The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 18, 1917, Image 1
in)5t MB fee dv Am ouotal SOE. XXXIT. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1917. No. 215. Week Off You el 3 juiiii iiiuiimtuuuii MINUS GOOD AUTO Stolen From Near the Court House Last Night, and Two Suspects Arrested in Omaha. From Fridny's'Dallv. Last night, shortly before 10 o'clock, John Richardson, the ferry man, discovered that he was shy one perfectly good Ford automobile which lie had parked cn North Fourth street wnr the court house. As soon as the loss of the car was discovered by Mr. Richardson he notified Sheriff Quin ton and Chief of Police Barclay, who started a search for the machine. A clue was found as to the parties hav ing: started for the wagon bridge north of the city over the Platte river, and Sheriff Quinton at once proceeded in pursuit of the parties. On reaching Omaha Sheriff Quinton received additiona lin formation that led him to place two very suspicious chaiacter.; under arrest and lodging them in the Omaha jail to await fur ther developments, but so far the missing car has not been located. From the description of the parties arrested in Omaha they tally with that of two men who were seen in this city shortly after the arrival of of train No. 14 over the Burlington from Omaha, and that they were here for a short time only. Chief Barclay gathered what information was pos sible, called the sheriff in Omaha, and the two. men were placed in jail. They were unable to give a very clear ac count of their whereabouts from 8 o'clock until 11 and this would have given them time to visit this city, get the car and make their getaway back to the metropolis. This morr.'ng Ben Rairey was sent to Omaha to identify the men if pos sible as those whom he had seen in this city last evening. It would seem that these parties have been here sev eral times and a number of persons saw them last evening on the street before the car was missing, and this points strongly to the fact that the authorities have a pretty straight line on the right persons. Efforts are be ing made to locate the car of Mr. Richardson before the persons receiv ing it have a chance to dismantle it cr get away from this part of the state with it. From the earmarks of the job it would seem the work of the fame gang that has str.ien so mr.ny cars in Omaha during the past year. Sheriff Quinton returned this after loon from Omaha, accompanied by Bon Rainey" and bringing with him the two men, who will be arraigned here on the charge of stealing the auto of Mr. Richardson. The missing car was located in Omaha late this morning by Sheriff Quinton, having been left in charge of a third party by the men taking the machine, and the car was brought back here to be restored to the owner of the machine. FINE DISPLAY OF BUICK AUTOMOBUS AT SALES ROOM PRE-liUPTIAL BREAKFAST FOR BRIDE-TO-BE AT REESE HOME From Friday's Daily. Ore of the most pleasant pre nupual entertainments of the season was given Wednesday morning at the charming- home of Mrs. Eva Reese when Mrs. Reese and daughter, Mr3 f. . W. Baylor enterta'.ned at a 0 o'clock breakfast complimentary to Miss Vera Cole, whose marriage to Mr. II. F. Goos is to take place next Wednesday. The Reese home was beautiful with decorations of the yellow and white syringas, which were interspersed tnrougnout tne rooms and made a pleasing feature of the occasion. The dainty breakfast was served in a most charming manner by Misses Margaret Donelan and Gladys McMaken, and was greatly enjoyed by the twenty ladies present to take part in the event. The bride-to-be was given a pleas ant surprise when the friends pre sented her with a number of kitchen helps in the way of the handy articles for the kitchen, and which will be installed in the new home. SSI 1 MISS DAISY E. PERRY AND HERBERT G. SHER WOOD ARE MARRIED From Friday's Dally. Last evening at 8 o clock at the rec tory of St. Luke s church occurred the marriage of Mr. Herbert C. Sher wood and Miss Daisy E. Perry, both of this city. The beautiful and im pressive Episcopal wedding ceremony a - j it r- was performed oy ratner w. Leete, rector of St. Luke's, and was witnessed by a few of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. Following the wedding ceremony the bridal couple and the relatives were entertained at luncheon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perry, in the west portion of the city, until 9:30, when Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood departed for Denver for a short honeymoon, and on re turning will be at home to their friends in this city. Those from out of the city to attend the wedding were John Sherwood and son, Nebraska City; Mrs. O. C. Smith and daughter, Miss Pearl, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flansburg, of Havelock. Both of the contracting parties are among the best known young and oopular residents of the city, where they have spent their lifetime, and their many friends will be pleased to lerrn that they will henceforth go through life as one. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perry and a very acocmplished and charming lady and possessing large circle of friends. The groom is in the employ of the Burlington in this city as foreman of the paint depart ment and is held in high esteem by those who have the 'pleasure of know ing him. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood will be at home to their friends after the first of July in this city. From Friday's Daily The firm of J. 11. McMaken & Sons have a very fine display of the Buick automobiles, of which they are the agents, as well as the famous G. M. C. truck and the Kelly-Springfield tires, of which they are representa tives. The store and sales room is located for the present in the White building on Main street and during the carnival has been the point of in terest for a great many of the visit ors to the city from out of town. It is the intention of this firm to have a first class modern garage erected in the near future, but for the pres ent they will use the White building for their sales room. For those in- LIBERTY BOND LOAN TAKEN UP STRONGLY BY GASS COUNTY From Friday's Daily The treasury department of the United States government that has had in charge the floating of the $2,- 000,000,000 Liberty bonds for the purpose of carrying on the war with Germany and for the preparedness program of the government is well pleased over the showing made throughout the country and the bonds look to be oversubscribed by the pat riotic people of the nation. In this terested in autos a trip to the Buick citv the subscription to the bonds PROCLAMATION OF RED CROSS WEEK. INASMUCH as our thoughts as a nation are now turned in united purpose towards the performance of the services and duties which we have assumed in the cause of justice and liberty. INASMUCH as but a small proportion of our people can have the opportunity to serve upon the actual field of battle, but all men, women and children alike may serve and serve effectively by making it possible to care properly for those who do serve under arms at home and abroad. AND INASMUCH as the American Red Cross is the official rec ognized agency for voluntary effort in behalf of the armed forces of the nation and for the administration of relief. Now, therefore, by virtue of my authority as President of the United States and President of the American Red Cross, I, Woodrow Wilson, do hereby proclaim the week ending June 25, 1917, as Red Cross Week, during which the people of the United States will be called upon to give generously and in a spirit cf patriotic sacrifice for the support and maintenance of this work of national need. WOODROW WILSON. Washington, D. C, May 25, 1917. -7" BRIDGE LUNCHEON GIVEN FOR TWO OF THE JUNE BRIDES FOOD INSPECTOR IN PLATTSMOUTH In His Sanitary Inspection He Does Net Find Things Altogether As They Should Be, and Says So. From Saturday's Daily. The conditions in the sanitary line throughout the city have been looked into by Henry L. Fillman, state pure food inspector. In speaking of this Mr. Fillman says: "Last week I had the pleasure of visiting Plattsmouth as a representa tive of the Nebraska pure food de partment of which Governor Neville is commissioner and Otto Murschell is deputy. "Not to pass bouquets, let me com pliment the city for its general sani tary condition, and for having a set of business men who are agreeable to meet, and who as a rule are trying to live up to the enforcement of the sanitary food law. However, I want to -warn you that everything is not perfect, and that those who have been warned will operate contrary to law at their own peril. "I found some back yards in bad condition, garbage having been ex posed apparently for weeks. Now, the law is very specific regarding waste products subject to decomposition and fermentation, and specifies that gar bage cans must be provided in which to place such refuse, and must be used regularly. I found in one back yard not only garbage but dead rats. Such conditions are absolutely un justifiable and will not