THURSDAY. ZVLT 12. 1917. PAGE 3L 3: MB COUNTY ... ? COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Plattsmouth, Neb., July 3, 1917. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, Henry Snoke Julius A. Pitz and C. E. Heebner, County Commissioners; Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk. Minutes of 'regular session read and aproved, when the follownig busi ne;s was transacted in regular form County Judge Allen J. Beeson filed an order with the County Clerk re newing the mother's pension of Edith Duckworth, of Nehawka, for $25 per month for a period of six months, and of Augusta Brandt, of Plattsmouth, for $12.00 per month for six months, and same were approved by the Board. County Treasurer instructed to re fund the Village of Eagle, taxes on lots 4, 5, 6, block 2, Eagle Village, for years 1912. 1913, 1914, 1915, and 19 lo, on account of same being vil lage property and not subject to tax ation. County Judge filed his report of fees received 1st quar ter amount $764.25 County Judge filed his report of fees received 2nd quar ter. 1917 533.15 County Clerk filed his report of fees earned 2nd quarter, 1917 250.00 Register of Deeds filed his re port of fees earned 2nd Quarter. 1917 699.90 Cleric of District Court filed his rpnnrt of fees collected 2nd quarter 793 zi County Sheriff filed his report of fees earned 2nd quarter. 70.25 County Clerk reported the total ca-h in hands of County Treasurer June 30, 1917, to be $139,461.69. Resignatfon of S. M. Cox, road overseer Distirct No. 7, Elmwood Precinct, received and accepted by the Board. Petition from Elmwood Precinct signed by S. M. Cox and 51 other residents of said precinct requesting the Board to appoint J. Johannsen road overseer within and for Elm wood .Precinct, vice a. M. Cox, re signed, received and appointment made by the Board. Bond of J Johannsen approved by the Board. A communication received from the chairman of the Board of Trus tees of Grenewood Village, request-. ins? the Board of Commissioners to appoint R. D. McDonald a Justice of the Peace within and for Salt Creek Precinct. On motion said appoint ment was made by the Board. Resignation of H. G. Schwind as Justice of the Peace in Center Pre cinct received and accepted by the Board. Motion made and seconded that H, G. Schwind be appointed Justice of the Peace within and for Center Pre cinct. Motion carried unanimously. The following appropriations were iudited and allowed on the General Fund of Cass County: James Robertson, salary and fees second quarter $249.09 Geo. Verhule, assigned M. Trit.sch, cleaning boilers at court house 3.20 D. C. Morgan, postage to county superintendent .... 13.00 A. D. Despain, carpenter work at court house 19.25 B. C. Marquardt, mdse. to Cottingham 10.00 Hans Sievers, salary and laundry and extra work... 86.00 Iliatt & Tutt, mdse. to Joe Burton 8.08 Frank J. Libershal, salary and xpense 209.42 Opal Fitzgerald, clerk hire, county attorney" and super- , - intendent 50.00 E. Hartford, fuel to Jen- nings Stanfield Book Shop, flag to 4.25 court house 15.00 Jess F. Warga, supplies to court house 1.80 Fred Patterson, office and field work 65.10Wm. Richards, bridge work.. G. W. Homan, helping county surveyor 1.00 J. H. Thrasher, bailiff's cer tificate 4.00 W. R. Egenberger, coal to Moore 15.00 A. G. Cole, salary and ex- pense 101.50 Mrs A. L. Marshall, care of Max Barger, 2nd quarter, 1917 13.00 Chris Mockenhaupt, brick to county farm 8.00 Mrs. Emma C. Miller, care of dependent children, July... 10.00 Mrs. Martha A. Haddon, care of dependent children, July 25.00 Mrs. Susie Urwin, care of de pendent children, July 20.00 Mrs Edna Denson, care of de pendent children, July 20.00 Mrs. Mary Thompson, care of 8.00 Mrs Sigrid Schmarter, care of dependent children, July... 10.00 Mrs. Mollie Garnes, care of dependent children, July. . . 20.00 Mrs. Clara Matzke, care of dependent children, July... 20.00 Mrs. Lucy B. Lyle, care of dependent children, July . . 15.00 Mrs. Virgie L. Frady, care of - dependent children, July. . . 