The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 21, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    PAGE 4.
THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917.
First Security
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
We are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and
handling his live stock for market
Deposits In This Ban
are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $ 1,
000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you!
WM. SCHNEIDER, President
W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN, Cat hier
Local Eews
From Tuesdays Daily.
Matt McQuinn of Union was in the
city yesterday for a few hours look
ing: after some matters of business.
Miss Olga Enberg of Sheridan,
Wyo., is visiting her aunts, Misses
Gerda and Alpha Petersen, in this
H. C. Sherwood and bride returned
this afternoon from Denver, whore
they have been enjoying a short honey
moon trip.
Floyd Wolcott. of Weeping' Water,
was in the city today en route to
Omaha, where he will attend the state
Sunday school convention in that city.
Mrs. J. E. Wiles and Mrs. L. L.
Wiles and daughter were among those
going to Omaha this morning to visit
for a few hours with friends in that
Henry Zuckweiler and wife depart
ed yesterday afternoon for Huron, S.
D., where they go to spend a short
time looking after some land interests
in that city.
Charles Cogdell, George Everett and
Charles Boardman of near Union were
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters at the
court house.
F. J. Hennings, wife and sons, mo
tored in this afternoon from their
home in Eight Mile Grove to lo k
after some matters of business with
the merchants.
A. A. Wetenkamp and wife and
daughter. Miss . Mary, came in this
afternoon from their home, near My
nard and departed on the afternoon
Burlington train for Omaha to spend
a few hours.
Dr. J. W. Dean of Marysville, Mo.,
who has been here visiting his daugh
ter, Mrs. J. E. Douglass and family,
departed last evening for his home,
and from there he will go to Sulphur,
Okla., to take treatment for rheuma
tism. H. C. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Frieze of Union motored to this city
this afternoon for a short visit with
friends and to attend to some busi
ness matters. While here Mr. Ross
called aE this office and had his sub
scription extended for another year.
John Lohnes and daughter, Mrs.
Terryberry, came in this morning
from their home in Eight Mile Grove
precinct and departed on the early
Burlington train for Pekin and Peoria,
Illinois, where they will enjoy a few-
days' visit with relatives and friends
in those cities.
A. J. Box of Elmwood motored to
this city this morning to attend to
some business matters and visit with
friends for a short time. He was ac
companied by W. J. Burrows of Kan
sas City, who is visiting at the Box
home, and with relatives in the vicin
ity of Weeping Water They were
pleasant callers at this office.
Mrs. R. F. Keller, of Minneapolis,
is in the" city for a short visit with
her mother, Mrs. Annie Britt, and
other relatives and friends. Mr. and
Mrs. Keller arrived Sunday, Mis.
Keller having been visiting in Ohio,
while Mr. Keller was at Beacon Falls,
Conn., where the factory of his com
pany is located, and after spending
Sunday here he returned to Minne
apolis. ,
From Wednesday's Dally.
Lester Beckner of Wayne, Neb., ar
rived in this city last evening for an
extended visit with his sister, Mollie
J. A. Whiteman of Nehawka was in
the city for a few hours today visit
ing with friends and looking after;
some business matters.
John Connally, of near Murray,
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness with the merchants.
Miss Eda Marquardt, county super
intendent, returned this morning from
Chicago, where she has been for a
few days visiting with friends'.
Mrs. Mary Metzger and daughter
motored in this morning from their
home near Cedar Creek to spend a
few hours in this city looking after
some matters of business.
Mrs. J. B. Tipton departed this
morning for North Loup, Neb., where
she will enjoy a visit for a short
time with her brother, Theodore Mil
ler and family, near that place.
Mrs. J. M. Cunningham and chil
dren and Mrs. Edgar Boggs left
Monday afternoon for an extended
trip to Billings, Mont., and Lewiston,
Ida., returning by way of Denver and
Colorado Springs.
Ed Slocumb, one of the leading
farriers of near Mynard, was in the
city today for a few hours looking
after some business matters and while
here he was a pleasant caller at the
Journal office to renew for the Old
Read the Evening Journal. Only 10
ents a week.
with present conditions at the various factories exist
ing and trie scarcity of freight cars in which to trans
fer autos, it is a cold fact that a great many buyers will
be disappointed at the inability of agents to secure cars
with which to nil orders already sold. We anticipated
this condition early and bought a supply of cars of both
"Studebaker" and "Maxwell" autos and can make im
mediate delivery to you. Think this matter over care
fully and call on us or write and we will be pleased to
give you a demonstration of either make.
There is a raise in price of both makes which we
can avoid if you will act quickly. Subject to stock on
hand v
Stucbbaker 6-50, f. o. b. Detroit $1,250.00
Maxwell 4-40, f . o. b. Detroit 940.00
Maxwell 4-30, f. o. b. Detroit 635.00
Cedar Creek
Government Will Be Altered
Greatly if Strife Lasts.
Eminent Russian Lecturer
Now Touring America
Those Who 8tand In the Way of En
acting Laws Mad Necessary by the
War Aro Quickly Brushed Aside.
Measures Never Before Dreamed of
F'assed by Congress.
