The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 18, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    k. -
MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1917.
CTe plattsmoutb journal
EmUred at Postofflc at Plattsmouth. Neb., as aecoad-clas mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Another rain Tuesday night.
Thc farmers are very busy.
Beware of heated arguments.
-:o: '
The carnival draws
good night
It is easier to win over than to
force into line.
The war is hitting base ball a pret
ty hard blow this season.
The best way is to insure your
Lridges before you burn them. '
We should all be satisfied with our
lot in life, but then we are not.
One thing about this June weathei
you just can't tell anything about it.
Now that three is to be a scarcity
of tin cans, the dogs should be happy.
Telegraph operators do business on
"tick," yet it is done on a "sound"
:o: ;
The one who sells whisky under the
present law is taking a desperate
Italy ought to stand a chance of
winning. It hasn't anybody to lick
but Austria.
How do you enjoy the carnival?
Only one more day. Come out to
morrow the last opportunity.
Women are getting to be so tender-hearted
that they can't beat an
egg but the price may have some
thing to do with it.
You have also noticed, perhaps, that
those people who are always looking
for troul le are never satisfied with
it after they find it.
Imagination is a wonderful ma
chine. The bald spot on a man's head
in the owner's imagination, is never
any larger than a silver dollar.
Any public official who attempts to
shield a person who has committed a
crime against the law of the land,is
not a man to be countenanced by the
people we don't care who he is.
Flattsmouth will have no genuine
celebration on the Fourth of July, but
it will be the closing day of the
chautauqua, which will make up for
the absence of the usual program for
that day.
The officer who does his duty, irre
spective of person, sect or creed, is
truly the man of the hour.
It is now suggested that the gov
ernment take charge of all the paper
mills in the country during the war.
We arc willing.
Some men will tell most any kind
of a lie to get a divorce. One man
in Omaha, who wants to be freer
from his wife, says he can't even
breathe without her consent. That':
pretty tough, if not a lie.
The Omaha police officers seem to
be in it hotter than ever. Retire the
whole batch of them for the sake of
the city, which has gained the world
wide reputation of being one of tlv
most crooked cities in the Uniter,
According to the government report
Nebraska will produce twelve million
bushel3 of wheat this year. Last year
thi3 state produced 01,800,000. But
then, what Nebraska fails to deliver
in winter wheat this year she wil
make good with corn. The indica
tiens are that Nebraska will put out
a regular bumper of a corn crop nex
After this stirring fashion the Lin
coln Daily News (Evening Journal)
strives to arouse the patriotic ardor
or Nebraskans and lend support to
the government of the United States
in its conduct of a great war:
'Terhaps it is unavoidable, but
nevertheless it is distinctly re
grettable. Everybody who comes
back from Washington these
days tells of the open and above
board display of petty politics in
the hour of the nation's distress.
They say it is openly gossiped
that the south is in the saddle
and riding the government in the
interest of the south. This is said
to be evident in every taxation
program and every other meas
ure wherein there is any sec
tional interest or advantage to
"Petty politics," says our petty con
temporary, is "distinctly regrettable."
And then it proceeds to play petty
politics on this amazing foundation:
"They say it is openly gossiped!"
What a basis for such a charge!
"They say it is openly gossiped!"
In the Congress of the United
States today there are 9(5 senators
and 433 representatives.
Of these 30 senators and 145 repre
ives less than a third in the one in
stance and exactly a third in the
other come from the southern states
of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Geor
gia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas,
Virginia and West Virginia.
And of these Missouri and Okla-
homahoma are distinctly more west
ern than southern, and West Virginia
more northern than southern, with
two republican senators and four of
its representatives republican.
What an amazing case it would be
of the tail wagging the dog if the
News' charge "they say it is openly
gossiped" were true!
What a confession of northern and
eastern and western weakness and in
competence it would be if it were true
that 60 northern senators were let
ting 30 southerners, if 290 northern
representatives were letting 145
southerners, "ride the government in
the interests of the south!"
What an indictment of popular gov
ernmcnt it would be if it were true
that a President of the United States,
because he happened to be southern
born, in the greatest epoch of the
world's history, in this republic's su
preme crisis, were to be betraying his
country by "riding the government
in the interest of the south!"
It isn't true, of course. It is mere
ly me tney say, merely the gos
sip" which those like the News, whose
sectional and partisan prejudice is
greater than their patriotism, take
malicious delight in peddling.