25.00 Mrs. Stella Persinger, care of dependent children, July... 20.00 Mrs. Belle D. Grassman, care of dependent children, July 10.00 Mrs. Ida Schlieske, care of de pendent children, July 25.00 Mrs. Margaret Leland, care of dependent children, July. 10.00 Mrs. Grace Sperry, care of dependent children, July... 15.00 Mrs. Grace B. Tower, care of dependent children, July... 15.00 Mrs. Josephine Havir, care of dependent children, July. . . 15.00 Mrs. Lillian B. Baker, care of dependent children, July... 25.00 A. W. White, mdse- to coun ty farm 40. 60 Streight & Streight, mdse. to county farm 58 . 50 Will T. Adams, assisting county assessor r6.20 Geo. L. Farley, assessor, sal ary for June 50.00 Henry Snoke, salary and mileage 77.30 Julius A. Pitz, salary and mileage 46.16 Julius A. Pitz, auto hire, Board of Equalization 10.05 Western Mach. & Fdy. Co., repair work for county farm . . . : 4.00 J. H. Tarns, salary for June.. 100.00 John N. Schwartz, painting at countv farm 24.63 C. D. Quinton, boarding coun- prisoners, June 26.00 C. D Quinton, salary for June 14a. 83 C. D. Quinton, jailer fees for June ... , ; - ... - - 45.00 Will Richardson, mdse. to county farm 31.50 Lincoln Teleph. & Teleg. Co., rent and tolls 45.30 Mrs. Dora Fleishman, care of blind man, 2nd quarter. 1917 18.00 Dr. M. U. Thomas, quaran tine, Frank Marshall 5.00 C. D. Quinton, expense tak- Wittstruck, Frazee and O'Brien to penitentiary... S1.50 Col. W . S. Asquith, insane case. Hermena Lender .... 23.74 H. M. Soennichsen, mdse. to Collins, $5; Worden, $5; Hart. $5; Kushinsky, S5.. 20.00 E. M Patterson, helping sur veyor 1.00 Mrs. Edith Duckworth, care of dependent children, July. 25.00 W. Brendel, assessing Avoca Precinct .. 161.08 Plattsmouth Steam Laundry, laundry to jail Hatt & Son, mdse. to Lam berts 10.00 Eda Marquardt, salary and expense 136.51 Jess F. Warga, lamps to jail. 1.35 I Win. Schmidtman, mdse. to county assessor and sheriff. 25.05 Peters & Parker, labor at jail Louisville Courier,. notice 4.00 Board of Equalization 1.00 Plattsmouth Journal, supplies 56.82 Elmwood" Leader Echo, notice oard of Equalization 1.00 West Disinfecting Co., Pipe Klenzo 8.9 Weeping Water Republican, notiee Board of Equalization 1.00 C. E. Heebner, salary and mileaee 27.90 Waterman Lbr. & Coal Co., posts to court house 1.50 Mrs. Augusta Brandt, care of detendent children, July. . . 12.00 Mrs. Rose Brounko, care of dependent children, July. . . 10.00 Nebr. Lighting Co., gas and electricity to court house and jail . . .. 22.86 Louie F. Hennings, damages, account loss of horse and property 250.00 The following claims were audited and allowed on the Bridge Fund of Cass County: Grebe & Almy, bridge lumber. $ 16.00 Bestor & Swatek, bridge material 2.10 20.80 46.68 8.75 Tom Smith, bridge work.... 1 1. J- Hall, bridge lumber. Butts & Hendrix, bridge material 5.46 IF. W. Nolting, bridge work.. 21.20 Mike Lutz, bridge work 16.10 J. C. Lomeyer, bridge work.. 12.60 C. F. Vallery, bridge work... 23.50 4.20 9.00 129.00 129.00 J. F. Wehrbein, bridge work. W. J. Partridge, bridge work. E. J. Rihcey, bridge lumber. . E. J. Richey, bridge lumber. . Geo. W: Voss Co., bridge lumber 457.95 H. A. Meisinger, bridge work. 44.50 Wm. Sheehan, bridge work... 21.35 The following claims were audited and allowed on 'the Road Fund of Cass County: Walter Byers, road work, Road District No. 27 $107.45 Tom Smith, road work, Road District No. 10....... 42.90 Wm. Richards, road work, dependent children, July. . . Road District No. 4 26.35 om Smith, road work, Road District No. 10 88.70 Wm. Richards, road work, Road District No.' 4 . . . 23.85 J. C. Lohmeyer, road work, Road District No. 5...... 85.85 N. Nolting, road work, Road District No. 1 26.60 W. J. Partridge, road work, Road District No. 9... 44.75 W. J. Partridge, road work, Road District No. 13 31.50 F. 'Vallery, road work, Road District No. 1 73.75 Albert Sergun, grading, Road District No. 1 95.00 S. A. Meisinger, road work, Road District No. 2 46.30 August Krecklow, making drags. Road District No. 8. 