The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 21, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917.
Oe plattsmoutb journal
Catered at Postofflee at Plattsmouth. Neb., aw second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
All eyes on the chautauqua.
The Kansas wheat harvest is on.
America is the money center of the
Buckle down to business is the way
to get trade.
Miss Summer hasn't even got a
pood start yet.
Butter manipulators believe in a
strong market.
You have to be up and doing; if you
do not want to be done.
The supreme judge is always right,
because he has the last say.
The French arc treating General
Tcrshing like a real hero. Well, that'i
Another way to practice economy it
to cut out the rice shower on the June
Thomas Edison says it's easier tc
improve machinery than it is to im
prove men.
Let's make the chautauqua a big
success. By so doing it will insure
another one next year.
This is Red Cross week everywhere
in the United States. If you haven't
given your dollar yet, do so this week.
Nearly every person you know
would rather go on being a fool than
admit in the first place that he is
If the food speculator had what's
coming to him he would be serving :j
99-years' term in the penitentiary at
Leavenworth, Kan.
People who haven't any more sense
than to drive their automobiles on the
sidewalk ought to be fined, and to the
fullest extent of the law.
Young man, remember that all the
friends you can gather about you can
never make your life a success; neith
er can your enemies make it a failure.
It rests with you to determine whether
you shall succeed or fail. Just plao
this thought under your hat, and al
ways keep it there.
Canada has so far contributed for
hospital work (like .'the Red Cross
work) two dollars for every inhab
itant. The United States is only ask
ing one dollar per capita. Many per
haps are too poor to give even one
dollar, so some will have to give more.
By all means don't be a piker.
It doesn't pay to gossip about oncVi
neighbors. Let us have only kind
thoughts and good words for every
one, and be sure to lend a helping
hand whenever occasion calls for it.
In trying to lighten another's burden,
we forget our own; and the kind
thoughts we send out come back tc.
us like echoes!
We take this method of returning
our most sincere thanks to Mrs. Thad
W. Rodecker, the elegant little lad:;
press agent with Tom Allen's shows
for the manner in which she so kindly,
remembered us with a box of the very
finest of candy previous to her de
parture for Red Oak, la., where the
company plays this week. We highly
appreciate the compliment, not so
much for its value, as we do ths
spirit in which it was given. Mrs
Rodecker is a perfect lady, and she
will not soon be forgotten by the
Journal family, and by all others whe
had the pleasure of meeting her. Long
may she live, and may her shadpw
never grow less, is the prayer of the
Swat the fly.
There is no excuse for loafers these
They are even trying to kill Omaha
"When thieves fall out" then comes
the tug-of-war.
Nothing works faster than a wom
an's imagination.
This is the year to inaugurate the.
"back-to-the-farm" movement.
This is Red Cross Week. Now is
your time to pass in your donation.
Whcn your chickens come home to
roost, you have nothing to crow about.
Utilize every can you can to can
what you can of this season's product.
It is becoming dangerous even to
hint that you would relish a drink of
The best way to purify the co;?
scaldal is for the government to take
all the coal mines. And why not?
Another way to help out the food
shortage is to kill rats. They destroy
as much as some people eat.
Young man, that certificate of reg
istration you carry is a badge of hon
or, and we envy you your possession
of it.
A dentist's baby was born at Lewis-
ton, Idaho, with two teeth. Next in
order will be a coronetist's baby being
born with a pair of horns.
Give what you can to the Red Cross
movement. It is a worthy movement.
arid what you give denotes that you
are a very worthy citizen.
This thing of turning the clock for
ward an hour does not interest us a
little bit. What we want is a clock
that will conform to our inclinations.
Strike up the drums and bugles for
the new army, and drown out the
threats and epithets which now per
vade communities. Hurrah for the
Red, White and Blue!
An exchange advises the eating of
more corn, advice which we shall most
willingly and cheerfully heed just a?
soon as the succulent roasting ear
makes its most welcome appearance.
England turns raw recruits into
fighting men in ninety days. That
beats our time right now, but the
chances are Uncle Sam will soon be
able to work in less time than that.
It is just as well to look over the
list of draft registrations in the dif
ferent precincts, as' well as that of
this city, and spot the slackers. They
should be sifted out, as the govern
ment directs.
It seems to be the consensus o
opinion, by those who ought to know,
that Nebraska and Kansas are more
alike than anyother two states in the
union. And, it is also generally
agreed that they are two of the best
states under the stars and stripes.
There is nothing more charming
than a young June bride with natural
roses on her cheeks, and no paint.
