The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 14, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY, JUKE 14. 1917.
Murray Department
If any of tlie readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or Item of imprest in
this vicinity, aud will mall
same to this oftii-e. it will ap
pear under this headinsr. We
want all news items Eihto!;
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
1 IHL. I
Women Are
Statistics show that the num
ber of women depositors is rap
idly increasing.
We realize that women to
day are a big figure in the
business world.
We pay special attention to
their accounts.
Courteous tellers and clerks
will gladly explain anything
women want to know in the
banking line.
i'tTTi mil
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
She will also assist Mrs. Berger in
the hotel work.
Charles Boedecker was looking af
ter some business matters in Omaha
Harry Baxter traded his old Mason
car to L. II. Puis for a Regal.
Minford & Creamer shipped a car
of cattle to the South Omaha market
Tuesday evening.
Frank Davis shipped three cars of
cattle to the South Omaha market
Tuesday evening-.
W. A. Scott was looking1 after some
' business' "matters ; in the county seat
Tuesday afternoon.
Murray was well represented at
the deidcation services of the Baptist
church in Union last Sunday.
G. M. Minford and Frank Davis
autoed to Omaha Tuesday, where
they had stock on the market that
Corn is rolling into the Murray
elevators quite rapidly at this time.
The price of $1.53 per bushel makes
the farmers all want to sell.
Miss Veronica Berger, of Nebraska
City, arrived in Murray this week and
will make her home for the summer
with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. V. Berger. She will also assist
Mrs. Berger in the hotel work.
The regluar annual school meeting
was held in District No. 7 on Monday
evening of this week. Frank Lillie
was re-elected treasurer and the reg
ular annual business of the district
was looked after.
The Murray annual school meeting
was held on Monday evening of this
week, at which time the annual levy
was made, re-elected W. G. Boedecker
treasurer and transacted such other
business as came before the meeting.
A Mistake
is made in saying everything is high in price. True
many articles we eat and wear have advanced in price
and still advancing. Gaze at these prices which are
a saving to you:
Fancy Seedless Raisins, 15 oz. package 15c
" Seeded " 11 " " ...I2l2c
Cow Brand Soda, 3 packages 25
Special Extra Quality Peaberry Coffee, 5 lb. bag $1.25
Ideal Brand, very fine grade, 3 lb can 1.00
Antelope Catsup, 16 oz. bottle. 15
Vesper Jell, all flavors, 3 packages 25
Macaroni or Spaghette, per package 10
" IT I I I I f
TTt TT' m?
Lee Farri.s was delivering corn 'to
the Murray elevators Tuesday.
John Vanliorn and John Ilob
scheidt were Union visitors Tuesday
Dr. G. II. Gil more and family, and
Mrs. James Walker attended the dedi
cation services at Union last Sun
day. Dis. B. F. and Jake B rondel were
visiting and looking after business
matters with county siut friends
The Child rens Day program given
at the Christian church last Sunday
was a very interesting one and very
pleasing to the hirre attendance. It
consisted of music and drills, sontrs,
recitations, etc. A collection was
taken for the foreign missions.
Sarah, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. "Warren Wiley, met with
quite a painful accident this week,
when she walked backward into a
broken window glass and cut quite an
ugly wound in her back. While the
wound is not considered in any way
serious, .it was quite painful.
Fred McCullough met with an ac
cident this week that might have
proven a great deal more serious, at
which time he was working with a
Colt's automatic .revolver and the
weapon was accidentally discharged
and the ball penetrated his finger.
The wound is an ugly one, but not
Mrs. J. D. Pitman entertained a
number of lady friends at her home
last Wednesday afternoon in honor
of Mrs. S. O. Pitman, who will soon
leave for California to spend the sum
mer. Lunch and refreshments were
served at the usual hour, and the af
ternoon was one of great pleasure for
all in attendance.
. Tatt
" i"
George Oldham was risking with
Murray friends last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith were
visiting with friends in Lincoln last
Grandpa Davis has not been so well
for the past few days.
Miss Grace Porter has been quite
cick for the past few days.
John Xoell and family were visit
ing in Weening- Water Tuesday.
E. S. Tuit was a Plattsrnouth vis
itor Monday afternnon and evening.
