The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 04, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    -MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1917,
PAGE -2.
From Satur-lny's Doily.
Yesterday afternoon the pupils of
Miss Olive Cass gave a most delight
ful recital at her home on west Mar
ble street, that was quite largely at
tended by the parents and friends of
the young people, and the recital
proved most interesting in every way
and a delight to the lovers of music.
The rooms of the Gass home were
very attractively arranged with the
spring flowers and decorations of the
American flag, making a gala setting
for the delightful event. In spite of
the unfavorable weather conditions the
rooms were well filled by a well
pleased audience. The program was
carried out in a splendid manner and
gave the young people participating an
opportunity of displaying their skill
and the splendid ti-aining they had
received at the hands of their instruc
tor and each number was given with
the most skillful rendition demonstrat
ing the adeptness of the young people
on the piano. The program given was
as follows:
Duet Sing Little Birds Spaulding
Kathleen Troop, Nettie Spangler.
May Pole Dance Bugbee
Gladys Chrisinger.
Katie Waltz Fearis
Kathleen Troop.
Sweet Flowers Waltz Spencer
Margaret Jay.
At Grandpa's Farm . . .Streabbog
Nettie Spangler.
Duct Rosalie's Party Wohlfahrt
Margaret Jay, Lillian Kopischka.
Happy Farmer Shumann
Leland Chrisinger.
On the Swing Arnold
Marie Hunter.
Vacation March
Roberta Propst.
In Endless Mischief
Lillian Kopischka.
Flag Day March
Richard Beverage.
Shepherd Boy
Mildred Miller.
Holiday March
Rendles Bogle.
Duct Friendship
. .Spencer
. . .Fearis
. . Wilson
. Kimball
Roberta Propst, Marie Hunter.
Melody in F Rubenstein
Edna Born
The Dreamer Gradi
Crete Briggs. . . ,v .
VioIinfa!T-W'iegerJied . . . 17 . Hauser
31 rs. R. A. Troop; Miss Helen Liv
ingston, accompanist.
Cai oiling of the Birds Michenz
Marie Bogle.
Boys' Parade March
Francis Brooks.
Duet Cecilia Philie
Mario Bogle, Rendles Bogle.
Violin Solo The Star Spangled
Mrs. R. A. Troop.
I'i 'iin Satin i1ay"s )jiily.
Cards were received here Thurs
day announcing the marriage of Miss
Katherine Riehcy, of Omaha, to Mr.
Jewell Dean Creel, of Pueblo, Colo.,
on Tuesday, May 20, at Pueblo.
The Kichcys formerly lived in
Louisville and Miss Katherine has al
ways been very popular with Louis
ville young people. She is a charm
ing and accomplished young lady and
her host of friends in this vicinity
join in extending best wishes and
congratulations. Miss Richey went to
Pueblo a few months ago to visit rel
atives, where she met her husband,
and the announcement of her mar
riajre came as a very pleasant sur
prise to her Cass county friends.
Louisville Courier.
Adam Meisinger of near Cedar
Creek, is now the possessor of one of
the new model Buick t'Four" automo
biles, which he purchased' this week
through J. II. McMaken & Sons, the
local agents. The car is one of the
latest type and a . beauty in every
way, and one in which the owner will
find .'a great deal of pleasure in the
coming summer months.
Whooping Cough.
In this disease it is important that
the cough be kept loose and expecto
ration easy, which can be done by giv
ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Mrs.. P. II. Martin, Peru, Ind., writes,
"My two daughters had whooping
cough. I gave them Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and it worked like a
John II. Becker and daughter, Mrs.
Frank A. Cloidt, returned last eve
ning from Imperial, Neb., where they
have been visiting, for the past week
on the tarm of Mr. Becker. ?h
report quite a heavy snow rn r Trr.1
peri?,! the !t i the v.e-k,
From Saturday's Dally.
