The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 09, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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i- . C V V ' - .
rfS CuHUtV. ) i-S
In tl'C Matter of tl:e instate of Conra-l
I!. Vallery. Ooiavcd. To liic Crvl- :
itors of c.-'.hIc: ; lu:-.. !--v.': 1,0 :s lru-iy-ono i:i, nur-
Vou are lierebv noiii'ic-a that 1 will ; t -1 i . rf " t.Vt. thirty-four ", thirty
Fit at the County Court Koom i:i ', five ('!"(. tjiirty-six (SSt. t iii it -. vrn
1 'in tiFmom U in paid (runiv. n t ho t .;7 . t li : it y-ti -rii t C'-Sl, thirty-nim (3J).
ill th ilav ol Ai'KTUNt. 1117. :u;il tl.o C n t j l u t y l."M, frty-ore Uli, ro: ty-two
day of ' FeV"-ua ry, ISIS. ;;t "0 o'dork i i . f oi I y-t i . fee (',.)). fur; y-fun r (41.
,. 11. of eae ii day, to ie.-eivf and i - ', ! m t v - ti vo (i.'il. jiml forty-si;- ((ii, in
ntnint all claims" ;i -jt. hist ;'A t-st iUt. i I". Y i .- ' iut Lots, lmated -.vith-
witli a view to tl't'ir mIIio-M nicnt j-.tid,in ( In vornnwn t lot toi (10'. l" .ecti"in
;i !!iv;ince. . T!:- l:ni- limitfil fur t i:c 1 if . n lli. I ov. usli ? twelve ilHi,
., i'sf n ta t i'ji of -IaiMis iiuaiii.'t :a id 1 .ui.ic C:: t o n (!!, cjst of t!.e tl: P.
-t.iti: !K si mom us ihi:i 'iiii -lay i
f AllLTIISt.
Jim iied for
"Ye;, r from
A. !. 1MT. a:td the ti:".;j
paynnnls of delds is ( ne
.-aid HOtU day oi August.
Witness ni" ?;.ind and the sea! o!
ai.l County Couit tl.i.s 1Mb day cf
July, 13 17.
alli:x j. iu:'.:s x.
(.Seal) County Jud.4e.
oitiMUt (' m:ni;
c ruiiii i i i: in
m viuii i:
v. 1 1-1-
Th- Str.te of No'ir:tsK;i.i
('iniMv of C:is, i ss.-
ix Tin: cucxty rvn:T i
T-i Adam Meisinuer, (Jeortie J. M-i5n-frcr,
I'hilip Meisinsr.-r. .1. .1. Meisin
Ker. Willie H. .M-isinirer, Mlie
Meisinger. Emma Mt isinrer. Lizzie
Horn, and Nettie Horn, and ail per
sons interesttd in the esinle of J.
lit my MeisimAer. le-eased:
(in readinc the ;t!tio!i of Ad;un
Meisinner j.iayin- that the Instrument
filed in this court on the 1 v t Ji day f
.Julv. 1 17. arid puri'.ii tir k to he the
U:st will and testament of the said le
eeased. may he proved and allowed,
and retorded as the last will and t'-s-tnmont
of .1. Iv.nry M -is : n :-;v-r. !
ceased: that said l nsf ni uif-:. t ho ad
mittcil to j-"-ohale, ami the .t d 111 i u is i ra -fi-o-
of saii otate !.- trr.t n I t A-u-m
Meisinuer. as exeeutor. it is 1 crehy
i tiered that y ou, mh! : 11 persons in
t(itsted in said matter, may. :.!:! do.
apm-ar at t:
in and tor
of .Vii.mist.
1.. to show
County Con.
d ccunty, on
.'1st u a v
-hck r.
ho. v.-hv
1. 10! 7. at J o
luse. if aii'.' th.ere
ft e prayer of the petitioner siioiihi r."t
1-e granted, and t! at notice of ti e
pendency of said pctiton and tha the
l.eai i'.ic thereof he triven to all p rsons
interested in said matter h' i-ullish-
ins- a copv of this order in Toe
mniit'i .lintrn::!. a s-m 1 - Wf-'i ! " news
paticr primed in sai-i county. t r !h:et-sui-.essi
t; weeJis jvier to sah! .!a of
o ri tiiC.
Witness mv hand .i-ol miI of -aol
court this 1 1 1 1 da .'"h. A. !.. -'.'IT.
AE1.EX .!. Ei:i-:S' 'X.
(Seal) County Jini.ue.
the ni.'iim v t'tu in
COl S I . M HlilSKA.
In the Matti
of the Ksl.Ue
llenrv W. Eaton. I..eeed.