Washington, June 13. Special. So
muich can be done In the name of war
necessity that it is quite likely that our
government will be considerably chang
ed if the war lasts long. It is an old
adage that "necessity knows no law,"
but that goes double when it is a war
necessity and also when patriotism Is
the driver.
The man or group of men who stand
In the way of what is declared a war
necessity or a patriotic movement are
run oxer or brushed aside. And so
we are going to see important changes
in our methods and we will undergo
strange conditons, particularly if the
war lasts any length of time.
Even in the enactment of laws wo
have seen rather strange innovations.
arge grants of power and propositions
that have been rather startling. There
have been protests and sometimes the
legislation demanded has been defeat
ed, but a new crop of measures keeps
crowding forward, and It will be found
that we have greatly changed the char
acter of the government under the ne
cessities of war.
Too Much Garrulity.
There has been too much talk in
'higher circles." There has been too
much discussion of the motives, moves.
orders and actions of men and ships
among those who are supposed to be
exclusive" In the world of official and
social life. The spies have not been
hovering about the byways and scan
ning the newspapers for military and
naval secrets. They have been busy
in the "salons," drawing rooms and at
dining tables, listening to the tittle-tat
tle of women and men who have had
knowledge of what orders have been
issued by the departments affecting the
movement of officers, ships and troops.
Topic of Discussion.
As long as Theodore Roosevelt Is a
presidential possibility he will be a
topic of political discussion. Senator
Stone of. Missouri In his rapier-like
manner of discussion took a turn at
Roosevelt several weeks ago. Of course
he started talk, and quite a number
of the colonel's friends came to his
The main subject of contention was
n regard to what Roosevelt did before
the capture of Santiago, when he had
his rough riders with him. Stone re
turned to the charge after giving a
hearing to one of Roosevelt's captains
and printed a long extract from a book
written by a woman who was rather
unmerciful toward the colonel and his
military record. And by way of sar
castic emphasis the Missouri senator
showed that this book was largely
purchased and circulated by Charles
D. Hilles, chairman of the Republican
national committee In 1912. But Stone
did not add that Roosevelt was then
bolting the Republican nominations of
that year.
The Need of the Canal.
Congressman Frear of Wisconsin ws
making hi3 annual fight against the
river and harbor bill and hit the pro
posed lntercoastal canal. "Mr. Mad
den of Illinois," he said, "discovered
the only valid use for that lntercoastal
waterway. He says it is to take the
seasickness out of the sea."
"Called Back."
Congressman Dan Stephens "called
back" Dave Mercer for one issue of the
Congressional Record by having a
speech by Mercer printed in that or
gan of congress. The speech was de
livered on the fiftieth anniversary of
the admission of Nebraska as a state
and was replete with the history of
the state, the discovery and develop
ment of the territory from which it
was carved, etc. Dave Mercer was an
able member of congress along about
the time of the Spanish war.
Prohibition "Inching Up."
The legislation for war purposes gives
the anti-liquor people their opportunity
to further restrict the use of liquors.
It often happens, however, that the
legislation which is enacted is not what
many want. For instance, in making
it more difficult to manufacture dis
tilled spirits, but not entirely stopping
their manufacture, the Prohibitionists
Insist that the government continues
in. partnership with whisky and is mak
ing money out of it. Although making
gains, they do not get all they want.
- Causes of Delay.
"One reason -why it seemed as if we
never would complete the revenue bill,
remarked Senator Thomas of Colorado,
"was this: We would agree upon a pro
vision and give the statement to the
newspapers. Then about midnight and
continuously until morning our door
bells would ring and messenger boys
would deliver telegrams which would
3ay, We are perfectly willing to bear
our scare of the expense 01 tne war.
buf and then would follow a pro
test against what we had done. There
ought to be a tax on messages pro
testing against the war revenue bilL
It would have raised a large sum."
Plattsmouth Chautauqua
Mm - 11 v ; i.-l
TTTE have seldom beeu more enthusiastic over a lecturer than we are
yy over Morris G. Hindus, the Russian. He. 1ms made chautauqiza audi-
ences ior uie past iour summers enumsiusuc over iue siory or
sla, her people, goveniment, customs, etc. Last summer Mr. Hindus predicted
the revolution in Russia that has c me to ! e a matter of history. This sum
mer he will bring his lec ture up to date and weave in sill the croat events that
have transpired in Russia since a year atro. This thrilling lecture will be
heard on the evening of the second day. Subject, "Russia Today.
Early Returns On $12,000,000 Cam
paign Show Generous Contributions.
Washington, June 19. The nation
wide campaign to raise a fund of one
hundred million dollars for th3 Red
Cross a in full jwir? toay, with
indications of Jro-rcus contributions
from thrountit -h country.
Campaign comvr.iUee-s from many
cities reverted to Red Cross head
quarters the raising of sums in ex
cess of the amounts allotted and had
set larger figures as goals. New York
alone reported 512,000,000 had be?n
pledged in the first twenty-four hours.