Two riattsmouth young men, John
D. Schwartz and Frank Hilbert have
heard the call of their country, and
taking advantage of the opportunity
afforded to join the ranks of the Ne
braska troops, have enlisted in Com
pany C of the Fourth, regiment at
the recruiting station which has been
in charge of Lieutenant Kimbrell.
Those who embrace the opportunity
of volunteering into the ranks of the
national guard will be allowed the
selection of their regiment and com
pany instead of being joined in the
army of 500,000 which will be raised
by the conscription act.fand will not
be compelled to undergo" the severe
drilling and training ttiat the raw
army will have to be put through.
The two Plattsmouth boys are show
ing the proper spirit and are all ready
and willing to do their share toward
the defence of the country. The re
cruiting office will be closed tonight,
but there are a few days remaining
for those who want to volunteer in
the guard to escape being drafted for
the service.
The campaign that seems to have
been started in some sections of the
country against the selective con
scription is being nipped in the bud
by the government authorities and a
number of the persons who have been
urging the young men not to register
or who have been circulating the anti
conscription literature will be given
a punishment-fitting to their treason
able offense So Jar there has. been
but little heard here in regard to op
position to the registration, although
some literature of a rather mild na
ture has been shoved around quietly
by a few persons.
'The decision of congress that the
army should be raised by this method
leaves no room for argument and the
opposition to it is certainly contribut
ing to the cause of the enemy of the
United States and those who by their
personal efforts or otherwise seek to
interfere with the carrying out of the
program of the government put
themselves in the light of being con
tributory to the aid and comfort of
the common foe. With the actual
conditions of war upon us, the citi
zens should look the matter loyally
in the face and seek to end the
struggle speedily and victoriously for
free government.
From Saturday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon County Judge
Allen J. Beeson at his, office in the
court house joined in the bonds of
holy wedlock Mr. Torrance E. Bacon
of Eckley, Colo., and Miss Neva Rip
ley of Adams, Neb. The ceremony
was witnessed by a brother of the
bride and at the conclusion of the
service the young people departed
for Iowa, where they will enjoy a
visit with relatives and friends for
a short time before returning to their
From Saturday's Dallv.
Williard Wise, an old-time Platts
mouth boy, and one of the newspaper
craft that first secured a start in
this city, came in this morning from
Chicago. Mr. Wise is located at
Helper, Utah, and has been to Chi
cago to purchase a new printing out
fit, which he will have shipped to
Utah. Mr. Wise is looking fine and
enjoying the best of health, and
thinks the newspaper york in Utah
is the best yet for the small papers.
Word has reached us of the mar
riage of Miss Lura Hasemeier and
Owen Cone, which occurred at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. S. Hasemeier, of Lincoln, on
Wednesday of last week. The groom
was also a student at the university
They have gone east for their honey
moon and will live in Lincoln. The
Hasemeier family formerly lived in
Cass county, where they were highly
respected. Louisville Courier.
Mrs. Hugh Cecil, who has been
here visiting with relatives and
friends for a short time, returned
this morning to her home at Dunlap,
la. She was accompanied to the Iowa
city by Miss Jennie Windham, who
has been here visiting her grand
father, Hon. R. B. Windham.
V. 'zL. Britenstein of Louisville tsc
in the city for a few hours today
looking aftr some rnafpr5 0f busi
A very pleasant birthday surprise
party was tendered Mrs. Charles
Manners at her home south of this
city on Saturday evening, May 26th,
when a number of friends and neigh
bors gathered to spend the occasion
with her. The evening was spent in
games and the enjoyment of a num
ber of vocal and instrumental num
bers by Misses Elizabeth Hall
and Clara Mumm. The members
of the party had come with well laden
baskets which formed the basis for a
most pleasing luncheon that was
heartily enjoyed by the members of
the jolly party. Those in attendance
were Messers. and Mesdames Major
Hall, Arthur Sullivan, Julius Pitz,
Mesdames Peter Mumm, James Mra-
sek, M. G: Stava, William Taylor,
Sarah Gouchenour, Misses Nellie
and Clara Gouchenour, Hazel Sulli
van, Mary Born, Clara Mumm, Eliz
abeth Hall, Eva Stava, Marie Sulli
van, Mabel Sullivan, Lucy Stava and
Messrs. Ernest Hutchison, Major
Hall. jr.. George Mumm, Claude and
Vern Hutchison, Carl Mumm, Clar
ence Mumm, James Gouchenour, Joe
Lorenz, Newton and Ralph Sullivan.