'oianii; t sun w rsi:.
Now on this 7th day of July, A. I -117.
tins i'use came on for iie.;ri;it;
on the petition of iorothy M. I.ynch
as administratrix of the estate of
ll.-nrv W. Eaton, deceased, pravintc for
license to sell. Eots Two Hundred
Eleven (.11 and Two Hundred Twelve
iZJ-f in the iilase of j recti wood. Cass
(Vumtv, Xchraska, or 'a sufficient
ymui tit thereof to luinT t! e sum of
Six Hundred Hollars ($00.00) for the
javment of dehts allowed against said
estate and the costs "f administration,
there not btins suffleient peroial
property to pay said debts and ex
penses. It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested ill said e.tate appear
lie for' nte at the iiiriet rm:rt room
in the Court House al I'la 1 1 smou l h.
t';4s-s 'oil!:t. Xl h, :lskn. "11 the '.'Olh
lav of Au'-'ust. A. U- 1017. at in o't iot k
A. M. of s;i.l day. to show cause v V'
a license should not lo granted to said
admiuisti a! i i :v to sell so much ti.
a hove described real estate as shall ire
necessary to pay said debts and Ex
penses. It i further ordered that notice
of such hearin'-r he uiven by paid is h ; nr
a copy of this order in the 1'latts
nioutli stiiii-weekly Journal for four
successive weeks before the date of
Hated this 7th day of July. A. L.
Jude of the lJistrict Court.
7-::-4 wk wkly
tate of Xebraska.)
Cass County. sk.
In thr- i.'n;i!itv Court.
In the Matter of the E.-ta'.e of Ai.di'. w
Hill. Jeeeaser To the Creditors of
Said E.-tate:
You are hereby notified that T vi.l
sit at the Coun;v Court Jtoom in
l'l.ittsmutli in said County on the until
dav of Auxust. 1917. and the 1'lst dav
of ' Fehruary, 1 0 1 , at I o' lock a. m.
of each dav, to receive and examim- ail
claims uuraimt said Estate, with a
view fo their a l.h'stinent ai d allow
ance. The time limited i'-r the presen
tation of claims auaiiis; said listafo is
six months from ti-e iuth ilny or Aug
ust. A. H. HM7. a:id the time Pmited
1 or" p;i y merit of !l.t i n- Year from
said 'Jith day of August. I'jlT.
iliiess my hand and the sea! of
said Coiintv Court this l'ltii day of
Julv. 1917.
(Si:AL) County Judye.
l .VI OE 'A
i oi iit or Tin:
, .M:i;2t.K..
E. Eilthrist, l'iaintdf.
Thomas I'ahncr. et .. defendants.
Notice of Suit to (Juiet Title.
To ti:e d-fendarit-, '! i.on:;is i i. I'ul
irier; Mrs. Thomas C. I'alm'-r. first real
name unknown: the unknown i eirs,
ilexisees. lerrate'-s. personal r-t.iese;i-latives
and all other per.-ons in 1 1 i . sti'd
in the estate of Thoma- .. h; '' r. de
feased; the iink'iov.n iteiis. K vi.-ees.
legatees, personal i epics'-n t a t i v.-s anil
;ili other persons interested 1:1 li.i es
tate oT Mrs. Thomas, h Calmer. tn :.
rial tiano- unknown, ilecensi-d: M. W.
",reen. first teal name unknown: .Mis.
M V.'. Eicon, first real name unknown;
the unknown heirs, devises, l-iil'-s.
pcr-on;.l representatives ynd ail other
7ei sot s interested in the estate of iJ.
". (i:ci n. first real name un known;
ijeeeased: the unknow n loirs, lievisee..
Icscut' .!', oeisoiirfl r. f. resent talvers ate!
:ill other pei-.-oiis interested in the es
tate of Mrs. M. W. Creep. lirst , real
name unknown, ih-e-asid; Y. S. (".rail,
flrrt rt a 1 name unknown.. Mrs. . S.
CraiT. first real nat::e n n k now n : tin
unknown ioirs. devisees, legate, -s, p-r-sojial
representatives and all other
iersous i'lti rested in tiie estate of W.
S (italf; lirst real pane unknown, de
ceased: the unknown heirs, devisee:-,
legatees. personal representatives
aiid all- other persons interested
jf, the state or Mrs. Y. S.
draff. lirst real name unknown,
deceased: Joseph M ' Tea r v ; Mrs. Jo
jseph MeCreary. first, real m-une un
known; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal I epi n tat i v-v ijui
sill other p'-rsons i p teres ted in the es
tate of Joseph MeCreary, deeased; the;
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and nil other per
sons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Joseph MrCtotry. first real name un
known, deceased; (Man S. Thompson:
Mr- firan S. Thompson, first real name
unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees.