A larcre clerical force was at work re
ceiving and chalking up returns on
the big bulletin boards at headquar
ters. No attempt was made to esti
mate the total amount already donated
but Red Cross officials expressed con
fidence that the campaign would be
Miss Mabel T. Boardman of the
Red Cross, today appealed to the
women of America to do their part in
the campaign. "As women we must
give quickly our share of the fund,
she said.
Washington, June 10. For the first
time in American history, ordinary
receipts of the tieasury have passed
the billion-dollar mark in a fiscal year.
The great sum has been anticipated,
however, in the plan of raising war
-revenues and it dees not r.iter the ad
ministration plans for taxation, as all
the available money from ail sources
will be needed.
Up to today the total was $1,015,
331,517, as compared. with $600,400,
C53 -a year ago today, an increase of
approximately $335,000,000.
The bulk of the huge increase is
due to increased income taxes and
earlier payments. A total of ?294,-000,27-3
has b3en collected thus far
this fiscal year. The next largest item
is from other internal revenues total
ing approximately $425,000,000, an in
crease of about $00,000,000 over last
Customs receipts show a total thus
for of $217,578,-108, an increase of ap
proximately $14,200,000.
During the last twenty-four hours
approximately $41,500,000 was re
ceived at the treasury, the largest
day of the year thus far.
Washington, June 10. The war de
partment is considering plans to keep
the national guard of the northern
states in their home states until about
September 15.
The question of climatic etlecc oi
Fendinc them to southern comps in
the middle of summer has been raised.
This will not affect the time of calling
out the guard.
Another important phase of mili
tary matters is that the the calling
into camp of conscripts may be de
layed until October 1 or lo.
The war department cannot pro
vide all the equipment by September
1. Moreover, states like Iowa are urg
ing that it would be wise to-leave men
at home as long as possible to com
plete the season's farm work.
Leslie M. Shaw's discussion of the
present world war is worth the price
of the Chautauquaticket
Washington, June 19 Heads of
the principal women's organizations
of the country, meeting here with
Herbert ' C. Hoover today, promised
their full support for the food admin
istration. About 150 societies were
Mr. Hoover said the success of the
food administration's plans depends
largely on the co-operation of the
country's housewives. Women, he ue
claied, are as much a part of the na
tional armv as are the men fighting
at the front.
After the women are enrolled,
bakers, butchers and members of
trades havinsr to do with food distri
Lutioh will be ashed to register for
- Dr. R. L. Wilbur, one of Mr. IIoov
er's assistants, said if the. war lasts
long enough Americans may be forced
to wear unstarched 'clothes to pre
serve the starch supply for food."
Gabriel R. Maguire, African Explorer,
Lecturer, Evening First Day
i wx m&m - T 1 is ?
I .4 m WWW
L -Sly
GAI5RIEL R. MAGUIRE, the great Irish orator who spent, a: namoer of
years in the heart of Africa, comes with the humorous storyf' his ex
perieuces. lie is wonderfully entertamiaig. and. at the Famef'time bis
address is fuil of information aboutthc country . and ieople of- Africa and
makes one of the most delightful evenings4 you Lave ever experienced. The
Lig audience at the Epworth Assembly two. years ago' rpted him ote of the
most acceptable speakers that ever appeared on the platform for that bhj
gathering. Dr. Masuire will have with him a very valuable collection of
curios that he gathered during his sis years' sojourn in Africa. "Through
the Jungles of Africa With an Irishman" will be the subject the evening of
the first :ay.
28th and Ends July 4th-6 Big Days!
Washington, D. C, June 19. Pro
vost .Warshal General Lrowder is
completing- draft regulations while
waiting for final registration returns.
With Wyoming the only state yet to
report, figures at General Crowder's
cfiice tonight totaled ',611,811- A
telegram from Wyoming tonight
premised complete returns within
twenty-four hours.
The regluations, scon to be given
to the public, will cover the questions
of transfer of registration to a dif
ferent locality and the physical exam
ination of registrants wht have moved
from their place of registration.
In a statement issued tonight, Gen
eral Crowder warns registrants who
are absent from their homes that the
burden of ascertaining whether they
have been drafted rests entirely upon
The statement calls attention to the
fact that the draft will be made for
the army alone not the navy and
that choice as to branch of service
cannot be guaranteed to those con
The Woodmen of the World will
give another of their pleasant social
dances Saturday evening, June 23d, at
the M. W. A. hall, and to which the
public is very cordially invited to be
present. The music will be furnished
by the Plattsmouth orchestra.
The Beins homestead and the Bill
Sayles place, 3 miles south of Platts
mouth. Inquire of E. W. Beins, or
call Phone 4211. 6-19-tfd&w
John Renner, who has been spending
the winter at the Soldiers' Home at
Leavenworth, Kan., is in the city to
enjoy a short visit with relatives and
A patriotic program that you will
never forget, by the "Old-Fashioned
Girls," the afternoon on the third day.
Hear the humorous Irishman, Ga
briel R. Maguire, the first evening of
the Chautauqua, and be glad all your
Mrs C. A. Rawls and Mrs. C. C.
Wescott departed thi3 morning for
Fremont, where they will attend the
state chapter of the P. E. O., which
is meeting there this week.
The Boyds Overflowing
With Mirth and Laughter
n, i fr.
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