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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1917)
TOSS 3 Neb 8UU Historical Soc TOLL XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917. No. 216. DRIVE IS ON FOR RED GROSS WEEK An Enthusiastic Meeting at the Ma sonic Temple, Represented By Workers From All Over the County. The drive for Red Cross week in Cass county was started last evening at a meeting held at the Masonic tem ple and in which a very large number of the enthusiastic workers from all over the county were present to take part. The local chapter of the Red Cross had arranged for those from out in the county to gather here with them, and accordingly plans were laid for the entertainment of the visitors at luncheon. The ladies of the chap ter in this city arranged the feast, and the Masonic order generously do nated the use of their banquet hall for the gathering, and here the guests and visitors were entertained. The table, stretching the- length of the hall, was filled to its utmost capacity and made very beautiful with decora tions of American flags and red and white peonies, that added a pleasing touch to the scene. The serving was also looked after in a very charm ing manner by a number of the young ladies garbed in the Red Cross uni form. Dr. T. P. Livingston, vice-president of the local chapter, presided as toast master of the meeting and welcomed the visitors from all over the county, as well as Judge Paul Jessen of Ne braska City, the principal speaker of the evening. Dr. Livingston gave a short outline of the Red Cross society and its workings, and the fact that the society was dependent upon volun tary contribution's alone, as the arti cles of incorporation of the organiza tion would not permit the receiving or levying of taxes or money to aid it on the part of the governments of the different nations. The work of the society was a blessing to mankind, the doctor stated, and deserved the sup port of every American citizen as it would mean the saving of thousands of American lives. J. P. Falter read the list of the amounts allotted to the different pre cincts and wards, totaling the amount ! of $24,000, and which must be raised this week, and he stated that there was no question but that the people would respond, and that the money would be procured to be used in the patriotic work. Judge Paul Jessen, whose work in the Otoe county chapter has been most effective, was present on invita tion of the local organization, ,and gave a short outline of the work that has been carried out in Nebraska City and Otoe county in the way of securing aid for the Red Cross cause. The judge stated that as yet the American people had not awakened to the seriousness of the condition confronting them and the questions that the war with Germany was to test. The question of the right of a free democracy to exist upon the earth without the fear of oppression, and the right of all nations, great and small to pursue their respective destinies was the great stake for which the conflict was being waged. The American boys would be called upon to shed their blood upon the battle fields of the war in Europe, and to protect and care for them in their hours of pain and suffering the Amer ican Red Cross was asking the sum of $100,000,000, to establish and main tain adequate hospitals and means for saving the American lives. The sums raised by the Red Cross would be ex pended in securing supplies and would be expended by the board at Washing ton, whose members served without salary. The service was for humanity and the relief of human suffering, Heretofore the American people had cnly felt the work of the civilian branch of the Red Cross, but the work of the war would require the services of every man and woman in the na tion to back up the work of the army by giving liberally of their funds to see that the lives of the soldiers were saved as far as possible. The war was one that was to test whether or not the free democracies of the world were to be allowed to exist. The speaker pointed out the devastation of the Belgian nation as the fate that would befall the" United States" if the Prussian government would be able to win the world War, and while it wa up tp the United States to win, and win they would, the speaker stated that it was the duty of the people to see that they did their full:.share in the conflict in protecting the lives of the men of the nation who were called to the front to fight the battles of the war. In Toronto, Canada, that city had given $17 for every man, woman and child to aid in caring for the Canadian soldiers. Th'e work of the Red Cross on the European bat tle fields had saved thousands of lives. The army hospital corps cared for the first aid on the battle field, but in the hospital and care of the wounded it was the Red Cross hospital and nurses at the army bases that cared for and nursed the soldiers until they recov ered from their wounds and injuries. In the Crimean war when the Red Cross was established, 60 per cent of the wounded were permanently in jured, while in the Jap-Russo