The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 09, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917. Known To The Nation $945 F. O. B. FACTORY. Possesses important feature of design which are found also in those higher priced cars as embodying the very latest and best engineering practices. These superior features, which for two years have distinguished the Oakland Six as a car of unusually advanced design, and which are now employed in the latest models of many of the more costly cars, not to be found in their entirety, in any of the other cars in the Oakland price-class. As a result, the Oakland Sensible Six, in the estimation of the buying public, is raised above the plane of its price, and naturally is compared to and competes with cars of considerable higher price than its own. Oakland info Company PLATTSMOUTH MAKli: IX) NAT BETTER. I-- . i:i U'cliu f lay's Haily. Lust evening Miss Marie. Donnt was reported as being considerably im proved from what her condition was a few days ago. For some days she was not making the improvement ex pected and desired, but during the past day or so she is showing signs of improvement, which is very grati fying to her many friends in this city. Mr-:. H. G. McCluskey received a It tier from his brother, Clarence Hughes, who has been in business in Ft.' Louis for a number of years, and who some time since enlisted in the ; navy, but was rejected on the physical examination. Recently he enlisted : again, this time, in ;.ihe rrsy,,.-as an :uto machinist, and passed, he stated; in the Fourteenth Missouri "Volun teers. WILL OPEN RESTAURANT. Craig has purchased the furniture of the Uarclay restaurant, and will open a regular meals em porium, with service day and night, and :-hort orders, which will be served at all hours. In connection, the rooms above the restaurant will be furnished in first class manner, and beds and furnished rooms will be at the service of the public. WANTED TO SERVE. Eugene Xutzman, son of Hon. Fred Nutzman, and wife, of Berlin precinct, when he took his physical examination yesterday, informed Dr. Ciudup, of the examining board, he had a crooked arm, but hoped it would not prevent him from serving. The young man said he was extremely anxious to serve his country, and was informed that while the local board v.oul l pass him, there might be some question as to his passing when he went to tin- camp, where the soldiers will all undergo another examination by an army surgeon. Eugene said he would try to induce that officer to pass him, so he could go with the ethers to the front to fight for his country. This young man's avowal is something that all should be proud of and he is a true-blue American. Nebraska City News. THEY STAND WITH WILSON. Washington, D. C, Aug. 8. The United Mine Workers of America aie in hearty accord with President Wil son in his war policy, William Dia mond of that organization and James Lord of the Mining branch of the American Federation of Labor, to'd the president today nt the White 1 louse. Co to Chase county with Rosen crans Sunday evening and look over the farms he has for sale. The price is right. FARM FOR SALE. The Beins homestead, 3 miles south vZ Flattsmouth. Inquire of E. W. Beins, or call Phone 4211. Drs. EUlach Cl Ellach, Tha Dentists i The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Specialist la j charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelaia filling, i just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized alter using. Send for nutx sample or Sani-Fyor 1 A mild 11k . h m . z m anasUiatk F rill m m tc: W-ztszzzt. culuotzazzj to ..ortid until cored. MriUtot book on Recta 1 Diseases, vrilii names aadtsftirucrial'Jof njoro thzz lIKr-ro-uceEt people who have been permanently cured. , . . 'LMMD $4 As The Sensible Six NEBRASKA RETURNS FROM WEST. Frim Wednesday's Daily. W. E. Rosencrans returned home last evening from a trip to Chase county, where he was with a num ber of men who were looking over the lands in the west, and to a por tion of whom Mr. Rosencrans sold land. Mr. Rosencrans reports the country looking fine, having just had some refreshing rains, which have given renewed growth to the vegeta tion and crops. Threshing is in full swing in that country, the wheat turning out well and of an excellent quality. Mr. Rosencrans will make another trip to this country soon. REGARDING EXEMPTIONS. -i t'r.nn Wednesday's Daily The Examination Board and Ex emption Board, consisting of . the same