The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 11, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1917.
f ' ;
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Perfectly lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on
eats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization
or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes
your car worth more.
Look for the Polarine sign it means a reliable dealer
who will give you what you ask for. Use Red Crown
Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel.
...........,,....,. !. ai ..t.: W V S . T T"" Morvi-
nd ?drs. t'het Smith ivturncii
tin it i-i l'uat;:n.uin n u::-
n.":;:i:i.r inc1. wore must cor-
!!;.' v, e! -j rm -! lv mai'.v f ri jnd.--.
Wiv.. S. WV-t, an
.!:!.-;. face has bi.e:i i
old rosi-'LTU.
'an-aliar on cur
1 ilw: "..:;!;--
t I uV'.i":'.
. vo were
V.'e l eeeivi d tiie r-d n pie-.-.
t ii.r sn'.ii" in oar jo!!'..-" a.;ii Jt
uc UTvt'.l credit to hr
ill m
in. V'c tliink :' wa.-iti'itr
wa i:'" i'vi'e caravt. ilu belief taan
in ualri'iir.e la'i'.
!r. Idvla-j
a s c aiiiireii iia e a
rei ii oil ii;e m'.-:. i?.--i one iae. i
ii ;t one afler an
o: S'ir-'.e i
j t . ti! .-v 'e!r.t: qaite Ken
:; !-.- ill. ad ; -ever.d thers around
T ,
'rhu'j.l Iiave bet. n
'.! Vilbirn".s fi.ll-:s eaaie near
laniiiL: a serious cataslre.phe at their
1 Ma. e !a.-L vee"';. 'y .ome nu-an.s r.ux
vomica a r-rcj aration containing
.-tryhr.itu' had !een loft standiar
a 'die tr.bie in on" oT the I''.f, aad
a iittie t dd!cr. just able to civv.I up
.n a ci-ai'-. odd so and from thence
to the it Mb-, when he took a sip of the
hum bottle ar.d in a few moments was
in sM;.sms. tr. Sohihlknacht was sent
fur ar.d hurried out there ju-t in time
to sae the cl.hd. The doctor stayed
aii :i iht with h.lrn, however, and it
V..S a vei-y cb'se shave.
The fe'.!owiae: i- a list' of ubicers
v,;-. v.vre re-ruh'.iiy elected one week
aj'i ai d in.stalled in their respective
rib. - hist everdny; in l'lattsmoat'n
I.. ,b-e Xo. 2. I. (. (b T., for the en
: -.b e ; laiter: Alexander Schloercl,
V. C. T.; Idb. Cha:rn:.n. W. V. T.;
Ru' it moner that will return a big yield if ycu safeguard
roar investment. You can lengthen the life and increase the
efEcitncv of your tractor by using
For the lubrication of cylinders and external bearings. It
means a smoother running tractor, more power at the draw-bar,
and less time out for repairs.
Best for the tractor because it's made for the tractor.
(Nebraska) Omaha
; r
SrH. V . I' . J. 1. 1 OLUi.e, r. . 1.,
V. P. lacbburn. W. C; Jennie Sut
tn. W 31.; Katie, Iorrir-;on, W. I.
Ub; L. C Stiles, V. O. G. and Janitor.
I. - . - . T T t "
Apre;r.iei c!::ee:s: r .era u. u ise
V. A. lb S.; Laura Davis, V.'. Ib S.;
rdavia To vr:ivt n, V. I.. S.; II. U
Slecv.m. V.". I). We learn that this
loduv is in a very prosperous condi-
t:.:;. :ilth' uerh but some six weeks
since hrt ineranuad. it luis v. mein-
bersinn - i' about lo), anl is said to
be the largest Ictl.'e in the state.
We intended noticing rao:e fully
tlie an.j'U'.ation of Mr. rrederiek
Lewi.-, s ieit l-. r e u. e to tue body, in
ht isue. but eouu: net at thai iirne.