Je-ia t"s. personal represent a i i ves ard
estate eif Oran S. Thompson, deeeased;
iii.- unknown heirs .devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Iran S. Thompson, lirst real name un
known, deceased; Provident Savin;; s.
Loan & Building Association of Onia
Jia; the unknown K'antees. successors
and assisns of I'rovident SavinKs,
Loan & Building Association of Oma
ha; and the unknown owner and the
unknown claimants of lots thirty-one
tl). thirty-three (Sr.). thirty-four
34. tliirtv-five (j, thirty-six (Jn),
thirty-seven to"), tlili ty-eig:ht (S),
thirty-nine (30). forty (10) forty-one
41. forty-two 4J). forty-three iii).
forty-four (14). forty-five io). and
tortv-tix (46). In U. . Wises Out
Eots located within Government Lot
ten (10), ot section eiine.! ij.o. i.i
townshiu twelve (!-', range fourteen
.114), east ol the 6Ui P. M., and situated
:o Citv of Plattsmcuth, Cass Coun-se-brtisUa.
u lire li?r?-y
miy ot
olitic-O tha
V. IX 1917.
t on t.K
V:Ja.:rn.irf Court of
to miiet
i".l?I !H -.lit in the. Di.-'lrVt
ive (.'mnly f Cass. Ncbras'.ii
:IaiU:rr tit it- to Hie above
m.. ain mmimu'i hi i r.c inv i rum
iiienti:. ass .county, Aeli asl.a. l.e
f.'.ese of I. is adverse possession 1-y Jiim
!f it ud hi grantors for more than
ten -ais prior to the eomniiieeinent
of su?d suit and to enjoin ea Ii nd nil
of you fr.o::i Laving or cltiiminj; any
rl:;-it. tit'e. lien or interest, eitlur le-r-'zj
1 or eiu'-a''!o .in or to s;iil lots or
I'.iiy I a:"t tlu reoi. To reijuire you to
si-t i'oi'Th ymii- ritht, title, e'.aim.
Hen ! h: ! rst therein, if ;;nv. either
:1 or ! : ;i h!e. ami t .t liave
e sd.;r.dned inttri-o- t.i the till
nt iff and for eneia! equital-lt'
t i
! i-
Vhis i,
nrut-r of
to ;r.H!W
M on da v.
ti.-e is i:;;:de iiursuant to the
the court. You are leoui'ed
?r sahl petition on or t fore
Ser.temher 10. A. I. 1H17.. or
default v.ill he duly entered
C. I ECU it 1ST.
Y. A. I'.; MiCIlTSi iX.
Att-ii-nev f :r Plaintiff.
.!i:ly CO IwUs
(dlMJ E CS. .NEIiSiAMvA.
.Jam.'s E. AYai'fia and Charies Wai'it,
C'-: a ' un a y , ct ah.
No lice of sh; it t
i -r
tula n t s.
To the !; femia
llr'irv Iderrav: I izie
MeCord: irot-ert Mum:
lia.k Murra
MeCord; M-:
y: Mrs. Jlohert
n i i".-' r::st icaS rame u 'ilinovvn : X " i 1
; i ia in M a r: ay :
I t 'ie ii u know n
ie:'t! U ie .Murray, ami to
oivneis and the unknown
claimants ol t;: iot t' I-' il'), in the
i-orhtwest miarltr 'N'W, I of tl
noTthcast iu:.'t r i.Ni-. j i of section
- in: t i"'. t owns h in -deven i ! 1 i. i-anu.
f . . . . - t . . . . . . . 1 t . . 1 ' - O" tl.-. I. T 1 . t I i .
c,,t,,ltv ,,(' -ilSs. .Vel.ra.-ka.
You .i re her-o-v -lotiti-.i t ha t on th
. jv;(. dav of A. I . 1 -" 7. .la'Mtil!.-
I tiled 'hi lr -Idt Ii. I nc lMstl'l t ('..Hi t
if the i '0:1:1 1 '.
i ' I e I ; . '. : 1 1 Tl ! 1 f '
descrii -'d land
Tax lot t '.v
i ; 'a ss, Ni in .ii
title i. i'.o l-dh
to- vit :
.i. I'
n i :i ;
ive i ! ' i , in tie- 1
no:! h-
v.'cst nuui'ier
( Y , ) of lln
l heas:
p:arter t
!:', I of section
i o-,y ns ! : i ; eleven ii. r.t:i:.
i 14 I. i ast of the Cth IV M.. in
ly of Cass. .x hia--ka. In-caii;
;;dv-ise possession hv them:
rheir '-i n tors fio- ;iao
U en
1 1.
