same ad
judged inferior to ti e title of plaintiff
and for penertil eqtntab'e telief.
notice is piade i-nrsua n t to the order
f the Court. You are required to a:i
swer said petition on or before Mon
day. September la. A. I). PM7. or your
dafault will be dulv enter.-, 1 therein.
HIMi:.l'S A I . MS.
J 'la in tilt.
P.y w. A. l;or:i:p.TS N.
His Attorney.
I I.C.AI. AOTlC'li.
. Oil-
to N'oti-Uesidi'tit 1 iciVnda'tts.
Their Heirs. Iievisees, Legatees,
Personal I iepresen la t i ves. and All
Persons Interested In Their Ins
tates: To Alex Abel: the unknown heirs.
lev isees, lepatc s. personal lepresen-
atives and all other persons interested
11 t! e estate of Alex Abel.
You and each of you are hereby noti-
.ied that .lonn fl. irr. as plaintiri. on
the K'.th day of Julv. A. I . 1!17. filed
lis amended petition in the Idstritt
"uit-t of ("ass .Coot.ty. Nebraska,
vlienin you u ti .Irti 1 1 of you are dot'end-
it!ts: the ol .tect ami p'ay r n; which
oetition are to foreclose a certain
.'normaiM- sriven upon Lots Nine and
n in I'.h.u k Two. except Ten feet on
the Soath end of Lot Ten. all in
Kiti de Place Addition to Plattsmout h.
as.-: County. Nebraska, by Alex Abel
to I ram is i. KooK tor the sum of
Five Hundred Oollars. Mortunire re
corded in Hook 42 of Mortiraires at
patre .4.
Von tire required to answer said
intended petition on or before the 17lh
lav of September, A. I. 1917.
C. A. KAWLS. Plaintiff.
A t torne v,
July ::a i wks.
oitiii.u ok m:itic; im:tith
The State of Nebraska.)
Cass Con lit y. ) ss.
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Kstate of August
W. P.eixlS. Iieceasel.
On readitisr and ulititr the petition of
Kdward W. Items and Minnie It. Hill,
prayintr ti:at Administratis of said
Kstate" m. iv le ir ran ted to them as Atl-
(irdered. That the day of An-
zust. A. I. lt)17. at 1 ocloek i M.. is
assigned for hearing saiv! petition.
when all jiersons interested in said
matter may appear at a County Court
to he held in and for said County, and
:how cause why the prayer ot peti
ioner should not I planted : and that
iotice of the pendency of said petition
:nd the hearinir thereof be friven to all
ersons interested in sai matter by
oiblisluna; a copy of this order in the
Plattsmout h Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper, printed in stint oum,.Lpr
three sacccsive weeks, prior to saiu
day of hearintr.
lated July 2th. 117.
(SHAD Count j- Judge.
tiMt:it oi' fii-:itiG o rirriTio.v
The State of Nebriusku,
Cass ( "ounty. , l ss.
In the C:iun(v- 'ourt.
the Matter of f e Lstate of Amelia
Heins. le .:. I.
'n roohntr tind I'.lin the petition of
Minnie I;. Mill arid Kdward W. Beins.
nraynisr that Administration of said
instate may he jrranted to them us Ad
Ordered. That the I'.'.th dav of Aup
ust. A. 1. P.i 17. at .' o'clock P. M.. is
assigned for iiearinsr said petition.
when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a County Court
to be held in and for said Countv, and
show cruse whv the prayer of peti
tioner should fed be srranted: and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
and the lif-ariti thereof he given to
all persons inteiested in said matter by
publish inir a cony of this order in flie
Plattsmout h Journal, a pemi-weekly
newspaper printed in said County, for
three sut-cesslve weeks, prior to said
dav of hearlne.
bated July 2Sth. 1817.
(SL'AL) County Judge.
State of Nebraska.)