Senator Hitchcock received more
than 100 telegrams from Nebraska
and other states urging him to oppose
stamp tax on checks. Senator Hitch
cock is inclined to believe that 'if a
tax on checks is necessary it should
be restricted to checks of fairly larg'.
denomination ' and should not be im
posed on all the small checks that gc
to make up much of the everyday
business of the country.
"This war," says a London corre
spendent of the New York Tribune,
"can only be won by effort that ab
sorbs the entire strength of the na
tion effort that supplants usual ac
tivities, that cripples usual trade, that
means a' national life far removed
from the 'business as usual'- slogan
that is now being shouted in the
United States." "No nation can fight
in this war," he says again, "so long
as it has 'business as usual' for a
slogan." It is to be expected that in a
time of great stress the strong emo
tions aroused will lead to extrava
gances in words, even among those
who tire ordinarily conservative and
practical-minded. We have heard
much of the same tenor as this from
other well-meaning advisers, but it is
only necessary to examine the facts
to expose its fallacy. We shall have,
perhaps, 3,000,000 men in the army
and navy. We shall have, possibly,
2,000,000 engaged in the manufacture
of the destructive munitions of war
and other equipment of the forces in
arms. There will be left approxi
mately 93,000,000 people, not'directly
engaged in the activities of war, whose
needs, at least, must be provided for,
and whose reasonable desires should,
in the general interest, be satisfied.
A large number of these will be, it is
true, accupied in the production of
foodstuffs, a part of which will be re
quired for the subsistence of the
armed forces, and a larger part for
the allies, but nevertheless the greater
portion of such products will be needed
and consumed by the 93,000,000 who
are, in a way, outside of the war. And
they, aswell as the army, have other
wants that must be supplied.
To say that this vast number should
devote all its energies to the purposes
of the war is arrant nonsense. It is
utterly impossible, and if it were pos
sible it would be absolutely destruc
tive of the sources of revenue upon
which the war depends. . Business
must go on as usual, or as nearly so
as the circumstances will permit, be
cause, if for no other reason, the suc
cessful prosecution of the war de
mands it. Normal business at all
times grows out of the production and
sale to mankind of the things it re
quires for a civilized exstence. War
may modify the character of this de
mand and lessen its value, but it can
not stop it without destruction. We
must continue to eat and to wear
clothes whether we are civilians or
soldiers. We must go on buying and
selling; we cease at our peril. The
ability of any nation to carry on a war
is largely dependent upon its power
to maintain the activity of business
and the consequent prosperity of its
people, for from this must be drawn
the sinews of war. War in its last
analysis is always and inevitably a
matter of money. No war can be
fought without it, and the nation that
has the most, other things being equal,
can hold out the longest. We must
win this war, apd we must pay its
price. We could not draw money from
an idle nation, and, if it were possi
ble to absorb "the entire strength of
the nation" into the various activities
of the war, the t government would
necessarily feed upon itself to its own
The correspondent intimates that
Great Britain has abandoned the
"business as usual" motto. The facts
do not support such a theory. Busi
ness in Britain has been profoundly
affected by the war, but it has gone
on, and is being encouraged to go on
by the government in every way pos
sible. The official reports of its ex
ports show how it has succeeded. The
total for 19W was 315,000,000, and
for 1916, 424,000,000. Up to the first
of the year, therefore, Great Britain,
notwithstanding submarine losses, was
not only keeping up its export busi
ness as usual, but was increasing it.
So it should be with us. Subject to
such shifts and modifications as the
needs of the government require, busi
ness must continue to the highest pos
sible point of volume compatible with
the necessary economy in certain ma
terials. It is not a mercenary matter.
Our salvation depends upon it. St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
J It is of . the last importance at this
time that our bankers particularl:
should bring before the wide public
with whom they are brought in con
tact in the most intimate and confiden
tional Way the seriousness and pur
pose of the war. Above all, they
should discourage sentimental peace,
talk, where the wish is merely father
to the thought. : Miss Jane Addams
furnishes an example of this kind of
agitation, unconsciously bringing out
the typicaljy illogical position of the,
pacifist. She says:
"The United States owes too much
to all nations who have come here to
till her broad acres to allow the
women and children of any nation to
starve. The United States should tell
its allies it is not in this war for the
purpose of starving women and chil
Miss Addams is incapable of false
hood, but this is much more danger
ous because it is a half truth. She
states that part which suits her senti
ment and ignores the rest. When she
speaks of starving women and chil
dren she means the women and chil
dren of Germany. When the north
blockaded the south it was not con
cerned about the women and children,
for the good reason that it was al
ways in the power of the south tc
protect them by surrender.