Woodrow Wilson is serving his
country with a pure and single-heart
ed devotion that is as far above sec
tionalism as truth is above the edi
torial columns of the Lincoln News
and Journal.
The members of Congress, republi
cans and democrats, northerners and
southerners, are and have been co
operating on the great war measures
most of which have been passed with
substantial unanimity, and utterly
regardless of sectional and partisan
lines. The few individual exceptions
such, for example, as Senator
Harding, of Ohio, and Congressman
Sloan, of Nebraska are the shame
rather of northern than southern
It is just such contemptible slander
as the News and men and newspa
pers of its ilk pour forth day after
day that hampers and embarrasses
our government at thi3 gravely crit
ical time. It is the weakness of hu
man nature that such fabrications
find their mark find a very consider
able proportion of the ' population
whom they can and do influence
Those who read and believe them say
to themselves:
"Why subscribe to the Liberty
Loan when a democratic 'southern'
government is taxing us and letting
the south go free?"
"Why enlist in the army that is to
be sacrificed by a government 'play
ing petty politics in the hour of the
nation's stress?'"
Why should I register for con
scription when southern men will be
eft home and I be drafted?"
And the very agencies that set
these doubts and suspicions, these
falsehoods and prejudices, to tor
menting the minds of the people at a
time of all times when unity is es
sential these same newspapers then
hypocritically ask themselves and
their readers: "Why is it so hard to
raise the Liberty Loan? Why is vol
unteering falling off? Why is regis
tration a million under the govern-
outrage that American citizens, pro-
ernment estimate?"
It is a blistering shame and an out
age that American citizens, pro-
ected by the American flag, enjoy
ing the blessings of American liberty,
should thus be stabbing their coun
try in the back.
But it is not a new shame, not a
new outrage. Abraham Lincoln had
it to endure, even as Woodrow Wil
son has. The same kind of scurrile
pens that jabbed poison at the one jabbing now at the other.
But the government a half century
ago triumphed over the enemies of the
republic, the cowardly ones that were
behind as well as the brave ones that
were facing it and so, please God, the
government of today will triumph. It
will triumph now, as it triumphed
then, because the vast majority of
American citizens are true and loyal
patriots who "look at the doughnut
and not at the hole" and would
rather assist their government in war
than try to hamstring it.
Woodrow Wilson makes his mis
takes and the Sixty-fifth Congress
makes its mistakes, the same as Ab
raham Lincoln and Congress in his
day made their mistakes. This news
paper would be the last to contend
that any one man, much less any body
of men, is all-wise and flawless. But
it does contend that Woodrow Wilson
-.fts proved himself one of the wisest
and purest of American statesmen,
that he is selfishly giving himself to
his country's cause, and that the vast
majority of our representatives in
both houses of Congress are patriotic
and honest and are devoting their best
ability to the service of the republic.
The Lincoln News has its dates
mixed. This is not the time for all
good men to come to the aid of the
party. This is the time for all good
men to come to the aid of the coun
try. The time to come to the aid of
party will be next year, in the con
gressional elections, when the News,
with better though still dubious pro
priety, may play the game of parti
san politics to its embittered heart's
content. World-Herald.
A Red Cross worker went from.
Omaha to Chadron but met with a
frigid reception out there, becauso
they thought she lacked authority.
The folk out there look with suspicion
upon everything from Omaha lately.
Russia has been in advance of prog
ress. It has for some years had the
referendum, the initiative and recall,
and you can now see how it is work
in government there.
The weather was a little too cool
for pleasure Thursday night, yet the
people were out in full force and the
carnival did a splendid business.
"Whispers of peace," says Presi
dent Wilson, "is a part in a German;
conspiracy." And the president has
hit the nail right on its head.
:o: ......
Last year Nebraska produced 79,-
875,000 bushels of oats. It is esti
mated that this year's oat crop will
be 95,800,000. That's the talk.
Much advice is being offered on the
subject of growing old gracefully. Ou
contribution: Keep on feeling young.
The cow, as the producer of milk,
meat and butter, is entitled to ran'.
pretty nearly as a household pet.
Colonel Roosevelt is a wise and
well-informed man and an astute poli
tician. Since the government of tY.f
United States was born he has had
few equals and no superiors in the
art of feeling the popular pulse, ol
diagnosing the popular temperament,
of interpreting and applying the popu .
lar will.