war only 2 per cent had been permanently injured. It was now the time to give, before the American boys were on the bat tle fields, so that their lives might be saved in the hospitals that would be established at the fronts by the American Red Cross. To wait until thousands had died from twarrb of proper care would be a crime, and the relatives and parents of the boys at the front could look at those who failed to give as parties to the crime. In Otoe county the Red Cross work had been divided into precincts and these in turn into road districts, where the men of the community were in the campaign to raise the $23,000 al lotted to that county. Already the voluntary contributions in Nebraska City had reached the sum of $4,500, and the total of $10,000 allotted to that city as their contribution would be raised easily. In Dunbar, where the sum of $1,100 had been appor tioned as the amount to be raised, there had been $550 already sub scribed, and that the committee there hoped to raise $1,500 before the cam paign closes. The leading men in Ne braska City had all donated from $250 to $1,000 for the work of the Red Cross and were enthusiastic over the opportunity to do their part. Judge Jessen pointed out that it was a duty to contribute to the care of our boys on the battlefield and it was not conferring a favor to make contributions to the fund, but was something that an American citizen owed to his country and should be glad and willing to do, or he was a poor citizen. He urged those who would do the work in this community to see that those who were able contributed ac cording to their means. He stated that the farmers, who had profited by the high prices brought on by the war, should be willing to give liber ally now that our nation had been forced to enter the conflict to protect the democratic forms of government of the world, and those who were safe at home should extend a helping hand to the brave boys on the battle field. Following the address of Judge Jes sen there was a discussion among the different representatives from over Cass county as to the best means of raising the amount apportioned to this county. Among those from out of the city attending the meeting were: Dr. G. H. Gilmore and W. G. Boedeker, Murray; V. P. Sheldon and wife, Ne- hawka; Dale Boyles and wife, Alvo; F. Wolff, P. H. Roberts and wife, Cedar Creek: Rev. G. A. Randall and wife. Union; Mrs. Ora Copes, Alvo; H. K. Frantz and wife, Eafile; Rue Frans and wife, Union; Judge Paul Jessen, Nebraska City. . SUFFERS INJURED KNEE CAP. From Tuesday's Dally. Last evening while Leonard Hawk enbery was running from thejbusiness section of the city to the scene of the Baylor fire, he had the misfortune to fall and seriously injure the knee cap of the right leg in a very painf u manner. He was running along the walk on Vine street near the Fricke residence and caught his foot in wire stretched along the walk, with the result that he was thrown to the walk and injured his knee. He is con fined to his bed for the present as the result of the injury... WENT TO PLATTSMOUTH. Judge Paul Jessen went to Platts mouth this afternoon, where he will deliver, an address before the Red Cross chapter this evening, with others. " Judge Jessen is doing some fine work in this cause and is in j great demand. Nebraska City NewsJ ANOTHER FIRE LAST EVENING W. Baylor's Barn Destroyed, To gether With Several Head of Horses. From Tuesday's Dally. Last evening shortly after 9 o'clock the fire alarm was sounded and a great deal of excitement created as the northern skies were ruddy with the reflection of the flames caused by the burning of the barn belonging to C. W. Baylor and located just north of his residence on Elm street. The blaze was well under way when discovered and it was impossible to check the flames, and by the time the fire de partment was on the job the barn was practically destroyed. The fire will cause a loss of something like $3,000 as five head of horses a swell as sev eral sets of harness were burned, and a large amount of hay and feed of all kinds. The imprisoned horses were trapped by the flames, and made the air ring with their cries and strug gles to get out of the barn, and one succeeded in reaching the open air, only to be electrocuted by a live elec tric wire which had been burned from a pole nearby and which, striking the horse, killed it instantly. The shower of sparks was intense and for a time it seemed that several of the resi dences near the fire must be swept away, as the large particles of burn ing wood scattered over the roofs of the nearby houses. It was only by the prompt work on the part of the neighbors with several lines of gar den hose that the houses of Mrs. Fred Engelkeimer, C. W. Baylor, Mrs. Mary Allison and Ed Becker were saved from the onrushing flames. The barn and sheds at the Engelkeimer home caught fire from the shower of sparks and were almost totally destroyed. A small building adjoining the Baylor barn, which was used by John Gorder as a garage, was badly damaged by the fire, and while the automobile be longing to Mr. Gorder was