The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 02, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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MANDAY, JULY 2, 1917.
Children Cry for FietcherTs
mhi ij hi i r i i in i i ii i i
- m Ptl ii Pi is? f vg
Nebraska State
t. Louis, Mo.. Juno 2. Sixty-ti-ri.t
children have died from a se
veiv form of summer conipluint in
southeastern Missouri during the last
few weeks, according to information
te!ei"Mior.ed here today.
M :e than persns. mostly chil-
drtr.. r.ow are ill witn the disease and
about a fourth of these are in a seri
ous condition.
The information came here from
Pr. C. M. Harrison, corner of Dunk
lin county, and Ir K. II. Tate, cor
oner of Scott county.
llr. Harrison reported fifty child
deaths in Dunklin county in the last
six weeks and Dr. Tate reported
eighteen in Scott county.
According to the reports from the
physicians the epidemics that have
struck the two counties are similar,
l.ut are not identical. Dr. Harrison
said the deaths in Dunklin county
were due to enterocolitis, an infection
of the intestines.
Dr. Tate said the disease in Scott
county was liiocolitis. a summer com
plaint similar to enterocolitis.
The disease is attributed to abnor
mal weather conditions in southeast
ern Missouri, a late, cold spring,
quickly followed by warm weather,
which caused excessive vaporization
from the sandy soil. Flies are be
lieved to have been carriers, of the
Four deaths from cholera infantum
are reported from Senath, Dunklin
county, by Dr. Hughes. Sixteen per
sons there are under treatment for
that disease.
American flaj
Journal office.
5, from 5c up, at the
Perfectly lubricated, the
r 1
ils jr "
cats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization
or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes '
your car worth more.
Look for the Polarine sign it means a reliable dealer
who will give you what you ask for. Use Red Crown
Gasoline, the power-full motor fueL
p-g : pte
Band at the Plattsmouth
Washington, I) C. June 28. The
American Federation of Labor has de
clined to participate in the interna
tional conference of trades unions
called by the recent Stockholm con
ference to meet September 17. Presi
dent Gompers has telegraphed to
President Lindquist, of the Stockholm
conference, that the American federa
tion regarded all such conferences as
premature and untimely and can lead
to no good purpose.
Chicago, June 29. Orders to move
to V ranee within the next few weeks
have been received by the third re
serve regiment of engineers, accord
ing to a statement issued by Captain
R. D. Black, regimental adjutant to
day. The engineers were recruited from
six of the big railroads centering in
Chicago. They are to be used to op
erate divisions of railroads establish
ing connections with the front.
The regiment is recruited to its full
war strength. 1,061 men, including
officers, with a reserve force ready to
take the trip, and is ready for depart
ure at an hour's notice.
Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum
sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch
of your clothing. Doan's Ointment is
fine for skin itching. All druggists
sell it. 50c a box.
Display the American flag, all sizes
and prices can be found at the Journal
office when desired.
A want ad will bring what you want.
motor spinning smoothly oa
Chautauqua on Wednesday, July 4th
Fight to Slop Manufacture of Iscer
Probably Will He Abandoned
in Congress.
Senate Leaders of All Factions Auree
to Limit Prohibition to Dis
tilled Spirits.
Washington, D. C, June -2'J. Inter
vention of President Wilson today
checked the "bone dry" national pro
hibition movement in congress. Con
finement of prohibition legislation to
distilled beverages without interfer
ence with manufacture of beer and
wines, it is generally agreed, will re
sult. Prohibition leaders were aske 1 4 l-y
the president to drop their fitrht
aainst the manufacture of bet v,
wines and other light intoxicant-.
With a formal response from the
"drys" deferred, senate leaders of a1!
factions quickly reached an under
standing to limit absolute prohibition
to distilled spirits.
Writes Dry Chief.
President Wilson exchanged letters
with the Rev. Dr. James Cannon,
chairman of the National Anti-Saloon
league's legislative committee, and
cai'il senate leaders to the Whit"
house in his effort to smooth the v.ay
fr- final enactment of he food meas
ure. Bone dry" legislate- was writ
ten into the bill before it passed thr
h.uje and the senate agv'cu.tural com
mitter amended the provision to pro
hi'dt the manufacture of distilled spir
its, but empowered th' president to
teirnit the making of bee.- and wine. of the food bill early next
vnti: is expected. In this letter to
Dr. Cannon th? president said:
"I r gard the immclidtj passage of
the VII as of vital consc.rje :. e to the
safety and defense of th'.- nation. Time
is the essence and yet it has become
evidctt that heated and protracted de
bate will delay the passage cf the bill
indefinitely if the rr i.'isions affect
ing the th manufactur2 of beer and
wines ale rer lined and m.-.iste i u;x.n.