When the war broke out he knew;
as few men knew, what was the at
titude of the American people toward
it. When the war had been waging
for six months he knew; when it had
been waging for a year, two years,
he knew. He knows what is their at
titude today, now that our own desti
nies are bound up in the war. Few if
any men knew better. .
And knowing, Colonel Roosevelt, in
his Lincoln invective against the ad
ministration at Washington, struck at
it wildly and ferociously because' of
the efforts it had made to keep this
country out of war. He exhausted his
supply of opprobrious epithets in
abusing the government for not hav
ing precipitated war when Belgium
was invaded, or when the Lusitania
was sunk, or when poison gas was
first used on the first cause or pre
text that presented itself, instead of
wasting thirty months and then taking
up the gage of battle only when war
was no longer honorable and safely
to be avoided.
How Colonel Roosevelt can do this
and retain hi sself-respect is beyond
and retain his self-respect is beyond
what he knows, ' what indeed all
thoughtful and observent men know.,
viewing the situation open-eyed, can
escape the conclusion that the Roose
velt charges are permeated through
and through with intellectual dishon
esty. Even today, after nearly three
years, it is proving exceedingly dif
ficult to reconcile the masses of the
American people with the fact that
their country has actually been in
volved. Even today, after all the out
rages and indignities that have been
visited upon us; after the conspiracies
to incite domestic sedition and let
loose upon us alien foes; after our
having been peremptorily ordered off
the seas; after the sinking of our own
ships and the murder of our citizens:
after the betrayal of our hospitality;
after the purpose of the kaiser to
dominate the world, ourselves includ
ed, has been made plain; when the
issue trembles in the balance and our
own rights and liberties are at stake
even today the martial spirit of the
American people is being aroused but
slowly. Even today, in spite of tho
urgings of the government, in spite of
the crystal eloquence of the president.
in spite of the colonel's exhortation
and the beating of the drums daily
from a thousand editorial pages, the
people, while their patriotism is be
yond question, as a whole are moving
toward battle with leaden feet and re
luctant spirit.
What, in heaven's name, would have
happened to this country and in this
country had the president demanded
war and congress declared it two
years ago?
More than two years ago, it is true,
Colonel Roosevelt was demanding war
and he kept on demanding it every
day until it actually came. He had
twice been president. He was known
to' the American people better than
any other man. Despite his eccen
tricities he was respected by prac
tically all of them, and was idolized
and loved by millions. Yet - the re
suit of his war cries was a rapid and
amazing diminution of his own per
sonal popularity and influence, the
like of which has seldom if ever been
witnessed in this or any other coun-.
Woodrow Wilson was a better man
and wiser than Theodore Roosevelt
He was a better man because he
loved peace and hated war, where
Roosevelt has seemed, at times, actu
ally to hate peace and love war. Mr.
Wilson fervently hoped for an early
peace in Europe and contributed ev-
erything in his power to bring it
about before civilization should be
wrecked. He just as fervently hoped
that this country might be spared the
descent into the black pit, while at the
same time insisting that its rights and
honor be respected and warning the
belligerents and the American people
that if it was necessary to fight to
defend them this country would cer
tainly fight.
He was a wiser man because he
knew no leader can lead his following
in a direction it does not wish to go.
He was a wiser man because he knew
that no government can plunge a free
people into war except for reasons
that appeal to them as adequate.
And he had to deal with a people
drilled in the ways of peace, com
mitted to peace, looking upon our own
participation in the great European
war, upon the sending of our own
boys to fight and die in France, a'i
an unthinkable thing.
Fortunate beyond words to express
is it for this great republic that
Woodrow Wilson patiently and wisely
bided his time; that he had the cour
age to endure, the faith to hope, clear
up to the limit of the time when en
durance and hope alike were ended!
Only so was it made possible to in
sure to the government the support
of the people when war was at' last
declared. And even so that support
is coming slowly though it is coming
God be praised! surely and steadfastly.
because Americans now can sec that
their government made every honora
ble effort to avoid war and that when
it came it was inevitable.
According to his lights and in hi.--peculiar
way Theodore Roosevelt is a
patriot. No one can question his love
for America, his passionate devotior
to its purposes, his faith in its destiny,
But he attests his patriotism in s
most amazing fashion, after the man
ner Of a madman, when he devotes
the half of his energies, as in his Lin
coln speech, to trying to make th'.
government of his country appear
pusillanimous and contemptible, and
the other half to exhorting the people
to support it with their labors, theh
fortunes and their lives! World-Herald.