Cass countv, ss.
the Matter of the Estate of Conrad
H. Vallery. Leceascd. To the Cred
itors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
5it at the County Court Iloom in
Plnttsmeuth in said Countv, on tiie
20th day of August, 1317, and the 21st
day of February, 1918, at 10 o'clock
A. M. of each day, to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate.
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
te is six months from the 20th day
of August, A. I. 1!U7. and the time
limited for pavments of debts is One
Year from said 20th day of August,
Witness my hand and the seal oT
said County "Court this lfcth day of
July, 1317.
(Seal) Coi'tity Judge.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Will N. Eaird, formerly of this
city, where liesavas born and grew to
manhood, was united in marriage re
cently with Miss , Grace Rubin at
Salida, Colo., w here Mr. Baird is as
sistant cashier in the Salida bank.
They were at Kansas City Sunday,
on their weddinjr trip, and are in
Chicago today, and after visiting
a number of places in the east will
arrive in Plattsmouth for a short
visit the latter part of this week.
From Tuesday's Oaily.
Luke L. V.'iles returned this morn
ins from Lincoln, where ho was at
tending a meeting of the board of
trustees,' of which he is a member, of
the 'Nebraska Independent Live
Stock Breeders' associatibn, which
was meeting in that plae last eve
ning. Mr. YViles is the president of
'.he Ked Polled Breeders' association,
which is a portion of the Nebraska
Independent Live Stock Breeders' as
sociation, rind which comprises
breeders of all kinds and classes of
live stock. Mr. Elliott Davis, of Lin
coln, is the secretary of the lied
Polled Breeders' association. with
Mr. Wiles.
From Tuesday s Oaily.
Miss Anna Behrns of near AVuca,
who has been in the Methodist hos
pital at Omaha for some time, was
operated upon for appendicitisat
that place this morning. Mrs. Rob
ert Moreland. a sister, and Mrs. Hen
ry Specht. both of Avoca, passed
through this city for Omaha early
this morning, to be present at the
operation. No report as yet has been
received from the hospital regarding
the operation or condition of the pa
t ient.
From Tlleydav's I'ail.v.
The county clerk has received a
telegram from O. E. Nernecker of
Lincoln, member of the board of
equalization, stating the assessment
from Cass county was, all right, and
there was no necessity of raising or
lowering it. as it came from the
hands of the county assessor here,
Mr. Geo. L. Farlev.
From Wednesday's Oaily.
Murray while not as larpe as Chi-
cutro, contains as much joy as v. town
of its size couid well hold, and all
because of the visit of the stork at
the home of Mr. and Mr;- L. l.
!l:att, bringing them ih- sweetes
iittle girl imaginable. Tho young
lady and her mother are both get
ting along fine, v.v.n the father,!,
that smile would be sufficient to fur
nish light for the entire town.
Here is K) the parents, may this
voting lady be a joy to you during
your entire life, a solace for your de
clining years, and a blessing to all
who shall know her. To you. Little
Miss Kiatt. may you charm the world
vitli your beauty, your kindness a:ul
your acts of love.
From Wo'l n--oa y's Oailc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hummel enter
tained at a delightful chicken sup
per Sanday evening for Colonel W.
K. IJaehr and family, who motored
down from Fort Crook. During the
evening several musical selections
were rendered. Those in attendance
were: Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Janda,
Misses Evelyn O'Brien and Dorothy
Gentleman of Omaha. Colonel W. ft.
Baehr and family, Mrs. Christina
liummel, Mrs. G. F. Hummel of
Bcllevue. and Will Rummel and fam
ily. Colonel W. E. Baehr is a causiu
of Ed Rummel.
We are prepared to take
care of meat and grocery or
ders." Justcall us up and let
us know What time you want
it and will have your order
ready for you. Don't forget
this is 4,Your Market' and
Halt Son
While on Guard Had Ordered Man
to Halt and Failing; to Receive
Any Reply Shoots and
Kills the Man.
Frorn Tuesday's ltily.
