The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1917, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1917.
Of all the Words of Tcngu or Pen
How foolish are these, it might have been
Yet if 3'ou delay remodeling: that old bathroom, some day,
(after the new fixtures are in) you will likely say "Why
didn't I have this bathroom put in long aso. It is so clean
and beautiful that I
feel provoked think
ing of all that time
that I worried along
with the old bath
, I if J -UK I vv;X V-k
i-; -L: 'J rj
i UIU.W i ".l
C,I know it's
clean and that is
something that was
not just so sure with
the old fixtures, no
matter how careful
I was in cleaning
That's it
absolutely sanitary.
If you appreciate
hygienic surround
ings, call upon us for
an estimate on a
'Standard" bathroom.
Telephone 400 Heating, Piumbinj; and Wiring
fill) hT)
Prescription for
m; e s e
Rod Cross Drug Store.
-for 15 yonn the standard skin remedy fi
iquid used externally instant relief from iti iu
tlie mililest of cleansers keeDS
the skin always clean ami healthy.
Coiue iu ami asii us about botik
Irreversible I
Take no chanceof A
"leaving the road." (
Youran avoid these acci
dents, and steer your Ford
the way you want it. through
mud and sand and on center
crowned or hard, bumpy roads
with aa
Abwb3 the vibration, shock
and strain your errns and shoul
ders take upvituoutit makes driv
ing a pleasure. All high-priced cars have it.
Inexpensive Easily Attached C ua r a n t
ta.u; imerfrrrnce in .ny way uh t! r mrcbaniam or
operation of a Ford - Worm made of oigh-poiat steel,
yffvjftw IfToardealerhisa'tit. vr.ten. BiJ ODportu-
'dirfryA C'F T local WnM today
O i ) 'i '1 Afoney hack if not satisfied "
XS. E- SPRACfE MFG. CO.. Dpt Omala. Ntb.
ficiice io Ford Owners!
We are ajrnts for the Irreversible all
stevl worm steerinr rear for Fords.
ru intain a .service station for steer
ing pears. These pears are put en
:.t the Western Machine and Foundry
Machin Shop.
Experienced drivrs say the Irre
versible Worm Steering Gear is
wmth one hundred dollars. We put
them on for Fifteen. Try one ten
da s. Money back is not satisfied.
Be Careful of What You Are Buying!
Western Machine and Foundry
Manufacturing Machinists
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Shakespeare's words, "What's in a
name?" cannot seiVL as a guide, if
you are buying a remedy. For every
valuable preparation the name means
many years of most careful studies
innumerable tests and painstaking ex
periments which have resulted in
reaching the greatest accomplishment.
If you want to get the most reliable
and most efficient remedy for all stom
ach troubles, constipation, headache,
nervousness, loss of appetite and en
ergy, etc., ask of your druggist Tri
ner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine.
Don't say only "Bitter Wine," but use
the correct name, "Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine," and you will
avoid the possibility of getting a less
efficient or usually valueless substitute,
and in dry places you will show plain
ly that you want a remedy, not a bev
erage. Price $1.00, at drug- stores.
Triner's Liniment, of a world-wide
reputation, helps quickly in rheuma
tism, neuralgia, accidents, etc. Price
25c and 50c at drug stores; by mail,
35c and 00c. Joseph Triner, Mfg.
Chemist, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave.,
The Journal has just received a
new line of American flag stickers
that are so popular over the country
at present. Call in at once and se
cure your supply while they last.
Bring in your iron. Will be
loading soon.
The many friends of Mrs. Dewey
Zuckweiler will be pleased to learn
that she is progressing very nicely
following an operation which was per
former this morning at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zuckweiler. The
operation, which was to remove a
gathering in the ear, was performed
by Drs. Schranek and Barnhart of
Omaha. Mrs. Zuckweiler has stood
the operation splendidly and at last
reports was showing the most favor
able indications of an early recovery.
