The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917. PLATTSMOUTTI SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. UC,E fl. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If any of the readers of th Journal know of any scx-lal event or Uf-m of Interest In ibis vicinity, nnd will mail same 10 MiisnfUre. it will op pear under tills tieatllnK. We want all news items Editor I FROM PERU NORMAL Are Ybw Prosperous? Are you riding on c pros perity wave? If you are, lay aside some of your pro fits now. Deposit your surplus cash in bank. There have been thousands of new bank accounts opened in the oast six months. Are you one of the new de p os i tors? See us toaay about your banking. We 11 be only too glad to explain our methods. Four per cent interest on time deposit?. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law, MURRAY STATE BAMK j J St Mrs. with son. L. D. Hiatt was looking after some matters of business in Plattsniouth Monday. The infant child f Mr. and Hert Lloyd has been numbered the sick for the past few days. Mr. and Mis. W. G. Boedeker Charles, and Walkei Gilmme attend ed the circus in Omaha Monday. C. S. Stone cashier of the Elmwood State Bank, was in Murray for a short visit with friends last evening. Bern To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baxter on July 24. a baby boy. Both mother and little one are nicely. Dwyer and Glen Todd, Misses Jessie Barrows and Helen Todd, went to Omaha Mondav and took in the cir cus. Miss Clara Young was home over Sunday visiting with her parents. She is employed at the Burlington shops in Plattsmouth. Jr. Sandin of Plattsmouth, vacci nated hogs this week for Bob Burr, Fiank Lillie and (leorjre Bay, seventy-one head in all. Miss Mattie Minnier Kampster, of Indiana, is here visitinir with her par ents and brother. She. expects to re main for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. (. S. Ray entertain ed at dinner last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cole, of Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. Warner and two children, Geneva and Bobbie, of Gretna. B. F. Brendel and Pauline Old were Omaha passengers last Dr ham Sunday evening to see Fred Condon at the St. Joseph hospital, making ar rangements to bring him home Mon day evening. An operation was per formed on his limb for an affected knee, removing about a pint of puss and water. With the proper care he will have use of his limb again. and family went to and tock in the tig A If Can seme r Omaha Monday circus. Mrs. Lloyd Gapen and daughter, Miss Villa, were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday. Grandma William Wiley has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. W. II. Puis and family spent the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. Phiiin Ilild. The excavation work for the new Murray garage has been started and Mr. Puis will be found "digging"' away mighty fast until it is com pleted. Frank Slichtemeier made a trip to Plattsmouth Tuesday evening and was caught in the storm anil fearing to return home that evening remained over night. Irene and Lena Phil pot and friend. Miss Philena Reeder, of Sheridan. Wyoming, passed through Murray Tuesday en route to Plattsmouth for a short visit with friends and rela tives. Mrs. Charles Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Minniear went down to Weeping Water Monday evening for a short visit with Ern Carroll and wife. A. L. Baker and daughter, Opha, drove them down to the car. There were quite a number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Friedrich last Sunday evening for a genunie good social time and well they knew where to go for such an occasion. The whole af fair was a surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Friedrich, but they were equal to the occasion and gave their visitors a royal good time. The evening was spent in a varied line of amusements, the program closing with the usual good things to eat. STYLISH AND SERVICEABLE Collar and Cuff Sets! Sheer Organdie Collars, lace trimmed 35 and 50c Good Organdie Shoulder Point Collar and Cuff Sets, 25, 35 and 50c Figured Silk Veils, Pxlo, white, black, navy, gray and emerald colors 50c Boudoir Caps, fine Jap silk, lace trimmed 50c Ladies Wide Flounce Muslin Skirts, good line of sizes 65c, 7f)cand $1.00 Ladies neat embroidered Corset Covers 50c Children's Rompers, fast colors, cheaper than you can make them; ages 2 to 5 .'50c You cannot appreciate the line of aprons and middy combinations in our stock until you have seen them. Hiatt . Tutt, MURRAY, : : : NEBRASKA Miss Etta Nickels was a business visitor in Plattsmouth on Thursday. Threshing is the order of the day in and near Lewiston at the present time. Mis. Will Oliver spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Carl Cole, near Mynard. Albert Wilson and Arthur Crunk sold a load of cattle in South Omaha last Thursday. The barn on the farm of William Puis, sr.. burned Tuesday night, be ing struck by lightning. Mrs. Henry Creamer is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Sans, east of Murray. Dea Ilostetter and wife are rejoic ing this week over the arrival of a fine new son at their home on Mon day. Goerge Shrader is running a fine new Chevrolet car this week that he purchased through the Wassley agency at Plattsmouth. The K. N. K. will meet at the church on Thursday. August 9, for an ail-day quilting. Everybody invited to come and bring their dinner. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Crunk were Nebraska City visitors last Thursday. Remember the Sunday school at Lewiston Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The Murray Hardware and Imple ment company sold a new hay press to Albert Wilson this week. This firm is sure getting their share of the business in their line over this section of Cass county. They are entitled to it, for they are always ready to meet their customers half way in all their dealings. Barn and Contents' Burned. The large barn on the Alex Camp bell place known as the Splitt forty caught fire and burned to the ground on Monday evening of this week. The barn was pretty well rilled with hay, and it is believed that the new alfalfa was the cause of tiie fire; there is no other origin attached to the cause. One stallion and a jack was also burned, being all the stock that was in the barn at the time. The fire start ed between 1 and 2 o'clock and was under good headway for total de struction at the time noticed. The jack was owned by Mont Schrader and Charles Creamer. The property was partially covered by insurance. The Injured in Auto Accident. All the boys injured in the serious auto wreck near the old Young farm last Saturday evening are getting along very nicely, all of whom are up and around with the exception of George Wiley, who is improving, but very slowly. He was able to Joe taken to the home of his mother east of Murray Tuesday. His limbs seem to be partially paralyzed from the in jury, but the physicians are of the opinion that he will be restored to his former health in a few weeks. A. L. Baker was a Plattsmouth vis itor Sunday. THE RED CROSS IN MURRAY. Celebrates Birthday. Last Sunday was little Richard Brendel's second brithday anniversary and in honor of the occasion the doc tor and Mrs. Brendel entertained the relatives of the little lad at dinner i iiusi: pie.eiit to assist mcnaru in celebrating the occasion and partake of the bountiful dinner uere Grandpa and Grandma Jameson and daughter, Miss Grace, of Weeping Water: Grandpa and Grandma Brendel, Dr. Will Brendel and Will Barker, of Avoca; Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brendel, Mr. and Mrs. Will Seybolt, A. L Baker and daughter, Opha Return Home. Friday Dr. Jackson returned from Waterloo, Iowa, and Saturday went to Dunbar to give the pastor there assistance in communion services. He came home from Dunbar Monday evening will go to Red Oak, la., the latter part of the week to assist in services there. Mrs. Jackson, who re mained with their son-in-law and his children at Waterloo, will come this week to Red Oak, and both will come home early next week. There will be Sabbath school but no preaching serv ice at the United Presbyterian church next Sabbath. For the remaining Sabbaths of this month Dr. Jackson will preach in the morning, but there will be no evening service. A large assortment of all sizes of American flags can be secured at the Journal office. Call in and see them The subscriptions and ' books of Treasurer Boedeker for the Murray Red Cross were checked over and aud ited this week by A. O. Davis, Dr. Gilmore and W. G. Boedeker, and the amount assessed to this precinct. $1, 200, was remitted to the county treas urer, R. F, Patterson, at Plattsmouth. The total subscripitons amounted to $1,111.75. Of this amount $00.00 re mains uncollected and after remit ting to the county treasurer there is a balance of $151.75 left in the pre cinct treasury that will be taken up with the home chapter organization when it is completed, and disposed of according to their instructions. Obituary. Mrs. Harvey Gregg passed away at her home northwest of Murray, Thursday evening, July 2(5, at (the age of 25 years, 2 months, 10 days. Edna Ruth Shepherdson was born at Weeping Water, Neb., May 1(5, 181)2. At the age of 19 she was united with the Christian church at Murray, Neb. She had constantly lived a Christian life ever since, and was well loved by all who knew her. She often made the remark to friends and relatives, that her Bible was a great comfort to her during her suffering. She was united in marriage to Harvey Gregg at Nebraska City, Neb., January 29, 1913, and had been a loving wife ant companion ever since. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss, her mother, Mrs. J T. Thurman of Franklin, Neb.; four sisters, Mrs. J. R. Hill and Mrs. Gien Vallery of Murray, Neb.; Mrs. Lem Parish of Elmwood, Neb., and Miss Hortense Shepherdson of Omaha three brothers, W. K. Shepherdson o Teigon, Mont.; T. U. Shepherdson of Larson, Wash., and A. J. Shepherdson of Imperial, Neb. All of these were present at the funeral except W. K and T. U. Shepherdson and Mrs. J. R Hill. The funeral service was preachet at Eight Mile Grove, by Rev. Hog gart of the Christian church of Plattsmouth, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, where a large number of friends gathered to show their last respects to the one who had gone to a better land. TWO THRESHING OUTFITS. From Tuesday's Daily. R. L. Probst is energetic in al things, when he goes after a proposi tion with the idea of getting the most out of it, and he is demonstrat ing this fact by the manner in which he is handling his business. He has two threshing outfits, both of which are running full blast. One of the machines, in charge of James Speck, is at the farm of Oscar Gapen, and threshing out oats, reported to be turning out a good yield of fine grain The other is manned by Frank Blatl zer, working at the Tovey section. where it is doing fine work and also getting good grain. PURCHASES HOME HERE. From Tnesdav's Da 11 v. Mr. Roy Smith purchased a home yesterday, and will move into it in a short time. He made the purchase from W. E. Rosencrans, of one of the three houses which, some time since, Mr, Rosencrans secured through Pe ters & Richards, on West Pearl street There are three cottages just alike, which were built year before last, and are modern in all respects. They being five-room and bath, with fur nace heat, containing gas and elec tric lights, situated on the sewer. The 1 A " .1 consideration ior tne place was $1,900. W. A. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coates' Block, Second Floor 4- Cream Station! Murray, Nebraska Pays the highest cash price for cream, poultry, butter and eggs. Let us deal with yon. We will treat you right. J. G. ER, Prop. On Thursday, August 2, Honorable Jaul Jessen of Nebraska City, will deliver the commencement address. On that date six students will com plete the work for the degree of Bachelor of Education; forty-six will leceive diplomas; twenty-six, the Junior certificate; three, the Trainers' certificate, and 103, the professional life certificate. Out of approximately 800 graduates from the four state normal schools during the last two years, Peru will have graduated near ly 400. A line motion picture machine will be installed in the normal school this fall. One of the most recent movements in Peru for the benefit of worthy stu dents is the organiation and develop ment of a student loan fund asso ciation. Already several hundred dol lars is in sight to start the work. In terested and loyal friends of the normal school and members of the alumni are placing money at the dis posal of the student loan fund board, to be loaned at a low rate of .interest. The infirmary department of Peru will be really organized somewhat this fall. A course in the Red Cross work will be offered by the newly elected nurse, who is a Red Cross nurse. This course will be open to the students and other citizens of southeastern Nebraska. Miss Rose Clark will do institute work in Cass county. She is Peru';-; very efficient teacher of geography. tne Lass county club had a very enjoyable picnic supper Tuesday of last week. About thirty were present. The carnival for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. army fund netted $100. This sum, added to the contribution.; of ,the faculty and business men brings Peru's contribution up to $350 The boys of the normal challenged the faculty to a base ball game, and which was played Monday evening When the smoke of battle had cleared away, it was found that the bovs had won, by a score of 11 to 5. CALLED AWAY ON ACCOUNT DEATH. From Wlne?1ays Iaily. jonn wienman received a message a few days since telling of the death of his brother, Dave Wichman's, daughter, who lived near the city of Brainard, Minn. Mr. John Wichman departed yesterday for that place to attend the funeral of his niece. David Wichman will be remembered to have lived here years ago, and was em ployed in the Burlington shops, but who left here for .the north, and has since been engaged in farming. The daughter is a young lady probably about 2o years of age, but as to what was the cause of death is not known. TO WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. Mrs. Ed Johnson, who has been vis iting in this city, from Denver, and has been a guest at the home of Elmer E. Taylor for the past week, departed this morning for Burling ton, la., where she lived before mov ing to this town, over forty years ago. After completing her visit there she will go to Oklahoma for a month's visit with a daughter before return ing to her home in Denver. After a short stop in Denver she will go to California and spend the winter with her son, William Johnson. SPEND WEEK IN WEST. Chas. Good, the blacksmith, of Murray, who has been in the west, visiting while away at Cheyenne and Denver, Colo., and Billings, Mont., and other points of interest in the west. said that the hottest place he visited was at Uillings, and that he was glad to get back to old Cass county again, lie came in this alternoon, and after visiting here with friends for a few hours, departed for his home in Murray. PUTTING IN HEATING PLANT. From Tuesday's Daily. Henry Boeck is having a larger heating plant placed in his cellar fo- the Boeck building, which comprises the store of E. A. Wurl and the apartments above, which Mr. Boeck occupies and rents. Mr. John Reu- land