Jesse F. Blunt shot and killed a
man at San Pedro, near Los Angeles,
a week ago last Friday, as is explain
ed in the following clipped from a
California paper. Mr. Blunt, in the
early spring enlisted, and was allot
ted to coast artilery, being assigned
to work near Los Angeles, where the
instance occurred, which is related
"The most unusual ami most baffl
ing murder mystery in San Pedro,
was unravelled today with startling
results when it was discovered that
Roy George Stull, whose dead body
was found here Sunday morning with
two bullet holes in his head and body
was shot Friday night in the act of
trying to reach the girnt government
searchlight on Headman's Island, and
was no murdered by criminals with
intent to rob.
Fifty feet of dynamite- fuse was
found cached near the jetly nortn
east of Deudman's Island this after
noon near where Stull was shot and
tiie police are now working on the
theory that Stull was a foreign spy
attempting to destroy the searchlight
and other government apparatus on
Headman's Island, including the
shore batteries.
"Jesse Blunt, a sentry on
reservation at Headman's Island
mitted today be fired four times up
on an intruder Friday nigiit at J::'
o'clock. Blunt was on guard du,t'
when ne espied the intruder stand
ing alongside the searchlight.
When the latter saw Blunt he
took to his heels running a short
distance to the jetty. Blunt cried
out to the man to halt, but he re
fused and as he climbed to the top
of the jetty the sentry opened fire
with nis ort-calibre Springfield rifle.
At the tiring of the first shot the
intruder threw tip his arms and fell
but regained his footing on the slip
pery rocks and continued up the
jetty. -
"Blunt fired laur times in all. the
second and third sbotj missing lire,
but the fourth shot found its mark
at a distance of over one hundred
yards. The intruder fell and was
seen no more, undoubtedly falling
into the water and being vrasned
avi'.y by the current. Other sol
diers hurriedly Searched all sur
rounding territory, bni not trace was
found of the man.
"The searchlight lmd not been
damaged but two large stones which
could have been used as weapons
were found at the base of. the light,
whicn had not been there at the last
previous visit of the sentry.
"Police Detectives M. Ralph Bo we
and Joe Taylor who unravelled the
mystery believe that Stull lurked in
the vicinity of the batteries since the
time he disappeared on July 22nd.
They also believe that Stull cached
the dynamite fuses there to use in a
plot against the works on Headman's
Island. Efforts are now. being made
to trace Stull's whereabouts from the
time he disappeared on July 27.
"Toe body was positively identi
fied as that of Roy George Stull. of
Calexico. by H. Fierr of El t'eniro,
who arrived lure yesterday. The
decedent h;s a brother, ('has. Stull.
in North Yakima. Washington, and
a sister. Mrs. Charles Neff, of Bur
lington. Iowa.
The discovery of twelve feet of
dynamite fuse on the beach near the
sand battery, of Los Angeles harbor,
was reported to the harbor police
yesterday by Private Jesse F. Blunt,
of the Coast Artillery. The fuse was
traced to its end. but no explosives
were found near and Lite, police be
lieve that the fuse was buried has
tily when some guard approached.
"Blunt, yesterday faced a military
court of inquiry investigating the
death of Roy George Stull. who was
shot by a sentry at the Band battery
one week ago last Friday and whose
body rvas found last Sunday morn
ing. 'Stull was shot while prowling
around the searchlight and after he
refused to answer the hail of Pri
vate Blunt.
"Officers and 'non-coms' of the bat
tery did not know that the sentry
had hit anyone when he fired at the
prowler until after the finding of the
bod' several days later.' The board
'of inquiry was composed of Lieuten
.ants Marriott and Stewart and Sur
geon Howell. Their findings will be
j transmitted to the War Department
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Mr. W. L. Gilinore, "Lafe," who
was born' in Plattsmouth in 18 GO,
was a few days since engaged by the
Western Machine and Foundry com
pany as their bookkeeper and expert
accountant, and who is an excellent
man in that position and a man well
versed in the early history of Platts
mouth. son of the Hon. Joseph Gil
more, formerly living in Platts
mouth. and having a farm some five
miles west, where Will Meisinger
now hves.