The funeral service of the late Mrs
Adam Kurtz will be held tomorrow,
Friday morning, at 10 a. m., at the
Masonic hall.
ImniHiF" n-ff ll fl MIIPOT
Cutting Will Progress Northward
Texa Bay Yield 15,000,000
Washington, O. C, May 23. In
Texas near P'ort Worth yesterday an
American reaper began to hum the
first notes of the world's greatest; ag
ricultural symphony the harvest of
the 1917 American wheat crop.
From now on the note will swell
until the crescendo of tens of thou
sands of such machines bursts over
the great granaries of Kansas and
the valleys of the Dakotas, until,
about the first of September, the last
North American sheaf has been cut
in the far of!" Hudson Bay country.
When "the Texas harvest has
started" flashed over the wires of the
brokers, crop students said that
never in history did such a message
carry more of hope and meaning to
the world, for this crop, according to
leading statesmen, enters into the
grand strategy of war and into the
very politics of nations.
The word fram Texas was taken
as a jjood omen, too, for it showed
that the harvest had been starteu
three days earlier than normal, and
even three days is important, it is
said, when the whole world is crying
or bread. Another cheering note
was added to the symphony by Ser
nard Snow, the crop statistician, who
said that Texas was expected to
yield 1.),uim;,wuu uusneis, ui i'j
cent more than last year.
Preparedness Without Cost
If you could contribute directly and without
cost to a great countrywide preparedness fund
designed to eliminate currency famines and act
as a shock absorber in the ups and downs of
business, would you hesitate to make your con
tribution? The Federal Reserve Banking System is such
a fund and every dollar deposited with us direct
ly increases it strength and the protection it gives
to business men.
By depositing your money with us you make
this contribution and . place
yourself under the protection
of this great banking system.
Tfederal. res Ell ve
Vnton Larson, at Whose Place $5,000
Worth of Booze Was Seized Fined
$100 in County Court.
Omaha, May 23. Nebraska's first
test case under prohibition arising
out of a wholesale seizure of liquor
esulted in a victory for the state.
Anton Larson, dairyman at Six-
ieth and Center streets, at whose
place Sheriff Clark and deputies seiz
ed $5,000 worth of contraband booze
May 9, was found guilty by Judge
Crawford, sitting in county court,
and fined $100 and costs.
The court ordered the 1,200 cases
of beer and 500 gallons of whiskies,
expensive wines, gin, cordials and
other intoxicants destroyed. Counsel
for Larson immediately filed an ap
peal bond.
By agreement between Larson's
awyers, Lniei ueputy ouniy nuor
... i.i i
ney Abbott and tne coun, n was de
cided not to dump the wet goods into
sewers or sprinkle the streets with it
until after the supreme court makes a
final decision on the case.
The Red Cross society and the Na
tional Surgical Dressing Committee
vill have charge of the Aid Dome on
next Wednesday, May 30th, Decoration
day. Watch for further announcements.
(By a staff correspondent' of the
Associated Press, just returned from
Vienna), New York, May 23. Peace
with Russia and the hope that this
year's crops would be better than
those of last year have during recent
weeks been the sole factors in what
ever optimism existed in Austria-
Hungary concerning the outcome of
the European war.
It was thought that reaching1 an
understanding with Russia would
cause the entente governments also to
enter negotiations for peace, or, in
the absence of such an inclination on
their part release the central power
troops on the east front for opera
tions on other fronts.
Even with most favorable weather
conditions, there is small hope that
this year's crop will be as good as
last. This is because of the exhaust
ed state of the soil. The soil in
Austria needs constant fertilizing and
fertilizer is very scarce because of
the reduction in live stock production.
New Measure Favored by Lower Body
Calls for Raiying of $1,800,000,
000 Through Taxation.
3'2 Per Cent Liberty Loan.