is doing the work of installing the new heater, and while help short, Mr. Boeck, although now 84 years ot age, is doing tne tending for the mason. This evidences a good deal of pep for Mr. Boeck, for V is a real man's work to tend a mason and especially where the difficulties are as great as they are in this case. wwwl Place Sipes' Hog Oiler in Vour Lot! It is inexpensive; it lasts a lifetime; it is guaranteed to do precisely what we claim for it, so don't take any risk. If you are not satisfied with your bargain we will take back the oiler and cheerfully refund your money. Lice spread from hog to hog and multiply most as fast as you can count; they keep hogs thin and lean looking and make them restless. Hogs tortured by lice can't take on weight or develop into stock that bring the best prices, be cause these pests don't give the animals a chance to de velop in a natural way. OF Murray Hardware and Implement Co., MURRAY, NEBRASKA RETURN TO THEIR HOME. From Wednesday's Daily. Mrs. August Kleesik and two daughters, Misses Lillian and Ma thilde, who have been visiting in this city the past week, guests at the home of Herman Toekotter, and at whose home Mr. and Mrs. Kleesik were married some years ago, de parted on the Burlington this morn ing for their home at Bartley, Neb. Mrs. Kleesik will go home, while the young ladies will stop at Minden, and also at Arapahoe, for visits with friends in both places. VISITING WITH RELATIVES. From Wednesday's Dnily. Raymond Cook motored with his uncle, Mr. Fred Dreamer and family, to University Place, Neb., where he spent a week visiting with them at that place. While there he will also visit with his sister, Miss Nelle, who is now living in Lincoln. MRS. A. D. HASS IMPROVING FROM AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT RUN INTO A FIERCE STORM. From Wednesday's Daily. Yesterday James Marucek and wife were visitors in Omaha, going in their car, their object being to visit with Mrs. C. M. Manners, who is at the Immanuel hospital. They spent the day with her, and found that lady doing nicely, and with hopes of being able to leave the hospital in the near future. When they starred t-. return home, the storm of last evening caught them just this side of South Omaha, where it was violent, and nearly blew the car over. The storm was so bad that they had io stop for a while, until the fury of it was some what abated, before they could con tinue their journey home. From Tuesday's Dally. Mrs. A. B. Hass, who it will be re membered suffered from an auto acci dent in which she was thrown out of the car, and which passed over her, is still at the hospital in Omaha, where she was taken. Mrs. Hass lias had a severe time with her injuries, having had to undergo three opera tions. At the beginning the broken limb could not be set on account of feared blood infection. The thigh bone was allowed to knit, and after ward an X-ray picture taken of it, showing only a thin cartilage con necting the ends of the bone, which had slipped past each other. The bone was broken to be set, which had to be repeated after a space of time, and later, when it was found that the heal ing, was not responding as was de sired, a piece of fiber tissue for the growth of bone was grafted in order to grow a stronger bone at the point of breakage, j She is now showing signs of improvement, but will have to remain in the hospital for some time yet. RETURN HOME. little with A want ad will bring you a buyer. From Wednesday's Daily. Mrs. Robert Roerbach and child, who have been visiting friends and relatives in this city for the past month, departed for their home in Burlington, la., this morn ing, where they moved about a year ago. About a month since, Mr. Roer bach was taken sick, and they both came here until her partial recovery, and some two weeks since, when he felt he was able to work again, re turned to his duties. Summer Goods are Now in Line! Wash Fabrics and complete line of Summer Dress Goods! V Straw Mats! Summer Underwear for Ladies and Gents! Our line is complete in every way. LET US FIT YOU OUT! SUNSHADE" Puis Sr Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska. Drs. tYJach & fJlach, The Dentists Th large, and beet quipped dental oflleu in Oman. Special! charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Price. Porcelain filial Just like tooth. Instrument carefully etexuued alter using. Setd for nm ample oX Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. 3rd Floor Paxton Clock, OMAHA 1 CEMETERY. We are now prepared to make your monument, markers and lot corners right at home. Cass County Monu ment Co., W. T. Wassell, manager. Hotel Riley block, Plattsmouth, Neb. Fistula-Pay When Cured A mlM mvtrm nt trMtment that cures Piles. Fistula and other Recta 1 Diseases in a abort time, without a severe sur gical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general anaathetieViflMi- A core tfnaranteed in every case accented for treatment, and no money to be paid On til cored. Write for book on Recta I Diseases, with names and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who nave been permanently cured. DR. E. It. TARRY 240 Oil Culldln- OE2AIIA, NECRASKA