The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 14, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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AGE 7.
THURSDAY, JUNE 11. 1917.
The FISK Smile
ihe smile of tire satisfaction.
This man has found a manu
facturer he likes to do business
with, who fulfills all his ideas
of what a concern should be
in its policy and methods.
The company that makes '
if! La a
stands back of every Fisk
dealer to see that every user
gets his full money's worth in
mileage and tire satisfaction.
Hut in the Most Artistic Poigns Ever
Turned Out by Eiigir.t'crins
Cruel Purpose cf Conqueror. IJevealrd
In All lis Boldness in Memorandum.
''y: - ' V " ;
Fisk Tires For Sale By
John Bauer
Pztricts cf Different Presidents and
Different C'clors for the Denominations.
Vv', D. C, June 12. Like
nesses of eight presidents will jrraee
the new Liberty bonds. Designs of
the bonds have been completed iir.d
the bureau of en.erravin;? and printing
is workine: day and night turning
them off the presses by the thou
sands. Portraits and colors of the bonds
vili be as follows:
$50, Jefferson, blue.
$100, Jackson, blue.
?."0 Washington,
$1,000, Lincoln, cannir.e.
$.",0C), Monroe, green.
'$10,000, Cleveland, blue.
Kival Family to Co Killed If Neces
sary Violation cf Holland
Hinted At.
Jolin McCormiek, Joel M. Johnson.
The many friends in this city of Ketts (whose first name is unknown,
nton II Koubek of Omaha will be ar! A. Willison. Edmond A. Des
.nion ii. xvoudck, oi umana, ivui oe je &nd wmJam H Tayior and thA
pleased to learn that he is to engage unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
. . . . . - r . , sonal representatives, and all other
in business in that City in the future, persons interested in the estates of
o Via Viae iuc rmvrVinsrvi o 1 OO ,,o!ia McCormiek, Joel M. Johnson,
ao he has jus. purchased a gi.ow ,.;,lf,n F Coiby. cnaries Bahiurr. o. w.
pool hall at 1008 South Tenth street. 5ett., Sarah A. v.iiiison, f:drr.ond A.
. , . l't'slonde, and William H. Tavlor, de-
This pool hall is located just opposite ceased, respectively, will take notice
the Burlington station, and the Platts- , ft" XiVo le7ensVn.fa idow. oiii'
i mouth friends of Tonv can find him Stevenson, Thomas 15. Stevenson, John
i . , A. , T , , Movensun anil Annie fctevenson nled
I there after the first of July and re- their petition in the District Court of
CClve a Cordial welcome. purpose of which was'to exclude von.
and each of you, from the Kast half
c 'i) of the West half (i) of Section
We have an article called Success. ' i2n d'fr'rlm JtK
no vni know what it is Let me tell '-a!f - of t,!e est half of the
uo joa Knov, wnac 11 i! . ltt mi ";Ka!?t half of Aid section: the last
$oO,000, McKinky carmir.e.
$100,000, Grant, crange.
The title of the issue.
Copnluige'n, May 2o, Vid IiOndon.
The memorandum of the late Governor-General
ven Bissing of Belgium,
in which he advocated the annexation
of the little kingdom as the sole pos
sible policy for Germany, is publish
ed in full in Greater Germany, a re
view issued by Deputy Bachmeister,
of the Prussian diet, a national liberal
and annexationist.
The unashamed nakedness with
which the memorandum calls for the
dethronement of the Belgian royal
hou?e, the exploitation of Belgian re
sources, un.i preparation tor a new
war ti follow the present strugg'.e,
shows that the document was never
intended for public view.
Dutch Province Bothered Him.
Von Hissing recognizes that Ger-
. r j , ,
you: A riome tanner win neip you
fill your empty j'ars. You can see
one if you call on us. Lincoln avenue,
or Thone 251. G. W Alexander &
Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. 6-ll-2twltd
! mr.nv have little bono of makine
T - , " 111 1 C
, , ,
ocviicr oi cadi nonu ar. a me c-1 ........... .:-.,,c.;..t, r;i,i..
