The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 14, 1917, Image 1

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Nob Stale Historical Soc
No. 214.
I l ... LI
Considerable Business Transacted,
Notwithstanding the Lure of the
Carnival Scene on Main
The session of the city legislative
body last evening was one that was
peaceful and calm in every way and
the members of the council, with the
music and bright lights of the car
nival to lure them on, made the ses
sion brief and to the point. All of
the members were present except
Tvlauzy of the First when Mayor Sat
tler called the meeting to order, and
Mr. Mauzy came in a few minutes
later and was marked present.
For the first time in many months
there were no communications await
ing the action of the council and the
dads were able to move right into
the regular routine business of the
Chief of Police Barclay reported
that during the month of May he had
placed four persons under arrest, all
of whom had been fined and had paid
the same. These were all for speed
ing on the streets of the city.
) City Clerk ess F. Warga reported
that during the past month he had
collected the sum of $4,219.35, which
had been added to the funds of the
city in the hands of City Treasurer
Police Judge Archer for the month
of May reported the sum of $20
turned over to the city as the result
of the contributions made by the
violaters of the speed ordinance.
The streets, alleys and bridges'
committee through Chairman Bestor,
reported that they had investigated
the petition of E. W. Barker and
others for the widening of West Vine
street, and while the street was in
need of widening it was found that a
portion of the street was on privately
owned property and could not be
opened. It was recommended that
for the present the matter be dropped
and this report was adopted. Mr.
Bestor also reported that the county
commissioners and the Burlington
had taken up the matter of the bridge
on Clara street south of the Burling
ton shops, which street had been re
cently vacated by the city. The com
missioners were willing to put in a
bridge provided the city would look
after the concrete work.
Mr. Bestor also stated that the
heavy rains had interfered with the
street work that had been ordered by
the council as a great many bad
places in the streets had been brought
on by the rain and required immedi
ate action to repair, and this had re-
V;uired most of the time of the street
department. In regard to the bridges
in the west portion of the city, Mr.
Bestor stated that they were in very
bad shape and would require consid
erable work to put them in proper
shape. Street Commissioner Lutz
stated that the county commissioners
had asked him to make some tem
porary repairs on the bridges but this
would require considerable time and
with the other work it was impossi
ble to do anything, and the bridges
needed more repairs than had been
contemplated. On motion the streets,
alleys and bridges committee was
authorized to take the matter up with
the county attorney for action.
There was quite a little discussion
over the report of the fire and water
committee on the petition of Ferdi
nand Prohaska and others for the
extension of the water mains and fire
hydrants out West Oak street. The
committee reported that the funds on
hand were not sufficient at this time
to allow the work to be done and
recommended that the work be laid
over for the present.
Councilman Weber in a few re
marks pointed out the great need of
city water in the cemetery and while
he argued with the committee that
there was not funds enough to extend
the fire hydrant service in the dis
trict desired, he thought that a small
pipe line should be put in out to the
cemetery for the use of those who had
occasion to do any work in the city
of the departed. He thought that
the poor people who go to the ceme
tery to look after the care of their
lots should have some conveniences
in the way of pure drinking water
and sufficient supply for use in the
cemetery. . . ,
Councilman Harris of the cemetery
committee, which with the fire and
water committee had made the report
on the extension of the water mains,
stated that the committee had not
disposed of the matter permanently,
but thought that many people in the
city would be willing to contribute a
donation to extend water service to
the cemetery if it was brought to
their attention later on.
The fire and water committee and
the cemetery committee then present
ed a report of the cost of a two-inch
main to the cemetery, which would
amount to $2,000, and which in the
opinion of the committee would not
be sufficient for the use of the con
sumers, and therefore they did not
think it advisable to go ahead with
the extension.
Chairman Johnson of the fire and
water committee stated that to give
satisfactory service it would take a
four-inch pipe line and in his opinion
the matter could best be settled by
the digging of an additional well at
the cemetery, that would not cost
over $200, and with a gasoline en
gine to pump water into a tank would
give a more satisfactory service.
The report of the fire and water
committees in regard to the water
service on west Oak street was then
adopted, with Councilman Weber vot
ing no.
