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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1917)
1 BUY YOUR GAS by NAME Say Red Crown then Always of the same high quality. the Red Crown sign. Polarine Oil prevents Stops power leaks. STANDARD OIL (NEBRASKA) WHEAT YIELD FAB BELOW flWEB ? Season's Garnering Wiil Give Nation 16.000.C00 Hushcls More 1 ' ' Than in 1916. Wa.liin.c-tr.ii, I). C, June S. Amer ica's I'.ilT wheat crop, as forecasted i"(.!ay by the department of agrieul tuie, will fall far below normal, de spite a pn ispect for a more than or dinary va'd of spring wheat. A t'.tal yield estimated at GoeVH'", iioi) bushels will give the country l''..') -'s),;'j bushels more than last ;m-.u" cr.-.p, L-.;t with the heavy de mands from abroad and virtually no lv.-crve .-tore, it will not meet war unless the c uritry pacticcs the in. -st rigid economy. The U pari m e n t f re casts a sprin g t i of 2:i.ffin.:):i!' bushels, a big yield, but estimates of winter wheat production give a crop of only .7:J, ( oo.ooM bu.-lu'ls, 7,i''),i-u0 more than was forecast from the May 1 condi tion, but still far from the normal yield. Allies Need Billion. Herbert C. Hoover, who will be food nam "mi-tator uruer the food con trol bill pending in congress, esti mates the allies' needs this year at 3,tiii).ooo.Hf)() bushels of grain, moct i f it to come from the United States and Canada. The short wheat crop-' means this country will have to cut its wheat oiisumntion if it exports any wheat. the United States itself uses n ore titan t'.HO.ono.oOO bushels. At the bee-inning f 1)1; there were 104. iioooou bushels on hand carried over from the previous year's record crop. Some relief is seen in the better idiuwing this year in the forecasts of rye, which will he a record crop; oats and barley. A large corn crop also is expected. Display the American flag, all sizes and prices can be found at the Journal EbJJ (NEBRASKA) OMAHA JF OE CHOP The Nehawka R!iIIs arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the mm "Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting, For on. the top shelf it now is roosting. The best cooks wherever you go Use this famous flour, you know. They just set their yeast and go to bed, For .they know on the morrow they will have good Bread. . D. ST. SOU FV7 ALGOLS, Head ale by V ' hyst you get the best. overheating. COMPANY OMAHA 4 CDOWN ?. GASOLTNB DEDICATION OF THE APTIST CHURCH AT UNION SUNDAY The dedication of the First Baptist church at Union yesterday was one of-ifce biggest events of its kind ever held in Cass county and the attend a nee at the services were from rill sections of the county. The beautiful church building is one that can be a source of pride to the people of that enterprising little city and one that reflects a great deal of credit upon the people of the church and com munity who have given so freely of their funds to complete the structure and it is given to the people of Union absolutely free of debt. At the serv ices yesterday morning, conducted by Rev. York, the last sum needed to clear the church of debt, 82,500, was subscribed and the building turned over to the congregation for their use as a house of worship. The pastor of the church. Rev. "Bil lie'' Taylor, has been a strong worker for the church and his personal en deavor has resulted in the building of the church and in this he has had the support of the business men and citizens of Union. The money for the building was raised largely through the efforts of Rev. Ray E. York, of Lincoln, one of' the active -workers of the state, and who officiated yester day at the formal dedication services The services were aided by a splendid musical program by the choir of the church. At the noon hour a big basket din ner was enjoyed by the congregation and the visitors from the surround ing portion of the county. A delegation of some twenty of the members of the young men's Bible class of the Methodist church of this city attended the services in a body, making the trip by auto in the cars driven by Jesse Perry, Dr. O. Sandin, Ilallie Perry, George Brinklow and Dwight Propst. The young men en joyed the event to the fullest and cer felt that it was an occasion long to be remembered. American flags, from 5c up, at the Journal office. J. M. J fililfor. AH Dealers Look for I 1 Si A3 Four! BOOSTING EVERY BODY'S GAME IS TRUE PATRIOTISM In a few localities in the United States we find patriotic men and women giving up pleasures, luxuries and habits that when maintained had built up industries and trades, and that if now renounced, as they are foolishly trying to do, will throw countless of thousands out of employ ment. Boost everybody's game in pro portion to your ability to do so. Pa tronize your home inelustries, there by