Mrs. Kennedy entertained a num
ber of friends at dinner last Sunday.
Dr. Gilmore was looking after pro
fessional business in Union Tuesday.
Young & Scotten are cerpentering
this week at' the George Lloyd home.
Will Oliver and wife were Platts
rnouth visitors last Saturday after
noon. Miss Margery Walker was visiting
with Plattsrnouth friends Tuesday
Mrs. E. II. Queen, of Plattsrnouth,
Sundaved with relatives and friends
in Union.
II. C. Creamer was on the South
Omaha market with a car of stock
Wed nsday.
Sunday, June 21, services at the
Lewiton church in the afternoon. Ev
erybody invited.
Miss Henrietta Creamer was at
tending the carnival in Plattsrnouth
Monday evening.
- Will Henner has been shelling and
delivering his corn to the Murray
market this week.
II. R. Nickels has been suffering
for the past week with a severe at
tack of lheumatism.
Grandma MiukiiT, who has been
quite sicck for the past few weeks, is
i t pos ted some better.
Misses Pauline and Fay Oldham
were visiting with Plattsrnouth
friends last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman will
scn leave for California, where they
will spend the summer.
The three children of Mr. and Mis.
Will I Ionian have been numbered with
the sick for the past few days.
Miss Gertrude Long has been ap
pointed librarian of the .Murray Pub
lie Library for the coming year.
Miss Mae Loughridge will leave the
first of the week for Lincoln, where
she will take up her studies in music.
Mrs. Pearl Cline and family, of
Plattsrnouth. spent a few days this
week with her sister, Mrs. Fannie
Mrs. Ed Leach, who has been in
Omaha for the past month receiving
treatment for her eyes, returned home
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Puis made an
auto trip to Omaha Tuesday, where
Mr. Puis had some matters of busi
ness to look after.
WTilliam Puis, sr., Misses Laura
Puis, Eva LaRue and Opha Baker
were visiting with county seat friends
last Saturday afternoon.
A. L. Baker, Miso Opha Baker,
Miss Laura Puis and Miss Eva La
Rue were attending the carnival in
Plattsrnouth Monday evening.
Fred Condon was in Omaha Fri
day consulting a specialist regarding
stomach trouble, from which he has
been complaining for the past few
Lee Nickels and sister, Miss Etta,
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crunk and
daughter, attended the dedication
services of the new Baptist church in
Union last Sunday.
W. P. Hutchinson and family, Mrs.
Joe Sans and family, Walter Sans
and wife, and Will Oliver and wife
attended the dedication of the new
Baptist church in Union last Sunday.
The social dance given at the Puis
& Gansemer hall last Saturday even
ing, after the moving picture show,
was quite well attended and a most
enjoyable time was had by all.
Joseph Deitl, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Deitl, who fell from an automo
bile last week and received a broken
arm, was taken to the hospital in
Omaha Sunday, where he will re
ceive treatment. His condition does
not seem to improve as rapidly as de
sired. William Splitt, of near Imperial,
Neb., has been here for the past few
days loading up his threshing outfit
that will be shipped to Imperial to as
sist in looking after the wheat crop
this harvest in Chase county. Mr.
Splitt says that small grain in Chase
county is looking fine at this season
and they are expecting? a good crop.
He is well pleased with his new home.
He started west in his Ford car Wed
nesday morning.
W. F. Moore was an Omaha visitor
Charles Tucker is sporting a new
Ford car this week.
Lee and George Nickels were Union
visitors Sunday afternoon.
Corn shelling is in order in and
near Murray for the past few days.
Mrs. Ed Riggs and Miss Pearl Due-
gay visited Union relatives Sunday.
Mrs. Joe Sams and family visited
Charles Garrison and family Sunday.
Phil ip Keil was looking after some
business matters in and near Huron,
S. I)., last week.
George Nickels and Gertrude Long
were visiting friends in Plattsrnouth
last Sunday afternoon.
31 rs. Ed Leach, who is in Omaha,
having- her eyes treated, is reported
as very little improved.
James Ilobscheidt, sr., and wife are
spending a few days this week with
Johnny Ilobscheidt and family.