24.00 W. E. Palmeter, blacksmith work. Road District No. 15 6.00 S. M. Cox, road work, Road District No. 7 72.00 S. M. Cox, road work, Road District No. 7 32.80 J. Johannsen, road work, Road District No. 7 12.00 J. Johannsen, road work, Road District No. 7 64.20 W. J. Althouse, road work, Road District No. 6 121.20 Bestor & Swatek, hardware, Road District No. 1 5.45 Nick Becker, road work, Road District No. 16 18.60 Chas. Frohlich, road work, Road District No. 16 17.90 J. E. Casey, road work, Road District No. 16 4.20 Henry Snoke, road work, Road District No. 16 1.00 G. W. Harshman, road work, Road District No. 13 21.85 The Galion Iron Wks. & Mfg. Co., drags and culvert pipes. Road District No. 12 99.29 Will M. Hoover, road work, Road District No. 3 67.85 John Iverson, blacksmith work. Road District No. 27. 4.00 James Johnson, blacksmith work. Road District No. 2. 7.80 Wm. Sheehan, road work, Road District No. 8 171.05 The following claims were audited and allowed on the Commissioner Road Fund of Cass County : R. S. McCleery, work Dist 13, Comm. Dist. 2 $ 12.00 G. E. Young, grading Mt. Pleasant Prect., Comm.' trict 2 J. D. Adams & Co., repairs for Grader, Comm. Dist. 2. E. J. Richey, sewer pipe, Comm. Dist. 1 Lehmer Bros., assigned Bank of Cass County, part pay ment, grading Comm. Dist. 165.00 3.00 1 500.00 The following claims were audited and allowed on the Dragging Fund of Cass County: Nick Becker, dragging Dis- trict iio. lb 5 P. A.' White, dragging Dis- trict No. 6 27.00 J. H. Foreman, dragging Dis trict No. 6 26.25 1 Chas. Frohlich, dragging Dis trict No. 16 19.86 1 Harry Marolf, dragging Dis- 1 trict No. 6 18.00 Tom Smith, dragging Dis trict No. 10 43.50 1 VVm. Richards, dragging Dis 1 . trict No. 4 19.95 Wm. Richards, dragging Dis trict No. 4 11.25 J. Johannsen, dragging Dis trict No. 4 11.25 J. C. Lohmeyer, dragging uisinci ino. o a. to H. C. Creamer, dragging Dis trict No. 10 33.00 J. F. Wehrbein, dragging Dis trict No. 1 23.2 Aug. Krecklow, dragging Dis trict No. 8 54.60 H. A. Meisinger, dragging District No. 2 17.06 Alex Campbell, dragging Dis trict No. 27 6.7i Chas. Creamer, dragging Dis trict No. 27 11.25 Walter Mead, dragging Dis- A -A. XT nrr IIICL VtV. .i O.OO Frank Grauf, dragging Dis trict No. 27 3.75 J. H. Graves, dragging Dis trict No. 27 8.60 Robt. Propst, dragging Dis trict No. 1 16.50 John Long, dragging Dis trict No. 1 6.00 C. F. Vallery, dragging Dis trict No. 1 4.50 Jno. P. Meisinger, dragging District No. 1 18.00 Earl Cole, dragging District " trict No. 1 7.50 C. L. Wiles, dragging District No. 1 9.00 Fred Nolting, dragging Dis trict No. 1 6.18 On motion the Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, August 7, 1917. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. John O'Rourke, who for the past several months has been in the south for his health, is in the city for a visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. T. E. Parmele, and with his many old friends. This is the first visit here for some time for Mr. O'Rourke. Local Mews From Tuesday's Daily. L. D. Hiatt of Murray was in the city last evening for a few hours look ing after some matters of business. Frank E. Schlater was among those going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours looking after some busi ness matters. Will T. Adams departed this morn ing for Howard county, Neb., where he will visit with his son, Max, on the farm near St. Paul. Luther Swan, who has been visiting at Monticello, Arkansas, for a week or ten days, returned home yesterday after a very pleasant visit with home folks. Mrs. Morgan Waybright and niece, Miss Ethel Beverage, were among those going to Omaha this morning to visit for a few hours looking after some business matters. Frank H. Johnson, wife and little son, were in the city Sunday to visit for a few hours with relatives and friends, motoring up from their home near Weeping Water. Charles McGuire and wife departed this morning for Osmond, Neb., where they were called by the death of Mrs. Becker, a relative, and they will re main until after the funeral. Mrs. Frank Reister of Manley and parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scheel, and brother, John Scheel, jr., of Mur dock, motored to this city yesterday afternoon to attend to some important business matters and visit friends for a short time. From Wednesday's Daily. W.