'.o.i i;
e o t I I : e 1 1
1 is and
n year
:!'ior to tae l oiv.niciK t incut ol said sun
and to enjoin eucn ano an ol vou lr-.i.i
iiavin-x .- h;:min.-;' a:;y rluht, titb
i lien or inle:e.- t. eitl'.cr lentil or '.i-uit
I able, in r to -aid laii'.s, or any part
itlereof: to reijuirf you to sit forth
i yiii:r rhrht, title, e'aim. lien or intei
therii::. if aii v. either ieu;:l or e p.
able, and to i-,.:ve the sam adiudired
interior to the title of ; hiinlifi's and
for general e-iuitable ii'.ief.
Tui.s notice is nvide pursuant to the
order of the cov.ri. i'ou are required
to answ er raid petition on or I t-fun
Mond.av, .epteni her 1), .. IK 1 u i 4 . or
your default vill he duly entered
tliere in.
J Mi:S E. WAEOA and
ciiAKhcs wai:; v.
w. a. i:i iu:i:ts 'X,
Alio: ney.
July ."0 4v sw
I lit: l v'i i;
I ( r ( in i;t or the
c a v. X I'.IHC A.
il to t.l.liet
Hiiuvtii:s .vi:iis,
S;;ruucl Meab-v, : eh. 1 ie f en-ii i ; t s.
To the defendants. Samuel Mea
Mis. S.imitel M'-aivy. It i t r-iil
uukno'.vr; the unknown heirs,
vivees, legatees. persotial i'e!-r
taliVfS and ail cli .i-r pe '.-ons
ti li sted in li e estate of Si.miu !
Miiilr;. ,, j ; the unknown heirs.
devisee: . Ic.-.'llfCS, pel s'. rial 1 e:.l i sf.l-tati'.t.-
and all other persons i a i. res t ed
in the estate of Mrs. San;.:' 1 Mea ley.
',: : v I t ;. u '.' :: 1; no". !. !(( ust-i; S.
'. Si.,::.'i. ft r t lea! ::;i.T- w : !; u w :i :
Mrs. S. Smith, firs' .-, a.l '..itue :i
ksiowu: tl.e Ulp.liiiivii h-ii'S. ieis.-e.
bual'-es, person. , re press I i ves and
al! oilier pel sons interested in the ,
'.He ol" S. (.'. Smith, tii.-t real nam-- un
known. !(, aed: :!.! u n k tiown heiis,
de. isi es. leutcf s. liersonal represen
tatives anc all ot 1 r p-rs'uu i r, t c, tsleii
in the e.-tate ef His. S. C. Smith, firs'
re;-l n.'inii' inknowr:. f'.ee . a:-ed : the un
known owners and li.e r n n. n own la ! m -ants
of the sioiti .ast 'pisr'ir (SEV.
oi' sc'tien t hi rf -four hdi, township
eleven i 1 i. north ranuc IW' l'.e ! Ui.
-ast of the ;t!i 1'. M., in the County of
Ca-s, X'-t-ras-ka.
V" are h-'i'i.v riotilicd that on Ihe
L'vri, div of Jul;.. A. I . 1017. plaint i'V
li ed,
the '
i the L- is t ri.t ( 'on it !'
'st.-:-. S I .iii s 1; a to o u lot
t i tin- i liove des.-i i l-e-l
he s-e; t i ea st iiui rt i r
t i j: f i;i I ' -f on r ( :: 4 i.
i-rai'itiri's liile
land, to-wit:
I SE li of se
township eleven
t Wei Ve ( 1 i . ea s I
the ''oi'nty of ('as
of his adverse T -1
arid his yrnirtors
v fa is prior to t'.
i 1 1 . I'.'n t h rnrmc
-f the lit h J. "M . in
, Nebraska, i.- 'ause
ss"ssi"ii l-y h;nse: f more t ha r te n
om m ene'-m i n t of
ai'l st'it and to enjoin tach and ell of
vott j'i-on: l.avin": of chtiminv; any ri-iht,
title, lien or interest, cither ieal fir
"ipjitable, in or to s-thl land, or any
pert thereof. To 'luire you to set
r-r!h your ri"iit. title, claim, li'-n or
interest therein, if nny, either lal fir
ipi ita lde. aid t- have th" same ad
judged inferior to the title of plaintiff
and for general '; i: i t a lde relief. Tills
no'i -e is made pursuant to the order
of the ('."Jit. You are re-jiiired to an
swer -aid petition on or heroic Mon
day, Srpti-rn 1-er in. A. I). 1017, or your
dafauit will be dulv rn!-'t'(-i therein.
i;v Y. A. E'.iltEETSON.