be tolerated. "Restaurants, groceries, bakeries, hotels and other places where food and drinks are served and sold, must at all times be clean. Shelves and counters must be dusted and kept clean. The floors must be kept clean, and paper, dirt, boxes and other refuse must not be shoved under counters or shelves. Such practices are conducive to carelessness. Get the clean-up and clean-out habit, like all good house keepers have. Don't forget that all perishable goods must be protected against dirt, flies and dust, such as dried fruits, cheese, butter, meats, pastries, etc. This is a never ending exaction of the law and its non-compliance by any dealer should be re ported to the pure food department. Any complaints thai-come to the de partment are held in the strictest con fidence, so that no one need have any fear about making complaint. We appreciate complaints that are honest ly made, but do net court complaints that come from prejudiced sources. My home is in Polk county, which is up the Platte river something like 100 miles. To know that Plattsmouth derives its r.ame from that dear old river draws the bonds of affection to your city still more closely. HENRY L. FILLMAN, Sanitory and Food Inspector. SOLDIER BOYS WIN IN BASEBALL GAME ARRIVES FROM CANADA. From Satimlav's Dailv. This morning C. E. Wescott of Los Angeles, Cal., arrived in company Lwith his son, C. C. Wescott, from Cal gary, Canada, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes cott, sr., will enjoy a visit with his sons in this city and the many old friends. Mr. C. E. Wescott was met at Calgary by his son from this ctiy, and they spent a short time looking over their land interests near that place before starting for this city. Mr. Wescott was quite sick during the win ter at his home in Los Angeles, but is now feeling much better and has greatly enjoyed the trip. He will re main here for some time visiting the old home. Fred W. Ebinger of Plainview is in the city enjoying a short visit with his relatives and friends for a few days. headquarters is well worth the time nave tomu 11 um '""a ' " " i oi jne ana ine uauns nu c x iaigc J . j 1 a A. A 1 i number oi applications constantly spent. BIRTH OF LITTLE DAUGHTER. From Friday's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. Max Phitzmeyer are rejoicing over the arrival at their home of a charming little daughter that has come to make her home with them. The little one and the mother are doing nicely and Max is as proud as a father of such a fine daughter should be. The friends of the family will extend their con gratulations and best wishes for the future welfare of the little one. coming in for the paper of Uncle Sam. The First National Bank has filled applications for $27,500 of the bonds. The Bank of Cass County has $15,000, with a large number of ap plications on hand to be supplied with the bonds. The Plattsmouth State Bank has applications for $5,000 of the bonds. The Bank of Union in this county has received and filled, appli cations for $9,000 of the Liberty loan, Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture Framing. Frank Gobelman. Patristism and Business Every good citizen at this time should do his share toward strengthening the Federal Reserve Banking System which our Government has cre ated with its billion dollars of resources to stand back of its members' banks and their depositors. You can contribute directly to the strength of this system, and at the same time secure its pro tection by depositing your money with us, since part of every dollar you deposit with us goes directly into the new system, where it is always ready for you when needed. This is a suggestion for prompt action. FIRST HATirjU&L BANK The only National Bank in Plattsmouth i'mEMBERNi ejFEDEHAL SESEHVX- Yesterday afternoon the members of Company C, of the Fourth Nebras ka, which is stationed on guard duty at the bridge in this city, made them selves felt in the realm of the great American game of baseball when they trounced .the team representing the Tom W. Allen Shows by a score of 10 to G before a very enthusiastic audi ence at the Red Sox ball park. The game was one filled with a great deal of ginger throughout and several times the lead of the soldiers was threatened by the carnival company team, but by playing the game tight in the last innings, the boys from the military camp were able to stop the onrush of the amusement promoters. The soldiers possessed plenty of gin ger in their playing and the batting of Dailey and Rasneick were especial features