A message was received in this city
tcJ;y announcing the death at the
ho.-pital in Council Bluffs cf George
Hughes of that cky. as the result of
an automobile accident Tuesday night
just this side of South Omaha. Mr.
Hughes in company with Harry
House, Herman Hart, Allen - Garner
and Clarence Darlow had been to
Plattsmouth in attendance at the
dance at Coates' hall Tuesday night,
and were enroute home when the ac
cident occurred. The car in which
the young men were ridirg was :.
light Ford machine, and as they wen?
nearing South Omaha a large touring
car ran them down. The car that
caused the accident was on the wrong
side of the road and the young men
in the Ford expected that the other
car would turn out to let them pass,
but instead, it crashed into them.
Mr. Hughes sustained concussion of
the brain and internal injuries, ficm
which he died, while Mr. Hart suf
ered a severe strain of the muscle:;
of the right arm and shoulder, but is
now showing some improvement. The
friends of the young men in this city
will regret greatly to learn of the sad
ending of the affair in the death of
Mr. Hughes. The parties in the ear
that caused the accident have been
held at Omaha for investigation.
Are Days of Suffering They Are Be
coming Brighter for Some
Plattsmouth People.
Many "dark days" from kidney ills.
Backache, headache tired days:
Bladder trouble makes you gloomy.
Doan's Kidney Pills have proven
their worth.
Have been tested by many kidney
They are endorsed by Plattsmouth
Mrs. Hettie Cummings, Chicago
Ave., Plattsmouth, says: "I suffered
so severely from my back at times
that I could hardly get about. When
I got down, I had to take hold of
something before I could straighten.
Sharp pains often caught be across
my kidneys and for a minute I
couldn't move, the pains were so se
vere. I couldn't rest well, my back
ached so badly. I tried different rem
edies, but nothing did me any good
until I began using Doan's Kidney
Pills. Three boxes overcame that
awful misery in my back and made
me feel like a different person."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Cummings had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Has a Good Opinion of Chamberlain's
"Chamberlain's Tablets are a won
der. I never sold anything that beat
them," writes F. B. Tressey, Rich
mond, Ky. When troubled with indi
gestion or constipation give them a
For Rent or Sale My residence on
Locust St.; partly modern. Mrs. C. A.
"k"i. -rr
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature 6C
Local Eews
Ben Beckman of near Murray was
in the city Saturday for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness and visiting with friends.
John Gorder and wife motored out
to Springfield yesterday, where they
visited for the day with friends: in
that city, returning home last even
ing Miss Margette Hiatt, who has been
teaching as principal in the schools
at Madison, S. D., and who has been
here for a short visit with her sister,
Mrs. F. R. Gobelman, returned this
afternoon to her home at Sidney, la
Jack Durell, one of the members of
Company C, departed this afternoon
for Mondale, la., to visit a brother
there for a short time. He was ac
companied as far as Omaha by Clyde
Holland, who was a visitor here over
Philip Schaefer and sons, Elmer
L. and Albert N. of Cedar Creek, mo
tored to this city Saturday afternoon
for a short visit with friends and to
attend to some business matters.
While here Mr. Schaefer took time to
call at this office and have his sub
scription, and that of John Schaefer
of Creighton, Neb., extended for an
other year.
Dr. Bleick, 532 World-Herald build
ing, Omaha, specialist in eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases, will be at
Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at B. A.
