ACE . PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. JICttPAY, JUHE 18, 1917. For 4i7 WbocnAorii an Furniture g-irc5 the soft, rich, hand-rubbed finish which' distinguishes the most expensive and up-to-date furniture. With Vtlvo-Tone you can transform your whole home, make all the furniture look new and modern, and the woodwork in l.arruur.v v.tli it. Voli-n-Tnr a ... ... .,-. .. ......... , t-i rT.A. 1 1 , t ;TT-c Mift. Velvet V effect tn r.T. etiT.I-o': rifiii tl:.t fi,r?r.rli rmiiircil . t.-h.iil.'. V iiriji-'i: V. '.Z tilld l.iiliU, rubtin Ly sa exj..rt. Frank GobeSma Wall Paper and Paint Store, Plattsmouth, Neb. ueAkdcuectriMKiiBSGczumiB ANS WILL EXPRESS THEIR RUTITUBE TO 0. S. Mission Arrives m Washington to Discuss Ultimate Peace and Reparation to Ee Demanded of Germany. EAGE OFFERED TO iOSGOVTES ON OWN TERMS . Cass County Registration Continued from Page Four Miller, George ZHfivion Marlow, K:iy I,evis. , McKay, Merle Klton MoCiiiie, John lMsvin Olive, Iier Arthur Oiandcr, I'nrl Walter Oinn.ler, Kdward William Germany Reported to Have Agreed to i'wer, Oliver Karl Waive Demands for Land and Money. ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. J. M. Stone of Nehawka was a vis itor in Elmwood on Tuesday. Wm. Mueller and wife and son mo tored from Springfield on Tuesday for a few hours' visit here. George Miller left on Friday of last week for Pittsburg, Kan., being called there by the serious sickness of his aged father. Mrs. Wm. Gerbling and children of Nora, Neb., arrived on Saturday for a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hylton and other rela tives. Mrs. Wm. DelesDernier was a pas senger to Lincoln Saturday to see Mr. DelesDernier, who is confined in a hospital at that place. He is improv ing slowly. John A. Burke of York, Neb., and Mrs. Peterson and daughter, Ruth, and Miss Hazel Malmquist visited at the E. C. Burke home part of last week and this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kunz and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Berjrer motored to Eackemeyer, and at the F. Backemeyer jr., homes, and with other relatives Mr. Eackemeyer will remain until Monday, but Mrs. Backemeyer and children will remain for a month's visit with August Panska's at Mur deck, and with William Eomemeier's and R. Panska's. DOING THEIR DOTY Sccres of Plattsmouth Readers are Learning the Duty of the Kidneys. To filter the Wood is the kidneys' duty. When they fail to do this the kid- ne3's are weak. Backache and other kidney ills may follow; Help the kidneys do their work. Use the Doan's Kidney Tills the tested kidney remedy. Plattsmouth people endorse their worth. Mrs. S. L. Cotner, Fourth & Marble streets, Plattsmouth, savs: 4,I don't riesitate to recommend anything know is good, and I know Doan's Kid Washington, June 17. Belgium's diplomatic mission came to Washing ton today to express its gratitude for American relief work and tp discuss with American officials the repara tion that is to be demanded of Ger many for its violated faith at the be f:ir.mng of the war and international crimes that have followed. The mission was received with all the courtesies and probably with deeper emotions than the ollicial mis sions of the greater nations that pre ceded THROUGH THE GOOD OFFICES OF SWISS Rector, Samuel Asa Iticli. Ralph Smith Russell, Webb I.evelle Smith, Kverett Vernon Staton, Lewis