keeping Plattsmouth people occu pied. That is true patriotism, for by so doing we are financially able to meet th requirements of war as re quested by our government. It is the duty of every loyal citizen to do all in their power to further any move ment that is trying to benefit our city. The Firemen's Big Municipal Carnival is being staged to raise funds to purchase a chemical tire en gine, so as to enable them to give bet ter service when it comes to protect ing your property. This movement on the. part of the firemen is a very com mendable one; it shows true patriot ism and sfiould have the hearty sup port of the entire city. Let's all prove our loyalty to our city, and show our appreciation to the firemen bv Boost ing, Jioosting, boosting: DANCE FOR BENEFIT OF THE RED CROSS WAS LARGE AFFAIR The dance given by the DeLuxc Dancing club at Coates' hall Satur day evening, the proceeds of which will be turned over to the Red Cross chapter for work in assisting the fee? J - cause, . -was" cm- of the larges' iri point of attendance that' has been held in this city for many months and the crowd rilled the hail to its utmost capacity. The young men be longing to the organization of the dancing club had the active manage ment of the dance in charge, and from this something over 8100 will be turned over to the Red Cross for use in the care and relief of the wounded soldiers. The music for the dance was furnished by an orchestra of seven pieces under the direction of V R. Holly, and this organization also did their part by furnishing tome fine music for the ball and without cost to the Red Cross, donating their services to help along the cause. It was an event that will long be very pleasantly remembered and its result will be of great good in advancing the work of the Red Cross society in this community. KARL ROESSLER TENDERED BANQUET LAST EVENING From Saturday's Dairy. Last evneing Karl Roessler, one ;j' the efficient clerics in the local Bur lington shops, was tendered a very pleasant farewell by the members of the Cosmopolitan club, of which he is a member, at Coates hall. The affair was in the nature of a banquet and the menu prepared by Fred Wagner, the restauranteur, was most enjoy able and was served in four courses The table decorations were in a color scheme of red, white and blue. Mr Roessler was showered with the best wishes of his friends for his success in his new location at Alliance, where he has been promoted by the Burling ton to a very important position. Mr. Roessler will leave Monday to assume his new position. FARM FOR SALE. An extra good quarter of central Nebraska land. All good black soil and every foot could be plowed; fenced and cross-fenced; 120 acre?, in cultiva tion, balance in pasture and hay land; some timber in pasture; 1 acre now in alfalfa, remainder of cultivated land in wheat, oats and corn; one-half mile to school; two miles to good trading point, two banks; sixteen miles from best school town in the state; fair cix room house, horse stable for 12 head of horses, chicken coop, granary and hog shed; good well and mill. For sale quick at $70 per acre, one half cash, remainder five years' time at G per cent. Rent to go to purchaser. For further information address Lock Box 64, Cedar Creek, Neb. Good milch cow for sale. Call phone No. 418-W. C-4-5twkly Wcsell Flour and Sugar and Buy Butter and Eggs. LrOKWE5LE Si LUT2 BIG CROWDS PACK THE CABAL AT NEBRASKA CSIY And the Press Says It is the Greatest Ever in That City. The Tom W. Allen Shows, which are to be seen at the Eagles carnival are introducing to the pleasure-seeking of Nebraska City all that is new, novel and refined in the outdoor amusement line. All objctionable fea tures are eliminated; women and chil dren may attend without fear of bet ing offered. It is Mr. Allen's rule to adhere to th show's slogan of hon esty, cleanliness and morality, and it is the strict adherence to this rule that places him in the first rank of representative showmen of today. The Fraternal Order of Eagles is indeed fortunate in securing the services of this splendid organization for their carnival. Wednesday and Thursday nights were gala occasions. Everywhere there was animation and music. Twinkling like luminous stars, hun dreds of incandescent lights cast their rejection on the i happy throng that crowded the carnival grounds and seemingly, with understanding eyes, put a stamp of approval up'on the brilliont spectacle presented. To say that the event comes up to our expectations is putting- it mildly. Every attraction speaks for itself. The Monkey-Speedway and its line up of miniature autos and r.vmkey chauffeurs will delight the kiddies as well as the grownups. The Fashion Plate .show is or.o of merit. It consists of heuutiful pos ing acts, illusions,' classical dances and visions of :ut. Thi oneriug is fresh, from the Orpheum circuit. bevcrul mernorieuo acs m::y lie seen under the Big Franc-is Annex tent. The Honey ni.N-,.1 Trail and the Crazv House. I -tli nivchani:' il :-.hvs. ca' Le both ye;ung and old. The American maids. Spidor. lelic Show ;.:;d l';:ys ..f p). a! in for thei: .are v. piii.