To Our Customers:
Desiring to assist the United States
government in every way possible in
the placing of its war loans, we offer
free of charge to our customers, and
all other persons wishing to partici
pate, the facilities of this bank in
making subscriptions to the issues,
and shall be glad to take care of all
details incident to these transactions
and to render prompt delivery con
tingent only upon allotments made by
the government. Yours very truly,
will be found at the Plattsmouth Gar-,
age, one-half block south of the Bank
of Cass county, where we will be
pleased to meet all prospective pur
chasers of cars and give you a thor
ough demonstration of the many good
qualities of the Reo cars. Phone 394,
or write T. L. Amick, for a demon
stration. 5-19-lwk
Washington, May 23. The war
revenue bill was passed by the house
late today.
The vote on final passage was 329
to 70; absent, 4. The bill purposes
raising approximately $1,800,000,000
of revenue from taxation.
Democrats, headed by Speaker
Clark and Floor Leader Kitchin,
voted solidly for the bill. Republi
can Leader Mann was among those
voting Nay.
All the opposing votes were cast
by republicans, although there are
many members on the democratic
side strongly opposed to certain sec
tions of the measure.
Expect Senate Redraft.
Virtual redrafting of the bill in the
senate is regarded as certain. Mate
rial charges already are contemplated
by the senate finance committee as a
result of public hearings held during
the long debate in the house. Final
passage of the bill probably cannot
be accomplished in less than a month.
Outstanding features of the bill
are the greatly increased income, in
heritance, excess profit, liquor and
cigar and tobacco taxes, virtual abo
lition of the present customs free list
and a 10 per cent addition to existing
tariffs, new taxes on manufacturers,
amusements, clubs, public utilities
and insurance, a far reaching stamp
tax and a greatly increased mail mat
ter rate based on the parcel post zone
In only four particulars does the
measure now different substantially
from the original draft. Surtaxes on
incomes above $40,000 have been in
creased about one-fourth above the
committee schedule. Several articles
including print paper and pulp and
gold and silver, slated for a 10 per
cent duty, have been kept on the free
list. Slight reductions in the second
class mail matter rate have been
made. A proposed 5 per cent tax on
all advertising except newspaper and
periodical is eliminated.
Business) Men Protest.
Attacks on the bill in the senate
will center around the excess profits,
income and manufacturers' taxes and
the second class mail rate increase
sections. Business men generally are
protesting vigorously against the
taxes and virtually every publisher in
the country is opposing the drastic
ally increased mail rate.
In a final effort to summon all of
his party votes to support of the
measure, Democratic Leader Kitchin
declared that he had been informed
personally by President Wilson today
that he did not desire changes in the
bill in the senate, as had been cur
rently reported.
Republican Leader Mann insisted
that the bill would raise too large an
amount of money by direct and im
mediate taxes. He placed every pos
sible obstacle in the way of the meas
ure, even insisting on a roll call on a
motion to recommit. It was defeated
246 to 261.
J (Special Correspondence.)
Miss Clara Stroy returned to school
Frank Fiahm spent Sunday with
Merle Gallispie.
Miss Selma Brauchle was a Platts
mouth visitor Friday.
Mrs. J. R. O'Neil is visiting at the
Oscar McDonald home.
Mary Isabelle Tool is spending the
week with Irene McDonald.
Rose Amgwert spent a few days
with her parents this week.
Miss Everett of Louisville spent
Sunday with Mrs. O. W. Gillespie.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDonald and
family spent Sunday in Plattsmouth.
Mr. Chas. Schneider and Frank Mel
vin are attending court in Lincoln this
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDonald spent
Sunday in Plattsmouth. visiting with
Mrs. Louise Reuman of Omaha
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. Bauer.
Mrs. Baumgartner and children and
Miss Bertha Reinke attended the class
play at Temple High school Friday
Rev. Mr. Schwab, Rev. Mr. Brown
and Rev. Mr. Brauchle left Thursday
for Sutton, where they expect to at
tend conference.
The senior class of Elm wood High
school came over to the home of Gayle
and Glenn Pickwell last Friday night
and enjoyed a picnic supper.