Wood VanCrew, Wilbur Wallace, Ceorge Kail 'No Indemnities or Annexation" Ever Sought From Eastern Neighbor. PI. VTTSMOI TII. Klrs Wnril. Bipffs, .Tames If. Buscli. Fred II. Carmen. Kenneth L. Chase, Clinton J. Au nst Vr. Canois, licurfi' Crai;-?, I. Roy Petrograd, June 17. Via London. A stirring proclamation placing the Crousp- Clayton council of workmen and soldiers' : UIWl,,V , , , . , , I)ovey, Georgre O. delegates on record as irrevocably op- i,OVey. K.iwai.l crosvenor posed to a separate peace was adopt- Dui.ois, Krnest K. ed by the council. The proclamation RRfni'eiKer. Louis w. Iw-ic nrnmn) ol 1.t A 1 1 of ..o . flPt0 I 1 dll,r JOI1I1 . Secretary Lansing, Counsellor Polk , Fric-ke. IMwin A. I 111 I'rt I'll Jl'1'1 MA - rt n-m n .- 1 and Assistant. Secretnrv Phillins. of J""" iaml.lin. Armour the 'State Department, greeted them at the station, after which thev mo- . . .. - , i' ... t ...... at Psem tr.e center ot peace gossip, former minister of Belgium, which is Hatt, John V. Lindon, June 1G. From Stockholm, I HawkenWry, Glenn R. llei olil, Mat hew Goring lleiiesh, John insnivod nnd c:nnntnfuinc mnctlu i n , ..-. , ...--.. j, I 1 (or it t i..-..,.i... o en.i'l n vpnnrt .' mn -, Viof ". I . .. to be their headquarters. ' 1 u i , J , Ka,'nes A11,e, t Baron Ludovic Moncheur, chief of , . - , , ., .. . . member of the Swiss federal council, '--!. R-ra l political bureau of the Belgium , tr , . T, Meisin-er, j. Leonard 1 Inns offered np.npp tn Hikih I .1. i-jiiuih the foreign of!ice, and for eight years min ister to this country, is the head of the mission. It is understood he ex pects to ecnune his efforts in the jvx, .v . r ........ fl ,. . . , I "iin, .1111111.1 simultaneously a uerne Uispatcli Morsan. Guy w. asserted that the federal council, see- McUod, Joseph M. iion ing no chances of success at present, ,;1,''m'1. Pollock -aiiersun, iwignt t. ........ . . . . I will not. tak'P thf initintiv in nrnnnj. ' unued States largely to the ultimate . l Pedersei John iit-itcu iu me ui-iiiKt'rerus. - 1 ne p.ostelli, Vineenzo council, it was said, would disregard I Rk hanlson, Floyd X. various petitions renuestinsr neace I Ressier, Karl Alvin proposals Cotner, Albert Andrew l'avis. Annan Clay lvorak, Frank Michael KMer, Orie Ree Kledge, Charles Ray Kvers. William Frederick Felix, Krnest Henry Frans, Elmer West Iladraba, Charles Edward Ilibci, Joseph Michael Hula, Charles William Hula, Anton Joseph Hyde. Karl Columbus Janda, Charles Clement Jirousek, Matthew Anton JiroiiFek, John Josepli Jelinek, James Robert Kalasek, Kd Kalasek, Wesley Joseph Kolioutfk, Timothy Charles Kostka. Loin's Koijka!, John Andrew Krue-er, Otto Carl i.indeman. Fred Louis Lony. Kdward I.yiK h, Charles David Martin, Clyde Kdward Marsik. Joseph Marshall, Ralph I. Meisi:i;;er, Klmer Harvey Moore, Andrew O. Minor, Lynn Overton Mulli:--, Kyle Man ford Murray. Karl Lauranoe McAlpine. John Floyd McCart, lOverett James Mc.Maken, Henry Clay X. ".veil, Robert Jlenry Par. os, James Parker, Krnest Cecil IV-lster, Joseph Propst, William Kdward Rehal, Frank Anton Rehal, Robert Josej)h Reiil. Walter James Ki-n'and, I.eroy William Kil.n. Piiillip Frank Roiieka, Peter Cloidt, John J.' Closson, Guy Haviland Caribuiff, Car Oscar Daniels, Floy' Dana Dal ton, Lester H. Dickson, Ma l ion L. Dawson, Frederick George Dal ton, Carl Rfehard Di.napran, Clarence Kills Kgeiibeif?er, Carl