Councilman Johnson of the fire and
water committee also brought up the
matter of a warrant for $6.25 for
service as foreman of the fire depart
ment that had been made out to
James Blaha and turned over to him
when it was due to Johnson. The
amount had been requested by Mr.
Johnson, and the facts developed that
the claim, by mistake, had been made
in the name of Mr. Blaha, who was
no longer foreman in the department,
and he had secured the warrant. On
motion the city attorney was request
ed to notify Mr. Blaha to return the
After the allowing of the usual
grist of bills and a number of street
work orders, the council adjourned.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Construction of a gasoline motor
boat, said to be the largest undertak
ing ever attempted by high school stu
dents, is under way at Manual Train
ing High School by William Coates,
19 years old, aided by his brother,
Meredith, 18, both juniors. With the
exception of the engine the craft will
be entirely the product of the school,
the woodwork and the castings being
made in the school's shop. The work
is being supervised by George Arrow-
smith, instructor in manual arts, and
students in the department are help
ing with details.
The boat, designed by a naval ar
chitect, will be eighteen feet long
when completed, has a beam of four
feet ten inches, a draught of twenty
one inches and will be constructed on
the principle of a "chummy" road
ster. It is to be a pleasure boat and
will seat six passengers. It will be
equipped with a 48-horsepower en
gine, capable cf making twenty miles
an hour, a windshield and top.
Work was started last February
and the framework of the boat is fin
ished. Willaim Coates expects to
launch he boat next Easter. It will
be necessary to tear a wall out of the
manual training department to get
the craft out. The materials in the
finished boat will cost the Coates boys
about $600, but the same launch j on
the market would cost $1,500.
The boys are the sons of Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Coates, 2810 Tracy ave
nue. Kansas City Times.
Last evening Leonard Schafer de
parted for Omaha to be sworn in as a
member of the naval force of the
United States during the war with
Germany, and will leave Omaha for
Norfolk, Va., where he will take up
active work in the navy. The many
friends of Mr. Schafer throughout the
county will be pleased to learn of his
enlistment and will watch with in
terest his progress in his chosen
branch of the service of his country.
J. V. Johnson, Scientific Optome
trist, who comes to the Crescent Phar
macy Friday, has been a regular vis
itor to Plattsmouth for over a year
new, and has many friends and pa
trons here.' .
From Tuesday's Daily.
Everybody wore a rose and a smile
on the first night of the Municipal
Carnival. People smiled because the
night was ideal for an opening night,
and wore the roses because it was ad
vertising night with the flower man
with the shows. The crowd was down
town early and remained until a late
hour. The attractions were many
and varied, each attraction coming
in for a goodly share of patronage.
Alice Melville's Fashion Plate Shows,
The America Maids, Francis Annex,
Amaza, Trip to Mars, Crazy House
and Athletic Shows were ready for
the opening. The rides are the best
ever brought to this city, consisting
of a big Eli Ferris wheel, a beauti
ful merry-go-round and the latest
Coney Island craze, the Whip. The
best of order is maintained on the
grounds and all persons connected
with the enterprise conduct them
selves in a gentlemanly and ladylike
manner. With an aggregation such
as the Tom'W. Allen Shows the Mu
nicipal Carnival is sure to be a big
From Tuesday's Daily.
The following, taken from t one of
the Olympia, Wash., papers, gives the
particulars of the wedding of Miss
Jessie Matthews, a former Platts-
mouth young lady, and which will be
of much interest to the old friends
in this city: ;
"Miss Jessie Matthewsdaughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Mathews, of this city,
and Hulon Loughman, also of Olym
pia, were married at 3:30 o'clock Sun
day afternoon in the First Christian
church in the presence of fifty friends
and relatives. Rev. H. L. Bell, pastor
of the church, officiated.
The church was very prettily deco
rated in masses of bridal wreaths and
lilacs. The entrance of the bridal
party was announced by the organ se
lection, "Simple Confession," by
Frances Thome, with Mrs. H. L. Bell
at the organ. Following the cere
mony Mrs. G. R. Alverson sang very
sweetly "With You Beside Me."
The bride was attired in a gown of
white taffeta adorned with pearl trim
mings and lace. She was attended by
Miss Lydia Reynolds and Miss Mil
dred Palmer. Both of the bridesmaids
were dressed in pale blue silk crepe
de chine frocks. Dewey Loughman,
brother of the bridegroom, acted as
best man.