Mr. Lewis was tineman o;: ore of the
lb & M. K. Ii. freight cn-ines and
v. . s iiurt n the r.iju'ht of tlie 1'drd of
(V-tober last ly running nito a heavy
rock slide just west of South Lend,
lie had his left leer badly fractured,
i.he lower end of the thitrh bone beirr
split and the bor.e itself broken a
iittie above the knee, the ends forcing
Civat hobs throujrh the ilesh; besides
this he hv.d the inner and outer side
of thkch and knee crushed by the ten
do:' a?iT:ir. U the cab, the flesh rleujxh
intr out ar.d Itrivlnj; the hv.v.vs cx
i'sed. Tlie atttrap: Wiis made to
r. ive the limb and partially succeeded
for three months, when the lower por
tion cf the lejr conmienctie swell in;
and threatenin.Lr jranprrene. A consul
tation of surjreons was called by Dr.
Livingston, eonsistine; of Dr. S. I).
Meicer, John Black and Wm. E. Done
Ian, who decided to amputate the
limb close up to the body. Dr. Mer
cer attended to the tournifjuet. Dr.
John Black to chloroform, and Dr.
Livingston removed the limb and tied
the artieries. The patient came near
dyint from chloroform shock, owin?
to his weak condition, and it required
irreat cnertion on tlie part of the med
ical jrentlerr.en present to rescue him
I :
from imminent peri) of death. He is
now doine;' pretty well and may re-j
cover if r.o unforeseen accidents be
fall him or intercurrent diseases set.
in. ur i-ivinpstcn is nopciui, nut
rerets that he cannot feel certain
The United States government is
makinir preparations for the lrblinp:
of "Marine Corps'' week from June
10 to June Id, to stimulate recruit
ing in this, one of the most import
ant arme. of the military service of
the nation. In support of the service
the following messaere received by the
Journal from Washington will irive
an outline of the work of the marines
for the service of their country:
Washington. D- C, June 1917.
Editor K. A. Bates, Journal,
Piattsmouth. Neb.
Copy cf statement by the secretary
cf the navv :
"There are no better soldiers in the
world than thoss in the United States
marine corps, familiarly known as
.-.ohberr. of the sea. They have won
their place by their splendid bearinjr.
coura'-e and bravery .always amor.Lf
the first and
often the first to lar.d
whenever the country needs trained
armed men. They have borne them
selves in such a manner as to wi:
complete admiration and fullest con
fidence of the American people. Serv
ice in the marine corps is a bade;e e
homr ar.d promotion in the corps can
be attained only by merit. In no ollvr
military service is promotion more
certain to a man who demonstrate?
his capacity. June 10 to Jane 1(5 has
been designated by the marine re
ci'uitiutr service as "marine corps
week," and a special effort will be
made elurinsv these days to add four
thousand recruits to tlie marine corn:-,
the number desired to briner the corps
up to thee strength lately authorized bv
ccr.'.Tc:-s. Ycumr men with real Am
erican stuff, ready to serve in
pa :1s of the world, on land and sea
will find in it a place where they c.n
nerve their country in a way L win
its gratitude. Sierned, Joscphus Dan
iels." I besneak vein- "onerous co
operation and support by patriotic
organisations, business houses and in
fluential citb'.cns. in making success
ful this extraordinary recruiting ef
Comamr.d U. S. Marine Corps.
Lin -(.In, Neb., June S. Miss Ruth
Law left here at LJa'iO o'clock today
in her aeroplane for St. Joseph, Mo.,
after abandoning her proposed flight
to Omaha because of delay in arrange
ments for leaving here. She will
drop "Liberty Bombs" during the
flight in the interest of the Liberty
loan bonds. From St. Joseph Miso
Law will resume' her flight to St.
2(0005000 HOME GAR
Wash.ington. June 8. - Assistant
Secretary booman says that while
the agriculture department's cam
paign for a million back yard gar
dens h.-.d been greatly "over-subscribed."'
plans must be made now to
triple or quadruple tlie effort during
the coming year.
'T salute our "splendid army of
heme gardeners." said Mr. Yrooman.
"They are lighting kaiscrdom along
with our troops in France. In March
the department called upon the people
of the United States to at leart
l.o'i),0o",) back yard and vacant lot
gardens this spring. According to
our reports it will not be surprising if
the fin.d returns show that there are
2.003,o!0 town gardens now produc
ing food for their owners.
This is the slogan of the wise mam
Stock aro continually exposed to
cuts, wounds, scratches, etc. The
man who is prepr.reel has his healing
remedy on hand to stop all chances
of blood poison. Ferris' Healing Rem
edy is highly antiseptic. It is eco
nomical. One 50c bottle makes 20
worth of a healing oil or ointment.