-.e. The show carries three ff ir.e est traveling built, iiu-ludi.-: llding :elce.- V.n.r .1 ever ; the la;-'e.-t ill wheel oa the rad; a $!.'i,0 Parker Carous.-elle, ar.d the monarch of all am u seme n I The Whin i bra ska City Kit i tic. ices ihc- Whip, ne-thimr new in ' Ne- r.nd m: a lecuie hit on the Midway. Nebraska City I): Tress. :yj I CHORUS TO FFiTHBE W? jCTj Omaha. Xi b., June 11. A tvitrantic rainbow chorus of children will be i the opening feature oi the Stale oisn- day School convention when it con- j venes in Omaha Tuesday, Jupe 1. j With children isanked in the mammoth balcony of the Municipal Auditorium, and with the staue packed with kid dies, the spoctrcie v.-i 1 1 be oile- l:m to be remembered. A jroreou.s pa.-rear.t will furnish the finale to a series of interest! i;; features. Early indications are that nearly five thousand Ncbraskans will attend this meeting. Because it is the fif tieth anniversary of the foundinir of the organization, interest is at hhrh pilch. Automobile caravans are be- or I'anized ;ind all automobile roads will lead to Omaha the third week in June. The southeastern part of the state will be heavily repre sented. The program for, the mceiirir i; eomoleted and in the hands of the printer. The three days' session will be a continuation of hi.ih class fea tures with national representatives attornling the sessions. GOPHER TRAPS. All farmers troubled with pocket gophers in hay fields, please write me and I will come and demonstrate the Success Gopher Trap, which I am selling at S3.50 per dozen. For further particulars, see my letters at the Journal office. George Frey, Ber lin, Neb. 6-11-tfwkly We have an article called Success. Do you know what it is? Let me tell you: A Home Canner will help you fill yoiir empty jars. You can see one if you call on us. Lincoln avenue, or Phone 251. G. W. Alexander & Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. G-ll-2twltd Miss Mary E. Foster of Union was was in the city for a few hours today enroute to Omaha, where she will look after her work in educational lines with the institute meetings. iy i Men's. Kiki Pants $1.00 2 Genuine Shirts New Military Caps for Boys We sell for less POISONOUS SNAKE TRIES TO GET IN THE COURT HOUSE County Surveyor Fred Patterson esterday afternoon while working at his o.T.ce in the basement of the come house was attracted by a pecu liar noise at one of the windows on the west side of the office, which is on a level with the ground. On investi gation he found the noise was oc casioned by a small sized snake that had crawled up on the window ledge and war. attempting to get into the room. The surveyor at once secured a weapon and di atehed the reptile. it proved to ie a spreading: viper, ore- of the most poisonous snakes in this part of the country, and its head measured three inches across. The .T.ake i ; considered far more deadlv than the rattlesnake an 1 its bite is almost ceitain death unless relief is at hand at once. It is thoucrht that the i snake had beer, driven bv the con tinued, wet weather to seek dryer 'jiiarters and had picked out the court h.i use for a lodyrinr place. The kill-ins,- of the snake by Mr. Tatterson is i very fortunate as it could easilv have i Htten someone who, not knowing of its presence, had sat down on the j lawn at the court house a::;', with the carciiy cf snake-bile since the first of May, n.irrht have proven a serious .... r Q 'if fijjj PMCO v I U V-u FOR DRUNKENNESS Saturday evening Peter M. Jorgcn son and Henry M. Jorgenson. of Avoca, were brought in by Sheriff Quir.ton to answer a complanit tiled against them by County Attorney Coic, chargni.g them with being in a state of intoxication. The two men were brought before County Judge Beeson, who, under the new prohib itory law, gave' Peter Jorgenson a fine of and costs and Henry Jorgen son $10 and costs, both totaling the sum of $o-". Henry Jorgenson claim ed to have found a quantity of whis key that had been hidden by someone, and, drinking it, had become intoxi cated, while the older man had in dulged too heavily in the supply laid in before the first of May. The first offense in the eyes of the law . is not as severe as the second, which carries a jail sentence of from thirty to sixty days in the county jail. G. P. Meisinger, jr.. was in the city Paturday for a few hours attend ing to the week-end shopping and visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meisinger. Louis' II. Kuhns, of