THURSDAY, JUNE U, pa si: 2. t-i V'-."" '- s" SSig Uays! t. V f.. UaV 55 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. The Old Fashioned Girls In Patriotic Program t1-- -Vf s . s White Hussars, a Vocal and Singing Band THIS CHARMING COMPANY GIVES AN APPROPRIATE PATRIOTIC PROGRAM, RENDERING SONGS AND STORIES OF THE SIXTIES. Chicago Orchestral Sextette at the Chautauqua :. ; . firs - vrf - xiiAr 1 If; i t IfV 'V""..-"t 'j'iv. S4M" , iM. . if 5 ?-r 4 t i i ' ifi ft v jvtv MOST TALKED OF MUSICAL ORGANIZATION IN AMERICA TODAY WILL BE HEARD ON THE LAST DAY xi , OF THE CHAUTAUQUA. Tuneful Darkies In Two .Great Programs at Chautauqua ?3 Jz ! , - . "f-v- PROGRAM OF MERIT AND YARIETY ON FIRST DAY. Hon. Leslie M; Shaw a Chautauqua iSt Lecturer 1 ,K -A-VA.- vl.'-, .TX' A -V w I' 4 - i 5 1 '! 1 n THE FAMOUS FISK JUBILEE SINGERS HAVE SUNG THEMSELVES INTO THE HEARTS OF HUNDREDS OF CHAUTAUQUA AUDIENCES AND ACHIEVED GREATNESS AS ENTERTAINERS. .. 4 ! Ross Crane Coming 'HI ''VS. Sift Y up'- FORMER GOVERNOR OF IOWA AND EX -SECRETARY OF THE UNITED STATES TREASURY WILL DISCUSS "EVOLUTION IN MATTERS GOV ERNMENTAL" BEFORE STANDARD CHAUTAUQUA AUDIENCES. Renowned Artists on the Chautauqua Program eft m v A -Pwf- ; . - hU )ir V ', . ' -rti Ill ' , lJXV 1 0 tftUNO KU EH N, NOTED GERM A.N VIOLINIST, AND CHARLOTTE BERGH, I -. ak . 3m.- . : m rS. - V Renowned Artists to Appear On the Chautauqua Program BRUNO XUEHN, 2T0TED GERMAN VIOLINIST, AND CHAR LOTTE BERGH, THE LYRIC SOPRANO, AND AS SISTING ARTISTS CONSTITUTE A COM PANY OF RECOGNIZED ABILITY. CHAUTAUQUA PATRONS TO WITNESS WORK OF NOTED CARTOON- 1ST AND CLAY MODELER. . The Boy ds Overflowing With Mirth and Laughter JTA Iv Kl I t '';Vi: ft J? . N " ' ' ' " , tftUNO KU EH N, NOTED GERMAN VIOLINIST, AND CHARLOTTE BERGH, THE LYRIC SOPRANO,;AND ASSISTING ARTfT? CONSTITUTE A COMPAN Ylpf.. rXCC'ErJJZBD ABILITY, - ' - ; rl liBlflllgili'plp -. ON the second day are tbe Kuelin Concert Tarty, a company cf real art ists. The skilled musicians of the community Avill appreciate ttfrr., 5.rci at the same time they render a program everybody else will enjoy. Sr no Kuehn, who occupied the chair as leading violinist with Theod:re Th-T::r J Orchestra, is one of the really great violinists that have ever arpe?rod o" . I Chautauqua circuit in the central west. Charlotte Pergh, the ljric copiaro, was great six or seven years ago when she was booked by this bureau 5 a member of another i-ompany. She has been doing lyceum and chiutr.'C'j. worn all tnese years since ana with increasing popularity. I V ? t i ; . t Jir ' yp( yM .Mfiiiwiwijuaw-tf i? .jdwgb . . - q. t, FRSENT A CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM WHICH MS FULL OF. NOVEI-TY, ; MORRIS G. HINDUS, NATIVE. OF RUSSIA, .WILL TELL CH AUTAUCSL a ' ' . . - - MUSIC AND GOOD CHEER. ... , AUD1ENCE3 THE STORY'OF RUSSIA, HER PEOPLE, COSTUMES, ETC. 0 1 ii 'I! 2 f 1 ri 9 . 1 1 vf -J i I 1 1 - j 1 1S it ; 1