The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 04, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Monday, ju:;e 4, 1917.
1 F
Wc can help you on the delivery with less time for the longest
time. More miles at any time with
First quality and continuous service is all important.
In buying G. M. C. Trucks you save at the start and later.
You get trucks which have demonstrated their worth under every
conceivable road and land condition.
Trucks which, with reasonable care and attention, will render
years of satisfactory service.
Operate at lowest cost per ton mile and require minimum of re
pairs and replacement.
"Put it up to us to show you."
There ss a G SL C. for Every Weed
fmM X ton, y2 ton, 2 ton 32 ton and 5 ton i a
Alfred Ilogan was in Omaha last
week, ami through the courts obtained
a decree of divorce and the custody of
the little son.
Miss Marie Paulson of Sioux City
came down Tuesday evening for a
week's visit at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. N. C. Nelson.
Ira Cappen, Walter Olander and
Eert Coliister went to Omaha Monday
to enlist in the navy, but the latter
was the only one to pass the examina
tion. Mrs. Ed Williams and the children
who have been visiting: her mother,
Ir?. Mary Iloback and other relatives
in this vicinity, left Monday for their
home at Anoka.
Mr. E. C. Carrick of Scoitsbiuff ar
rived Wednesday evening for a visit
and to accompany Mrs. Carrick home,
who has been visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ken
nedy. Mrs. Leo Coglizer and daughters,
Lamoin end Mrs. Henry Hohman, and
little son, of Harlam, la., arrived Tues
day for a few days' visit with rela
tives and to attend Decoration serv
ices. Mrs. O. D. Smith of Cozad and Mrs.
Sadie Philips of Denver arrived Tues
day night for a visit at the home of
their brother, A. I. Ralston. They
went to Avoca Wednesday evening to
visit at the home of their niece, Mrs.
Ralph Graham.
Miss Helen Reed accompanied her
brother, Robert, to Crete Friday morn
ing for a few day's visit. She will at
tend school there next year as she
received the four-year scholarship
given by the Weeping Water Academy
scdolarship committee.
Ed Greenfield, one of the Weeping
Water boys in an early day, was vis
iting in town Wednesday and Thurs
day. He was in company with his
nieces, Mrs. Ed VanEvery and Miss
Lora McDonald of Murdock, where he
had visited. Ed is an old-time printer
and is now living at Belville, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wiles were called
to Nelson Tuesday morning to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Wiles' sister, Mrs.
northeast of town, where Mr. Brook
hart were well known in the commu
nity years ago. They lived three miles
northeast of town, Where Mr. Brook-
hart started a nursery in the early
seventies. The farm is now occupied
by Mr. William Otte.
Harold and Leslie Dunn left Sunday
evening for Wyoming to take charge
of a large ranch that their father has
traded for near Douglas, Wyo. There
i? no doubt but what the boys will
have plenty to do to keep them from
getting homesick. There is 700 acres
of alfalfa on the ranch and several
hundred acres of other land under irrigation.
family left Tuesday for Red Oak, la.,
to attend the Memorial Day exercises
at Mr Merriam's old home.
A. J. Spooner has been made su
perintendent of the Woodworth stone
quarry, in addition to being superin
tendent of the sand business for that
Miss Emma Graham, sister of Mrs.
Edward Ossenkop, underwent an op
eration for appendicitis at the Im
manuel hospital in Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. C. M. Seybert returned Mon
day from the Methodist hospital in
Omaha, where she recently under
went an operation for appendicitis.
She stood the trip very well and is
gaining strength rapidly.
Mrs. Philip Kahler, who is at the
M. E. hospital in Omaha recovering
from a recent operation for appen
dicitis, and other more serious
troubles, is beginning to feel a little
beter and suffers less pain than at
first, and her many friends will be
glad to learn that her complete re
covery is now assured.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler and
grandson, Charlie Grassman, went to
Omaha Sunday to visit over night
with Frank Busche and family. Mr
Busche formerly lived in Plattsmouth.
He has a truck business in Omaha
and drives a $5,000 Pierce-Arrow
five-ton truck and does never less
than $G0 a day business.
Carl Meier met with a serious acci
dent at the Kohler pottery plant last
Saturday. He was shoveling clay
from the grinder when his left hand
came in contact with a large coj
wheel, and his first and sceond fin
gers were so badly lacerated that am
putation was necessary. The nail of
the thumb was also torn off. Dr. W
Morrow performed the operation.
-I- '!-
Mrs. Karin Bashford, of Nehawka,
visited her father, O. Kinblom, two
days this week.
