The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 25, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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- 'i.
;WU',UA. JUNE 25, 1917.
'It's the good Red Crown in
the tank that does it."
Your engine picks up eageriy
pulls smoothly when throt
tled down. Look for the Red
Crown sign.
Pclanne Oil stops power leaks.
Luoncates efficiently
at all times.
v' 2-r 2
(Nebraska) Omaha
' ; ;v -:r t'f ti i ' .rMr-i
Stags Iff
camnivt.. i i W W
The ladies of ih-
Ante: i jan
i'-.-.l Dressing.- Committ
who hi
ISSUES proclamaugh
otd up ;i work room in the base-j
n.;.t rni "t" the Hotel Ki'.ey build-;
i. :u are doing splendid work in the
v. ; ,y of prt paring bandages and dross-,
ritrs f:r the use uf ho; pita's r.t the
battle front. The has been
very llattei int: and the ladies dis
playing the keenest of interest in so
rariinr the badly nceued supplies It
is di. sired that every lady in the city
v. 1 : ; ean devote a small neriod csf time the wool: to thi work to be!
proent ui: Monday ar.d Thursday af-.
terra-i n and assist, as tne meetings
are open to veryene and the ladies uf
the city arc cordially invited to be
present ar.d join in the good work.
There is a great need for surgical
supplies and the ladies of the com
mittee are carne.'tiy striving to do
their part as rapidly as possible-
Lincoln. Xeb., Juno 22. Governor
Neville this afternoon isued a proc
lamation for week, f't sig
naled by President Wilson for June
J-'J to :). The proclamation follows:
"The period of June 23 to "JO is
herewith designated as recruiting
week. during which time it is earnest
ly urged that a sufficient number of
able-bodied men between the ag:is of
IS and 10 enlist to bring the national
guard r gimcr.ts to war strength, ar.d
to raise th.e quota as.-igned to Ne
baska for th.e regular urmy- In deter
mining tl-e (ucta to be raised by the
tlra ft states and counties will be
jriven credit for all men who have en
listed in the national ;ruard and reg
ular army. Enlist now! Po not wait
to be drafted! The longer it takes to
et ready, the jrreatcr will be the
price we pay!"
GROWING HOGS., 111.. June 22. James IJur-pe.-
. pi at form manager of the Adams
e?p:tss Company, admitted to the p.o-lios-
tiiat i;e cnin-dtt-d th.e 2.".'.00
.-v of an ixpi-
oar in the Cur
lii:;te!i ' uds h.eie Tuesday niyrht- lie!
rarr.'d Tier I'eloquin. a switchman,
aial 1-i.j brother. Joe Peloquin, as ac
1 c. iiipiices. The IVlop!iiis have net
Lieu a vre.-tcd.
The money was conii-'ncd to Oma
l;a banks.
For a hop; to be proutahle he must
he kept growing from birth to mar
ket ii;;r age. lie cannot be profitable
unless he is healthy. lie can always
be in a profit-producing condition if
he is fed 13. A. Thomas' Hog Powder.
We positively tell you that this rem
edy prevents cholera, removes worms
and cures thumps. If the powder
decs not make jrood, we will. II. 21.
Soenrnchscr., Puis & Gansemer.
Display the American flag, all sizes
and prices can be found at the Journal
office when desired.
. , . " - : .
I Af$A- -M V'.:..
If the man uo runs it gives it a chance by using an oil made
specially for i '
J? erOIr mended by leading engine builders and manufacturers, Is best
tothe Tractor because it is made for the tractor. Clear, carbon
hie and stable at high temperatures. Lubricates both cylinder, and
"external bearings. Cuts friction to a minimum.
Use Stanolind-it means more porer at the draw bar and Ie time
out for repairs.
(Nebraska) Omaha
nil iu.?Li
nn, ht nr
n r.3
WWII I E 1 B I t W B W
Wireless Operator Describes How
U-Ieat Was Sent to Hie
Givts Details of Iiattie in Which
United Stales Ship is Victor in
Sea Fight.
An Atlantic Port, June 22. In a
story written today ty the wireless
operator on an American ship arriving
today, he said:
"We left Liverpool cn our home
ward voyage June 1. We were run
ning at night without lights. The
guns were cleared fcr action. We re
ceived "S. O. S." messages from two
British vessels attacked by subma
rines, but in each case they escaped
after a gun battle.