In the County Court.
The State of Nebraska,
Cass County, ss.:
In the Matter of the Estate of Clar
ence Eusene Babbitt. Deceased.
To the Creditors of Said Estate:
You are herehv notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
I'lnttsmouth. in said County, on June
lfith. 1017. and December 17th, 1917. at
10 o'clock A. M. of each days to re
ceive and examine all claims aprainst
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is six months from
llie IStli ilny of June, A. T. 1917, and
the time limited for payment of debts
is One Year from said - 10th day of
June, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Count v Court, this 13th day of
Mav. 1917.
4wks County Judge.
Mutiny is Quelled When Loyal Sol
diers Are Ordered Into Action
Against' the Kebels.
lVtrognuL - June 12. (Via Lon
don.) The forces in the army at the
front which are loyal to the pro
visional government have had their
fi st test of strength with disloyal pa
cifist3 and have won a notable vic
tory. Two days ago Lieutenant General
FtcherbatchefT, commander on the
Koumanian front, gave an order to
disband one infantry, one Tirailleur,
and one Siberian Tirailleur regiment,
all of which yere considered uselses
for fighting purposes.
Three regiments of another division
were ordered to take up a new posi
tion, but refused to do so, and there
upon received an order to disband.
Soldiers in Open Mutiny.
The soldiers openly mutinied. The
men of one of the regiments arrested
the commander and seven officers,
tore their badges from their uniforms,
and beat two officers, leaving them
insensible on the road.
A regimental committee resolved
that the regiment should not move;
thereupon a loyal committee of sol
diers of the whole, after deliberating
with the army staff, pronounced for
stern measures against the mutineers,
the rinjr leader of whom was named
A resolute general was chosen, hav
ing under his command two divisions
of loyal cavalry, two battalions of in
fantry, one light battery, armored mo
tor cars, and airplanes and undertook
the task of suppressing the revolt.
When the loyalist general had oc
cccupied positions against the muti
neers, he sent an ultimatum to them
demanding the surrender of the ring
leader; that they take up positions as
ordered and that they undertake to
serve faithfully in the future.
Mutinous Men Surrender.
The mutinous soldiers, seeing that
they were surrounded, attempted to
negotiate, but at the last moment
ThiliporT incited them to new resist
ance. The loyalist general immedi
ately ordered his guns into action,
whereupon the rebels unconditionally
accepted the ultimatum and surrend
ered Philipoff and others, who were
taken to prison in an automobile. The
loyalist reserve troops became en
raged and fired on the automobile, but
their commander, in order to save the
prisoners' lives, j"umped into the ma
chine, whereupon the firing ceased.
Washington, D. C, June 12. The
administration espianoge bill was
finally approved by the senate today
without a roll call and sent to the
White House for the president's sig
nature. Provisions for newspaper
censorship had been struck out and
material modification in other re
spects have been made.
American flags, from 5c up, at the
Journal office.
Some native dimension lumber for
sale. Inquire of John Hobson, Platts
mouth. 5-31
War Department Calls 70,000 Addi
tional Recruits to Bring Force
to War Strength.
Washington, June 12. The War
department today called for 70.000 ad
ditional recruits in order to fill the
regular army to war strength before
June 30.
"The cavalry, engineers, coast ar
tillery, -signal corps and quartermas
ter corps of the regular army have
already been brought to war
strength," says an official statement.
"Forty-five thousand recruits are
needed at once to complete the new
regiments of infantry and field artil
lery. Twenty-five thousand additional
recruits are desired at the earliest
possible date to fill vacancies in order
that the war strength of 300,000 men
may be maintained.
Facilities in Readiness.
"Facilities are in readiness for
placing these 70,000 men under proper
training. Any delay in obtaining this
number will necessarily cause the loss
of valuable time.