John Hendricks and family and
Joe Hathaway and wife spent Sun
day with Jarvis Lancaster and fam
ily near Lancaster.
Mrs. Roy Burton, who ha.-- been in
a very ctitical condition for the past
few days, was taken to the hospital
in Nebraska City last Sunday, where
she will receive treatment. Her many
friends hope for her speedy recovery.
Mrs. J. W. Berger and Mrs. Bart
lett will open an ice cream parlor at
the hotel dining room on June 1, and
will serve ice cream from Thursday
to Sunday night of each week during
the season i out patronage is so
licited and will be appreciated.
Celebrates 7!th Birthday.
The pleasant Murray home of Mr
and Mrs. William Puis, sr.. was the
scene of a very enjoyable occasion
last Sunday, at whL-h time Mr. Puis
had reached his seventy-fou th mile
stone in life, and this eventful year
was duly celebrated by the gathering
of all the sons and daughters and
their families under the parental muf
to spend the day. In addition to the
family there were a number of friends
in attendance, consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Meisinger and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Engelkemeeir and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engel
kemeier and family. The day wts a
very pleasant one" for all, especially
for the excellent old gentleman in
whose honor the occasion was given.
Mr. Puis has resided in Cass county
for a great many years, has been en
ergetic and prosperous all these
years, and now, in his decclining days
with his good family surrounding him
he is pivileged to enjoy life in its full
est sense of the term. The Journal
joins with the many friends in hoping
that he may live to enjoy many more
such happy occasions.
Teacher of Piano-Forte. Sum-
nier term of ten weeks, begin-
ning June Oth.
If you have anytning for sale adver
tise in the JournaL
AN office sanitarium fully equipped
with every modern electrical and
scientific apparatus . useful in the
treatment of all non-contagious diseases.
Especially helpful in rheumatism,
neuritis, diseases o the kidneys, liver,
Ctomach, and other internal organs. '
All treatments and baths given under
direct supervision of physician by prad
uate men and women nurses skilled in
sanitarium work.
Careful examination of all cases made
before treatment is undertaken.
The Solar Sanitarium offers treat
ments equal to any along similar lines,
and may be had at moderate cost.
Endorsed by leading physiciant.
Write for full information. Address
410-418 Brandeis BIdsr. Omaha, Neb.
Boot & Parks,
Contractors and Builders
No Job too Small or to Large!
Phone 40 or 25
Murray, -:- Nebraska
a Five Reel Red Feather
"A Capable
Lady Cook!"
a one reel Nestor comedy f
O . J T?
fvij oaiuraay evening,
Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp J
Yesterday afternoon while Lester,
the 8-year-old son of Herman Ganse
mer, residing west of Mynard, was
riding along the highway near his
home on a pony, he was thrown to
the ground when the horse became
frightened and his left arm was
broken between the wrist and elbow
in a very .serious manner. The horse
on which the boy was riding was
frightened by a rabbit suddenly run
ning across the roadway and as the
horse jumped the boy was thrown to
the ground, with the result as noted
above. Dr. (J. II. Gilmore, of Mur
ray, was called to the Gansmer home
and set the broken arm.
From Wed n-.-l:i y's laily.
This afternoon Charles Jelinek was
arraigned in the court of Judge Al
len J. Leeson, on a charge preferred
by County Attorney A. G. Cole, in
which he was charged with having
sold intoxicating liquor to one Oscar
Francis, and who became lit up on
the liquor, and after being arrested
by Chief of Police Barclay stated
where he had procured the beverage.
The matter was laid before the coun
ty attorney with the result that the
complaint was filed. A fine of $100
and costs was given by Judge Beeson,
which was paid by the defendant. It
would seem from the story that the
man. Francis, had made urgent ap
peals for something to drink, and had
been sold a small bottle of whiskey,
and later when arrested coughed up
where he had procured it. This is the
first case of this nature to be filed in
the county since the first of May.
For regular action of the bowels;
easy, natural movements, relief of
constipation, try Doan's Regulets. 25c
at all stores.
A want ad will bring what you want
So Everyone Thought, But Is Now
Vell And Stronger Than Ever.
