The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 07, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    f 1
i . . . .
THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1317..
If any of the readers if tine
Journal know f any t.oial
event or item of inu-?-i in
this vicinity, au.l will rna'.l
same to I his otlice. u III no
pear under this lieaiiinir. We
want all ntws items Ki:toh
gSSS and What It Means to You!
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Murray Department
i rill IMJw ldliw
1 !
! 1
Statistics show that the num
ber of women depositors is rap'
idly increasing.
We realize that women to
day are a big figure in the
business world.
We pay special attention to
(heir accounts.
Courteous tellers and clerks
will gledly explain anything
women want to knew in the
bu:thing iine.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
r.?5 U 2 r U
- W 3 b . A
U. .
, .. v.,
' "re '.mei
;m Omaha vis-
1 lUilit-i .iCK('VHitl.
was looitir
; f'.er ":h matters of business ia the
county sent Wednesday.
Y"iili,.m Troop ?hijpod tw r cars cf
rattle to the South Omaha market
U"S'iay evening.
Mir. ford & Cre-imer shipped
; rs i.
cattle to the South Omaha
!'. ! Kei
torn1, (.-f Tue.sdav ni.iit tore
(!'ivr. trees that were a foot through I
o.i the Young east of Murray.
Pen Dill was shelling and deliver
ing his com Tuesday. The farmer
l-eiieves that the high dollar is row
on and they are all anxious to sell.
Owing to the heavy storm of Tues
day evening we were unable to make
our regular trip to Murray Wednes
day, thus the cause lor the shortage
hi news in the Murray department
this week. The Publisher.
1 '!
was registration oa'
.Murray and while all male citizens j -
of the proper ages registered there
wt-re exemptions riled :t!l the way
fri;n the man with the wife and fam
ily down to the man who as finan
cially em i a. r r ass ed .
Dr. G. II. Giimore and II. C.
Creamer made an auto trip to Platts
mfi:;h Wednesday morning just after
the heavy storm of the night before,
and it was sure some trip. The mud
and water in some places was up to the
axle of the cr.r, but they came
through. They claim the worst place
between Murray and the county seat
was just s)uth and about a quarter
f a n.i'.e east cf the parsonage. These
two low places are most always in
v ;y bad shape and certainly need the
ai;e:ui-n of the combined elicits of
the county commissioners and the
load i verseer.
WJgzmmEEgm for
Poros Knit Union Suits 5Qc
V-Neck Cumfy Union Suits 50c
V-Ncck Cumfy Vests 50c
Scisnu-j Fine Yr.rn Union Suits 50c
IVIhses Union Suits 25c
Infants Wrappers 15c
Men's and Beys' Unions 50c, 65c, $1.00, $1.25
This is a very good lime to anticipate your wants
while stocks are complete at these prices.
WfL? R3 i f9 54
s 0k a iota: aao x . . . i
Mrs. Koy Burton has been serioi!:
ly ill for the past few days.
Henry Shoemaker was in Oniah;
with a car of hors last Friday.
Miss Thorpe departed Monday for
Lincoln, where she will take , a train
ing course in the State university.
John Schwartz from near Xehaw
ka was a Murray viritor Tuesday visitiny at the hon-.e of Gus
Ileiienburg and family.
Elmer Hallstrom. who has been in
the Murray State bank for some time
severed his connection with the insti
tution last baturday evening, ;roin;
to his home in Plattsmouth for a few
days' visit before taking up the du
ties of his new position in Omaha.
W. G. Doedekcr and A. L. Baker
who served on the registration board
Tuesday, pave their time pratuitously
to the cause, as no doubt many of the
members did throughout the state.
This is a very commendable act and
displays, the proper spirit upon their
Miss Jessie Barrows has accented
a position in the Murray State bank
as assistant to Cashier Boedeker, and
entered upon the duties of her mew
position Monday of this week. Miss
Barrows is one of the accomplished
young ladies of Murray, and will
prove her capability by making a val
uable assistant in the banking busi
ness. Ab Murdock. fiom near Xehawka,
was stranded in Murray for several
hours Tuesday night and Wednesday
morning. lie was on the M. P. freight
train with a shipment of stock when
the lo-hDur work limit came upon the
train crew, and they took the siding
and left the train. There was no
crew available for several hours and
the train was left in Murray until af
ter noon Wednesday.
at the Old Prices!