This is the principle of siege and
blockade. The blockade of the allies
is increasingly effective and it docs
not seem to occur to Miss Addams
learns what really has happened.
that Germany and its German friends
here have made two irreconcilable
statements and continue to mako.
them, indifferent to the fact that one
kills the other. The first is that Ger
many cannot be starved out. Tl
second is that the allies are, as Miss
Addams claims, starving Germany's
women and children.
Before the surrender of Paris in
1871 Bismarck was asked if, in com
mon humanity, he would allow the
little babies to $e taken out of the
city, in order to save their innocent
lives. He flatly refused. lie said the
Parisians could terminate the sieg
and the hardships it involved by sur
render. A siege without such hard
ships would be no siege at all. If
the women and children of Germany
are starving Germany can always ter
minate the blockade. It can surren
der. It does not hesitate to starve the
women and children of Belgium or of
Poland or Roumania. But evidently
these are not the women and children
in the mind ,of Miss Addams Wall
Street Journal. ,
Some American liberty-loving Ger
mans of New York have organized a
national propaganda under the title,
"Friends of the German Republic," to
dethrone the kaiser. Everything pos
sible, will be done to insure William
Hohenzollern the same fate that befell
his cousin, Nick Romanoff. They don't
believe Kaiser Bill has the divine right
to rule he claims any more than
Czar Nick had, and he is now hoeing
potatoes. Circulars in German and
English are being mailed to the Ger
mans of the United States urging
them to co-operate with the movement.
They believe that if the people should
take hold of the government that the
war would soon end and that they
would get much better peace terms
than the kaiser would ever get. This
is a way the Germans in this country
could do something to help end the
war and be helping the German peo
ple at the same time, for they are as
capable of running their own govern
ment as we are. Then if they would
raise a large fund to kep the needy
as soon as the war is over that would
help end the war also.
. :o:
It will certainly be a "safe an-i
sane". Fourth of July in Plattsmoutb
this year.
W-i-H-WW' 'I-I-H-l-
. Lawyer.
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
uri i u rn r wpi a a js
Since the enormous success of th
'' Liberty loan was a surprise even to
i many Americans, "who ought to be
hep to American ways, we may safely
conclude that it will stun the kaiser
besides knocking his eye out.
It was an overwhelming victory for
the United States. It beat all records
not only of this war but of all wars;
not only of this country but of all
countries. Germany's first loan wsj
taken by l?ss than 1,200,000 subscrib
crs and it was aclaimed as wonder
ful, which it was. Great Britain's
first loan was taken by"l 00,000. Twenty-five
times 109,000 have subscribed
to our first loan! And they have of
fered to lend 40 per cent more than
the amount the government wanted
to borrow! Ths millionaire sulrscrib
ers will have their quota cut down on
account of the tremendous outnouring
of the common people eager to lend
to their government in amounts of $50
and $100 each.
With hardly a ripple of excitement,
and with no appreciable resistance,
nearly 10,000,000 of our young met.
have registered for war.
Without the assistance of any un
derwriting syndicate, without the gov
ernment's being obliged to pay any
commission or profits, a great popular
loan of two billions has been sub
scribed, and the people arc clamorinp
fcr more.
A very convincing proof, we think
and the kaiser must think so too-
that the people of the United States
much as they love peace, long as they
hesitated before accepting the insolent
challenge to war, now that they arc
in the war mean to fight it throug!.
and support their govei nment to the
And now it must have shocked the
kaiser, especially the success of the
liberty loan! Perhaps if the world'
greatest autocrat had been privileged
to hear American foot ball coaches
talk, on the eve of a big game, h-.
would have been better prepared fov
what happened. The coach's team is
invariably weakened by absentees
cripples, big holes and poor conditions;
the situation is lugubrious, not to say
hopeless. Great scalding tears run
down the coach's furrowed, haggard
cheeks as he tells that the boys
go in and do the best they can, but
! And then the boys go in ant
play the game of their robust youns
lives, in the pink of condition, every
man up on his toes, 100 per ccn!
strong and swift and 200 per cent fit.
So it was with the loan. It was
hardly launched before the ululations
and lamentations began. It was man
aged wiong wretchedly. The hippo
droming tour of Secretary AcAdoc
was an awful mistake. The thing
should have been turned over to some
big syndicate that knew how to pull
of such stunts. The people weren't
interested. The subscriptions weren't
coming in half fast enough. FAIL
URE a big failure in capital letters
was inevitable. And so it was al
most to the last day before the score
was announced.
We suppose undoubtedly the kaiser
heard about it, and it must have tick
led him pink. It would "be cheering
to have a look at him now, when he
learns what really has happened.