Klmer Kdwards, GTen "Chesley l"ox, William K. Jr. Forma n, Frank Forbes, Clifford Monroe Gentry, Henry Montgomery Giadoville, Charles Good inc. lOverett Leroy (Jrybsky, Kdward F. Geis. Karl Morris G!n;:e, Kdg-ar Lewis Hirz, John Frederick iTit hnian, Kaymond C. Holmes, Willis R. IJild, Kmll Jacob Holly, Wiliam ICoy Hallstrom, John Klmer Hesse, Henry Melchoir Herold, J'eter Carl Hunter, Josejh Alexander Hunter, Robert Ramsey Isner, Charles Russell Jones, James Hubbard Jelinek, Charles John Janca, James J. Johnson. Gunnard Iobert Janda, Charles Frank Krivanek, 5eor?:e Francis Kozak, Frank Koi, August Fred Kulmey, Charles Floyd ICnorr, J:oy William Kalina, Cyril Kelly, 1-M ward Francis Rvnoh, William Conrad I.ushirisky, Otto John l-am phear, Henry Laisen, Knud ller.ry M inner, Lewis Charles Finder, Kmll Field, Percy Holcomb Fischer, Frank Frank. Monte Carl HafTke, William Robert Harris, Kdward Clarence Herehenroeder, Oscar Hesse, Augrust GeorRft Ilob.!on, George Riley Howe, Kstes Oscar Jones, .Tames Robert Klsslirif?, Fred Kisslir.ff, Louie ' Kopischka, George Henry Lahoda, Joseph Lahoda, Charles Lee, Rewis-Arloe. Ledf?way, Clarence Kdmund Lutz, Henry Fredrich Miller, Frank Andrew Jack son ' i Miller, John Patrick McCulley, Kdward Kmmons Xewman, Fred Xiel, Leslie William Norman, Don Kdgor Ofe, Kdv.urd George Peterson John Chariep, Jr. Pitz, Otto Preis, John Rawls. Ii. Glen Rice, FranJi Mark Rothmann, William Rothman, Louie Salatka, Frank John Joe, Jr. Sanders, Albert Merle Smith, Louie Steinhauer, Henry Kdsar Stillprer, Amel .August Streets, Francis Wilson Torell, KtHyard Gunnar Vanek, Joseph Winger, Karl peace questions rather than to imme diate war needs. Millions for Sufferers. In the latter he will find his wishes already met. for the United States, hortly after its entrance into the war, took over the entire cost of the relief in Belgium treasury department advances $7, 500,000 for this purpose. The Belgium commissioners indeed are assured of the simplest work of Ri.sencrans. Kru. e A rli n ton Mason, William Harvey Scar'orouRh, Theodore M. 0....14.: - il.. ..-i I V.. ...... V.lll l. oijcimauuii was iJiurnpuy set anut- Shel len ba rj;er. Krnest G. ter here whether the council had Soennu hsen. Waldemar ( stated its position thus in order to Stewart, '''red c. clua p pacasse, Theodore ney Pills nave merit. I have taken Louisville Monday afternoon, the for- them on several occasions for back- mer to visit relatives and the latter acn an'1 olncr E1Pns of kidney trou to visit friends and old neighbors. ble and the have always done me C. G. Bailev and William John left- Kood- Doan's have been used in our last Saturday for Hot Snrincrs. Ark.. famil3' oft and on for a long time am where they will spend three or four.the results have always been satisfac- weeks in the interest of their health. We expect to see them return at the end of the time greatly benefited. Word received here by friends of the Mueller family of Cedar Rapids. Ia., states that their mother, who re cently underwent an operation, will be able to go to her home soon, but it will be a long time before she is strong again. The friends here of the Mueller family are glad to hear this news. On Monday Dr. O. E. Liston and family and Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Liston left on an auto tour for the west. They ex pect to camp out to to have an en joyable time. They will stop at many points in Nebraska and Colorado. The doctor and family will be gone about tory. Price ;j0c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Cotner recommends. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. The members of the Ladies' Aid so ciety are requested to bring packages for the parcel-post sale on Thursday, June 28, at the residence of ?.Irs. John ! I.utz. I'ackaees valued at 2." cent. The Luther League. CE.METERY Markers, monuments ami lot corners Best Granite and marble.Also, let tering done in cemetery. Cass j- , , .. ' - j iour weexs, wnue me rest 01 the party : Jlonument Co., W. T. Wassell man- ager, Hotel Riley block. G-lG-tfd&w will remain for a number of weeks longer. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beckemeyer and two children of McLean, Neb., arrived on Wednesday on a visit at the home j of his parents, Mr. and Mrs F. ! i FORD CARS FOR SALE. C , 1 1 1 T 1 1 . oviuiiu-nuiiu roru louring cars, C.22-,. W. W. Wasley, Platts ::'.h. THE UNIVERSAL CAP We handle a complete line of Automobile Supplies and . Goodrich Tires ! Our competent Ford Mechanics insure prompt repairs! Welding a Specialty! On July 1st all cars must be equipped with head light lenses, which will conform to the new law. We sell Lenses the best in the Market! T- H- Pollock Auto Co., FORD Authorized Sales and Service, 6th St., Plattsmouth, Neh - Office Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. 58. . . Idisavod from the outset iinv r.fTovt .acft month the . . , , , . Schuldk e. Frank 1 1. mul:i me unnameu memoer is to pmjt!l i.'lank u make in behalf of Germany. squires. George w, Wilson Attacked. Swan. Luther M. There would be nothing surprising Wynn'. Fre'1 l- .-11 the iht 1,,. ,.;,;4.i " iJ" lcu oner, 4. rr-v .,, , observers here point out. Germany for explanation, for argument, or for h .. ' . ..... . Russia ever since the Muscovite rev- American omcia.s nave oIution flermnn nt.itr ?m!in hnvo ?il.-n crr ,.-;M x " . ..UWH, WltI, cial pains tQ conyince Russian st honors to the representa-L.r.r.;i ..r i.i:... uves of that nation which did not delegates that the latter's aims and ncMLaxe to loose everything1 to save U r ii i j i ,l Vu - tRen a,iei.u I,st- . Only today the German government's Kukacek. Frank Joseph "iiiuii wm ue lormany pre- organ, the Nord Deutsche Allegemine i:urbride. cunord clarence semeu xo rresiuent wiison tomorrow 7Wn r.v,.;,! 4i,,-, Rifrns. P.erl 1 . ..f,l , I ww.v, -..u Kiiei ni ue receiveu by tne sen- Germany never sought annexations or aie ana nouse end will be entertained indemnities from Russia, and, there at a scries oi lormal receptions. forc, subscribed to the councils doc trine of "no annexations or indem- VISITED WITH OLD FRIENDS. nities." thouirh the article bints n- mistakably that this andies onlv to n . ii. i orter of Union, accompanied Russia by II. W. Pitman of York, Neb., was The same organ bitterly attacks in the city Friday visiting with their President Wilson's note to Russia as friends in the county seat. Mr. Pitman aimed at "inflaming the war passion is a member of one of the prominent of that country and proving Mr. Wil families of this county and has resided son's inconsistency. in iork since eighteen years ago, and is well pleased with his home there. Welshimer, Chester K. Woolward, William Welch. Leo A. PI,TTSMOI Til. Seeoiul Ward. Aschcnbrener, Joseph