"It is the earnest desire of the War
department that 70,000 single men be
tween the ages of 18 and 40, who
have no dependents and who are not
engaged in professional work, busi
nesses or trades vitally necessary to
the prosecution of the war, be enlisted
in the regular army before June 30,
romination in the four coiners and i
on the lower border. The face will
be piintcd in with :::: over print
ing of the denomination number, seal
pn ddates in the crlor selected for the
denomination. On the right side of
each bond there will appear the vig
nette of BartholdiV, statue of liberty
in New York harbor, on the left side
the portrait of one of the presidents.
The bonds will be thirteen inches
lung rjr.d six inches wide, the estab
lished size of previous issue? of bords,
and will be printed on distinctive pa
per with silk fiber.
Coupon bonds will have ornamental
engraving on the back and registered
bonds will ar:y v. blank for assign
ment. Three f'levt.s of intcot cca
pons. sitv coupe r.s in alh will be at
tached to the coupon bonds. The
blacks will vary in color with each
denomination as follows:
$",0, brown; -Large; $."V
light blue; ?l,no;, .::cvn; ?.",(m:), red;
$10,000, brown; ?o0,000, olive, and
$100,000. dark bluo.
Engraving on the back of the cou
pon bods will show on the right the
vignette of the Goddess of Freedom,
from Crawford's figure on the dome
of the United States, capitol, and on
the left an ornamental panel with an
eagle in the center.
tor.vrv, .r:im.vMA.
Our Special 20 Discount
I l "5 1 i ' 1
brings the price on some of
these Stylish Hats as low
Neto Italian Milan Trim
med Hats as low as
Full 18-in Hair Switch Spe
cial. Price. .............
(During carnal week)
k mm
1 98 feiiil
, w
Tarh, June 12. A eorrc.por.dent
of the V.Hirnal describes a vi. it aboard
the first American hips of a new
type which rceently arrived at r.
French port. lie says a steamer
which he calls J' belontrs to a class
of vessels which r.ccompany the
squadron far from its base and are
capable of keeping it constantly sup
plied with food, coal and materials
for repairs. The "J"' did not come
alone, but was accompanied by one of
the new boats constructed for the
pursuit of submarines.
The 4,J" brought thousands of tons
of wheat flour in miscellaneous cargo,
the correspondent says, and a verit
able mountain of medicine hml surg
ical dressings. A huge electric crane
on the deck keeps unloading the car
go to waitnig trains aligned along the
A large number of German and
Austrian prisoners assisting in un
loading the "J" looked with surprise
and saddened faces at the Stars and
Stripes waving above this formidable
instrument of war which had come so
far to insure the defeat of their country.
An extra good quarter of central
Nebraska land. 'All good black soil
"ivcor.ciiiation." and calmly counts
up the value of b-oty from Belgium
and the advantages of pocketing the
country flora a military naval and
icoromic standpoint: He points out
that the offensive prosecution of the
preier.t war was possible only
ihro:i4,h the invasion of Belgium and
creaks regrctfullv of the fact that
the German right wing was to squeeze
laboriously past the Dutch province
of Limburg.
Room for Further War.
The memorandum says that the
.ctategic aim of the present war is to
gain room for the concentration and
advance of German armies in a new
war against England and France, and
that, without the possession of I!el-
iuni. it is doubtful if the new war
oouid be prosecuted en an offensive
basis. I iscu.-sincr the subject of the!
policy of the "irrn hand," Von Biss-J
ng lament.-; the mistakes of a vacil
lating policy of conciliation, as at
icnipted in Alsace-Lorraine and Ger
iian Poland, anel says they must
rover be repeated in Belgium. He
v ims against the idea that the estab
lishment of a Flemish state would be
adequate to secure German interests,
li.ese absolutely requiring the absorp
tion cf ail present Belgium.
Would Kill King Albert.