Following the ceremony Mr. and
Mrs. Loughman left for Portland,
where they spent a short time before
returning to Olympia to make their
home here.
Mrs. Loughman is a well known
Olyrnpia girl. She has recently been
employed by the Ray theater at the
ticket window. Mr. Loughman is a
local contractor.
Fran Tuesday's Daily.
?A message was received in this
citi today announcing the death at
htr home in Cadar Rapids, la., of Joe
Merritt, well known in this city,
where he had been a frequent visitor
for the past twenty years. Mr. Mer
ritt was a member of the dry goods
firm of L. Mane Co. of New York,
and was traveling representative in
the west for his firm. During the
past twenty years Mr. Merritt had
made Plattsmouth on his visits west
calling on the firm of E. G. Dovey &
Son, and was well known to a very
large number of Plattsmouth people
as a most genial and courteous gen
tleman. Mr. Merritt had not been in
the best of health in the last few
years, and a short time ago departed
for California on a trip, hoping to
benefit his health, but without avail,
and on his return to his home in
Ceda& Rapids was taken with his last
sickness. He was very prominent in
his home community and loved and
respected by all those who had the
pleasure of knowing him.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The semi-centennial of the state of
Nebraska, which is to be held in Lin
coln this week, promises to be one of
the biggest events in the history of
the state and is an epoch-making part
of the history of Nebraska. A great
many from this section of Cass coun
ty will be in attendance and the oc
casion promises to be one that will
be filled with the greatest of interest.
Ex-President Roosevelt, who is to be
at Lincoln Thursday for an address,
will have a message for the people
of Nebraska well worth hearing. Hon.
R. B. Windham of the Territorial Pio
neers' association, will be in attend
ance for the entire celebration and
will have an important part in the
program of the history of the early
days in the state.
From "Wednesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon the time of
the county court was taken up with
the hearing of the complaint filed by
County Attorney A. G. Cole against
Ben Rummerfield, Edward Daugh-
erty, Clyde Brittain, Delbert Allen
and Henry Ketelsen, all young boys
of this city. The complaint charged
the boys with taking on or about June
8th, one brass fire extinguisher and
several other small articles of brass,
the property of the; Chicago, Bur
lington & Quincy railroad company,
of the value of $20. 'The authorities
have been looking into the matter
for some time and the result yester
day was that the boys, were taken in
charge by Sheriff Quinton to answer
to the complaint prepared. In the in
vestigation of the case Sheriff Quin
ton was assisted by Chief of Police
Barclay and with the result that the
matter was finally run down to earth.
Judge Beeson after hearing the evi
dence m the case i.nd the statements
of the boys in regard to the matter,
found that they were guilty, but pa
rolled them to Sheriff Quinton during
their, observance of the parole regu
lations. The court found that the
boys were all under 16 years of age
and that they had been induced by
men to commit the act of taking the
brass in order that it might be sold.
The boys were instructed that they
must refrain from trespassing on the
property of the railroad company or
the right-of-way of said company,
should refrain from all further acts
of stealing, and also to obey their
parents in the future in order to keep
out of trouble.
This case is another where the
boys, finding an easy market for junk
and brass, step over too far in secur
ing articles for sale, and where the
securing of articles for- sale is en
couraged by those making the pur
chases which finally leads to their
getting into trouble.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The result of the benefit dance
given by the DeLuxe Dancing club for
the Red Cross society Saturday even
ing at Coates hall has netted the neat
sum of $111.25, clear, for the benefit
of the good cause; and a check for this
amount has been turned over to
Treasurer R. F. Patterson, of the
Red Cross.
This sum, which was secured
through the helpfulness of the young
men of the dancing club, will be a
great help to the Red Cross and is
certainly a very commendable move
on the part of the club, and they have
done their part toward this good
work. The use of the hall was do
nated by the club, as well as the act
ive work in conducting the dance,
while the orchestra of W. R. Holly
also donated their part of the dance
to the Red Cross and made possible
the neat sum realized.
Flag: stickers for your collar deco
rations at the Journal office.
Fi'om Wednesday's Daily.