''We could plainly see the shells
from the British vessels as they
dropped but could not see the subma
rines with which they were fighting.
"We were on a zig-zag course and
making full speed when the lookout
sighted a lifeboat. We steered to see
what was in it. It was empty. About
twenty minutes after passing the
empty lifeboat or about 0:30 p. m.,
ships time, one of the gunners sighted
a torpedo headed straight for us. He
.-hotted to the bridge: 'Here she
comes; torpedo port side.'
"The chief officer who was on the
bridge, shoutad to the quartermaster,
'hard starboard.' We swung off. The
torpedo had a red-head about sixteen
inches in diameter. She was about ten
feet long. The torpedo struck us on
the port side a gianoing blow amid
ships right near the engine room. Our
chip was empty anil we all thought
-he had exploded from the terrific
noise she made when she hit.
"Simultaneously the ship's whi-tie
blew short and successive Liusis,
which was a signal to abandon the
ship and man the lifeboats, which
wore launched at once.
The captain, who hail remained on
the .-hip, found the torpedo had failed
to explode. All hand:; were then or
dered back on ibip. We were lying
perfectly still for at least an hour.
"When the commander of the sub
marine saw our crew coming back
i.v t:ii: in nth i t roriiT or
ciM mi, .m:iuaska.
Chicago, June 22. The Drovers
Journal, a daily paper devoted to
cuttle and stock yards intere.-ts, wasi?-i".oo :ni.i interest from JaHu;uy i.
, , , . ' ... ' .'JJi;. :it tl;e into of ten per nt p- r
sola u.uav 10 eeo:e inch, owner or
The 7'irst N':itinal Brink of l'latts
nioutli, Nebraska, 1'laintiff,
Perry Miirlj. In-femlant.
Notice to Perry ijarsli. Pefenrlant.
Voa ;iic liereliy notified that the
phtintit'i' lias eoimii'-med an ar-tion
:i --.a in.-t von pi the lustriet ('"iirt of
'ass ijiuntv, Nel.iiiska. for the pnr
imiso of t "oreelijsinij a Mortpu'-re lor
imilar paolicauoii;
Si. Louis and Omaha Mr. Neti ak-o
iiniuiin. on t!:e lolUuemi? Ueseribta leal
suite, to-wit:
A .-jtrip of land out of the NIC oriT r
of the NW ',i of the NV :. of jeo. P,
T-. I I".... 1J I.' 1V I M :i limit
nureha.iOil the Live Stoct; oihi anilinj u7 7-io feet ia size, iunne.i iately
uljoiii: itu' lot eleven on the South, aim
v. ill puoliih the two papers under the
name if the Farmers ar.d Drovers'
Journal. . Neil is from Kansas City.
Washington, D. C, June 22. Sub
scriptions to the liberty h: have hiir
pas.ed the highest estimates of the
treasury ouicials and exceed ?:J,0Ui.,
000,01)0. The exact figures were SS,t.':i.V22d.-S-"0.
an eversub.-criition of nearly ."2
per cent-
Subscriptions e.y
Bo.;to!i . ..
, Cleveland ... I
j Philadelphia
!S;'!i l'ranci
Kanras City
Si.- Louis
j i Hir.e:': Oi!S
j Atlanta .
! Dallas
More than -'.000,00 persons have
bought b inds. Ninety-three I---' font
of tho.-e. or those of .'V.i.'.O.OOO, we' j
fr-.m $"0 to .Slii.n01.
AiitiU'-nts will bo made. Secretary
icts f. ilow:
;1.1-:.TSS. pan
" "7,l!r, ;iD
21". 1 l.Too
2::2.:p):.2o )
IT .',2o0:0
10..7:i7.1(! )
P1.7"S S"0
F'.i:5 1.70..1
.1 e, o t
Ad ) announ jed.
and ciimhing upor
trom tne afe
deck, he immediately gave up his
chase for two other British merchant
ships and started for us again. The
submarine was about 2,000 yards, orf
our star beam.
"Suddenly came the command: 'Man
On subscription to and ineiuibng
$10, CO') fu'l amount. These subscrip
tions totaled SI.2.'5;.:s.!.S.7o.
Muo than ;,l,o,... Up t and in
cluding ?l;'',O''0, ('0 p-r cent of tl e
ni(;i;r.t ' sals.crihcu. hut not h.' tii-ir.
s.lo.0 . any instane-e- These .- e.l-
:..cnr 1:0ns totaled ?, i
Wasti Skirts!