Defer Definite Answer.
"In these circumstances I have not
hesitated to say to members of the
senate who have been kind enough to
consult me, that it would undoubtedly
be in the public interest in this very
critical matter if the friends of those
provisions should consent to their
elimination from the present measure.
"Feeling that your committee is
actuated by the same patriotic mo
tives that these considerations will
?eem to you, as they seem to me, to
be imperative."
For a hog to be profitable he must
be kept growing from birth to mar
keting age. He cannot be profitable
unless he is healthy. He can always
be in a profit-producing condition if
he is fed B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder.
We positively tell you that this rem
edy prevents cholera, removes worms
and cures thumps. If the powder
does not make good, we will. II. M.
Soennichsen, Puis & Gansemer.
A want ad in the Journal will bring
Fi o'-.i Su ti n'ay's Daily.
Last evening was soldiers' night at
the Chautauqua, as the members of
Company C of the Fourth infant ry
were entertained at the
through the courtesy of Attorney A.
L. Titid, who had arranged to have
the boys enjoy the very pleasant num
ber offered. This act was one that is
-or onerec. mis act was one mat is i
, , . , , , f v, I
ieeply appreciated by the boys of the
company and one that shows the right
spirit, and Lieutenant Kimbrell and
the members of his company feel very
much pleased at the recognition given
thcni. There were a large number of
the boys present to take part in the
enjoyment of the evening.
Red Oak, la.. June 29. Handbills
have been distributed here and in
other points of Montgomery art! ad
joining counties advertising a niass
mceting to be held at the Deardsley
opera house here at C o'clock Satur
day afternoon.
Detective J. X. Wilkerson has
stated that he will discuss the Yillisca
ax murders and much interest in the
meetings has been aroused in Mont
gomery county, especially in Yillisca
ar.d Red Oak.
Wilkerson, who hns been located
here for the past two months, has
been extremely active of late, and is
understood to have something of in
terest to spring.
Indications are that the house will
be jammed, and delegations are ex
pected from all over the county.
Interest in the Yillisca ax murder
ca5;e has been increased by the ap
proaching trial of Lyn George Kelley,
nov in jail at Logan, which is sched
uled to be held September 4. The
same factional divisions of pro-Jones
and are evident, the
anti-Jones supporters declaring that
the Kellcy case is a frame and that
the itinerant minister had nothing to
do with the crime.
Wilkerson is actively engaged in
ai ling the defense of Kelley, and is
said to have gathered some evidene-e
which may aid in clearing the ac
cused man.
From Sat unlay': Dai'y.
Last evening two floaters were
rounded up by Officer J. W. Elliott
and as the men seemed to have no
particular destination they were de
tained over night at the city jail to
keep theVn otil of mischief. This
morning the two men were escorted
to the boundaries of the city by Chief
Barclay and sent on their way. One
cf the men desired to get to Omaha,
while the other was desirous of hitting
for the east, and botti were sent on
their way rejoicing. One of the men
was in a decided warlike humor and
did r.ot relish in the least being or
dered to hike, but ho followed the re
quest of the police without much per
suasion. With the present condition
and the demand for men to work there
does not seem to be any good reason
why these tourists should be kept here
several days at the expense of the
city when they could be traveling.
No Declaration, but Recognition That
State of War Exists With
Central Powers.
Ilaijj Continues His Pressure Ger
mans Attack Furiously on
Verdun Front.
Athens, June 29. Though war has
rot yet been declared, the Greek gov
ernment considers that a state of war
exists its advent to power yes
The Greek government has broken
diplomatic relations with Germany,
Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Tur
Takes 2,00 Yards cf German First
Line Positions Near Oppy.
London, June 29. An official state
ment says :
"Early last night we attacked and
captured the enemy's forward posi
tion on a front of about 2.000 yards
south and west of Onpv. The whole
of our objectives was gained and
number of prisoners and machine
guns taken by us.
"Our troops continue to gain
ir round on a wide front south of the
Suchtz river and have entered Avion
"A further number of prisoners and
six machine guns have been captured
in this area
A hostile raiding party was i-e-
, . - , - . ,
pulsed during the night north of
. ,,. .. t
enemv's trenches southeast of Loos
Purls, June 20. Picked German
troops made a heavy attack las
night on the Yerdun front near Hil
o l and Avocourt wood, after espe
ciaily severe shelling.
Today's official statement says the
attack was disorganized by the sharp
reply of the French artillery and that
the Germans obtained a footing at
only a few points in the first line.