Kd wa id Rrady, Jesse Claville Rradway, August William Rrady, Homer Kiicnc Rrinkman, Henry Robert 1il'vn T.n.l Vlio-iielnu Campbell, Archie Roy Carter, James Howard Cernik, James Chapman. John W. Cizek, Joseph Cheval, Frank August Frank Anton Ciiiincy, Daniel Rernard Sch wenni-ker, Ralph Lero.s Sed la k. Joseph Matthew Seiver. Ion Holdretre Slatinskv, Vincent Smith, Fae Kmerson Soi-nnichsen, Henry Georpre Stai'tlman, Paul Theodorr Stanek, Kmll Louie Sianek, Jos-ejili Wenceslaus Stennei', Clarence Herbert Svb(da, Tom Stuart Svobmla, Frank Joseph Thackrey, Floyd A. Tiokoetter, Louis William Toman, Anton Joseph Toman, John Hubert Cyril Wjvoda. Frank Waitci-s, Ivlsar Marcus W.::;ra. Jess Franklin 11. VTTSMOl T!l. l liir.l Ward. Antos. IVter Paul Andrews. William Arries, Major Alexander, I-Mar J)avid Raikus, Frank Rrown. Mablon Pourlas Peal. Harry Rrisjrjs, Leland Shreeve Pa jock, John Peal, Clarence Leroy Rai;;.. r, i:arl CliiTord Prinkman, William Henry Rarki.s, Harry Ray Christ ianson, Rror Anilrel Jordan Co! ne!-, Clarence C. Mi: I lis, Ralph Cecil Mann. Frederick William Newton, Orval Alphonso TVrry, Hallie li. I'armele, Murle AV'oodford I ankiw, Nick Ry.. Anton Vincent Sciver. Jennings Hryan Stastka. Charles Frank Suchy, Frank Joseph Sprecher, Paul C. Sedluk, James Jacob Schutz, John Kdward Shryock, Frank George Skalak, Rudolph Sprecher, Pobert K. Streitcht, Harold G. Stine, Jcdin Ray Speck, Fred Vincent Turner, Ren Verb ue!. Fred Henry Ward, Kverett Alfred Will, Robert Rrvan lM.ATTSMOI'TII. Fourth Ward. Anderson, Guy Clarence Rarrett. Leslie John Joseph George William Ruriows, Raymond I:. Ciiristensen, Soplius Arnold Cook. Thomas Lyndon Covert, LeRoy Freemont Kdgerton. Alfred Karl Kwenl.erger, William Robert I Os?. nberger. Anton R. Kledgj George Grovcr Farmer, riico.lore Renjamln 1'I.ATTSMOITII. Klf Mi Wanl. Ault. Charles Franklin Alexander, Arthur A. liuik, Harvey Ri inklowr George William Crook, Guy Cotner, Kdward K. PeWolf, William Karl Pean. Arthur ICledge, Wesley Haywood Godwin, Albert Jacob Grassrnann, Hil". iard Hough, Herman Joseph Heinrich, William L. Koubeck, Frank George Koubek, Joe John Maurer, Kugene Maurer, John W. Murray, Albert Mauer, Frank Maurer, Kdward W. McCart, Floyd Gfe, William Henry O'Ponnell. William Patrick Patton, Robert Ray Rentier, Nelson V. Rabb, Andrew Rahh, Michael F. Roweri, Wilbur Rhoades, John Samuel Sheldon, Hiram A. Sternes, Ray Stone, Harry Floyd Schafer, "Leonard Sitmann, Joseph C. Sheldon, AVilliam Harrison Sabatka, Joseph F. G. Tarns, William George Vroman, Verdon Vroman, Allard F. W?nce, Charles H. York, Jess AUTOMOBILE THIEF IS HEADED FOR THE STATE PENITENTIARY Teuton Intrigues Exposed. Petrograd, Via London, June 1G. Fresh attempts on the part of the uermans to conclude peace wan Kus- Tho men who nartieinated in the sia nave oeen exposed, with the result stealing of the automobile of John iL. i ii .l t 1 I me expulsion irom itussia nas Richardson in this citv last Thursd.iv been ordered of a prominent socialist evening have completed the course of the law and one of them is headed for the penitentiary at Lincoln. The men were secured by Sheriff Quinton in Omaha Friday and brought to this city, where they were arraigned be- internationalist, a citizen of Switzer land, Robert Grimm. Two days ago the provisional gov ernment received from a reliable sources a copy of a dispatch