His Attorney.
No J.
Noii- 1 Ji si den t I e fen da u I s.
Their Heirs, Hcvhiees, E;-Htees,
J'.isonal I-'epresentat i ve s, ami All
I'er-ons Interested lu Their Es
t a 1 1 s :
To Alex Al"l; the unknown heirs,
'vi-ecs. iiratces. persoiuil represen
tativs and all other persons interested
in tin estate of Ab Abel.
You and :"ji of you are- hereby not I -ft
-d that John H. ( Or, as rila.intifi". on
the Ji'dii day of July, A. 1). 1017. tiled
his a me i-Jed ietiti i'l the Histrict
Court ..f Cass County. Nebraska,
win re i-i .vou ami all 'if you are defend
ants; 'U.o oi.jeet. atid prayer 'if which
petition are to foreclose1 a certain'e u'ivi"i upon Eeils Nine and
Ten in lib.-ck Two. except Ten feet em
the Smith end of Hot Ten. all in
Kilcl.i- l'lace Addition to IMa tt stilou I li,
('ass Comity. NeUiaska. by -1'X Abel
to Pra ncis it. Uook for Jhe sum ef
Eive iiiaidifil Hollars. MuitKase re
corded in EooU 4J of Mortijages at
pane -71.
You are reniired lo answer said
amended petition on or before the 17ili
day of September, A. D. 1317.
C. A. KAWLS. lMaintiiT.
July CO 1 w ks.
Ulllll'll or il i:IIING ON 'KTI'l'IO.
The State of Nebraska,)
Cass County, ) ss
In tiie Countv Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Au
W. Beins, Deceased.
On reading: and filing the petition ef
Edward. W . lieins and Minnie B.
prayitiK tiiat Adniinist ration of
Estate may be tjrantea to tliem as Ad
niinitratorE, Ordered. That thetCDth dav of Au
gust. A. U. 1017. at 1 o'clock P. M.. is
assigned for heariatf said Detition.
J when all persona Interested in said
matter may appear at. a County Court
to lie !:e'.d in ;it:U for saM County, and
fhov c'Jie why the iirayc-r of peti-tioru-r
should not Ve granted: and thzt
n'dice of ti:e pcnnenoy of said vetition
and U e l;ei'.rint- thereof he given to all j
piiln ..-i'.in:; a c opy of this oraer in the
I'liiitsmoutli Journal, a semi-weekly
i:ev.sraper, printed in sain County, ior
I: vet; hiieeesive v.vtkf, iinor to sam
lav of hearing.
LaUd July L'Mh. 1917.
ALLKN I. Mi:i'O.V.
(SK.L County Judge.
oitDi-ii 4r in:iii(; on petition.
hiii mm'ointment or iIIN-
The Ptate of Nebraska,
Cass County, ) ss.
In tb.e Countv Court,
the Matter of the Estate of Amelia
fJeins. I e eeased.
On reading and tiling the petitiem of
:inr.w ir mil i.Mh-it-,1 w ir-.i-.
ni'ayniir that Administration of said
E-tate may !-c granted to tliem as Ad-
i 1 1 n -st re. t ors.
rdered. That the- ' day of u--
ust. A. H. 1017. at 2 o clock l 2.1. . is
assigned tor pcarinsi' sum I'Ciiiion,
when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a County court
to ho held in and for said County, ami
snow cause v.'ny the prayer ot peti
tioner should not be granted: and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
ml the hearins thereof be iven to
ail persons interested in said matter by
publishing a cony of ti is order in tire
i'iattsmouth Journal, a si mi-weekly
newspaper printed in said County, for
three successive v.-ctks, prior to said
day of hearintr.
Hated Julv sth. 1XT7.
(SEAH County Judie.
Draft Iltsiisters, Forced by HitnKcr,
Arc Slowly Surrendering to
tJovernnu'nt Prepares to Try Leaders
as Traitors. Asking That Death
lie Fate.
Oklahoma, City
A n trust 7. With
the arrest today of more than fifty
diaft re iste:s, including two chief
the objectors before United States
Commissioner R. X. McMiilen, sched
uled to open at McAlester tomorrow
Roy Crane, of Oak Grove, and Jno. j
Darnhart, of Wewoka. organizers ofi
the working class union, will be two of I
those for whom the government will j
ask the death penalty, according to
th-2 district attorney's o:iice. Scores
of others will face charges of treason
and conspiracy to evade the selective
service act.
