PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1917. Oe plattsmoytb journal i PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBB1SKA. Eatered at Postofflce at Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher CBSCniPTIOBf PRICKi ttJS Boost the fire department. -:o:- Old Sol is still with us. What is so cold as a day in June. :c: The carnival band is a dandy, and no mistake. :o: When you go after the baccn, stick around till you pet it. :o: The fellow who lives only for him self doesn't live for much. -:o:- Whcn you kiss a- pretty girl it is a sign you have good taste. :o: r- Thcre is no flower of spring: love lier to behold than the American flag. :o: Re as happy as you can, remember ing always that it will help the other fellow that much. :o: If you know some really conceited persoin, who thinks he knows it all; ask him to namethc thirteen original states of the union. :o: We suppose Emperor William thinks we arc deficient in military . leadership, but he wouldn't think so if he could hear our street corner strategists win battle after battle any old day. :o: A Seattle banker has been given a sentence of "one to ten years" for stealing $1,500,000. What would they have done to him if he had been caught shooting craps? :o: An expert's opinion is that fanners don't make "big money" like steel plants and powder factories, because the farmer is not a chemist, an en gineer and soil expert as he should be nothing but a farmer. :o : Let an editor say something tht one person does not like and he will hear from it in a hurry. Rut let him say something that ten thousand per sons like, and the chances are he will not hear a word about it. :o: If the southern farmers generally get enthusiastic over figures showing that the growing of peanuts pays $10 more per acre than .growing of cot ton, even when the price is up 20 cents, where are we going to get Our bed sheets, etc.? :o: The women workers, accoiding to the French minister of munitions, ex eel in delicacy of touch. We don't know anything about the delicacy: but we'll admit she excels in the per sistency of touch. :o: Talk about young manhood going to war. How was it in 18G1? The Union airr.y was greatly made up of boys from 15 to 20. Take the family of our own, for instance. The writer was the oldest, at 10, and the young est 15, and the three of us in the army and thousands of others the same way. :o: Herbert Kaufman makes no error when he says: "Each must play his part and pay his part when a great canst is at stake. If we do not pausa each day to consider country and con science; if we do not eternally rc ccunt for our children the sacrifices of yesterday; if wc do not constantly revere the deathless deeds of the past, from Thermopylae to the Alpine pass es where Winkelried harvested to his heart the tyrant spears; if we do not venerate the memory of the martyrs; if we do7 not bend knee to those who have foregone personal profit that the multitude shall profit in their place; if we waver in adversity and shrink at the summons of duty, then our all shall become as nothing, for we shall be building upon the quick sands, not upon the rock; our sover eignty will not endure longer than wc honor Honor." PER YEAR IN ADTANCB THE RAILROADS AND A RATE INCREASE. It is rumored that the railroads are j soon to begin a concerted move for an increase of 15 per cent in freight fiatcs in Nebraska. Coupled with then- demand for the increase, which will be presented to the state railway commission, will be an aducational campaign. The easiest thing the Democrat could do and perhaps the most popu lar would be to begin denouncing attempt to "further rob the dear pee pul."' However, the Democrat isn't looking for the "easiest way'' and it prefers to be honest wdth itself rather than to seek "popularity at the ex pense of conviction." It is not the increase of 15 per cent in freight rates that would add to the burdens of the public. It is the increase of from 50 to 500 per cent that others would put upon their commodities and then offer the in creased freight rate as an excuse. New potatoes from Florida are sell ing for $1.50 a bushel at the point of production but they are selling for - a i,ushrl at York and the rail- , . ... iri . r posed czar was born in 18S, ascended reads are not getting 10 