- rl
l.i Oil,' all tin' J.-iiid hep.veen said h't and
I 'a t t'iiti .eipie. Ouniim-iu'iir at the
X '' 1 ui nvr of N10 ' 1 of N h' 'i of S.-
Twp. North H. IZ. of ;tlij
P. M.. th.-nce running South 1 " I feet to;
the point of ln-iii n i u k. thence run
ninj; south to Patterson avenue, tlienee
C.i.-t to the road known as I.ira.oln
. venue. thnee Nort !iea terl y alon-
saiU J.ineoln Avenge to a poinr ilwe
l:::st of t'e r'i:it of liei ji 11 i i, it. then.-r
t' the poinr of l.ecinninir. Sity
i i!.t i;si feet off of the South side of
Lot 1! i'i See. pt. Twp. 1:', Kre. II,
Kast of P. M.. in Pass Pounty, Ne
Prasha, and for ei'iital'le relief.
oil ;u- r"uireO Jo answer saiO pe
tition on or before the lith day of July,
P'tT. a;;d in failiii-T so to do your de
fault v.'il! lie I'iiily entered therein and
j mo n me. t taken as prayed for in
plainti:T'.s pet ition.
Tin: Pi::sr xatiowi, p-anic
P.v A. I.. TIPD, Its Attonuy.
Miiv 4u-
We have the most complete line
of ladies' ready-to-wear skirts shown
in Plattsmouth.
We cordially invite the ladies of
this city and vicinity to inspect our
complete line, comprising all the
newest and latest styles and patterns.
$1.45 to $6.00
N. B. If we haven't just what you
want we can secure and deliver it to you in 24 hours.
s3 il
4' K.
tut- - y t s.
op piioitvn: Ol" wil l..
;it of Pa.-s Count:
Slate of Nebraska, I
i '.o: : of Pass. :
!' .bihn il 'u ia Parv. ; lc. 1fee;i ':-,.ss
la :id .In I. van. Tiaonas N. .inlvaii, Jlil
i'.a O' ffaia 1:. IVrrv W. I "o a m a n. N'o
r.:h .Uilur, Wiilia.m P. AHbee. and to
a!! pi i-yoy.y- latere.- ted in the estate
f .-' 11: a llarvviek. deeeaseii:
'a :i:,iti!:ur the petition of Hilda
'of.'n!:! it pra -iriif t he Instrument
tiled i i this eourt on thi 21'tli day f
At ay, P'lT, aid purporting to be the
h si ". i I', and testaeieja of the said
i'iTUi.-nl, may proved and allowed,
a .i-i ! i -.':. I as tiie last will and trs
i iM-. t of S !..ia. P'arwiel:. de. eased;
at .aid in .-: 1 tit he admitted to
! a; i;,,. adi.iir. i.-' t i';i t ion of aid
a'e uiai.'-d to .Join Kduin Pa r-
1 i. k as i '.'i iiur. It is hereby onlt red
-. ' at vol. and all persons interested in
said Ilia tier, niiiV, arid d. ;i;ij:c;;r at
T'.' "..: ale o.nirt to be hebl in and
for said eo i;i;v, mi t!;e :.'.th. d:"v of
.lane. A. I). IV, 7, at 1 o" h-oik A. !., to
s' .v.- f.iMse, if any there be. why ti e
i ia.'.er ;! e pelitiener spu'abl not be
r :;.!: ted. a n i ! that notie.- f tin- ) rid
e a '," said petit inn and that the hear
i : -T il.. r. ..f p, uie;i to pers ins in-
ti-rt-.d i'i said tnattir by pubii-irin
a e. ..;.- i.f t'i.- Order ii'tl.e 1'httts
n e.tli .1 n.iuai. a s in t-v e k 1 v le ws
;a!er. p:i:.ted in said enurity, for three
.'aeees.-ivc . Us pri jr to said day of
he. i rim..
Witness tie hand and seal of said
eourt, this ;:uii dav of Mae. ,. 1 . KilT.
AhhiiN .i. p.i:i:si x,
:;!) Pountv Ju.l.ce.
to -rubst-ribi.:-:
e-ieate ;i:J."i.o
a: io.-
The chic:
i".ini;j-i ir-
. . - . - . i ....... .
ei um; uiv i.4if,tj
from the bridge.