ad- ALLIES NEED U. S. AVIATORS MORE THAN SOLDIERS Washington, D. C., June 17. Full ipproval has been c-iven lv thf wnr department to the air supremacy pro- dressed by Hoffman, a member of the forc County Judge Beeson on a corn- gram of the defense council's aircraft vli,:5 "-u1 council, to- onmm. plaint filed by County Attorney Cole board and President Wilson has been P . . separate peace oner and bound over to the district court asked to put the administration sup port behind the great project, for which an appropriation of $000,000, 000 is sought. Under the plan the United States would become a crreat elementnrv training base immediately for all the allies and enormous numbers of train ing machines would be turned out while American plants are developing a serviceable hnitlo vraft r-. . - ..M.t. w . tjzm ijv contained in the dispatch Hoffman re- Saturday eveninir Judtje Ileclev held ported that Germany and its allies a short sesson Gf district court to were ready to begin general and im- near the pea of the two men Frank mediate peace negotiations if Russian O'Brien and Nick Mercuric, and to lallies were willing. the charge the two offenders entered Handed to Grimm. a plea of guilty. O'Brien, who had The provisional government appar- been the leader in the crime, and had ently was informed that this dispatch stolen the car and driven it to Omaha, had been handed to Urimm by the was &iven a sentence of from one to Swiss minister at Petrograd. The seVen years in the penitentiary, while government requested the socialist Mercurie, who it seems was involved SUNDAY SCHOOL CON VENTION MEETS IN OMAHA TOMORROW from there to Union, where they strike the Omaha-Kansas City auto road, and will follow that road into Omaha. The members of the party will reach Plattsmouth at noon and will have dinner in this city, where the Platts mouth delegation will join the cara van and proceed with them to Omaha. The visitors during their stay in the city should be given the hospitality of the city and a recognition given them by the civic organizations. With the large number that is expected there will be requirements for rest rooms for the ladies and facilities for cleaning up ard resting from the trip before they leave for Omaha. Whooping Cough. The state convention of the Ne braska Sunday School association will open tomoirow at Omaha, and prom ises to be the greatest gathering of its nature ever held in the state. An automobile caravan from all sections of the state into Omaha is planned for the event and the attendance will reach into the thousands if the plans of the committee in charge materialize a, . . . In thls sease it is important tLaN To attend this convention, from 200 the cough be kept loose and expecto- to 300 representatives of the Cass ration easy, which can be done by giv- county association will be present and ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, expect to make the trip by automo- Mrs. P. H. Martin, Peru, Ind., writes. ' bile The representatives from the "My two daughters had whoopine- western portion of the county will as- cough. I gave them Chamberlain's semble at .danley tomorrow morning Congh Remedy and it worked line a and proceed to Weeping Water, and charm." next snrinrr V,o k.,i .wcw.ccx oo. u" tuuiLci, AOCICieni m tne attair merely as a companion .v. uuu i u uiuuusca IU I l j. J j i I " have the allies readv to