Registration day in Murray made
a gala occasion, that was in marked
contrast to the attitude in a number
of the larger towns, and the event
was most patriotic in every way. All
the business houses and homes of the
town were liberally festooned with
American flags, and as the young
men of the community came forward
to register they were greeted with
ords of praise from their friends
and neighbors. One cf the features
of the day was a flag raising held in
irom: oi me postomce in tne moi im.g. ,
a f a i i nr j 1 ; i
Here a flag pole forty feet in heignt ;
had been erected from which to fly
Old Glory and the day selected was
certainly a fitting one. The address
was delivered bv Dr. Jacckson of the
Presbyterian church, an old soldier,
and was filled with inspiration to the ;
young men who were preparing to
defenvl the principles
had fought on the battle fields of the !
civil war. To add to the occasion a
number of the patriot i
songs were ;
iven in.ii stiire.i tne o;;i:us.;::; et j
that sti
the auditors, an! as the fluttering
folds of the American flag
planted at the top of the flagstaff, thv
cheers of the audience was trerr.i
ous. The patriotic people of Murray
had provided -x gafonola for the oc
casion anl as the men appear.-. I at
the poui.ig place to register
were greeted with the strains o
Star Spangled Banner " Mur
ttar Spangleu ..amK-r .Murray and
P-rs'. Iiock Bluff -jrcinct jtiirol cl
f eventy
persons lor
Last Saturday an automobile he
longing to a son of F. W. Young, of
rear Union, was wiped out cf exist-
ence bv fire as the result of the e::-
plosion of a composition supposed to
be caibon remover and from the re
sult it certainly did the job of remov
ing all right. The sons of Mr. Young
had been to Union and secured the
can of remover and on returning
home it was poured into the cylirubr
cf the engine in their Overland car.
It was only a few seconds until t he
composition exploded and covered the
car. as well as the two boys, in a
sheet of flame, and it was with did;-
cu'tv thp two voiint men were
' lQ thdr eca an1 at that
their clothing caught on lire. The
garage was totally destroyed and ali
that was left of the automobile was
a few scraps of the frame. The neigh
bors hurrying to the scene were aide
to check the flames and prevent them
spreading to the other buildings near
by. This car is the one that was se
cured by the son of Mr. Young in the
Nebraska City Xews auto contest,
and was a very valuable ore. The
loss of the auto was fully covered by
insurance in the company handled by
J. W. Holmes, of this city.
Mrs. E. K. Queen and Mrs Fd
Riggs attended clean-up day in Lew
iston. Miss Etta Nickels was looking af
ter business in Omaha Friday of last
Mrs. Mary Wiley returned home on
Wednesday of last week, after an ex
tended visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Dill, over in Iowa.
Mrs. Ed Biggs, of Brewster, Neb.,
arrived in Murray last week for a
few days' visit with friends and rela
tives and old home folks.
The social dance given at the Puis
& Gar.semer hall last Friday evening
was well attended and proved a most
enjoyable time for all present.
j All preparations are being made for
j the organization cf a Bed Cross so
ciety in Murray. It is the earnest de
sire of th e promoting the affair thct
the first and all meetings be well at
i tended, and every lady in Murray and
community perform her duty in aid
ing in every way possible for the suc
cess and good work of the society.
A great deal of credit is due to W.
C. Smith, our postmaster, and Les
Kr.iss, for the flag and flag pole which
towers above' our village. Mr. Kniss
furnished the pole and delivered it to
Ithe point cf erection gratis and Mr.
j Smith furnished a flag 6x10
rope and other rigging and
j man's part of the work. The com
munity extends their thanks to these
gentlemen for putting us on the patri
atic man.
From Friday's l.-iily.
In commemoration of the .successful
year in their work in the high school
at Murray this year, the teachers, Miss
Thorpe and Miss Livi ig.-tcn, arranged
with the .students a treat on the lat
day Friday a trip to the state fish
eries i::i Sarpy county, just north of
South Rend.
Starting when the sky was darkenc l
i by threatening clouds, three cars load-
cJ with Icn;, Las1-ei:? and passengers,
headcJ wstv-arii at g a. in Waikor
Giimore drove the pilot cm- carrying g
Miss Thorpe and Miss Livingston,
teachers, and Kd Krueger. This was
followed by Oliver Gann with the
i cr.r. r::rrv!!!" 1 Y; :'. ! i no Brown.