"When about fioO yards off our
starboard quarter a shell from, our for
ward gun hit her and. she submerged.
Again she appeared and our after gun
fell right on top of her. There was a
shower of specks, which rose high in
the air, followed by a great commo
tion, bubbles of water and a light blue
smoke arising from the stern of the
U-boat, where a second before, had
been the eyes of our enemy.
"Our crew, which was lined up
against the starboard rail watching
the battle, gave a hearty American
cheer when the submarine disap
peared. "Iineteen shots in all were fired,
which is the secretary of the navy's
military salute."
touii ftmsuvr.
COST $61000,000,009
Washington, June 22. Approval
has boon given the leiens eiuncil's
sire raft bill by President Wilson and
it will be introduced in congress early
next wceh. It will provide an initial
appropriation of .?t00,000,Onv and the
program calls for construction within
a year of between 2-3,0C0 and S0,000
airplanes. .
Tho present authorization for nine
training camps vuld be extended by
the measure to include twenty-four,
each to be established at a cor I of
about 31.O00.0lJ0- Flying instructions
also would be extended to many other
technical and engineering schocl.;.
Insure your crops againrt hail loss
es with a good responsible Insurance
Corrpany. Lower rales on lire, light
ning and tornado insurance of ail
kinds. Phone 410-W. James Dvorak.
.More th:-.n i'o v,o u- to and in-idut'.in-r
:.2..0.o-.)o. .?" pvr cent of the
a:ojUiit iuli. e: iIe.u.,ii.iL 2.ijt less i,:u;"
.''.o,0f'O i:: :iny in' Subscriptior.s
in this group t taio l ?220.4o.j.'hiO,
and allotments will cgtrregate $90.
20", "011.
Moro than ;"-2"'U.i!.!!i,'..r up to ana!
including .t2.0'0.0ui. CO per cent, but
::at less than ?1 12. "''' in any h'
tnee. The total of su'.j--cr:ptions in
this group was i't'OLol ,'. )) ; aliot
rra ",ts will aggregate 1 i.oSl Suo.
More th.nn 2.'"- ''0,000 Up to and in
cluding ?r..Ouo Oif) c .ch. 2 ) per cent,
but less than :K.ouo in any one in-itancc-
Subscriptions in tliis. group
rata led $2o ! I,:e';i; allotments' wiil
total ."S.i:t;l,25d.
More tl-.un io,0-0,00i up to and in
cluiiing 1U.o0m. (;;eh 2u per cent. Sub
scriptions, in tliis gi'oup totaled s' I.
07!.l"O; a'dotmen.ts will aggregate
SO 01,'Jo:).
With GOO.OGO More in Federal Sericc,
t'cnsu.s listiniate is Met.
A'.uici: to i:!:i)i'roiP.
The State of Nebraska. )
Pars t'o-.Kify. j-s.:
in tia- County CY-art.
Ill th- ?.f:,tier of the Paate of .h.l::n,:i
St. irk. peeeae.i. 'J'o liie- O'n dit
1 t S of mi id estate:
You aie ! er.hy not Pied that T will
s t at t' e Poutity Court room in i'ialts
! n.t'1. .in s i 1 (Mint-, on the :."tii lav
of .Pine. I ? 1 . and u the : - t i 1 dav of
i e..Vl.. -. 1 : : 7. at Main o'eloek A. M.
01 1 a !i i!:'.;.", to lei eive and examine ali
I'airr.s a-iair-e: said Kstate. with a
v-ew to liadi- r d .i ;i .- mi tst :i?id allow-
a. . The time limited for the presen
t -lieii of ''i.iims airaia.-r said INtat- is
six .: p.,,m tie ::''t!i day of .1 t.nt .
.' . I'. 1.117. a"d tie time limited f-.r
1 .I' lii' iil- of di-bts is oia- Vear fro; 1
s.-5 1 ""tii 1:1 v of Juno, p 17.
Witness my hand and s-al of sa'd
' Coui t, this Utii dav of Mav,
1M 7.
S al) Ald.KN .T. r.KKSoN",
May iwkf lauinty Judge.
IN' 'J HP DiVniKT I 1)1 KT Ol' PAS"!
Ptl STY.
t I.ars jii, Piairitig,
vs. 1 Notice.
