The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 05, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Catered at Postofflce at Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Don't kick on hot weather yet. ,
Xo paper on the Fourth.
The Chautauqua has done well.
Many farmers in town Saturday.
Yes, we will have a chautauqua next
None so happy as a June bride in
Just the kind of weather the farm
ers want.
Cass county is very liable to double
the dose on the corn crop this year.
When a man says he is willing to
do the right thing, for heaven's sake,
give him a chance.
Down with the price of food stulYs
and see that it is done to all in
tents and purposes.
A food speculator is a highway
robber, who uses a dirk and an cilice
chair instead of a gun.
A few things Americans have not
done they are doing now, or have
themselves bolstered up to do.
If a gill looks good in overalls ;-he
will be accused of being immodest
If she doesn't look good she won't
wear them.
It is undeniable that a young man
looks better in an army or navy uni
form than in civilian clothes, and he
doubtless feels .that way, too.
In the reducing of waists as well
as .waste this war will do much tu
improve the appearance and efficiency
of the singular 'human race.
Answcring the inquiry as to what
has become of the old-fashioned
.''baker's dozen," it is darkly hinted
that a linker's dozen may presently
become eleven.
With physicians in great demand
for army service perhaps the short
age, if there be one, will result in a
decrease in imaginary ills for which
many chase to the doctor.
To Makelfsmr
DEGIN NOW by getting a Fisk for your
spare rim. Thousands of today's users
of complete Fisk equipment began years
ago with the purchase of a single tire. Ex
perience proved to them that the famous
Fisk Non-Skid is the greatest dollar-for-dollar
tire value on the market and the
standard of Fisk Quality is higher today
than ever.
Fisk Tires For Sale By
ch Joiin Bauer
hJU H w all
The Fourth is over.
IIow did you like the State band?
Thc government is right after the
Paris is having a lot of trouble
pronouncing Tershing's r.ame, which
squares us for the difficulties we had
with Joffre's'.
John Hull is reported as worrying
because his girl workers in factories
are smoking, but, of course, that is
not as much to worry about as if they
had taken to the use of fine cut.
It is best to be on the lookout
where you fling your firecrackers to
morrow. By the use of a little judg
ment you may prevent disastrous con
flagrations. And it does not cost any
thing to use care.
We may next expect to hear that
Geimany has abandoned the coal
legion because coal is not needed in
the warm months, and it is a wise
strategic move to put the burden of
operating the mines on the allies.
A debating society has taken tho
momentous question: ''Is a woman
justified in giving up alimony in or
der to marry again?'' Of course she
is, if she wants to. r.nd it would prove
very satisfactory to the former hus
band, no doubt.
Another time-honored theory ex
ploded. They have it that the home
of John Davis, near Fremont, was
struck in the same three times
one night last week by ljghtning. The
old theory then, that ''lightning never
strikes twice in the same place,"
doesn't hold good.
Every man and eveiy woman in
this country can do one thing for the
common good, if they areunable to
do anything else; they can stand up
for their native land in their homes,
in their churches, in their social cir
cles, in places of business and on the
streets. Nothing is so inexcusable as
a failure to defend your own govern
ment at a time like this, when the
price of so doing is but the courage
to be fair with yourself.
--"- L',
1fis Equipment
The United States government ii
'not overlooking anything in its effort
to stimulate patriotism, and that is ai
it should be, and that is why the peo
ple of this country are being urged
to celebrate Independence day on tho
high patriotic plane of former times.
Here is what the committee on pub
lic information has issued pertaining
to the. celebrating of the Fourth of
"This coming Fourth of July should
be observed throughout the land in
spirit which recalls all the signifi
cance of the day to a democracy at
war for its ideals and its threatened
existence. Noise and useless illumina
tion and unthinking celebration have
no proper place in times such a
these. Let there be a return to those
ceremonies and addresses which pre
vailed in other days. Citizenship has
taken on today a new significance as
service, not for those in the rank
alone, for for every civilian. Sacri
fices will be asked on the battle line
and behind it. It would be utter fu
tility to prepare our nation for the
tasks that confront it by firecrackers
and skyrockets and rhetorical boast
ing. Lei the ceremonies this year
contain a message to the better spirit
of America. Give our people tho
solid facts that bring home to them
the issues of this war as America's
war, not by its own seeking, but be
cause it was thrust upon us by an
insolence that has flaunted every
standard of national and international
morality and violated in succession
every pledge it made us. This is th
nation's day, but the springs of na
tional life are in the community where
neighbor meets neighbor and each
helps the other in conference on their
common interests. This Independence
day should see each community gath
ered for sober and heartening discus
sion of the problems and responsibili
ties of our great democracy at war.