men, are so busy that it -is impossible to arrive at anything yet as to who and what number of people will be l ejected or allowed exemptions, of the number who have asked for the same. Just as soon as they shall have got ten their work in hand so they can furnish the information, this paper will be in a position to give it to its readers, and we will hasten to do so. We understand that the people are desirous of securing this information and we will put forth our utmost efforts to supply the facts. MARRIED BY. THE JUDGE. Last evening Jesse Kohrell, living in Otoe county, south of Union, and a son of L. F. KohrelL formerly liv ing in this. city, where Mr. Jesse Kohrell was born, accompanied by Miss Bessie Tyson of Nebraska City, applied at the office of the county clerk for a marriage license. When the permit was granted they asked to have the ceremony performed by Judge Beeson, who could not refuse, and they were soon made man and wife. The happy couple departed for their home in Otoe county, where the groom is farming and where they will make their home. WILL PLAY BALL. From Wednesday's Daily. The Fraternal Order of Eagles has issued a challenge to the Benevolent and Patriotic Order of Elks to play a game of ball, the proceeds to go to the benefit of the Red Cross. The Elks, at their meeting last evening, accepted the challenge and appointed Clayton Rosencrans as chairman of a committee with power of selecting two others on the committee to ar tangc for the game. $100 Reward, $100 Th readers of this paper -will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stage and that is catarrh. Catarrh beinjj greatly inHiienced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucouh Sur ,f:inot System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease. Rivlnsr tha patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in dolncita TI? PPr'ttors have so much r.i.h ? iJ"l,.cr,rativo Powers or Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer Ona Hundred I)ollar for any case that It falls t0ACUe- SDt TjList of 'eNtirAonlals. Address K. J. CHKNEY &. CO Toledo Ohio. Sold by all Drugtfau 75c, Jr'Cl0' Pyorrhea Treatment. 3rd Floor Paxton Dlock, OMAHA -Fistula Pay When Cured system of treatment thst ceres Plies. FLitaU mud tvtaij. iaaersiii u ui.t r wiuioai 8 Sever iir iiiud. Acnreflu&ranteedin C?d AH A, NEHSKA FIRSTTHIRD OF 687,000 01 1 MM 0 Initial Contingent of Quota. Sent to Training Camps Septem ber 1 to 5. INFORMATION IS GIVEN GOVERNORS BY GROWDER Provost Marshal Issues Instructions to Executives of All the States. Washington, D. C, August b. The first one-third of the quota of 087, 000 men drafted for army service un der the selective bill will be called to the colors September 1, and sent to training camps between September 1 and 5. This information has been com municated to the governors of all states by Provost Marshal General Crowder. This one-third of the first quota will consist of 229,000 men. This will bring the strength of the United States army on that date up to about 1,000,000 men. Crowder's Telegram. General Crowder dispatched the fol lowing telegram to the governors of the states today cautioning them to make certain that the first one-third of their quota of the first increment of registered men is ready in time. "New regulations governing mobi lization and the certification of men from district boards to adjutants gen eral will be mailed to you on August 9th. In the meantime local boards w um.o ...v- v.v-w c.wv-u """ nave not been exempted or discharg ed, either because they failed to file any claim or because their claim has been decided adversely. Strict Compliance Necessary. "Strict compliance with this rule is necessary, since on September 1 the war department will call for r.ot to exceed one-third of the quote from each state to be entrained for mobi lization camps between September 1 and r. Unless we wish to be put in a position of not furnishing men as fast as the war department is reudy to receive them, each slate should have accumulaed by September 1 : minimum of one-third of its quota n- t exempted or discharged. This can only be attained if local boards certify the! lists up with great expedition." General Crowder has also sent ad ditional caution to examining physi cians of local boards stating that in order to prevent the terrible ravages which result from introduction into the army of that dread disease of the eyes known as trachoma, the litis of every recruit be everted to insure the absence of this disease and that any borderline or suspicious cases be re ferred to an ophthalmic surgeon es pecially qualified in this line. Cover Many Pages. The mobilization regulations refer red to were in the hands of the print ers tonight. They cover many pages and provide for every contingency that can be forseen in the assembling of the men for the new army. ST. MARY'S GUILD..