-F. Moore and B. F. Brendel of Murray were in the city last evening for a few hours en route home from Omaha. Mrs. Carl Kunsmann departed this morning for Hastings, Neb., where she will visit with her mother for a short time! Mrs. E. S. Chandler and Mrs. Bar ney Eardwell and children of Lincoln came in last evening for a visit in this city with relatives and friends. George W. Tidd, wife and two sons, of Enid. Okla.. are in the city en joying a visit here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tidd, Louis Minnier departed this morn ing for Malvern, la., where he will spend a short time visiting with rela tives on a farm near that place. F. M. Huff and children of Wyota, la., who has been here visiting wtih relatives and friends for a short time, departed this morning for their home. Miss Ethel Beverage of this city departed yesterday for Wisner, Neb., where she will visit for a short time and mcy decide to remain for the present. George Lamphere, jr., and Mike Hula departed this morning for Oma ha, where they were called to report for service in the United States navy, in which they have just enlisted. Captain F. E. Crawford of the Wy- more company of the Fifth Nebraska, who has been here for a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hill, departed this morning for his home. A marriage license was isued today in county court to Rudolph Bergmann of Manley and Miss Irma Koop of Louisville. Both of the young people are well known throughout the cen tral portion of the county. Ben Beckman came up this morning from his home near Murray and de parted on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where he will visit his little granddaughter at the Presby terian hospital in that city. Mrs. Louis Rheinackle of near Mur ray, came down last evening from Omaha, where she had been at the side of her little daughter at the Presbyterian hospital, where she is recovering from an operation for ap pendicitis. Ralph Larson of Louisville came down this morning to spend a few hours visiting with relatives and friends and looking after some busi ness matters. Ralph will leave on the 15th to join the Wymore company of the Fifth Nebraska. ARRIVAL OF NEW SON. From Tuesday's Dally. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Barnette, in this city, will be pleased to learn of the arrival at their home in Linn Grove, la., on July 8th, of a fine little son and he!r. The mother and little one are both reported as doing nicely and the little one is the source of much joy to the young par ents. Mrs. Barnette was formerly Miss Alice Tuey of this city. SELLS RESIDENCE PROPERTY. From Tuesday's Daily. The residence property belonging to the late Mrs. Dora Oldham Moore was sold this morning at the court house under a decision of the district court for a division of the property of the deceased. The property was sold for $1,200 and was purchased by Mrs. Jennie Tuey. OLD LADY FEELING FINE After Taking Four Bottles Of Cardui, The Woman's Tonic Cobden,.m. ''Having used Cardui, the woman's tonic, in my family, for a number cf years," writes Mrs. Kate Metz, of this town, "and always with such good results, I feel it my duty to write you about it, bo that you may publish my letter. My mother is living Trith me, and she is 52 years old. For the last three or four years, she has been troubled a great deal with cramping spells, and for days at a time, she would have a severe headache. She read of how much Cardui has helped other women who were sick and ailing, ana aeciaea to give 11 a trial. She beeran taking it three times a day, and since tnen nas Deen geuuig along simply fine. . A i Mother only used lour bottles 01 Cardui. but she is no longer troubled with the severe headaches, and her stomach is so much stronger that she can eat most anything. We both feel that any lady who is net strong and well, would be greatly benefited by tne use 01 caraui." Trv Card-u-i. NCB s EPWORTH LEAGUE HAS PLEASANT MEETING AT METHODIST CHURCH Last evening the members of the Epworth League