Elmwcod, was George W. Shrader drove up this morning from his home near Murray, with Charles Wolf and spent a few hours looking after some business matters. Mrs. S. A. Wiles and Miss Eliza beth Spangler were among those go ing to Omaha this morning, where they will visit for a few hours with friends. in the city for a few short hours to day, looking after some business mat ters at the court house. Mens Genuine Indigo Overalls $1.15 Indigo Work - $1.15 1 dozen best Sox - 2 Porosknit Union Suits $1.75 Boys Blouse Waists 3 for $1.00 "EVERYBODY'S STORE" "One Price and No be- Monkey Business!" Local Hews From Friday's Daily. Leonard Schafer was a passenger this morning- for Omaha, where he was called to look after a few busi ness matters. Dr. G. II. Gilmore of Murray, ac companied by his wife and children, motored up yesterday afternoon for a few hours' visit with friends. Attorney W. II. Fitzer and Judge II. G. Leigh of Nebraska City were in the city this morning for a few hours looking after some legal matters. Misses Ro;a and Barbara Bulin of Omaha, who were here to attend the funeral of their brother, the late Otto Bulin, have returned to their home. P. II. Meisinger and son, Carl, were in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hcurs visiting with friends and looking after some business mat ters. Mrs. W. S. Leete departed this aft ernoon for Lacrosse, Wris., where she wiil visit with an uncle in that city and from there goes to Kenosha for a brief visit. Mrs. Leetc will be ab sent some two weeks. Dr. T. J. Todd of Kearney, who with his family is enjoying a visit in this city with relatives and friends, was a passenger this morning for Omaha to attend the dental conven tion meeting in that city. . Mark White was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he accom panied his cousin, William White of Surprise, Neb., who had been an over night guest at the White home. Mr. White brought some stock from his home at Surprise to the South Omaha market, and took advantage of the occasion to visit the relatives and friends in this locality. From Saturday's Daily. H. J.. Meisinger drove in from his farm home west of this city Thurs day afternoon to attend to some busi ness matters, and while here was a pleasant caller at this office. Charles T. Peacock and family The Elm and the $15.00 to W J Vts fef Come in and inspect one of these $15.00 will do for you along VALUE lines. FOR TUESDAY, June 12fh, AND WEDNESDAY, June 13 1 dozen Cotton Gloves I gauntlet or wrist $1.00 quality Work $1.00 New line of Boy Scout Mats - just in 65c cause we buy for less were among those going to Omaha this morning, where they will visit for a few hours in that city looking after a few matters of business. J. II. Meisinger was among the visitors in the city today to lo.k after seme trading with the mer chants. George Rhoden and son, Gkn, motored in this morning from their farm home to leok after some trading for a few hours with friends in that city. Mrs. Fred Hesse of Omaha was in the city today looking after some business matters, and while here was a plcarant caller at the Journal of fice. Mrs. Hesse is preparing to re move to Kansas City, where hci son is employed by the Burlington. William Puis came up Saturday from his home at Murray to visit for the day in this city looking after some -business matters. Peter Meisinger and wife of near Cedar Creek were in the city today looking after some matters of busi ness with the merchants. Mrs. Mary Metzger and daughters of near Cedar Creek motored in Sat urday afternoon to visit for a few hoars here with friends. T. W. Vallery came in Saturday afternoon from his farm home near Murray to visit for a few hours look ing after some matters of business. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn i!:at there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure in nil its stages ar.d that is catarrh. Catarrh being preatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally nr.d acts thru the Mlood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System therebv destroying the foundation of the disease, giving ti e patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so misfit faith in the curative powers of IIall':i Catarrh Medteino that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of teFtimonlals. Address FV.T. CHKNET Sz CO.. Toledo Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 75c Gray of 1017 Discover, try, accept; dis cover, try reject; search, t search, search, for ways to perform each operation better, faster and at less cost. This is scientific tailor-ing-, and because of it Clothcraft Clothes ready-to-wear yield the utmost in fit, looks and wear that can be given men at these moderate prices $22.00 Blues or Gmv nml s- what