The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 14, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. JUNE 14, 1917.
Electricity for Anyone Anywhere
Ask 4he fissure
ZD Who Owns a DELCO-LIGHT Plant What He Thinks of It!
Here is a list of satisfied users in this vicinity, most of whom have written
testimonials for Delco-Light, saying they will be pleased to show the plant to
anyone interested enough to call:
John Busche, Louisville
Fred Buechler, Plattsmouth
G. W. Cheney, Union
Emmett Cronch, Wyoming
Wm. Fight, Mynard
August Johnson, Alvo
August Panska, Murdock
Glenn Perry, Murray
Tom Straub, Avoca
Ed Tritsch, Plattsmouth
Ed Thimgan, Murdock
John Warga, Rock Bluffs
Geo. Everett, Union
Wm. James, Union
John Murdock, Nehawka
Frank Parkenning, Plattsmouth
Wm. Porter, Union
Winfield Swan, Union
James Terryberry, Cedar Creek
Take your family some evening to see a
Star Spangled Banner" and '"The
Marseillaise" Played as He is
Welcomed on Deck.
and Delco-Light in opereration. Ask the owner a few questions about it.
much trouble it is to run?
much light will it furnish?
often do you have to run the engine?
long does it take to charge the batteries?
much expense have you had for repairs?
does it run on kerosene?
does it compare with the light you formerly had?
could you do without it?
Now consider the convenience and necessiiy of Delco-Light in your own
home. Drop me a line and I will call and give you figures as to what it will cost
to wire your house, install fixtures and Delco-Light.
Isy Rosenthal,
Dealer in Delco-Light Products,
538 So. 25th Ave, Omaha, Nebraska
Call or write me today and 1 will see you
Remember Delco-Light is a COMPLETE
Electric Light Plant.
Simple Durable Thick Plates Long Life
ZW Price now $275.00 and $325.00 after July 1st, $325.00 and $420.00
Small Subscriptions Are Pouring in
and Thousands More Expected.
Secretary Wilson's Appeal .to .the
Workers of the Country to
Buy Bonds.
Washington, D. C, June 13. Small
subscribers investing in $50 and $100
bonds ' have swelled the Liberty loan
nearer the $2,000,000,000 mark,
treasury officials said today, and ad
ditional thousands of these are looked
for before Friday night, when the J
subscriptions period closes. It is esti
mated that subscribers to the loan
now total 2,000,000 persons.
To workers of the country, Secre
tary Wilson sent this appeal:
"If you cannot buy a bond outright
you can make arrangements with your
employers or some banker to buy it
on the installment plan or a number
of you can club together, each putting
in his mite, to buy a bond. Every
dollar counts. Let me appeal to you,
as you value our free institutions, to
make every sacrifice necessary to buy
a bond, and do it now."
Final Effort in New York.
New York, June 13. Red fire, brass
bands, oratory and other things that
mark the close of a bitterly fought
political contest will be used here to
bring in subscriptions to the Liberty
loan of 1917 up to the last minute.
Everywhere today the streets be
gan to bloom with "buy a bond" bunt
ing and preparations were being com
pleted for the big rally in Union
square tonight.
Banks will keep open tonight and
tomorrow night until midnight or as
much later as necessary, to receive
Activities of the Boy Scouts hav
resulted in total subscriptions here of
$1,277,000 by 6,000 persons. In one
of the public schools the pupils sub
scribed for $10,000 worth.
The Nehawka Mills
are now Rolling and Manufacturing the
LsHer Bill
Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting.
For on the top shelf it now is roosting.
The best cooks wherever you go
Use this famous flour, you know.
They just set their yeast and go to bed,
For they know on the morrow they will have good
J. M.
C. D. ST. JOHN, Prop,
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by All Dealers
Lincoln, Neb., June 12. Warning
is given by Secretary of State
Charls W. Pool to lobbyists during
the last session of the legislature that
they must file statements of expenses
as required by law.
The law requires such ' reports to
be made by lobbyists themselves and
by those employing them within sixty
days after the legislature adjourns
the time limit expiring June 26.
Nearly 100 registered to lobby dur
ing the session and less than a dozen
reports have been filed with Mr. Pool
Bridge Toll Reduced
We have reduced the rate
for Auto and Driver from
50c to 25c when paid in cash.
All outstanding Toll Tick
ets will be accepted in pay
ment of Tolls, just the same
as in the past, making the
actual cost for each Auto
and Driver 25c in either case.