enjoyed a very pleas ant time at the First Methodist church at one of their always delightful so cial gatherings. There were over sev enty in attendance, and one of the features of the evening was a little playlet in which the members who were delegates to the Ashland con vention of the league acted out in splendid shape the proceedings of the district meeting, and gave those who had not attended the opportunity of securing information as to what had been taken up there. A number of humorous dialogues were given during the course of the play that added to the interest and pleasure of the aud itors. After the playlet the members were treated to some dainty and de licious refreshments. The meeting was addressed briefly by Rev. Cleveland of the Central Park Congregational church of Omaha, who was here in the interest of a little booklet that is being distributed to the soldiers and sailors of the United States engaged in the European war, ani which contains a great many in teresting quotations from the gems of literature, as well as from the Bible, and with the name and address of the man. The Epworth league last eve ning raised the sum of $20 to assist in purchasing these booklets, which will be distributed to the boys going or who have already left this city for service in their country's cause. WOODMAN CIRCLE HOLDS MEETING AND ONE CAN DIDATE IS INITIATED From Wednesday's Dally. A very interesting meeting was held last evening by the Woodman Circle, and one candidate was ini tiated and four new members voted upon. The meeting was well attended end a number of interesting matters brought up. For the benefit of the members who have not been attending the meetings regularly, the local grove is giving in part some of the rulings adopted by the officers and members at the sec ond meeting in January, 1917, which is as follows: "That money collected from the penny march be spent for flowers for members who are away in hospitals. In case of death flowers are to be sent only to members be longing to the order." It was decided that during the months of July and August there will be only one meeting held and that on the second Tuesday of each month. FINED $5 AND COSTS FOR EXPOSURE OF PERSON From Wednesday's Daily. This morning Clarence Moore was arraigned in the court of County Judge Allen J. Beeson to answer to, the charge preferred against him by County Attorney Cole, that of undue exposure of his person on June 30th, in the rear of the building accupied by M. E. Smith & Co. The court after hearing the evidence submitted in the case by the prosecution, decided that the man was guilty of the charge pre ferred against him and gave him the limit set by the law for such offenses, $5 and costs, amounting to a total of $10.75, which he paid. the mTincT roiRT or cass rotXTV, .F.BR.lSKAi In the Matter of the Guardianship of Anna C. Ohilcott, Insane. Order to show Cause. This cause came on for hearir.ff tiDOn the petition of Wesley Chilcott, guard ian of the person and estate or Anna C. Chilcott. insane, praying for license to sell the interest of his said ward, Anna C. Chilcott, in and to the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter of the North east Quarter of section 'l werity-tour 24 in Township Ten (10) Ranee Thir teen (13) in Cass County. Nebraska. Haul petitioner also alleging that tne wife of petitioner. Anna C. Chilcott, was adjudged insane on the 15th day of April, A. D. 1902, and has ever since remained insane, and is now confined in the insane asylum in the state of Nebraska. That petitioner is the owner in fee simple title of the above de scribed real estate, and the Court is asked to ascertain the present value of the interest of petitioner's wife, and to authorize petitioner to sell the same at public or private sale. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in the estate and in terest of said Anna C. Chilcott, insane, in and to the above described real es tate, appear before me at the office of the Clerk of the District Court at Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska. on the 4th day of August. A. D. 1917. at 10:00 o clock a. m. or said cay, to show cause why the Court should not determine the present value of the in terest of said Anna C. Cnilcott in and to the real estate hereinbefore de scribed, and why license should not be granted to Wesley Chilcott, guard ian of Anna C. Cnilcott, insane, to sen the interest of his said ward in and to the real estate hereinbefore ue sori lied. This order shal be served by publish ing the same in the Plattsmouth Jour nal for at least three weens success ively prior to August 4th. 191 1. Dated this 2-th day of June, A. l. i!ti;. JAMES T. BEGLKV, Judge of the District Court. July 9-3wks AOTICK TO CREDITOR!. The State of Nebraska,) Cass County, ) ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of the Instate of Selina Earwick, Deceased To the Credit ors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the Countv Court Koom in Plattsmouth, in said County, on the fitli .lav of August. 1917. and 6th da-v of Feb'ruarv. 191$. at 9 o'clock A. M., i on each or .aia nays, to receive anu examine all claims against said Estate. with u view to their adjustment and allowance. The" time limited for the presentation of claims against said Ins tate is six months from the 6th day of August. A. D. 1917, and the time limited for payment of dettt is one Year from said 2nd day of July, 191. Witness my hand and tr.e seal of -aid County Court, this Hr.d day of July. 1917. AL.L.1-.A J. JrSrJi.u;s, County Judge. (ITI r. OK SKTTLEMKXT OK ;t AKIJIAN All Ol .M'. .n the Matter of Guardianship of Loyd ortman. Incompetent: All persons interested in said guard :anship matter and in the estate of ;aid incompetent will take notice that the guardian has filed his report and account to date and petitioned for -ettlement and alloance of said report j.nd account: that a hearing will be had upon the same in said court on the 27th day of July. 1917. at 10 A. M.. and all objections to said account and report shall be on file before said hearing. Dated tbis 6tli rtav of Julv. 1H17. ALLEN J. BEESON. Couniy Judge. OTKK OK AI'PI.IC ATOX IKKl. KOIt TAX To A. H. Graves, first real name un known: Mis. A. H. Graves, first real name unknown: E. A. Graves, first real name unknown: 3Irs. K. A. Graves, first real name unknown: E. R Graves, first real nam unknown; Mrs. E. L. Graves, first real name unknown: W. W. Graves, first real name unknown, and Mrs. W. W. (Jraves, first real name unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned, Frank li. !agel. purchased lots one (11. two c'j, three CD, four (1), five 5. six id, in block four (-1), south two 41') vest in the Village of Rock Bluffs. 2"ass County, Nebraska, on the l.'th day of November. 1915, for the delin luent taxes thereon for the year 1914. imounting to seventy cents, receiving therefore County Treasurer's certifi cate of tax sale No. 4700: that said lot bvas assessed in the name of A. H. 3raves and that the record title there co in the o..ce of the Register of Deeds of Cass County, Nebraska, stands n the name of A. H. Graves, E. A. Graves, E. L. Graves and W. W. Graves: that subsequently thereto, the undersigned, on the 2nd day of June, 1916, paid on lote under said certifi cate, taxes for the year 1915, amount ing to eleven cents, and thereafter, the undersigned, on the L'nd day of July, 1917. paid on said lot under said cer tificate, taxes for the year 1916, imounting to eleven cents, and after the 15th day of November, 1917, the undersigned will apply to the Countv Treasurer of Cass county, Nebraska, for a deed to said lot in case redemp tion has not been made. The under signed, during all of said time from the receipt of said original tax sale certificate, having been in possession of said land. Of all of which you will take due notice. FRANK B. SLAG EL. Purchaser. XOTICK OK APPLICATION' FOR TAX DRKD. To Clemenzie Inhelder, widow; Emma Walrod and husband. George Walrod, John Inhelder and wife. Mrs. John In helder. first real name unknown: Frank Inhelder and wife. Mrs. Frank Jacob Inhelder and wife, Mrs. Jacob Inhelder, first real name unknown: nhelder. first real name unknown: Mary