According to Von Bissing the ab
rerpticn of Belgium must not be dis
cussed at any peace conference. "Let
' :i 1 y the right of conquest speak," are
bio words. In the Bissing Belgium
(here would be ro room for King Al
bert and his dynasty and the memo
randum quoUd approvingly the ad
vice of Maehiaveili. that, under such
circumstances, a king or regent
should be put out of the way if nec
e ssary by death.
Under the Von Bissing scheme Bel
gian industry is ntjt to be killed en
tirely, but is to b? subjected to such
conditions as will permit Germany to
use it as a lever for fixing prices on
the world market in German inter
ests. In the same way Belgium's coal
supply is to give Germany an eco
nomic monopoly on the continent.
Von Bissing foresees the necessity
for a continuance of his style of die
tatorship for many years and . says
that "reforms introduced must be
based on military right."
Tlie Kirst National Rirk of I'latts
iiioutli. Nebraska, 1'l.iintiiT,
I'erry Marsh. Defendant.
Notk-e to IVrry Mwish. Irfenlant.
You are lierol.y notileil that the
plaintiff has (.tuiinivnceil an action
asrainst you in the District I'otut of
Cass County, Nebraska, for the pur
pose of foreclosing a Mortgage for
ami interest from January 1
191C. at the rate of ten per tent per
annum, on the lollowing described real
estate, to-wit:
A strip of land out of the NR corner
of the NV of the NW of Sec. 19,
Twp. 12. llge. 14. K. of GUi V. M.. about
22 by 207 7-10 feet in size, immediately
adjoining lot eleven on the South, and
beinsr all the land between said lot and
Patterson Avenue. Commencing at the
NW corner of Ni: U of NW 't of Sec.
19. Twp. 12. North Rire. 14, K. of 6th
I. M., thence runnins: South 154 feet to
the point of beginning', thenee run
nins south to Patterson avenue, thenee
K?st to the road known as Lincoln
Avenue, thence Northeasterly along
said Lincoln Avenue to a point due
Kast of the point of beKinnlnf?, thence
West to the point of beginning. Sixty
eisht 5S feet ofT of th? South side of
Lot 11 in Sec. 19. Twp. 12. Hero. 14.
Kast of 6th P. M.. in Cass County. Ne
braska, and for equitable relief.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 9th day of July,
1917, and in failing so to do your de
fault will be duly enteied therein and
judgment taken as prayed for In
plamurr s petition.
A. L. TIDD, Its Attorney.
May 2S 4iv
tract being also known as Lots One
(1), Two 2. Three 3 and Four (4)
of said section, and exclude you, and
each of you. from any interset in, lien
on, or claim to said land or any part
thereof, and to quiet the title to said
land in themselves, as against you and
all other persons claiming under,
through or by you and also to patisfy
and cancel of record a certain mort
gage upon part of said land given by
Solon M. Johnson, to the above named
defendant, John McCormiek. the said
mortgage was filed on the 6th day of
May. 1S57, and recorded in Hook "A"
of the Ieel Kecords of Cass County,
Nebraska, at page 304 thereof.
And also to satisfy and cancel of
record a certain mortgage covering a
part of the above described tract of
land from Solon M. Johnson to defend
ant. Joel M. Johnson, dated on the 3rd
lay of October, lny. and recorded in
Cass County, Nebraska, at page 372
theeof, on October 3rd, 1S59.
And also to cancel of record
and hold void a certain deed
for a part of the above described
land given by Solqn M. Johnson and
wife, K. Janet Johnson, to defendant.
Kben.F. Colby, -which deed was dated
March 10, 1870, and filed for record on
the 9th day of January, 1S79, and re
corded in book "T" of the Leed Rec
ords of Cass County, Nebraska, at page
538 thereof.
You are required to answer paid pe
tition in the above entitled court and
cause on or before the 2nd day of July,
1917, or a decree will be entered there
in as prayed in said petition.
Dated this 15th dav of Mav, 1917.