This morning the Germans made
another violent effort east of Hill 304
It failed completely.
The Germans were active on th
Aisr.e front. All their attacks were
Night Battle in Storm.
British Headquarters in France
Jnue 29. (By Associated Press.)
The fighting is more intense in the
vicinitv of Lenz. The British made a
brilliant attack last night during
blinding rain that accompanied
thunderstorm on a number of the
southwesterly suburbs of the great
mining city. All the first objects of
the attack were gained and the indi
cations are that the British are stil
pushing forward today.
Nearly 200 prisoners already have
b -er. collected in the cages and more
captives are reported on the way back
from the fighting front. A numbe
of machine guns also are reported
taken. f
The fighting took place in and out
among bits of ruined buildings, col
lories, pit derricks and the usual litter
rnd paraphernalia of a mining set
tlement, only in thip case the tangle
had been made greater by the she
lire of many months.
The bombardment which preceded
the attack was carried out on a fairly
vide front and was of but slightly
less intensity than that which ha
preceded some of the greater actions
on the British front.
One cf the pleasant features of the
chautauqua is the manner in which the
management of the affair is being
bandied, and a great deal of credit
for this is due to Mr. C. N. Walton,
the platform manager, who is with us
for the week of the entertainment.
Mr. Walton, who is the superintendent
of schools of vahoo, is a clever gen
tleman and understands thoroughly
the management of an entertainment
cf this kind, and has added a great
deal of pleasure to those who have
attended the sessions of the Chau
On chicks. These parasites sap the
very life blood out of them. Dust
the hen at night with A. B. Thomas'
Louse Killer and your troubles are
ended. It also kills bugs on cucum
ber, tomato, and squash vines. We
sell it to you ar.d if it does not make
g-cod, Ave will. H. M. Soennichsen,
1 Puis & Gansemer.
llie Hind. Yen Have Always Ecusht, and which lias bee a
ii us 2 for over over 30 years, lias borno tbo signature cf
j and has been made under his per-
y-j---- sonal supervision since its infancy.
cvV S'&CC'tX. .Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are tut
3Lxp?rimcnt3 that triHe with and endanger the health of
Inlants and Children Experience against Experiment.
C(-stcrla is a harmless substitute fcr Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
?.ge is its guarantee. Fcr more thaa thirty years it has
teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
T7ini Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mothsr's Frisnd.
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The First National Bank of Platts-
ni');:t!:, Nebraska, l'.amtifr,
Perry Marsh, Pefenlant.
Notice to IVrry Mars! . Defendant.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff has commenced an action
asainst von m trie lnstnct court 01
Cass County, Nebraska, for the pur
pnsH of foreolosinir a Mortrajre for
$210.00 and interest from January 1.
1K16, at the rate of ttii per cent iter
annum, on the following' described real
estate, to-wit:
A strip of land out of the XK corner
of the N1V of the NV U of Sec. l'J,
Twp. 1. Hire. 14. K. of :th 1". M.. about
11 liv U07T-10 feet in size, immediately
adjoining lot eleven on the South, and
beincr all the land between said lot and
Patterson Avenue. Commencing at the
NV corner of NK U of NW of Sec.
19. Twp. 12, North P.trc. II, K. of 6th
P. M., thence running South 154 feet to
the point of beginning, thence run
ning south to Patterson avenue, thence
Kast to the road kiioivn as Lincoln
Avenue. thence Northeasterly alon
said l.incoin Avenue to a point due
Kast of the point of hejrinninsr, thence
West to the point of b?irinnir sr. Sixty
eisrht 65 feet off of the South side of
Lot 11 in Sec. 19. Twp. 12. i:e. 14.
Kast of Uth P. M., in Cass County, Ne
braska, and forenuitatle relief.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the &th day of July,
1t17. and in failinpr so to do your de
fault will be duiy entered therein and
jndrment taken as prayed for in
plaintiff's petition.
T?v A. L. TIDD. Its Attorney.
May 23 4w
oitDKit or in:HiN; ami otki:
In the County Court of Cass County,
State of Nebraska,
Countv of Cass. )ss.:
To all persons interested in the estate
of .Andrew lull, deceased:
On reading the petition of Susan "I i 1 1
pr:i ins the instrument filed in
this court on the 23rd day of June,
li'17, anil purporting to be tbe last win
and testament of the said deceased,
mav be provd ar.d allowed, and record
ed as the last will and testament of
Andretv Pill, dceased; that said instru
ment be admitted to probate, and the
administration of said estate be grant
ed to Ren jam: n Dill, as administrator,
with will annexed. It is hereby ordered
that you, and all persons interested in
said matter, may. and do. appear at the
County Court to be 1ip.i1 in nnd for said
county, on the lfith day of June, A. I.
