MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1917.. m- TAGS 2. PLATTSJIOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. bclLl ' THERE'S mi-u) I SfeS a euy" sign fflyes lXi&i 3 Stop at the Red Crown Vr&&i Stop at Ei'211 for uniform g asoline. Makes the engine eager, full of life. Look for the Red Crown sign. Pclarine Oil prevents scored cylinders; lessens engine wear. STANDARD OIL COMPANY -."-ft. f-.s' I (Nebraska) Satu.?.hy night, a i!.'$?3ge. en tn-.DiiHi uiVn" ItoYt (list .i.n: r f .Taciiie junction was! disccvj.J.-tD. i o e:i fi;c rkerviy afit-v midnight, -anil a hury-up mi! v;; .--i-::t to thi- city for a foi-c-o :f sot lien men to aisi.-t in ;t:ir;r the liro :.t. Thvre was not a jritat tf uam:::;-'o tlonc to tho i-i i.'iif, alth: uo;h a r.umlKr of the tics an I .-trii'.rcv.-- wcro ta-tly ch::; ''e-il by t!o.' 1 !ar.o Lcfo: e they could be cx-th.L'iil-Iie l. The t. irin tf the fire i-O'.ris to be P'y.-ierioas as tl blaze was in a place whore there Va no iff Ms that inlht haive caught from s-narks, and tlie fact that there was Ti" a;j artnt way for th lite to have i-'tarl'.'d sttni- to h.aicate an incendia ry mi;vin ft-r the file. Soar Sloniach. 1 r.i- a rnihl form of indiirostin. It is u-;ua'Iy broairht on by too r.."Mjy or too, or of food not M.iu-d to year (".icstive or;rans. If you will tat slowly, niastieate your fi.Mfi th-'roughly, eat but little meat and none at all for su;; .-or, you will raoro than lively avoid the four stom ach without takinir and medicine what ever. When y.u have four stomach take one of Chamberlain's Tablets to aid. digestion. T. V. Vahery deiart:.'d this morn iv : ft: - Omaha in company with his po'i-hidaw, V.'ao'e Portt-r of Creighton, whu is f-pendir. a short time at the Vailcry home, together with his family. ! 1 f :Vj5i :TiAir fTr . ..r-,:LSjTr-rl-f.l -vji-: ' vn. .vtt-'--.? t't' f Vr. "fifr iff jf STOP! 1 liead your car toward the repair shop. Use ''f.i fiictic I?- f- 5 ! THE STANDARD OIL F03 ALL MOTORS t " Or -ic-ilicn. every drop. Krer s all the power eating up the mile. -r: ;;cn and over-hf atinj. Adds years to the life of your motor. k P Polarine sinn it marks a reliable dealer and a safe place '' Crown Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel. STANDARD OIL, COMPANY r3 -if-. r St fi 1 . f 4 AJ.i.i. ,38 ivk ";tv ISS the Red Crown clean, powerful, I2 W Omaha married at Chester. Card.-- have been received in this city r.nnouncir.e; the marriujre at the home of the bride';- parents in Chester, Neb., of ?.!iss Ella Mathilde Crouse and Mr. EIrr.t r Youtr'.y of Lincoln. The jjroom is a son of Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Vcutzy, and for a number of years : Sif,UM . 1u this city. The yeun;? .po .iit;i reside l: th'e-futur at Ilin eoln, where the groom is employed. IiEC'EIYES INSURANCE MONEY. Sat v.; day afternoon, D. C. Morjran, recorder of Trio lodge, No. 84, A. O. U. Y, turned over to Mrs. Frank Ikinkman the warrant for $2,000, which amount was due on the life in surance of her husband, who was billed in the Burlinjrton yards in this ciiy some - two months ago. This amount is in full settlement for the amount of the insurance policy. DANCE, JUNE 231). The Woodmen of the World will give another of their pleasant social dances Saturday evening, June 23d, at the M. W. A. hall, and to which the public is very cordially invited to be present.. The muie will be furnished by the Plattsmouth orchestra. G-18-tfd -!KK-. COSMOPOLITAN" DANCE. At Coates hall, Saturday night, June 23d, given by the Cosmopolitan club. Music by TT. 11. 1 . . nony s orcnestra. Admission, gents ."Oc, ladies free. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. X-I-W- -ii:- s IK? (Nebraska OMAHA 13 iria a a o yo?arinot MOTOR OILS l ?i w' . r W Wn mm n mm mm a A STRENUOUS WEEK PASSED Tom W. Allen'sf Shows Did a Good Business and Furnished Much Merriment to Our People. After a week of merriment and mirth the city has resumed its usual grind and the joys of the carnival are only a fond memory to the inhabitants of the city. The Tom W. Allen shows closed their engagement here Satur day evening after one of the most successful week's in their tour of Ne braska, and during which time they have had fine weather conditions, for the first, time since hitting into this state. The fire department will realize as the result of their share of the proceeds of the carnival something like $37.r, that will be applied on a fund to purchase a chemical engine for the use of the city. The stay of the Allen company in this city has been a very pleasant one both to the members of the shows and to the public, as every one of the people with the carnival company proved to be perfect ladies and gen tlemen in every sense of the word, and their departure was much regretted by all those with whom they came in touch. The attendance at the carnival Sat urday night was the largest of any evening and the streets were packed with the merry throng to spend the last few hours in taking in the sights of the big show. It was close to the midnight hour when the last attrac tions closed their doors, and the sight seers wended their way homeward. The carnival company departed at 9:15 yesterday morning for Red Oak. Ia., where they will appear this week under the auspices of the Elks' lodge of that city. Each and every one of the mem bers of the staff of the Allen com pany have been most pleasant while here, and especially Mrs. T. W. Ro deckci", press representative, and Mr. Sydney Landcraft, special agent of the company, who were frequent and pleasant visitors at the Journal of- j fice. The people of Red Oak can rest as sured that they will have nothing to regret in booking the Allen company for ther city. L A DIES' AUXILIARY NOTICE. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Pres byterian church will be entertained by Mesdames Robert Troop and W. T. Adams, at the home of Mrs. Troop to morrow, Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30. This will be the last business meeting as the ladies will not hold meetings during the summer months. Every body invited. Cholera Morbus. This is a very p&inful and dangerous disease. In almost every neighbor hood someone has died from it before medicine could be obtained or a phy sician summoned. The right way is to have a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house so as to be prepared for it. Mrs-:. Charles Enyeart, Huntington, Ind., writes "During the summer of 1011 two of my children were taken sick with cholera morbus. I used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remmedy and it gave them immediate relief." AUTOING OK THE SIDEWALK IS A FINEABLE OFFENSE Yesterday morning Nick Vogtanz, Joe Rek and Martin Sekarla, three residents of Omaha, were caught' joy riuing in an automobile down the sdiewalk leading down high school hill just about the time the church going public were en route home. Chief of Police Barclay placed the gen tlemen under arrest and brought them down to the city jail, where they arranged to furnish a casdi bond for their appearance this mornirg. When Judge Archer , opened court today the three gentlemen Ave re missing from the court and bonds were declared forfeited to the city and the treasury enriched thereby. The police are de termined that the ordinances and laws covering the driving of motor vehicles be observed and thai those who violate them are punished as their offense de serves. FOR SALE. Cheap, for cash, if taken at once My home place in Cedar Creek, Neb.; 3-room house, electric lights, cellar under house; fdur latflall fenced tight, good "well; oneT lotlttft in small fruit trees. Good clear title. S. J. Reams, Cedar Creek, Neb. 6-18-2v,-ks-wkly A REAL BARGAIN'. Upright piano in perfect condition. Price $75. Inqitire vt Avrd Sz McLean S-l-"k!d ODD FELLOWS HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICES SUNDAY AFTERNOON Yesterday was observed by the I. O. O. F. and Daughters of Rebekah of this city as memorial day, when the members of