He get only a little way, the boy
who ran ahead. -
For ths blackness overtook him be
fore he had run a dozen yards.
But he took the spirit of this whole
great nation with him and as his
comrades charged past with break.
neck recklessness to cross the space
of No Man's Land, that boy knew in
all the haze of eternity of the second
just before the night.-that he had done
his bit as a man from God's country '
should. I
And all the rest knew, too though
ho was forgotten by them in a mo-'
Now, will it be your dollar that1
take the stretcher to tiic boy v,vho ran I
Will your dollars puvntcr to his
lips? - Will your dollars hurry - with
him back to the tender care of th
Children Cry
A,1 i V
V try
K V rm try s m
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has boca
in ie for over over 30 years, has borne the si:iat::ie ci
7 sonal supervision since its infancy,;
S&czStyjC4&CC4U4Z Allow no one to deceive you in
aii rrtnvi-f7it; imitations ana lust-as-zooa " tre i.ut:
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health if
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
hat Ss CAti UH fi
Castoria is a harmless substitute fcr Castor Oil, Parcror!.-..
Drops and Soothing byrups. it is pleasant, it contains
ssilher Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic euhsiascc. I
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty j'c-ars il
teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Fiatnlonry,
"Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverisbnecs
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and BoweTs. id3
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural tl.cp.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend,
Bears the
In Use. For Oyer 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
nurse so willing to mother hir
through the perilous oblivion.
Will your dollars 'brighten that
first morning when he sees the soft,
white pej.cefulness of his cot and pet
lc3 back, reassured by the smiles
about him, to rest just a bit again?
These may be your dollars if you'l for such is the glorious, wonder-'
ful work dollars can do these days.
Every subscriber to' the Red Cross
.an count his dollars doing just some
;uc-h thine.
Every member can know his dollars
?an be hurrying comfort to the boy
who has taken the spirit of America
30 bravely "over the top."
A five dollar contribution is such a
little thing to do so much maybe you
Ihink it's all too little to count.
Don't feel that way. Don't let that
boy go down, choking for the very
breath of life don't let his call go
mheard, just because you thought a
iive dollar 1 ill couldn't do enough.
Subscribe to the Red Cross today,
now. Our slogan is "Fight or Give!"
Put the five dollars you were about
to, spend needlessly back into your
pocket. Send it to the nearest RerJ
Cross station and ask your own heart
if what you got isn't worth a thou
sand times the price.
Red Cross members will not be
called upon for field service; and
whether this war ends tomorrow or
lasts indefinitely, remember , the Red
Cross goes right along doing the no
blest, most humanitarian work in all
the world for it is always taking
care of the wounded, food to the starv
ing, mercy everywhere.
President Wilson, himself, is presi.
dent of the Red Cross, and asks that
one milliqn men and women enroll
Our new and up-to-date machinery for this purpose has
arrived, and we are prepared to charge your storage
batteries in the most scientific manner and upon short
notice. There is always room for one more, so call on
U3 at any lime for. quick repairs.
-ISie Plattsmouth Garage-
1 ED. MASON, Proprietor
Office Telephone 394
for Fletchers
nas Deen mace unaer ms per-
Signature of
their names as subscribers to the Red
Cross at $1, $2, $5, $10, $J00, $1,000,
$10,000 or $100,000.
He does not ask that you do any
thing else but pay your subscription
and then if you wish to secure 10, 2,
or 1C0 new subscribers, do so if you
wish. Xo further service in the field
or elsewhere will be required.
In this hour of the nation's and all
the world's need, every American who
loves his country and his fellow men
asks: "What can I do? Where can I
For stalwart youth the path of duty
is plain. Our country and humanity
need men to fight and die for them.
Yet of our 100,000,000 only a small
J fraction now and 'but a tithe at most,
or worst, can thus serve. For all who
cannot enlist to seek "the great prize
of death in battle" or who are not
needed in those ranks, as yet, there
is another enlistment. It is under tlrs
banner of the Red Cross. Enlisting
there all, old or young, man, womai;
or tender child, can proudly say:
"I too am serving humanity and my
"I too am deserving well of the
This is Red Cross week and we ask
that you do this by becoming a sup
porter of the Red Cross. Send you
cash and your check today $5, $10.
$100, 81,000, $10,000 or $100,000 give
to your very utmost.
Some sections in California are in
flicted with the heat. The thermome
ter registering from 114 to 117. This
is hot, indeed, for California.
Teddy still pleads for Red Cross
help. There is nothing too good for
great Americans like him.
Residence Telephone 229
forging! 4 -