In the bag of fifty prisoners taken
today were "Dec" Caleb and a r.uvn
named Fink, said to be leaders in the
uprisinir. Forty-eight men were tak
en to the state prison at McAlester
from Holdenville today and scoutir.g
possemen continued to send in others
overcome with fear and hunger in th?
rr.i 1 OF PEOPLE
Gove ri: or Wiliams today proclaim
ed his pride in the mass of loyal peo
ple ir. the infested districts.
"I did r.ot want to send troops in
there, except as a last report," he siid.
"To let th: citizens of the commun
ity themselves put down the trouble
was unassailable proof that as a whole
the people were absolutely loyal to
the government awl thoroughly amen-
aole to law and oru
Ereci Tuesday's I uiiy.
Mrs. Isaac Wiles, who has been
quite sick fcr the past few weeks, is
very much improved and is -now able
to be up and around her home. Her
daughter, Mrs. J. If. Hall, has been
caring for her. Mrs. Wiles' many
friends will' be pleased to learn of
her improvement and trust that she
may continue to improve.
Tuesday's Daily.
L. Amick, who with his wife
am! little daughter went to Omaha
for a new Reo car yesterday morning,
returned about tioon, caught a
tiip taking a traveling man, Joseph
Smith, of Omaha, to Marysviile, Kan.,
starting just after noon. This is
getting into action in shcrt order with
the new car. But this is what counts
now-a-days in business to get there
before the ether fellow.
We are jep-ired to take
care of meat aud grocery or
ders. J ust call us up and let
us know what time you want
it aud-will have your order
ready for you. Don't forget
this is "Your Market and
i scoot;
They Mike Out for O'.inp Ground, But
the Rain I'oured, the Wind Blew,
and a Harn Sheltered Them
for the Night.
Lais' Monday the IJoy Scouts, of
tin's city, started out for a camping
trip of two dcrys' extent, and having
loaeied their pack ponies with what
! thev thouirht would 'be rcauired on
the trip, they hiked to the William
Ilair.ey farm, where the woods and
pasture were broad and wide. Here
they pitched their tents and enjoyed
life to its fullest' extent, in this fash
ion. They built camp fires, cooked
their meals and had a .Splendid time
generally. Deing near the Platte riv
er, they went in swimming, and re
port having had a dandy swim. Dur
ing the afternoon they sniffed the forest-laden
air. and thought there was
nothing like it, anticipating with what
great pleasure they would enjoy ly
intr by the campfire, looking at the
bright stars when night had fallen,
and teliling such stories as would stir
the blood of the youngsters, and then
after they had spun yarn after yarn,
how the would roll into their blank
et." and dream it all over again.'
How bright the day dream, how
pleasant to lock foVward in anticipa
tion of the coming pleasure, and then,
at the last municnt, to be robbed of
the long looked for pleasure. Like
traveling over hiii and through dale
to f':;id the bag of gold at the end of
the rainbow, to have the rain c?ase.
:nd the rainbow vanish in th? bright!
e fin Ice nee of the noonday sun, before
ycu had gotten where the beautiful
arch rested. Bnt such is life! Along
towards evening, when the tinv tents
i had been erected, and were being
j viewed with much pride and pleas-'
ui-e, a breeze can;c creeping through
I the jungle, r nd one of the tents was
L .
laid low, its occupants getting soak-
1 ed with a no gentle, but continuous
torrent of a Nebraska Auerust rain
storm. Piling hastily into another
lev,, they filled it far too full for
utterance, and a straw .vote decided
f the nitrht should be
ypent in
wet were!
a barn a mile away, with
--. or.! h and irrass lving le-
tweenthem ar.d the place of .shelter.
But away they went, and to say
they made as good time as "Jimmy'"
in the fivnny papers does when lie
f g-es to execute an errand for Mr.
Thompson, his father, would be tell
ip.'JT it about right.
At the barn they stayed the remain
der of the night, ar.d that was not all
j n-gnt either. Their scoutmaster, who
iz game, if he is anything, did all he
could Jcr their comfort, but they were
wet. ar.d net too comfortable at the
best. He confidently told the writer
that he did r.ot sleep a wink during
the entire nicht.