Money refunded if you are not sath;-
! field. H. M. Soennchsen, Tills Gan-
American flags, front be up, at the
Journal office. 1
5 f Mi'
He and His Suite Welcomed With
Honor en Ik'ek aaii .Ashore.
A British Tort, June 8. Major
e;al Pershing and his :.lafi" arrived
heie this morning after an uneventful
trip. All the members of his party
were in good health an 1 spirits. Their
ship was escorted into port, by Amer
ican destroyeis.
A hearty welcome was extended to
the Americans by official representa
tives of the admiralty, the war office
and thy municipal authorities. The
war office has assigned a brigadier
general of the British army as aide to
General Pershing. He took up his du
ties with the Amei ican c ommander-in-chief
as seen as the latter reached
Fusiliers und Rar.J.
The formal welcome to the Amer
icans on the landing stage was a stir
ring scene. A guard of honor com
posed of Royal Webb fusiliers was
drawn up at the landing with a regi
mental bard. When General Persh
ing had been intreduccd to the mili
tary officer in commanu ci the port
he inspected the .guard of honor w'nil
the band played "The Star Spangled
General Pershing, said the Ajso
ciatcd Press:
Will Get Busy at Front.
"The trip has been delightful par
ticularly the latter ttages. when we
weie escorted through the dang.
zone ny our own ie.-:troyers.. Speuar.g
for myself and my staff, we are glad
to be the standard bearers of A rue:'
iea in this groat war for civilization.
Tlie opportunity of lauding at a Brit
ish port and the welce mo we received
are very sigr.iiiear.t and are deeply
appreciated. We expect in the course
ef a very ehort time to be playing
our which, I hope, will be a ve: j
bir part, on the western front.''
General I'cr.smng ana raj .-tan nro-
eeedeil toward London. Before leav
ing the steamer the erenoral thanked
toe captain an-; crew Jar i::e:r cour
tesics dol ing the voyarc.
Welcome on the Beck.
ine i;: uK-n (le gation, v. men w el
comed the Pershing party on board
tlie deck of tlie liner consi.-ted of Rear
Admiral Stileman. Lieutenant General
Sir William Ibtcairn Campbell am!
the Lord Mayor of Liverpool. The
ship docked at 0 o'clock.
After the band ha.l played the
American national anthem, it ren
dered "God Save the Kiner," all pres
ent standing at the salute throughout.
The voyage was a quiet one. The
time war devoted by General Persh
ing and his staff to bard work with
close concenti ation en the of
French by all the officers. During the
trip here there was a concei t at which
General Pershing made an address.
There was great enthusiasm on board
when three American destroyers came
up to act as escorts.
Pershing Peaches London.
London, June F. General Pershing
arrive! in Lonlon this afternoon, lie
was welcomed by Walter Hines Page,
the American Ambassador; Lord
Dei by, secretary of state for war;
Viscount French, commanding the
ibitish heme forces, and other offi
cers, incba ling Lord IIreoke, who will
be attached to General Pershing's
staff during his stay in England.
Two of the war observation bal
loons from the station at Fort Onudia
pas-ed over the city this morning and
attracted a great deal of attention
from the residents. One of the bal
loons alighted in the south part of
the city, having completed its trip,
and the ofbeer in charge, erne of the
new recruits at Fort Omaha, will
have the l aliocn shipped back to the
station. The balloons are quite large
and are used for observation purposes
by the government.
I Have a Few
Marci for :;ale. I have a few c.'dra
good farm mares. These mares are
all 1 and 5 ears old and broke to
work. Piehard Smith, Union, Neb.
roi: sale
for hatching. Single comb
Huff Orphington, 1.00 per setting or'
?r.00 per 100. Samuel Goodman,
Mynard. Nebraska.
If you desire any flag stickers now
is the time to secure them, at the ofTce. where a now consign -
merit has just teen received.
Quincy, 111., June 3. Andrew Steele,
s wife and five children are be
lieved to have been lor.t in the flood
which inundated 15,000 acres of lar.d
when the levee on the Fabius river
went out at Taylor, Mo., west of
icre late yesterday. More than a
cere of persons are unaccounted for.
T he damages will mount into the hun
dreds of thousands of dollars.
m irl OMAHA
Oiv.ab.i, Neb., June R. Women are
beginning to appear in large num
bers in the cb-rieal positions in the
bead-juarters ef till the Omaha roads.