In conversation with Mr. Gilmore
yesterday afternoon, he told of hav
ing cone to si hool near where the
Carfieid Park :s. and living on Sou'l.
H'intt-rsi ein Hill, passing throush
.' Merc the Burli'igton shops are now
located and having often stopped !"
dr; k fr m a spring where the shop"
arc i ow.
lb tells of A. B. Smith, living
farther out southwest, from them,
and when he had grown to be a : lan,
that he went with Mr. Smith wesi,
working lor him for three years. He
recall in the early days when the
Plattsmouth Gun club flourisned.
and whin W. I). Jones. Gen. R. R.
Livingston and O. M. Straight were
fancy shots, and bagged great load.;
of game. Mr. Gilmore said that of
all the places which he visited he
never saw as good a place for game
as this country afforded in the eaily
days. Along in 1882 or 'SC. he le
members of having taught school 'n
what is known now as the Becker
school house, but at that time was
called the Ridge school. At the
time of the burning of the Saunders
House, which was located where the
moving picture show and Dunbar's
pool hal! are that he was on the roof
of the Fitzgerald block, now Coates'
block, doing what he could to put
out the fire, and that everybody
thought it was going to be consumed.
Of all the changes, said Mr. Gilmore.
the way the Missouri river has
changed is the most surprising, for
when he left IMattsmouth in 18M,
the river ran hard against the bank,
near the Burlington station, while
the east side of the river was not
over to where the west side is at the
present time. Mr. Gilmore, who is
nbw residing in Omaha, is contem
plating moving to Plattsmouth,
where lie lived for over twenty years.
We extend you an invitaticn to make
this city your home, Mr. Gilmore.
Lived Here
Fifty Years Ago
Fi otii Wednesday's Hail v.
.Mrs. Henry DeGarmo of. Los An
gtles. Col., canw in yesterday from
Omaha and visited in the city for a
few hours, the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Boeck. with whom she was
acquainted years ago. Mrs. De Gar
mo. whose maiden name was Miss
Anna Geiger, lived in this city over
fifty years ago, and was united ia
marriage with Henry DeGarmo, who
plastered the Coates block, then the
"Fitzgerald Hall," when it was built,
more than forty years ago. The De
Garnios have two sons, one of whom
is in Los Angeles, practicing law,
while the other son is in ' France
with the first detachment of the
United States army which went
there. Mrs. DeGamf), after visiting
with as many old-time friends a3
could be reached, departed on the
late Missouri Pacific train for Omaha,
where Mr. DeGarmo is. and from
whence they will start today for St.
Paul, Minn., for a short visit, and
will also visit in Chicago and New
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mrs. Val Burke departed yesterday
affernoou for Lincoln, where she will
lie joined by Mrs. W. E. Martin, her
sister, and theywill depart, for Ta
coma, Washington, for a month's vis
it on the coast. While there they
will visit at the home of Mrs. Burk
el's sister, Mrs. D. F. Foster, who will
be remembered by many friends In
Plattsmouth. The ladies will also
visit with -their two brothers. Robt.
Sampson and J. M. Sampson, who
both live there. An uncle, Eli Samp
son, who will be remembered by a
good many people here through his
having resided here for many years,
is also a resident of Tacoma, and the
ladies will visit at his home too. They
will undoubtedly have a most excel
lent time during the' month they
will spend on the coast.
Bring your welding to us.
mouth Garag'e. Tel. 394.
Dennison's crepe paper at the
Journal office.
Bartlinc'9 Best Brand
$12.00 per bushel $11. 00 per bushel
Lower grades at $8.50 to $10.50 per bushel
SEED WHEAT, Common Yellow Berry
variety grown in Otoe County, unlimited
quantity. Ask for prices.