A Widow;
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Insure your crops against hail loss
es with a good responsible Insurance
Company. Lower rates on fire, light
ning and tornado insurance of all
kinds. Phone 110-W. James Dvorak.
County Clerk Frank Libcrshal has
completed the arranging of the list of
those registered for the selective
diaft cn Tuesday, June 5th, and has a
complete list arranged in order of the
different precincts of the county post-
f,l fnv nub.lif in;rrMinn nf Ills rf.rf
... cij, Wuu u.:i... u1i Hu.(M Libcrshal has also prepared du
and cross-fencee ; 10 r.cres in cultiva- i , . e - . ,
, , ' . i plicate r.ets of the registry card
In the County Court cf Cats County,
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass, )ss.:
To John Edwin Karwu-k, Helen Cross
lar.d Julyan, Thomas N. Julyan, Hil
da Coflman, Perry V. Cofl'man, No-
rah All bee. William I. Allbee, and to
all persons interested in the estate
of selina Uarwick. deceased:
On leading the petition of Hilda
Cofl'man praying that the instrument
tiled in this court on the S&th dayVof
May, 1917, and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said
deceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of Selina Hatwiek. deceased
that aid instrument le admitted to
probate, and the admir istration of said
estate be granted to John Edwin Bar-
v.-ick as executor. It is hereby ordered
that you. and all persons Interested in
said matter, may, and do, appear at
the County Court to be held in and
for said county, on the L'oth clay of
June. A. I. 1917, at 9 o clcock A. M., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and that the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy or tins order in tiie Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper, printed in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
hep ring.
Witness mv hand and seal of said
court, this 29th day of May. A. D. 1917.
(Seal) County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, )
Cass County, ) ss. :
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the ,Kstate of Joliann
O. Stark, Deceased. To the Credit
ors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said County, on the 30th day
of June, 1917, and on the 30th day of
December. 1917, at 10:00 o clock A. M.
on each day, to receive, and examine all
claims against said Estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the presen
tation of claims against said Estate is
six months from the ;;0th day of June,
A. 1. 1917. and the time limited for
ayments of debts is One Year from
said .Uth day of June. 1917.
Witness my band Jind seal of said
County Court, this Uth day of May,
191 i.
May 2S 4wks County Judye.
Lera Larson, Plaintiff,
.. , . . ' ,u i i i plicate r.ets of the registry cards m ji,n
g tion, balance in pasture and hay land; Uance with the rul(?s and that
Hjscmc , timber in pasture; 1 acre new of thc , con8eription act that ' in. ' tiled
(John Jus liaison. Defendant. )
,n i John tins Ijirsun will 'take notice
..that on' the 23rd day of November,
; tlr : .i e m: t l l i
, will be placed at the di.sporal of the
in wheat, oats and corn; one-half mile ' , . , .
-war clcrartment.
i to school; two miles to good trading:
4-point, two banks; sixteen, miles from f
Display the Amciican flag, all sizes
and prices can be found at the Journal
best school town in the state; fair rix- '
room house, horse stable for 12 head , . ,
horses, chicken coop, granary and t .
hog shed; good well and mill. For
sale quick at 70, per acre, one half We SCll FIOUT and Sugar
cash, remainder five years' time at G i
per cent. Rent to go to purchaser.
For further information address Lock
Buy Butter and Eggs.
1H16. Lena Larson, plaintiff liere-
her petition in the District
Court of Cass count?', Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and
prayer of which are to secure a di
vorce from defnedant, and the custody
and control of John Larson and Ku
ger.e Larson, children of plaintiff and
defendant, (hounds ft-r divorce alleged
in said petition are: Extreme cruelty,
lack of support for herself and chil
dren and habitual drunkenness.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 13th day of Julv,
A. D. 1917.
Dated June Sth, 1917.
LENA LA HSJ.V, Plaintiff.
By C. A. ItAWLS, Attorney.