Mrs. Bedella Stander and two little
daughters went to Nehawka Satur
day for a few days' visit with rela
tives. Dr. Wothman reports the arrival
of a fine baby boy at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Group Wednesday,
May 30.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Merriam and
f Big M
1 B
onicipal Carnival
FTee Tom Wo lleim hows
Featuring "The Whip," "The Fashion Revue," 'The Maids of America,"
Athetotic Show," "$10,000 Carouzelle," "The Monkey Speedway"
and 14 Other Big Attractions.
Sirout's Military Band 20 Pieces I
1 P. M.
Clean, Moral and Refined!
c,inn"rin"iniiiiii i i n 1 1 1
The Carnival Beautiful!
mouth Monday afternoon to make a
short visit with her son, Roy Stine.
Mrs. K. D. Clark came down from
Weeping Water Sunday to spend a
few days with friends and relatives.
Mr. Will McCarroll and wife and
Nettie McCarroll left Thursday after
noon for a visit with relatives living
near Fairbury and Diller.
Mrs. Fannie Eikenberry-from Tal-
mage is here visiting friends and rel
atives and also attending to some
business matters at the county seat.
W. B. Banning and Emil Fahr-
lander went to Omaha Monday and
returned with a Ford roadster which
will be used for the telephone company.
Mrs. Stafford and little daughter,
who had been visiting at the home of
J. D. Bramlet, returned to their home
in Seymour, la., last Saturday afternoon.
Orville Hathaway, who has been
confined in bed with a severe case of
mumps for about two weeks, is now
practically recovered and about
ready to be out again.
Mrs. Emery Bauer and children,
from Florida, and her mother, Mrs.
L. E. Townsley, from Canada, who
have been visiting at the home of
Frank Bauer, left for Weeping Water
for a few days' visit.
Mrs. Will Mark received word
Tuesday that Mrs. Edgar Mark, of
Imperial, Neb., choked to death dur
ing an attack of quinsy at 1:30
o'clock Saturday morning. The fu
neral services were held Monday af
ternoon at 1:30. Edgar Mark is a
brother of Will Mark, of this place,
and is well known in this vicinity.
His many friends will grieve to hear
of his loss.
Our sick list is not diminishing
very fast, in fact, the mumps and
measles having both been taking ad
vantage of every person possible. Bes
sie LaRue, Mildred Clark and Susan
Sikes are just recovering from the
mumps and Tillie Taylor and Carmie
Pickering took sick with the measles
the first of the week.
Miss Ruth Miller, who has been
teaching school at Bartley, Neb., is
home for the summer's vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stander drove
over from their farm near Louisville
Sunday to visit with Mrs. Stander's
parents, Mr. and Mrs.'G. L. Berger.
D. A. Parsons and Miss Jennie
Parsons, of Mt Ayr, la., were visit
ors last week at the J F. Rose home
They are brother and sister of Mrs
Noel Tyson, one of the family o
the Wahoo high school, returned Sat
urday to spend the summer vacation
at home. He will return to Wahoo
next year.
Mrs. Clara Fisher, of Indianola
la., arrived on a visit to her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, for
lew weeks, it has been nve years
since they have seen each other.
Orley Clements, who has been
teaching school at Sergeant Bluff, la
arrived on Saturday and will spend
his vacation in Elmwood. Orley wil
return to Sergeant Bluff next year
with an increased salary.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds motored up
from Kansas the latter part of the
week on a visit at the home of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. M
Liston, and brother, Dr. O. E. Liston
The Reynolds and I. M. Liston's ex
pect to make, an automobile trip to
various parts of Colorado.
G. W. Woodruff arrived from Nor
folk, Neb., on Tuesday evening on a
visit to his daughter, Mrs. Charles G.
Bailey, and to spend Decoration Day
here. He is one of Elmwood's pio
neers, having lived here before the
railroad went through and owned and
operated a store where the Penter
man Brothers are now located.
W. A. Rhoden, of Ogallah, Kan.,
visited a part of last week at the
home of his son, Roy Rhoden, at this
place. Mr. Rhoden says that crops
have been good in his section of the
country. He sold 5,000 bushels ( of
wheat this year at $2.33 a bushel. He
was in town a short time, only long
enough to see a few of his friends.
On Monday Charles Kear, one of
the workmen at the Williams garage,
happened with an accident that
proved to be rather painful. While
at work the hammer he was using
flew off, the handle striking his hand
and tearing the flesh off of one finger
and fracturing the bone. It caused
him a good deal of inconvenience.
Mrs. Hattie Capwell left on Tues
day afternoon for Keplersville, Mont.,
where she will make her future home.
She will reside with her son, Dick,
who has farming interests at that
place. Mrs. Capwell has a lot of
friends here who will be sorry to see
her leave Elmwood, but wish her well
in her new home at Keplersville.
'lmi 1 i"W"iW"i" V 9imk"imtmmim mk k t
Miss Mary Foster returned to Lin
coln Monday, having visited over
Sunday Svith her friends.