per cent ofj1 ' the difference for the hauling, either. Everything you purchase these days has shot skyward in price, with the sole exception of transportation serv ice. You pay S7 for the pair of shoes that you got for $-3.50 a couple of years ago and you can ride for L cents a mile in Nebraska now jusi s vou could two or five or seven years ago. Uut wlnle silently, it sul- hnly, paying the increased price for I ... .. .. . . I your shoes and sugar, and your but- I ter and bread, vou iret red in the face with anger if it is suggested that you allow the railroads to charge a little more for the service that is costing them a whole lot more. The Democrat is charging more for its job printing now thr.n it charged eighteen months ago. It is charging I more for its subscription than it did eighteen months ago. And it is charg- ing more for its advertising than it i did eighteen months ago. And why ? I Not because it can compel people to I pay the increase but because it can- not render the service at the old price. And if the Democrat cannot get a price that makes a profit possible it. can not render service. The railroads have not been allowed to increase w.. .i,..., . rs11 -j". 1 they are compelled to pay higher! prices for everything they must pur- chase, just as the rest of us must do. And if they are to be compelled to render service they are entitled to an increase that will cover their "in-jof creased cost of licing." If the paper mills will reduce their prices to a point 15 per cent above I the prices of eighteen months ago, the Democrat will cheerfully, aye, joyfully, pay 100 per cent higher freight charges on its paper ship-1 ments. If the shoe -manufacturers will reduce the prices of their ware I to a point 15 per cent above the av- crage prices of eighteen months ago the Democrat's editor will gleefully and enthusiastically agree to allow- : A i i i i I uij? me lanroaos 10 cnarge lo'J per cent more freight than they charged for carrying shoes eighteen months ago. ' Ihi3 newspaper suggests that we considcr this demand for an increase in freight rates without prejudice, and in the light of reason and tjie oxistinir facts. If flip rnilvnn;!s r.nn show that they are entitled to it, give I it to them. And let us permit them to make their showing without resort ing to aljuse of them because they are doing so. York Democrat. -:o: It is generally the man who has no business of , his own that always J. wants to make trouble with those in ' or otherwise. 1 OUR FIRST WAR SCANDAL. Do you believe the war will end this year? If you do, and run across; seme friend who doubts it, you can prove it to him by a now prophecy which rests on the wizardry of fig- i ures. When you meet the doubter, tell him to take certain statistics of the rulers of the allies and figure it for himself. Here they arc: lit WMMC(IMM -t- ( W OS OO OD OO l CO C3 M M O M o I C 1 V M X C3 Z. is t i i- oo w ii t- u in ?J CO O Ci M CO O ci o o o a o o! o o o H O s o ci ire a i c o tr o e i- i- t f oooooooocooococo c car o i c 3 zr 2. ' J3 T, . xr ... ti -p S o a a 6 K H"' -7i a ooo o 2. o o -. 33 fcc tc fcr u. t t-e i QJ C C S g c c l Izt The list establishes the fact that is the magic figure. Rut vour doubting friend will at once say it ir. incomplete, because Russia js left oui of it. You can show him that the de- the throne in- 1804, had served twen ty-three years when the revolution unseated him and is 40 years old, and. that these figures, too, add up to 3.S31 To determine when the war will 0P,, .rost divide 3.S31 by two and you ?ot iiU7- Simple, Hn't it? Of course if your fiicnd is smart ! . . . : m i u t . i i i i f j.iu-h is irau ami go to ngur- Uf? ad at once he will find that r, man's dae of birth and his age now will equal 1017; and if he is a little smarter than the ordinary he will proceed by analysis to discover that any date present ruler took offiro. added to the number of years he has served also will make 1017, and finally that 1017 and 1017 make 3,S3 1 :o: OUR FIRST WOR SCANDAL Ecr cold-blooded profiteering it i would be hard to beat the present ma- I nipulation of coal prices. It is the J first big scandal of the war. A 300 per cent increase in prices is unwarranted and dishonest. There is no shortage of coal; in fact, some of the mines are not being operated, the purpose being, it is said, to cut -"ii".