saved from the building, it was badly damaged and will cause quite a loss to the owner. The barn of Mr. Baylor was burned to the ground and the loss of the building and contents will be about covered by insurance. Mr. Baylor and family and Guy Reese had left Sunday afternoon on an auto trip ad vacation in Kimball county, Nebraska, and were not at home at the time of the fire. The cause of the fire seems a mys tery and many surmises are offered as to how the building caught fire, but the only definite statement was to the effect that the flames were first discovered in the basement of the barn and from there spread rapidly through the structure until the doomed building collapsed. RARE AND RACY CASE TRIED THIS MORNING BY JUDGE ARCHER From Tuesday's Daily. This morning a very racy case from the vicinity of Union was staged in the court of Judge M. Archer when the bastardy case in which Miss Mabel Rakes is the plaintiff and Ruben H. Eaton, the defendant. The parties in the case reside southeast of Union and the case has attracted a great deal of attention in that portion of the coun ty, where both the plaintiff and de fendant are well known. In the ac tion in the court of Judge Arsher, J. E. Douglass appeared as attorney for the plaintiff, while C. A. Rawls acted for the defendant. The testimony of the plaintiff was taken and proved very racy for the spectators present. The plaintiff stated that she had since September, 1916, up to March, 1917, had relations with the plaintiff, and that in December had become ill, but did not inform the defendant of her condition until in March. She stated defendant had promised to marry her before this time and had failed to comply with the promise made. She denied going with anyone else during the month of December, 1916, except t the defendant in the case. The testi mony taken was deemed sufficient by the court to hold -the defnedant over for trial in' the district court when the testimony of the defendant will be of fered, as well as other witnesses. " STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL DELEGATION FROM CASS COUNTY HERE TODAY From Tuesday's Daily. The Cass county delegation to the state Sunday school convention were guests in this city today for the noon hour while en route by automobiles from the different towns in the coun ty to the state metropolis. The cara van reached this city at 11 o'clock and thirty-four cars carrying some 200 people were in the procession when it reached this city. A short auto parade was given and the Weep ing Water band, one of the crack mu sical organizations of the county, fa vored the Plattsmouth people with a short concert at Sixth and Main street, which demonstrated that this band, which is under the leadership of E. H. Schulhof, of this city, is cer tainly a coming success in the band line. The Plattsmouth Sunday school workers in autos joined the party here and accompanied them on into the metropolis to take part in the con vention. RED GROSS DRIVE VERY SUCCESSFUL The Red Cross drive in Cass county is resulting in the greatest of success in every community where the appeal has reached, and the response from the patriotic citizens has been most pleasing to the committees in charge of the campaign in the different lo calities, and ere Saturday night it looks good that the full amount of the 24,000 will be subscribed. The meetings held in fhe diiferent localities have met with a generous response in all localities and the showing made reflects great credit upon the people of Cass county, who are heeding the call of the nation for aid for those who serve upon the battlefield. In this city the subscription to the fund has reached over $1,000 and will probably pass the amount asked for by tonight. Last evening a rousing meeting was held at Eagle, when the citizens of that place in the space of five min utes subscribed $625,. or half of the amount asked for from Tipton pre cinct, and pledged themselves to have the full amount ready by this evening, and hope to pass the $1,200 mark most liberally. Attorney W. A. Robertson of this city, Joseph Aldrich of Com pany C, Fourth Nebraska, John Mur tey and Dale Boyles of Alvo, and Hon. Orlando Tefft of Avoca were at the meeting and addressed the gathering in behalf of the good work. At Murray last night a rousing meeting was held, which was ad dressed by Judge James T. Begley and Attorney C. A. Rawls of this city. The good people of Murray aided the good cause by a generous contribution of $630, and will raise the remaining amount allotted their precinct by to night and demonstrate that this thriv ing little community is not lacking in patriotic spirit and feeling. Avoca has completed their list as their precinct was the first to be or ganized, and will pass the $1,225 mark and hope to be able to reach $500 over the amount asked from them. Messages from Nehawka state that by tonight $2,000 will have been sub scribed in that community to be dis patched for the Red Cross work, and this showing is one that shows that Nehawka is up and doing in their us ual ' progressive way in aiding this splendid