5 cents for extra passengers.
We will continue to sell
Toll Books for the con
venience of those who prefer
to pay the Bridge Tolls in
that way.
T. II. Pollock Dridgc
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Alvo News
Met by Government Representatives
and Army Officers British
Marines Line Quay.
Paris, June 13. General Pershing
anded at Boulogne this morning and
will arrive in Paris this evening.
General Pershing was met at the
quay by General Pelletier, represent
ing the French government and gen
eral headquarters of the French army;
Commandant Hue, representing the
minister of war; General Lucas, com;ng the northern re;r;on; Colonel
Daru, governor of Lille; me prefect
i f the Somme and other public offi
British soldiers and marines lined
up along the quays rendered military
honors as the vessel flying the Stars
and Stripes preceded by destroyers
and accompanied by hydroplanes and
dirigible balloons, steamed up the
Military bands played "The Star
Spangled Banner" and "The Marseil
laise" as General Pelletier and his
party boarded the boat to welcome
General Pershing.
Boulogne, June 13, 12:35 p. m.-
The channel steamer Invicta with
Major General Pershing and his staff
on board steamed into port at 9:40
o'clock this morning. It was wel
comed with cheers from French ter
ritorials and British sailors and sol
diers on shore, to which British troops
between decks replied lustily. British
and French bands struck up "The
Star Spangled Banner" as the ship
General Pershing stood on the deck
surrounded by his staff. After the
representatives of the French authori
ties had been presented to the Amer
ican officers, the party landed and
reviewed the French territorials. The
Americans then entered motor cars
for a ride around the city. All along
the route they were followed by
crowds who greeted General Pershing
with the greatest enthusiasm. At 11
o'clock the general received a number
of American and French newspaper
correspondents. He then departed for
Piiiis on a special train.
Senate Passes Measure for Largest
Sum Ever Appropriated by
Legislative Body for
Nation's Defense.
Washington, June 13. Accepting
the house compromise for acquisition
of the ' Jamestown exposition site as
a naval base, the senate today finally
enacted the $3,281,000,000 war bud
get bill and sent it to the president.
The bill, which carries the greatest
sum ever appropriated at one time
by any legislative body, has been the
storm center of the present session
of congress and went through with a
final row over the shipping board pro
Objections to the conference report
bcause it failed to make it impossible
for the shipping board to remove
Major General Goethals from office
should they so desire was made by
Senators Lodge, of Massachusetts
and Smith, of Michigan.
"Congress and the country have
confidence in General Goethals and
mean to keep him where he is, but
that is not the plan of the shipping
board," said Senator Lodge. The bil
as originally passed by the senate
provided for General Goethals by
name, but that was cut out in the
Senator Martin, in charge of the
bill, assured the senate that there
was no intention to remove Genera!
Senator Smith attacked the ship
ping board, saying:
"Board members have appeared be
fore our committee several times and
if they have any large capacity they
have yet to demonstrate it."
In addition to funds for innumer
able military purposes, including $100
a month for men in reserve officers
training camps, the bill" appropriates
$750,000,000 for an American mer
chant marine.
Chas. Snaveley was in Omaha Fri
C. R. Jordan was in Lincoln Satur
George Clark was in Lincoln Sat
William Stewart was in Omaha on
Mrs. Chas. Hardnock was in Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Casey were in Lin
coln Wednesday.
Henry Miller bought the A. Sutton
farm last week.
Rev. Keith returned home from
Lincoln Saturday.
Ralph Uhley made a brief visit with
his folks Tuesday evening.
Little Winifred Pearl Uhley is re
covering nicely at this writing.
Frank Doty of Weeping Water
called on friends here Monday.
Mrs. A. N. Myers was a passenger
for Lincoln Wednesday morning.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner went to
Wichita, Kan., Thursday for a week's
Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P
Mr. Matson of Lincoln will speak
at the Community club meeting Wed
nesday evening.
Mrs. Hattie Strain and daughter, of
Bethany, spent Saturday and Sunday
with her aunt, Mrs. D. A. Vincent.
Emmett Friend has purchased the
Uncle Eban Linch" property of Geo.
Curyea and is moving in this week.