- "-""1' umi: i the slightest warrant for anything like Mich a price advance on account of war conditions. The mine owners first added C5 cents to last year's price to take care increased operating expenses, re- ccntly they gave it a still bigger boost by adding $1.20 more. In the opinion of impartial observers this is nothing more nor less than an effort to gouge the public. It is an unscrupulous at- tempt to get rich quick through war profits. Meanwhile the government needs thousands of tons of coal to make iifle barrels. Some harsh things have been said and some harsh things ought to, be done. The indictment is very simple; in a time of national . . 4i. 1 r . i ii' - '3 -v; .oui men, lor ineir own profit, are holding up not only thc public but the government itself Chicago Tribune. :o:- This year the embattled base ball players' swat may not be heard around the 'world. - Wonu,n muniUon workers of Kng- 1 1 V A : i land have demanded increased pay. How like the man! -:o:- HH-W" H-H-h "Ht-H H H 4 -r - W. A. ROBERTSON,' Lawytr. East cf Riley Hotel. Ccates' Block, Second Floor ABOUT CAR SHORTAGE. The Nebraska railway commission has given it out that the railway ' equipment shortage is now a thin" of the past. Let us at least hope so Not only the West, but the whole, i nation wa; ?ade to suffer by the car shortage during the past yea, and; now that there is said to bri enough equipment to meet any reasonable. de mand there should be no occasion foi any more trouble along that line. The main thing now is to enforce the right kind of distribution rules. A report of the Nebraska lailwrv commission shows that a large num ber of box cars are now in ihis state. Reports of car locations received by the commission from some of the car riers operating in the state show that the cars owned but used by foreign roads in spite of the efforts of Ne braska roads to secure them of their equivalent, have in a large measim been returned from the cast, and have been ordered to Nebraska shippers IJy some it is considered that a les sening of demand has made only iv apparent increase in the supply of available cars, but statistics do no show this to be trtie. Nebraska roads actually have more cars on their lino now than at any other time during the shortage. The report further shows that thu volume of grain shipments, in which business there was the most disturb ancc because cars were not available have not decreased in the state as ; whole. No complaints are now com ing to the commission of inability to secure cars. Keports cf gram .'ca lm show many stations receiving no car and demanding none, evidently. How ever, a check of reports for six day. in the middle of May show shipment of grain from producing points total ling 1,85(5 cars, or, roughly speaking two and a quarter millions of bushels The average in the shortage perioi did not exceed 1,(00 bushels. It is evident that the railway com- to straighten out the car shortage and thc mtmhcrs of that august body nrc entitled no small degree of credit Rut now comes the government with a statement to the effect thai while there are 2,500,000 freight car. in the United States their capacity i. barely sufficient for commercial needs. Thc railroads in the near future wi'I use 120,000 cars to transport material for the construction of the "new army" training camps, and a continu- Gus flow of cars to keep those camp, in supplies. They estimate that i; ',vill take 200,000 cars to carry (he material which will enter into the construction of thc "ovnnment mcr- chant ships whether of steel or of wood. I h?v will rcnuiro an en or require mous number ol" cars to move the steel for the ships under construction for thc navy, and no estimate what ever can be made of the number ol cars which will be needed to carry the material used in the manufacture of munitions and supplies for the army, ami m moving them to the shipping point. The railroads have adopted, as the fundamental principles on which to secure thc desired results, increase of efficiency, economy of effort, and the elimination of competition. In other- Words, by patriotic co-operation tc; operate as if they were one great corporation; intent upon securing thc greatest results at thc least expense of effort and of