191", at ten o'clock A. M., to show
cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pend
ency of s; petition and that the
hearinu thereof be frivn to all persons
interested in said matter by publishing
a copy of tbis Order in tbe Plattsmouth
.lo'irnal. a weekly nt wspaper. printed
in said county, for three successive
weeks prior to jjaid day of hearing.
Witness my rand, and seal of said
court, this 2Jrd iav f June. A. P. 1917.
CsEATA County Judfre.
OKUKIt or lll-:.KIi AM) MITKK
In the County Court of Cass County,
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass. ) ss.:
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Conrad It. Va leiy. deceased:
On icadinyr the petition of Frances
Vallery prayins that the instrument
tiled in this court on the 11th day of
June, 1917. and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of Conrad H. Vallery. deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, a-nd the administration of said
estate be granted to Henry Meisinp-er
and Blanche MeisinKer. as executors.
It is hereby ordered that you. and all
persons interested in said matter, may.
and do. appear at th? County Court to
he hel i in and for said countv, on the
7th day of July, A. I). 1917, at 10
o'clock A. M.. to show cause, if any
there be. why the prayer of tiie peti
tioner should not he granted, and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
and that the hearing: thereof he given
to all persons interested in said matter
bv puMishing' a copy of this Order in
ten Plattsmouth Journal, a weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
da-i- of hearing-.
Witness mv hand, and seal of said
court, this 16th dav of June. A. D. 1917.
County Judge.
State of Nebraska,
Cass County. ) ss.:
In Count' Court.
In the matter of the estate of Pricilla
A N'oves, deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
I be ha.d upon claims filed against said
; estate, before me. County Judge of.
Cass County, Nebraska, at the Countv
Court room in Plattsmouth. in said
Countv, on the 2:rd day of July, 1917,
and on the 23nl day of January, 191,
at 10 o'clock A. M.. each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said court
on or before said last hour of hearintr.
Witness my hand ami seal of said
Countv Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka, this 22nd day of June. 1917.
(SEAL) County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, )
Cass County, )ss.:
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jnliann
;. Stark. Deceased. To the Credit
ors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. in said County, on the TOth day
of June. 1917. and on the 3th day of
December. 1917, at 10:00 o'clock A. M.
on each day, to receive and examine all
claims apainst said Estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the presen
tation of claims against said Estate is
six months from the Oth day of Jun.-,
A. P. 1917. and the time limited for
payments of debts is One Year from
said r.oth day of June, 1917.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, this 19th day of May.
May 2S Iwks County Judpe.
ix tiie nisTiiicr nuiiT of cass
nil A TV.
Lena Larson, Plaintiff, )
vs. ) Notice.
John tlus Larson, Defendant. )
John Gus Larson will take notice
that on the 2:ird day of November,
A. P. 1916. Lena Larson, plaintiff here
in, filed her petition in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
aarainst said defendant, the object and
prayer of which are to secure :i di
vorce from defnedant, and the custody
and control of John Larson and Eu
frene Larson, children of plaintiff and
defendant, (irounds for divorce alleged
in said petition are: Extreme cruelty,
lack of support for herself anil chil
dren and habitual drunkenness.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the loth day of July,
A. D. 1917.
Dated June Sth. 1917.
LENA LAKSOX. Plaintiff.
Bv C. A. KAWLS, Attorney.
6-ii n sw
In the matter of the Estate of Dora
Oldham Moore, deceased.
Notice is hereby griven that in pur
suance of an order of James T. Ber
ley, jude of the district court of Cass
County, Nebraska, made on the ISth
day of June, A. D., 1917, for the sale
of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, there will be sold at the south
front door of the Court House in
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
on the 10th day of July, A. D., 1917, at
11:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, at pu!
lic vendue to the highest bidder for
cash, the following: real estate, to
wit: Lots nine and ten (9 and 10) in
block eleven (11), South Park addition
to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Dated June ISth, 1917.
Executor of the Estate of Dora Old
ham Moore, deceased.
This is the. slogan of the wise man.
Stock are continually exposed to
cuts, wounds, scratches, etc. The
man who is prepared has his healing;
remedy on hand to stop all chances
of blood poison. Farris' Healing; Rem
edy is Highly Anthisetic. It is eco
nomical. One 50c bottle makes $2.00
I worth of a healing oil or ointment.
! Money refunded if you are not satisfied.