work. Meetings will be held tonight at Louisville and Weeping Water pre cincts, and tomorrow night, at Manley, Cedar Creek, and Weeping Water city. On Saturday evening Red Cross ral lies will be held at Union and Elm wood, where great interest is taken in the work, and a very large offering can be expected from both of these places. The campaign committee and the various workers over the county are joining in making this event the great est movement in the; history of the county,-and will place Cass county in the front ranks of those progressive communities that recognize the need of protection for the boys of our na tion, who will be sent to the front to fight the battles of the republic. Dawson Will Fix It ANOTHER OLD CITIZEN HAS PASSED AWAY Andrew Dill, for Forty-One Years a Resident of Cass County, Died at His Home, in This City Saturday Night. From Wednesday's Daily. Andrew Dill, one of the old resi dents of Cass county, passed away last night at 9:40 at the home on Elm street, after an illness covering a per iod of several weeks. Mr. Dill, al though lacking only a few days of eighty-seven years of life, was a man of splendid vitality and strength, and though death has been slowly ap proaching for the past few days his wonderful strength endured through until at last, worn with the struggle for life, he passed peacefully over the river that marks the boundary of eternity. Andrew Dill had been a resident of Cass county for forty-one years, hav ing crossed the Missouri river at this place with his family on February 10, 1876, and at once located on a home-1 stead near where the town of Murray is now located, and here Mr. Dill re sided for many years, rearing his family and taking an active part in the development of the resources of the county. A man of sterling char acter, he won the respect and esteem of all those with whom he came in contact, and his death will come as a distinct loss to the old friends and neighbors with whom he was asso ciated for so many years. Some twenty-four years ago Mr. Dill and wife movfcd from the farm to Platts mouth to spend their declining years in the enjoyment of a well deserved rest from their toil, and have since made their home in this city. Few men have left behind a clearer record of their dealings with their fellow man than has 'the departed, and his passing is a loss to the community that will be hard to replace and one that will occasion the most profound regret throughout the city. To mourn the death of this good man there re mains the widow and four children, Mrs. Alice Hipp, Lyons, Neb.; Ben Dill, Murray; Mrs. Hattie Davis, Hax ton, Colo., and R. C. Dill of Rosalie, Neb. A half-brother, Bennett Chris wisser of this city, and a half-sister, Mrs. Rachel Colden of Nehawka, are also left to mourn his death. The funeral services of Mr. Dill wilj be held tomorrow arternooon at 2 o'clock at Eight Mile Grove, where the family formerly resided, and the interment will be in the cemetery there. Rev. W. A. Taylor, pastor of the Baptist church of Union, will of ficiate. There will be a short prayer service held at the home at 1 o'clock before the cortage leaves for Eight Mile Grove. LEO. A. WELSH AND MISS IVY GRIFFITH MARRIED IN OMAHA YESTERDAY Yesterday in Omaha occurred the marriage of Mr. Leo A. Welsh of this city and Miss Iva M. Griffith of Ben son. The wedding ceremony was cele brated by the Rev. Father Burkley of St. Bernard's Catholic church, at Ben son, and the nuptial mass attended by a large number of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties The young people will enjoy a short honeymood in Iowa visiting with rela tives and friends before returning to this city, where they will make their home for the Dresent at least. The bride is one of the most popular young ladies in Benson and possesses a large circle of friends, who will regret greatly to part with her. Mr. Welsh has made his home in this city for the past several years, being engaged as clerk at the A. G. Bach store, and is a splendid young man, of the most sterling qualities, and . his many friends will be pleased to learn of his. new found happiness: and extend -to the newly weds their best wishes for a long and happy .wedded life, ., . . Pablo; the happy, hoppy drink. Try a case at home; also on draught at J. E. McDaniei's, distributer. . LEROY MEISIII6ER JOINS THE FIFTH REGIMENT From Wednesday's Daily. Among the enlistments in the r if th Nebraska at Lincoln appears the name of LeRoy Meisinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Meisinger, formerly of this county, and a graduate this year of the University of Nebraska. Mr. Meisinger has been enrolled in the Fifth regiment band, and will also be assigned to part of the hospital work. The young man is quite prominent in the musical circles at the state uni versity at Lincoln, and several of his compositions have been received with marked favor wherever heard. The many relatives and friends of the young men m this county will be pleased to learn that he has offered his services to his country. WARM WEATHER PERMITS OPENING OF THE AIR DOME From