Newton, Mo. "I can certainly
speak a good word for Cardui, the
woman's tonic," says Mrs. Jay
Rhoades, of this town. "I suffered for
12 years with my right side, and the
last three years, I would have a bad
spell with it about every three months.
I would get so 'bad off, every on
would think I could not live.
The first of July, I began taking
Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I
haven't had a bad spell since soon
after I began taking it.
Before taking Cardui, I was so ir
regular, and, at times, I could hardly
stand on my feet. Now, I can clean
house, and do any kind of work with
out its hurting me in the least.
Cardui will surely do for other
women, what it did for me. I am tell
ing all my neighbors about it."
Cardui is a mild and effective tonic
for women, that has been found, by
actual use, during more than 50 years,
to relieve the ailments to which all
women are peculiarly liable.
Card-u-i has helped thousands.
JVhy not you? Try it, NCBi
The John Deere Dain Mower
is the mower with the "compensating" or bal
anced gears one off the simplest, most powerful
transmissions ever devised ffor a mower. No
power is lost in transmission from axel to knife.
That is why the John Deere Dain cuts all the
grass on any ground over which a mower can be
operated. Cultivators are getting harder to get
deliveries on every day.
Jennie-Lind and Jhon
Riding Cultivators in stock. Better get busy and
let us show you what we
Murray Hardware
From Wednesday's iJnily.
J. A. Murray of the Nebraska
Home' for Dependent Children, was in
the city today to meet with the
county commissioners in regard to
several children of a family residing
near Nehawka, and which had been
brought to the attention of the Home.
The father of this family died a short
time ago of quick consumption, leav
ing several children of tender, ages
and a wife who is afflicted with blind
ness. It has not been fully deter
mined what will be done in regard
to ,the care of the children.
Mr. Murray also states that they
have a fine 4-months-old baby boy
at the Home that is without a home,
and can be adopted by some good
family. The little one is a bright,
healthy little fellow and would make
a great joy in a home.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Jennings of Springeld, Mass.,
in this city will regret greatly to
learn of the death of their little babe
last night at the home in Springeld.
The little one was born Sunday morn
ing, and lived only a few days when
the Master called it home to rest.
Mrs. Jennings will be remembered as
Miss Zelma Tuey, formerly of this
Summer Goods
for Ladies and Gents!
Our line is complete in every way.
Puis & Gansemer,
Drs. Twlach & Mach, The Dentists
Th largest and best equipped
t .J .11 .1. . J a m.
oargo w am worn. iay tenaint.
just like tootn. instruments carefully
Send for mx sample of Sani-Pyor
for treatment, end no money to be paid mafS werit.tnlMraS!!!di nevery accepted
We still have plenty off
Deere Walkers and a few
have got.
and Implement Co.,
The Platte River Auto and Wagon
Bridge company, which operates the
bridge over the Platte river north of
this city, has given a concession to
the patrons of the bridge in a 50 per
cent reduction of the toll charges ever
the bridge. In the past there has
been a charge of 50c per auto and the
company has now cut this down to 25
cents, which certainly will be appre
ciated by those who travel over the
Omaha-Kansas City Scenic route. Mr.
Pollock, the manager of the bridge
compary, is desirous of giving his
patrons the best possible treatment
and the reduction in price on tolls
will be something that will be ap
preciated by every auto owner who
uses the bridge in going to or from
Omaha and by the auto drivers who
pass through this city en tour over
the country.
Ikl a tr it ki a-k a ... .1. . V
' hi rt?M
yers known as Ucst. Safest. Aiwa vs RMiahu
are Now in Line!
VVsLt L.dirat Ask your Urarcltt for
V-.Vll t hl-rbu-ter' Diamond IiriidA
fcis5C 1111 an Krd nd Uold metallicVr
! 3 e'e1 with Blue Rihbon. V
TVI i fVj Take no other Itnjr of Tour V
I fir J'rnirrfat- Ask forfait I rin
Wash Fabrics
and complete line of
Summer Dress
Straw Mats.
Summer Underwear
dental of3ce in Omaha. Soeciall
m m
lallsts la I
i fillings, I
noaerntc Pricei. Porcelain
sterilized alter using.
Pyorrhea Treatment.
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
i-Pay When Cured
- j veiivii
vuuuraiorm. uner or nth.- -