-AIR DOM K. The ladies of St. Mary's Guild of St. Luke's church will have charge of the Air Dome Monday evening, Au gust ICth. There will he a 5-rct picture featuring Jackie Sawyer in "Sunny Jane," and the admission price will be only 10c. Don't fail to see this picture Monday night i;id help St. Mary's Guild. VISITS HERS TODAY Corporal Maldon Brown, Sergeant Taul C. Sprockcr, and Privates Otto Lutz and Henry Soenniscen, all came down from Omaha today in a car, and visited for a short time with friends in the city. Corporal Drown and Private Lutz returnprl thU ftomr.nn while Sergeant Sprccker and Private hoennichsen will remain over until to morrow. Mr. A. Picbtrup and Mr. John Swnon were passengers to Oreapo li today, where they will spend a few dayg at the home of.their friend, Mrs. I. M. Nord, and where they will fish a portion of the time. Chate county will be the banner wheat county of the state again this year, fliere is more room for erood farmers in this -county, and Rosen- cians & lionner have some choice farms for Bale. Go with Rosencrans Sunday evening and look them over. Michelin and Kelly-Sprictrc!d tires. J. v.. ji?M'-'V" v " w urn. Local filews From Thursday's Daily. George Smith, from near Rock Bluffs, was a business visitor in the county scat this afternoon. For a mild, easy action of the bow els, try Doan's Regulets, a modern laxative. "0c at all stores. Chas. Ilerren and wife, Philip Hild and wife and Win. Puis, Sr., were Plattsmoutli visitors, last Saturday. Mrs. Jeff Salsberg of Mynard was a passenger to Omaha this afternoon where she will visit with friends for the day. Vcrner Perry, from near Wabash, this county, was looking after some business in the city this morning, hav ing driven over in his car. WTm. Ileeney of near Manley, a prosperous farmer of that neighbor hood, was looking after some business matters in the county seat this morn ing. L. C. Todd of Nchav.ka motored to this city yesterday to attend to some business matters and visit friends for a short time. Mr. Todd was a pleas ant caller at this office. Rosencrans & Bonner still have a number of choice farms in Chase coun ty that are for sale right. "Rosey" makes another trip Sunday evening. Make arrangements to go with him. Mioses YVilma and Eflie Coguill of Randolph, Nob., came in last evening on the Burlington train, and will visit with their mother, Mrs. Rose Cogdill, who has been spending the summer at the home ol Mrs. Jos. Sans, sr., south of this ctiy. Mrs. Ceor.ev Perry and daughter, Mrs. Emil Lamberg of Colome, S. D., who is visiting with her nu iher, departed last evening for Louisville, whcie they will visit with the for- mcr's son and latte: Ray Beaver. brother, Mr. Ray Parceil of Murdcck was in the city yesterday ar'.d appealed before the board cf pv:irr.! for the :tft , ,)Ut (Md vot W?;ffh enough for hi s height. Iif will hi rnfrt-i'..-! the state er :min:ng board. I rank Moore, v. ho lives some ten mlies south of this city, v. as a busi ness visitor in the county seat this morning, a:: ! called on the Journal and pas.-cd a few moments in plea -ant coj;v( . : tier, with the Icuinil num. " Cfrai u s (ia: ; i Union, metered .-'.ut and Ben uctklv of tins c yesterdi morninj. !r. C-.irrison v online: to at tend to some .business matters, and Ben to tak. the examination fv the dia't. Mr. Gaiiisoii gave this tiike a pleasant call. Joe Creamer of Chicago is visitim. his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Charles L L C: earner and faraiiv. for a few da" ; jjcftvo taking his '.xamipution for ti ! draft. Mr. C: earner thinks he wi ! 'Mill in --, . 4.. . e the privilege of joining the company ami reriment he desires. .eor!re . wno year.; ago livct west cf this city, tut who with ' p.uw- ir.ov"-d to Oklahoma abo;i nuie years a::;, t-iiir.:' in I a .-a from Pratt. Kr.r.. when h;- ha.; hcn for rorr.e tim- rasl wo;ki-ig. a:id wi! work among the farmers west f th: vity, wheiy he formvrly lived. -Air. and Mrs. Ernest Ahrens an- T.1 ...1 .. 1 TT . r . vii, ru-ii, ana .vi r. tienry Jvnabe mi Xehawka, rr,r!o!ed to this ity yester day to attend to some impM ti ir, busi ncss matters ::rd i.