The fraternal organizations of Mur
doch have decided on June 3d for Me
morial services. The services are to
be held in the M. E. church Sunday
afternoon at 2:30. There is to be a
special program and a memorial ad
dress by Rev. Mr. Taylor of Union.
All members of the Murdock fraternal
orders are requested to meet at the
M. W. A. hall at 2 p. m. and to go to
the church in a body.
The Journal office has a fine line of
stationery. A box of stationery would
make a very appropriate graduation
Ill Perfection Oil Gook Stove!
13 Vi3h Built-in Heat Retaining Oven
HE R E is the popul
priced cabinet sty
stove. Two burners under
the oven section. Just one
burner is sufficientst for all
oven purposes. The extra
burner is a convenience
when it is desirable to pre
heat the oven quickly. The
open grade in bottom of
oven makes it possible to
use oven burners for grate
surface cooking by opening
oven door and removing racks. On ironing day, for ex
ample, the sadirons can be heated on the outside burners
while the oven burner may be used to cook your mid
day meal.
Bestor & Swatek
The Sunday school at Eight Mile
Grove will meet on next Sunday morn
ing at 11 a. m. There will be no
preaching service.
He Almost Fell Down.
A. M. Ilunsucker, Bogue Chitto,
Miss., writes: "I suffered from rheu
matism, kidney and bladder trouble,
also dizziness; would almost fall down
at times. Foley Kidney Pills gave me
entire relief." Disordered kidneys
give warning by pains in side and
back, sore muscles, swollen joints,
tired and languid feeling. Sold everywhere.
For the dance by the Degree of
Honor Drill team at Coates'
hall. Admission, gents 50c. Mu-
sic by Holly's Saxophone Or-
For Sale Span of mules, 4 years
old, weighing 2,200 pounds; well
broke and worked all last year. Mark
White. 5-10-4t wkly
Jack Patterson and wife of Union
were in the city yesterday to attend
the commencement exercises of the
high school.
For Sale 12,000 feet of half-inch
flexable steel cable, suitable for block
and tackle. Price 2c per foot. Call
John Richardson, Phone 162. 2td2tw
Hupp roadster for sale; or will trade
for livestock. Inquire of Ray Smith,
or call Phone No. 3422. 4-30-4 twkly
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
Lower Prices and Higher Quality are the Great Inducements on the
Splendid Assortment of
Chapter F, P. E. O., will meet with
Mrs. W. G. Brooks Friday afternoon
Many new and beautiful 9x12 rugs have just arrived in good Oriental and
All-Over patterns to harmonize with all color schemes. Considering the increas
ing prices of rugs, this offer is doubly attractive.
Seamless Axminister Rugs
Size 9 ft. x 12 ft.; rich, high pile that betokens high quality;
all wool yarn $26.00 to $39.50
Seamless Velvet Rugs
All good, heavy grades and thick pile. Size 9 ft. by 1 2
ft $21.00 to $35.00
Seamless Brussels Rugs
A good selection of patterns; all wool surface $18.00 to $23.50
Seamless Kirman Rugs
Size 9 ft. x 12 ft. Finest quality, all wool worsted $33.50
Best Quality, Heavyweight, Printed Linoleum
4 yds. wide in new designs and color combinations, suitable for
dining room, kitchen or bath room. Price, per square yard. .90c
Inlaid Linoleum
Good, heavy quality, 2 yards wide, sq. yd ,...$1.12K'
Small Axminister Rugs
in a good assortmen of patterns:
Size 18 x 36 $1.50
Size 27 x 54 2.65
Size 36 x 60 4.25
Size 36 x 72 4.75
Small Rag Rugs
in a complete line of sizes and a large array of color combina
tions. Priced at 90c to $2.00
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Good cow.
for sale. Call phone
at 2:30.
American flags, from 5c up, at the
Dawson Wiii Fix It
Journal office.