litemllv drivo a. U V OKOei.e" lo Qenianu expiana- Gf . O'Brien, and did not have1 any ac- the Germans from the air. The program seems by all means the most effective way in which to exert America's force at once in tell e i . . i iiiuuiiiuicvc ox iiie unci iiciiiu-ictusb uu ;ng fashion," said Secretary Baker to- cifist ' nda. tions irom urimm, wno was tneir coi- tive nart in the takinn- of the mr league, inasmuch as, though a for- aside from being in the company of eigner, he was beginning to play a O'Brien, was fined $25 and costs, prominent roie in petrograd as tne which will amount to something like $70 before the matter is settled up Mercurie is arranging for the pay- dav. ciiis.1. ..- ... An oiTicial statement issued todav mont .f tVio fin ,.;n . ..t-,.. rrmn t h-nn-, - - I . v... ci.a..Lu and build thousanrrIr ',eC areS that Grimm denJcd to rom custody as soon as it is settled out interfering in "W'ZZ T. I mQ members that the bwiss mm- This is very prompt work on the part ih r u..:,J: -"a"- " ister had transmitted to him such a of Sheriff Quinton and Countv At wo lvl uuiiuing up our armiesU;.no.-i, t ; u ...t-i ...v..:. I . ..-., ,., . .. and for supplying the allies with fond i ' ut""ul,w" "1C torney oie and tne securing of the and munitions. food as a clumsy German maneuver. piea of guilty from the men by the "The aircraft . . ""ea. Mpe"fu county attorney has saved the county .n. UICCH! Lilt: UK- I I inirvi ritrr fh.f nh n r, I '... I J LI. 1 , rrnna r,f tv .,. I iuucu i. ucmc a consiuerauie sum mat wouia nave manas ot the situation. Accord inc tn c.i.v.i u i.j a , , . , , the best .: " "lul,l"u"" xCAuaeu iu u.- naa to oe expenaeo m a jury trial it are ahnnt 7 nnn nno 1 ' ter into any such negotiations and the men had stood pat and demanded e 7Z IS? n?en west" that as a socialist he refused to let it, although there was little doubt of .-. ,. xue auuiuon ot a himself be made the instrument of im- their guilt few inff.n 1-ir nr. f r. - .! f,uiiv v,I1Jie OI great perialist plans. moral value, won!.! ...- -P-. I . . ... the foreino. Af n 7 r 1 "e two Kussian ministers report- DANCE AT MURRAY. 0 MVW1UJ1, AiewmOU. Pri to tho ftlhlncf ,.haf CI r-irv.rv.To .v I rrI ..-11 i -i , . ;ind tiino,! v. " v,.-....... . v-v . Aueie wm ue u social given 11 illiTJ' h,W!Ver' m?y Pnation was unsatisfactory. Where- on Thursday evening, June 21, at the r ""vie uuinciire npiwppn VIP. nnnn .1 r. i-mmiv -..n,,lo.... -..1 I . o y-, . 1..,. j , - . j . I uucuiaic cumuli uiuci z uis oi aunsmeiNnau in iMurray. AJ1 iury ana aeieat. Kvnc ;! - I ... ... o. " 1 are mviLeii. ri usir nv rnp linn .r -j - t FORD CARS FOR SALE. FOR SALE The Dora Moore resi dence property on Chicago Ave.; 8 phone orchestra of Platstmouth. T OCT C v. 4.1, : i . r .- .1 i j , . I 1 j o " i uvkjx kjuuicwiicic til lilt; city UI second-hand lord tourinc mrc I r..t Kov, -.ii a xr I t-ix , . . - j i - v nil uii ii. x vi ijii i r ih l i sriwnii n si tT-n t c n anr i h ir.irvt please leave at the Journal office. C-18-tfwkly 5175 and $225. W. W. Wasley, Platts- f ticulars see or write. Geo. J. Oldham. mouth Phone 205-J. The T. J Sokol Dramatic Club WILL PRESENT "Far ar a Jelio ECostelnili" A COMEDY IN FIVE ACTS Sunday, June 24th at 3 p. m. Sharp sJ Admission 25c; Children 10cw Oance After the Play Gents 25c; Ladies Free Music Furnished by Plattsmouth Orchestra Plenty of Refreshment) s V.