Now, truly, they arc all good scouts
and this experience will be remember
ed when the old gray headed man sits
in his easy chair, more than half a
century from row, allowing his mem
ory to run back to "When we camp
ed out in Bill Rair-ey's woods." When
morning dawned they did the right
thing,-got a fire started, and after
drying, by the aid of the sun, satis
fied as well as they could their al
most ravenous appetites. They then
returned to tcv.-n, thanking their scout
master, Carl Smithtmann, for their
Mrs. Dr. Caldwell, who has recently
moved here from Bancroft, this state,
where she has made her home and
where Dr. Caldwell has practiced
dentistry for a number of years, has
been a raiser of chickens. In her
flock was a fine strain of White Ply
mouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds,
which captured the first prize at the
poultry show at South Sioux City
last year. These young chickens were
shipped here when she came. To
those who have seen the flock they
presented a beautiful sight. Mrs.
Caldwell yesterday presented three
dozen of this year's fine White Rocks
to the Masonic Home for a chicken
dinner. This will be a treat for those
who make their home there, not but
what they are bountifully supplied
with things good to cat, but that the
,:ifl v,Tc - so nice and the spirit of
the giver also, so beautiful in think
ing of the folks -there.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Herman Martins, son of Mrs. Henry
Martins of this city, who has been
located for some years past at Ports
mouth. Va.. where ne is in the em-
HE B01
fe"4 raj (TI
1 si- i
Ea 1 Ba
ploy, of a railway company in the Ca-"Gabe" and view his smiling counte
pacity of machinist, came in yester- nancc-
c'ay and is visiting with his mother F. M. McMannis, for some time
?nd the rest of the family. Herman past editor and proprietor of the
will vjsit here for about two weeks ' Eagle Beacon, was in the city yes
before returning to take up his work ' terday and made a pleasant call at
' in the east.
l -
Local News
Front Tucf day's Daily.
James N. Jordan; from near Cedar
Creek, was a visitor in the city this
morning, transacting business with
our merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fight, who have
been visiting in Omaha for the past
few days with relatives and friends,
returned home this morning.
Will S. Jean of near Mynard was a
passeng-er to Omaha this afternoon,
where he was looking after some busi
ness at the South Side stock market.
Mrs. Adam Stoehr, from west of
the city, was a visitor in Omaha for
the day, going yesterday morning on
the Missouri Pacific and returning
last evening on the Burlington.
Frank Eaton, from near Union,
came up this morning, and after look
ing after some business in the city,
departed for Omaha, where he h: d
some business to transact as vell.
William Wolf and Orville Allen of
Eagle, were before the examination
board here today, and departed for
Omaha, where they will look after
some business, and then return home
ly way of Lincoln.
George W. Comer, of near Union,
was an early caller at the county
seat this morning, coming on the
early Missouri Pacific train. He ap
pears before the examining board at
the court house today.
P. A. Meisinger, residing west of
this city, was attending to some busi
ncs matters here yesterday after
neon, and while here called at this
office and had 'his subscription ex
tended for another year.
Clarence Mayfield, of Louisville,
was a visitor in the city this morning,
coming down on the Schuyler, and
was looking after some business mat
ters at the court house, reiurning
heme on the afternoon train.
Charles i- rolich of Eagie was a
business visitor in the citv th'.s morn
ing, coming in over the Missouri Ta
cihc, and was looking al-r- ; me
business at the court house, unl ih;o
had come business wit"i the county
Chr.;les Frohlich of Elmwood came
over to this city this morning to at
tend to some important business mat
ters and visit friends for a short time
While here he took time to call at
this office and have his" subscription
extended for another year.
Mr. Earl Harwood Fox and mother
of Nehawka, were in the city yester
day,-where Earl appeared before the
ai my examining board, while his
mother was looking after some busi
ness matters at the county seat. They
dcpaited last evening for their, home
via the automobile route.
W. M. Richards of South Bend pre
cinct, and road commissioner, came
in this morning over the Burlington
and was meeting with the county com
missioners regarding the opening of
a road out in his neighborhood which
'cads to a stone quarry. He had some
other business at the county seat.
Fred E. Denson, who was formerly
a switchman in this city, residing in
i ."uismoum ior a numter 01 years,
but who is at the present time en
gaged in "the grocery business in
Council Bluffs, Iowa, was a business
vi.dtor in Tlattsmouth this afternoon,
having come down with an automo
bile. Hraska and Grebe, fishermen, who
are operating on the river below this
city, were on the streets this morning
with a fish which they had captured,
which measured three a:nd a half feet
and weighed about sixty pounds. They
also had other fish, but this one was
the principal attraction, and was
viewed by a number of people.
Mrs. Edward Rice, who has been
vi-iting in this city for the past
month, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Barthold, departed over the
Burlington for Omaha, from where
she will go to Minneapolis, Minn., her
home. Mr. Rice was here for a
while and returned to his work some
dnys since, while Mrs. Rice stayed for
a longer vi:dt.