''Every organization should co-operate
to make it such a celebration a -,
will carry to every home and every
element among our people the gravity
of issues that strike to the very root
of the nation born 141 years ago and
dedicated to freedom. We are en
gaged today in a struggle which will
determine whether the ideas on which
our republic was founded shall sur
vive. No better service can he ren
dered than by a thoughtful exposiiicrt
of our direct and vital interest in the
successful issue of the war that in
volves the perpetuity of free govern
ments and national independence.
"Let every citizen and community
set aside this birthday of the nation
to the solemn duty of consecrating
themselves and all they have and arf
to the great task of making a world
in which they and their children's
children may dwell under the flag of
their fathers free from the menace of
militarism and happy in the posses
sion of a land dedicated anew on the
world's battle line of democracy to
self-government and human rights."
. Lieutenant Colonel Harding, gov
vrnor of the Panama canal, states in
his monthly report for May that thr
total number of ships making the
transit of the canal during the month
was 108. The aggregate net tonnage
of the ships passing through the canal
was 522,017, Panama canal measure
ment, and the total cargo carried
through tho canal was G17.103 long
tons. Collection of tolls amounted to
The chautauqua is past for this
year, and so successful did it prov
that we are assured another next year
but a better location should be se
lected, by every reason possible. The
present location may suit some, but
not all, by a long shot.
The Nebraska State band comes to
morrow (the Fourth of " July), and
those who fail to hear this great mu
sical organization will miss a rare
treat. It is one of the best bands in
the land.
When you expect something for
nothing you ought to get it in the
Great growing weather, this.
Stop and listen. Do not make up
your mind immediately, until you have
heard the other side of any story.
Now that the American troops are
on French soil, the Paris date line will
be looked for with more interest than
This is the season to take the kinks
out of the coal combinations in the
nation, state and community. They
are all alike.
"Up with the cuss who wants to
down the government. The stouter
the line the longer he'll swing," says
the Blair Democrat.
Before taking the bull by the horns
it is well enough to make satisfactory
arrangements for letting go at the
physiological moment.
Marriage, says a recently wedded
young woman, is the monotony that
relieves the excitement of life. Some
thing more, Mrs. Jane, and then some.
According to dispatches Porto Rico
has brought her regiment of infantry
to the United States army to full
war strength of 1,909 men. Porto Rico
is certainly all right in every respect,
Tom Hall, railroad commissioner, is
not doing much talking these days.
He used to be at it all the time. May
be he has lost his voice. We trust" not.
Tom is a pretty good fellow and wo
would be sorry if such a misfortune
should overcome him.
Adherents of the kaiser in this coun
try have sought to discredit President
Wilson by denouncing him as a tool
of the allies.
Events from day to day are unmis
takeably showing how erroneous is
that sort of designation. For as a
matter of fact they show that all of
the countries involved in this war
aside from tho central powers, who
are under the despotic domination of
the kaiser, and all of the neutrals, are
openly acknowledging the leadership
of President Wilson and the American
Isn't that so? Some time ago tho
president set out the purposes of this
country in the war. lie declared" that
we are seeking no indemnities and
have no schemes of conquest, but on
the contrary desire only to make the
world safe for democracy and protect
our nation, its rights and its people.
Great Britain and France had not
gone so far as that. There was
reason to suspect that they hoped to
extend their power and domain
through the medium of the war, or
at least get the better of peace con
ditions. But under the pressure of the
president's declaration they had to
formally renounce all such possible
hopes, and they hesitated to officially
assure the Russian revolutionists that
they approved and endorsed and con
curred in his declaration. In pleading
for a general war board Colonel
George Harvey has expressed it aptly
in saying:
"Most important of all is the safe
guarding of the president himself. No
man living possesses a tithe of the
power for good or ill, here and every
where, which presently he will hold
in his hands. Events have placed him
at the head, not merely of the armies
and navies of the United States, but
of all the mighty forces arrayed
in battle for the preservation of
human freedom. Already France and
England, by promptly revising their
attitude towards Russia to conform to
his, have testified their eager willing
ness to follow his lead. From this
day forward his slightest nod will
"bear the force of a universal com-
"mand, to be heeded gladly and grace
fully by the millions who recognize
that, since America must win the war,
to America must fall the right to
point the way. So great a task, so
grave an obligation, never before con
fronted human being."
Is the president or the kaiser the
world's best bet? Backed by the peo
ple of the United States and their
ideals, who can have a doubt that
Wilson is? Lincoln Star.
A want ad will faring you a buyer.
Yes, a chautauqua next year, sure.
:o :
The fellows who talk against the
government don't amount to much.
The crazy rise in the price of steel
demonstrates how the steel trust do
their stealing.
Lord Northcliffe says the war is
just beginning. We hope the gentle
man is badly mistaken.
And there are those who are called
chronic kickers just because they
stand up for their rights.
The Bible tells us to love our neigh
bors, but the Bible said it before peo
ple became real neighborly.