of the conflict, while in the fielding department Pavlick, the catcher of the army team, proved a stone wall for his team mates and held down the carnival team. Dailey opened the game for the army and was able to keep the carnival boys guessing for the innings he was in the box, but was touched for several hits, which, with errors, allowed the visitors an opportunity to score. His stick work, however, was a large con tributor to the victory of the soldier boys and in this department Rasneick was also on the job, with a few badly needed and timely pokes of the pill. Kennedy, of the soldiers, also was able to nab two badly needed hits Johnson at second, while having sev eral errors, was able at critical times to grab a few of the drives of the visitors that looked good for runs For .the carnival company Bemis.'the pitcher, was the bright particular star of the game, while Kaufman was the most successful in batting. Cross, in center field, saved his team from a heavier score by two good catches The tabulated score of the game was as follows: COMPANY C AB. H. PO. A. E. M"Cnrthv. r. f 2 1 0 0 0 O'Toole, V. f 2 1 0 0 1 kVnnodv. r. f 4 2 0 0 0 r Rasneick, lb 5 Finder, s. s.-p. Aldrich, 1. f. . Gustfson, 3b . 4 4 Johnson, 2b 4 Pavlick, c. . .-. 4 Dailey, p.-s. s 4 1 2 3 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 9 2 0 0 4 12 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 6 From Saturday's Daily. Yesterday Miss Hazel Dovey enter tained at a 1:30 bridge luncheon in honor of Misses Verna and Lillian Cole, two of the forthcoming June brides. The appointments of the luncheon were in a color scheme of pink and white, the beautiful pink and white peonies being used in the decorative scheme of the afternoon and added to the beauty of the oc casion. The luncheon was in four cources and covers were laid for twenty. The ladies enjoyed the after noon in the playing of bridge, which proved most delightful. Miss Dovey was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Wayne Dickson of Omaha. Totals 37 13 27 12 ALLEN SHOWS. AB. H. PO Lee, lb 4 Samuels, 1. f. Fuller, 2b Kaufman, 3b Parker s. s. . Cross, c. f. . Martin, r. f. Hermon, c. . .4 3 4 2 4 4 Bemis, p 3 - Totals ,34 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 9 0 0 3 1 0 0 9 1 A. 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 2 7 0 24 14 6 THE EAGLES BELIEVE IN INSURING MEMBERS WHO GO INTO THE U. S. ARMY From Saturday's Daily. Plattsmouth, June 16. Editor of the Journal: Time and again the un dersigned has observed communica tions from various writers suggesting ways and means to care for the de pendants and families of our brave boys who may lose their lives in this war. Permit me to submit a plan that will be presented to the Grand Aerie convention of the Fraternal Order of Eagles to be held at Buffalo this com ing August, and which, no doubt, will be enacted into law. At Kansas City, May 29, twelve members of Grand Worthy President Rex B. Goodsell's administration de termined to recommend to the coming grand aerie a proposition that will surely prove the greabist patriotic movement that has ever been put forth in fraternal history. Briefly, it is this: inat those oi us that are not called to the colors shall, during the duration of the war. each cay the sum of 10 cents per month into a com mon fund, under the control of. the grand aerie, for the purpose of insur ing for $1,000 the life cf every man who serves in the army or navy from the date of his enlistment until the war is over, if he loses his life dur ing the period of enlistment the face of the policy shall be paid to his de pendents or to his beneficiaries. To illustrate: The premium on $1,000 for a man of 26 years, under the American experience table, the most conservatative table, is $14.57. To this must be added the war risk of $37.50, making a total annual prem- of $52.07. Now, 10 cents a month from our 400,000 members, exempting, of course, our enlisted members, will net approximately $480,000 a year. In other words, we can insure between 9,000 and 10,000 members of this or der each for a $1,000 life insurance policy if each of us will pay 10 cents a montn tne value oi a iair cigar, the price of a moving picture show. The premium for this policy will not cost our enlisted members one cent. It is to be the gift of those of us who remain behind. It is to be our "Godspeed and good wishes" to the man who goes to the front. Could anything be more patriotic or more necessary? Is it not fraternalism act ually transformed into something con