Grace Lor,r avSyizc Loughridge. Ivan
T . .. . . ... ,.: (,,,.
ci, hauling
s and Nit:-
tis.a ieiesije! ii:(.r,
! Jessie Brown, Lcc:.a I)
x1, ... e 4i,
( j. v,., .
A I.t. t'i.' IV t t : I'.i
.-te-y is not to
eusa.-it time they had.
in -evi-'Ience when thw ; c-
1 twenty-four hears
mud-heave: s on :
On their relvn t
irem t::e
?s the rain l:i: th
m at I.ouis
':;m? so .-
i:t whsn
i the ("hi! en
hrol Imu.-e the were
c :v
relied to
.''.el: shelter there, arai made prepara
tions for an all-night stay.
Vv'hile the main army was making
preparations for Hvocing ''some
where on the Cass county highway,''
Walker and Ed volunteered to seek
the nearest wireless station and con.
to the storm abated, and order
was issued to break tin in units o
lour and "get home an
way you
and long
was a good time anvwav
to be remene eivl by the students.
They took the slippery roads, car
troubles, soaking, and a'l hardships
hilariou.--lv . To encounter and over
ci me with'.
grouch is the school
This morning the euiii
if J
of Muriay was aroused to a fev
heat when some discovered the
Farmer's elevator wrapped in a cloud
cf dense smoke, anil the alarm wa
at once given that the building wa
afire. Stores were locked up hur-
rielly and the residents of the town
left their homer, to hasten to the
scene of the tire. the surprise 01
those who raced to the scene rnay I
imagined when it was found that the
smoke was occ-aione 1 by an engine
of ihe great Missouri Pacific railway.
which was witching or. the east side
of the elevator, and which was rolling
foith great clouds of smoke xtn
which caused the imnression that the
elevator was afire.
If you have any ming for sale adver
Ms in thp Jonrrml
AN" office i-.'.'.y crjtiipped
w nh cvi'iy r;o''; m cicatricial ard
scientit'.c i-i-a::it-4S ttciil in ttia
trr.iti.-.cnt cf all lurt-i .:itaia.;s tK.-asc;.
Ks;cciat!y he"p.f,.il in rh mrr.atism,
neuritis, tliica.? u i. e l:Mr.c: . liver,
stome! , ar.'i c:U--" internal oroua.
All trt-arm. r.ts fiti.i 1 atSs uivoa tin'1- r
direct supc: is:':;; of '.r:...i by ijral
uate turn and women nursts t killed in
sanitarium wor!;.
Carcf il c;:a.:iir.ation of aM cases made
Lefare IreaUiicr.t i nr "i rtakrn.
The SoLr Sari-tari-jm o:1ers trcnt
mrnts eT::il to ary a'on'j ci ::i"i2r liucs,
ar.d nsy be had nioderfcte cost.
Tru'rsed by Uadinsf physicians.
Write for fu!i ir.fonviiUon. AJurcai
410-41E nrindiUrdz. Cn.-ha.Neb.
rfiGontractGrs and Oulfders
did a i
No Jcb tco Small cr to Large!
Phone 4D or 25
3 I
ft B 5
Suiurday Evening,
yi " L3
n Sho-.v starts at 7:45 Sharp
e. : i v k i l ..w'-u r -
c'" rip.n finfiu's?
T. ! ; ! ' ! of the Interior ::u-
!:e following:
At ; ".'..( -.1 '.. e prircs ot iooi.rtuos
report's and purely
.SM. orations cr.ll on tie
tr.o s.-reatest liroiuction in
nw.!-. i'afioti? motives marie i
. .e same ut:r,.;:
ar.u tae project
f ria.-rs a. re responding in earnest to
t i- govcrtrrenl's call to put in cul
tivation the largest possible acreage.
They are meeting the shortage in
11. or by unifying by districts all
fa rm labor, equipment, and stock,
vita the view ot transferring the
s .it;,' from place to place in order to
t vei the Iva.-t possible area with the
least possible waste of time and effoit.
Mert;:..rts, bankers and others are
r using funds to guarantee the notes
o. reay farmers for the purchase of
s -ed, supplies and farm equipment,
and some state governors have 'ap
pointed committees to assist in the
v ork.
The result of the recent crop census
e n the Government irrigation prj-?ts
: . of particular interest at this time,
v- he n serious shortage in the food
;pp!y the world over is threatened.