McElwain jewelry store. Eye glasses
scientifically fitted.
Tho Louisville friends of Joe
Spence were very much surprised last
week when he ;riived at the Hole
Druke with a charming young lady
whom he introduced as his wife. The
bride was formerly Miss Josephine
Vallery, daughter of C. F. Vallery,
at Plattsmouth. The wedding oc
curred Wednesday, May 10, at Pa
piilion, the ceremony being perform
ed by the county judge. Mr. and Mrs
Spence are located at the Hotel
Drake for the present. The Courier
i joins with their large circle of
friendo in wishing this estimable
young couple a long and happy
wedded life. Louisville Couriei.
Guy Heminway of this city has en
tered the ranks of the army by join
ing the band of the Fourth Nebraska
regiment, now ' stationed at Fort
Crook. Mr. Hemingway departed
this afternoon for Fort Crook to take
up his duties and will in the future
be numbered among the members of
this solendid organization of the na
tional guard.
From FrMnv's Pail v.
Mr.and Mrs. James B. Rishcl of
Glenwood are rejoicing over the fact
that a fine little son and heir has ar
rived at their home to bring joy ant
happiness to them. The little one as
well as the mother are both doing
nicely. Mrs. Rishel and babe are at
present still at the hospital in Omaha
but are both doing wry nicely and
the proud father is one of the hap
piest men in western Iowa.
We sell Flour and Sugar
Buy Butter and Egg
-i-M-i-v- -M-HE-i I"!-!-
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
Display the American flag, all sizes
and prices can be found at the Journal
office when desired.
$100 Reward, $100
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Catarrh beins greatly
influenced by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces of the System thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, giving the
patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith In the curative powers of Hall's
Catarrh Medicine that they offer One
Hundred Dollara for any case that it fails
to cure. Send for list of tetttrnortals.
Address F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 75c
Local News
From Friday's Daily..
Ed Rummell came in this morning
from his home near Mynard to look
after a few matters ofj business in
that city.
Mark White came up this morning
from his home near Rock Bluff to
look after a few matters of business
with the merchants.
P. M. Meisinger of Benson, Neb.,
came ,down this morning to enjoy a
visit in the city for a short time with
relatives and friends.
F. A. Raker and wife of Imperial,
Neb., are in the city enjoying a visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Rosencrans and family.
George Lohnes and family, of the
vicinity of Cedar Creek, were in the
city for a few hours today looking
after a few matters of business.
Mrs. Glen Parriott and little son
came up yesterday afternoon from
their home at Peru, Neb., for a short
visit in this city with relatives and
Alvin Murray and wife of McCook,
Neb., are in the city enjoying a visit
with Mrs. John A. Murray, mother
of Mr. Murray, and with Mrs. Earl
Geis, a sister of Mrs. Murray.
Mrs. G. R. Rhoden and Mrs. Glen
Rhoden were among those going to
the metropolis this morning, where
they will visit for the day in that
city attending to a few matters of
Mrs. Laura Cunningham and little
son, Harry, of Shenandoah, la., who
were here for a visit at the home of
Mrs. Cunningham's sister, Mrs. Leo
Cotner, and family, returned home
last evening.
Ralph M. Wiles and wife came in
this morning from their farm home
near this city and departed on the
early Burlington train for Omaha,
where they will spend the day looking
after some matters of business.
C. C. Wcscott departed this after
noon for Calgary, Canada, where he
will join his father, C. E. Wescott
who is spending a short time looking
after his land interests, while en
route from his home in Los Angeles
to Plattsmouth.
II. E. Chandler and wife, who have
been visiting here for a short time
with friends and relatives, dcpa'le
this morning for Lincoln, where t'.cy
will make their, home in the future
Mr. and'. -Mrs. -Chnhdler are- moving
back to Lincoln from Decatur, 111
where they have made their home for
some time.