crete and encouraging? Should it not also promote the growth and prosper ity of the Fraternal Order of Eagles ? It. should also stop lapses, if anything will; for who would sever his connec tion with an order carrying into effect such a movement? It should increase our membership, for men now outside will in patriotic-approval wish to put the seal of their manhood on what we are doing. Out of a wide fraternal experience I say this is the high water mark in our fraternity. How does it appeal to you, Mr. Reader? W. M. BARCLAY, State Inside Guard F. O. E. LITTLE ONE IMPROVING. From Saturday's Daily. Helen, the little daughter of Judge and Mrs. Allen J. Beeson, is reported this morning as being some improved from her recent attack of auto-intoxication, and it is now thought that she will recover from the very serious at tack. This will be very pleasing news to the friends of the family through out the county. i Dawson Will Fix It, , THE RED SOX ARE AGAIN VICTORIOUS One of the Best Games of the Season Staged Sunday, and Sox Win, By a Score of 2 to 0. One of the best base ball games of the season was staged yesterday aft ernoon at the Red Sox park when the Burgess-Nash crack independent team cf Omaha was trimmed, by the score of 2 to 0. The game was close and in doubt until the last man was retired, as the score was small and a hit at any stage of the conflict might have proven disastrous to either side. Hay, formerly of the Storz team of Omaha, did the pitching for the Sox, and the catching department was looked after by Prefki, the former state leaguer, who was there and over. Herald, the regular catcher of the Sox, covered the initial station in fine shape and his playing contributed materially to the success of his teammates. Wes Baker did the tossing for the Burgess Nash crew and was decidedly wild, but at that only allowed two hits to be secured by the Sox, while the Oma ha team secured the same number off Hay. The Burgess-Nash team is a good clean organization of fast ball players and gave the fans a splendid exhibition of the national sport. Hughie Graham, the first sacker of the visitors, is a great favorite in this city, and his friends were well pleased to see him. Mr. Graham has enlisted in the navy and his base ball career will end as soon as the call comes for his report to the training station. The fielding of Beal and Ed Mason also featured the game. There was nothing doing in the scoring line until the seventh inning, when the locals brought in their two tallies that spelled vctory, and in this inning their hits were most effective in run-getting combined with the wild pitch of Baker. Finder, the first man up in this inning, was safe at first when Padillo, the Cuban shortstop, threw wild to first. Hav retired on a high fly to King in the right garden. Edwards was the first to break the ice in the hitting line with a timely poke to left field that allowed Finder to register at the plate for the first run of the game. Grassman, follow ing Edwards, drove a hot one through short stop for a safe hit, and Beal, who followed, was hit by one of the slants of Baker, filling the bases. Sals- burg was retired on a fly to Graham at first. While Baker was delivering to Herold at bat, he allowed a wild one to slip that Sanford could not se cure and as a result Edwards regis tered. Herold closed the inning by retiring, Clark to Graham, leaving the score 2 to 0, and thus it remained until the close of the game. The tabu lated score of the game was as fol lows: RED SOX. AB. H. Beal, cf 3 0 Salsburg, 2b 4 0 Herold, lb 2 0 Prefki, c 4 0 Mason, If 4 0 Finder, rf 3 0 Hay, p 2 0 Edwards, 3b 3 1 Grassman, ss 3 1 Totals 28 2 BURGESS-NAS AB.' H. Platz, 3b 4 1 Padillo, ss 4 0 Graham, lb 4 0 Charmquist, If. .. . 3 0 Clark, 2b 3 0 Hasson, cf. ' 3 0 King, rf 3 0 Sandow, c. . 3 1 Baker, p 3 0 Totals .30 2 24 O. A. F.. 2 0 0 12 1 13 0 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 10 0 0 3 0 27 10 1 r. O. A. E. Ill 12 1 12 0 0 11 0 12 0 0 0 0 10 0 G 1 0 0 2 0 24 9 2 PURCHASES PAIGE CARS. From Friday's Dally. W. E. Propst, the local agent of the famous Paige automobiles, has in the past few days disposed of two fine machines to two of the prominent formers of the community. Glen Per ry of near Murray, has secured a new Paige sedan of the latest type, and for which he paid the sum of $2,475. F. J. Hennings of near Cedar Creek, has also invested in a Paige seven passenger touring car. This is a fifty-one ' horsepower machine and is priced at $1,555, and is a car that is strictly up to the minute.