John Pus l.:i:nii, 1 efi ndant. 1
.io!.n Ous will take notiee oa the mird 0 ,iv of November,
A. I'. lV.'h Lena l.aison. plaint iff here
in, filed i,i r petition iii ti:e Pistrb-t
Court of I'uss eoonty, N braska,
a aiast said defenihi lit, the objeet and.
p, .; r !' vi: jeh a. 1 e to seeiue a iii
. e f;-'m d fne-hitit, and the
aod eoritrol of John Parson and Ku-
har.- 'ii. ehiiore'i of plail til1" and
i. lend an!. '.rounds for ilivoiae allered
ia said petition are: fMn im- i i tu Itv,
h 1 1: of support for herself and ehil
d .-. n .ami ' abitual d rtitikenness.
Voit are reij,iir d to answer said peti
;i in on or bi-foro the PJlh dav 01 July,
A. I. P17.
Dated June ,Mh, P17.
I. UNA IAIIni.V. PIai!iti!'f.
P.v C. A. liAWhS, Attorney.
U-ll it sw
i:i)!.i: on ni:iti; m muh i:
op 1 -it it 1 1 : up uti.i,.
la tin
Washington, June 22. War regis
tration returns, virtually completed
last night by reports from Wyoming
and Kentucky, shows 1,M men
between the ages if 21 "and SO years,
inclusive, have been enrolled for the
country's service.
In addition to the regularly tabu
lated total, fi,00! Ibdiuns wore en
rolled by state officials or on resorva- !
lion.-: by interior department agents.
Courting the ('00,000 or more men
in the lYdoral service and net reouired ami that tie- heari?n; theteof he iven
.... ' to ail pei - oiis interested in said nuiii.r
to register, tne jrovost marsiu.i gen-or-l's
o'licc s:'ys the census bureau es
timate of 10.27o,''i0 1 eligibles was ap
proximately correct and that few
:!r.ckers arc to be sought. With reg
istration complete, it is expected the
regulations, governing the drrft prob
ably will be made public within a few
dr. vs.
Coualy Coin t of Cases County.
Sai'.e ef Nebraska,
County of ("ass. ) ss.:
To all pe-.;.o!is interested in the e
t. ; of Conrad If. Vallery. di.e ised:
t'i fi.'.i'ii r: u." the petition of I'ranees
.u'e; ;uaine,' that tlie instrument
liiid ia this eourt on the 11th day of
June. !!M7. end purport i 11"; to be t he
last wiil and testament of the s.t:d ile
irii'i'il. ii?.iy be proved and aPowed,
a-id ree.ode 1 as tiit- iast will and tes
ta merit of l'onia.1 I!. Vallery. d.-eea.-ed:
liuit said in.ailinii'iit be adm.tled to
; .oi,;te. aad tl-e administration of .-nid
i .t.ite be -;aiti il to liclllv Mr-isillsfej-
Plan- ia- .Meis inner, as e.eeiiiois.
Ij is ! ,ehy ordeiid that you. and all
pet--, on.-; in'i-r. stol in said n.'it' r. may.
a-id d 1, apiar at the County Court to
i-e I,, i j ia aad for said ou-tv. on the
7i i day of July. A. I . 1 V 7, at P'
o be k A. M., to show I'ause. if any
th.-re !. -, i v ti e raver of the peti
tioner -l.o-ibl n it be granted, and tiiat
Hot lei- ol the ),, ndeney ot said peiMlon
On chicks. Those pc.ra-itcs sup the
very life food out of thorn. Dust
the lien at night with A. 13. Thomas'
Louse Killer and your troubles are
ended. It al.,o kills bugs on cucum-
j be:-, tomato, and squar-h vinos. Wc
sell it to you and if it. does not make
good, we will. II. M. Socnaichsen,
Puis & Gan:;cmer.
by pn bl is!, i to; a iopy of this order in
t- ! Pht t (anion! It Journal, a veekiy
i;ev.:-.i ! r 1 rimed in said coiintv, for
lino' - tn-i-i-s.- i ve wei ks piUr to said
da .- of bea rincr.
Witness mv hand, and seal of :nid
eourt. this ICUl dav of June. ,. p. Kil7.
County Jiap'o.
Good milch cow' for sale. Call phone
No. 413-W. e-4-5twkIy
If you havo anytuvng for talc adver
tise in the Journal.