They are taking the places of the men
vli i have enli.-,ted and gone to the
front to do duty, either in the train
ing sch"Os.l .or in guarding property
in cities and in the country.
Wherever men have been replaced
bv women in railroad work, it is said
that as a rule they are rapidly ac
quiring the necessary knowledge and
are .riving satisfactory sei ice.
So far none of the women who
Lave taken the places formerly held
by the men are required to perform
:.u.r.u:.l labor. The positions they are
::1H; g are clerical and mostly in ac
count in t- departments. They under-
: tand that their employment is only
icinpi-rary anel that when the bi-y
return from the war they are to be
displaced the old employes.
On account of emiloing about 1.-
: person i m its heael'iuartcrs and
oblces, naturally the Union l'acibc is
ivirg employment te more worne
tlian aav of tlie other lines. However,
bie propo-tion is no greater, for each
'aiiro.d is said to have furnished
more than its ouota of men, accord
ing to th.e rules thai will apply b
i elective conscription, wincn is tin
ders-, ed to be abuut eine out of every
t en.
Last evening while F. E. Smith,
manager of the Nebraska Lighting
company, was cranking up his trusty
Ford for a little trip out in the city,
be suffered a very painful injury by
having the crank slip anel re-hound.
with the result that he had the right
forearm fractured and broken at the
wrist. Medical asistance was se
cured as soon as and the in
jtired member elresscd, but it will be
reveral weeks before Mr. Smith will
be able to use the arm, and then in
veiv limited degree. The accident
will be very much regretted by th
friends of Mr. Smith throughout the
For a hog to be profitable he must
be kept growing from birth to mar
keting age. He cannot be profitable
unless he is healthy. Ho can always
be in a profit-producing condition if
he is fed II. A. Thomas' Hog Powder
We positively tell you that this rem
edy prevents cholera, removes worm-
and cures thumps. If the poweler
does not make good, we will. II. M
ooennichsen, Tuls !c Gansemer.
Some native dimension lumber for
sale. Inquire of John llobson, Platts
mouth. o-lb
Leonard Schafcr of this city has
entered the service of Uncle hbim as
a member of the United States navy,
enlisting yesterday at Omaha, and
will be sent to the cast for training,
going probably to Norfolk, 'Va. The
friends of Mr. Sehafer will be pleased
to learn of his patriotic resolve and
trust that he will roe.n be back with
the eld friends when the war has
e lo. ed.
On chicks. These parasites sap the
very life blood out of them. Dust
the hen at night with A.'D. Thomas'
Louse Killer and your troubles are
ended. It also kills bugs on cucum
ber, tomato, and squash vines. We
sell it to you and if it does not make
good, we will." II. M. Soennichscn,
Tuls & Gansemer.
For Sale Span of mules, -1 years
old, weighing 2.-00 pound3; well
i brobc and worked all last year. Mark
J White. 5-10-4t wkly
AOTICK to hi:iiits.
In the County Court.
The State f Nct.raska,
Cass County, ss.:
In the Matter of tlie TCstate of Olnr-r-nce
Kujjene r?aMitt, Incensed.
To the Creditors of Said Ktate:
Von are hereby notified that I will
sit at the fount v Comt room in
1 'la 1 1 Mnou t h, in said County, on June
IfUb, 11' 17. and I eromher 1710, I'.tl", at
10 o'clock -A. M. of each days to re
ceive and examine all claims airainst
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. Tlie time
limited for tlie ;re.-en ta t ion of claims
tsysiinst said estate is six months from
tlie icth dav .f June. A. 3 . lt)1 7. atid j
the time limited for pavm-nt of debts ,
is One Year from said JGLh dav of
June l')l
YVi'tncss" tny hrind and th seal (,f
said County Court, this day of
said County Court, this tr.tli day
May. 1 ! 17.
Seal) alli;.n .i.i m:i:.s( in.
4wl;s County Judjre.
tOl.Ml, M:itKA)ih..
The First National Bunk of l'latts-
luouth, Nebraska, l'laintin,
Perry Marsh. Defendant.
Notice to Perry Marsh. Defendant.
Vim are hereby notified that the
plaint ill' has commenced an action
:ainst vim in the lustrict louri oi
iss Countv. Nebraska, for the jmr
se of foreclosing a Mortpaire for
SJIO.OO and interest from January J.