the two fraternal organizations tendered a tribute of remembrance to the members passed away to their reward. In the morn ing the committee from both lodges visited Oak Hill cemetery, where sleeps so many of the former mem bers and friends, and with tender hands places on the graves the ilow ers of remembrance and love. The memorial service of the Odd Felows and Rebekahs was held at 2:30 in the afternoon at the lodge rooms and was very beautiful and im pressive to all of the members pres ent. The oflicers of the I. O. O. F. had charge of the service anil the ceremony was one of great impres siveness as the members tendered their tribute of loving memory to those who have passed before them ini:o the mysteries of the hereafter. A short address on the ritualistic work of the order was given by F. II. Steimker, one of the oldest members of Platte council, and the eulogy of the occasion delivered by M. S. Rriggs who gave a very beautiful outline of the principles of Odd Fellowship and its effect upon the life of those who were heart and soul members of the order and allowed its fraternal ideals to govern their daily walks of life. Those of the fomer members of the order now sleening in Oak ilill ceme tery are W. Ik Shryock. Eli i.'a.-der, Ik C. Kerr, M. Schivollbachcr, Jesse Fox. A. John.-rn, Charles S. I)t'cker, M. McElwain, ShepV"-d Duke, S M. Chapman. John Thompson, Harry Ilov.iand. Henry Martens. O. C. Smith, Wiiliam Her. 'Id. A. II. I lager, Ntls Argard. S. If. Fi.-her. K. K. Parmele. Edward St a mm. John Wha ler, John (ieiger. L. C. Andets.m, 1). II. Wbe.k-r, John I'rod-crirh, Levi (loltting. R. J. Ik Tatt, C. S. T'vi.-s, William Wynm C. M. Patten. Dan Mumm. V. D. ThrVs. Horry Thirrolf, Sucre. II. C. .Miller, Peter Prn Saturdays T.-;?:. at a. c o'lkim and ha, who v.-ere (-;'. id iy I.) .' br'v,i'-!it to t the charge Nick Mi-ivy ar'-ftcd in Sherilf (v io. ( i Or.: taat t:iV :o .Usm-M-.'.h to am o. .-laving stolen int !"-! CO r r. Richavd,..;u fro:.-. N. I'')'.! :'tre L T h u : : - d :. y evening, ye.-.tcrd.iV afternc n J.uhj; Allen J. Rreror h.-.ving- stole;! the car value of t;-e :iU?o ::1 i e arraigned the court of "i ; ci'i.rce ( f d .-rrf iv -c tko s ;:n of 20. ia The two men "( .',..! e'U 1) or iv guilty and on i e ve '.once .t it was 1 si'flirient to bind them over. cordin'.dy the two men were put u.:dt bonds of fU.'M'O each for ttvir ai pearance in ui.-tnei court. 1 no aato mobile ha:; been returned to Mr. Rich ardson ami the authorities are con fdent that thev have ' ecu.ed the two men who committed the ;,ct"of tat the car, as thov were :ccn hero Thursday evening by several persor loth are well known cr.a ratters around the Third ward in Omaha. ANDREW DILL VERY ILL. From S:it unlay's I'iiii.v. Reports from the l;edside of AndceAV Dill this afternoon are to the effect that he has grown a great deal weaker and the general condition cf the pa tient gives but little hope of his re coA'cry, and from present indications the end is not far off. Has a Good Opinion of Chamberlain's Tablets. "Chamberlain's Tablets arc a Avon- der. I ncAer sold anything that beat them," Avrites F. 13. Tressey, Rich mond, Ky. When troubled Avith indi gestion or constipation give them a trial. Fred Westlake and John and Her man Smith Avere in the city Saturday evening from the Aicinity of Nehawka to look after some business matters. Charles Schomaker and Avfe and son, Albert, and John Wiles and wife from near Nehawka, were irrthe city Satur day cA-ening to enjpy a short visit and take in the closing hours of the car nival. Miss Florence Rummell departed Saturday afternoon for Peru, where she will enter the summer school work at the state normal school. Avoiding - liter - ir?!5 fa Wc sell for Local Mem? From Fi ii:; C. ciiv Harris, of Ud-n. w: s :.i tne V w ess Jl'S-t'lulV aiterroon ;-'r a I'AU-v .'