For a hog to be profitable he must
be kept growing from birth to mar
keting age. He cannot be profitable
unless he is healthy. He can always
be in a profit-producing condition if
he is fed Ii. A. Thomas' Hog Powder.
We positively tell you that this rem
edy prevents cholera, removes worm:;
and cures thumps. If the powder
does not make good, we will. H. M
Soennichsen, Puis & Gansemer.
Good milch cow for sale. Call phone
No. 418-W. G-4-5twkly
Display the American flag, all sizes
and prices can be found at the Journal
office when desired.
An extra good quarter of central
Nebraska land. All good black soil
and every foot could bo plowed; fenced
and cros3-fenced; 120 acres in cultiva
tion, balance in pasture and hay land;
some timber in pasture; 1 acre now
in alfalfa, remainder of cultivated land
in wheat, oats and corn; one-half mile
to school; two miles to good trading
point, two banks; sixteen miles from
best school town in the state; fair rix
room house, horse stable for 12 head
of horses, chicken coop, granary and
hog shed; good well and mill. For
sale quick at $70 per acre, one half
cash, remainder five years' time at G
per cent. Rent to go to purchaser.
For further information address Lock
Box 64, Cedar Creek, Neb.
On chicks. These parasites sap the
very life' blood out of them. Dust
the hen at night with A. B. Thomas'
Louse Killer and your troubles are
ended. It also kills bugs on cucum
ber, tomato, and squash vines. We
sell it to you and if it does not make
good, we will. II. M. Soennichsen,
Puis & Gansemer.
vJwAtttlV JeJwJeJw Jf
w. a. Roberts on,
East of Riley HoteL
Coates Block,
Second Floor
4-I.T-T- -7-4-I-M- -J-!--!--:-?- -T7-T-4T
Wcscli Flour and Sugar
Buy Butter and Eggs.
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for ever over 30 years, has borne the signature of
St z. sonal
7&CC4U4 Allow
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
?.ge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying FeverishrLess arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
sekusme CASTORIA always
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
tmf: cfntaufi comamv. mf-wvoptk citv,
ix tiii: iMvrriu-T -m itr of is
rot .Mi, i:miAK.
The First National Irani: of Flatts
riKHitii, Nt'l.ruska, 1 'hi in tiff,
I'irry Marsh. 1 Vfenda nt.
N"ti (.- to Perry Marsh. 1 lefrnda nt.
Ymi arc hereby notified tliat the
plaint iff lias eomnietieed art jir-tion
imams' yon in tin- listrkt Court f
t'ass County, Nebraska, for the pur
iinsf f I'm Hosiir-r a .Mm tpsc for
$10.00 ari.l interest from .lamiary 1.
l'.tKi. at tli' i;:te of ten ior cent per
annum, on t';e following dosi-ri bed leal
estate, to-wit:
. strii of lari'1 out of the XK corner
of the NW 'i of the NW of .ec 1.
Tup. U K ;r... II, i:. ..f r,th P. M.. about
ly "O7 7-J0 feel in size, immediately
adjoining lot leven on tho South, and
iH'inir all the land between sail lot and
Patterson Avenue, ('(immenr-inpi nt the
NW corner of NE i, of NW i of See.
K. Two. F North Po. 1 I. E. of ;th
I. M., theme running South l."4 feet to
the point of I.eiririTiinjr. thence run
ning south to l'atterson avenue, thence
Kast to the road known as I-incoln
Avenue, thence Northeasterly alontr
said Lincoln Avenue to a point due
Kast of the point of leprinnincr, thence
West t i the point of l"-;i n n i n K- Sixty
eijrht ") feet off of t!;c South side of
Lot 11 in S-c. i:. Twp. 1-2, Kjie. 11.
Kast of 6th 1. M.. in Cass County, Ne
luaska. and for eipiitahle re'sief.
You are rciuired to answer said pe
tition on or l..-1'ore the ttth day of July,
1!H7. and in failini? so to l. your de
fault will he duly entered therein and
judgment taken as prayed. for in
plaintiiT's petition.
V.v A. U TIDD, Its Attorney.