So long as the beans and potatoes
hold out, the cook don't have to worry
about what to serve for dinner.
The Journal has just received a
new line of American flag stickers
that are so popular over the country
at present. Call in at once and se
cure your supply while they last.
For croup of sore throat, use Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Two sizes, 25c
and 50c. At all drug stores.
Obey the Law. Order your Osgood
Lens. Plattsmouth Garage. All sizes.
The Plate of Nebraska. )
Cass Countv, ) ss.:
In tlie County Court.
In tho Matter of tlie Estate of Joliann
d. Stark, Ieceasel. To the Credit
ors of said estate:
Yon are hereby notified that T will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said County, on the .'?0th day
of June, 1 1 7. anil on the oOtli day of
lecemher. 11)17, at 10:00 o'clock A. M.
on each day, to receive and examine all
claims against said Instate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for tlie presen
tation of claims against said Instate is
six months from the 0th day of June,
A. 1. 1117, aril the time limited for
payments of dchts is One Year from
said :;0th day of June, 1917.
Witness niv hand and sral of said
County Court, this 19th day of May,
May 2$ iwks County Judge.
nut ss roi-.Mt, i:ninMA.
Ernestine Schneider, Plaintiff,
Marie Kan Iliehc. Arthur Kiebe, lier
husband: Charles JJau, Selma H.
Pan. Helen Kau, Verner Kau, Her
man Can. Jr.; Adolph Rau, Sarah
'. Can. his wife: Ksther Ironist
Can, ami Arthur C Luehr, admin
istrator of the estate of Herman
Can. Jr.. deceased, defendants.
Notice of Ceferee's Sale.
NoTICi; IS ilEUEMY C.1YKN that in
pursuance of an order of the Iistrict
"ourt d.ilv entered on tlie 3th day of
June. 1917. in the above entitled cause
a u t horizi nx me, as referee, in partition
to sell the following described real es
tate, for cash, and as upon execution,
Ti e Kast one-half of the Northwest
quarter and the Southwest quarter all
in Section thirty-three. Township
twelve, Kange ten, containing 2J0
That 1 will on the nth day of Aug
ust. 1 ! 1 7 . at the hour of eleven o'clock
A. M. of said day, at the South front
di.or of the Court House, in the City of
I Mat t smoii t h, Cass County. Nebraska,
sell to the highest bidder for cash tlie
above and foregoing described real es
tate and in such parts as will be an
nounced at said sale, reserving the
right to reject or accept any and all
bids made at said sale. Said sale will
remain open for one hour.
laled this ;:oth dav of June. 1917.
Ceferee in Partition.
s-w-full CO dys
IX Till-: IIIVntHT (IllilT OF CASS
Lena Larson, Plaintiff, )
vs. ) Notice.
John (Jus Larson, Jefendant. )
John tins Larson will take notice
that on the 2:!rd day of November,
A. 1. 19lfi. Lena Larson, plaintiff here
in, tiled her petition in tlie District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
a Kill nst said defendant, the object and
prayer of which are to secure a di
vorce from defnedant, and the custody
and control of John Larson and Eu
gene Larson, children of plaintiff and
defendant. Crounds for divorce allepred
In said petition are: Kxtrcme cruelty,
lack of support for herself ami chil
dren and habitual drunkenness.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the lath day of July,
A. I). 11U7.
Dated June Sth, 1!17.
LIONA LACSO.V, Plaintiff.
Cy C. A. UAWLS, Attorney.
c-ii nsw
In the matter of the Estate of Dora
Oldham Moore, deceased. '
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of James T. Beg
ley, judge of the district court of Cass
County, Nebraska, made on the 18th
day of June, A. D., 1917, for the sale
of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, there will be sold at the south
front door of the Court House in
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
on the 10th day of July, A. D., 1917, at
11:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, at pub
lic vende to the highest bidder for
cash, the following real estate, to
wit: Lots nine and ten (9 and 10) in
block eleven (11), South Park addition
to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Dated June 18th, 1917.
Executor of the Estate of Dora Old
ham Moore, deceased.
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
ia use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of
iU&Z Allow
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ef
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric:,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance.- Its
ge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
oitii:r uv iii:aim.c; .n :votice
In the County Court of Cass County,
State of Nebraska, )
County of Casif, ; ss.:
To all persons interested in tlie es
tate of Conrad H. Vallery, deceased:
On read i np the petition of Frances
Vallery prayins that the instrument
tiled in this, court on tlie 11th day of
June. 1H17. and purporting to be the
last will and testament of tlie f-aid de
ceased, may Vie proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of Conrad H. Vallery. deceased:
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of said
estate be granted to Henry Meisinper
and Ulanche Aleisintrer, as executors.