-mc busi: lu,u:v. " matter 1 ink (iortcn of Danbar, Neb., mo- torcd up this morning from his homo to look after a few business matters and to call on his old friends. W. S. Smith and wife of Murray wcio in the city last evening for a few hours Aisiting with relatives and fronds anil taking in the sights of the. carnival. Jack Pattt rson ..f the Hank of Un ion, Avas in the city for a few hour.; to, icy visiting with relatives an ; :':'e als and looking after seme mat ters of hurdiies. " Adam Hlld came up Ikis morning fi cr.i hi:; home r.ear My nurd to spend a :-hort time vk iilng Avith rclaii'.es ar.u ir:enis aru lov'-nng alter some matters of buslr.c-s. J. (J. Lo' eanie in this m- 1 ; 1 e ro. ins nome west ol tr.e citv aru e- jariod i,n the early Uurlington trair ft:- Omaha, v. here l:e was called to se- cure some 1 opr. for his farm ma- Ciiinery. Mrs. Glen Yadcry went to Omaha Tuesday morning to be Avith her sis ter, Mrs. Harve Gregg, who was to be operated on that day at the Im manuel hospital. Mrs. Gregg has been in Aery poor health for the pa.-t year. Maivin Allen departed this after noon for St. Louis to meet his daugh ter) Miss Annabel!, Avh.o is returning from Nashville, Ter.n., and Avill spend the summer here. Mrs. Allen accom panied her husband as far us Omaha. II. K. Keil of Altcna, S. D., ar rived in this city yesterday afternoon for a rhort Ah-it Avith relative.? and fiiends. lie was a pleasant caller at ths ofl'.ce, and Avhile here had his sub- criation extended for another vcar. Mr. Keil .-tates that the cror" in South Dakota are looking much bet- tor tlian in this vicinitv. He also stated that near Sioux City, many fields Avere covered with water. C. E. Ht-im, John Spanglcr and J. O. Ward of Loui-ville motored to this city yesterday afternoon to at tend to some business matters and visit friends for a rhort time. While here Mr. Hoim called at this oflice aad had the subscription of the pa- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the matter of the Estate of Lota Oldham Moore, deceased. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of James T. Bog ley, judge of the district court of Ca sr; County, Nebraska, made mi the ISth day of June, A. D., 1917, for the sale of , the real estate hereinafter de scribed, there will be sold at the south front door of the Court House in Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, on the 10th day of July, A. D., 1017, at 11:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, at pub lic vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to- Wlt: . Lots nine a&1lj"!) and 10) in block eleven ( 1 la&JwiJth Park addition to the City of .Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will re main open one hour. Dated June lth. 1017. GEORGE JACKSON OLDHAM, Executor of the Estate of Dora Old SI 53 ham Moore, deceased. t3E Wash Tub Troubles HER E is a wash(suit that takes the grief out of summer wash togs. It is made of a very excel lent galatea cloth in either plain white or plain blue. Each has two separate extra trims which can be washed separately. For instance the white has one blue and one tan trim besides the white. The blue suit has one white and one tan besides the blue. The trim con sists of separate collar, belt and cuffs which are easily attached. You know how difficult it is to get the dirt out of while without boiling it. This plan enables you to do so without fading the contrasting color. The price of this garment is $2.45 or about 85c each for 3 different suits. e sna ke glad to demonstrate this suit to you. If you cannot come 10 ine stoic piiunu io. uu emu will gladly bring a suit to your home for your inspection. "EVERYBODY'S STORE' less be- glTS ca :?se per going to Theo Ileim at Louisville extended for another y-ar, and had his name placed on our list in order that lie might be kept posted on happenings throughout the county. From S.itMi-ilny's IV.ily. Miss Rose Mae Creamer Avas amang those going to Omaha this afternoon for a visit of a feAV hours. Frank Yakery of Murray was in the city for a feAV hours today look ing after some matters of baoiness. G. P. Mcisinger, jr., came in this morning from his farm