-; t v, lth frien Is for a short tirr.f. Fr.-. Ahrens came up to take the exariim.tion for th uiaic. vvniic iier-- .i:. .Anrc?is gave his oMice a pleasant cail. f .... r i r- . vu L. .if.uahcn and lamuv oe- parted this moniing for Kimball Kimball county, this state, where Mr McMaken is interested in a ranch Tliey are making the trip with a car, and will make the journey by easy stages, stopping to camp on the way and getting an outing of the trip, as well as seeing the country as they go. Mr. E. C. Goerke and wife of Oma ha, and Mr. 13. F. Goerke, of Purr, who have been visiting at the home of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Donnelly of this city, departed fo; Omaha this morning. Mr. IJ. I-'. Goerke, who is the father of E. C. ijoerKe, win visit wun ins son in Omaha for a short time before re turning to his home at Burr. The government needs farmers as well as fighters. Two million, three hundred thousand acres of Oregon and California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homesteads and sale. Containing some of best land left in United States. Large Copyrighted map, showing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, temperature, etc. Postpaid, One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. 7-7-3mod&w For any itching skin trouble, piles, sczema, salt rhum, hives, itch, scald head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Oint ment is highly recommended. GOc a o:c uli stores. on all DRESS STRAWS! A good 30 days of hot weather yet ahead of us. You need a new hat for that vacation trip or that stay at home occasion. Buy it now at 25co off. x New ties ever week new Cheneys this week! C. E. Wescott's Sons 'EVERYBODY'S Alvo News Henry Sutlers of Clatonia was in Alvo Saturday. Dale S. Boyles was in Omaha Tues day on business. George Skiles of Murdock visited relatives here Monday. Mrs. Henry Thomas was in Lincoln Saturday on business. Miss Hazel Bobbitt has returned to her home at Stewart. Rev. M. A. Keith is attending the Epuoith assembly at Lincoln. Morris Cnthner is here from Den ver, Colo., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mis. Dan MeCurdy went to Havelock Monday evening. Sam Cashner of University Place was i:; town Monday moaning. G. W. Curyca, Morgan Curyea and Sum Cashner autoed to Lincoln Mon thly. Mr. and Mrs. (arence Bueknell, from near Elmwood, visited home fclks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyles returned last week lrcm their two weeks' out ing iii Colorado. Mis. Cha:;. Snavcly returned Wed nesday f'-om a visit of several days wi'h 'relatives in Lincoln. Mrs. Dr. Paul "hur: an. I daughter, Maxine, spent Sunday witii the doctor's parents at University .u:s. .. w. .".oiris ana son. mund, started Monday for Illinois, -out horn Indiana, and Kentucky for a month's visit with i datives. Chas Sheley ar.d daughter, Mirs Sheley, of Almtnn, Kan., came in Monday to isit the latter's grand parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Thomas. Mi--. P. A. Sione and children left Vr-dncf day on Xo. for their home uar La Junta, Colo., after several weeks' viit with relatives and friends hei e. Mrs. Ned Shaffer and :on, Ross, left 1'iitiay for their home in Denver, Colo., for a week's vi it with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. .Shaffer. They went .via Omaha. Wednesday evening friends gave .Mis. A. Christiansen a pleasant sur prise i:i honor of her fortieth birth day, by gathering at her home to spend the evening. Jehu Foreman accompanied Mrs. G. P. Kahlcr and sjn, Walter Vincent, to Lined a Tuesday, where Walter had his tonsils and adenoids, removed They returned home Wednesday. Sunday forenoon a government bal loon was sightcr northeast 'of town, which seemed to be coming straight 'owanl us, but suddenly veered to the noiihwest. The rnronlc were out with their spyglasses watchui'r it. Mrs. John Elder returned to her home in Kansas City Saturday, after visiting her mother, Mrs. Wesley Uird, and other relatives for several weeks. Her brother, Warren Bird, ac onipanied her home for a short visit. The Ladies' Aid society met last Wednesday with Mrs. Chas. Edwards, vh"'i each lady present wrote to Mrs. Chas. Prouty, who is in a hos pital in Lincoln. Mrs. Prouty is im proving and expects to be able to soon come home. Community club boosters from Alvo and vicinity startetl out Satur day afternoon to boost for the chau- tauqua which will be held here from August 