It is hereby ordered that you. and all
persons interested in said matter, may,
and do. appear at the County Court to
be h'-Iil in and for said countv, on the
7th day of July. A. I. 1917, at 10
o'clock A. AI., to show cause, if any
there be. why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted, and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
and that tlie hearing thereof be Riven
to all persons interested in said matter
by publishing: a copy of this Order in
teh PlHttsmouth journal, a weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearin;?.
Witness: mv hand,' and -seal of said
court, this 16th dav of .Tune. A. r. 11)17.
County J mice.
NOTIC'i: TO C'IIKI)lT01ti.
State of Nebraska, )
Cass County. ) sk.:
In County Court.
In t!ie matter of the estate of I'ricllla
A. Noyes. deceased:
Notice is hereby griven to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
b 1 ad upon claims tiled against said
estate, before me. County Judpe of
Cass Ctmvty, Nebraska, at the Countv
Court room in IMattsmout h. in said
County, on the 2.Trd dav of Julv. 1917,
and on the.CSrd day of January, 191$.
at 10 o'clock A. M.. each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be riled in said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
AVitn.css . my , hand and seal of said
County Court, at Phil tsmout h. Nebras
ka, this 22nd dav of June. 1917.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Kobert Itornbeck and Mrs. Marv Ko
rabeck will take notice that on the
11th day of May. 1&17. M. Archor. a
justice of the peace of Cass county.
Nebraska, issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of $r2.9;5. in an ac
tion pending before him. wherein H.
Melchoir Soennichsen is plaintiff and
Uobei t Horabeck and Mrs. Kobert Ui
rabeck' are defendants, that propcrty
of the defendants has been attached
under said order. Said cause was con
tinued to tlie 2.rth dav of June, 1917,
at !) o'clock A. M.
Read the Evening journal. Only 10
cents a week.
mmy for idlliiry
Our new and up-to-date machinery for this purpose has
arrived, and we are prepared to charge your storage
batteries in the most scientific manner and upon short
notice. There is always room for one more, so call on
us at any time for quick repairs.
-The Plattsmouth Garage-
EED. MASON, Proprietor
Office Telephone 394 Residence Telephone 229
for Fletcher's
and has been made under nis per
sonal supervision since its infancy
m one to deceive vou in this.
Signature of
okdkic ok hi:kim; ami mitk i;
ok iMtoiivri: or wn.f..
In the County Court of Cass County,
State of Nebraska, )
County of Cass. )ss.:
To all persons interested in the estate
of Andrew lill, deceased:
On reading the petition of Susan Ii'l
rayin? that tlie instrument tiled in
this c.urt on the 2"rd day of June,
1917, and purporting to be the last will
and testament of the said deceased,
may be provd and allowed, and record
ed as the latt will and testament of
Andrew Iill. dceased; that said instru
ment lie admitted to probate, and the
administration of said estate be grant
ed to r.enjamin Uill. as administrator,
with will annexe. 1. It is hereby ordered
that you. and all persons interested in
said matter, may. and do, appear at the
County Court to be held in and for said
county, or. the lfith day of June, A. I .
1917. at ten o'clock A. M., to hliow
cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner thould not be
granted, and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and that the
liearinsr thereof be Riven to all persons
interested in said matter by publishing:
a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a weekly newspaper, printe.l
in said county, for three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 2uid dav of June, A. 1. 1917.
(SEAL) County Judge.
The First National Bank of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, l'laintilf,
Perry Marsh, Defendant.
Notice to Perry Marsh, Defendant.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff has commenced an action
asrainst you in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, for tlie pur
pose of foreclosing a Morttraue for
$210.00 and interest from January 1,
191fi. at the rate of ten per cent per
annum, on the following described real
estate, to-wit:
A strip of land out of the NE corner
of the NW 14 of the NW , of Sec. 19.
Twp. 12. llge. 14. E. of 6th P. M.. about
22 by 207 7-10 feet in size, immediately
adjoining lot eleven on the South, and
being all the land between said lot and
Patterson Avenue. Commencing at the
NW corner of NE V of NW U of See.
19. Twp. 12, North Pwge. 14. E. of 6th
P. M.. thence running South 1".4 feet to
the point of beginning, tnence run
ning south to Patterson avenue, thence
M 111 V I aU IMI" 11 U 1IIV "III ,
Avenue, thence Northeasterly along
said Lincoln Avenue Jo a point due
East of the point of beginning, thence
West to the point of beginning. Sixtv
eight (6S) feet otT of the South side of
Lot 11 In Sec. 19, Twp. 12. Pare. II,
Kast of 6th P. M.. in Cass County. Ne
braska, and for equitable relief.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 9th day of July,
1917, and in failing so to do your de
fault will be duly entered therein and
judgment taken as prayed for in
plaintiff's petition.
Bv A. L. TIDD, Its Attorney.
May 2S 4w
H T f rria - 1 t - s w ' w i o 1 1 n en I