11UC. at the rate of ten per cent icr
iiiriuiri, on the liillowins oeseribeu real
estatle. to-wit:
A strin of and out of t ie M. corner
of the NW 4 of the NW of Sec. i:.
l'v.p. 1-. lls-'f. 11. K. ot t,th P. M.. about
l.v "it: 7-10 f.-et in size, immediately
adi iiniatr lot eleven on the South, and
l.einsr al! the land bet ween said lot and
Patterson Avenue. Comnincinic at the
NW corner of NK H of N v Jt of Sec.
T.t. Twj.. 12, North Kjre. 14, K. of (th
P. M.. thetu-e riinnins South feet to
the point of beiri :i n invr, thence run- south to Patterson avenue, thence.
Kast to the road known as Lincoln
Avenue. thence Northeasterly aiontr
said Lincoln Avenue to a point due
Kn?t of the point of lie i nn i nic. tnence
West to the point of bejri n !:i n it. Sixty-
eiirht i:s feet off of the South side of
Lt 11 ie S. . . lit. Twp. 12. i:e. II.
Kast of fith P. M.. in Cass County, Ne
braska, and f.-r cuitable relief.
Vo;i an re. 1 1 i red to answer said pe
tition on or bet. Hi. the '.'to oay ot .1 u I v.
1 ; 1 7. and in fa;linc so to ib your de
fault will be duly entered therein and
.ii.'.i -inu'tit taken as played for in
pla i nt i ff s p"t it ion.
of ri.ATTs.Mt h;th.
py A. L. TIDD, Its Attorney.
Mav "s liv
okim::; tic intiriN; i Minn:
oi' I'lioiivii: oc tiM,
in ti
County o.iiirt of Cass County,
of Nebraska, i
'..ii ii t ; of Cass. ) ss. :
i' John lMwin lliii wick. Helen Cross
lin.! Julyan. Thomas N. .In I. van. llil
ila Co!:'i.Ki n. Perrv W. I'oiTiuan, N
r:.h Allbee. William P. Allbee. and to
ai; j. is. -lis intere sted in tne estate
of S 'liri.i l'.aiH iek, .leceast d:
'ii r adiuu the petition of Hilda
'.:T!n;. n li -ayi'ie;- that the instrument
liied in ceiilt on the JIM!; day of
Mav, T'i7, .".le 1 purporting to be the
';.t v:II and testament of the said
.'. ase.l. ma'.- be proe,l and allowed,
i . . or .ie.l " as the last will and tes
i.i.i at of Selina Parvick. deeea-ed;
hat .-aid instrument be admitted to
; i o,ate, and l!n' administration of s aid
estate 1... granted t .lo.'m Ldwin Par
wick as e.e utor. It is hereby ordered
ll. at you. and ail persons interested in
said mailer, mav. arid io. appear Jit
I he ("oanty Coui t to be held in and
for said countv, on tie 5th dav of
.luiie. A. . P'17, at n'dcuck A. M.. to
show cause, if any there be, why the
leaver of the petitioner should not be
planted, and that notice of the pend
r n y of said petition and that the1 hear
:ns thereof be sriven to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this tinier in the Piatts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news-pa;-ei-.
i linted in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
hen ri n ir.
Witness mv ha ml and seal of .vaid
court, this U'.'th day of Mav. A. 1 . 11U7.
ALLilN -I. P.P. LSi "IN,
(Seal! County Judire.
mitk i; TO ( UF.OITOllS.
The State of Nebraska. 1
Cass County. ) ss. :
hi the County Court.
In tlie Matter of the Instate of Johann
C Stark. Deceased. To the Credit
ors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that T will
sit at the County Court loom in Phitts
mi'iith. in sahl ('ounty, on the r.Oth day
of June. 111 i. and on the :10th dav of
December, P17. at 10:00 o'clock A. M.
on each day, to receive and examine all
claims said Kstate. with a
view to their ad.iustrn nt and allow
ance. The time limited for the presen
tation of claims apainst said Kstate is
six months front the oOth day of June,
A. D. 11'17, and the time limite.1 for
payments of debts is One Year from
said r.Oth day of June, 1H17.