From T!ihii1;iy's lai1y.
Rue Frans of Union was in the
city today for a few hours visiting
with friends and looking after a few
matters cf business in the county
A Suit for Any Pocketbook!
Tht Hutu of
need that new Straw Hat All styles in our collection $1.50 to $3.50.
Panamas $5, $5.50, $6 and $6.50
Interwoven Sox in
silk lisle, fiber and
pure silk, 30c, 35c,
50c and $1.00.
I '""t J 1 jTjj
Others 10 and 1 5c
Will Smith and W. S. Shera were
among those going to Omaha this af
ternoon to visit for a few hours, look
ing after some business matters.
L. D. Hiatt came in last evening
from Omaha, where he had been look
ing after a few business matters, and
Mr. Hiatt visited over night with
friends here.
George v W. Snyaer came in this
morning from h?s farm home to visit
for a ftw hours in the metropolis,
going to that city on the early Bur
lington train.
Frank Vitesnek and family, of
Edgemont, S. D., who have been here
visiting with relatives and friends for
several days past, returned this after
noon to their home.
Mrs. J. E. Wiles, Mrs. L. L. Wiles
and Mrs. William Baird were among
those coiner to Omaha this morniner to
visit for a few hours looking after
some business matters.
II. F. Kroop, assessor of Nehawka
precinct, was in the city yesterday
for a few hours making his returns
to County Assessor George L. Farley
and calling on his friends in the
county seat.
Joseph Nejedley of near Creigh
ton, Neb., came in last evening for
a short visit with relatives and
friends and will remain for a short
time. While here Mr. Nejedley was a
caller at the Journal office.
R. C. Dill, who has been here vis
iting with his father, Andrew Dill,
who is seriously ill, departed this
morning for his home at Rosalie to
look after farm work, and will re
turn in a few days.
Carl Holmberg, who has been visit
ing friends in this city since Tues
day, was a passenger to Lincoln yes
terday afternoon, where he will visit
over Sunday, and then return to his
home at Sioux City.
Mrs. George Schantz departed this
morning for Lincoln, where she wil
visit for a short time with Mr
Schantz, who is there taking treat
ment for rheumatism, from which he
has been a great sufferer for some
time, and if possible Mr. Schantz wil
be brought back-home.
The heavy rain in the vicinity of
Gibson caused a washout on the Bur
lington line between this city and
Omaha at an early hour this morning
and caused a delay in the traffic on
that road. No. 6, the early east
bound train, was sent by the east
side of the river, and the usual Mon
day morning delegation from this city
to the metropolis were compelled to
travel via. Pacific Junction and Coun
cil Bluffs in order to reach the me
tropolis, causing 'quite an inconven-.
ience to those working in that city.
Famous Vassar line; long and short sleeves,
three quarter and ankle lengths.
Poros Knit and Athletic Suits, $1.00 and up.
I JiiUp
ll j R7SI7
All The Popular
Style Details
Your friends judge
3rour clothes by
their style.
You judge your
clothes by style
and wear.
Stylcplus $17
r price tha oauoa oxw
have the popular de
tails that a great fashion
artist has put into them
peak shaped lapels,
patch pockets, straight
or slanting, two or
three button and many
t '!
All wool fabrics -guaranteed
wear easy
price, always $17.
C. E. Wescofi's Sons
"Everybody's Store"
Varied styles in CLOTHCRAFT
If you want to move along with a
snap, these new summer clothes
will help.
Most any model is correct plaited
back, with three quarter belt, half
or full belted, loose or plain back,
quarter or full lined; nobby pock
ets, patch, pouch or set in. Ad
justable belts, worn inside or out
side of coat.
$22.50, $25 Up to $35
To the manjthat wants a suit with
out the frills, we have some ex
cellent values at
$15 to $20
Jupiter Pluivus Esq. has about fin
ished his annual distribution of
rain. And it's a good bet you'll