homo to lock after some trading Avith the mer chant.". James Tei ryberry came in ycater day afternoon to spend a feAV hours looking after seme trading Avith the merchants. Miss Margie Walker of Murray in "the city last cVening visiting Avith friends an' enjcyiig the pleasures of the cai nval. J. L. Smith of near XohaAvka came up this morning from his home anil departed on the afternoon train for Omaha to look after some business matters. A. A. Weter.kamp of near Mynard came i;i this afternoon from his home and departed on the afternoon Bur lington train for Omaha, to spend a few hours. John W. Chapman returned this aft ernoon from Montana, where- he has been for the past Aveek preparing to engage in farming in that state, and the family will at once arrange to move to that locality. Frank Ii. Johnson and son, Wal ker, of near Weeping Water, motored up last eerdng from their home to spend the day at the J. W. Johnson home and 'n their return home Avere accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Johnson for a short visit. lummer is Why not have fort with it? ciomcs com- 1 . 1 Dressy clothes don't mean that you must feel "all dressed Here! We're now displaying the new sum mer models from THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIME R We have some nobbv hVht weight woolens, in ir-0-Weave or Palm Beach fabrics. And they are all tailored up to the excellent Kuppenhcimer standard. In woolens $22.50 to $35.00 In Air-O-Weave or Palm Beach $10 to $10. s sens we buy for less! J. W. Holmes. Avife and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. RaAvIs and Mr. and Mis. Ii. G. Rawls and little daughter were in Murray yesterday for the day, visiting at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. W. S. Smith. Paul MeDri.le came down from Omaha to enjoy a visit in this city with his relatives and friends for a short time. Paul is now awaiting or der:; to join the navy for service. Mrs. C. L. Jean and daughter, Mrs. P.. Ik Lloyd, and Mrs. E. II. Spanglcr came in this morning from their home near this city and departed on the early IJurlington train for Omaha to speml the day, Mrs. John Coughlin departed Sat urday evening for Chicago, AAhere : he goes to look after some matters in re gari) la losing her home .there and , , removing back to this city to reside. or- in: m;im, ami jm i: v.y ruin! in: k u 1 1.1,. In ;-i- "uii nt - urt tif ;i.s :mt.' N i.i Mskii. Stiit.- of NiO.'i'sk.i, 1 t'oOMt of fS. i ss.: '!"o .-.;! pcrsKii-i o.-ti 'I in too e.- - t;;:-- of " .mini H. ';0',-i . ! -:is.-l: ):i 1 i-.'iiii r:r ;!.i- of l-'nuin s A'iill'.v ;n-.i i n tin- in-t: nm i. jio.-.i in i-:p ;! on ii,t- jjin i:;iy ; .ih:.-, :.. ;ir,.l u i ntc to !' i,. will ;tril tt:-t!":o M! of t!i- i, ! , :, !. :.:.;- In- im i'Vi il ici'l nKinvn!, f.-ooi-i.-.l ',, List will Jitiil t.s- 1:-Ml.!t of C.,:!-.ol ii. ",i!!!y. .1. -.-t-l : I' .if .-.-li.i i i.. t umont In- .-o'.niitttil t ji ',.;! t . the :i Iministrittion of Miii tsl.ftc !.o y i ;i !i ' oil to lliit Mei i n.n.f iilltl I 5 r 111 i M i i n - -. ;S l-X .ill t OIS. It is !nT' !, oi-'it-icl tliat Vim. iin.l nil I-'T.-nMi Iti'.-i-! ci! in inr'Ttor. ni;iv. :lVi' li :i )!ii'' :it tl.i' -onnty '.mt to in aiol for sai-1 u;i;v. on tin . of July. A. f. 1'17. Jit I' A. M.. to s limv rausf. if ntw '. v. hy tl'. Ir;lVi- of tli,. pi-!:-!o h!1 not ho UTanti'il. ami that f tl:- iiiiib-n"-- of .-..ijil iirtitioii l -o i (a k O'll t ai-i tioam- ti'lt ic .'tin! til'1 llf-il I - i 1 1 ii" tloMl to ail p. i -oTis it-l-i ti 1 in 1 In-, n ivi :i till ti i- !t- pu i.-lu .).-- ;i cojiy of 11, is lrdi i- in t', ! M;i 1 1 .;:no-ii h .! ourti.-' I. a woi-kly 'n- .-p;; jiir -!inli-l in suil oiint, for t 1 1 1 siM--'ssic wi-i ks jn-jor to .-; ji! la of ln-.i !-in Witao.-s in v liainl, ami si itl of sa i.l court, tiiis 10th ilav of Juno. A. I . i'JIT (Si:.i.) ai.i.::x .1. r.i:i.s. x. t'outilv ,i.iV. T "CI, up." vc OV sJ Coprriclit 1317 P rO .: r Ss t l. f mm T'S mi ki Mm ii ,ik M ' t'A wriMYM. ,?.. ,, ;.rr,.', ; .