May I'S Iw
u:ii:it of ih:ki; xotici:
of iMtoiivn: of
In the Con tty Court of Cass County,
State of Nebraska,
Countv of Cass, ) ss.:
To .luliii I'.hvin Hat-wick. Helen Cross
land .lulyan, Thomas N. Julyan. Hil
da Cofl'man, IVrrv W. ColTman. No
ra h, William F. All bee. and to
all persons interested in the estate
of Selina llarwiek, deceased:
on reading the petition of Hilda
Coffinan praying that the instrument
tiled in this court on the 2!Mh day of
May, J!'l7, and purporting to tie th
last will and testament of the said
deceased, may lo proved and allowed,
and recorded as tho last will and tes
tament n f Selina Farwick. deceased;
that said instrument he admitted to
probate, and the administration of faid
estate he 'anteil to John Kdwin Far
wick as executor. It is hereby ordered
that you. and all persons interested In
said matter, may, and do. appear at
the County Court to be held in and
for said countv, on the U 1 1 1 dav of
June, A. 1. FM7, at 0 o'clcock A. M., to
show cause, if any there be. why the
prayer of t lie petitioner should not be
Kranted, and that notice of the pend
ency of sa id petit ion and that the hear
ing thereof be triven to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this Order in" the Flatts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper, printed in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
I tea rin tr.
"Dusiness as Usual," to be the National idea. "Wor for every man and
earning power greater than ever before are certain guarantees of continued
prosperity and of an ever-widening scope to our business and industial life.H
J. Ogden Armour, Member Advisory Committee, Council for National De-j
Go Somewhere as (Usual
This Summer!
1U IHfc.fc.Abl: A complete
announced to the Lae region,
1U CUIAJKADO: This ideal
available at very low fares and
ful Estcs Park is reached over
to be thronged. Arrange early.
THE BLACK HILLS: Here is another delightful Summer region -reached
over night from Nebraska and at low fares. '
THE NATIONAL PARKS: America's grandest W v ..
for Fletchers
has been made under nis per-
supervision since its infancy
no one to deceive you in this.
Witness my hand and seal of paid
court, this 1'Oth day of May. A. 1). 1917.
(Seal) County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, "
Cass County, ) ss.:
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Johann
C. Stark. Heceased. To the Credit
ors of said estate:
Von are hereby notified that T will
sit at the County Court room in Flatts
mouth. in said County, on the 30th day
of June, 1917. and on the COth day of
December. 1917. at 10:00 o'clock A. M.
on each day. to receive and examine all
claims asrainst said Kstate. with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the presen
tation of claims asrainst said Kstate is
six months from the 30th day of June,
A. I). 1917, and the time limited for
pavments of debts is One Year from
said rroth day of June, 1917.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, this lath day of May,
May L'S 4wks County Judge.
Lena Larson, Plaintiff, )
vs. ) Notice.
John (!us Larson, Defendant.
John Cos Larson wil! take notice
that on the oid day of November,
A. 1. llU'i. Lena Larson, plaintiff here
in, tiled her petition in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
auainst said defendant, the object and
prayer of which are to secure a di
vorce from def n'edant, and the custody
and control of John Larson and Ku
frene l.irson, 'children of plaintiff and
defendant. (Irounds for divorce alleged
in said petition are: Extreme cruelty,
lack of support for herself and chil
dren and habitual drunkenness.
You are reriuired to answer said peti
tion on or before the 13th day of July, ,
A. P. 1917. !
Fated June 8th, 1917.
LENA LA F SON. Flaintiff.
Hy C. A. 11AWLS, Attorney.
P-ll Itsw j
American flags, from 5c up, at the
Journal office.
Some native dimension lumber for
sale. Inquire of John Ilobson, Platts
mouth.' 5-31
Insure your crops against hail Ioss-I
es with a good responsible Insurance
Company. Lower rates on fire, light
ning and tornado insurance of all
kinds. Phone -440-W. James Dvorak
6-7-4 tvily!
scheme of attractive excursion fares ia
Canada, New England and the Atlantic
Summer region, nearbv Nrhrjict-a J
with the finest train service. Beautil
night. Colorado this Summer i ;J
visit Estes, Yellowstone and Glacier on one ticke
fcr a sweeping scenic circuit of the East slope o
the Continental Divide. Write us; ask for liters
ture; let us help you.
R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Ao.n
L. W. WAKELEY, General Pas.cng,r Agent,