Wednesday's Daily. The warm weather of the last few days has permitted Manager Charles Peterson of the Aid Dome, to open his place of amusement to the public and last evening was the formal open ing, as the shutting off of the electric lights on Monday evening cut short the performance. Quite a goodly num ber were present to witness the ex cellent program offered by the man agement. The Air Dome has been placed in first class shape for the season and Manager Peterson has had a new en trance made to the amusement place, which is neat and attractive and equipped with a large number of elec tric lights, "that invites the amuse ment loving public to come out ana witness the excellent programs pre sented. A new picture machine has been installed that is of the latest type and furnishes fine first-class pict ures for the benefit of the public, and a trip to the Air Dome is a real treat to those who enjoy a high-class enter tainment. PICTURE OF SOME OF THE PLATTSMOUTH BOY SCOUTS In the last issue of "The American Boy," one of the leading publications for the youth of the country, the East man Kodak company has a large half- page advertisment which is of partic ular interest to the residents of this city, as it has a picture taken here as the chief feature of the ad. The picture is one of a group of Boy Scouts, Malcolm Howe, Roscoe Hill, Mason Wscott. Dean Douglass and Newell Roberts, and the picture was taken by Mrs- W. G. Brooks, who has been greatly interested in photography for several years. The Eastman Ko dak company awarded the work a prize and have used the same for their advertising. The picture is a splendid one and reflects great credit upon the work of Mrs. -Brooks. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture Framing. Frank Gobelnan. Providing Banking Protection The vast resources of the Federal Reserve System, now over a thousand million dollars are contributed by the depositors in banks whi ch, like ourselves, are members of this great system. The largest and smallest of our depositors each contributes in the same proportion to this fund, which gives protection to all. If you haven't this protection already you 1 rMEMEBin FEDEBAL BESEBYEp cure come F I nST NATIONAL BANK The only National Bank in Plattsmouth A VERY PRETTY HOME WEDDING Henry F. Goos and Miss Verna Cole United in Marriage, at Home of the Bride's Mother in This City, at 3 O'clock Yester day Afternoon. Simple, but characterized by the beauty of the decorations and ap pointments, the wedding of MLss Verna Cole to Mr. Henry Frederick Goos took place at 3 o'clock Wednes day afternoon at the horn of the bride's mother, Mrs. . W. T- Cole, in the presence of a company of fifty relatives and friends. The Rev. H. G- McClusky, of the First Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony. White and yellow was the prevail ing color scheme and combined art istically with bows of white tulle and the green of smilax, was used throughout the house. An arched bower in the living room had at each side tall white baskets of pride peonies and" here is where the cere mony took place The ring service was used in the wedding ceremony. Preceding the wedding service Miss Margie Walker of Murray played the beautiful Lohengrin bridal chorus and the soft strains of the melody was played throughout the ceremony. The bride wore a beautiful and be coming going away gown of blue taf feta with hat to match and wore a corsage bouquet of her favorite Ward roses. The mother of the bride wore grey satin with overdress of grey georgette crepe. The guests were invited to the din ing room by Miss Mathilde Vallery . and Miss Marjorie Agnew. In the dining room the table for the buffet luncheon was decorated in yellow and white, Ward roses forming the cen terpieces and filled the vases at each corner- Wide streamers of white tulle were draped at each corner from the chandlier, tied with roses and ferns, making a most exquisite picture. The ices, cakes and bonbons carried out the color scheme of the rooms. Mrs. W. J. Streight was in charge of the dining room and the guests were served by Mrs- Wayne Dickson, Miss Minnie Guthmann and Miss Amelia Martens, while the coffee was poured by Mrs. T. P. Livingston. Miss Hazel Dovey was in the gift room, where many beautiful gifts were displayed. Mr- and Mrs. Goos left last evening for a short wedding trip and will be at home to their friends in about two weeks. The bride and groom were both born and reared in Plattsmouth and enjoy the popularity of a large circle of friends. Mrs. Gcos is a graduate of the Plattsmouth high school and of the conservatory of music in Oma ha, and has always beerf very promi nent in the musical circles of the city. The groom is one of the leading busi ness men of the city and enjoys to a marked degree the respect and es teem of a large circle of friends. C. W. Baylor returned home this afternoon from Kimball, where he has been for a few days, being called here by the destruction of his barn and several head of horses, Monday evening. ought not to delay. You se it the moment you be one of our depositors.