Witness my hand mid seal of said
Countv Court, this i:ttn day of May,
May 1'S Inks County Judge.
in Tin: insTitii r roi i:t op
toi XT v.
Lira Lart-on, Plaintiff.
vs. i Notice.
John (Jus Larson, Defendant. I
John (Ins Larson will take notice
that on the mini day of November,
A. 1. Pl". Lena Larson, plaintiff here
in, filed her petition in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against said defendart. tiie object and
pi a ver of w hich are to secure a di
i'il'i e from b I nc. la nt, and the custody
ti nt 1 cimtrol of John Larson and Ku
g"or e Larson. Hiildrer of plaintiff and
. i cf cnea nt. "irouims lor divorce, alleged
in said petition are: Kxtremc cruelty,
lack of support for herself and cl il-.Im-ii
and habitual drunkenness.
You are reiuiroi to answer said p ti
:in i on or beiore the Pith day of Jul;.',
A. D. P'17.
Dated June Sth, 1!17.
I.KNA PAPS: i.V. Plaint ifl.
Pv e A. PAWLS, Attorney.
'.-11 U sw
Allie Meisingcr lias become the
owner of a fine new Ileo automobile,
which he secured through Thedc
Amick, the local dealer. Mr. Mei
singer will now be able to travel over
the country in fine shape, and the
car ij sure to niovj both a conven
ience and a pleasure to the owner.
Insure your crops against hail loss
es with a good responsible Insurance
Company. Lower rates on fire, light
ning and tornado insurance of all
kinds. Phone 440-W. James Dvorak.
For Rent 5-room cottage, strictly
modern; close in. W. E. Rosencrans.
For Kent or Sals My residence on
i Locust St.; partly modem. Mrs. C. A.
jEerggren. 5-29-lv,'kd&w j
John McCorniick, Joel M. Johnson,
Khen F. Colby. Charles Balduff. G. W.
Uetts (whose tirst name is unknown,
Sarah A. YVillison, tdmond A. Des
londe and "William H. Taylor and the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representative's, and all other
persons interested in the estates of
John McCorniick. Joel M. Johnson,
Khen F. Colby, Charles riahluiT. C. "V.
Uetts. Sarah A. Willison, KdmonJ A.
l)esiom!e and William II. Taylor, do
ceased, respectively, will take notice
that en tlie dav of ,
1'IIT, .Vntiie Stevenson, a widow, Olla
-.t venson. Jifmias I!. Stevenson. John
Meyens.oi anel .tnnie Stevenson tiled
.'eir petition in the district e'o.irt of
Cass t ounty, Nebraska, the object ana
Purpose of winch was t exclude you
'a,'1b of , "r ,f rVIn , !' h" half
' l-- I of the West half (Ui f Section
Thirty-four :4 Township Ten (10
llanse Twelve (12) and from the "West
la If (i of the West lialf ( . ) of the
Iast half (',2) of said section, the last
tract beintr also known as Lots One
(1). Two C2). Three Z and Four (4
of said section, and exclude you, am)
each of you, from any interset in, lien
on, or claim to said land or anv part
thereof, and to ouiet the title to said
land in themselves, as ajrainst you and
till other persons claiming under,
through tr by you and also to satisfy
and cancel of record a certain mort
eratre upon part ef said land fiiym by
Soion M. Johnsf.n. to the above named
defendant, John McCormick. tlie said
mot t Ka.tie was tiled on the t',th day of
May. 1N.".7. and recorded in Pook "A"'
of the Peed Pecords of Pass Countv,
Nebraska, at paire ::04 thereof.
.nd also to satisfy and cancel of
record a certain mortsrajre covering a
part of the above described tract of
land from Solon M. Johnson to defend
ant. Joel M. Johnson, dated on the Url
day of OcIoIkt, 1V:i, and recorded in
Pook "A" of the Mortgage Kecords of
Cass Countv, Nebraska, nt pago 372
thereof, on October Srd.
And also to cancel of record
and hold void a certain deed
for a part of the above described
land friven ty Solon M. Johnson and
wife, K. Janet Johnson, to defendant.
Kbcn F. Colby, which deed was dated
March 10. 1&70, and filed for record on
the Oth day of January, 1j7;, and re
corded in book 'T'' of the Deed Kec
ords cvf Cass County, Nebraska, at pago
02 thereof.