In t'ltl the government projects ir
rigated upward of 070,000 acres, the
crops were harvested from So,o09
...res, the balance being in young al
falfa and in orchards which have not:
y;t come into bearing. The value of
these crops to the farmer was nearly
.'.j.'00.000. or GS.2." per acre
.vopped. The corresponding figures
for P.-lo were SlS.000,000 and ?21.
Th.e government also furnished water
to canals not operated by the Reclam
ation Service, making the total acre
age furnished with irrigation water
from government systems cf at least
1. 000,000.
t 4 .
. . t
Teacher of Piano-Forte. Sum- '
mer term of tejn weeks, begin- l
V ning June T'th. v
Taldr.s Four Dottles Of
Ccrdui, Tte Woman's Tcaic.
Cobdrn, 111. "Having used Cardui,
the woman's tonic, in my family, for a
number of years," writes Mrs. Kate
Metz, of this town, "and always with
such good results, I feel it my duty to
write you about it, so that you may
publish my letter.
My mother is living with me, and
she 13 52 years eld. For the last three
or four years, she has been troubled a
great deal with cramping spells, and
for days at a time, she would have a
severe headache.
She read of how much Cardui has
helped other women who were sick
a.nd ailing1, and. decided to give it a
trial. She began taking it three time3
a day, and since then has been getting
along simply line.
Mother only used four bottles cf
Cardui, but she is no longer troubled
with the severe headaches, and her
stomach is so much stronger that sha
I .can eat most anything.
j We both feel that any lady who 13
! not strong: and well, would be greatly
benefited by the use oi Cardui."
As a rule you would rather take a two-name note
than a single name
j No matter how well you might know
a man nor how much confidence you
j might have in him, if he wanted to
! give you his note guaranteeing future
I payment ot a loan, ouu jum, a mtie
i ....
A f 1 ! " X
lather liave some other reliable party
share the responsibility with him.
When we sell an implement, we
guarantee it to be all we claim it to be.
Rut behind us stands the manufac-
turer cf that implement he shares
the responsibility with us. This two-
name guarantee applies to every im-
iyrraf Hardware
' ,s
i tf ..?- 7- ' v-
k ." a . , , c - . . . jV -'.
I r. .! k
1 First Baptist Church
To Be Dedicated Sunday, June 11th, 1917
By REV. RAY 3. YORK, Lincoln, Nebraska
11:00 o'clock service
3:00 o'clock service
7:30 o'clock service
You are requested to bring
Subscribe for The Plattsmouth Journal Now
1 f '
Ors. Klach & Slflach, Tiia Dentists
Tha largest and bost equipped dental ofnecs in Omaha. Specialist! in
Charge of all work: Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain filling,
just like tooth. Instrument carefully sterilized alter uing.
Send for fkk sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhei Treatment.
LuuBaaBsaaEmm 3rd Floor Paxton Block, O Til AH A
A nuld
L2 Li b
atastiietic u"ed. A cits guaranteed in every case accepted
for trcattneat. and no monfrr fobs paW on'.il rord. Wriwfor b"K cn K?ctallis'as'?s. wilh names
and testinioaials of more than lO'.K) prominent people who have beea perraansutly cured.
E. ft. TARRY 240 Qes BuIIdir.s G7.?AHAr NEBRASKA
note, wouldn't you?
plement we sell no matter whether
it be an engine plow or spike-tooth
harrow. Big and small purchases arc
protected equally.
1 1 A 1, , ! Jl
we wouiuni nantne gcoas oi tne
manufacturer who wouldn't stand back
of everything lie claimed for them.
And so you have real assurance
that you are getting just what we say
you are getting when ycu buy from
us. Both cur and the manufacturer's
reputations are at stake,
Drop around to the store some day
we want you to see what we have.
and Bmplamsnf Oo..
,Ji "t
VE 4- 1
Rev. York
Rev. Bancroft
Rev. Collins
your dinner and stay all day.
Rust-Proof C)lSetS
in Back and Front Lace
SI.SI.25, SI.50mdSI.75
They are truly extraordinary
corsets at ordinary prices.
They are authoritive in style,
light in weight, most attrac
tive in appearance and fit as
a part of the bod'.
FlstolaPay Wfien Cured
system of treatment that cun Pile. Fistnl-i and
cfisr Kecta 1 Diseases iu a short time, v.-jrhoul a severe sur
o??retion. No Cb'oroi'orri. Etfcsr or other general
A want ad will brmg ycu a buyer.
ftlurray, -:- Nebraska) - Try c&rd-u-i.
h. r
f : t