W are buyers of Timothy, Red Clover,
Cane, Millet, Pop Corn, Winter Rye and other
field seeds. Send Samples.
Seed Merchants,
From V-diio.-days lailv.
The second $13,000 hich school
bond issue is now offered for sale,
and may be found ready for pur
chasers at the Bank of Cass County.
These bonds are certainly pretty
good property for the investor who
may have a few thousand dollars of
idle money, no doubt planty of
which may be found in and around
Plattsmouth. These bonds should
also be owned by local parties, leav
ing the total cost of the building as
well as the interest bearing bonds
with home people. All the particu
lars regarding the issue and pay
ment of said bonds will be gladly
furnished at the Bank of Cass
From Wednesday's I'aily.
Carl (J. Fricke, the new owner of
the fuel company, successor to C. W.
Baylor, has become the proud posses
sor of a new Brisco roadster, which
is sold by A. R. Troop. The car is
a little beauty, and has power, and
to spare, for its weight. This is a
car which will do all the work which
is required of it. and does away with
the cumbersome and heavy expense
of a large car.
From Wednesday's I'aily.
About ten cars from this place and
vicinity drove out to South Bend and
inspected the state fisheries at that
place Sunday, after which a bounte
ous picnic dinner which they had
taken along was spread and thor
oughly enjoyed. On their trip out
the roads were rather soft and slip
pery from the rain, but on their re
turn they had become compact and
the traveling- was good. Among
those to enjoy the ocacsiou were:
Jas. Mracek, W. F. Xolting. Rus
eel Todd. Emil J. Meisinger. L. G.
Meisinger, Henry Born, Allie Todd,
Joe Maraucek, and their families,
and Carl, George, Clarence and Miss
Clara Muun.
Bring your welding to us. Platts
mouth Garage. Tel. 394.
We handle a complete line of Auto Supplies and
Our competent Ford Mechanics insure prompt tepairs!
On July 1st all cars must be equipped with headlight lenses
which will conform to the new law. Wc sell
The Best In the Market!
We Will Take In Your Old Ford Car On a New One
We Will Pay You Spot Cash For Used Fords
Come in and give us your order for a
New Ford Before the Price Goes Up. .mlK
T. H. Pollock Auto Co,
FORD AuthorizedSales and Service, 6th St., Plattiiouth,Keh
I Office Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. 58.
Nebraska City, Neb.
From Wednesday's iMily.
Mius Mazel Tuey, who has for the
past year been in Chicago studying
music, with the end in view of en
gaging in the profession of musical
director, returned in June to her
home at Glen wood, la., where she
has been visiting for a short trine,
and has accepted a position at (lien
Falls, Mont., where sl will go in
the near future. Miss Tuey is at
the present time visiting in this city
v.ith her numerous friends and rela
tives, and is a guest at the home of
C. C. Wescott and wife.
From Wednesday's Ia!Iy.
Henry Perry of South Omaha was
in the city yesterday afternoon look
ing after some business matters, and
says he and the family are doinir
finely. Henry is the proud father of
two little boys, which came to bis
home in Omaha on the day that a
fifty-dollar liberty bond was pro
sent ed to the homes in which tip
stork left a baby. In this case,
Henry and his good wife called on
the authorities' who were making the
present for two of the fifties. You
know that is what they might call
From Wednesday's I'aily.
Mrs. Henry Engelkemeier and
mother, Mrs. Fred Engelkemeier.
were pasengers to Omaha this morn
ing, where they go to see Mr. Engel
kemeier. who is in the Methodi-t
hospital at that, place, recovering
from an operation for appendicitis.
Mr. Engelkemeier. who is very low,
is still weak, but the physicians in
charge assure the relatives that t In
patient i3 making satisfactory prog
ress, which is pleasing news for his
numerous friends. He is still very
low and great care has to be exer
cised in his treatment.
The finest line of Box Papers at
the Journal office.
Call Plattsmouth Garage for serv
ice. Tel. o04, also livery. J. E Mason,