11 to 17. Tftcy visited Eagle, Elmwocd, Wabash and Murdock. There were seventeen autos. Mrs. Agnes Silverstrand writes from Hullet, Wyo., to Mrs. George Foreman, that the season is dryer and t hotter there than the oldest settlers have ever known it to be, and even though they had fine prospects earlier in the season, they will have no crops. Mrs. Andrew Christianson citer- tained relatives and friends who came from Council' Bluffs Friday morning. They were Mrs. Martensoa and chil STORE' dren, Mrs. Mary Peterson and chil dren and Mrs. Olga Peterson and children. They returned to their homes Sunday evening. The I. F. S. club met Wednesday with Miss Mildred Wagner. Roll call was answered by their favorite re cipe. Refreshments consisting of c range sherbert and wafers were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Clara Dick erson. The young ladies will enter tain their mothers at this meeting. On her birthday, July 2oth. Grand ma Thomas received a letter dated July 4, 1917, "Somewhere in France," from her grandson, Y ilbur Thomas, vho is a b.iglar for his company. Jle is well and not unhappy, though a little homesick. lie wishes to hear from his friends, although he may not be able to answer very soon. His ad dress is Buglar Wilbur Thomae, Eighteenth Infantry, Company C, American force, Paris, France. Obituary. Mignonette Johnson was born Jan uary 7, 11117, and died July 31, 1117, after a few days' illness, aged C i months and J 4 days. Funeral serv ices were held at the home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. M. A. Keit!:.' Lr-e Prouty sang "Nearer My God to Thee" and 'Reck oning Hands," in an impressive man ner. Burial was in the Alvo ceme tery. The pail bearers weie: Violet Jordan, Marguerite Muir, Margaret Prouty and Velma Jordan. Little Mignonette was the daughter of Mr. i.nd Mrs. Robert F. Jthn-on, ar.d be sides her parents she leaves two sis ters and four brothers, who greatly mourn her loss. Di'iing her short slay with them she was rdways "a little sunbeam in their home. Their many friends ex. era! pa thy. deepest svm- Card cf Thanks. We desire to thank our neighbors U'.nd friends who so kindly assisted us- ouring the sickners and death of our beloved ( daughter and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Johnson and Children. giSKsaKSsraEs aiMAaueg'jaa i WAKE UP! Robbing Peter, Patrick and Percy to Pay Paul Did it ever occur to you that when you buy at a "Clearance Sale" you unquesionably make a "saving," but those who bought during the season have been paying in advance for your saving? It is obvious that making a sale of old merchandise is suicide. Much of the new stock is inferior to old, and costing much more. Use plenty of salt with "Clearance Sale" adver tising this year. Styles are not changing materially and the business man is not giving away staple merchan dise at less than cost. Sec the new caps in our window miiiimw i mmammmsmm w WOMEN WORK AT SHOPS. pr,m Wert.iesriaVa Da 11 v. There were six women who went to work in the Burlington shops Mon day morning, and five more Tuesday afternoon, making in all so far, elev en. They are giving excellent satis faction, thus far, and more can be used. It is desired that those who desire to engage with the Burlington ccme to the office of the superinten dent or general foreman, so that it can be arranged as to what work they shall be placed at. Do not come to the homes of the officials, but apply at the shops, then the placing of the applicants can be handled to the best interest of those who desire to work, as well as the officials of the com pany. CEMETERY We are now prepared to make your monument, markers and lot corners right at home. Cas County Monu ment Cc, W. T. Wassell, manager. Hotel Riley block, Plattsmouth, Neb. ON ROAD BUSINESS. W. H. Porter, John McCarroll, Dave Murray, Frank Brinkman and George Everett, from rear Union, were in the city Tuesday interviewing the corarais-iuncirs in regard to the chang ing of the Kansas City auto'line. The gentlemen are deeply interested in keeping the line straight south in stead of running west iito Union, and then south, as the proposed change is row up to the commissioners. . li E LUXE DANCE. ! To be given at Coates' hall by I- the De Luxe Dancing club, Sat- ! -I- urday, August 11th. A good time in store for everybody. J V Electric fans, and ice cold re- freshments. Music by Holly's v orchestra. - Admission, gents, 50c; ladies free. m . i- - jjszzeji. tt-ZMsra sssr- f! V - I