You are required to answer faid pe
tition in the above entitled court and
cause on or before the L'nd day of July,
1117. or a decree will be entered there
in as pra ved in raid petition.
Dated this Lath dav of Mav, 1917.
A Widow;
, Attorney for Plaintiffs.
ix Tin: roi rv rontT or this
t'Ol XTV OF CASS, AltllllASIvA.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Dora
Oldham Moore, deceased:
This cause came on for hearing1 upon
the application of Oeorge J. Oldham,
executor of the last will and testament
of Dora Oldham Moore, deceased, pray,
ing for a lKense to sell Lots nine ('.1
atid ten (ln in Plock eleven (11) South
Park Addition to the City of Piatts
mouth, Cass ('ounty, Nebraska, or a
sufficient amount of the same to bring
the sum of S.)t;t).0(i for the payment of
debts allowed against said estate, and
the cost for the payment of debts and
legacies and tl e cost of administration,
there not being snflicieiit personal
property to pay paid debts, legacies
and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before ni" ft the District Court in the
Court House at Piattsmouth, Cap
County. Nebraska, on the M Ii dav of
June, llili, at 30 nclnck A. M., to show
cause why a license should not bo
granted to said administrator to sell
so much e.f said above described real
estate ef said deceased, as shall be nec
essary to pay said debts and legacies
and expenses. Notice to be given l.v
publishing this tirder in the Platts'
mouth Journal for four successive
weeks before the date of hearing.
Dated this 5th dav of Mav, pi 1 7.
4wks Judge District Court.
D. V.. Porter, Plaintiff,
Kobert P. Lattn. ct al.. Defendants.
Notice of Suit to Oiii.-t Title.
To the defendants. Po!.. it P. Latta;
Mary A. Latta: the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Unix it P. litta. de
ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
fill other persons interested in the
estate of Mary A. Latta. deceased;
Andrew Morrow: Mrs. Andrew Mor
row, first real name unknown;
the unknown heirs, devisees, leg
atees, personal representatives and
all either persons interested in the es
tate of Ar.tlrew Morrow, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives ami all other
ons interested m tlie estate of
ndiew Morrow, first real name
unknown, deceased; George W. Colvin;
Mrs. George W. Colvin, lirst real name
unknown; the unknown heirs. de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of George W. Colvin. de
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. George W. Colvin, first
real name unknown, deceased; The
Pnion Mutual Life Insurance Compan
of Maine; the unknown suce-essors ami
assigns of The Pnion Mutual Life in
surance Company of Maine; Kli.iah
Wooliey; Mrs. Kh'jah Woolsoy. lirst
real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
i esen ta t i es and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Klijah Wool
sey, deeeasel; the unlcnown heirs, de
visees, legatees, persona! representa
tive; and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Kli.iah Wools. .
lirst real name unknown, deceased;
the unknown owners and the unknown
claimants of the northeast quarter
(Ni: of the northwest quarter (NW
"i of section thirty-two I'.'rj), town
ship eleven (111, north range tbirteetv
PO. east of the I.Gi P. M. in the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska.
Von ;lre I cii'liv notified that op fbe
PUli day ef May, A. I . P'17. philntlfT
lile.l his suit in the District Court of
the County of Cass, Nebraska, to quiet
plaintiff's title to the following de
scribed hinds, to-wit:
The ni rtheast quarter (XH 1.5 of
the northwest quarter (NW I o sec
tion tliirtv-two (o2), townshin th-ven
Mil. north range thirteen (131, ea-t
of ti e Ctli P. M.. in the Count.'- of Cass,
Nebraska because of his adverse pos
session by himself and his grantors
for more tl nn ten years l-rior to the
commencement of paid suit and to en
join each and all of you from having
or claiming any right, title, lien or in
terest, either leeral or equitable, in or
to mid I mils, or any part thereof; to
require j oil to set fort 1 your riuht.
title, claim, lien or interest t herein, JT
any. either legal or equitable, and to
have the same adjudged inferior to
the titio of plaintiff and for general
equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order ef the court.
You are required to answer said je
tition or. or before Mondav. July 'j;
A. D. 1917, or your default will bo "duly
entered therein.
D. 12. PORT Kit.
tv.ks sw-May I'l
From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and
S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15;
$5.00 per 100. Local delivery. A. O.
Rarage, Piattsmouth. Phone 3513.