Mrs. Joseph Hadraba, wife of the
druggist, and three children, departed
this morning for Lawrence, Kan.,
where they will visit for some four
weeks at the home of Mrs. Iladraba's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Janda.
Joe will join them in about a week,
iind will also take a vacation on the
farm. They will all return in time
for the boys to enter school this fall.
The irrepressible "Gabc" Austin'of
Union, accompanied by his son, Dec,
who is taking the draft examination,
and Emory Hathaway and . George
Everett were up today, and besides
looking after other business came in ,
and squared up for his paper, visiting
with the Journal man for a short
time. Ve are always happy to meet
this office, telling us Be naa just ais-
Bartling's Best Brand
$12.00 per bushel
Lower grades at $8.50 to $10.50 per bushel
SEED WHEAT, Common Yellow Berry
variety, grown in Otoe County, unlimited
quantity. Ask for prices.
Wo are buyers of Timothy, Red Clover,
Cane, Millet, Pop Corn, Winter Rye and other
field seeds. Send Samples.
Edward Bartling Seed Go,
Seed Merchants, Nebraska City, Neb.
posed of his plant there to G. N.
Stille of Lincoln, who will conduct the
paper in the future. Mr. McMannis
having accepted a position with the
Burlington as clerk in their freight
house at Lincoln, and has abandoned
the newspaper business.
Henry Jasper and wife of Earling,
la., where they are farming, being on
the farm of Carl Fricke, were visitors
over Sunday with friends and rela
tives and looking after some business
matters, and returned last evening to
their home in Iowa. Mr. Jasper re
ports that crops are looking good
and that they had a fine rain a few
days ago, but that before this rain
things were getting rather dry, but
apparently nothing was injured.
Arnold Eggers, living fifteen miles
north of Lincoln, near Martel, who
is visiting at the home of Mrs.
Jacob Schaefer, his sister, southwest
of this city, was in town yesterday,
and when speaking of the rain, said
that about three years ago he was
in Lincoln, and they had a fair
shower, and wanting to go home, he
went to the Rock Island station for
his train and found small boys in
swimming from the rain, while out
near the penitentiary, the dust was
scarcely laid.
From Tuesday's Dally.
G. R. Olson, who a few days since
departed for Chicago, where he went
to purchase an outfit and materials
for the new plant which the Olson
Photo company are ' establishing at
Junction City, Kan., for the Fort
Riley work, returned home last eve
ning, having made arrangements for
the shipping of the supplies to the
Kansas point. Mr. Olson on his re
turn came by the way of Des Moines,
la., which is also a point where the
troops are mobilizing, looking over
the city and seeing what kind of in
ducements it. offered for the estab
lishing of a plant there as well. Mr.
Olson thinks very favorably of plac
ing a second branch plant at that
Call Plattsmouth Garage for serv
ice. Tel. G94, also livery. J. E Mason,
mm wMiMr . Mr i mm . m mt b j
We handle a complete line of Auto Supplies and
Our competent Ford Mechanics insure prompt repairs!
On July 1st all cars must be
which will conform to
The Best In
We Will Take In Your Old Ford Car On a New
We Will Pay You Spot Cash V
Come in and give
New Ford Before
T..H. Pollock
FORD AuthoiizcdSaUaandS
, Office Telephone Y
$11. OO per bushel
Washington, D. C, August 7.
President Wilson today took a hand
in the government's plans for regu
lation of prices and conferred with
officials who have the work in charge.
First he went to the federal trade
commission and then went to the de
partment of justice. Both depart
ments are working on keeping the
prices of materials for the govern
ment's war needs down to a reason
able basis.
The president spent half an hour at
the trade commission inquiring par
ticularly as to the investigation of
the cost of producing coal, steel and
The commission issued this state
ment :
The president was here today to
confer with the trade commission as
to the progress being made in its cost
determining work now being conduct
ed at his request."
To find a basis for prices to be
paid by the government for war ma
terials the commission is investigat
ing production costs of coal, coke,
steel, iron, petroleum, tin, aluminum
wire, zinc, copper, lead, cement and
lumber. The copper investigation is
now about complete and a report will
go to the president within the next
two weeks. The next article on which
cost estimates will be furnished is
RAISE $3,000,000 WAR FUND
Chicago, 111., Aug. 7. A war fund
of $3,000,000 will be raised by the
Knights of Columbus for recreational
centers for men in the army and navy
camps instead of the $1,000,000 orig
inally planned.
It also was announced the govern
ment has given notice that the 171
Catholic chaplains who will go to
France as chaplains with General Per
shing's army will have the rank of
first lieutenants.
equipped with headlight lej
the new law. We sell
the Market!
us your ord
the Price
-1- . -