Shirke, widow: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that the undersigned. Henry In helder, purchaser lot 15, in the north west quarter of the southwest quarter of section 5, township 12. north range 12, east of the 6th I'. M.. in the County of Cass, Nebraska, on the 3rd day of November, 1913, for the delinquent taxes for the year 1912, amounting to $1.19. receiving therefor County Treas urer's Certificate of tax sale Xo. 4315; that said lot was assessed in the name of "Inhelder Estate" and that the rec ord title thereto in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cass Cour ty, Ne braska, stands in the name of John Inhelder, now deceased, of whom you and others constitute the heirs at law; that subsequently thereto the under signed on the 7th day of May, 1914, paid on said lot under said certificate, taxes for the year 1913, amounting to 45 cents, and thereafter, the under signed on September 3, 1915, paid on said lot, under said certificate, taxes for for the year 1914. amounting to 51 cents, and thereafter, the undersigned on September 9. 1916, paid under said certificate on said lot. taxes for the vear 1915. amounting to 47 cents, and thereafter, on May 24, 1917. the under signed paid on said lot under said cer tificate taxes for the year 1916, amounting to 93 cents, and that after the 3rd day of November. A. D. 1917, the undersigned will apply to the County Treasurer of Cass County, Ne braska, for a deed to said lot in case redemption has not been made. or ail or wmcn you wm lane aue notice. HENFtY LVHELDER, Purchaser. July 9 S wks s-w NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED. To Clemenzle Inhelder. widow; Emma Walrod and husband, George Wal rod; John Inhelder and wife. Mrs. John Inhelder, first real name un known; Frank Inhelder and wife, Mrs Frank Inhelder, first real name unknown: John Inhelder and wife, Mrs. John Inhelder, first real name unknown: Jacob Inhelder and wife, Mrs. Jacob Inhelder. first real name unknown; Mary Shirke, widow: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that the undersigned. Henry In helder, purchased lot 16. in the south west quarter of the northwest quarter of section 5. township 12. north ransre 11, east of the eth P. M.. in the Countv of Cass, Nebraska, on the 3rd day of November, 191-?. for the delinquent taxes for the year 1912, amounting to $1.02: receiving therefor, County Treasurer's certificate of tax sale No. 4.114:. that said lot was assessed in the name of "Inhelder Instate" and that the record title thereto in the office of the register of deeds of Cass Coun tv. Nebraska, stands in the name of Henry Inhelder, now deceased. of whom you and others constitute the heirs at law; that subsequently there to, the undersigned on the 7th ds-.y of Mav. 1914, paid on said lot under said certificate, taxes for the year 1913, amounting to :? cents, and thereaf ter, the undersigned on September 3. 19 IS, paid on said lot, under said certificate. I taxes for the year 1914, amounting to 34 cents, and thereafter, tiie under signed on September 9, 1916, paid un der said certificate on said lot, taxes for th year 191.", amounting to SI cents, and thereafter, on May 24, 1917, the undersigned paid on said lot under said certificate, taxes for the year 1.416. amounting to $2.1", and that after the 3rd rtav of November. A. D. 1917. the undersigned will apply to the County Treasurer of Cass County, Ne braska, for a deed to said lot in case redemption lias not been made. Of ali of which you will take due notice HENRY INHELDER, Purchaser. July 9 3 wks s-w IN THE DISTRICT COl'RT IV AND Ftlll CAS CO I N TV. NEliRAMCA. Ernestine Schneider, PlaintifT, vs. Marie P.iebe. Arthur P.iebn, ,er husband; Charles Rau, Selma H. I'.au, Hfl'n Rau, Verner Rau. Her man Tlau. Jr.: Adolph Rau, Sarah C. Rau. h's wife: Ksther Iuiso Ran, and Arthur O. Ruelir, admin istrator of tl.e estate of Herman Rau. Jr.. deceased. Defendants. Notice of Referee's Sale. NOTIcr: IS HEREDY OIVKX that in pursuance of an order of the District Court !u!v entered on the :50th day of June. 1 : 1 7 . in the a'-ove entitled cause authorizing nie. as referee, in partition to sell the following described real es tate, for cash, and as upon execution, lO-v.