Mrs. Florence Sutton and children
Verlie and Wendall, came in Wednes
day from Rising City to visit rela
Mrs. Fred Clark returned from her
visit to her daughter in Kansas and
daughter in Republican City, Mon
L. B. Appleman and daughter, Miss
Gladys, and little niece, Christina
Linch, motored to Lincoln Wednesday
Mrs. Fred Prouty entertained their
cousins, Mrs. Chas. Bennett and chil
dren of Nebraska City, and Mrs. Sam
Cashner, Wednesday.
Miss Flo Boyles is spending the
week in Lincoln attending the State
University commencement exercises
and the semi-centennial celebration.
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer was in Lincoln
Monday. She was accompanied home
by her nephew, Clifford Dier of Hast
ings, who will visit for a few weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cash of Ply
mouth came in Sunday to visit home
folks. Mr. Cash returned Sunday eve
ning and Mrs. Cash will remain for
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman and
daughter, Aurel, motored to Lincoln
Wednesday to visit Mrs. Lem Fore
man and son, who leave Friday for
California, where her mother is ill.
Ed White was in Omaha Monday.
Clarence Curyea visited Saturday
night and Sunday with his family a
Lincoln, where they attended Chil
dren's day exercises at St. Paul'
church Sunday.
Mrs. Minnie Bobbitt of Stewart
visited home folks from Friday til
Tuesday when Mrs. Grace Thureson
accompanied her to Lincoln and re
turned Wednesday.
The annual school meeting of Dis
trict No. 102 was held in Jordan';
hall monday evening. Dr. L. Muir and
S. C. Boyles were re-elected members
of the school board for three years,
It was decided that music will be
taught in the school next year.
Mrs. Chas. Bennett and children o
Nebraska City are spending the week
with her cousin, Mrs. Sam Cashner,
and other relatives. They came Mon
day afternoon via the auto route. Mr,
Bennett being special agent for the
Lincoln Telegraph and Telephone com
pany, was obliged to return to his
Patriotic streamers and designs for
decorative purposes at the Journal of
fice. Call and make your selections be
fore the best of the line is taken.
Lay in your next winter's coal now
and save money. Waterman Lumber
and Coal Co.
Dawson Wili Fix It
$100 Reward, $100
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Catarrh being' greatly
influenced by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces of the System thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, giving the
patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in the curative powers of Hall's
Catarrh Medicine that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails
to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo.
Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 75c,
We handle a complete line of Automobile
Supplies and
Goodrich Tires!
Our competent Ford Mechanics insure
prompt repairs!
- Welding a Specialty!
On July 1st all cars must be equipped with head-
ight lenses, which will conform to the new law.
We sell
the best in the Market!
T. E-3. Pollock Auto Co.,
FORD Authorized Sales and Service, 6 th St., Plattsmouth, Neb
Utfice telephone No. 1. - shop lelephone (Mo. bo.
Dance Commences at 5 p. m
Music by the Plattsmouth Orchestra
Gents 25c; Spectators 25c; Ladies Free
Governor Declares Politics No Factor
in Training Nebraska Guard
Line Commissions Not to Be Consid
ered Until Regiment is Fully
Lincoln, Neb., June 13. "I am not
pulling any political wires to secure
the colonelcy of the proposed Sixth
Nebraska regiment," said Governor
Keith Neville here this afternoon,
with reference to a report published
in an Omaha newspaper.
"The line officers for the Sixth Ne
braska regiment have not been con
sidered and will not be considered
until the entire regiment is recruited
to full strength. The selection of
line officers will be' under the direct
supervision of the war department
and it is silly to intimate that polit
ical consideration will enter into the
selection. There will be no politics
in it."
Friends of Governor Neville have
known for some that he has had a
"hankering" to serve his country in
any, capacity in which he will be of
the most service. He comes of a fam
ily which rendered distinguished serv
ice to the country in the army, and
has himself had six years of training
in one of the finest military colleges
of the country, situated at Annapolis,
"The report that I am to resign pre
supposes that the line officers of the
regiment have been considered, and
that is absolutely not a fact," said
Governor Neville.
A large assortment of all sizes of
American flags can be secured at the
Journal office. Call in and see them
before buying.
Safety First
. "Malta" First!
The Finest Purest, Most Delicious (Non-AI-coholic)
Beverarge Ever Brewed!
The Whole Family Will Enjoy It's Cool,
Sparkling, Thirst Quenching Qualities.
Order by Name Remember
Sole Distributor for Cass County.
4th and Main St. Plattsmouth, Neb.