Mrs. Nancy Stine went to Platts-
Dan Wilson and family moved into
the Mick property Thursday of this
Mrs. Mamie Hudson and daughters
were over Sunday visitors at the R
N. Robotham home at Lincoln.
E. H. A. VanSittern of Des Moines
la., was a visitor over Tuesday night
at the T. R. Adams home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Yoho autoed
to Utica, Neb., Tuesday afternoon for
a couple of days' visit with relatives
Edna Crabtree visited over Sunday
at- the home of C. W. Crabtree at
Hastings, Neb. She reports that they
are all well.
John Peterson went to Defiance
la., the fL'st of the week for a visit
with relatives, returning home Thurs
day evening.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Hartsock. Sunday. March 27, a son
The mother and little one are report
ed to be getting along nicely.
The Eagle ball team journeyed
over to Ashland last Sunday after
noon and was defeated by that team
by the score of 8 to 6.
Nick Becker fell from a hay rack
on Monday afternoon, striking on his
head, and remained unconscious un
til late in the night. He is getting
along nicely now, however.
The electric current was off all day
Thursday until evening on account
of moving the storage batteries to
make room for the new engine which
Mr. Trunkenbolz is installing.
Darwin Yoho returned home Thurs
day afternoon from Utica, Neb,
where he has been attending high
school for the past term. Darwin
was graduated from that school last
week with high honors.
The large American flag which was
ordered from Kansas City several
weeks ago, arrived here Thursday
morning and was raised on the flag
pole in font of the fire station. The
flag is 7x14 feet and is a beauty.
Made byPabst
at Milwaukee
The Happy jfi? '
7 j,fef
1 Tith an unusual
VV snappy "hop'
flavor. It satisfies.
You'll like Pablo.
Pure and healthful.
Ice cold at any
place that sells
by the case horn
Mrs.'G. C. Sheldon, Mrs. R. C. Pol
lard, Miss Isadore Sheldon, Miss Flint
and Mrs. V. Sheldon motored to Lin
coln Monday.
Mrs. Harold Kimbloom spent the
week end in Eagle, during which time
she attended the graduating exer
cises, returning nome luesday.
Joe Behrns shipped a car load of
cattle and a car load of hogs, Roscoe
Harshman a car load of hogs and II.
J. Knabe a car load of cattle Monday.
Herman Shoemaker and family
drove to Tecumseh last Saturday,
where they have a daughter living,
visiting there until Monday after
noon. He reports considerable more
rain there than here and much land
under water.
A letter received at this office dater
May 22, from II. II. Tresner, better
known as "Arkansaw," states the
family arrived at Fayetteville safely.
The men folks, who drove through in
a jitney, covered the distance in two
and a half days, arriving there one
hour ahead of the train on which the
ladies traveled.
The Journal has just received a
new line of American flag stickers
that are so popular over the country
at present. Call in at once and se
cure your supply while they last.
All the novelties in patriotic designs
are carried by the Journal office. Call
at the Journal office and look over the
line when making your selections.
.t. NEWS.
H-H- -H-IH- -hv
Editor Routh of the Steele City
Press, was here Monday. He made
this office a pleasant call.
Mrs. Chester Bashford returned
from Omaha Monday after a short
visit with friends and relatives.
Mr. G. F. Switzer will leave to
morrow for Glenwood Springs, Colo.,
where he will spend the summer
Mr. Roy Kratz and Miss Rae Smith
spent Sunday with relatives and
friends in Omaha, and returned Mon
day. Albert Loberg, who recently en
listed in the regular army, writes to
friends here that he is now in camp
at Fort Morgan, Colo.
T5ie Ptullford
is a simple attachment to go on Fords (or other cars) to con
vert them into practical tractors.
The price of the attachment is $145 on Fords and $155
on other cars, much cheaper than any other similar attach
ment. The Pullford does the work of four horses and will do it
in the hottest weather when horses can't stand the gaff.
The Pullford will do the work of four horses and does not
eat when it is not working. If you could buy four good
horses for $145 you'd think they were mighty cheap.
For practical work on the average farm the Pullford is the
very best investment the farmer can make.
It will pull your binder, do your plowing, discing, harrow
ing, pull your manure spreader, haul your heavily loaded
wagons to town; in fact, it will do about all the work your
horses will do except planting and cultivating your corn.
The Pullford will pull any load that your two best teams
will pull and do it easy.
We will demonstrate the Pullford in a few days. Watch
the Plattsmouth Journal for the Notice.
R. C. Hitchman, Agent for Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Contains No Alcohol Absolutely Pure!
Made by the
Won Toxo Company,
St. Paul, Minnesota
Distributor for Cass County.