money. Nebraska farmers' will do well to remember these things when it comes time to move their crops next fail.. Hastings Tribune. :o: Mrs. Thad W. Rbodccker, fhe r, cs , agent for tha Tom W. Allen shows, is a grand lady, and right up-to-date in this line of business, and makes a friend with everyone with whom she har, business connections. She is r very accomplished lady, and ticver I; a faujt, and the Journal force are rc. J minded that every time she visits thu- office she brings with her one eo;ii ray of sunshine to beam in upon us, May the little lady live forever r,nd then some if such a possibility could exist. - j ALL AMERICANS. The Beatrice Sun hits the mil cn the head in the following editorial: i "Somebody chr.uld send to th. Kaiser a list oi tne recruits oeir.g en rolled in this country. It would serve the good purpose of ilisil'im-ionii: him i as to the layalty of the great mass of the citizens of the Unite:'. . i aiuie.;. "Take Tuesday list of recruits for ! CYy C. Of the ten who crJiatc on that day, six nam '.v. were of a pronounced German flavor. At least one of them. is the son of a man whe has cr''c'1 in tho German army. i!!'j deadly statisticians ol Ii-.-!i had it figured out that the icr.scn President Wilson was patient an i try ing to avoid a clanh with Prussianisr. was ihni he feared the thirty millions of people of Teutonic birth or extrac tion in this country would stab him in the back. The Berlin government knew that we were very lcosely or .'jnni.ed to suppress sedition, and they believed disloyalty would, thrive in the soil of freedom. "The kaiser should get some of th t recruiting lisrs. Then, perhaps, he will fire his statisticianswho had con jured up a vast pro-German machine within the citizenship of America." Results are proving that the German-Americans are loyal the same a; any other kind of Americans. They wre oppoie l to our entering the was it is true, but except for a few jin goes so were tne rest or us. 1 nei natural sympathy for the Fatherlanc made it more dimeuit lor many o them than lor most ol their noign hers to realize the necessity for ou going in. Rut now that we arc 5 they are standing by their countr;. and their young men are rallying t the colors. We are many men hi many mind? here in America, as to the causes c tiie war, its merits, and its objects It is natural that a f rce-lhinkinji democratic people should be so divi 1 ed. Rut when it comes to the dut ot standing ty our own country we are, with negligible exceptions. Americans. When the lest comes wc realize that this is the best countrj with thc best government, on cart!" and that it is our home and v. ill be our children's home after us. W realize that our country is not lir;ht ing out of greed and selfishness bui to protect its own humanity's right; We realize that if it wins democracy will spread. And v.e all believe thai democracy is better for the wcrl: than autocracy. Confronted with thc situation and the choice thc wonder is that there could exist, anywhere in this grc republic, a single citizen who is not, in heait as well as in speech and ac. tion, on America's side. World-Her ald. :o: Speaking of the suffrage question, it was wrong for the stale legislature to pass a suffrage bill in the face of the fact that it was defeated by a voice of the people by a big majority it a recent election. This is the rea son why petitions are being signed t- ubmit the. question again to th'. voters ofNcbraska at the next gen eral election. :o: Of course, we are going to assist Uncle Sam all we possibly can i. fir arcing this war. We arc going to ay the "advertising tax" without s murmur. Jut it uncle .Sam expects us to buy any Liberty bonds he will :ave to provide 'em in smaller de nominations. :o: Nebraska will feed 'em a well as do her share of the fighting. When it comes right down to doing the things that need to be done you can count old Nebraska as "Johnny on the spot" without any menial reser vations. :cT: llemcmber the Spartan mother who kissed her sr,n goodbye and bade him cornc r,;xck with his shield or upon it? v,V:!, those Spartan mothers didn't have a thing on the mothers of Amer-' iean boys. No matter what you raise this year you are sure to. be well paid for it unless it be nothing but hell. ISciisiisi! e GIVEN BY T2-SE ft iiPJmi 1. -aC f Bi trj kid jlj ca tsaB. v rr cJ italic The best time assured to everyone and the coolest spot in the city for dancing. Come out and spend 3 few hours most pleasantly. MUSIC BY PLATTSTIOUTH ORCHESTRA Cunts 50c ADMISSION Ladies Free OLD FASHIONED DANCES OELiEF CORPS IS EN TERTAINED BY MRS. F. G. EGENBERGER !'rim V il !. 