The first of the many functions
planned for the coming brides, the
Misses Verna and Lillian Cole, was
a beautifully appointed luncheon given
yesterday by Miss Marjorie Agnew
at her home on Vine street. The
color scheme of yellow was most at
tractive. The polished mahogany
table being laid with lace doilies over
yellow; vases filled with yellow Ca
landolies, yellow tinted Tiffany glass
ware and nut cups. The dainty place
cards were also in yellow. The four
delicious courses carried out the color
scheme the ice cream being formed
into a dainty yellow- and white lady
slipper. Auction bridge followed the
luncheon, the prize, a hondsome pict
ure framed in gold, being won by
Mrs. Frank L. Cummins, who had the
highest score. Many luncheons, din
ners and afternoon parties will follow,
but none will be more attractive than
the one yesterday given by Miss Ag
new. The guests, numbering twenty,
were: Misses Verna and Lillian Cole,
Mathilde Vallery, Hazel Dovey, Mia
Gering, Madeline Minor, Edith Dovey,
Mae Murphy, Barbara Gering, Mar
garet Donelan, Minnie Guthman; Mes
dames Rae F. Patterson, T. P. Living
ston, F. L. Cummins, John Falter, W.
J. Streight, E. R. Travis, T. E. Par
mele, George O. Dovey, Mrs. Chas.
Guthman of Boise, Idaho.
There are many bands of merit
traveling with high-class amusement
enterprises, but as with other lines
of endeavor some are superior to
others in the class of music rendered,
in execution, personnel, conduct and
appearance, as is the case of Prof.
Strout's military concert band with
the Tom W. Allen shows, this being
the sixth consecutive season of the
Strout band with the Allen outfit, and
this year it is better than ever. Sev
eral soloists of note, each an artist
on his own instrument, may be heard
every afternoon and evening. The
concerts are given at one and seven
o'clock p. m. and the selections ren
dered, both popular and classical, are
rare musical treats. Don't miss them.
The time for the chautauqua in this
city is fast drawing near and it will
afford the people of Plattsmouth an
unusual opportunity of enjoying the
finest talent on the road today, both
in musical and special features and
also in a series of addresses by some
of the brightest minds in the world.
The tickets for the whole series of
entertaniments will be $2 for adults
and $1 for children, which certainly
places the numbers within the reach
of all. The list of attractions for the
event that will open on Thursday,
June 28, is such as to please all tastes
and embraces everything from the
most able educational address to the
delights of the musical world. In the
musical department the local chautau
qua is more than fortunate, as their
offerings have been selected with a
view of pleasing everyone. The com
mittee in charge of the sale of the
tickets wil get busy at once in reach
ing the public and it will be an op
portunity that should be taken ad
vantage of to secure tickets to this
splendid feature. It will be something
that this city has not heretofore en
joyed and will be remembered as one
of the best chautauqua programs that
will be given in this portion of the
Nervousness and headaches are in
variably the result of eye strain. Prop
erly fitted glasses is what you need
See J. V. Johnson, Omaha's Scientific
Optometrist, at the Crescent Phar
macy, next Friday. Consultation free.
Dawson Will Fix It
Joe Malcolm the miller of the Ne
Hawka mills was in the city last eve
ning looking after the disposal of
some of his fine flour to the merchants
of the city. Mr. Malcolm is one of
the old residents of the county and
has been in the milling business for a
great many years making his first
start in this line of work more than
forty years ago, and has been em
ployed in the mills of Cass county at
different times until he was placed in
charge of the milling interests of the
Nehawka company and assisted in
making it one of the best in the state.
It was with the late J. S. Tewbury,
of Weeping Water' Falls, that Mr.
Malcolm was first engaged in mill
work and while only a young lad he
took a great interest in the business,
and has since continued at it. While
here Mr. Malcolm disposed of a large
order for his flour to the different
merchants of the city.
Last evening a very pleasant din
ner party was enjoyed at the Gering
home on North Sixth street, when
Matthew Gering tendered a dinner
party complimentary to his mother,
Mrs. Paul Gering, and Mesdames R.