6-11 It sw
In the Matter of the Estato of Dora
Oldham Moore, deceased:
This cause came on for hearing upon
the application of George J. iMdham.
executor of the last will and testament
of Dora Oldham Moore, deceased, pray
ing ror a license to sen Lots nne ()
and ten 10 in Block eleven (11) South
Park Addition to the Citv of Platts
mouth. Cass County. Nebraska, or a
sufficient amount of the same to bring
the sum of f 1, 160.00 for the payment of
debts allowed against said estate, and
me cost ror tne payment of debts and
legacies and the cost of administration,
there net being sufficient personal
property to pay said debts, lteacies
and expenses.
it is therefore ordered that all Per
sons interested in said estate appear
nciore me at trie uisinet court in the
Court House at Pla t tsmout h. Cass
County. Nebraska, on the lth day of
June. 1S17. at 10 o'clock A. M.. to show
cause why a license should not be
granted to said administrator to .sell
so much of said above, .described real
estate of said deceased, as f hall be nec
essary to pay said debts and legacies
ami expenses. Notice to be given bv
publishing this order in the Platts"
mouth Journal for four successive
weeks before the date of hearing.
Dated this 5th (lav of Mav, 1917.
4wks Judge District Court.
D. B. Porter, Plaintiff,
Robert It. Latta, et a!.. Defendants.
Notice of Suit to Quiet Title.
To the defendants. Kobi it II. Latta:
Mary A. I.atta: the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Eobert ll. Latta. de
ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in tlni
estate of Mary A. Latta. deceased:
Andrew Morrow: Mrs. Andrew Mor
row, first real name unknown;
the unknown heirs. devisees, leg
atees, personal reprcserit.aties and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Andrew Morrow, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate it
Mrs. Andrew Morrow, first real name
unknown, deceased; George W. Colvin:
Mrs, George W. Colvin. first real name
unknuwn: the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of George W. Colvin, de
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons Interested in the es
tate of Mrs. tJeorge W. Colvin. first
real name unknown, deceased; The
Union Mutual Life Insurance Company
of Maine: the unknown successors and
assigns of The Union Mutual Life in
surance Company of Maine; Elijah
Woolsey; Mrs. Elijah Woolsey, first
real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Elijah Wool
sey, deceased; the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Eli.ah Woolsey,
first real name unknown, deceased;
the unknown owners and the unknown
claimants of the northeast quart-!-(NE
x) of the northwest quarter iNW
li ) of section thirty-two (32), town
ship eleven (11), north range thirteen
(13). east of the 6th P. M. Iii the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
You are hereby notified that on tlte
10th day of May, A. D. 1317, plaintiff
filed his suit in the District Court of
the County of Cass, Nebraska, to quiet
plaintiff's title to the following de
scribed lands, to-wit:
The northeast quarter CNE 'i) ofr
the northwest quarter (NW 'i) of sec
tion thirty-two (32). township eleven
(11, north range thirteen (13). east
of the Sth 1. M-. in the County of Cass.
Nebraska because of his adverse pos
session by himself and his grantors
for more, than ten years prior to the.
commencement of said suit and to en
jotn each' and all of you from bavins;
or claiming any right, title, lien or iu
terest, either Jegal or equitable, in or
to t-nid lands, or any part thereof; to
require you; to set forth your right,
title, claim, lien or Interest therein, it
any. eitbel" legal or equitable, and t
lave the same a'lfuilgeo inferior to
the title of plaintiff and for ceneral
equitable relief.
This notice Is made pursuant to tba
order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Mondav, July 2,
A. D. 1917. or your default will be dulv
entered therein.
4wks sw-May 21
Display the American flag, all sizes
and prices can be found at the Journal
Crepe and fancy designed paper for
aecorative uses can be found at the
Good milch cow for sale. Call phone journal office. We have the largest
r Box 64, Cedar Creek, Neb.
6-4-5twkly I ane ever brought to this city.