-u. me i-.ast one-nan i in" .or wi quarter, am! the Southwest quarter an in Section thirty-three. Township twelve. Range ten, containing acres. That T will on the 11th day of Aug ust. R17. at tl.e hour of eleven o'rUn k A. M. of said day. at the South front door of tlie Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska, sell to the highest bidder for cash the above and foregoing described real es tate and in such parts as will be an nounced at said sale, reserving the right to reject or accept any r;tid all bids made at said sale. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated this SOth dav of June. 1917. WILLIAM K. FOX, Peferee in Partition. MATTHEW ORRINO. Attorney. s-w-full "0 dys OHIIKK OK IIt:I!I(; AMI NOTIl K OK I'ROIMTK OK Wll.l.. In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, ) County of Cais, )ss.: To all persons interested in the estate of .Andrew Dill, deceased: On reading the petition of Susan Dill pravincr that tl.e instrument filed in this' court on the 23rd day of June. 1917, nd purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, mav be provd and allowed, and record ed a the last will and testament of Andrew Dill, dceased: that said instru ment be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be grant ed to Renjamin Dill, a5 administrator, with will annexed. It is hereby ordered that you. aud. a.11 persons interested In said matter, may. and do. appear at the Countv Court to he held In and for said countv, on the 16th day of Jui,e, A. D. 1917, at ten o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any there be. why tl.e prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of tl.e jjend eney of said perjt ion and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a weekly newspaper, printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this -Zid dav of June. a. D. 1917. ALLEN J. BEESON. (SEAL) County Judge. June25-Ct-wkly NOTICE TO CREDITORS. State of Nebraska, Cass County. ) ss.: In County Court. Irj the matter of the estate A. Noyes. deceased: of Pricilla Notice is hereby given to the credit ors of said deceased that hearings will be had upon claims filed against said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass Ccunty, Nebraska, at the Countv Court room in Plattsmouth. in said County, on the 2"rd day of July, 1917. and on the 23rd day of January. 191s. at 10 o'clock A. M.. each dav for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. All claims must be filed in said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said Count--' Court", at Plattsmouth. Nebras ka, tlds 22nd dav of June. 1917. ALLEN .1. BEESON. (SEAL) County Judge. June25-4t-wkly NOTICE. Kohert P.orabeek and Mrs. Mary P.o rabeck will take notice that on the 11th day of May. 1917. M. Archer, a justice of the peace of Cas-s countv, Nebraska, issued an order of attach ment for the sum of ;.i2.9.;. in an ac ' tion pending before him, wherein II Melehoir Soennichsen i phiintilT and Kobert Korabeek and Mrs. Pobert IIo rabeek are defendants, that property of the defenJants has been attached under said order. Said cause was con tinued to the 25th day of July, 1917, at 9 o'clock A. M. II. M. SOENNCTISEN. Plaintiff. 7-2-3 wks-wkly EAGLE BASEBALL TEAM TO PLAY HERE SUNDAY From Wednesday's Daily. On Sunday next the bare ball team from our neighboring town of Eagle will journey down to engage the mighty Red Sox in battle on the local lot. The Eagle team will give a good exhibition for the fans as last year's team played one of the best games seen on the local lot, it requiring eleven innings for the Sox to win, by a 1 to 0 score. This game should draw heavily with two Cass. county teams engaged, and will be well worth attending by all those who are lovers cf the great national sport. The game will be called at 3 o'clock, which will give plenty of time for all those out in the country to attend the game. Remember the Journal carries the finest line of stationery in town, and can please all in this line of goods. I