Washington June 22. Folhr.vir.g
receipt of war registration returns
from Wyoming ar.d Ker-tuci y, mak
the nation's f.nal tot'tl enrollment V,
fj I'J.'J'-:?, 1'rov-t- Marsha! General
Crowder announced today that draft
regulations will be ready for publica
tion July 1st, two months before the
call to the colors. Details ef th.2 ma
chine: y governing exemption boards
were r.ot disclosed-
Riley Hotel Building
iiscii i aiiorinsr
Docteru and Nurses I'nylish j
in Hospital Work at the
such as are now attached to the vari
ous; Dritish staffs. The non-commissioned
orderlies and privates were
practically all taken from civil life
but in keeping with the doctors and
nurses have settled into their new
work with marked efficiency and enthusiasm. FOli SALE.
Stars and Stripes Are ITjing Willi
the Union Jack Frcm
Flagstaff s.
Dritish Headquarters in France,
June 22. Amoiican doctors, nurses
and enlisted men, within the last fort
right have taken over six of the Brit
ish great general field hospitals, re
leasing the English staff's for duty
near their front. American surgeons
also rendered valuable aid in the for
ward casualty clearing stations dur
ing the 'oattle of Messtnes.
The Stars and Stripes fly with th.e
Dritish Union Jack from each hospital
fiag staff, the two ensign; fluttering
side by side in the cool breezes that
sweep from the sea.
The British selected their hospital
cites with the greatest care and have
developed them with a completeness
that has come from nearly three years
held experience. Some of the general
hospitals are made up of tented wards
accommodating forty to sixty beds
ouch. Others are constructed of a ser
ies of huts. The operating theaters
arc splendidly built and seem to lack
nothing in the way of surgical equip
ment. Originally planned for 1,040 beds
each, the general hospitals have been
practically all enlarged to 1,400 beds,
and during a crisis can accommodate
2.000 patients. The units which have
taken over the various hospitals were
organized by the American Red Cross
as "United States base hospitals" and
with the declaration of war these
staffs were turned over to the regular
army for service as required.
Each unit has brought along an or
ganization director who was a surgeon
in civil practice but now takes com
mand as a major in the United States
reserve. The commanding officer in
each unit is a regular American army
surgeon, while the subordinate mem
bers of the staffs arc made up of regu
lar army surgeons and dax'tors com
missioned from civil life. The nurses
are all graduates of well known train
ing schools and will probably be sup
plemented soon by voluntary aid de
tachments of young women workers
Some native dimension lumber for
sale. Inquire of John Hobson, Platts
mouth. 5-31
In the matter of the Estate of Dora
Oiuham Moore, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of James T. Bcg
ley, judge of the district court of Cass
County, Nebraska, made on the 18th
day of June, A. D., 1017, for the sale
of th.e real estate hereinafter de
scribed, there will be sold at the south
front door of the Court House in
Plattsmouth, Cast County, Nebraska,
cn the 10th day of July, A. D-, l'Jl7,at
11:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, at pub
lic vendue to the highest bidder for
cash, the following real estate, to
wit: Lots nine and ten (0 and 10) in
block eleven (11), South Park addition
to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Dated June ISth, 1017.
Executor of the Estate of Dora Old
ham Moore, deceased.
An extra good quarter of central
Nebraska land. All good black soil
and every foot could bo plowed; fenced
and cross-fenced; 120 acres in cultiva
tion, balance in pasture and hay land;
some timber in pasture; 1 acre now
in alfalfa, remainder of cultivated land
in wheat, oats and corn; one-half mile
to school; two miles to good trading
point, two batiks; sixteen miles from
best school town in the state; fair rix
room house, horse stable for 12 head
of horses, chicken coop, granary and
hog shed; good well and mill. For
sale quick at .$70 per acre, one half
cash, remainder five years' time at G
per cent. Rent to go to purchaser.
For further information address Lock
Box Gl, Cedar Creek, Neb.
Remember the Journal carries the
finest line of stationery in town, and
can please all in this line cf goods.
The llehawka iyiiSis
arc now Rollins and Manufacturing the
11 fflWfflB' ffiBB"
ft ;
"Letter Roll' Flour needs no boosting,
For on the top shelf it now is roosting.
The best cooks wherever you go
Use this famous flour, you know.
They just set their yeast and go to bed,
For they know on the morrow they will have good
J. M.
, Prop,
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by Ali. Dealer