'u;i 's l:ii!v. The ladies of the Women's Relief corps were entertained yesterday aft ernoon at the beautiful home of Mrs. V. (J. lygenberger, with Mrs. Egen-i-erger and ?drs. Alice Cowles as hostesses. The home was transformed into a bower of beauty by beautiful roses and peonies, that made a charm ing setting for thc happy event. During the afternoon a short pro gram was given that proved most en joyable in every way to the large number present, and was given by a number of the talented ladies of the city. Miss Ellen BeUe. McDaniel gave several of the most enjoyable piano selections rnd Miss Dernesc Newell, a few readings, in her usual charm ing manner ard which were greatly appreciated. Mrs. P. J. Flynn gave a pleasant surprise to the ladies in a vocal number of a patriotic nature, the words and music of which had been composed of this talented lady, and this number was especially en- joyed by everyone. The members of the Grand Arrnv who attended the meeting also treated the ladies tol several of the war songs of the boy, in blue, that were received with marked favor by everyone. At a suitable hour a most delightful lunch eon was served by Misses Myrtle Peterson, Ellon Belle McDaniel and Helen Egenberger, which was an added pleasure to the afternoon of enjoyment. The attendance was quite large, there being fifty ladies present, and all enjoyed themselves to the utmost and felt that the de lightful hospitality afforded them by the hostesses would long be remem bered. F. I. Eush and Leonard Meisingcr were in Aenawka yesterday tor a few hours looking after some business matters in that place where, Mr. Bush has a branch office. Miss Eda Marquardt, county super intendent, departed this morning for Chicago, where she will enjoy a visit in that city for a short time with relatives and friends. A want ad wiil bring you a buyer. Charging! Our new and up-to-date machinery for this purpose has arrived, and we are prepared to charge your storage batteries in the most scientific manner and upon short notice. There is always room for one more, so call on us at any time for quick repairs. WE ARE THE AUTO DOCTORS AND CURE ALL ILLS REASONABLY 1b ' ED. MASON, CHke Telephone 394 PLATTSJVSOUTH II M venin (C 1Q17 iLU Jl&JL S PLEASANT BREAKFAST ' AND APRON SHOWER IS GIVEN FOR TIIE BRIDE ' In honcr of Miss Edna Shopp, whose marriage to Mr. Carl Dalton occurred yesterday afternoon. Miss Gladys McMcn entertained most charmingly Tuesday at a 10 o'clock breakfast and apron shower at her home in the northern portion of the city. Thc home was very pleasingly decorated with white peonies in pro fusian throughout the rooms and at the tables, which lent ,a pleasing touch to the scene. The breakfast was served in three courses and was most enjoyable to the young ladies present to participate in the gathering. The bride-to-be was presented with a large number of very artistic and handsome aprons by the friends, the shower being arranged in a very novel and pleasing manner. A large imita tion cake was presented to. the bride, who was requested to cut into it, when the dainty aprons were revealed. Those who were in attendance at the pleasant occasion were Misses Mil- tliea ana snyaer, juna ival- l 1 IT 1 1 a oeiger, erji vv nitmore, coin, la.; Hazel Simpson, of North Platte. Neb.; Edna Shopp, Sophia Hild, Golda Noble, Mary Welenkamp, Mrs. H. C. McMaken and Miss Gladys Mc Maken. John Lynn, of Union, was in the city today for a few hours looking after a few matters of business at the court house. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Brendel of Mur ray, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brendel of Avoca and Mrs. John Brendel of Zion ville, Ind., were in the city yesterday for a few hours enjoying the carnival. For Rent or Sale My residence on Locust St.; partly modern. Mrs. C. A. Berggren. 5-29-lwkd&w CASTOR I A For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature oS ttsmouth Garage- Proprietor Residence TUU oon