R. Livingston, J. S. Tewksbury and
Jacob Vallery, four of the pioneer
residents of the city. The dinner was
one of rare delight to the ladies and
enjoyed to the utmost by the mem
bers of the party. Each of the ladies
was presented by Mr. .Gering with a
box of candy as favor of the even
ing. After the enjoyment cf the din
ner the host tendered the ladies an
auto trip over the' city and a tour of
the street carnival, which was much
enjoyed and enabled them to view
the delights of the talented city. Chief
of Police Barclay, who piloted the car
of the ladies through the crowd on
the street, also presented them each
with a handsome bouquet of roses,
which added further to the delights
of the evening. It was an event that
will be long remembered by the mem
bers of the party. Each of the ladies
in the party has passed their eighti
eth milestone, and the combined ages
of the four ladies was 333 years.
From Tuesday's Dally.
A. Crouse, who is with the "Ten-In-One"
show with the Tom W. Allen
company, is one of the clever features
of the show, and his work in making
the lightning sketches is a very
pleasing exhibition and shows the re
markable artistic ability of this young
man. Mr. Crouse is to enter one of
the leading art schools of Chicago
shortly to complete his work, and his
clever work with the carnival com
pany demonstrates that he is destined
to score a triumph in the art line in
the future.
See J. V. Johnson of Omaha about
your eyes, next Friday, at Crescent
The Modern Spirit
of co-operation, the spirit which animates all
successful business, prevails in the organization
of our Federal reserve bank.
We own stock in it. We keep our reserve
cash in it. We have a voice in electing its di
rectors and through them in choosing its man
agement. It is our bank, and its resources en
ables us at all times to meet the legitimate bank
ing requirements of our community.
You, in turn, can co-operate wilh us in main
taining the Federal Reserve Banking System, and
The only National Bank in Plattsmouth
A very pretty home wedding was
celebrated yesterday afternoon at 5:30
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
B. Shoop when their daughter, Miss
Edna Mary, was united in marriage
to Mr. Carl Richard Dalton of this
The rooms of the Shopp home were
very beautifully arranged in a color
scheme of pink and white, roses and
peonies being used in profusion in the
decorations, interspersed with green
foliage and making a very pretty set
ting for the happy event. The bridal
couple entered the parlor unattended,
and taking their station before the
Rev. H. G. McClusky of the First
Presbyterian church, were joined in
the bonds of holy wedlock. The beau
tiful and impressive ring ceremony
was used by the minister in joining
the lives and hearts of these young
people. Preceding the ceremony, Miss
Beryl Whitmore, of Coin, la., played
in a very charming manner, "Evening
Zephyrs" and "I Love You Dearly."
The costume of the bride was of
white organdie, trimmed with Irish
lace, while the groom was attired in
a conventional dark business suit.
The wedding was witnessed by
only the immediate members of the
family of the bride and groom, and
following the ceremony the members
of the party were treated to a very
delicious wedding luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton departed last
evening for St. Paul, Minn., where
they will enjoy a short honeymoon
trip, and on returning will be at home
to their friends after October 1st, in
their new home. The out-of-town
guests present were: Mrs. L. E. Han-
ford and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs.
William Pirie and two children of Mc
Cook, Neb.
Both of the contracting parties are
well known in this city, where they
have resided since childhood, and are
held in high esteem by a large circle
of friends in this community. Mrs.
Dalton has been engaged in teaching
in the public schools, and for the past
term was engaged at Waterloo, Neb.,
where she made a great success of
her work. Mr. Dalton is in the em
ploy of the Burlington in this city in
the store department, and is a young
man held in the highest esteem by all
those who have the pleasure of know
ing him.
From Wednesday's Daily.
An action has been commenced in
the district court entitled Cecil N.
Osborn vs. Glen G. Osborn, in which
the plaintiff asks that a decree? of di
vorce be granted her from the de
fendant, alleging as the cause of ac
tion drunkenness and non-support.
The petition states that the parties
were married at Omaha April 21,
1916, and that the plaintiff is now a
resident of Cass county. The plaint
iff also asks for the restoration of
her maiden name of Cecil N. Witters.
You take no rick when you consult
me about your eyes. Fifteen years
experience with leading Optometry
Institutions. I make you see. Con
sultation free, at Crescent Pharmacy
at the same time share in its
benefits and protection by be
coming one of our depositors